Exemplo n.º 1
    def do_list():
        from calibre.constants import terminal_controller as tc
        terminal_controller = tc()

        separator = ' '
        widths = list(map(lambda x : 0, fields))
        for i in data:
            for j, field in enumerate(fields):
                widths[j] = max(widths[j], max(len(field), len(unicode(i[field]))))

        screen_width = terminal_controller.COLS if opts.width < 0 else opts.width
        if not screen_width:
            screen_width = 80
        field_width = screen_width//len(fields)
        base_widths = map(lambda x: min(x+1, field_width), widths)

        while sum(base_widths) < screen_width:
            adjusted = False
            for i in range(len(widths)):
                if base_widths[i] < widths[i]:
                    base_widths[i] += min(screen_width-sum(base_widths), widths[i]-base_widths[i])
                    adjusted = True
            if not adjusted:

        widths = list(base_widths)
        titles = map(lambda x, y: '%-*s%s'%(x-len(separator), y, separator),
                widths, fields)
        print terminal_controller.GREEN + ''.join(titles)+terminal_controller.NORMAL

        wrappers = map(lambda x: TextWrapper(x-1), widths)
        o = cStringIO.StringIO()

        for record in data:
            text = [wrappers[i].wrap(unicode(record[field]).encode('utf-8')) for i, field in enumerate(fields)]
            lines = max(map(len, text))
            for l in range(lines):
                for i, field in enumerate(text):
                    ft = text[i][l] if l < len(text[i]) else ''
                    filler = '%*s'%(widths[i]-len(ft)-1, '')
                print >>o
        print o.getvalue()
Exemplo n.º 2
    def do_list():
        from calibre.constants import terminal_controller as tc
        terminal_controller = tc()

        separator = ' '
        widths = list(map(lambda x : 0, fields))
        for i in data:
            for j, field in enumerate(fields):
                widths[j] = max(widths[j], max(len(field), len(unicode(i[field]))))

        screen_width = terminal_controller.COLS if opts.width < 0 else opts.width
        if not screen_width:
            screen_width = 80
        field_width = screen_width//len(fields)
        base_widths = map(lambda x: min(x+1, field_width), widths)

        while sum(base_widths) < screen_width:
            adjusted = False
            for i in range(len(widths)):
                if base_widths[i] < widths[i]:
                    base_widths[i] += min(screen_width-sum(base_widths), widths[i]-base_widths[i])
                    adjusted = True
            if not adjusted:

        widths = list(base_widths)
        titles = map(lambda x, y: '%-*s%s'%(x-len(separator), y, separator),
                widths, fields)
        print terminal_controller.GREEN + ''.join(titles)+terminal_controller.NORMAL

        wrappers = map(lambda x: TextWrapper(x-1), widths)
        o = cStringIO.StringIO()

        for record in data:
            text = [wrappers[i].wrap(unicode(record[field]).encode('utf-8')) for i, field in enumerate(fields)]
            lines = max(map(len, text))
            for l in range(lines):
                for i, field in enumerate(text):
                    ft = text[i][l] if l < len(text[i]) else ''
                    filler = '%*s'%(widths[i]-len(ft)-1, '')
                print >>o
        print o.getvalue()
Exemplo n.º 3
def do_list(db, fields, afields, sort_by, ascending, search_text, line_width, separator,
            prefix, subtitle='Books in the calibre database'):
    from calibre.constants import terminal_controller as tc
    terminal_controller = tc()
    if sort_by:
        db.sort(sort_by, ascending)
    if search_text:
    data = db.get_data_as_dict(prefix, authors_as_string=True)
    fields = ['id'] + fields
    title_fields = fields
    def field_name(f):
        ans = f
        if f[0] == '*':
            if f.endswith('_index'):
                fkey = f[1:-len('_index')]
                num = db.custom_column_label_map[fkey]['num']
                ans = '%d_index'%num
                ans = db.custom_column_label_map[f[1:]]['num']
        return ans
    fields = list(map(field_name, fields))

    for f in data:
        fmts = [x for x in f['formats'] if x is not None]
        f['formats'] = u'[%s]'%u','.join(fmts)
    widths = list(map(lambda x : 0, fields))
    for record in data:
        for f in record.keys():
            if hasattr(record[f], 'isoformat'):
                record[f] = isoformat(record[f], as_utc=False)
                record[f] = unicode(record[f])
            record[f] = record[f].replace('\n', ' ')
    for i in data:
        for j, field in enumerate(fields):
            widths[j] = max(widths[j], len(unicode(i[field])))

    screen_width = terminal_controller.COLS if line_width < 0 else line_width
    if not screen_width:
        screen_width = 80
    field_width = screen_width//len(fields)
    base_widths = map(lambda x: min(x+1, field_width), widths)

    while sum(base_widths) < screen_width:
        adjusted = False
        for i in range(len(widths)):
            if base_widths[i] < widths[i]:
                base_widths[i] += min(screen_width-sum(base_widths), widths[i]-base_widths[i])
                adjusted = True
        if not adjusted:

    widths = list(base_widths)
    titles = map(lambda x, y: '%-*s%s'%(x-len(separator), y, separator),
            widths, title_fields)
    print terminal_controller.GREEN + ''.join(titles)+terminal_controller.NORMAL

    wrappers = map(lambda x: TextWrapper(x-1), widths)
    o = cStringIO.StringIO()

    for record in data:
        text = [wrappers[i].wrap(unicode(record[field]).encode('utf-8')) for i, field in enumerate(fields)]
        lines = max(map(len, text))
        for l in range(lines):
            for i, field in enumerate(text):
                ft = text[i][l] if l < len(text[i]) else ''
                filler = '%*s'%(widths[i]-len(ft)-1, '')
            print >>o
    return o.getvalue()
Exemplo n.º 4
def do_list(db, fields, afields, sort_by, ascending, search_text, line_width, separator,
            prefix, subtitle='Books in the calibre database'):
    from calibre.constants import terminal_controller as tc
    terminal_controller = tc()
    if sort_by:
        db.sort(sort_by, ascending)
    if search_text:
    data = db.get_data_as_dict(prefix, authors_as_string=True)
    fields = ['id'] + fields
    title_fields = fields
    def field_name(f):
        ans = f
        if f[0] == '*':
            if f.endswith('_index'):
                fkey = f[1:-len('_index')]
                num = db.custom_column_label_map[fkey]['num']
                ans = '%d_index'%num
                ans = db.custom_column_label_map[f[1:]]['num']
        return ans
    fields = list(map(field_name, fields))

    for f in data:
        fmts = [x for x in f['formats'] if x is not None]
        f['formats'] = u'[%s]'%u','.join(fmts)
    widths = list(map(lambda x : 0, fields))
    for record in data:
        for f in record.keys():
            if hasattr(record[f], 'isoformat'):
                record[f] = isoformat(record[f], as_utc=False)
                record[f] = unicode(record[f])
            record[f] = record[f].replace('\n', ' ')
    for i in data:
        for j, field in enumerate(fields):
            widths[j] = max(widths[j], len(unicode(i[field])))

    screen_width = terminal_controller.COLS if line_width < 0 else line_width
    if not screen_width:
        screen_width = 80
    field_width = screen_width//len(fields)
    base_widths = map(lambda x: min(x+1, field_width), widths)

    while sum(base_widths) < screen_width:
        adjusted = False
        for i in range(len(widths)):
            if base_widths[i] < widths[i]:
                base_widths[i] += min(screen_width-sum(base_widths), widths[i]-base_widths[i])
                adjusted = True
        if not adjusted:

    widths = list(base_widths)
    titles = map(lambda x, y: '%-*s%s'%(x-len(separator), y, separator),
            widths, title_fields)
    print terminal_controller.GREEN + ''.join(titles)+terminal_controller.NORMAL

    wrappers = map(lambda x: TextWrapper(x-1), widths)
    o = cStringIO.StringIO()

    for record in data:
        text = [wrappers[i].wrap(unicode(record[field]).encode('utf-8')) for i, field in enumerate(fields)]
        lines = max(map(len, text))
        for l in range(lines):
            for i, field in enumerate(text):
                ft = text[i][l] if l < len(text[i]) else ''
                filler = '%*s'%(widths[i]-len(ft)-1, '')
            print >>o
    return o.getvalue()