Exemplo n.º 1
  def get_collisions_per_peptide_from_rangetree(self, precursor, q1_low, q1_high,
    transitions, par, rtree, forceFragmentChargeCheck=False):
    """Get the collisions per peptide, e.g. a dictionary that contains the
    interfered transitions for a given precursor with given transitions.
    import c_rangetree
    import c_getnonuis
    q3_low, q3_high = par.get_q3range_transitions()
    #correct rounding errors, s.t. we get the same results as before!
    ssrcalc_low  = precursor.ssrcalc - par.ssrcalc_window + 0.001
    ssrcalc_high = precursor.ssrcalc + par.ssrcalc_window - 0.001
    isotope_correction = par.isotopes_up_to * R.mass_diffC13 / min(par.parent_charges)

    # Get the precursor ids of the interfering precursors from the rangetree
    precursor_ids = rtree.query_tree(
        q1_low, #precursor.q1 - par.q1_window,
        q1_high, #precursor.q1 + par.q1_window,
        par.isotopes_up_to, isotope_correction)  

    # Now deselect the myself (the precursor passed as argument) and reformat
    globalprecursors = [self.lookup_by_parent_id(myid[0]) for myid in precursor_ids
      #dont select myself 
      if self.lookup_by_parent_id(myid[0]).transition_group != precursor.transition_group]

    return c_getnonuis.calculate_collisions_per_peptide_other_ion_series( 
        transitions, globalprecursors, par, q3_low, q3_high, par.q3_window, par.ppm, forceFragmentChargeCheck)
Exemplo n.º 2
  def get_collisions_per_peptide_from_rangetree(self, precursor, q1_low, q1_high,
    transitions, par, rtree, forceFragmentChargeCheck=False):
    """Get the collisions per peptide, e.g. a dictionary that contains the
    interfered transitions for a given precursor with given transitions.
    import c_rangetree
    import c_getnonuis
    q3_low, q3_high = par.get_q3range_transitions()
    #correct rounding errors, s.t. we get the same results as before!
    ssrcalc_low  = precursor.ssrcalc - par.ssrcalc_window + 0.001
    ssrcalc_high = precursor.ssrcalc + par.ssrcalc_window - 0.001
    isotope_correction = par.isotopes_up_to * R.mass_diffC13 / min(par.parent_charges)

    # Get the precursor ids of the interfering precursors from the rangetree
    precursor_ids = rtree.query_tree(
        q1_low, #precursor.q1 - par.q1_window,
        q1_high, #precursor.q1 + par.q1_window,
        par.isotopes_up_to, isotope_correction)  

    # Now deselect the myself (the precursor passed as argument) and reformat
    globalprecursors = [self.lookup_by_parent_id(myid[0]) for myid in precursor_ids
      #dont select myself 
      if self.lookup_by_parent_id(myid[0]).transition_group != precursor.transition_group]

    return c_getnonuis.calculate_collisions_per_peptide_other_ion_series( 
        transitions, globalprecursors, par, q3_low, q3_high, par.q3_window, par.ppm, forceFragmentChargeCheck)
Exemplo n.º 3
def runcpp(self, pep, transitions, precursors):
    #first we run the C++ version
    st = time.time()
    pre_obj = [Precursor(modified_sequence=p[1], q1_charge=2, q1=p[0], transition_group=p[2], isotopically_modified=0) for p in precursors]
    for kk in range(10):
        tmp = c_getnonuis.calculate_collisions_per_peptide_other_ion_series( 
            transitions, pre_obj, self.par, self.q3_low, self.q3_high, self.par.q3_window, self.par.ppm, False)
    ctime = (time.time() - st)/10.0
    return tmp, ctime
Exemplo n.º 4
def _get_coll_per_peptide_sub(self, transitions, par, pep, cursor, forceFragmentChargeCheck=False):

    q3_low, q3_high = par.get_q3range_collisions()
    transitions = tuple([(t[0], i) for i, t in enumerate(transitions)])
    # fast = 100
    import c_getnonuis

    precursors = self._get_all_precursors(par, pep, cursor)
    return c_getnonuis.calculate_collisions_per_peptide_other_ion_series(
        transitions, precursors, par, q3_low, q3_high, par.q3_window, par.ppm, forceFragmentChargeCheck
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_calculate_calculate_collisions_per_peptide_1(self):
            pep = test_shared.runpep1
            transitions = test_shared.runtransitions1
            precursors = test_shared.runprecursors_obj1
            par = self.par
            q3_high = self.q3_high
            q3_low = self.q3_low

            transitions = tuple([ (t[0], i) for i,t in enumerate(transitions)])
            collisions_per_peptide = c_getnonuis.calculate_collisions_per_peptide_other_ion_series( 
                transitions, precursors, par, q3_low, q3_high, par.q3_window, par.ppm, False)
            self.assertEqual(collisions_per_peptide, test_shared.collpepresult1)
Exemplo n.º 6
def _get_coll_per_peptide_sub(self,

    q3_low, q3_high = par.get_q3range_collisions()
    transitions = tuple([(t[0], i) for i, t in enumerate(transitions)])
    # fast = 100
    import c_getnonuis
    precursors = self._get_all_precursors(par, pep, cursor)
    return c_getnonuis.calculate_collisions_per_peptide_other_ion_series(
        transitions, precursors, par, q3_low, q3_high, par.q3_window, par.ppm,
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_calculate_calculate_collisions_per_peptide_2_other(self):
            pep = test_shared.runpep2
            transitions = test_shared.runtransitions2
            precursors = test_shared.runprecursors_obj2
            par = self.par
            q3_high = self.q3_high
            q3_low = self.q3_low

            transitions = tuple([ (t[0], i) for i,t in enumerate(transitions)])
            collisions_per_peptide = c_getnonuis.calculate_collisions_per_peptide_other_ion_series( 
                transitions, precursors, par, q3_low, q3_high, par.q3_window, par.ppm, False)
            for key in collisions_per_peptide:
                self.assertEqual(collisions_per_peptide[key], test_shared.collpepresult2[key])
            self.assertEqual(len(collisions_per_peptide), len(test_shared.collpepresult2))
            self.assertEqual(collisions_per_peptide, test_shared.collpepresult2)
Exemplo n.º 8
def runcpp(self, pep, transitions, precursors):
    #first we run the C++ version
    st = time.time()
    pre_obj = [
                  isotopically_modified=0) for p in precursors
    for kk in range(10):
        tmp = c_getnonuis.calculate_collisions_per_peptide_other_ion_series(
            transitions, pre_obj, self.par, self.q3_low, self.q3_high,
            self.par.q3_window, self.par.ppm, False)
    ctime = (time.time() - st) / 10.0
    return tmp, ctime
Exemplo n.º 9
def get_coll_per_peptide_from_precursors(self,
    q3_low, q3_high = par.get_q3range_transitions()
        #try to use C++ libraries
        if forceNonCpp: import somedummymodulethatwillneverexist
        import c_getnonuis
        return c_getnonuis.calculate_collisions_per_peptide_other_ion_series(
            transitions, precursors, par, q3_low, q3_high, par.q3_window,
            par.ppm, forceFragmentChargeCheck)
    except ImportError:
        # if we dont have any C++ code compiled, calculate fragments
        R = Residues.Residues('mono')
        RN15 = Residues.Residues('mono')
        collisions = self._get_all_collisions_calculate_sub(

    collisions = list(collisions)
    collisions_per_peptide = {}
    q3_window_used = par.q3_window
    for t in transitions:
        if par.ppm: q3_window_used = par.q3_window * 10**(-6) * t[0]
        for c in collisions:
            if abs(t[0] - c[0]) <= q3_window_used:
                #gets all collisions
                if collisions_per_peptide.has_key(c[3]):
                    if not t[1] in collisions_per_peptide[c[3]]:
                    collisions_per_peptide[c[3]] = [t[1]]
    return collisions_per_peptide
Exemplo n.º 10
def get_coll_per_peptide_from_precursors(
    self, transitions, precursors, par, pep, forceNonCpp=False, forceFragmentChargeCheck=False
    q3_low, q3_high = par.get_q3range_transitions()
        # try to use C++ libraries
        if forceNonCpp:
            import somedummymodulethatwillneverexist
        import c_getnonuis

        return c_getnonuis.calculate_collisions_per_peptide_other_ion_series(
            transitions, precursors, par, q3_low, q3_high, par.q3_window, par.ppm, forceFragmentChargeCheck
    except ImportError:
        # if we dont have any C++ code compiled, calculate fragments
        R = Residues.Residues("mono")
        RN15 = Residues.Residues("mono")
        collisions = self._get_all_collisions_calculate_sub(
            precursors, par, R, q3_low, q3_high, RN15, forceFragmentChargeCheck=forceFragmentChargeCheck

    collisions = list(collisions)
    collisions_per_peptide = {}
    q3_window_used = par.q3_window
    for t in transitions:
        if par.ppm:
            q3_window_used = par.q3_window * 10 ** (-6) * t[0]
        for c in collisions:
            if abs(t[0] - c[0]) <= q3_window_used:
                # gets all collisions
                if collisions_per_peptide.has_key(c[3]):
                    if not t[1] in collisions_per_peptide[c[3]]:
                    collisions_per_peptide[c[3]] = [t[1]]
    return collisions_per_peptide
Exemplo n.º 11
    def test_mysql_vs_integrated(self):
            """Compare the one table MySQL approach vs the fully integrated Cpp approach
            Here we are comparing the old (querying the transitions database as
            well as the precursor database) and the new way (only query the
            precursor database and calculate the transitions on the fly) way of
            calculating the collisions.

            print '\n'*1
            print "Comparing one table MySQL solution vs integrated solution"
            par = self.par
            cursor = self.cursor

            mypepids = [
                            'mod_sequence'  :  r[0],
                            'peptide_key' :r[1],
                            'transition_group' :r[1],
                            'parent_id' :  r[2],
                            'q1_charge' :  r[3],
                            'q1' :         r[4],
                            'ssrcalc' :    r[5],
                        for r in self.alltuples
                if r[3] == 2 #charge is 2
                and r[6] == 0 #isotope is 0
                and r[4] >= self.min_q1
                and r[4] < self.max_q1

            mycollider = collider.SRMcollider()
            #mypepids = _get_unique_pepids(par, cursor)
            self.mycollider.pepids = mypepids
            self.mycollider.calcinner = 0
            shuffle( self.mycollider.pepids )
            self.mycollider.pepids = self.mycollider.pepids[:self.limit]

            import c_rangetree
            r = c_rangetree.ExtendedRangetree_Q1_RT.create()

            MAX_UIS = 5
            c_newuistime = 0; oldtime = 0; c_fromprecursortime = 0
            oldsql = 0; newsql = 0
            newtime = 0
            oldcalctime = 0; localsql = 0
            self._cursor = False
            print "i\toldtime\t\tnewtime\t>>\tspeedup"
            for kk, pep in enumerate(self.mycollider.pepids):
                ii = kk + 1
                p_id = pep['parent_id']
                q1 = pep['q1']
                q3_low, q3_high = par.get_q3range_transitions()
                q1_low = q1 - par.q1_window 
                q1_high = q1 + par.q1_window
                ssrcalc = pep['ssrcalc']
                peptide_key = pep['peptide_key']

                #correct rounding errors, s.t. we get the same results as before!
                ssrcalc_low = ssrcalc - par.ssrcalc_window + 0.001
                ssrcalc_high = ssrcalc + par.ssrcalc_window - 0.001
                isotope_correction = par.isotopes_up_to * Residues.mass_diffC13 / min(par.parent_charges)

                precursor = Precursor(q1=pep['q1'], transition_group=pep['transition_group'], parent_id = pep['parent_id'], modified_sequence=pep['mod_sequence'], ssrcalc=pep['ssrcalc'])

                transitions = collider.calculate_transitions_ch(
                    ((q1, pep['mod_sequence'], p_id),), [1], q3_low, q3_high)
                #fake some srm_id for the transitions
                transitions = tuple([ (t[0], i) for i,t in enumerate(transitions)])
                ##### transitions = self.mycollider._get_all_transitions(par, pep, cursor)
                nr_transitions = len( transitions )
                if nr_transitions == 0: continue #no transitions in this window

                # Old way to calculate non_uislist 
                #  - get all precursors from the SQL database
                #  - calculate collisions per peptide in C++

                par.query2_add = ' and isotope_nr = 0 ' # due to the new handling of isotopes
                mystart = time.time()
                self.mycollider.mysqlnewtime= 0
                precursors = self.mycollider._get_all_precursors(par, precursor, cursor)
                newsql += time.time() - mystart

                mystart = time.time()
                q3_low, q3_high = par.get_q3range_transitions()
                collisions_per_peptide = c_getnonuis.calculate_collisions_per_peptide_other_ion_series( 
                    transitions, precursors, par, q3_low, q3_high, par.q3_window, par.ppm, False)
                non_uis_list = [ {} for i in range(MAX_UIS+1)]
                for order in range(1,MAX_UIS+1):
                    non_uis_list[order] = c_getnonuis.get_non_uis(
                        collisions_per_peptide, order)
                c_fromprecursortime += time.time() - mystart

                newl = [len(n) for n in non_uis_list]
                non_uis_list_old_way = [set(kk.keys()) for kk in non_uis_list]
                non_uis_list_len = [len(kk) for kk in non_uis_list_old_way[1:]]

                # New way to calculate non_uislist 
                #  - start out from transitions, get non_uislist
                mystart = time.time()
                newresult = c_integrated.wrap_all_bitwise(transitions, q1_low, ssrcalc_low,
                    q1_high,  ssrcalc_high, peptide_key,
                    min(MAX_UIS,nr_transitions) , par.q3_window, #q3_low, q3_high,
                    par.ppm, par.isotopes_up_to, isotope_correction, par, r)
                newtime += time.time() - mystart

                # Assert equality, print out result
                self.assertEqual( newresult , non_uis_list_len) 

                mys =  "%s\t%0.1fms\t\t%0.2fms\t>>>\t%0.1f" % \
                 (ii,  #i
                 (c_fromprecursortime + newsql)*1000/ii,  # oldtime
                 (newtime)*1000/ii, # newtime
                 (c_fromprecursortime + newsql) / (newtime), # speedup

                self.ESC = chr(27)
                sys.stdout.write(self.ESC + '[2K')
                if self._cursor:
                    sys.stdout.write(self.ESC + '[u')
                self._cursor = True
                sys.stdout.write(self.ESC + '[s')
Exemplo n.º 12
    def test_two_table_mysql(self):
            """Compare the two table vs the one table MySQL approach
            Here we are comparing the old (querying the transitions database as
            well as the precursor database) and the new way (only query the
            precursor database and calculate the transitions on the fly) way of
            calculating the collisions.

            print '\n'*1
            print "Comparing one vs two table MySQL solution"
            par = self.par
            cursor = self.cursor

            mycollider = collider.SRMcollider()
            mypepids = _get_unique_pepids(par, cursor)
            self.mycollider.pepids = mypepids
            self.mycollider.calcinner = 0
            shuffle( self.mycollider.pepids )
            self.mycollider.pepids = self.mycollider.pepids[:self.limit]

            MAX_UIS = 5
            c_newuistime = 0; oldtime = 0; c_fromprecursortime = 0
            oldsql = 0; newsql = 0
            oldcalctime = 0; localsql = 0
            self._cursor = False
            print "oldtime = get UIS from collisions and transitions (getting all collisions from the transitions db)"
            print "cuis + oldsql = as oldtime but calculate UIS in C++"
            print "py+newsql = only get the precursors from the db and calculate collisions in Python"
            print "ctime + newsql = only get the precursors from the db and calculate collisions in C++"
            print "new = use fast SQL and C++ code"
            print "old = use slow SQL and Python code"
            print "i\toldtime\tcuis+oldsql\tpy+newsql\tctime+newsql\t>>>\toldsql\tnewsql\t...\t...\tspeedup"
            for kk, pep in enumerate(self.mycollider.pepids):
                ii = kk + 1
                p_id = pep['parent_id']
                q1 = pep['q1']
                q3_low, q3_high = par.get_q3range_transitions()
                precursor = Precursor(q1=pep['q1'], transition_group=pep['transition_group'], parent_id = pep['parent_id'], modified_sequence=pep['mod_sequence'], ssrcalc=pep['ssrcalc'])
                transitions = collider.calculate_transitions_ch(
                    ((q1, pep['mod_sequence'], p_id),), [1], q3_low, q3_high)
                #fake some srm_id for the transitions
                transitions = tuple([ (t[0], i) for i,t in enumerate(transitions)])
                ##### transitions = self.mycollider._get_all_transitions(par, pep, cursor)
                nr_transitions = len( transitions )
                if nr_transitions == 0: continue #no transitions in this window
                mystart = time.time()
                collisions = list(self.mycollider._get_all_collisions_calculate_new(par, precursor, cursor))
                oldcolllen = len(collisions)
                oldcalctime += time.time() - mystart
                mystart = time.time()
                collisions = _get_all_collisions(mycollider, par, pep, cursor, transitions = transitions)
                oldcsqllen = len(collisions)
                oldsql += time.time() - mystart
                par.query2_add = ' and isotope_nr = 0 ' # due to the new handling of isotopes
                mystart = time.time()
                self.mycollider.mysqlnewtime= 0
                precursors = self.mycollider._get_all_precursors(par, precursor, cursor)
                newsql += time.time() - mystart
                mystart = time.time()
                #precursors = self.mycollider._get_all_precursors(par, pep, cursor_l)
                localsql += time.time() - mystart
                par.query2_add = '' # due to the new handling of isotopes
                mystart = time.time()
                non_uis_list = get_non_UIS_from_transitions(transitions, 
                                            tuple(collisions), par, MAX_UIS)
                cnewuis = non_uis_list
                c_newuistime += time.time() - mystart
                mystart = time.time()
                non_uis_list = get_non_UIS_from_transitions_old(transitions, 
                                            collisions, par, MAX_UIS)
                oldnonuislist = non_uis_list
                oldtime += time.time() - mystart
                mystart = time.time()
                q3_low, q3_high = par.get_q3range_transitions()
                collisions_per_peptide = c_getnonuis.calculate_collisions_per_peptide_other_ion_series( 
                    transitions, precursors, par, q3_low, q3_high, par.q3_window, par.ppm, False)
                non_uis_list = [ {} for i in range(MAX_UIS+1)]
                for order in range(1,MAX_UIS+1):
                    non_uis_list[order] = c_getnonuis.get_non_uis(
                        collisions_per_peptide, order)
                c_fromprecursortime += time.time() - mystart

                newl = [len(n) for n in non_uis_list]
                self.assertEqual(newl, [len(o) for o in cnewuis])
                self.assertEqual(newl, [len(o) for o in oldnonuislist])

                non_uis_list = [set(k.keys()) for k in non_uis_list]
                cnewuis = [set(k.keys()) for k in cnewuis]

                self.assertEqual(non_uis_list, cnewuis)
                self.assertEqual(non_uis_list, oldnonuislist)

                mys =  "%s\t%0.fms\t%0.fms\t\t%0.fms\t\t%0.2fms\t\t>>>\t%0.fms\t%0.2fms\t...\t...\t%0.2f" % \
                 (ii,  #i
                 (oldtime + oldsql)*1000/ii,  #oldtime
                 (c_newuistime+oldsql)*1000/ii, #cuis + oldsql
                 (oldcalctime + newsql + oldtime)*1000/ii,  #newsql
                 (c_fromprecursortime + newsql)*1000/ii,  #ctime+newsql
                 #(c_fromprecursortime + localsql)*1000/ii,

                 oldsql*1000/ii, #newsql
                 newsql*1000/ii, #oldsql
                 #oldtime / c_newuistime
                 (oldtime + oldsql) / (c_fromprecursortime + newsql)

                self.ESC = chr(27)
                sys.stdout.write(self.ESC + '[2K')
                if self._cursor:
                    sys.stdout.write(self.ESC + '[u')
                self._cursor = True
                sys.stdout.write(self.ESC + '[s')
Exemplo n.º 13
def do_analysis(input_sequences, seqs, par, wuis, local_cursor, controller):
    # Do analysis
    # 1. Find SSRCalc values for all peptides
    # 2. Iterate through all sequences and calculate the b / y series
    # 3. Find all (potentially) interfering precursors
    # 4. For each precursors, find the list of transitions that interfers
    # 5. For each transition, find the precursors that interfere 
    # 6. Print information

    q3_low, q3_high = par.q3_range
    uis = par.uis
    pepmap = get_ssrcalc_values(seqs, input_sequences, default_ssrcalc, local_cursor, ssrcalc_path)
    toggle_all_str = '<script language="javascript"> function toggleAll(){ '
    mycollider = collider.SRMcollider()

    for seq_id, peptide in enumerate(controller.peptides):
        # Step 2 : find the SSRCalc values for this sequence
        try: ssrcalc = pepmap[filter(str.isalpha, peptide.sequence)]
        except KeyError: ssrcalc = 25
        transitions = [ (f.q3, f.fragment_count) for f in peptide.fragments]
        if len( transitions ) == 0: continue # no transitions in this window

        # Step 3 : find all potentially interfering precursors
        #  Create precursor and use db to find all interfering precursors
        precursor = Precursor(modified_sequence = peptide.get_modified_sequence(), parent_id = -1,
            q1 = peptide.charged_mass, q1_charge = 2, ssrcalc = ssrcalc, transition_group = -1)
        precursor.seq_id = seq_id
        precursors_obj = mycollider._get_all_precursors(par, precursor, local_cursor)

        # Step 4 and 5: Find interferences per precursor, then find
        # interferences per transition (see the two readouts in the html)
        collisions_per_peptide = \
            tuple(transitions), precursors_obj, par, q3_low, q3_high,
            par.q3_window, par.ppm, par.chargeCheck) 

        nonunique = c_getnonuis._find_clashes_forall_other_series( 
            tuple(transitions), precursors_obj, par, q3_low, q3_high,
            par.q3_window, par.ppm, peptide.charged_mass - par.q1_window, par.chargeCheck)

        # also add those that have no interference
        for fragment in peptide.fragments: 
            if not fragment.fragment_count in nonunique:
                nonunique[fragment.fragment_count] = []
        nonunique_obj = controller.getNonuniqueObjects(nonunique)

        # Step 6: printing
        do_all_print(peptide, collisions_per_peptide, 
                 wuis, precursor, par, precursors_obj, nonunique_obj)
        toggle_all_str += "toggleDisplay('col_peptides_%s'); toggleDisplay('col_transitions_%s');\n" % (seq_id,seq_id)

    toggle_all_str += "};</script>"
    print toggle_all_str
    print """
Exemplo n.º 14
        q3_high = self.q3_high
        q3_low = self.q3_low

        precursors = [

        transitions = tuple([(t[0], i) for i, t in enumerate(transitions)])
        collisions_per_peptide = c_getnonuis.calculate_collisions_per_peptide_other_ion_series(
            transitions, precursors, par, q3_low, q3_high, par.q3_window, par.ppm, False

        self.assertEqual(collisions_per_peptide, {11498839: [3]})

    def test_calculate_calculate_collisions_per_peptide_debug2(self):
            Debug test, if there is something wrong rather not use the big ones.

            Is contained in the big test
        pep = test_shared.runpep1
        transitions = test_shared.runtransitions1
        par = self.par
        q3_high = self.q3_high
        q3_low = self.q3_low
Exemplo n.º 15
    def test_mysql_vs_integrated(self):
        """Compare the one table MySQL approach vs the fully integrated Cpp approach
            Here we are comparing the old (querying the transitions database as
            well as the precursor database) and the new way (only query the
            precursor database and calculate the transitions on the fly) way of
            calculating the collisions.

        print '\n' * 1
        print "Comparing one table MySQL solution vs integrated solution"
        par = self.par
        cursor = self.cursor

        mypepids = [
                'mod_sequence': r[0],
                'peptide_key': r[1],
                'transition_group': r[1],
                'parent_id': r[2],
                'q1_charge': r[3],
                'q1': r[4],
                'ssrcalc': r[5],
            } for r in self.alltuples if r[3] == 2  #charge is 2
            and r[6] == 0  #isotope is 0
            and r[4] >= self.min_q1 and r[4] < self.max_q1

        mycollider = collider.SRMcollider()
        #mypepids = _get_unique_pepids(par, cursor)
        self.mycollider.pepids = mypepids
        self.mycollider.calcinner = 0
        self.mycollider.pepids = self.mycollider.pepids[:self.limit]

        import c_rangetree
        r = c_rangetree.ExtendedRangetree_Q1_RT.create()

        MAX_UIS = 5
        c_newuistime = 0
        oldtime = 0
        c_fromprecursortime = 0
        oldsql = 0
        newsql = 0
        newtime = 0
        oldcalctime = 0
        localsql = 0
        self._cursor = False
        print "i\toldtime\t\tnewtime\t>>\tspeedup"
        for kk, pep in enumerate(self.mycollider.pepids):
            ii = kk + 1
            p_id = pep['parent_id']
            q1 = pep['q1']
            q3_low, q3_high = par.get_q3range_transitions()
            q1_low = q1 - par.q1_window
            q1_high = q1 + par.q1_window
            ssrcalc = pep['ssrcalc']
            peptide_key = pep['peptide_key']

            #correct rounding errors, s.t. we get the same results as before!
            ssrcalc_low = ssrcalc - par.ssrcalc_window + 0.001
            ssrcalc_high = ssrcalc + par.ssrcalc_window - 0.001
            isotope_correction = par.isotopes_up_to * Residues.mass_diffC13 / min(

            precursor = Precursor(q1=pep['q1'],

            transitions = collider.calculate_transitions_ch(
                ((q1, pep['mod_sequence'], p_id), ), [1], q3_low, q3_high)
            #fake some srm_id for the transitions
            transitions = tuple([(t[0], i) for i, t in enumerate(transitions)])
            ##### transitions = self.mycollider._get_all_transitions(par, pep, cursor)
            nr_transitions = len(transitions)
            if nr_transitions == 0: continue  #no transitions in this window

            # Old way to calculate non_uislist
            #  - get all precursors from the SQL database
            #  - calculate collisions per peptide in C++

            par.query2_add = ' and isotope_nr = 0 '  # due to the new handling of isotopes
            mystart = time.time()
            self.mycollider.mysqlnewtime = 0
            precursors = self.mycollider._get_all_precursors(
                par, precursor, cursor)
            newsql += time.time() - mystart

            mystart = time.time()
            q3_low, q3_high = par.get_q3range_transitions()
            collisions_per_peptide = c_getnonuis.calculate_collisions_per_peptide_other_ion_series(
                transitions, precursors, par, q3_low, q3_high, par.q3_window,
                par.ppm, False)
            non_uis_list = [{} for i in range(MAX_UIS + 1)]
            for order in range(1, MAX_UIS + 1):
                non_uis_list[order] = c_getnonuis.get_non_uis(
                    collisions_per_peptide, order)
            c_fromprecursortime += time.time() - mystart

            newl = [len(n) for n in non_uis_list]
            non_uis_list_old_way = [set(kk.keys()) for kk in non_uis_list]
            non_uis_list_len = [len(kk) for kk in non_uis_list_old_way[1:]]

            # New way to calculate non_uislist
            #  - start out from transitions, get non_uislist
            mystart = time.time()
            newresult = c_integrated.wrap_all_bitwise(
                min(MAX_UIS, nr_transitions),
                par.q3_window,  #q3_low, q3_high,
            newtime += time.time() - mystart

            # Assert equality, print out result
            self.assertEqual(newresult, non_uis_list_len)

            mys =  "%s\t%0.1fms\t\t%0.2fms\t>>>\t%0.1f" % \
             (ii,  #i
             (c_fromprecursortime + newsql)*1000/ii,  # oldtime
             (newtime)*1000/ii, # newtime
             (c_fromprecursortime + newsql) / (newtime), # speedup

            self.ESC = chr(27)
            sys.stdout.write(self.ESC + '[2K')
            if self._cursor:
                sys.stdout.write(self.ESC + '[u')
            self._cursor = True
            sys.stdout.write(self.ESC + '[s')
Exemplo n.º 16
    def test_two_table_mysql(self):
        """Compare the two table vs the one table MySQL approach
            Here we are comparing the old (querying the transitions database as
            well as the precursor database) and the new way (only query the
            precursor database and calculate the transitions on the fly) way of
            calculating the collisions.

        print '\n' * 1
        print "Comparing one vs two table MySQL solution"
        par = self.par
        cursor = self.cursor

        mycollider = collider.SRMcollider()
        mypepids = _get_unique_pepids(par, cursor)
        self.mycollider.pepids = mypepids
        self.mycollider.calcinner = 0
        self.mycollider.pepids = self.mycollider.pepids[:self.limit]

        MAX_UIS = 5
        c_newuistime = 0
        oldtime = 0
        c_fromprecursortime = 0
        oldsql = 0
        newsql = 0
        oldcalctime = 0
        localsql = 0
        self._cursor = False
        print "oldtime = get UIS from collisions and transitions (getting all collisions from the transitions db)"
        print "cuis + oldsql = as oldtime but calculate UIS in C++"
        print "py+newsql = only get the precursors from the db and calculate collisions in Python"
        print "ctime + newsql = only get the precursors from the db and calculate collisions in C++"
        print "new = use fast SQL and C++ code"
        print "old = use slow SQL and Python code"
        print "i\toldtime\tcuis+oldsql\tpy+newsql\tctime+newsql\t>>>\toldsql\tnewsql\t...\t...\tspeedup"
        for kk, pep in enumerate(self.mycollider.pepids):
            ii = kk + 1
            p_id = pep['parent_id']
            q1 = pep['q1']
            q3_low, q3_high = par.get_q3range_transitions()
            precursor = Precursor(q1=pep['q1'],
            transitions = collider.calculate_transitions_ch(
                ((q1, pep['mod_sequence'], p_id), ), [1], q3_low, q3_high)
            #fake some srm_id for the transitions
            transitions = tuple([(t[0], i) for i, t in enumerate(transitions)])
            ##### transitions = self.mycollider._get_all_transitions(par, pep, cursor)
            nr_transitions = len(transitions)
            if nr_transitions == 0: continue  #no transitions in this window
            mystart = time.time()
            collisions = list(
                    par, precursor, cursor))
            oldcolllen = len(collisions)
            oldcalctime += time.time() - mystart
            mystart = time.time()
            collisions = _get_all_collisions(mycollider,
            oldcsqllen = len(collisions)
            oldsql += time.time() - mystart
            par.query2_add = ' and isotope_nr = 0 '  # due to the new handling of isotopes
            mystart = time.time()
            self.mycollider.mysqlnewtime = 0
            precursors = self.mycollider._get_all_precursors(
                par, precursor, cursor)
            newsql += time.time() - mystart
            mystart = time.time()
            #precursors = self.mycollider._get_all_precursors(par, pep, cursor_l)
            localsql += time.time() - mystart
            par.query2_add = ''  # due to the new handling of isotopes
            mystart = time.time()
            non_uis_list = get_non_UIS_from_transitions(
                transitions, tuple(collisions), par, MAX_UIS)
            cnewuis = non_uis_list
            c_newuistime += time.time() - mystart
            mystart = time.time()
            non_uis_list = get_non_UIS_from_transitions_old(
                transitions, collisions, par, MAX_UIS)
            oldnonuislist = non_uis_list
            oldtime += time.time() - mystart
            mystart = time.time()
            q3_low, q3_high = par.get_q3range_transitions()
            collisions_per_peptide = c_getnonuis.calculate_collisions_per_peptide_other_ion_series(
                transitions, precursors, par, q3_low, q3_high, par.q3_window,
                par.ppm, False)
            non_uis_list = [{} for i in range(MAX_UIS + 1)]
            for order in range(1, MAX_UIS + 1):
                non_uis_list[order] = c_getnonuis.get_non_uis(
                    collisions_per_peptide, order)
            c_fromprecursortime += time.time() - mystart

            newl = [len(n) for n in non_uis_list]
            self.assertEqual(newl, [len(o) for o in cnewuis])
            self.assertEqual(newl, [len(o) for o in oldnonuislist])

            non_uis_list = [set(k.keys()) for k in non_uis_list]
            cnewuis = [set(k.keys()) for k in cnewuis]

            self.assertEqual(non_uis_list, cnewuis)
            self.assertEqual(non_uis_list, oldnonuislist)

            mys =  "%s\t%0.fms\t%0.fms\t\t%0.fms\t\t%0.2fms\t\t>>>\t%0.fms\t%0.2fms\t...\t...\t%0.2f" % \
             (ii,  #i
             (oldtime + oldsql)*1000/ii,  #oldtime
             (c_newuistime+oldsql)*1000/ii, #cuis + oldsql
             (oldcalctime + newsql + oldtime)*1000/ii,  #newsql
             (c_fromprecursortime + newsql)*1000/ii,  #ctime+newsql
             #(c_fromprecursortime + localsql)*1000/ii,

             oldsql*1000/ii, #newsql
             newsql*1000/ii, #oldsql
             #oldtime / c_newuistime
             (oldtime + oldsql) / (c_fromprecursortime + newsql)

            self.ESC = chr(27)
            sys.stdout.write(self.ESC + '[2K')
            if self._cursor:
                sys.stdout.write(self.ESC + '[u')
            self._cursor = True
            sys.stdout.write(self.ESC + '[s')