Exemplo n.º 1
 def run_command_async(self, cmd, *args):
     """Running a command asynchronously returns a CommandLineResponse
     objecct with a running subprocess.Process object in it.  This process
     needs to be closed or killed manually after execution."""
     os_response = CommandLineResponse()
     os_response.command = self._build_command(cmd, *args)
     os_response.process = self._execute_command(os_response.command)
     return os_response
Exemplo n.º 2
    def run_command_async(self, cmd, *args):
        """Running a command asynchronously returns a CommandLineResponse
        objecct with a running subprocess.Process object in it.  This process
        needs to be closed or killed manually after execution."""

        os_response = CommandLineResponse()
        os_response.command = self._build_command(cmd, *args)
        os_response.process = self._execute_command(os_response.command)
        return os_response
Exemplo n.º 3
    def run_command(self, cmd, *args):
        '''Sends a command directly to this instance's command line
        @param cmd: Command to sent to command line
        @type cmd: C{str}
        @param args: Optional list of args to be passed with the command
        @type args: C{list}
        @raise exception: If unable to close process after running the command
        @return: The full response details from the command line
        @rtype: L{CommandLineResponse}
        @note: PRIVATE. Can be over-ridden in a child class
        os_process = None
        os_response = CommandLineResponse()

        #Process command we received
        os_response.command = "{0} {1}".format(self.base_command, cmd)
        if args and args[0]:
            for arg in args[0]:
                os_response.command += "{0} {1}".format(
                    os_response.command, arg)

        """@TODO: Turn this into a decorator like the rest client"""
            logline = ''.join([
                '\n{0}\nCOMMAND LINE REQUEST\n{0}\n'.format('-' * 4),
                "args..........: {0}".format(args),
                "command.......: {0}".format(os_response.command)])
        except Exception as exception:

            self._log.debug(logline.decode('utf-8', 'replace'))
        except Exception as exception:
            #Ignore all exceptions that happen in logging, then log them
            self._log.debug('\n{0}\nCOMMAND LINE REQUEST INFO\n{0}\n'.format(
                '-' * 12))

        #Run the command
            os_process = subprocess.Popen(os_response.command,
        except subprocess.CalledProcessError() as cpe:
                "Exception running commandline command {0}\n{1}".format(
                    str(os_response.command), str(cpe)))

        #Wait for the process to complete and then read the lines.
        #for some reason if you read each line as the process is running
        #and use os_process.Poll() you don't always get all output
        std_out, std_err = os_process.communicate()
        os_response.return_code = os_process.returncode

        #Pass the full output of the process_command back. It is important to
        #not parse, strip or otherwise massage this output in the private send
        #since a child class could override and contain actual command
        #processing logic.
        os_response.standard_out = str(std_out).splitlines()
        if std_err is not None:
            os_response.standard_error = str(std_err).splitlines()

        """@TODO: Turn this into a decorator like in the rest client"""
            logline = ''.join([
                '\n{0}\nCOMMAND LINE RESPONSE\n{0}\n'.format('-' * 4),
                "standard out...: {0}".format(os_response.standard_out),
                "standard error.: {0}".format(os_response.standard_error),
                "return code....: {0}".format(os_response.return_code)])
        except Exception as exception:

            self._log.debug(logline.decode('utf-8', 'replace'))
        except Exception as exception:
            #Ignore all exceptions that happen in logging, then log them
            self._log.debug('\n{0}\nCOMMAND LINE RESPONSE INFO\n{0}\n'.format(
                '-' * 12))

        #Clean up the process to avoid any leakage/wonkiness with stdout/stderr
        except OSError:
            #An OS Error is valid if the process has exited. We only
            #need to be concerned about other exceptions
        except Exception, kill_exception:
            raise Exception(
                "Exception forcing %s Process to close: {0}".format(
                    self.base_command, kill_exception))