Exemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, origin, along_axis, radius, debug=False):
     self.outer_radius = radius
     self.axis = self.get_axis(along_axis)
     xdir = self.get_ortho_vector(self.axis)
     self.base = cq.Plane(cq.Vector(origin), xdir, self.axis.toTuple())
     if debug:
         utils.make_debug_cylinder(self.base, self.outer_radius)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def resulting_plane(shape0):
     p0 = resulting_pln(shape0)
     return cq.Plane(
Exemplo n.º 3
    def get_mate_center(self, angle=0):
        Mate at ring's center rotated ``angle`` degrees.

        :param angle: rotation around z-axis (unit: deg)
        :type angle: :class:`float`

        :return: mate in ring's center rotated about z-axis
        :rtype: :class:`Mate <cqparts.constraint.Mate>`
        return Mate(self, CoordSystem.from_plane(
                origin=(0, 0, self.width / 2),
                xDir=(1, 0, 0),
                normal=(0, 0, 1),
            ).rotated((0, 0, angle))  # rotate about z-axis
Exemplo n.º 4
def belt_wire_dir (center_sep, rad1, rad2,
                   fc_axis_l = VX,
                   fc_axis_s = VY,
                   ref_l = 1,
                   ref_s = 1,

    Makes a shape of a wire with 2 circles and exterior tangent lines
    check: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tangent_lines_to_circles
    It is not easy to draw it well
    rad1 and rad2 can be exchanged, rad1 doesnt have to be larger
            ....                    fc_axis_s
           :    ( \ tangent          |
      rad1 :   (    \  .. rad2       |--> fc_axis_l, on the direction of rad2
           .--(  +   +)--
               (    /:
                ( /  :
                 :   :
                   + center_sep
                  ....                fc_axis_s
                 :    ( \ tangent       |
            rad1 :   (    \  .. rad2    |
                  --(  +   +)--         |--> fc_axis_l, on the direction of rad2
                     (    /:             centered on this axis
                      ( /  :
                       :   :
             ref_l: 3  2 1
    center_sep: separation of the circle centers
    rad1: Radius of the firs circle, on the opposite direction of fc_axis_l
    fc_axis_l: vector on the direction circle centers, pointing to rad2
    fc_axis_s: vector on the direction perpendicular to fc_axis_l, on the plane
               of the wire
    ref_l: reference (zero) of the fc_axis_l
            1: reference on the center 
            2: reference at one of the semicircle centers (point 2)
               the other circle center will be on the direction of fc_axis_l
            3: reference at the end of rad1 circle
               the other end will be on the direction of fc_axis_l
    pos: FreeCAD vector of the position of the reference
    returns the shape of the wire

    # normalize the axis
    axis_l = DraftVecUtils.scaleTo(fc_axis_l,1)
    axis_s = DraftVecUtils.scaleTo(fc_axis_s,1)

    #        ....                fc_axis_s
    #            :    ( \ tangent       |
    #       rad1 :   (    \  .. rad2    |
    #             --3  2 1 45--         |--> fc_axis_l, on the direction of rad2
    #                (    /:             centered on this axis
    #                 ( /  :
    #                  :   :
    #                  :...:
    #                    + center_sep

    # ----- Distance vectors on axis_l
    # distance from 1 to 2 in axis_l
    fc_1_2_l = DraftVecUtils.scale(axis_l, -center_sep/2.)
    fc_2_3_l = DraftVecUtils.scale(axis_l, -rad1)
    fc_2_4_l = DraftVecUtils.scale(axis_l, center_sep)
    fc_4_5_l = DraftVecUtils.scale(axis_l, rad2)
    fc_2_5_l = fc_2_4_l + fc_4_5_l
    # ----- reference is point 2 on axis_l
    # vector to go from the reference point to point 2 in l
    if ref_l == 1:  # ref on circle center sep
        refto_2_l = fc_1_2_l
    elif ref_l == 2:  # ref on circle center (rad1)
        refto_2_l = V0
    elif ref_l == 3:  # ref at the left end
        refto_2_l = fc_2_3_l.negative()
        logger.error('wrong ref_l in shp_belt_wire_dir')

    # Now define the center of the rad1 circle
    # and everything will be defined from this point
    # ln: L axis Negative side
    # lp: L axis Positive side
    # sn: S axis Negative side
    # sp: S axis Positive side
    # s0: S axis at zero
    #        ....      ln_sp          fc_axis_s
    #            :    ( \ tangent     |
    #       rad1 :   (    \ lp_sp     |
    #           ln_s0  2   4lp_s0     |--> fc_axis_l, on the direction of rad2
    #                (    / lp_sn        centered on this axis
    #                 ( /
    #                  lp_sp
    # cs_rad1 is point 2 (center of circle 1)
    #cs_rad1 = pos +  refto_2_l
    # reference at point 3 (ln_s0)
    cs_rad1 = refto_2_l + fc_2_3_l.negative()
    # cs_rad2 is point 4 (center of circle 2)
    cs_rad2 = cs_rad1 + fc_2_4_l
    # ln_s0 is point 3 
    ln_s0_pos = cs_rad1 + fc_2_3_l # should be 0,0
    # lp_s0 is point 5 
    lp_s0_pos = cs_rad2 + fc_4_5_l

    dif_rad = float(abs(rad1 - rad2))
    # Since we take our reference on axis_l, they are aligned, like if they were
    # on axis X, and axis Y would be zero.
    # therefore, angle gamma is zero (se wikipedia)
    # check: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tangent_lines_to_circles
    # the angle beta of the tanget is calculate from pythagoras:
    # the length (separation between centers) and dif_rad
    beta = math.atan (dif_rad/center_sep)
    #print('beta %f', 180*beta/math.pi)
    #print('beta %f', beta*math.pi/2)
    # depending on who is larger rad1 or rad2, the negative angle will be either
    # on top or down of axis_s

    #                 (          \
    #                ( /alfa   beta\ which is 90-beta
    #               (               )
    #                (             / 
    #                 (          /
    cos_beta = math.cos(beta) 
    sin_beta = math.sin(beta) 
    tan_axis_s_rad1add = DraftVecUtils.scale(axis_s, rad1 * cos_beta)
    tan_axis_s_rad2add = DraftVecUtils.scale(axis_s, rad2 * cos_beta)
    if rad1 > rad2: # then it will be positive on axis_l on rad1 and rad2
        tan_axis_l_rad1add = DraftVecUtils.scale(axis_l, rad1 * sin_beta)
        tan_axis_l_rad2add = DraftVecUtils.scale(axis_l, rad2 * sin_beta)
        tan_axis_l_rad1add = DraftVecUtils.scale(axis_l, - rad1 * sin_beta)
        tan_axis_l_rad2add = DraftVecUtils.scale(axis_l, - rad2 * sin_beta)

    ln_sp_pos = cs_rad1 + tan_axis_l_rad1add + tan_axis_s_rad1add 
    ln_sn_pos = cs_rad1 + tan_axis_l_rad1add + tan_axis_s_rad1add.negative() 
    lp_sp_pos = cs_rad2 + tan_axis_l_rad2add + tan_axis_s_rad2add 
    lp_sn_pos = cs_rad2 + tan_axis_l_rad2add + tan_axis_s_rad2add.negative() 

    #cq_plane = cq.Plane(origin=(pos.x,pos.y,pos.z), xDir=fc_axis_l,
    #                            normal=fc_axis_l.cross(fc_axis_s))
    #cq_plane = cq.Plane(origin=(lp_sp_pos.x,lp_sp_pos.y,pos.z),
    cq_plane = cq.Plane(origin=(pos.x,pos.y,pos.z),

    lp_sp_pos_y = lp_sp_pos.dot(axis_l)
    lp_sp_pos_x = lp_sp_pos.dot(axis_s)

    lp_s0_pos_y = lp_s0_pos.dot(axis_l)
    lp_s0_pos_x = lp_s0_pos.dot(axis_s)

    lp_sn_pos_y = lp_sn_pos.dot(axis_l)
    lp_sn_pos_x = lp_sn_pos.dot(axis_s)

    ln_sp_pos_y = ln_sp_pos.dot(axis_l)
    ln_sp_pos_x = ln_sp_pos.dot(axis_s)

    ln_s0_pos_y = ln_s0_pos.dot(axis_l)
    ln_s0_pos_x = ln_s0_pos.dot(axis_s)

    ln_sn_pos_y = ln_sn_pos.dot(axis_l)
    ln_sn_pos_x = ln_sn_pos.dot(axis_s)

    result = cq.Workplane(cq_plane).move(lp_sp_pos_x,lp_sp_pos_y)\
               .threePointArc((lp_s0_pos_x, lp_s0_pos_y),
                              (lp_sn_pos_x, lp_sn_pos_y))\
               .threePointArc((ln_s0_pos_x, ln_s0_pos_y),
                              (ln_sp_pos_x, ln_sp_pos_y))\

    return (result)
Exemplo n.º 5
def _create_workplane(v_center: cq.Vector, v_xaxis: cq.Vector,
                      v_zaxis: cq.Vector) -> cq.Workplane:
    return cq.Workplane(cq.Plane(v_center, v_xaxis, v_zaxis), origin=v_center)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def plane(self):
     normal = self.normal()
     return cq.Plane(self.origin, (math.cos(math.radians(
         self.z_rot)), math.sin(math.radians(self.z_rot)), 0),
                     (normal[0], normal[1], normal[2]))