def calculate_color(self):
        Generate a color tuple of (r, g, b) normalized to 255 for transmittance
        and reflectance.
        if not self._TR_calculated:
        os.chdir("plot support files")
        rgbdata = np.loadtxt("rgbdata.txt", skiprows=1)
        rgbwl = rgbdata[:,0]
        struct_wl = self.wl * 1e3 if self.unit == 'micron' else self.wl
        if struct_wl[0] > rgbwl[0] or struct_wl[-1] < rgbwl[-1]:
            raise Exception("The entire visible spectrum must be available in the structure simulation.")
        rgb_sens = rgbdata[:,1:]
        rgb_sens /= np.sum(rgb_sens, 0) # Normalize sum to 1

        T_interp = calc.interpolate(struct_wl, self.T, rgbwl)
        R_interp = calc.interpolate(struct_wl, self.R, rgbwl)

        T_rgb = np.sum(T_interp[:,np.newaxis] * rgb_sens, 0) * 255
        R_rgb = np.sum(R_interp[:,np.newaxis] * rgb_sens, 0) * 255
        self.T_color = tuple(T_rgb.astype(int))
        self.R_color = tuple(R_rgb.astype(int))
Exemplo n.º 2
    def calculate_color(self):
        Generate a color tuple of (r, g, b) normalized to 255 for transmittance
        and reflectance.
        if not self._TR_calculated:
        os.chdir("plot support files")
        rgbdata = np.loadtxt("rgbdata.txt", skiprows=1)
        rgbwl = rgbdata[:,0]
        struct_wl = self.wl * 1e3 if self.unit == 'micron' else self.wl
        if struct_wl[0] > rgbwl[0] or struct_wl[-1] < rgbwl[-1]:
            raise Exception("The entire visible spectrum must be available in the structure simulation.")
        rgb_sens = rgbdata[:,1:]
        rgb_sens /= np.sum(rgb_sens, 0) # Normalize sum to 1

        T_interp = calc.interpolate(struct_wl, self.T, rgbwl)
        R_interp = calc.interpolate(struct_wl, self.R, rgbwl)

        T_rgb = np.sum(T_interp[:,np.newaxis] * rgb_sens, 0) * 255
        R_rgb = np.sum(R_interp[:,np.newaxis] * rgb_sens, 0) * 255

        #T_rgb = np.sum(T_interp[:,np.newaxis] * rgb_sens, 0)
        #R_rgb = np.sum(R_interp[:,np.newaxis] * rgb_sens, 0)
        self.T_color = tuple(T_rgb.astype(int))
        self.R_color = tuple(R_rgb.astype(int))
Exemplo n.º 3
def latvtimesage(datao, variable, ncdf):
    #construct strings
    label = labels[variable]
    if variable in names:
        title = names[variable]
        title = variable
    subtitle = ncdf.filetitle
    filename = variable + '_' + filenames[ncdf.filename] + '_lvt' + '.eps'

    #calculate params
    time = ncdf.getvar('rtime', None, None)
    data = calc.interpolate(datao, time)
    time = calc.interpolatetime(datao, time)
    z = data.transpose()
    datamax, datamin = calc.getmax(z), calc.getmin(z)
    v = np.linspace(datamin, datamax, 5)

    cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap('red', colors2)
    cmap = plt.getcmap('inferno')

    #create plot
    norm = Normalize(vmin=datamin, vmax=datamax, clip=False)
    cp = plt.contourf(z, v, norm=norm, extend='max', cmap=cmap)

    #create colorbar
    cbar = plt.colorbar(cp, orientation='horizontal',
            aspect=15, format='%.2g', pad=0.2)

    #label & title
    plt.xlabel('Years after eruption')
    for label in[::2]:
    for tick in[::2]:

    #additional formating
    ax = plt.gca()
    plt.yticks(np.linspace(0, 23, 7, endpoint=True), [-90,-60,-30,0,30,60,90])
    xlabels = time[::4]
    xlabels = [int(i) for i in xlabels]
    plt.xticks(np.linspace(0, 14, 15, endpoint=True)[::4], xlabels)
    plt.rc('font', **font)

    #show/save plot
    plt.savefig(filename, bbox_inches='tight')
    #print str(max(z.flat)) + " + " + str(min(z.flat))
    def calculate_TR(self):
        if not self._layers_list:
            raise EmptyStructureException("Structure is empty.")
        num_layers = len(self._layers_list)
        num_wl = len(self.wl)

        # n a 2d array of layers (row) and wavelength (column)
        n = np.empty([num_layers, num_wl], complex)
        for i, L in enumerate(self._layers_list):
            L_wl = L.wl * 1e3 if self.unit == 'nm' and L.unit == 'micron' else\
                   L.wl / 1e3 if self.unit == 'micron' and L.unit == 'nm' else\
            layer_n = calc.interpolate(L_wl, L.n, self.wl)
            n[num_layers - 1 - i] = layer_n

        wl = self.wl / 1e9 if self.unit == 'nm' else self.wl / 1e6
        k0 = 2 * np.pi / wl

        d = np.array([layer.d / 1e9 if self.unit == 'nm' else layer.d / 1e6 \
                      for layer in self._layers_list[::-1]])

        self.T = calc.transmittance(k0, n, d, n0=self.n0, ns=self.ns)
        self.R = calc.reflectance(k0, n, d, n0=self.n0, ns=self.ns)
        self.A = 1 - self.T - self.R
        self._TR_calculated = True
Exemplo n.º 5
    def calculate_TR(self):
        if not self._layers_list:
            raise EmptyStructureException("Structure is empty.")
        num_layers = len(self._layers_list)
        num_wl = len(self.wl)

        # n a 2d array of layers (row) and wavelength (column)
        n = np.empty([num_layers, num_wl], complex)
        for i, L in enumerate(self._layers_list):
            L_wl = L.wl * 1e3 if self.unit == 'nm' and L.unit == 'micron' else\
                   L.wl / 1e3 if self.unit == 'micron' and L.unit == 'nm' else\
            layer_n = calc.interpolate(L_wl, L.n, self.wl)
            n[num_layers - 1 - i] = layer_n

        wl = self.wl / 1e9 if self.unit == 'nm' else self.wl / 1e6
        k0 = 2 * np.pi / wl

        d = np.array([layer.d / 1e9 if self.unit == 'nm' else layer.d / 1e6 \
                      for layer in self._layers_list[::-1]])

        self.T = calc.transmittance(k0, n, d, n0=self.n0, ns=self.ns)
        self.R = calc.reflectance(k0, n, d, n0=self.n0, ns=self.ns)
        self.A = 1 - self.T - self.R
        self._TR_calculated = True
Exemplo n.º 6
_AlN_nkdata = np.loadtxt("aln_ellipsometry_sai_nk.txt", skiprows=1)
_AlN_wl = _AlN_nkdata[:,0] * 1000
_AlN_nk = _AlN_nkdata[:,1] - 1j * _AlN_nkdata[:,2]

_AlNH_nkdata = np.loadtxt("alN-H-nk.txt")
_AlNH_wl = _AlNH_nkdata[:,0] * 1000
_AlNH_nk = _AlNH_nkdata[:,1] - 1j * _AlNH_nkdata[:,2]

_BK7_ndata = np.loadtxt("BK7_n.txt", skiprows=1)
_BK7_kdata = np.loadtxt("BK7_k.txt", skiprows=1)
_BK7_wl = _BK7_ndata[:,0] * 1000
# BK7 doesn't have the same number of data points for n and k
_wl_temp = _BK7_kdata[:,0] * 1000
_k_temp = _BK7_kdata[:,1]
_BK7_k = calc.interpolate(_wl_temp, _k_temp, _BK7_wl)
_BK7_nk = _BK7_ndata[:,1] - 1j * _BK7_k

_DLC_nkdata = [np.loadtxt("DLC{}W_nk.txt".format(n), skiprows=1) for \
               n in [3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 40, 60]]
_DLC_wl = [_DLC_nkdata[i][:,0] for i in range(7)]
_DLC_nk = [_DLC_nkdata[i][:,1] - 1j * _DLC_nkdata[i][:,2] for i in range(7)]
_DLC3W_wl, _DLC5W_wl, _DLC10W_wl, _DLC15W_wl, _DLC20W_wl, _DLC40W_wl, _DLC60W_wl = _DLC_wl
_DLC3W_nk, _DLC5W_nk, _DLC10W_nk, _DLC15W_nk, _DLC20W_nk, _DLC40W_nk, _DLC60W_nk = _DLC_nk

_DLC_ext_nkdata = [np.loadtxt("DLC{}W_extended_nk.txt".format(n), skiprows=1) \
                   for n in [3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 40, 60]]
_DLC_ext_wl = [_DLC_ext_nkdata[i][:,0] for i in range(7)]
_DLC_ext_nk = [_DLC_ext_nkdata[i][:,1] - 1j * _DLC_ext_nkdata[i][:,2] \
               for i in range(7)]
_DLC3W_ext_wl, _DLC5W_ext_wl, _DLC10W_ext_wl, _DLC15W_ext_wl, _DLC20W_ext_wl, _DLC40W_ext_wl, _DLC60W_ext_wl = _DLC_ext_wl
Exemplo n.º 7
_Al_ndata = np.loadtxt("Al_n_Rakic1998.txt", skiprows=1)
_Al_kdata = np.loadtxt("Al_k_Rakic1998.txt", skiprows=1)
_Al_wl = _Al_ndata[:, 0] * 1000
_Al_nk = _Al_ndata[:, 1] - 1j * _Al_kdata[:, 1]

_AlN_nkdata = np.loadtxt("AlN_nk.txt", skiprows=1)
_AlN_wl = _AlN_nkdata[:, 0]
_AlN_nk = _AlN_nkdata[:, 1] - 1j * _AlN_nkdata[:, 2]

_BK7_ndata = np.loadtxt("BK7_n.txt", skiprows=1)
_BK7_kdata = np.loadtxt("BK7_k.txt", skiprows=1)
_BK7_wl = _BK7_ndata[:, 0] * 1000
# BK7 doesn't have the same number of data points for n and k
_wl_temp = _BK7_kdata[:, 0] * 1000
_k_temp = _BK7_kdata[:, 1]
_BK7_k = calc.interpolate(_wl_temp, _k_temp, _BK7_wl)
_BK7_nk = _BK7_ndata[:, 1] - 1j * _BK7_k

_DLC_nkdata = [np.loadtxt("DLC{}W_nk.txt".format(n), skiprows=1) for \
               n in [3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 40, 60]]
_DLC_wl = [_DLC_nkdata[i][:, 0] for i in range(7)]
_DLC_nk = [_DLC_nkdata[i][:, 1] - 1j * _DLC_nkdata[i][:, 2] for i in range(7)]
_DLC3W_wl, _DLC5W_wl, _DLC10W_wl, _DLC15W_wl, _DLC20W_wl, _DLC40W_wl, _DLC60W_wl = _DLC_wl
_DLC3W_nk, _DLC5W_nk, _DLC10W_nk, _DLC15W_nk, _DLC20W_nk, _DLC40W_nk, _DLC60W_nk = _DLC_nk

_DLC_ext_nkdata = [np.loadtxt("DLC{}W_extended_nk.txt".format(n), skiprows=1) \
                   for n in [3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 40, 60]]
_DLC_ext_wl = [_DLC_ext_nkdata[i][:, 0] for i in range(7)]
_DLC_ext_nk = [_DLC_ext_nkdata[i][:,1] - 1j * _DLC_ext_nkdata[i][:,2] \
               for i in range(7)]
_DLC3W_ext_wl, _DLC5W_ext_wl, _DLC10W_ext_wl, _DLC15W_ext_wl, _DLC20W_ext_wl, _DLC40W_ext_wl, _DLC60W_ext_wl = _DLC_ext_wl