def upload_data(ui): caffeine.on(display=False) tmp_dir_name = ui.tmp_dir_name dataset_type = ui.current_dataset_type csv_file_name = ui.selected_csv[dataset_type] s3 = ui.session.resource('s3') s3_objects, status = list_objects_in_dataset_bucket( ui.session, ui.region, ui.s3_bucket_name, ui.dataset_group_name) if status == 'failure': return status file_prefix = "/" + ui.dataset_group_name + "/datasets/" + dataset_type.lower( ) + '_' file_name = os.path.basename(csv_file_name) new_file_name = file_name ds_number = 0 while file_prefix + new_file_name in s3_objects: ds_number += 1 new_file_name = os.path.splitext(file_name)[0] + '_' + str( ds_number) + '.csv' status = multi_part_upload_with_s3( s3, ui.s3_bucket_name, ui.dataset_group_name + '/' + "datasets/" + dataset_type.lower() + '_' + new_file_name, os.path.join(tmp_dir_name, "tmp_dataset.csv"), ui.upload_progress_bar) if status != 'failure': ui.dataset_path[ dataset_type] = ui.s3_bucket_path + file_prefix + new_file_name return status
def run(self): caffeine.on(display=True) self.welcome() # self.trainer.introduce() self.print_info() for section in self.sections: untimed_rest() # self.trainer.say_phrase()
def do_parallel(fn, loop, n_jobs=-1, progress=True, keep_alive=True): if progress: loop = tqdm(loop) with joblib.Parallel(n_jobs=-1) as par: if keep_alive and can_caffeinate(): caffeine.on(display=True) res = par(joblib.delayed(fn)(l) for l in loop) else: res = par(joblib.delayed(fn)(l) for l in loop) return res
def osx_standby(self, system=True, display=True): try: if system: else: caffeine.on(display) except NameError: self.log_warning(_("Unable to change power state"), _("caffeine lib not found")) except Exception, e: self.log_warning(_("Unable to change power state"), e)
def osx_standby(self, system=True, display=True): try: if system: else: caffeine.on(display) except NameError: self.log_warning(_("Unable to change power state"), _("caffeine lib not found")) except Exception as e: self.log_warning(_("Unable to change power state"), e)
(By.XPATH, "//a[.//span[text()='Washington']]"))).click() except: wait.until( EC.element_to_be_clickable( (By.XPATH, "//a[.//span[text()='Washington']]"))).click() status = wait.until( EC.element_to_be_clickable(( By.XPATH, "//span[@class='city' and contains(text(), \"seattle, WA\")]/parent::td/parent::tr//span[@class=\"status\"]" ))).text if (status == "Available"): print("available") message = client.messages.create( body="There is a CVS COVID vaccine available in Seattle", from_='+15868001122', to=config('MY_NUMBER')) chrome_driver.close() break else: print("not available") #don't try again for another 5 min time.sleep(300) if __name__ == "__main__": caffeine.on(display=False) findVaccines()
def create_predictor_and_forecast(ui): try: # Using caffeine to prevent pc from sleeping. caffeine.on(display=False) forecast_export_name = forecast_name = predictor_name = ui.new_forecast_line_edit.text( ) forecast_horizon = ui.predictor_forecast_horizon_spinbox.value() forecast_client = ui.forecast_client dataset_group_arn = ui.dataset_group_arn auto_ml = ui.auto_ml_checkbox.isChecked() # Check if a country is selected to use its holidays for forecasting. holidays = None if ui.country_checkbox.isChecked(): holidays = selected_country(ui) # Check if location is a dimension in the data location_in_datasets, status = is_location_in_datasets( forecast_client, dataset_group_arn) if status == 'failure': return status # Check if auto machine learning is selected algorithm = None if not auto_ml: algorithm = ui.algorithms[ui.algorithm_combobox.currentText()] print(algorithm) # Get frequency from combobox forecast_frequency = combobox_to_freq(ui, 'FORECAST') # Create a predictor predictor_arn, status = create_predictor( forecast_client, predictor_name, algorithm, auto_ml, forecast_horizon, forecast_frequency, dataset_group_arn, location_in_datasets, holidays) if status == 'failure': return status # Wait until predictor is created response = forecast_client.describe_predictor( PredictorArn=predictor_arn) while response['Status'] != 'ACTIVE' and response[ 'Status'] != 'CREATE_FAILED': response = forecast_client.describe_predictor( PredictorArn=predictor_arn) time.sleep(10) if response['Status'] == 'CREATE_FAILED': return 'failure' # Create a forecast forecast_arn, status = create_forecast(forecast_client, forecast_name, predictor_arn) if status == 'failure': return status # Wait until forecast is created response = forecast_client.describe_forecast(ForecastArn=forecast_arn) while response['Status'] != 'ACTIVE' and response[ 'Status'] != 'CREATE_FAILED': response = forecast_client.describe_forecast( ForecastArn=forecast_arn) time.sleep(10) if response['Status'] == 'CREATE_FAILED': return 'failure' s3_path = ui.s3_bucket_path + "/" + ui.dataset_group_name + "/forecast/" + forecast_name + "/" s3_role_arn = ui.s3_role_arn # Create a forecast export forecast_export_arn, status = create_forecast_export( ui.forecast_client, forecast_export_name, forecast_arn, s3_path, s3_role_arn) if status == 'failure': return status # Wait until forecast export is created while response['Status'] != 'ACTIVE' and response[ 'Status'] != 'CREATE_FAILED': response = forecast_client.describe_forecast_export_job( ForecastExportJobArn=forecast_export_arn) time.sleep(10) if response['Status'] == 'CREATE_FAILED': return 'failure' # Wait 30 seconds to make sure exported files show on S3 (this should be immediate) time.sleep(30) # Create a database in AWS Glue status = create_database(ui.glue_client) if status == 'failure': return status # Create a crawler in AWS Glue status = create_crawler(ui.glue_client, s3_role_arn, s3_path, forecast_name) if status == 'failure': return status # Run the created crawler status = run_crawler(forecast_name, ui.glue_client) if status == 'failure': return status return 'success' except Exception as e: error(str(e)) return 'failure'
def main(): def send_power_to_arduino(event): print('serial write') power = str(slider.get()) if len(power) == 1: power = "0" + str(power) print(power) ser.write("1" + power) time.sleep(0.1) print( def turn_power_off(): slider.set(0) send_power_to_arduino(1) def _quit(): root.quit() # stops mainloop root.destroy() def get_temp(): ser.write("200") time.sleep(0.1) return def update_temp(): global power_list, temp_list, temp_list_filterd, time_list, t0, timer_zeit, P, I, pgain, igain, dgain, reftemp print("temp updated") temp = get_temp() label4.config(text="Temperatur: " + str(temp) + " C") roestzeit = int(time.time() - t0) if controlling.get() == 1 and temp_record == 1: print "controlling" P = slider.get() print "roestzeit = ", roestzeit if roestzeit > len(reftemp): winsound.Beep(2500, 1000) P = 0 else: Tc = int(reftemp[roestzeit]) E = Tc - int(temp) print "E= ", E I = I + E steig = 0 if len(time_list) > 25: steig = (temp_list_filterd[-2] - temp_list_filterd[-5]) / 3.0 D = -steig + (reftemp[roestzeit - 2] - reftemp[roestzeit - 5]) / 3.0 else: D = 0 P = P + E * pgain + I * igain + D * dgain print "P = ", P, "; Pgain= ", E * pgain, "; Igain= ", I * igain, "; Dgain= ", D * dgain, " Steigung= ", steig, " Ref Steugung = ", ( reftemp[roestzeit] - reftemp[roestzeit - d_bin]) / d_bin if P <= 0: P = 0 if P >= 100: P = 100 slider.set(P) send_power_to_arduino(1) if temp_record == 1: temp_list.append(abs(int(temp))) #hier abs eingefuegt if len(temp_list) > 10: temp_list_filterd = butterWorthFilter(temp_list) else: temp_list_filterd = temp_list time_list.append(roestzeit) power_list.append(slider.get()) label5.config(text="Roestzeit: " + str(roestzeit / 60) + " min " + str(mod(roestzeit, 60)) + " sec") line1[0].set_data(pylab.array(time_list[1:]), pylab.array(temp_list[1:])) line1[1].set_data(reftime, reftemp) line2[0].set_data(pylab.array(time_list[1:]), pylab.array(power_list[1:])) line3[0].set_data(pylab.array(time_list[1:]), pylab.array(temp_list_filterd[1:])) line3[0].set_linewidth(3.0) line3[0].set_alpha(0.6) line3[0].set_color('b') if (time.time() - t0) / 60.0 > timer_zeit: stop_temp_record() turn_power_off() canvas.draw() rightFrame.after(900, update_temp) def start_temp_record(): global temp_record, t0 t0 = time.time() temp_record = 1 def stop_temp_record(): global temp_record global temp_list global time_list thefile = open('test.txt', 'w') thefile.write("time \n") for item in time_list: thefile.write("%s\n" % item) thefile.write("temp \n") for item in temp_list: thefile.write("%s\n" % item) thefile.write("temp_avg \n") # VAR temp_list_filtered not defined # for item in temp_list_filterd: # # thefile.write("%s\n" % item) temp_record = 0 temp_list = [0] time_list = [0] def timer_eingabe(): global timer_zeit, dgain, pgain, igain, d_bin timer_zeit = float(eingabe_timer.get()) pgain = float(eingabe_p_gain.get()) dgain = float(eingabe_d_gain.get()) igain = float(eingabe_i_gain.get()) d_bin = int(float(eingabe_d_bin.get())) print("Timer auf " + str(timer_zeit) + " min gestellt und gains upgedated.") def movingaverage(temp_data, points_mean): temp_data = np.asarray(temp_data, dtype=float) if len(temp_data) > points_mean: temp_data[-1] = numpy.mean(temp_data[-points_mean:len(temp_data)]) temp_data = np.round(temp_data, 2) return temp_data.tolist() def butterWorthFilter(temp_data): # First, design the Buterworth filter N = 2 # Filter order Wn = 0.05 # Cutoff frequency B, A = signal.butter(N, Wn, output='ba') # Second, apply the filter temp_data = signal.filtfilt(B, A, temp_data) return temp_data ################################################################################################################### ##################################### START ####################################################################### ################################################################################################################### if platform.system() == 'Darwin': for serialNumber in [411, 641, 14311, 14321, 14421]: try: ser = serial.Serial('/dev/tty.usbmodem' + str(serialNumber), 9600) except: pass if platform.system() == 'Windows': ser = serial.Serial('COM3', 9600) print('wait 2 sec') time.sleep(2) root = Tk() controlling = Tkinter.IntVar() root.wm_title("Coffe roaster") xAchse = pylab.arange(0, 1, 1) yAchse = pylab.array([0] * 1) fig = pylab.figure(1) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.grid(True) ax.set_title("Roestkurve") ax.set_xlabel("Time") ax.set_ylabel("Temperature") ax.axis([0, (18 * 60), 0, 300]) reftime = pylab.arange(len(reftemp)) line1 = ax.plot(xAchse, yAchse, reftime, reftemp) line2 = ax.plot(xAchse, yAchse, reftime, reftemp) line3 = ax.plot(xAchse, yAchse, reftime, reftemp) leftFrame = Frame(root) leftFrame.pack(side=LEFT) rightFrame = Frame(root) rightFrame.pack(side=RIGHT) ### Temperatur anzeigen label4 = Label(rightFrame, text="Temperatur: " + str(get_temp()) + " C") label4.pack() label5 = Label(rightFrame, text="Roestzeit: " + str(0) + " min") label5.pack() canvas = FigureCanvasTkAgg(fig, rightFrame) canvas.get_tk_widget().pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=BOTH, expand=True) toolbar = NavigationToolbar2TkAgg(canvas, rightFrame) toolbar.update() canvas._tkcanvas.pack(side=TOP, fill=BOTH, expand=True) c = Checkbutton(leftFrame, text="Temperature controlling", variable=controlling, onvalue=1, offvalue=0) c.pack() label1 = Label(leftFrame, text="Power") label1.pack() slider = Scale(leftFrame, from_=0, to=99, orient=VERTICAL) slider.set(P0) slider.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", send_power_to_arduino) slider.pack() send_power_to_arduino(1) button_off = Tkinter.Button(leftFrame, text="Off", command=turn_power_off) button_off.pack() button_start = Tkinter.Button(leftFrame, text="Start", command=start_temp_record) button_start.pack() button_stop = Tkinter.Button(leftFrame, text="Stop", command=stop_temp_record) button_stop.pack() label6 = Tkinter.Label(leftFrame, text="Timer in min (integer)") label6.pack() entryText10 = Tkinter.StringVar() eingabe_timer = Tkinter.Entry(leftFrame, textvariable=entryText10) entryText10.set("30") eingabe_timer.pack() label7 = Tkinter.Label(leftFrame, text="P Gain") label7.pack() entryText1 = Tkinter.StringVar() eingabe_p_gain = Tkinter.Entry(leftFrame, textvariable=entryText1) entryText1.set(str(pgain)) eingabe_p_gain.pack() label8 = Tkinter.Label(leftFrame, text="D Gain") label8.pack() entryText2 = Tkinter.StringVar() eingabe_d_gain = Tkinter.Entry(leftFrame, textvariable=entryText2) entryText2.set(str(dgain)) eingabe_d_gain.pack() label9 = Tkinter.Label(leftFrame, text="I Gain") label9.pack() entryText3 = Tkinter.StringVar() eingabe_i_gain = Tkinter.Entry(leftFrame, textvariable=entryText3) entryText3.set(str(igain)) eingabe_i_gain.pack() label10 = Tkinter.Label(leftFrame, text="d_bin") label10.pack() entryText4 = Tkinter.StringVar() eingabe_d_bin = Tkinter.Entry(leftFrame, textvariable=entryText4) entryText4.set(str(d_bin)) eingabe_d_bin.pack() button_timer_ok = Tkinter.Button(leftFrame, text="OK", command=timer_eingabe) button_timer_ok.pack() root.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", _quit) #thanks aurelienvlg root.after(1000, update_temp) root.mainloop() ser.close() # releases any power assertion (os x can go sleep again) if platform.system() == 'Darwin':
agent.update_target_model() #計算max drawdown if len(inventory) > 0: inventory_value = get_inventory_value(inventory, data[t + 1][n_close], trading.commission) inventory_value *= trading.unit profolio = inventory_value + cash else: profolio = cash if profolio - init_cash < 0: #虧損時才做 drawdown = (profolio - init_cash) / init_cash if drawdown < max_drawdown: max_drawdown = drawdown if agent.memory.tree.n_entries > agent.batch_size: agent.train_model() if done: print("-" * 124) print("Episode " + str(e) + "/" + str(episode_count) + " | Cash: " + formatPrice(cash) + " | Total Profit: " + formatPrice(total_profit) + " | Return Ratio: %.2f%%" % round(100 * total_profit / init_cash, 2) + " | Max DrawDown: %.2f%%" % round(-max_drawdown * 100, 2) + " | Total Reward: " + str(round(total_reward, 2))) print("-" * 124) if e == episode_count: #讓電腦回去休眠
caffeine.on(display=True) #Prevents screen to sleep on MacOS for name in names: #Send message to all names list firstName = name.split(' ', 1)[0] if (msgBase.find('%s') != -1): #Prepare the message before sending msg = msgBase % firstName else: msg = msgBase try: #Try sending the message sendMsg(msg, name, driver) #Send message count = count + 1 except common.exceptions.NoSuchElementException as e: #Didn't find the "Back" button. pass except: #Click the "Back" button. backBut = WebDriverWait(driver, 3).until( EC.element_to_be_clickable( (By.XPATH, '//span[@data-icon="back-light"]'))) time.sleep(3) #Allows screen to sleep from now and on print( str(count) + ' messages have been sent out of ' + str(names.__len__())) else: break driver.close()