def plotBaseBias(self, nCores=1, verbose=False, pp=""): """ Plots the base bias, or per base sequence content. Parameters ============= nCores INT Number of cpu cores to use. -1 to use all cores. (Default: 1) verbose BOOL Print runtime (Default: False) pp PdfPage Only used by the runQC function. """ if not "maxLen" in self.__dict__.keys(): print "Running readLength" self.readLength(printOut=False) bArray = np.zeros((self.maxLen, 5), dtype=np.uint32) if nCores == 1: count = 0 start = time.clock() for seq, qual in cFileGen(self.inFile): tmpBases[range(len(seq)), map(lambda y: baseDict[y], seq)] += 1 count += 1 if not count % 100000: print "Finished %d of %d reads" % (count, self.numReads) if verbose: print "CPU time: %.3f seconds" % (time.clock() - start) else: nCores = setCores(nCores, verbose) p = [] # process array pConns = [] # parent connection array for i in xrange(nCores): pConn, cConn = Pipe() # returns (parent connection, child connection) pConns.append(pConn) # initialize processes p.append(Process(target=bbWorker, args=(self.inFile, self.maxLen, i, nCores, cConn))) wallStart = time.time() for i in xrange(nCores): # start processes p[i].start() cpuTotal = 0 for i in xrange(nCores): tmpBases, cpuTime = pConns[i].recv() # get results from processes bArray += tmpBases cpuTotal += cpuTime wallTime = time.time() - wallStart for i in xrange(nCores): p[i].join() if verbose: print "CPU time: %.3f seconds" % (cpuTotal) print "Walltime: %.3f seconds" % (wallTime) sums = np.array(np.sum(bArray, axis=1), dtype=np.float) plt.figure(figsize=(12, 4)) for i in range(5): plt.plot(bArray[:, i] / sums) plt.legend(bases, loc=5, bbox_to_anchor=(1.1, 0.5)) plt.title("%s Base Bias" % (self.inFile.split("/")[-1])) plt.ylabel("% of Bases") plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, right=0.91) if pp: pp.savefig() else:
def kmerWorker(inFile, k, wid, procs, cConn): kmerDict = Counter() cpuStart = time.clock() count = 0 for seq, qual in cFileGen(inFile): if count % procs == wid: # tmp = [seq[i:i+k] for i in xrange(len(seq)-(k-1))] tmp = [seq[i : i + k] for i in xrange(0, len(seq) - (k - 1), 3)] for i in tmp: if not "N" in i: kmerDict[i] += 1 count += 1 cpuTime = time.clock() cConn.send((kmerDict.most_common(100), cpuTime)) cConn.close()
def bbWorker(inFile, maxLen, wid, procs, cconn): """ base bias worker called by plotBaseBias for parallel computation """ tmpBases = np.zeros((maxLen, 5), dtype=np.uint32) count = 0 cpuStart = time.clock() # for seq, qual in fileGen(inFile): for seq, qual in cFileGen(inFile): if count % procs == wid: tmpBases[range(len(seq)), map(lambda y: baseDict[y], seq)] += 1 count += 1 cpuTime = time.clock() - cpuStart cconn.send((tmpBases, cpuTime)) cconn.close()
def qualWorker(inFile, maxLen, wid, procs, cConn): """ Quality worker called by plotQuality """ count = 0 quals = initMatrix(maxLen) cpuStart = time.clock() # for seq,qual in fileGen(inFile): for seq, qual in cFileGen(inFile): if count % procs == wid: tmp = map(ord, qual) for i in xrange(len(tmp)): quals[i].append(tmp[i]) count += 1 cpuTime = time.clock() - cpuStart cConn.send((quals, cpuTime)) cConn.close()
def readLength(self, plot=False, printOut=True, pp=""): """ Analyzes the fastq file for the sequence length Parameters ======================= plot BOOL Produces a histogram plot of read lengths. (Default: False) printOut BOOL Prints statistics. (Default: True) pp PdfPage Only used by the runQC function. """ if not self.inFile: print "Needs an input file" return lens = [] count = 0 for seq, qual in cFileGen(self.inFile): lens.append(len(seq)) count += 1 maxLen = max(lens) minLen = min(lens) if printOut: print "Finished reading %i reads" % (count) print "Min read length: %i" % (minLen) print "Max read length: %i" % (maxLen) if plot: plt.figure() plt.hist(lens) plt.title("Histogram of Read Lengths") plt.ylabel("Counts") plt.xlabel("Read Length") if pp: pp.savefig() else: self.maxLen = maxLen self.numReads = count
def plotQual(self, printOut=True, nCores=1, verbose=False, plot=True, pp=""): """ View a boxplot of the qualities by base. Parameters ======================= printOut BOOL print quality format (Default: True) nCores INT Number of cpu cores to use. -1 to use all cores. (Default: 1) verbose BOOL Print the runtime (Default: False) pp PdfPage Only used by the runQC function. """ if not "self.maxLen" in locals(): self.readLength(printOut=False) quals = initMatrix(self.maxLen) if nCores == 1: cpuStart = time.clock() wallStart = time.time() for seq, qual in cFileGen(self.inFile): tmp = map(ord, qual) for i in xrange(len(tmp)): quals[i].append(tmp[i]) cpuTotal = time.clock() - cpuStart wallTime = time.time() - wallStart else: nCores = setCores(nCores, verbose) p = [] # process array pConns = [] # parent connection array for i in xrange(nCores): pConn, cConn = Pipe() # returns (parent connection, child connection) pConns.append(pConn) p.append( Process(target=qualWorker, args=(self.inFile, self.maxLen, i, nCores, cConn)) ) # initialize processes wallStart = time.time() for i in xrange(nCores): # start processes p[i].start() cpuTotal = 0 for i in xrange(nCores): tmpQuals, cpuTime = pConns[i].recv() # get results from processes for i in xrange(len(tmpQuals)): quals[i].extend(tmpQuals[i]) cpuTotal += cpuTime wallTime = time.time() - wallStart for i in xrange(nCores): p[i].join() print sum(map(sum, quals)) if verbose: print "CPU time: %.3f seconds" % (cpuTotal) print "Walltime: %.3f seconds" % (wallTime) qualRange = calcQualRange(quals) self.qualRange = qualRange if printOut: print "Quality format: +%d" % (qualRange[0]) if plot: plt.figure(figsize=(18, 3)) plt.boxplot(quals, sym="") plt.plot(range(1, len(quals) + 1), map(np.mean, quals)) plt.title("%s Quality Plot" % (self.inFile.split("/")[-1])) plt.ylabel("Quality Score") plt.ylim(qualRange) plt.tick_params(axis="x", which="both", labelbottom="off") plt.tight_layout() if pp: pp.savefig() else:
def calcKmers(self, k=6, nCores=1, plot=True, adapt=False, assemble=True, verbose=False, pp=""): """ Calculate and make a scatter plot of k-mers in reads. Parameters ====================== k INT k-mer size (Default: 5) nCores INT cores to use (Default: 1) plot BOOL plot the output (Default: True) adapt BOOL align kmers against illumina adapters (Default:True) verbose BOOL print the runtime (Default: False) pp PdfPage Only used by the runQC function. """ kmerDict = Counter() if nCores == 1: wallStart = time.time() cpuStart = time.clock() for seq, qual in cFileGen(self.inFile): tmp = [seq[i : i + k] for i in xrange(0, len(seq) - (k - 1), 3)] for i in tmp: if not "N" in i: kmerDict[i] += 1 wallTime = time.time() - wallStart cpuTotal = time.clock() else: nCores = setCores(nCores, verbose) p = [] # process array pConns = [] # parent connection array for i in xrange(nCores): pConn, cConn = Pipe() # returns (parent connection, child connection) pConns.append(pConn) # initialize processes p.append(Process(target=kmerWorker, args=(self.inFile, k, i, nCores, cConn))) wallStart = time.time() for i in xrange(nCores): # start processes p[i].start() cpuTotal = 0 for i in xrange(nCores): kmerTop100, cpuTime = pConns[i].recv() # get results from processes cpuTotal += cpuTime for kmer, v in kmerTop100: kmerDict[kmer] += v wallTime = time.time() - wallStart for i in xrange(nCores): p[i].join() if verbose: print "CPU time: %.3f seconds" % (cpuTotal) print "Walltime: %.3f seconds" % (wallTime) top20 = kmerDict.most_common(20) if plot: vals = map(lambda y: y[1], top20) bottoms = np.cumsum([0] + vals[:-1]) plt.figure(figsize=(4, 8)) plt.axis("off"), vals, width=np.ones(20), color=cm.Set1(np.linspace(0, 1, 20)), bottom=bottoms) plt.xlim((-0.05, 1.6)) for i in xrange(20): plt.text(1.1, bottoms[i] + vals[i] / 2.0, top20[i][0], verticalalignment="center", family="monospace") plt.text(0.5, bottoms[i] + vals[i] / 2.0, str(vals[i]), va="center", ha="center") fName = self.inFile.split("/")[-1] plt.title("Top 20 K-mers in " + fName) plt.tight_layout() if pp: pp.savefig() else: if adapt: print "\nAdapter Alignment to Kmers\n==============================" adaptAlign(map(lambda y: y[0], top20), nCores) if assemble: newKmers = map(lambda y: y[0], kmerDict.most_common(25)) kmers = [] while len(kmers) != len(newKmers) or change: change = False kmers = newKmers newKmers = [] kept = [False for i in range(len(kmers))] for i in range(len(kmers) - 1): iLen = len(kmers[i]) for j in range(i + 1, len(kmers)): jLen = len(kmers[j]) minLen = min((iLen, jLen)) alignRes = pairwise2.align.localms(kmers[i], kmers[j], 2, -2, -2, -2) if alignRes: if alignRes[0][2] == (minLen - 1) * 2.0: change = True new = pileup(alignRes[0][0], alignRes[0][1]) newKmers.append(new) if change: kept[i] = True kept[j] = True break if change: break for i in range(len(kept)): if not kept[i]: newKmers.append(kmers[i]) print "\nAssembled Kmers\n==============================" for i in kmers: print i print "\nAdapter Alignment to Assemblies\n==============================" adaptAlign(kmers, nCores, thresh=0.9)