Exemplo n.º 1

#You'll need to delete the original shape that was created, and the new shape should be named sequentially (Shape001, etc).

#You can also tie these blocks of code to macros, buttons, and keybindings in FreeCAD for quicker access.
#You can get a more information on this example at http://parametricparts.com/docs/examples.html#an-extruded-prismatic-solid

import cadquery
import Part

#The dimensions of the model. These can be modified rather than changing the box's code directly.
circle_radius = 3.0
thickness = 0.25

#Make the plate with two cutouts in it
result = cadquery.Workplane("front").circle(
    circle_radius)  #Current point is the center of the circle, at (0,0)
result = result.center(1.5, 0.0).rect(0.5, 0.5)  #New work center is  (1.5,0.0)

result = result.center(-1.5, 1.5).circle(0.25)  #New work center is ( 0.0,1.5).
#The new center is specified relative to the previous center, not global coordinates!

result = result.extrude(thickness)

#Get a cadquery solid object
solid = result.val()

#Use the wrapped property of a cadquery primitive to get a FreeCAD solid

#Would like to zoom to fit the part here, but FreeCAD doesn't seem to have that scripting functionality
Exemplo n.º 2
 def make_cutter(self):
     # A solid to cut away from another; makes room to install the anchor
     return cadquery.Workplane('XY', origin=(0, 0, -self.height)) \
         .circle(self.diameter / 2) \
         .extrude(self.height + 1000)  # 1m bore depth
Exemplo n.º 3
def MakeBase(pins, highDetail=True):

    #length of the base block
    L = pins * 2.54 + 7.66
    #Width of base block
    W1 = 8.85
    #internal width
    W2 = 6.35
    #wall thickness
    T = (W1 - W2) / 2
    #length of pin array
    D = (pins - 1) * 2.54
    #height of the base
    H = 8.85 - 6.50
    base = cq.Workplane("XY").rect(W1, L).extrude(H)
    #wall height H2
    H2 = 6.50

    #extrude the edge up around the base
    wall = cq.Workplane("XY").workplane(offset=H).rect(W1, L).extrude(H2)
    wall = wall.cut(
        cq.Workplane("XY").rect(W2, (pins - 1) * 2.54 + 7.88).extrude(8.85))
    # add a chamfer to the wall inner (only for high detail version)
    # if (highDetail):
    #     wall = wall.faces(">Z").edges("not(<X or >X or <Y or >Y)").chamfer(0.5)
    base = base.union(wall)

    #cut a notch out of one side
    CW = 4.5

    # in detail version, this tab extends slightly below base top surface
    if (highDetail):
        undercut = 0.5
        undercut = 0.0

    cutout = cq.Workplane("XY").workplane(offset=H - undercut).rect(
        2 * 2.0, CW).extrude(H2 + undercut).translate((-W1 / 2, 0, 0))
    base = base.cut(cutout)

    # add visual / non-critical details
    if (highDetail):

        # long bobbles
        bobbleR = 0.5
        bobbleH = 9.10 - 8.85
        longbobble1 = cq.Workplane("XY").center(
            W1 / 2 - bobbleR + bobbleH,
            L / 2 - 2.5).circle(bobbleR).extrude(8.5)
        longbobble2 = cq.Workplane("XY").center(W1 / 2 - bobbleR + bobbleH,
        longbobble3 = cq.Workplane("XY").center(
            W1 / 2 - bobbleR + bobbleH,
            -L / 2 + 2.5).circle(bobbleR).extrude(8.5)
        base = base.union(longbobble1)
        base = base.union(longbobble2)
        base = base.union(longbobble3)

        # wee bobbles
        weebobbles = cq.Workplane("XY").center(
            2.85, L / 2 - 2.5).circle(0.5).extrude(8.85 - 9.10)
        weebobbles = weebobbles.union(
                                      0).circle(0.5).extrude(8.85 - 9.10))
        weebobbles = weebobbles.union(
            cq.Workplane("XY").center(2.85, -L / 2 +
                                      2.5).circle(0.5).extrude(8.85 - 9.10))
        weebobbles = weebobbles.union(weebobbles.translate((-5.7, 0, 0)))
        base = base.union(weebobbles)

        # sidecuts
        sidecut = cq.Workplane("XY").rect(3.5, 1.25 * 2).extrude(H2).translate(
            (0, L / 2, 0))
        sidecut = sidecut.union(sidecut.translate((0, -L, 0)))
        base = base.cut(sidecut)

    #now offset the location of the base appropriately
    base = base.translate((1.27, (pins - 1) * -1.27, 9.10 - 8.85))

    return base
Exemplo n.º 4
p_sideRadius = 10.0  # Radius for the curves around the sides of the bo
p_topAndBottomRadius = 2.0  # Radius for the curves on the top and bottom edges

p_screwpostInset = 12.0  # How far in from the edges the screwposts should be
p_screwpostID = 4.0  # Inner diameter of the screwpost holes, should be roughly screw diameter not including threads
p_screwpostOD = 10.0  # Outer diameter of the screwposts. Determines overall thickness of the posts

p_boreDiameter = 8.0  # Diameter of the counterbore hole, if any
p_boreDepth = 1.0  # Depth of the counterbore hole, if
p_countersinkDiameter = 0.0  # Outer diameter of countersink. Should roughly match the outer diameter of the screw head
p_countersinkAngle = 90.0  # Countersink angle (complete angle between opposite sides, not from center to one side)
p_flipLid = True  # Whether to place the lid with the top facing down or not.
p_lipHeight = 1.0  # Height of lip on the underside of the lid. Sits inside the box body for a snug fit.

# Outer shell
oshell = cadquery.Workplane("XY").rect(p_outerWidth, p_outerLength) \
                                 .extrude(p_outerHeight + p_lipHeight)

# Weird geometry happens if we make the fillets in the wrong order
if p_sideRadius > p_topAndBottomRadius:

# Inner shell
ishell = oshell.faces("<Z").workplane(p_thickness, True)\
    .rect((p_outerWidth - 2.0 * p_thickness), (p_outerLength - 2.0 * p_thickness))\
    .extrude((p_outerHeight - 2.0 * p_thickness), False) # Set combine false to produce just the new boss
ishell.edges("|Z").fillet(p_sideRadius - p_thickness)
import cadquery as cq

# 1.  Establishes a workplane that an object can be built on.
# 1a. Uses the named plane orientation "front" to define the workplane, meaning
#     that the positive Z direction is "up", and the negative Z direction
#     is "down".
# 2.  Creates a 3D box that will have a hole placed in it later.
result = cq.Workplane("front").box(3, 2, 0.5)

# 3.  Select the lower left vertex and make a workplane.
# 3a. The top-most Z face is selected using the >Z selector.
# 3b. The lower-left vertex of the faces is selected with the <XY selector.
# 3c. A new workplane is created on the vertex to build future geometry on.
result = result.faces(">Z").vertices("<XY").workplane()

# 4.  A circle is drawn with the selected vertex as its center.
# 4a. The circle is cut down through the box to cut the corner out.
result = result.circle(1.0).cutThruAll()
Exemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):

        d = {
            "locationFiducialSize": 0.25,
            "switchSizeX": 19.05,
            "switchSizeY": 19.05,
            "switchCutX": 14,
            "switchCutY": 14,
            "switchCutFillet": 0.5,
            "outlineOffset": 5,
            "handAngleDegrees": 10,
            "rowCounts": [],
            "columnDeltas": [],
            "extraKeys": [],
            "outlineLocations": [],
            "spacerOffset": 1,
            "extraDrills": [],
            "edgeLEDCounts": [],
            "drillRadius": 1.6,
            "drillPadRadius": 3.5,
            "spacerRadius": 2.25, # size of holes that brass spacers need to pass through
            "lcdX": 7.6, # in keyswitch units
            "lcdY": 2.7, # in keyswitch units
            "lcdWidth": 40.1,
            "lcdHeight": 67.2,
            "lcdDrillWidth": 34.1,
            "lcdDrillHeight": 61.2,
            "lcdDrillRadius": 1.6,
            "lcdDrillPadRadius": 3.5,
            "lcdPinCutoutWidth": 26.2,
            "lcdPinCutoutHeight": 2.9,
            "lcdPinCutoutY": 32.14701,
            "lcdPinCutoutFillet": 1,
            "encoderX": 7.65, # in keyswitch units
            "encoderY": 4, # in keyswitch units
            "encoderCutX": 13,
            "encoderCutY": 13,
            "encoderCutFillet": 0.5,
            "encoderKnobDiameter": 26.2,
            "dpadX": 5.375, # in keyswitch units
            "dpadY": 5.5, # in keyswitch units
            "dpadCutDiameter": 6,
            "dpadHousingWidth": 14,
            "dpadHousingHeight": 14,
            "resetX": 8.625, # in keyswitch units
            "resetY": 3.375, # in keyswitch units
            "resetCutDiameter": 3, # hole for reset button
            "resetHousingWidth": 7,
            "resetHousingHeight": 7,
            "ledSizeX": 8,
            "ledSizeY": 4,
            "ledCutFillet": 1.5,
            "ledOffset": 1.5,
            "usbX": 6.3, # in keyswitch units
            "usbY": -1.037234, # in keyswitch units
            "usbWidth": 9.5,
            "usbHeight": 8,
            "splitX": 7.375, # in keyswitch units
            "splitY": -0.7265, # in keyswitch units
            "splitWidth": 9.5,
            "splitHeight": 8,


        self.__switchOrder = d["switchOrder"]
        self.__ledFlip = d["ledFlip"]

        self.__switchSizeX = float(d["switchSizeX"])
        self.__switchSizeY = float(d["switchSizeY"])
        self.__switchCutX = float(d["switchCutX"])
        self.__switchCutY = float(d["switchCutY"])
        self.__switchCutFillet = float(d["switchCutFillet"])

        self.__outlineOffset = float(d["outlineOffset"])
        self.__spacerOffset = float(d["spacerOffset"])
        self.__handAngle = math.radians(float(d["handAngleDegrees"]))

        self.__locationFiducialSize = float(d["locationFiducialSize"])

        self.__rowCounts = d["rowCounts"]
        self.__columnDeltas = d["columnDeltas"]
        self.__extraKeys = d["extraKeys"]
        self.__outlineLocations = d["outlineLocations"]
        self.__spacerLocations = d["spacerLocations"]
        self.__extraDrills = d["extraDrills"]
        self.__edgeLEDCounts = d["edgeLEDCounts"]
        self.__extraLeds = d["extraLeds"]

        self.__drillRadius = float(d["drillRadius"])
        self.__drillPadRadius = float(d["drillPadRadius"])
        self.__spacerRadius = float(d["spacerRadius"])

        self.__lcdX = float(d["lcdX"])
        self.__lcdY = float(d["lcdY"])
        self.__lcdWidth = float(d["lcdWidth"])
        self.__lcdHeight = float(d["lcdHeight"])
        self.__lcdDrillWidth = float(d["lcdDrillWidth"])
        self.__lcdDrillHeight = float(d["lcdDrillHeight"])
        self.__lcdDrillRadius = float(d["lcdDrillRadius"])
        self.__lcdDrillPadRadius = float(d["lcdDrillPadRadius"])
        self.__lcdPinCutoutWidth = float(d["lcdPinCutoutWidth"])
        self.__lcdPinCutoutHeight = float(d["lcdPinCutoutHeight"])
        self.__lcdPinCutoutY = float(d["lcdPinCutoutY"])
        self.__lcdPinCutoutFillet = float(d["lcdPinCutoutFillet"])

        self.__encoderX = float(d["encoderX"])
        self.__encoderY = float(d["encoderY"])
        self.__encoderCutX = float(d["encoderCutX"])
        self.__encoderCutY = float(d["encoderCutY"])
        self.__encoderCutFillet = float(d["encoderCutFillet"])
        self.__encoderKnobDiameter = float(d["encoderKnobDiameter"])

        self.__dpadX = float(d["dpadX"])
        self.__dpadY = float(d["dpadY"])
        self.__dpadCutDiameter = float(d["dpadCutDiameter"])
        self.__dpadHousingWidth = float(d["dpadHousingWidth"])
        self.__dpadHousingHeight = float(d["dpadHousingHeight"])

        self.__resetX = float(d["resetX"])
        self.__resetY = float(d["resetY"])
        self.__resetCutDiameter = float(d["resetCutDiameter"])
        self.__resetHousingWidth = float(d["resetHousingWidth"])
        self.__resetHousingHeight = float(d["resetHousingHeight"])

        self.__ledSizeX = float(d["ledSizeX"])
        self.__ledSizeY = float(d["ledSizeY"])
        self.__ledCutFillet = float(d["ledCutFillet"])
        self.__ledOffset = float(d["ledOffset"])

        self.__usbX = float(d["usbX"])
        self.__usbY = float(d["usbY"])
        self.__usbWidth = float(d["usbWidth"])
        self.__usbHeight = float(d["usbHeight"])

        self.__splitX = float(d["splitX"])
        self.__splitY = float(d["splitY"])
        self.__splitWidth = float(d["splitWidth"])
        self.__splitHeight = float(d["splitHeight"])

        self.__workplane = cq.Workplane("XY")

Exemplo n.º 7
import cadquery as cq

result = cq.Workplane().rect(3, 4, centered=False).extrude(1)
import cadquery as cq
from cadquery_massembly import MAssembly, relocate
from jupyter_cadquery.viewer.client import show
from jupyter_cadquery import set_defaults

set_defaults(axes=True, axes0=True, mate_scale=5)

box0 = cq.Workplane("XY").box(10, 20, 10)
box1 = cq.Workplane("XZ").box(10, 20, 10)
box2 = cq.Workplane("YX").box(10, 20, 10)
box3 = cq.Workplane("YZ").box(10, 20, 10)

for box, name, dirs in (
    (box0, "box0", ("Y", "X")),
    (box1, "box1", ("Z", "X")),
    (box2, "box2", ("X", "Y")),
    (box3, "box3", ("Z", "Y")),
    for i, direction in enumerate(dirs):

cyl1 = cq.Workplane("XY").circle(2).extrude(10)
cyl2 = cq.Workplane("XZ").circle(2).extrude(10)
cyl3 = cq.Workplane("YZ").circle(2).extrude(10)

for cyl, name, ax in (
    (cyl1, "cyl1", "Z"),
    (cyl2, "cyl2", "Y"),
    (cyl3, "cyl3", "X"),
Exemplo n.º 9
    #result = cadquery.Workplane("XY").rect(rectangle_width, rectangle_length).revolve(angle_degrees,(-5,-5))
    #result = cadquery.Workplane("XY").rect(rectangle_width, rectangle_length).revolve(angle_degrees,(-5, -5),(-5, 5))
    #result = cadquery.Workplane("XY").rect(rectangle_width, rectangle_length).revolve(angle_degrees,(-5,-5),(-5,5), False)

    ## color_attr=(255,255,255,0)
    ## show(pinmark, color_attr)
    ##sphere = cq.Workplane("XY", (-D1_t2/2+fp_d+fp_r, -E1_t2/2+fp_d+fp_r, sphere_z)). \
    ##         sphere(sphere_r)
    # color_attr=(255,255,255,0)
    # show(sphere, color_attr)
    #case = case.cut(sphere)
    if (color_pin_mark == False) and (place_pinMark == True):
        case = case.cut(pinmark)

    # Create a pin object at the center of top side.
    bpin = cq.Workplane("XY").box(L, b, c).translate(
        ((E - L) / 2, 0, c / 2)).rotate((0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1), 90)

    pins = []
    pincounter = 1
    first_pos_x = (npx - 1) * e / 2
    for i in range(npx):
        if pincounter not in excluded_pins:
            pin = bpin.translate((first_pos_x-i*e, 0, 0)).\
                rotate((0,0,0), (0,0,1), 180)
        pincounter += 1

    first_pos_y = (npy - 1) * e / 2
    for i in range(npy):
        if pincounter not in excluded_pins:
            pin = bpin.translate((first_pos_y-i*e, (D1-E1)/2, 0)).\
Exemplo n.º 10
import cadquery as cq
from cqextension.monkey_patch import seamSelector
from slicer.slice import setSlicerSettings

p = cq.Workplane().box(40, 60, 4).edges("|Z and >X and <Y").chamfer(20)
p = p.faces(">Z").workplane().pushPoints([(-10, 20), (-10, 0), (-10, -20),
                                          (10, 20)]).hole(5)
p = p.pushPoints([(7, -10)]).hole(3)
Exemplo n.º 11
from fattenTe import fattenTe
#from pprint import pprint
import cadquery as cq  # type: ignore

from typing import Tuple, List

chord: float = 50
span: float = 20

# Normalize mh49 to 1. Assumes first point is
# the length of the chord and will scale all
# of the points to 1/mh49[0][0]
scaleFactor: float = 1 / mh49[0][0]
nMh49 = scaleListOfTuple(mh49, scaleFactor)

# Scale the normalized mh49 to the size of the chord
# and turn it into a list
sMh49: List[Tuple[float, float]] = scaleListOfTuple(nMh49, chord)
#print(f'SKINNY   sMh49={sMh49}')
fMh49: List[Tuple[float, float]] = fattenTe(sMh49, 0.5, 10)
#print(f'FATTENed fMh49={fMh49}')

result = cq.Workplane("XY").spline(fMh49).close().extrude(span)
import io
tolerance = 0.001
f = io.open(f'wing1-spline-50x20-direct-{tolerance}.stl', 'w+')
cq.exporters.exportShape(result, cq.exporters.ExportTypes.STL, f, tolerance)
Exemplo n.º 12
import cadquery as cq

# base slab width varies from 1560mm to 685mm length 1220mm
# base thickness 100mm
# back wall height 1000mm with opening 400mm dia.
# wingwalls height varies from 1000mm to 320mm
# walls thickness 100mm
# shear key depth 600mm

# base slab (with walls thickness)
base_pts = [(0.0, 0.0), (1560.0, 0.0), (1654.13, 33.76), (1192.87, 1320.0),
            (367.13, 1320.0), (-94.13, 33.76), (0.0, 0.0)]

headwall = cq.Workplane("XY") \
                .polyline(base_pts).close() \

# back wall
backw_pts = [(331.26, 1220.0), (1228.73, 1220.0), (1192.87, 1320.0),
             (367.13, 1320.0), (331.26, 1220.0)]

headwall = headwall \
                .polyline(backw_pts).close() \

# opening
open_dia = 400.0
open_centre = (780.0, 1220.0, open_dia / 2 + 100.0)

headwall = headwall \
                .copyWorkplane(cq.Workplane("XZ", origin=open_centre)) \
def make_radial_smd(params):

    L = params.L    # overall height
    D = params.D    # diameter
    A = params.A    # base width (x&y)
    H = params.H    # max width (x) with pins
    P = params.P    # distance between pins
    W = params.W    # pin width
    PM = params.PM  # hide pin marker

    if not color_pin_mark:
    c = 0.15  # pin thickness

    bh = L/6 # belt start height
    br = min(D, L)/20. # belt radius
    bf = br/10 # belt fillet

    D2 = A+0.1  # cut diameter

    h1 = 1.  # bottom plastic height, cathode side
    h2 = 0.5 # bottom plastic base height, mid side
    h3 = 0.7 # bottom plastic height, anode side

    cf = 0.4  # cathode side corner fillet
    ac = min(1, A/4) # anode side chamfer

    ef = D/15 # fillet of the top and bottom edges of the metallic body

    rot = params.rotation

    cimw = D/2.*0.7 # cathode identification mark width

    # draw aluminium the body
    body = cq.Workplane("XZ", (0,0,c+h2)).\
           lineTo(D/2., 0).\
           line(0, bh).\
           threePointArc((D/2.-br, bh+br), (D/2., bh+2*br)).\
           lineTo(D/2., L-c-h2).\
           line(-D/2, 0).\

    # fillet the belt edges
    BS = cq.selectors.BoxSelector
    body = body.edges(BS((-0.1,-0.1,c+h2+0.1), (0.1,0.1,L-0.1))).\

    # fillet the top and bottom
    body = body.faces(">Z").fillet(ef).\

    # draw the plastic base
    base = cq.Workplane("XY", (0,0,c)).\
           line(A-ac, 0).\
           line(ac, ac).\
           line(0, A-2*ac).\
           line(-ac, ac).\
           line(-A+ac, 0).\

    # fillet cathode side
    base = base.edges(BS((-A,-A,0), (-A/2.+0.01,-A/2.+0.01,c+h1+0.01))).\
           edges(BS((-A,A,0), (-A/2.+0.01,A/2.-0.01,c+h1+0.01))).\

    # cut base center
    base = base.cut(
        cq.Workplane("XY", (0,0,c+h2)).\

    # cut anode side of the base
    base = base.cut(
        cq.Workplane("XY", (0,-A/2.,c+h3)).\
        box(A/2., A, h1-h3, centered=(False, False, False)))

    # draw pins
    pins = cq.Workplane("XY").\
           moveTo(H/2., -W/2.).\
           line(0, W).\
           lineTo(P/2.+W/2., W/2.).\
           threePointArc((P/2.,0), (P/2.+W/2., -W/2)).\

    pins = pins.union(pins.rotate((0,0,0), (0,0,1), 180))

    cim = cq.Workplane("XY", (0,0, 0.0)).circle(0.01).extrude(0.01)
    # draw the cathode identification mark
    if PM:
        cim = cq.Workplane("XY", (-D/2.,0,L-ef)).\
              box(cimw, D, ef, centered=(False, True, False))

        # do intersection
        cim = cim.cut(cim.translate((0,0,0)).cut(body))



    return (body, base, cim, pins)
Exemplo n.º 14
# Example cadquery script
# Usage: test.py output.stl

import cadquery as cq
from cadquery import exporters
import sys

result = cq.Workplane("XY").box(3, 3, 0.5).edges("|Z").fillet(0.125)

with open(sys.argv[1], 'w') as f:
    exporters.exportShape(result, exporters.ExportTypes.STL, f)
Exemplo n.º 15
import cadquery as cq

result = cq.Workplane("XZ").box(10, 10, 10)
result = result.cut(cq.Workplane("XZ").box(5, 5, 5))
selector = result.faces().vertices()
rim = cq.Workplane("XZ")
for Vert in range(selector.size()):
    rim = rim.union(selector.item(Vert).circle(0.5).extrude(0.5))

result = result.union(rim)
# The following method is now outdated, but can still be used to display the
# results of the script if you want
# from Helpers import show
# Render the result of this script

#result.exportSvg( "./88/Runner.svg");
#with open("./88/Runner.stl", 'w') as f:
#f.write(cq.exporters.toString(result, 'STL', 10))

Exemplo n.º 16
def make_gw(params):

    c = params.c
    the = params.the
    ef = params.ef
    fp_s = params.fp_s
    fp_r = params.fp_r
    fp_d = params.fp_d
    fp_z = params.fp_z
    D1 = params.D1
    E1 = params.E1
    E = params.E

    A1 = params.A1
    A2 = params.A2
    b = params.b
    e = params.e
    npx = params.npx
    npy = params.npy
    mN = params.modelName
    rot = params.rotation
    dest_dir_pref = params.dest_dir_prefix
    if params.excluded_pins:
        excluded_pins = params.excluded_pins
        excluded_pins = ()  ##no pin excluded

    A = A1 + A2
    A2_t = A - c  # body top part height
    A2_b = c - A1  # body bottom part height
    D1_t = D1 - 2 * tan(radians(the)) * A2_t  # top part upper width
    E1_t = E1 - 2 * tan(radians(the)) * A2_t  # top part upper length
    D1_b = D1 - 2 * tan(radians(the)) * A2_b  # bottom width
    E1_b = E1 - 2 * tan(radians(the)) * A2_b  # bottom length

    if params.L:
        L = params.L
        L = (E - E1_b) / 2

    epad_rotation = 0.0
    epad_offset_x = 0.0
    epad_offset_y = 0.0
    if params.epad:
        #if isinstance(params.epad, float):
        if not isinstance(params.epad, tuple):
            sq_epad = False
            epad_r = params.epad
            sq_epad = True
            D2 = params.epad[0]
            E2 = params.epad[1]
            if len(params.epad) > 2:
                epad_rotation = params.epad[2]
            if len(params.epad) > 3:
                if isinstance(params.epad[3], str):
                    if params.epad[3] == '-topin':
                        epad_offset_x = ((D1 + E - E1) / 2 - L - D2 / 2) * -1
                    elif params.epad[3] == '+topin':
                        epad_offset_x = ((D1 + E - E1) / 2 - L - D2 / 2)
                    epad_offset_x = params.epad[3]
            if len(params.epad) > 4:
                if isinstance(params.epad[4], str):
                    if params.epad[4] == '-topin':
                        epad_offset_y = (E / 2 - L - E2 / 2) * -1
                    elif params.epad[4] == '+topin':
                        epad_offset_y = (E / 2 - L - E2 / 2)
                    epad_offset_y = params.epad[4]

    # calculated dimensions for body
    # checking pin lenght compared to overall width
    # d=(E-E1 -2*(S+L)-2*(R1))
    FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage('E=' + str(E) + ';E1=' + str(E1) + '\r\n')

    totpinwidthx = (npx - 1) * e + b  # total width of all pins on the X side
    totpinwidthy = (npy - 1) * e + b  # total width of all pins on the Y side

    case = cq.Workplane(cq.Plane.XY()).workplane(offset=A1).rect(D1_b, E1_b). \
        workplane(offset=A2_b).rect(D1, E1).workplane(offset=A2_t).rect(D1_t,E1_t). \

    #bottomrect = cq.Workplane("XY").rect(E1_t1,D1_t1).translate((0,0,A1))
    #middlerect =cq.Workplane("XY").rect(E1,D1).translate((0,0,A1+c))
    #fp_s = True
    if fp_r == 0:
        global place_pinMark
        place_pinMark = False
        fp_r = 0.1
    if fp_s == False:
        pinmark = cq.Workplane(cq.Plane.XY()).workplane(offset=A).box(
            fp_r, E1_t - fp_d,
            fp_z * 2)  #.translate((E1/2,0,A1)).rotate((0,0,0), (0,0,1), 90)
        #translate the object
        pinmark = pinmark.translate((-D1_t / 2 + fp_r / 2. + fp_d / 2, 0,
                                     0))  #.rotate((0,0,0), (0,1,0), 0)
        # first pin indicator is created with a spherical pocket

        sphere_r = (fp_r * fp_r / 2 + fp_z * fp_z) / (2 * fp_z)
        sphere_z = A + sphere_r * 2 - fp_z - sphere_r
        # Revolve a cylinder from a rectangle
        # Switch comments around in this section to try the revolve operation with different parameters
        ##cylinder =
        #pinmark=cq.Workplane("XZ", (-D1_t2/2+fp_d+fp_r, -E1_t2/2+fp_d+fp_r, A)).rect(sphere_r/2, -fp_z, False).revolve()
        pinmark = cq.Workplane(
            "XZ", (-D1_t / 2 + fp_d + fp_r, -E1_t / 2 + fp_d + fp_r, A)).rect(
                fp_r / 2, -fp_z, False).revolve()

    #result = cadquery.Workplane("XY").rect(rectangle_width, rectangle_length, False).revolve(angle_degrees)
    #result = cadquery.Workplane("XY").rect(rectangle_width, rectangle_length).revolve(angle_degrees,(-5,-5))
    #result = cadquery.Workplane("XY").rect(rectangle_width, rectangle_length).revolve(angle_degrees,(-5, -5),(-5, 5))
    #result = cadquery.Workplane("XY").rect(rectangle_width, rectangle_length).revolve(angle_degrees,(-5,-5),(-5,5), False)

    ## color_attr=(255,255,255,0)
    ## show(pinmark, color_attr)
    ##sphere = cq.Workplane("XY", (-D1_t2/2+fp_d+fp_r, -E1_t2/2+fp_d+fp_r, sphere_z)). \
    ##         sphere(sphere_r)
    # color_attr=(255,255,255,0)
    # show(sphere, color_attr)
    #case = case.cut(sphere)
    if (color_pin_mark == False) and (place_pinMark == True):
        case = case.cut(pinmark)
Exemplo n.º 17
import cadquery as cq

# 1.  Establishes a workplane that an object can be built on.
# 1a. Uses the named plane orientation "front" to define the workplane, meaning
#     that the positive Z direction is "up", and the negative Z direction
#     is "down".
# 2.  Creates a plain box to base future geometry on with the box() function.
# 3.  Selects the top-most Z face of the box.
# 4.  Creates a new workplane and then moves and rotates it with the
#     transformed function.
# 5.  Creates a for-construction rectangle that only exists to use for placing
#     other geometry.
# 6.  Selects the vertices of the for-construction rectangle.
# 7.  Places holes at the center of each selected vertex.
# 7a. Since the workplane is rotated, this results in angled holes in the face.
result = (
    .box(4.0, 4.0, 0.25)
    .transformed(offset=(0, -1.5, 1.0), rotate=(60, 0, 0))
    .rect(1.5, 1.5, forConstruction=True)

# Displays the result of this script
Exemplo n.º 18
#import sys
#import Ex009_Polylines

#If you need to reload the part after making a change, you can use the following lines within the FreeCAD console.

#You'll need to delete the original shape that was created, and the new shape should be named sequentially
# (Shape001, etc).

#You can also tie these blocks of code to macros, buttons, and keybindings in FreeCAD for quicker access.
#You can get a more information on this example at
# http://parametricparts.com/docs/examples.html#an-extruded-prismatic-solid

import cadquery
import Part

#Set up our Length, Height, Width, and thickness that will be used to define the locations that the polyline
#is drawn to/thru
(L, H, W, t) = (100.0, 20.0, 20.0, 1.0)

#Define the locations that the polyline will be drawn to/thru
pts = [(0, H / 2.0), (W / 2.0, H / 2.0), (W / 2.0, (H / 2.0 - t)),
       (t / 2.0, (H / 2.0 - t)), (t / 2.0, (t - H / 2.0)),
       (W / 2.0, (t - H / 2.0)), (W / 2.0, H / -2.0), (0, H / -2.0)]

#We generate half of the I-beam outline and then mirror it to create the full I-beam
result = cadquery.Workplane("front").polyline(pts).mirrorY().extrude(L)

#Boiler plate code to render our solid in FreeCAD's GUI
Exemplo n.º 19
    def create_solid(self):
        """Creates a rotated 3d solid using points with straight and spline edges.

              A CadQuery solid: A 3D solid volume

        # obtains the first two values of the points list
        XZ_points = [(p[0], p[1]) for p in self.points]

        # obtains the last values of the points list
        connections = [p[2] for p in self.points[:-1]]

        current_linetype = connections[0]
        current_points_list = []
        instructions = []
        # groups together common connection types
        for i, c in enumerate(connections):
            if c == current_linetype:
                instructions.append({current_linetype: current_points_list})
                current_linetype = c
                current_points_list = [XZ_points[i]]
        instructions.append({current_linetype: current_points_list})

        if list(instructions[-1].values())[0][-1] != XZ_points[0]:
            keyname = list(instructions[-1].keys())[0]

        solid = cq.Workplane(self.workplane)

        for entry in instructions:
            if list(entry.keys())[0] == "spline":
                solid = solid.spline(listOfXYTuple=list(entry.values())[0])
            if list(entry.keys())[0] == "straight":
                solid = solid.polyline(list(entry.values())[0])
            if list(entry.keys())[0] == "circle":
                p0 = list(entry.values())[0][0]
                p1 = list(entry.values())[0][1]
                p2 = list(entry.values())[0][2]
                solid = solid.moveTo(p0[0], p0[1]).threePointArc(p1, p2)

        solid = solid.close().revolve(self.rotation_angle)

        # Checks if the azimuth_placement_angle is a list of angles
        if isinstance(self.azimuth_placement_angle, Iterable):
            rotated_solids = []
            # Perform seperate rotations for each angle
            for angle in self.azimuth_placement_angle:
                    solid.rotate((0, 0, -1), (0, 0, 1), angle))
            solid = cq.Workplane(self.workplane)

            # Joins the seperate solids together
            for i in rotated_solids:
                solid = solid.union(i)
            # Peform rotations for a single azimuth_placement_angle angle
            solid = solid.rotate((0, 0, -1), (0, 0, 1),


        return solid
Exemplo n.º 20
import cadquery as cq

result = cq.Workplane("XY").box(90, 90, 90)
pcd = 68;
bc = (cq.Workplane("XY")
      .polygon(6, pcd, forConstruction=True)
      .rotate((0,0,0), (0,0,1), 15)

def side(f):
    diameter = 6
    depth = 10
    boreDir = -f.normalAt()
    center = f.Center()
    # first make the hole
    hole = cq.Solid.makeCylinder(diameter / 2.0, depth, center,
                                 boreDir)  # local coordianates!
    return hole

result = (result.faces("#Z").each(side, True))

Exemplo n.º 21
    def create_solid(self):
        solid = None
        if self.points is not None:
            # obtains the first two values of the points list
            XZ_points = [(p[0], p[1]) for p in self.points]

            # obtains the last values of the points list
            connections = [p[2] for p in self.points[:-1]]

            current_linetype = connections[0]
            current_points_list = []
            instructions = []
            # groups together common connection types
            for i, connection in enumerate(connections):
                if connection == current_linetype:
                        {current_linetype: current_points_list})
                    current_linetype = connection
                    current_points_list = [XZ_points[i]]
            instructions.append({current_linetype: current_points_list})

            if list(instructions[-1].values())[0][-1] != XZ_points[0]:
                keyname = list(instructions[-1].keys())[0]

            if hasattr(self, "path_points"):

                factor = 1
                if self.workplane in ["XZ", "YX", "ZY"]:
                    factor *= -1

                solid = cq.Workplane(self.workplane).center(0, 0)

                if self.force_cross_section:
                    for point in self.path_points[:-1]:
                        solid = solid.workplane(offset=point[1] * factor).\
                            center(point[0], 0).workplane()
                        for entry in instructions:
                            if list(entry.keys())[0] == "spline":
                                solid = solid.spline(
                            if list(entry.keys())[0] == "straight":
                                solid = solid.polyline(list(entry.values())[0])
                            if list(entry.keys())[0] == "circle":
                                p0, p1, p2 = list(entry.values())[0][:3]
                                solid = solid.moveTo(p0[0], p0[1]).\
                                    threePointArc(p1, p2)
                        solid = solid.close()
                        solid = solid.center(-point[0], 0).\
                            workplane(offset=-point[1] * factor)

                elif self.force_cross_section == False:
                    solid = solid.workplane(offset=self.path_points[0][1] *
                    for entry in instructions:
                        if list(entry.keys())[0] == "spline":
                            solid = solid.spline(
                        if list(entry.keys())[0] == "straight":
                            solid = solid.polyline(list(entry.values())[0])
                        if list(entry.keys())[0] == "circle":
                            p0 = list(entry.values())[0][0]
                            p1 = list(entry.values())[0][1]
                            p2 = list(entry.values())[0][2]
                            solid = solid.moveTo(p0[0],
                                                 p0[1]).threePointArc(p1, p2)

                    solid = solid.close().center(0, 0).\
                        center(-self.path_points[0][0], 0).\
                        workplane(offset=-self.path_points[0][1] * factor)

                solid = solid.workplane(offset=self.path_points[-1][1] * factor).\
                    center(self.path_points[-1][0], 0).workplane()

                # for rotate and extrude shapes
                solid = cq.Workplane(self.workplane)
                # for extrude shapes
                if hasattr(self, "extrusion_start_offset"):
                    extrusion_offset = -self.extrusion_start_offset
                    solid = solid.workplane(offset=extrusion_offset)

            for entry in instructions:
                if list(entry.keys())[0] == "spline":
                    solid = solid.spline(listOfXYTuple=list(entry.values())[0])
                if list(entry.keys())[0] == "straight":
                    solid = solid.polyline(list(entry.values())[0])
                if list(entry.keys())[0] == "circle":
                    p0 = list(entry.values())[0][0]
                    p1 = list(entry.values())[0][1]
                    p2 = list(entry.values())[0][2]
                    solid = solid.moveTo(p0[0], p0[1]).threePointArc(p1, p2)

        return solid
Exemplo n.º 22
#You run this example by typing the following in the FreeCAD python console, making sure to change
#the path to this example, and the name of the example appropriately.
#import sys
#import Ex021_Splitting_an_Object

#If you need to reload the part after making a change, you can use the following lines within the FreeCAD console.

#You'll need to delete the original shape that was created, and the new shape should be named sequentially (Shape001, etc).

#You can also tie these blocks of code to macros, buttons, and keybindings in FreeCAD for quicker access.
#You can get a more information on this example at http://parametricparts.com/docs/examples.html#an-extruded-prismatic-solid

import cadquery
import Part

#Create a simple block with a hole through it that we can split
c = cadquery.Workplane("XY").box(1, 1, 1).faces(">Z").workplane().circle(0.25).cutThruAll()

#Cut the block in half sideways
result = c.faces(">Y").workplane(-0.5).split(keepTop=True)

#Get a cadquery solid object
solid = result.val()

#Use the wrapped property of a cadquery primitive to get a FreeCAD solid

#Would like to zoom to fit the part here, but FreeCAD doesn't seem to have that scripting functionality
Exemplo n.º 23
import cadquery as cq

# Points we will use to create spline and polyline paths to sweep over
pts = [(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 4)]

# Spline path generated from our list of points (tuples)
path = cq.Workplane("XZ").spline(pts)

# Sweep a circle with a diameter of 1.0 units along the spline path we just created
defaultSweep = cq.Workplane("XY").circle(1.0).sweep(path)

# Sweep defaults to making a solid and not generating a Frenet solid. Setting Frenet to True helps prevent creep in
# the orientation of the profile as it is being swept
frenetShell = cq.Workplane("XY").circle(1.0).sweep(path, makeSolid=True, isFrenet=True)

# We can sweep shapes other than circles
defaultRect = cq.Workplane("XY").rect(1.0, 1.0).sweep(path)

# Switch to a polyline path, but have it use the same points as the spline
path = cq.Workplane("XZ").polyline(pts)

# Using a polyline path leads to the resulting solid having segments rather than a single swept outer face
plineSweep = cq.Workplane("XY").circle(1.0).sweep(path)

# Switch to an arc for the path
path = cq.Workplane("XZ").threePointArc((1.0, 1.5), (0.0, 1.0))

# Use a smaller circle section so that the resulting solid looks a little nicer
arcSweep = cq.Workplane("XY").circle(0.5).sweep(path)

# Translate the resulting solids so that they do not overlap and display them left to right
    A = A1 + A2

    case = cq.Workplane("XY").box(D - A1, E - A1,
                                  A2)  #margin to see fused pins
    if ef != 0:
    #translate the object
    case = case.translate((0, 0, A / 2 + A1)).rotate((0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1), 0)

    # first pin indicator is created with a spherical pocket
    sphere_r = (fp_r * fp_r / 2 + fp_z * fp_z) / (2 * fp_z)
    sphere_z = A + sphere_r * 2 - fp_z - sphere_r

    pinmark = cq.Workplane(
        "XZ", (-D / 2 + fp_d + fp_r, -E / 2 + fp_d + fp_r, A + fp_z)).rect(
            fp_r / 2, -fp_z, False).revolve()

    if (color_pin_mark == False) and (place_pinMark == True):
        case = case.cut(pinmark)

    bpin1 = cq.Workplane("XY"). \
        moveTo(b, 0). \
        lineTo(b, L-b/2). \
        threePointArc((b/2,L),(0, L-b/2)). \
        lineTo(0, 0). \
    bpin = bpin1.rotate((b / 2, E / 2, A1 / 2), (0, 0, 1), 180)
Exemplo n.º 25
 def make_simple(self):
     # Just return the core cylinder
     return cadquery.Workplane('XY') \
         .circle(self.diameter / 2) \
Exemplo n.º 26
 def make(self):
     ob = cq.Workplane("XY").circle(self.diam / 2).extrude(self.length)
     return ob
Exemplo n.º 27
 def make(self):
     return cadquery.Workplane('XY') \
         .box(self.length, self.width, self.thickness)
def generate_straight_body(params):
    num_pins = params.num_pins
    body_width = params.body_width
    body_height = params.body_height
    body_length = params.body_length
    body_plug_depth = 4.2

    body_side_cutout_depth = 2
    body_side_cutout_width = 0.8
    body_side_cutout_from_front = 1.5

    body_off_center_y = (body_front_width-body_back_width)/2

    body = cq.Workplane("XY").workplane()\
        .move(body_corner_x, body_corner_y)\
        .rect(body_length, body_width, centered=False)\
    body = body.faces(">Z").workplane().move(0,body_off_center_y)\
        .rect(body_length-2*body_side_width, body_width-body_front_width-body_back_width)\

    pcs1 = (body_width/2-body_side_cutout_from_front, body_height/2)
    pcs2 = v_add(pcs1, (0, -body_side_cutout_depth+body_side_cutout_width/2))
    pcs3 = v_add(pcs2, (-body_side_cutout_width, -0))
    #pcsam = get_third_arc_point(pcs2, pcs3)
    pcsam = v_add(pcs2, (-body_side_cutout_width/2, -body_side_cutout_width/2))

    body = body.faces("<X").workplane()\
        .moveTo(pcs1[0], pcs1[1])\
        .lineTo(pcs2[0], pcs2[1])\
        .threePointArc(pcsam, pcs3)\
        .line(0, body_side_cutout_depth-body_side_cutout_width/2).close()\

    cutout1 = body.faces("<Y").workplane()\
    body = body.cut(cutout1)

    cutout2 = cq.Workplane("XZ").workplane(offset=-body_corner_y)\
    body = body.cut(cutout2)

    cutout3 = cq.Workplane("XZ").workplane(offset=-body_corner_y)\
    body = body.cut(cutout3)

    bottom_cutout_width = 1.5
    bottom_cutout_depth = 0.2
    bottom_cutout_platou_len = 1
    bottom_cutout_platou_depth = 0.1
    bottom_cutout = cq.Workplane("YZ").workplane(offset=-bottom_cutout_width/2)\
        .moveTo(body_corner_y, 0).vLine(bottom_cutout_depth)\
        .lineTo((body_width+body_corner_y), bottom_cutout_depth)\

    for i in range(0,num_pins):
        body = body.cut(bottom_cutout.translate((i*pin_pitch,0,0)))

    body_back_prodrucion_from_top = 2.3
    body_back_prodrucion_width = 0.4
    body_back_prodrucion_depth = 0.3

    body_back_prodrucion = cq.Workplane("XY")\
                body_corner_y + body_width -
                body_back_width - body_back_prodrucion_depth/2.0)\
        .rect(body_back_prodrucion_width, body_back_prodrucion_depth)\
        .extrude(body_plug_depth - body_back_prodrucion_from_top)
    for i in range(num_pins-1):
        body = body.union(body_back_prodrucion.translate((i*pin_pitch,0,0)))

    body_pin1_prodrucion_depth = 0.05
    body_pin1_prodrucion_width = 0.5
    body_pin1_prodrucion = cq.Workplane("XY")\
        .workplane(offset = body_height-body_front_cutout_from_top)\
        .moveTo(body_corner_x + body_length -
                body_front_cutout_width - body_pin1_prodrucion_width/2.0,
                body_corner_y - body_pin1_prodrucion_depth/2.0)\
                .rect(body_pin1_prodrucion_width, body_pin1_prodrucion_depth)\
    body = body.union(body_pin1_prodrucion)

    return body
Exemplo n.º 29
import cadquery as cq

# Create a plate with 4 counter-sunk holes in it.
# 1.  Establishes a workplane using an XY object instead of a named plane.
# 2.  Creates a plain box to base future geometry on with the box() function.
# 3.  Selects the top-most face of the box and established a workplane on that.
# 4.  Draws a for-construction rectangle on the workplane which only exists for
#     placing other geometry.
# 5.  Selects the corner vertices of the rectangle and places a counter-sink
#     hole, using each vertex as the center of a hole using the cskHole()
#     function.
# 5a. When the depth of the counter-sink hole is set to None, the hole will be
#     cut through.
result = (cq.Workplane(cq.Plane.XY()).box(
    4, 2, 0.5).faces(">Z").workplane().rect(
        3.5, 1.5, forConstruction=True).vertices().cskHole(0.125,

# Displays the result of this script
Exemplo n.º 30
# This example is meant to be used from within the CadQuery module of FreeCAD.
import cadquery
from Helpers import show

# Make a basic prism
result = cadquery.Workplane("front").box(3, 2, 0.5)

# Select the lower left vertex and make a workplane
result = result.faces(">Z").vertices("<XY").workplane()

# Cut the corner out
result = result.circle(1.0).cutThruAll()

# Render the solid