Exemplo n.º 1
 def _append_message(self, msg, latched, current_time=None, store=True):
     Adds a label to the dialog's layout and shows the given text.
     @param msg: the text to add to the dialog
     @type msg: message object
     if current_time is None:
         current_time = time.time()
     self._latched = latched
     if store:
         self._msgs.append((msg, current_time))
         if len(self._msgs) > 25:
         msg_len = -1
         if (self.SHOW_BYTES or self.show_only_rate):
             buff = None
                 from cStringIO import StringIO  # Python 2.x
                 buff = StringIO()
                 import os
                 buff.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)
                 msg_len = buff.tell()
             except ImportError:
                 from io import BytesIO  # Python 3.x
                 buff = BytesIO()
                 msg_len = buff.getbuffer().nbytes
         self._count_messages(current_time, msg_len)
         # skip messages, if they are received often then MESSAGE_HZ_LIMIT
         if self._last_received_ts != 0 and self.receiving_hz != 0:
             if current_time - self._last_received_ts < 1.0 / self.receiving_hz:
                 if (not latched or (latched and current_time - self._start_time > 3.0)):
                     self._scrapped_msgs += 1
                     self._scrapped_msgs_sl += 1
         self._last_received_ts = current_time
     if not self.show_only_rate:
         # convert message to string and reduce line width to current limit
         msg = self.strify_message(msg, field_filter=self.field_filter_fn)
         if isinstance(msg, tuple):
             msg = msg[0]
         msg = self._trim_width(msg)
         msg = msg.replace('<', '&lt;').replace('>', '&gt;')
         msg_cated = False
         if self.chars_limit != 0 and len(msg) > self.chars_limit:
             msg = msg[0:self.chars_limit]
             msg_cated = True
         # create a notification about scrapped messages
         if self._scrapped_msgs_sl > 0:
             txt = '<pre style="color:red; font-family:Fixedsys,Courier,monospace; padding:10px;">scrapped %s message because of Hz-settings</pre>' % self._scrapped_msgs_sl
             self._scrapped_msgs_sl = 0
         txt = '<pre style="background-color:#FFFCCC; color:#000000;font-family:Fixedsys,Courier; padding:10px;">---------- %s --------------------\n%s</pre>' % (datetime.now().strftime("%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S.%f"), msg)
         # set the count of the displayed messages on receiving the first message
         if msg_cated:
             txt = '<pre style="color:red; font-family:Fixedsys,Courier,monospace; padding:10px;">message has been cut off</pre>'
     if store:
 def _append_message(self, msg, latched, current_time=None, store=True):
     Adds a label to the dialog's layout and shows the given text.
     @param msg: the text to add to the dialog
     @type msg: message object
     if current_time is None:
         current_time = time.time()
     self._latched = latched
     if store:
         with self.lock:
             self._msgs.append((msg, current_time))
             if len(self._msgs) > 25:
         msg_len = -1
         if (self.SHOW_BYTES or self.show_only_rate):
             buff = None
                 from cStringIO import StringIO  # Python 2.x
                 buff = StringIO()
                 import os
                 buff.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)
                 msg_len = buff.tell()
             except ImportError:
                 from io import BytesIO  # Python 3.x
                 buff = BytesIO()
                 msg_len = buff.getbuffer().nbytes
         self._count_messages(current_time, msg_len)
         # skip messages, if they are received often then MESSAGE_HZ_LIMIT
         if self._last_received_ts != 0 and self.receiving_hz != 0:
             if current_time - self._last_received_ts < 1.0 / self.receiving_hz:
                 if (not latched or (latched and current_time - self._start_time > 3.0)):
                     self._scrapped_msgs += 1
                     self._scrapped_msgs_sl += 1
         self._last_received_ts = current_time
     if not self.show_only_rate:
         # convert message to string and reduce line width to current limit
         msg = self.strify_message(msg, field_filter=self.field_filter_fn)
         if isinstance(msg, tuple):
             msg = msg[0]
         msg = self._trim_width(msg)
         msg = msg.replace('<', '&lt;').replace('>', '&gt;')
         msg_cated = False
         if self.chars_limit != 0 and len(msg) > self.chars_limit:
             msg = msg[0:self.chars_limit]
             msg_cated = True
         # create a notification about scrapped messages
         if self._scrapped_msgs_sl > 0:
             txt = '<pre style="color:red; font-family:Fixedsys,Courier,monospace; padding:10px;">scrapped %s message because of Hz-settings</pre>' % self._scrapped_msgs_sl
             self._scrapped_msgs_sl = 0
         txt = '<pre style="background-color:#FFFCCC; color:#000000;font-family:Fixedsys,Courier; padding:10px;">---------- %s --------------------\n%s</pre>' % (datetime.now().strftime("%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S.%f"), msg)
         # set the count of the displayed messages on receiving the first message
         if msg_cated:
             txt = '<pre style="color:red; font-family:Fixedsys,Courier,monospace; padding:10px;">message has been cut off</pre>'
     if store: