def main(args):
    fd = open(args.input, 'r')
    dataset = fd.readlines()
    #print "Sending tuples for a total of %d seconds, with a wait time of %0.4f ms" % (args.test_time, args.wait_time)

    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    s.bind((args.server_host, args.server_port))

    conn, addr = s.accept()
    print 'Connected to SDMS:', addr

    i = 0
    for tput in xrange(args.lower_tput, args.upper_tput, args.step_size):
        window_sent = 0
        p = cp.calc_parameters(tput)
        wait_time = p['wait_time'] / 1000.0 #convert ms->s
        batch_size = p['batch_size']
        window_sent = 0
        print "Sending %d tuples/sec (wait_time=%0.2f ms, batch_size=%d)" % (tput, wait_time*1000, batch_size)
        start = time.time()
        now = start
        while now - start < args.ramp_window:
            now = time.time()
            for k in xrange(batch_size):
                ts = "TS-%d" % int(now*1000)
                conn.send("%s %s" % (ts, dataset[i % len(dataset)]))
                i += 1
                window_sent += 1
        print "%0.4f Average Sending Throughput %0.4f tuples/sec" % (time.time(), (window_sent / (now-start)))


    fd = open('sent_tuples.txt', 'w')
    for st in sent_tuples:
        fd.write(st + "\n")
Exemplo n.º 2
  def set_defaults(self): = 1

      self.nm = 3
      self.r_mouth = 0.001
      self.omega_d = pi / 2
      self.Gamma = 1e-4

      self.p = 0.015
      self.r_folds = 0.002
      self.r_back = 0.002

      self.fs = 3. #time sampling frequency
      self.T = 500. #total time
      self.t = np.arange(0, self.T, 1/self.fs)
      self.t1 = 0 
      self.t2 = len(self.t)
      self.s = cp.calc_spatial_evs(r_mouth=self.r_mouth/L, nm=self.nm, 
          num_seeds=500, max_x=20, max_y=2)
      self.params = cp.calc_parameters(self.p, self.r_folds, self.r_folds, 
        self.omega_d, self.Gamma, self.s.imag, self.s.real, self.nm)
      fp1, fp2 = calc_fixed_points(self.params)
Exemplo n.º 3
    A.shape = (nm,)
    B.shape = (nm,)

    return (radiation, shedding, vocal_fold_friction, dissipation, elastic, linear, quadratic, cubic)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    nm = 3
    p = 0.01
    r_front = 0.002
    r_back = 0.002
    r_mouth = 0.00001
    zeta = 0
    s = cp.calc_spatial_evs(r_mouth=r_mouth / L, nm=nm, num_seeds=100, max_x=20, max_y=3)
    params = cp.calc_parameters(p, r_front, r_back, s.imag, s.real, nm, zeta)
    nm, p, mu, gamma, zeta, alpha, omega, beta, A, B, M = params
    fs = 10.0  # time sampling frequency
    T = 1000.0  # total time
    t = np.arange(0, T, 1 / fs)
    fp1, fp2 = calc_fixed_points(params)
    # q0 = fp1 + 1e-3 * abs(np.random.rand(2*nm+1))
    q0 = np.zeros(2 * nm + 1)
    q = integrate.odeint(flow, q0, t, args=(params,))
    radiation =, (beta * q[:, nm + 1 :]).T).T
    elastic =, ((omega ** 2 - alpha ** 2) * (q[:, 1 : nm + 1])).T).T
    B.shape = (nm, 1)
    A.shape = (nm, 1)
    shedding = (B * gamma / mu ** 2 * q[:, 0] * sum(q[:, nm + 1 :], 1)).T
    vocal_fold_friction = (B * zeta / mu ** 2 * sum(q[:, nm + 1 :], 1)).T
    dissipation = radiation + shedding + vocal_fold_friction
Exemplo n.º 4
 def on_push(self):
     self.params = cp.calc_parameters(self.p, self.r_folds, self.r_folds, 
       self.omega_d, self.Gamma, self.s.imag, self.s.real, self.nm)