Exemplo n.º 1
    def validate(self):
        if self.manager.action_registry.get('tag') is None:
            raise FilterValidationError("Resource does not support tagging")

        if self.data.get('days') is not None and (self.data.get('days') < 1 or self.data.get('days') > 90):
            raise FilterValidationError("Days must be between 1 and 90")

        return self
Exemplo n.º 2
 def validate(self):
     if self.get_tz(self.default_tz) is None:
         raise FilterValidationError(
             "Invalid timezone specified %s" % self.default_tz)
     hour = self.data.get("%shour" % self.time_type, self.DEFAULT_HR)
     if hour not in self.parser.VALID_HOURS:
         raise FilterValidationError("Invalid hour specified %s" % hour)
     return self
Exemplo n.º 3
 def validate(self):
     if 'modifyable' not in self.manager.data.get('filters', ()):
         raise FilterValidationError(
             "modify action requires modifyable filter in policy")
     if self.data.get('size-percent') < 100 and not self.data.get('shrink', False):
         raise FilterValidationError((
             "shrinking volumes requires os/fs support "
             "or data-loss may ensue, use `shrink: true` to override"))
     return self
Exemplo n.º 4
 def validate(self):
     if self.factory is None:
         raise FilterValidationError(
             "The related resource is not a custodian supported azure resource"
     if (self.data['relatedResource'] == 'azure.roleassignment' or
             self.data['relatedResource'] == 'azure.roledefinition'):
         raise FilterValidationError(
             "The related resource can not be role assignments or role definitions"
Exemplo n.º 5
    def validate(self):
        if not self.data.get('tags') and not (self.data.get('tag') and self.data.get('value')):
            raise FilterValidationError(
                "Must specify either tags or a tag and value")

        if self.data.get('tags') and self.data.get('tag'):
            raise FilterValidationError(
                "Can't specify both tags and tag, choose one")

        return self
Exemplo n.º 6
    def validate(self):
        op = self.data.get('op')
        if self.manager and op not in self.manager.action_registry.keys():
            raise FilterValidationError("Invalid marked-for-op op:%s" % op)

        tz = zoneinfo.gettz(Time.TZ_ALIASES.get(self.data.get('tz', 'utc')))
        if not tz:
            raise FilterValidationError("Invalid timezone specified '%s'" %
        return self
Exemplo n.º 7
 def validate(self):
     if self.get_tz(self.default_tz) is None:
         raise FilterValidationError("Invalid timezone specified %s" %
     hour = self.data.get("%shour" % self.time_type, self.DEFAULT_HR)
     if hour not in self.parser.VALID_HOURS:
         raise FilterValidationError("Invalid hour specified %s" % hour)
     if 'skip-days' in self.data and 'skip-days-from' in self.data:
         raise FilterValidationError(
             "Cannot specify two sets of skip days %s" % self.data)
     return self
Exemplo n.º 8
    def validate(self):
        op = self.data.get('op')
        if self.manager and op not in self.manager.action_registry.keys():
            raise FilterValidationError(
                "mark-for-op specifies invalid op:%s in %s" %
                (op, self.manager.data))

        self.tz = tzutil.gettz(Time.TZ_ALIASES.get(self.data.get('tz', 'utc')))
        if not self.tz:
            raise FilterValidationError("Invalid timezone specified %s in %s" %
                                        (self.tz, self.manager.data))
    def validate(self):
        # Check that variable values are valid

        if PORTS in self.data:
            if not PortsRangeHelper.validate_ports_string(self.data[PORTS]):
                raise FilterValidationError("ports string has wrong format.")

        if EXCEPT_PORTS in self.data:
            if not PortsRangeHelper.validate_ports_string(self.data[EXCEPT_PORTS]):
                raise FilterValidationError("exceptPorts string has wrong format.")
        return True
Exemplo n.º 10
    def validate(self):
        op = self.data.get('op')
        if self.manager and op not in self.manager.action_registry.keys():
            raise FilterValidationError("Invalid marked-for-op op:%s in %s" %
                                        (op, self.manager.data))

        tz = Time.get_tz(self.data.get('tz', 'utc'))
        if not tz:
            raise FilterValidationError(
                "Invalid timezone specified '%s' in %s" %
                (self.data.get('tz'), self.manager.data))
        return self
Exemplo n.º 11
    def validate(self):
        if 'whitelist' in self.data and 'blacklist' in self.data:
            raise FilterValidationError(
                "cannot specify whitelist and black list")

        if 'whitelist' not in self.data and 'blacklist' not in self.data:
            raise FilterValidationError(
                "must specify either policy blacklist or whitelist")
        if ('blacklist' in self.data
                and not isinstance(self.data['blacklist'], list)):
            raise FilterValidationError("blacklist must be a list")

        return self
Exemplo n.º 12
    def validate(self):
        self.policy_include = IpRangeHelper.parse_ip_ranges(self.data, 'include')
        self.policy_equal = IpRangeHelper.parse_ip_ranges(self.data, 'equal')

        has_include = self.policy_include is not None
        has_equal = self.policy_equal is not None

        if has_include and has_equal:
            raise FilterValidationError('Cannot have both include and equal.')

        if not has_include and not has_equal:
            raise FilterValidationError('Must have either include or equal.')

        return True
Exemplo n.º 13
    def validate(self):

        if self.manager.action_registry.get('tag') is None:
            raise FilterValidationError("Resource does not support tagging")

        if self.manager.data.get('mode', {}).get('type') == 'azure-event-grid' \
                and self.data.get('days') is not None:
            raise PolicyValidationError(
                "Auto tag user in event mode does not use days.")

        if (self.data.get('days') is not None
                and (self.data.get('days') < 1 or self.data.get('days') > 90)):
            raise FilterValidationError("Days must be between 1 and 90")

        return self
Exemplo n.º 14
 def _check_rules(self, resource_rules):
     if self.policy_equal is not None:
         return self.policy_equal == resource_rules
     elif self.policy_include is not None:
         return self.policy_include.issubset(resource_rules)
     else:  # validated earlier, can never happen
         raise FilterValidationError("Internal error.")
Exemplo n.º 15
 def validate(self):
     diff_filters = [n for n in self.manager.filters if isinstance(
         n, SecurityGroupDiffFilter)]
     if not len(diff_filters):
         raise FilterValidationError(
             "resource patching requires diff filter")
     return self
Exemplo n.º 16
 def validate(self):
     super(AutoTagDate, self).validate()
     except Exception:
         raise FilterValidationError(
             "'%s' string has invalid datetime format." % self.format)
Exemplo n.º 17
 def validate(self):
     if self.data.get('state') == 'enabled':
         if 'bucket' not in self.data or 'prefix' not in self.data:
             raise FilterValidationError(
                 ("alb logging enablement requires `bucket` "
                  "and `prefix` specification"))
     return self
Exemplo n.º 18
    def process(self, resources):
        self.tz = zoneinfo.gettz(
            Time.TZ_ALIASES.get(self.data.get('tz', 'utc')))
        if not self.tz:
            raise FilterValidationError("Invalid timezone specified %s" %
        self.id_key = self.manager.get_model().id

        # Move this to policy? / no resources bypasses actions?
        if not len(resources):

        msg_tmpl = self.data.get('msg', self.default_template)

        op = self.data.get('op', 'stop')
        tag = self.data.get('tag', DEFAULT_TAG)
        days = self.data.get('days', 0)
        hours = self.data.get('hours', 0)
        action_date = self.generate_timestamp(days, hours)

        msg = msg_tmpl.format(op=op, action_date=action_date)

        self.log.info("Tagging %d resources for %s on %s" %
                      (len(resources), op, action_date))

        tags = [{'Key': tag, 'Value': msg}]

        batch_size = self.data.get('batch_size', self.batch_size)

        _common_tag_processer(self.executor_factory, batch_size,
                              self.concurrency, self.process_resource_set,
                              self.id_key, resources, tags, self.log)
Exemplo n.º 19
 def validate(self):
     if self.data.get('encrypted', True):
         key = self.data.get('target_key')
         if not key:
             raise FilterValidationError(
                 "Encrypted snapshot copy requires kms key")
     return self
Exemplo n.º 20
 def validate(self):
     region = self.manager.data.get('region', '')
     if len(self.global_services.intersection(self.data.get('services', []))):
         if region != 'us-east-1':
             raise FilterValidationError(
                 "Global services: %s must be targeted in us-east-1 on the policy"
                 % ', '.join(self.global_services))
     return self
Exemplo n.º 21
 def validate(self):
     found = False
     for f in self.manager.filters:
         if isinstance(f, LatestSnapshot):
             found = True
     if not found:
         # do we really need this...
         raise FilterValidationError(
             "must filter by latest to use restore action")
     return self
Exemplo n.º 22
 def validate(self):
     found = False
     for f in self.manager.filters:
         if isinstance(f, WafEnabled):
             found = True
     if not found:
         # try to ensure idempotent usage
         raise FilterValidationError(
             "set-waf should be used in conjunction with waf-enabled filter")
     return self
Exemplo n.º 23
    def validate(self):
        if 'whitelist' in self.data and 'blacklist' in self.data:
            raise FilterValidationError(
                "cannot specify whitelist and black list")

        if 'whitelist' not in self.data and 'blacklist' not in self.data:
            raise FilterValidationError(
                "must specify either policy blacklist or whitelist")
        if ('blacklist' in self.data
                and not isinstance(self.data['blacklist'], list)):
            raise FilterValidationError("blacklist must be a list")

        if 'matching' in self.data:
            # Sanity check that we can compile
            except re.error as e:
                raise FilterValidationError("Invalid regex: %s %s" %
                                            (e, self.data))

        return self
Exemplo n.º 24
    def validate(self):
        if 'selector' in self.data and self.data['selector'] == 'date':
            if 'selector_value' not in self.data:
                raise FilterValidationError(
                    "Date version selector requires specification of date")
            except ValueError:
                raise FilterValidationError("Invalid date for selector_value")

        elif 'selector' in self.data and self.data['selector'] == 'locked':
            idx = self.manager.data['filters'].index(self.data)
            found = False
            for n in self.manager.data['filters'][:idx]:
                if isinstance(n, dict) and n.get('type', '') == 'locked':
                    found = True
                if isinstance(n, six.string_types) and n == 'locked':
                    found = True
            if not found:
                raise FilterValidationError(
                    "locked selector needs previous use of is-locked filter")
        return self
Exemplo n.º 25
 def validate(self):
     if not self.data.get('matched'):
     listeners = [f for f in self.manager.filters
                  if isinstance(f, self.__class__)]
     found = False
     for f in listeners[:listeners.index(self)]:
         if not f.data.get('matched', False):
             found = True
     if not found:
         raise FilterValidationError(
             "matched listener filter, requires preceding listener filter")
     return self
Exemplo n.º 26
    def _check_bypass(self, bypass_set):
        if self.mode == 'equal':
            return self.list == bypass_set

        elif self.mode == 'include':
            return self.list.issubset(bypass_set)

        elif self.mode == 'any':
            return not self.list.isdisjoint(bypass_set)

        elif self.mode == 'only':
            return bypass_set.issubset(self.list)
        else:  # validated earlier, can never happen
            raise FilterValidationError("Internal error.")
Exemplo n.º 27
 def validate(self):
     op = self.data.get('op')
     if self.manager and op not in self.manager.action_registry.keys():
         raise FilterValidationError(
             "mark-for-op specifies invalid op:%s" % op)
     return self
Exemplo n.º 28
 def validate(self):
     if self.manager.data.get('mode'):
         raise FilterValidationError(
             "invalid-config makes too many queries to be run in lambda")
     return self
Exemplo n.º 29
 def validate(self):
     if not self.data.get('labels') and not self.data.get('remove'):
         raise FilterValidationError("Must specify one of labels or remove")
Exemplo n.º 30
    def validate(self):
        if self.data.get('space') < 0 or self.data.get('space') > 15:
            raise FilterValidationError("Space must be between 0 and 15")

        return self