Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, backend):
        self.backend = backend
        self.fields = {}
        self.composites = set()
        self.read_lock, self.write_lock = create_locks()
        self.format_metadata_cache = defaultdict(dict)
        self.formatter_template_cache = {}
        self.dirtied_cache = {}
        self.dirtied_sequence = 0
        self._search_api = Search(self.field_metadata.get_search_terms())

        # Implement locking for all simple read/write API methods
        # An unlocked version of the method is stored with the name starting
        # with a leading underscore. Use the unlocked versions when the lock
        # has already been acquired.
        for name in dir(self):
            func = getattr(self, name)
            ira = getattr(func, 'is_read_api', None)
            if ira is not None:
                # Save original function
                setattr(self, '_' + name, func)
                # Wrap it in a lock
                lock = self.read_lock if ira else self.write_lock
                setattr(self, name, wrap_simple(lock, func))

Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, backend):
        self.backend = backend
        self.fields = {}
        self.composites = set()
        self.read_lock, self.write_lock = create_locks()
        self.format_metadata_cache = defaultdict(dict)
        self.formatter_template_cache = {}
        self.dirtied_cache = {}
        self.dirtied_sequence = 0
        self._search_api = Search(self.field_metadata.get_search_terms())

        # Implement locking for all simple read/write API methods
        # An unlocked version of the method is stored with the name starting
        # with a leading underscore. Use the unlocked versions when the lock
        # has already been acquired.
        for name in dir(self):
            func = getattr(self, name)
            ira = getattr(func, 'is_read_api', None)
            if ira is not None:
                # Save original function
                setattr(self, '_'+name, func)
                # Wrap it in a lock
                lock = self.read_lock if ira else self.write_lock
                setattr(self, name, wrap_simple(lock, func))

Exemplo n.º 3
class Cache(object):
    def __init__(self, backend):
        self.backend = backend
        self.fields = {}
        self.composites = set()
        self.read_lock, self.write_lock = create_locks()
        self.format_metadata_cache = defaultdict(dict)
        self.formatter_template_cache = {}
        self.dirtied_cache = {}
        self.dirtied_sequence = 0
        self._search_api = Search(self.field_metadata.get_search_terms())

        # Implement locking for all simple read/write API methods
        # An unlocked version of the method is stored with the name starting
        # with a leading underscore. Use the unlocked versions when the lock
        # has already been acquired.
        for name in dir(self):
            func = getattr(self, name)
            ira = getattr(func, 'is_read_api', None)
            if ira is not None:
                # Save original function
                setattr(self, '_' + name, func)
                # Wrap it in a lock
                lock = self.read_lock if ira else self.write_lock
                setattr(self, name, wrap_simple(lock, func))


    def initialize_dynamic(self):
        # Reconstruct the user categories, putting them into field_metadata
        # Assumption is that someone else will fix them if they change.
        for user_cat in sorted(self._pref('user_categories', {}).iterkeys(),
            cat_name = '@' + user_cat  # add the '@' to avoid name collision

        # add grouped search term user categories
        muc = frozenset(self._pref('grouped_search_make_user_categories', []))
        for cat in sorted(self._pref('grouped_search_terms', {}).iterkeys(),
            if cat in muc:
                # There is a chance that these can be duplicates of an existing
                # user category. Print the exception and continue.
                    self.field_metadata.add_user_category(label=u'@' + cat,

        # TODO: Saved searches
        # if len(saved_searches().names()):
        #     self.field_metadata.add_search_category(label='search', name=_('Searches'))

            self._pref('grouped_search_terms', {}))


        self.dirtied_cache = {
            x: i
            for i, (x, ) in enumerate(
                self.backend.conn.execute('SELECT book FROM metadata_dirtied'))
        if self.dirtied_cache:
            self.dirtied_sequence = max(self.dirtied_cache.itervalues()) + 1

    def field_metadata(self):
        return self.backend.field_metadata

    def _get_metadata(self, book_id, get_user_categories=True):  # {{{
        mi = Metadata(None, template_cache=self.formatter_template_cache)
        author_ids = self._field_ids_for('authors', book_id)
        aut_list = [self._author_data(i) for i in author_ids]
        aum = []
        aus = {}
        aul = {}
        for rec in aut_list:
            aut = rec['name']
            aus[aut] = rec['sort']
            aul[aut] = rec['link']
        mi.title = self._field_for('title',
        mi.authors = aum
        mi.author_sort = self._field_for('author_sort',
        mi.author_sort_map = aus
        mi.author_link_map = aul
        mi.comments = self._field_for('comments', book_id)
        mi.publisher = self._field_for('publisher', book_id)
        n = nowf()
        mi.timestamp = self._field_for('timestamp', book_id, default_value=n)
        mi.pubdate = self._field_for('pubdate', book_id, default_value=n)
        mi.uuid = self._field_for('uuid', book_id, default_value='dummy')
        mi.title_sort = self._field_for('sort',
        mi.book_size = self._field_for('size', book_id, default_value=0)
        mi.ondevice_col = self._field_for('ondevice',
        mi.last_modified = self._field_for('last_modified',
        formats = self._field_for('formats', book_id)
        mi.format_metadata = {}
        mi.languages = list(self._field_for('languages', book_id))
        if not formats:
            good_formats = None
            mi.format_metadata = FormatMetadata(self, book_id, formats)
            good_formats = FormatsList(formats, mi.format_metadata)
        mi.formats = good_formats
        mi.has_cover = _('Yes') if self._field_for(
            'cover', book_id, default_value=False) else ''
        mi.tags = list(self._field_for('tags', book_id, default_value=()))
        mi.series = self._field_for('series', book_id)
        if mi.series:
            mi.series_index = self._field_for('series_index',
        mi.rating = self._field_for('rating', book_id)
            self._field_for('identifiers', book_id, default_value={}))
        mi.application_id = book_id
        mi.id = book_id
        composites = []
        for key, meta in self.field_metadata.custom_iteritems():
            mi.set_user_metadata(key, meta)
            if meta['datatype'] == 'composite':
                val = self._field_for(key, book_id)
                if isinstance(val, tuple):
                    val = list(val)
                extra = self._field_for(key + '_index', book_id)
                mi.set(key, val=val, extra=extra)
        for key in composites:
            mi.set(key, val=self._composite_for(key, book_id, mi))

        user_cat_vals = {}
        if get_user_categories:
            user_cats = self.backend.prefs['user_categories']
            for ucat in user_cats:
                res = []
                for name, cat, ign in user_cats[ucat]:
                    v = mi.get(cat, None)
                    if isinstance(v, list):
                        if name in v:
                            res.append([name, cat])
                    elif name == v:
                        res.append([name, cat])
                user_cat_vals[ucat] = res
        mi.user_categories = user_cat_vals

        return mi

    # }}}

    # Cache Layer API {{{

    def init(self):
        Initialize this cache with data from the backend.
        with self.write_lock:

            for field, table in self.backend.tables.iteritems():
                self.fields[field] = create_field(field, table)
                if table.metadata['datatype'] == 'composite':

            self.fields['ondevice'] = create_field('ondevice',

            for name, field in self.fields.iteritems():
                if name[0] == '#' and name.endswith('_index'):
                    field.series_field = self.fields[name[:-len('_index')]]
                elif name == 'series_index':
                    field.series_field = self.fields['series']
                elif name == 'authors':
                    field.author_sort_field = self.fields['author_sort']
                elif name == 'title':
                    field.title_sort_field = self.fields['sort']

    def field_for(self, name, book_id, default_value=None):
        Return the value of the field ``name`` for the book identified by
        ``book_id``. If no such book exists or it has no defined value for the
        field ``name`` or no such field exists, then ``default_value`` is returned.

        default_value is not used for title, title_sort, authors, author_sort
        and series_index. This is because these always have values in the db.
        default_value is used for all custom columns.

        The returned value for is_multiple fields are always tuples, even when
        no values are found (in other words, default_value is ignored). The
        exception is identifiers for which the returned value is always a dict.

        WARNING: For is_multiple fields this method returns tuples, the old
        interface generally returned lists.

        WARNING: For is_multiple fields the order of items is always in link
        order (order in which they were entered), whereas the old db had them
        in random order for fields other than author.
        if self.composites and name in self.composites:
            return self.composite_for(name,
            field = self.fields[name]
        except KeyError:
            return default_value
        if field.is_multiple:
            default_value = {} if name == 'identifiers' else ()
            return field.for_book(book_id, default_value=default_value)
        except (KeyError, IndexError):
            return default_value

    def composite_for(self, name, book_id, mi=None, default_value=''):
            f = self.fields[name]
        except KeyError:
            return default_value

        if mi is None:
            return f.get_value_with_cache(
                book_id, partial(self._get_metadata,
            return f.render_composite(book_id, mi)

    def field_ids_for(self, name, book_id):
        Return the ids (as a tuple) for the values that the field ``name`` has on the book
        identified by ``book_id``. If there are no values, or no such book, or
        no such field, an empty tuple is returned.
            return self.fields[name].ids_for_book(book_id)
        except (KeyError, IndexError):
            return ()

    def books_for_field(self, name, item_id):
        Return all the books associated with the item identified by
        ``item_id``, where the item belongs to the field ``name``.

        Returned value is a set of book ids, or the empty set if the item
        or the field does not exist.
            return self.fields[name].books_for(item_id)
        except (KeyError, IndexError):
            return set()

    def all_book_ids(self, type=frozenset):
        Frozen set of all known book ids.
        return type(self.fields['uuid'])

    def all_field_ids(self, name):
        Frozen set of ids for all values in the field ``name``.
        return frozenset(iter(self.fields[name]))

    def author_data(self, author_id):
        Return author data as a dictionary with keys: name, sort, link

        If no author with the specified id is found an empty dictionary is
            return self.fields['authors'].author_data(author_id)
        except (KeyError, IndexError):
            return {}

    def format_metadata(self, book_id, fmt, allow_cache=True):
        if not fmt:
            return {}
        fmt = fmt.upper()
        if allow_cache:
            x = self.format_metadata_cache[book_id].get(fmt, None)
            if x is not None:
                return x
            name = self.fields['formats'].format_fname(book_id, fmt)
            path = self._field_for('path', book_id).replace('/', os.sep)
            return {}

        ans = {}
        if path and name:
            ans = self.backend.format_metadata(book_id, fmt, name, path)
            self.format_metadata_cache[book_id][fmt] = ans
        return ans

    def pref(self, name, default=None):
        return self.backend.prefs.get(name, default)

    def set_pref(self, name, val):
        self.backend.prefs.set(name, val)

    def get_metadata(self,
        Return metadata for the book identified by book_id as a :class:`Metadata` object.
        Note that the list of formats is not verified. If get_cover is True,
        the cover is returned, either a path to temp file as mi.cover or if
        cover_as_data is True then as mi.cover_data.

        with self.read_lock:
            mi = self._get_metadata(book_id,

        if get_cover:
            if cover_as_data:
                cdata = self.cover(book_id)
                if cdata:
                    mi.cover_data = ('jpeg', cdata)
                mi.cover = self.cover(book_id, as_path=True)

        return mi

    def cover(self, book_id, as_file=False, as_image=False, as_path=False):
        Return the cover image or None. By default, returns the cover as a

        WARNING: Using as_path will copy the cover to a temp file and return
        the path to the temp file. You should delete the temp file when you are
        done with it.

        :param as_file: If True return the image as an open file object (a SpooledTemporaryFile)
        :param as_image: If True return the image as a QImage object
        :param as_path: If True return the image as a path pointing to a
                        temporary file
        if as_file:
            ret = SpooledTemporaryFile(SPOOL_SIZE)
            if not self.copy_cover_to(book_id, ret):
        elif as_path:
            pt = PersistentTemporaryFile('_dbcover.jpg')
            with pt:
                if not self.copy_cover_to(book_id, pt):
            ret = pt.name
            buf = BytesIO()
            if not self.copy_cover_to(book_id, buf):
            ret = buf.getvalue()
            if as_image:
                from PyQt4.Qt import QImage
                i = QImage()
                ret = i
        return ret

    def copy_cover_to(self, book_id, dest, use_hardlink=False):
        Copy the cover to the file like object ``dest``. Returns False
        if no cover exists or dest is the same file as the current cover.
        dest can also be a path in which case the cover is
        copied to it iff the path is different from the current path (taking
        case sensitivity into account).
            path = self._field_for('path', book_id).replace('/', os.sep)
        except AttributeError:
            return False

        return self.backend.copy_cover_to(path,

    def copy_format_to(self, book_id, fmt, dest, use_hardlink=False):
        Copy the format ``fmt`` to the file like object ``dest``. If the
        specified format does not exist, raises :class:`NoSuchFormat` error.
        dest can also be a path, in which case the format is copied to it, iff
        the path is different from the current path (taking case sensitivity
        into account).
            name = self.fields['formats'].format_fname(book_id, fmt)
            path = self._field_for('path', book_id).replace('/', os.sep)
        except (KeyError, AttributeError):
            raise NoSuchFormat('Record %d has no %s file' % (book_id, fmt))

        return self.backend.copy_format_to(book_id,

    def format_abspath(self, book_id, fmt):
        Return absolute path to the ebook file of format `format`

        Currently used only in calibredb list, the viewer and the catalogs (via

        Apart from the viewer, I don't believe any of the others do any file
        I/O with the results of this call.
            name = self.fields['formats'].format_fname(book_id, fmt)
            path = self._field_for('path', book_id).replace('/', os.sep)
            return None
        if name and path:
            return self.backend.format_abspath(book_id, fmt, name, path)

    def has_format(self, book_id, fmt):
        'Return True iff the format exists on disk'
            name = self.fields['formats'].format_fname(book_id, fmt)
            path = self._field_for('path', book_id).replace('/', os.sep)
            return False
        return self.backend.has_format(book_id, fmt, name, path)

    def formats(self, book_id, verify_formats=True):
        Return tuple of all formats for the specified book. If verify_formats
        is True, verifies that the files exist on disk.
        ans = self.field_for('formats', book_id)
        if verify_formats and ans:
                path = self._field_for('path', book_id).replace('/', os.sep)
                return ()

            def verify(fmt):
                    name = self.fields['formats'].format_fname(book_id, fmt)
                    return False
                return self.backend.has_format(book_id, fmt, name, path)

            ans = tuple(x for x in ans if verify(x))
        return ans

    def format(self,
        Return the ebook format as a bytestring or `None` if the format doesn't exist,
        or we don't have permission to write to the ebook file.

        :param as_file: If True the ebook format is returned as a file object. Note
                        that the file object is a SpooledTemporaryFile, so if what you want to
                        do is copy the format to another file, use :method:`copy_format_to`
                        instead for performance.
        :param as_path: Copies the format file to a temp file and returns the
                        path to the temp file
        :param preserve_filename: If True and returning a path the filename is
                                  the same as that used in the library. Note that using
                                  this means that repeated calls yield the same
                                  temp file (which is re-created each time)
        ext = ('.' + fmt.lower()) if fmt else ''
        if as_path:
            if preserve_filename:
                with self.read_lock:
                        fname = self.fields['formats'].format_fname(
                            book_id, fmt)
                        return None
                    fname += ext

                bd = base_dir()
                d = os.path.join(bd, 'format_abspath')
                ret = os.path.join(d, fname)
                    self.copy_format_to(book_id, fmt, ret)
                except NoSuchFormat:
                    return None
                with PersistentTemporaryFile(ext) as pt:
                        self.copy_format_to(book_id, fmt, pt)
                    except NoSuchFormat:
                        return None
                    ret = pt.name
        elif as_file:
            with self.read_lock:
                    fname = self.fields['formats'].format_fname(book_id, fmt)
                    return None
                fname += ext

            ret = SpooledTemporaryFile(SPOOL_SIZE)
                self.copy_format_to(book_id, fmt, ret)
            except NoSuchFormat:
                return None
            # Various bits of code try to use the name as the default
            # title when reading metadata, so set it
            ret.name = fname
            buf = BytesIO()
                self.copy_format_to(book_id, fmt, buf)
            except NoSuchFormat:
                return None

            ret = buf.getvalue()

        return ret

    def multisort(self, fields, ids_to_sort=None):
        Return a list of sorted book ids. If ids_to_sort is None, all book ids
        are returned.

        fields must be a list of 2-tuples of the form (field_name,
        ascending=True or False). The most significant field is the first
        all_book_ids = frozenset(
            self._all_book_ids() if ids_to_sort is None else ids_to_sort)
        get_metadata = partial(self._get_metadata, get_user_categories=False)
        lang_map = self.fields['languages'].book_value_map

        fm = {'title': 'sort', 'authors': 'author_sort'}

        def sort_key(field):
            'Handle series type fields'
            idx = field + '_index'
            is_series = idx in self.fields
            ans = self.fields[fm.get(field, field)].sort_keys_for_books(
            if is_series:
                idx_ans = self.fields[idx].sort_keys_for_books(
                    get_metadata, lang_map, all_book_ids)
                ans = {k: (v, idx_ans[k]) for k, v in ans.iteritems()}
            return ans

        sort_keys = tuple(sort_key(field[0]) for field in fields)

        if len(sort_keys) == 1:
            sk = sort_keys[0]
            return sorted(all_book_ids,
                          key=lambda i: sk[i],
                          reverse=not fields[0][1])
            return sorted(all_book_ids,
                          key=partial(SortKey, fields, sort_keys))

    def search(self, query, restriction, virtual_fields=None):
        return self._search_api(self,

    def get_categories(self, sort='name', book_ids=None, icon_map=None):
        return get_categories(self,

    def update_last_modified(self, book_ids, now=None):
        if now is None:
            now = nowf()
        if book_ids:
            f = self.fields['last_modified']
            f.writer.set_books({book_id: now
                                for book_id in book_ids}, self.backend)

    def mark_as_dirty(self, book_ids):
        already_dirtied = set(self.dirtied_cache).intersection(book_ids)
        new_dirtied = book_ids - already_dirtied
        already_dirtied = {
            book_id: self.dirtied_sequence + i
            for i, book_id in enumerate(already_dirtied)
        if already_dirtied:
            self.dirtied_sequence = max(already_dirtied.itervalues()) + 1
        if new_dirtied:
                'INSERT OR IGNORE INTO metadata_dirtied (book) VALUES (?)',
                ((x, ) for x in new_dirtied))
            new_dirtied = {
                book_id: self.dirtied_sequence + i
                for i, book_id in enumerate(new_dirtied)
            self.dirtied_sequence = max(new_dirtied.itervalues()) + 1

    def set_field(self, name, book_id_to_val_map, allow_case_change=True):
        f = self.fields[name]
        is_series = f.metadata['datatype'] == 'series'
        update_path = name in {'title', 'authors'}
        if update_path and iswindows:
            paths = (x for x in (self._field_for('path', book_id)
                                 for book_id in book_id_to_val_map) if x)

        if is_series:
            bimap, simap = {}, {}
            for k, v in book_id_to_val_map.iteritems():
                if isinstance(v, basestring):
                    v, sid = get_series_values(v)
                    v = sid = None
                if name.startswith('#') and sid is None:
                    sid = 1.0  # The value will be set to 1.0 in the db table
                bimap[k] = v
                if sid is not None:
                    simap[k] = sid
            book_id_to_val_map = bimap

        dirtied = f.writer.set_books(book_id_to_val_map,

        if is_series and simap:
            sf = self.fields[f.name + '_index']
            dirtied |= sf.writer.set_books(simap,

        if dirtied and self.composites:
            for name in self.composites:

        if dirtied and update_path:
            self._update_path(dirtied, mark_as_dirtied=False)


        return dirtied

    def update_path(self, book_ids, mark_as_dirtied=True):
        for book_id in book_ids:
            title = self._field_for('title',
            author = self._field_for('authors',
                                     default_value=(_('Unknown'), ))[0]
            self.backend.update_path(book_id, title, author,
            if mark_as_dirtied:

    def get_a_dirtied_book(self):
        if self.dirtied_cache:
            return random.choice(tuple(self.dirtied_cache.iterkeys()))
        return None

    def get_metadata_for_dump(self, book_id):
        mi = None
        # get the current sequence number for this book to pass back to the
        # backup thread. This will avoid double calls in the case where the
        # thread has not done the work between the put and the get_metadata
        sequence = self.dirtied_cache.get(book_id, None)
        if sequence is not None:
                # While a book is being created, the path is empty. Don't bother to
                # try to write the opf, because it will go to the wrong folder.
                if self._field_for('path', book_id):
                    mi = self._get_metadata(book_id)
                    # Always set cover to cover.jpg. Even if cover doesn't exist,
                    # no harm done. This way no need to call dirtied when
                    # cover is set/removed
                    mi.cover = 'cover.jpg'
                # This almost certainly means that the book has been deleted while
                # the backup operation sat in the queue.
        return mi, sequence

    def clear_dirtied(self, book_id, sequence):
        Clear the dirtied indicator for the books. This is used when fetching
        metadata, creating an OPF, and writing a file are separated into steps.
        The last step is clearing the indicator
        dc_sequence = self.dirtied_cache.get(book_id, None)
        if dc_sequence is None or sequence is None or dc_sequence == sequence:
                'DELETE FROM metadata_dirtied WHERE book=?', (book_id, ))
            self.dirtied_cache.pop(book_id, None)

    def write_backup(self, book_id, raw):
            path = self._field_for('path', book_id).replace('/', os.sep)

        self.backend.write_backup(path, raw)

    def dirty_queue_length(self):
        return len(self.dirtied_cache)

    def read_backup(self, book_id):
        ''' Return the OPF metadata backup for the book as a bytestring or None
        if no such backup exists.  '''
            path = self._field_for('path', book_id).replace('/', os.sep)

            return self.backend.read_backup(path)
        except EnvironmentError:
            return None

    def dump_metadata(self,
        Write metadata for each record to an individual OPF file. If callback
        is not None, it is called once at the start with the number of book_ids
        being processed. And once for every book_id, with arguments (book_id,
        mi, ok).
        if book_ids is None:
            book_ids = set(self.dirtied_cache)

        if callback is not None:
            callback(len(book_ids), True, False)

        for book_id in book_ids:
            if self._field_for('path', book_id) is None:
                if callback is not None:
                    callback(book_id, None, False)
            mi, sequence = self._get_metadata_for_dump(book_id)
            if mi is None:
                if callback is not None:
                    callback(book_id, mi, False)
                raw = metadata_to_opf(mi)
                self._write_backup(book_id, raw)
                if remove_from_dirtied:
                    self._clear_dirtied(book_id, sequence)
            if callback is not None:
                callback(book_id, mi, True)
Exemplo n.º 4
class Cache(object):

    def __init__(self, backend):
        self.backend = backend
        self.fields = {}
        self.composites = set()
        self.read_lock, self.write_lock = create_locks()
        self.format_metadata_cache = defaultdict(dict)
        self.formatter_template_cache = {}
        self.dirtied_cache = {}
        self.dirtied_sequence = 0
        self._search_api = Search(self.field_metadata.get_search_terms())

        # Implement locking for all simple read/write API methods
        # An unlocked version of the method is stored with the name starting
        # with a leading underscore. Use the unlocked versions when the lock
        # has already been acquired.
        for name in dir(self):
            func = getattr(self, name)
            ira = getattr(func, 'is_read_api', None)
            if ira is not None:
                # Save original function
                setattr(self, '_'+name, func)
                # Wrap it in a lock
                lock = self.read_lock if ira else self.write_lock
                setattr(self, name, wrap_simple(lock, func))


    def initialize_dynamic(self):
        # Reconstruct the user categories, putting them into field_metadata
        # Assumption is that someone else will fix them if they change.
        for user_cat in sorted(self._pref('user_categories', {}).iterkeys(), key=sort_key):
            cat_name = '@' + user_cat  # add the '@' to avoid name collision
            self.field_metadata.add_user_category(label=cat_name, name=user_cat)

        # add grouped search term user categories
        muc = frozenset(self._pref('grouped_search_make_user_categories', []))
        for cat in sorted(self._pref('grouped_search_terms', {}).iterkeys(), key=sort_key):
            if cat in muc:
                # There is a chance that these can be duplicates of an existing
                # user category. Print the exception and continue.
                    self.field_metadata.add_user_category(label=u'@' + cat, name=cat)

        # TODO: Saved searches
        # if len(saved_searches().names()):
        #     self.field_metadata.add_search_category(label='search', name=_('Searches'))

                                    self._pref('grouped_search_terms', {}))


        self.dirtied_cache = {x:i for i, (x,) in enumerate(
            self.backend.conn.execute('SELECT book FROM metadata_dirtied'))}
        if self.dirtied_cache:
            self.dirtied_sequence = max(self.dirtied_cache.itervalues())+1

    def initialize_template_cache(self):
        self.formatter_template_cache = {}

    def refresh(self):
        for field in self.fields.itervalues():
            if hasattr(field, 'clear_cache'):
                field.clear_cache()  # Clear the composite cache
            if hasattr(field, 'table'):
                field.table.read(self.backend)  # Reread data from metadata.db

    def field_metadata(self):
        return self.backend.field_metadata

    def _get_metadata(self, book_id, get_user_categories=True):  # {{{
        mi = Metadata(None, template_cache=self.formatter_template_cache)
        author_ids = self._field_ids_for('authors', book_id)
        aut_list = [self._author_data(i) for i in author_ids]
        aum = []
        aus = {}
        aul = {}
        for rec in aut_list:
            aut = rec['name']
            aus[aut] = rec['sort']
            aul[aut] = rec['link']
        mi.title       = self._field_for('title', book_id,
        mi.authors     = aum
        mi.author_sort = self._field_for('author_sort', book_id,
        mi.author_sort_map = aus
        mi.author_link_map = aul
        mi.comments    = self._field_for('comments', book_id)
        mi.publisher   = self._field_for('publisher', book_id)
        n = nowf()
        mi.timestamp   = self._field_for('timestamp', book_id, default_value=n)
        mi.pubdate     = self._field_for('pubdate', book_id, default_value=n)
        mi.uuid        = self._field_for('uuid', book_id,
        mi.title_sort  = self._field_for('sort', book_id,
        mi.book_size   = self._field_for('size', book_id, default_value=0)
        mi.ondevice_col = self._field_for('ondevice', book_id, default_value='')
        mi.last_modified = self._field_for('last_modified', book_id,
        formats = self._field_for('formats', book_id)
        mi.format_metadata = {}
        mi.languages = list(self._field_for('languages', book_id))
        if not formats:
            good_formats = None
            mi.format_metadata = FormatMetadata(self, book_id, formats)
            good_formats = FormatsList(formats, mi.format_metadata)
        mi.formats = good_formats
        mi.has_cover = _('Yes') if self._field_for('cover', book_id,
                default_value=False) else ''
        mi.tags = list(self._field_for('tags', book_id, default_value=()))
        mi.series = self._field_for('series', book_id)
        if mi.series:
            mi.series_index = self._field_for('series_index', book_id,
        mi.rating = self._field_for('rating', book_id)
        mi.set_identifiers(self._field_for('identifiers', book_id,
        mi.application_id = book_id
        mi.id = book_id
        composites = []
        for key, meta in self.field_metadata.custom_iteritems():
            mi.set_user_metadata(key, meta)
            if meta['datatype'] == 'composite':
                val = self._field_for(key, book_id)
                if isinstance(val, tuple):
                    val = list(val)
                extra = self._field_for(key+'_index', book_id)
                mi.set(key, val=val, extra=extra)
        for key in composites:
            mi.set(key, val=self._composite_for(key, book_id, mi))

        user_cat_vals = {}
        if get_user_categories:
            user_cats = self.backend.prefs['user_categories']
            for ucat in user_cats:
                res = []
                for name,cat,ign in user_cats[ucat]:
                    v = mi.get(cat, None)
                    if isinstance(v, list):
                        if name in v:
                    elif name == v:
                user_cat_vals[ucat] = res
        mi.user_categories = user_cat_vals

        return mi
    # }}}

    # Cache Layer API {{{

    def init(self):
        Initialize this cache with data from the backend.
        with self.write_lock:

            for field, table in self.backend.tables.iteritems():
                self.fields[field] = create_field(field, table)
                if table.metadata['datatype'] == 'composite':

            self.fields['ondevice'] = create_field('ondevice',

            for name, field in self.fields.iteritems():
                if name[0] == '#' and name.endswith('_index'):
                    field.series_field = self.fields[name[:-len('_index')]]
                elif name == 'series_index':
                    field.series_field = self.fields['series']
                elif name == 'authors':
                    field.author_sort_field = self.fields['author_sort']
                elif name == 'title':
                    field.title_sort_field = self.fields['sort']

    def field_for(self, name, book_id, default_value=None):
        Return the value of the field ``name`` for the book identified by
        ``book_id``. If no such book exists or it has no defined value for the
        field ``name`` or no such field exists, then ``default_value`` is returned.

        default_value is not used for title, title_sort, authors, author_sort
        and series_index. This is because these always have values in the db.
        default_value is used for all custom columns.

        The returned value for is_multiple fields are always tuples, even when
        no values are found (in other words, default_value is ignored). The
        exception is identifiers for which the returned value is always a dict.

        WARNING: For is_multiple fields this method returns tuples, the old
        interface generally returned lists.

        WARNING: For is_multiple fields the order of items is always in link
        order (order in which they were entered), whereas the old db had them
        in random order for fields other than author.
        if self.composites and name in self.composites:
            return self.composite_for(name, book_id,
            field = self.fields[name]
        except KeyError:
            return default_value
        if field.is_multiple:
            default_value = {} if name == 'identifiers' else ()
            return field.for_book(book_id, default_value=default_value)
        except (KeyError, IndexError):
            return default_value

    def composite_for(self, name, book_id, mi=None, default_value=''):
            f = self.fields[name]
        except KeyError:
            return default_value

        if mi is None:
            return f.get_value_with_cache(book_id, partial(self._get_metadata,
            return f.render_composite(book_id, mi)

    def field_ids_for(self, name, book_id):
        Return the ids (as a tuple) for the values that the field ``name`` has on the book
        identified by ``book_id``. If there are no values, or no such book, or
        no such field, an empty tuple is returned.
            return self.fields[name].ids_for_book(book_id)
        except (KeyError, IndexError):
            return ()

    def books_for_field(self, name, item_id):
        Return all the books associated with the item identified by
        ``item_id``, where the item belongs to the field ``name``.

        Returned value is a set of book ids, or the empty set if the item
        or the field does not exist.
            return self.fields[name].books_for(item_id)
        except (KeyError, IndexError):
            return set()

    def all_book_ids(self, type=frozenset):
        Frozen set of all known book ids.
        return type(self.fields['uuid'])

    def all_field_ids(self, name):
        Frozen set of ids for all values in the field ``name``.
        return frozenset(iter(self.fields[name]))

    def author_data(self, author_id):
        Return author data as a dictionary with keys: name, sort, link

        If no author with the specified id is found an empty dictionary is
            return self.fields['authors'].author_data(author_id)
        except (KeyError, IndexError):
            return {}

    def format_metadata(self, book_id, fmt, allow_cache=True):
        if not fmt:
            return {}
        fmt = fmt.upper()
        if allow_cache:
            x = self.format_metadata_cache[book_id].get(fmt, None)
            if x is not None:
                return x
            name = self.fields['formats'].format_fname(book_id, fmt)
            path = self._field_for('path', book_id).replace('/', os.sep)
            return {}

        ans = {}
        if path and name:
            ans = self.backend.format_metadata(book_id, fmt, name, path)
            self.format_metadata_cache[book_id][fmt] = ans
        return ans

    def pref(self, name, default=None):
        return self.backend.prefs.get(name, default)

    def set_pref(self, name, val):
        self.backend.prefs.set(name, val)

    def get_metadata(self, book_id,
            get_cover=False, get_user_categories=True, cover_as_data=False):
        Return metadata for the book identified by book_id as a :class:`Metadata` object.
        Note that the list of formats is not verified. If get_cover is True,
        the cover is returned, either a path to temp file as mi.cover or if
        cover_as_data is True then as mi.cover_data.

        with self.read_lock:
            mi = self._get_metadata(book_id, get_user_categories=get_user_categories)

        if get_cover:
            if cover_as_data:
                cdata = self.cover(book_id)
                if cdata:
                    mi.cover_data = ('jpeg', cdata)
                mi.cover = self.cover(book_id, as_path=True)

        return mi

    def cover(self, book_id,
            as_file=False, as_image=False, as_path=False):
        Return the cover image or None. By default, returns the cover as a

        WARNING: Using as_path will copy the cover to a temp file and return
        the path to the temp file. You should delete the temp file when you are
        done with it.

        :param as_file: If True return the image as an open file object (a SpooledTemporaryFile)
        :param as_image: If True return the image as a QImage object
        :param as_path: If True return the image as a path pointing to a
                        temporary file
        if as_file:
            ret = SpooledTemporaryFile(SPOOL_SIZE)
            if not self.copy_cover_to(book_id, ret):
        elif as_path:
            pt = PersistentTemporaryFile('_dbcover.jpg')
            with pt:
                if not self.copy_cover_to(book_id, pt):
            ret = pt.name
            buf = BytesIO()
            if not self.copy_cover_to(book_id, buf):
            ret = buf.getvalue()
            if as_image:
                from PyQt4.Qt import QImage
                i = QImage()
                ret = i
        return ret

    def copy_cover_to(self, book_id, dest, use_hardlink=False):
        Copy the cover to the file like object ``dest``. Returns False
        if no cover exists or dest is the same file as the current cover.
        dest can also be a path in which case the cover is
        copied to it iff the path is different from the current path (taking
        case sensitivity into account).
            path = self._field_for('path', book_id).replace('/', os.sep)
        except AttributeError:
            return False

        return self.backend.copy_cover_to(path, dest,

    def copy_format_to(self, book_id, fmt, dest, use_hardlink=False):
        Copy the format ``fmt`` to the file like object ``dest``. If the
        specified format does not exist, raises :class:`NoSuchFormat` error.
        dest can also be a path, in which case the format is copied to it, iff
        the path is different from the current path (taking case sensitivity
        into account).
            name = self.fields['formats'].format_fname(book_id, fmt)
            path = self._field_for('path', book_id).replace('/', os.sep)
        except (KeyError, AttributeError):
            raise NoSuchFormat('Record %d has no %s file'%(book_id, fmt))

        return self.backend.copy_format_to(book_id, fmt, name, path, dest,

    def format_abspath(self, book_id, fmt):
        Return absolute path to the ebook file of format `format`

        Currently used only in calibredb list, the viewer and the catalogs (via

        Apart from the viewer, I don't believe any of the others do any file
        I/O with the results of this call.
            name = self.fields['formats'].format_fname(book_id, fmt)
            path = self._field_for('path', book_id).replace('/', os.sep)
            return None
        if name and path:
            return self.backend.format_abspath(book_id, fmt, name, path)

    def has_format(self, book_id, fmt):
        'Return True iff the format exists on disk'
            name = self.fields['formats'].format_fname(book_id, fmt)
            path = self._field_for('path', book_id).replace('/', os.sep)
            return False
        return self.backend.has_format(book_id, fmt, name, path)

    def formats(self, book_id, verify_formats=True):
        Return tuple of all formats for the specified book. If verify_formats
        is True, verifies that the files exist on disk.
        ans = self.field_for('formats', book_id)
        if verify_formats and ans:
                path = self._field_for('path', book_id).replace('/', os.sep)
                return ()
            def verify(fmt):
                    name = self.fields['formats'].format_fname(book_id, fmt)
                    return False
                return self.backend.has_format(book_id, fmt, name, path)

            ans = tuple(x for x in ans if verify(x))
        return ans

    def format(self, book_id, fmt, as_file=False, as_path=False, preserve_filename=False):
        Return the ebook format as a bytestring or `None` if the format doesn't exist,
        or we don't have permission to write to the ebook file.

        :param as_file: If True the ebook format is returned as a file object. Note
                        that the file object is a SpooledTemporaryFile, so if what you want to
                        do is copy the format to another file, use :method:`copy_format_to`
                        instead for performance.
        :param as_path: Copies the format file to a temp file and returns the
                        path to the temp file
        :param preserve_filename: If True and returning a path the filename is
                                  the same as that used in the library. Note that using
                                  this means that repeated calls yield the same
                                  temp file (which is re-created each time)
        ext = ('.'+fmt.lower()) if fmt else ''
        if as_path:
            if preserve_filename:
                with self.read_lock:
                        fname = self.fields['formats'].format_fname(book_id, fmt)
                        return None
                    fname += ext

                bd = base_dir()
                d = os.path.join(bd, 'format_abspath')
                ret = os.path.join(d, fname)
                    self.copy_format_to(book_id, fmt, ret)
                except NoSuchFormat:
                    return None
                with PersistentTemporaryFile(ext) as pt:
                        self.copy_format_to(book_id, fmt, pt)
                    except NoSuchFormat:
                        return None
                    ret = pt.name
        elif as_file:
            with self.read_lock:
                    fname = self.fields['formats'].format_fname(book_id, fmt)
                    return None
                fname += ext

            ret = SpooledTemporaryFile(SPOOL_SIZE)
                self.copy_format_to(book_id, fmt, ret)
            except NoSuchFormat:
                return None
            # Various bits of code try to use the name as the default
            # title when reading metadata, so set it
            ret.name = fname
            buf = BytesIO()
                self.copy_format_to(book_id, fmt, buf)
            except NoSuchFormat:
                return None

            ret = buf.getvalue()

        return ret

    def multisort(self, fields, ids_to_sort=None):
        Return a list of sorted book ids. If ids_to_sort is None, all book ids
        are returned.

        fields must be a list of 2-tuples of the form (field_name,
        ascending=True or False). The most significant field is the first
        all_book_ids = frozenset(self._all_book_ids() if ids_to_sort is None
                else ids_to_sort)
        get_metadata = partial(self._get_metadata, get_user_categories=False)
        lang_map = self.fields['languages'].book_value_map

        fm = {'title':'sort', 'authors':'author_sort'}

        def sort_key(field):
            'Handle series type fields'
            idx = field + '_index'
            is_series = idx in self.fields
            ans = self.fields[fm.get(field, field)].sort_keys_for_books(
                get_metadata, lang_map, all_book_ids,)
            if is_series:
                idx_ans = self.fields[idx].sort_keys_for_books(
                    get_metadata, lang_map, all_book_ids)
                ans = {k:(v, idx_ans[k]) for k, v in ans.iteritems()}
            return ans

        sort_keys = tuple(sort_key(field[0]) for field in fields)

        if len(sort_keys) == 1:
            sk = sort_keys[0]
            return sorted(all_book_ids, key=lambda i:sk[i], reverse=not
            return sorted(all_book_ids, key=partial(SortKey, fields, sort_keys))

    def search(self, query, restriction, virtual_fields=None):
        return self._search_api(self, query, restriction,

    def get_categories(self, sort='name', book_ids=None, icon_map=None):
        return get_categories(self, sort=sort, book_ids=book_ids,

    def update_last_modified(self, book_ids, now=None):
        if now is None:
            now = nowf()
        if book_ids:
            f = self.fields['last_modified']
            f.writer.set_books({book_id:now for book_id in book_ids}, self.backend)

    def mark_as_dirty(self, book_ids):
        already_dirtied = set(self.dirtied_cache).intersection(book_ids)
        new_dirtied = book_ids - already_dirtied
        already_dirtied = {book_id:self.dirtied_sequence+i for i, book_id in enumerate(already_dirtied)}
        if already_dirtied:
            self.dirtied_sequence = max(already_dirtied.itervalues()) + 1
        if new_dirtied:
            self.backend.conn.executemany('INSERT OR IGNORE INTO metadata_dirtied (book) VALUES (?)',
                                    ((x,) for x in new_dirtied))
            new_dirtied = {book_id:self.dirtied_sequence+i for i, book_id in enumerate(new_dirtied)}
            self.dirtied_sequence = max(new_dirtied.itervalues()) + 1

    def set_field(self, name, book_id_to_val_map, allow_case_change=True, do_path_update=True):
        f = self.fields[name]
        is_series = f.metadata['datatype'] == 'series'
        update_path = name in {'title', 'authors'}
        if update_path and iswindows:
            paths = (x for x in (self._field_for('path', book_id) for book_id in book_id_to_val_map) if x)

        if is_series:
            bimap, simap = {}, {}
            for k, v in book_id_to_val_map.iteritems():
                if isinstance(v, basestring):
                    v, sid = get_series_values(v)
                    v = sid = None
                if name.startswith('#') and sid is None:
                    sid = 1.0  # The value will be set to 1.0 in the db table
                bimap[k] = v
                if sid is not None:
                    simap[k] = sid
            book_id_to_val_map = bimap

        dirtied = f.writer.set_books(
            book_id_to_val_map, self.backend, allow_case_change=allow_case_change)

        if is_series and simap:
            sf = self.fields[f.name+'_index']
            dirtied |= sf.writer.set_books(simap, self.backend, allow_case_change=False)

        if dirtied and self.composites:
            for name in self.composites:

        if dirtied and update_path and do_path_update:
            self._update_path(dirtied, mark_as_dirtied=False)


        return dirtied

    def update_path(self, book_ids, mark_as_dirtied=True):
        for book_id in book_ids:
            title = self._field_for('title', book_id, default_value=_('Unknown'))
            author = self._field_for('authors', book_id, default_value=(_('Unknown'),))[0]
            self.backend.update_path(book_id, title, author, self.fields['path'], self.fields['formats'])
            if mark_as_dirtied:

    def get_a_dirtied_book(self):
        if self.dirtied_cache:
            return random.choice(tuple(self.dirtied_cache.iterkeys()))
        return None

    def get_metadata_for_dump(self, book_id):
        mi = None
        # get the current sequence number for this book to pass back to the
        # backup thread. This will avoid double calls in the case where the
        # thread has not done the work between the put and the get_metadata
        sequence = self.dirtied_cache.get(book_id, None)
        if sequence is not None:
                # While a book is being created, the path is empty. Don't bother to
                # try to write the opf, because it will go to the wrong folder.
                if self._field_for('path', book_id):
                    mi = self._get_metadata(book_id)
                    # Always set cover to cover.jpg. Even if cover doesn't exist,
                    # no harm done. This way no need to call dirtied when
                    # cover is set/removed
                    mi.cover = 'cover.jpg'
                # This almost certainly means that the book has been deleted while
                # the backup operation sat in the queue.
        return mi, sequence

    def clear_dirtied(self, book_id, sequence):
        Clear the dirtied indicator for the books. This is used when fetching
        metadata, creating an OPF, and writing a file are separated into steps.
        The last step is clearing the indicator
        dc_sequence = self.dirtied_cache.get(book_id, None)
        if dc_sequence is None or sequence is None or dc_sequence == sequence:
            self.backend.conn.execute('DELETE FROM metadata_dirtied WHERE book=?',
            self.dirtied_cache.pop(book_id, None)

    def write_backup(self, book_id, raw):
            path = self._field_for('path', book_id).replace('/', os.sep)

        self.backend.write_backup(path, raw)

    def dirty_queue_length(self):
        return len(self.dirtied_cache)

    def read_backup(self, book_id):
        ''' Return the OPF metadata backup for the book as a bytestring or None
        if no such backup exists.  '''
            path = self._field_for('path', book_id).replace('/', os.sep)

            return self.backend.read_backup(path)
        except EnvironmentError:
            return None

    def dump_metadata(self, book_ids=None, remove_from_dirtied=True,
        Write metadata for each record to an individual OPF file. If callback
        is not None, it is called once at the start with the number of book_ids
        being processed. And once for every book_id, with arguments (book_id,
        mi, ok).
        if book_ids is None:
            book_ids = set(self.dirtied_cache)

        if callback is not None:
            callback(len(book_ids), True, False)

        for book_id in book_ids:
            if self._field_for('path', book_id) is None:
                if callback is not None:
                    callback(book_id, None, False)
            mi, sequence = self._get_metadata_for_dump(book_id)
            if mi is None:
                if callback is not None:
                    callback(book_id, mi, False)
                raw = metadata_to_opf(mi)
                self._write_backup(book_id, raw)
                if remove_from_dirtied:
                    self._clear_dirtied(book_id, sequence)
            if callback is not None:
                callback(book_id, mi, True)

    def set_cover(self, book_id_data_map):
        ''' Set the cover for this book.  data can be either a QImage,
        QPixmap, file object or bytestring '''

        for book_id, data in book_id_data_map.iteritems():
                path = self._field_for('path', book_id).replace('/', os.sep)
            except AttributeError:
                path = self._field_for('path', book_id).replace('/', os.sep)

            self.backend.set_cover(book_id, path, data)
        self._set_field('cover', {book_id:1 for book_id in book_id_data_map})

    def set_metadata(self, book_id, mi, ignore_errors=False, force_changes=False,
                     set_title=True, set_authors=True):
        if callable(getattr(mi, 'to_book_metadata', None)):
            # Handle code passing in an OPF object instead of a Metadata object
            mi = mi.to_book_metadata()

        def set_field(name, val, **kwargs):
            self._set_field(name, {book_id:val}, **kwargs)

        path_changed = False
        if set_title and mi.title:
            path_changed = True
            set_field('title', mi.title, do_path_update=False)
        if set_authors:
            path_changed = True
            if not mi.authors:
                mi.authors = [_('Unknown')]
            authors = []
            for a in mi.authors:
                authors += string_to_authors(a)
            set_field('authors', authors, do_path_update=False)

        if path_changed:

        def protected_set_field(name, val, **kwargs):
                set_field(name, val, **kwargs)
                if ignore_errors:

        for field in ('rating', 'series_index', 'timestamp'):
            val = getattr(mi, field)
            if val is not None:
                protected_set_field(field, val)

        # force_changes has no effect on cover manipulation
        cdata = mi.cover_data[1]
        if cdata is None and isinstance(mi.cover, basestring) and mi.cover and os.access(mi.cover, os.R_OK):
            with lopen(mi.cover, 'rb') as f:
                raw = f.read()
                if raw:
                    cdata = raw
        if cdata is not None:
            self._set_cover({book_id: cdata})

        for field in ('title_sort', 'author_sort', 'publisher', 'series',
            'tags', 'comments', 'languages', 'pubdate'):
            val = mi.get(field, None)
            if (force_changes and val is not None) or not mi.is_null(field):
                protected_set_field(field, val)

        # identifiers will always be replaced if force_changes is True
        mi_idents = mi.get_identifiers()
        if force_changes:
            protected_set_field('identifiers', mi_idents)
        elif mi_idents:
            identifiers = self._field_for('identifiers', book_id, default_value={})
            for key, val in mi_idents.iteritems():
                if val and val.strip():  # Don't delete an existing identifier
                    identifiers[icu_lower(key)] = val
            protected_set_field('identifiers', identifiers)

        user_mi = mi.get_all_user_metadata(make_copy=False)
        fm = self.field_metadata
        for key in user_mi.iterkeys():
            if (key in fm and
                    user_mi[key]['datatype'] == fm[key]['datatype'] and
                    (user_mi[key]['datatype'] != 'text' or
                     user_mi[key]['is_multiple'] == fm[key]['is_multiple'])):
                val = mi.get(key, None)
                if force_changes or val is not None:
                    protected_set_field(key, val)
                    extra = mi.get_extra(key)
                    if extra is not None:
                        protected_set_field(key+'_index', extra)
Exemplo n.º 5
class Cache(object):

    def __init__(self, backend):
        self.backend = backend
        self.fields = {}
        self.composites = set()
        self.read_lock, self.write_lock = create_locks()
        self.record_lock = RecordLock(self.read_lock)
        self.format_metadata_cache = defaultdict(dict)
        self.formatter_template_cache = {}
        self._search_api = Search(self.field_metadata.get_search_terms())

        # Implement locking for all simple read/write API methods
        # An unlocked version of the method is stored with the name starting
        # with a leading underscore. Use the unlocked versions when the lock
        # has already been acquired.
        for name in dir(self):
            func = getattr(self, name)
            ira = getattr(func, 'is_read_api', None)
            if ira is not None:
                # Save original function
                setattr(self, '_'+name, func)
                # Wrap it in a lock
                lock = self.read_lock if ira else self.write_lock
                setattr(self, name, wrap_simple(lock, func))


    def initialize_dynamic(self):
        # Reconstruct the user categories, putting them into field_metadata
        # Assumption is that someone else will fix them if they change.
        for user_cat in sorted(self.pref('user_categories', {}).iterkeys(), key=sort_key):
            cat_name = '@' + user_cat # add the '@' to avoid name collision
            self.field_metadata.add_user_category(label=cat_name, name=user_cat)

        # add grouped search term user categories
        muc = frozenset(self.pref('grouped_search_make_user_categories', []))
        for cat in sorted(self.pref('grouped_search_terms', {}).iterkeys(), key=sort_key):
            if cat in muc:
                # There is a chance that these can be duplicates of an existing
                # user category. Print the exception and continue.
                    self.field_metadata.add_user_category(label=u'@' + cat, name=cat)

        # TODO: Saved searches
        # if len(saved_searches().names()):
        #     self.field_metadata.add_search_category(label='search', name=_('Searches'))

                                    self.pref('grouped_search_terms', {}))


    def field_metadata(self):
        return self.backend.field_metadata

    def _format_abspath(self, book_id, fmt):
        Return absolute path to the ebook file of format `format`

        WARNING: This method will return a dummy path for a network backend DB,
        so do not rely on it, use format(..., as_path=True) instead.

        Currently used only in calibredb list, the viewer and the catalogs (via

        Apart from the viewer, I don't believe any of the others do any file
        I/O with the results of this call.
            name = self.fields['formats'].format_fname(book_id, fmt)
            path = self._field_for('path', book_id).replace('/', os.sep)
            return None
        if name and path:
            return self.backend.format_abspath(book_id, fmt, name, path)

    def _get_metadata(self, book_id, get_user_categories=True): # {{{
        mi = Metadata(None, template_cache=self.formatter_template_cache)
        author_ids = self._field_ids_for('authors', book_id)
        aut_list = [self._author_data(i) for i in author_ids]
        aum = []
        aus = {}
        aul = {}
        for rec in aut_list:
            aut = rec['name']
            aus[aut] = rec['sort']
            aul[aut] = rec['link']
        mi.title       = self._field_for('title', book_id,
        mi.authors     = aum
        mi.author_sort = self._field_for('author_sort', book_id,
        mi.author_sort_map = aus
        mi.author_link_map = aul
        mi.comments    = self._field_for('comments', book_id)
        mi.publisher   = self._field_for('publisher', book_id)
        n = now()
        mi.timestamp   = self._field_for('timestamp', book_id, default_value=n)
        mi.pubdate     = self._field_for('pubdate', book_id, default_value=n)
        mi.uuid        = self._field_for('uuid', book_id,
        mi.title_sort  = self._field_for('sort', book_id,
        mi.book_size   = self._field_for('size', book_id, default_value=0)
        mi.ondevice_col = self._field_for('ondevice', book_id, default_value='')
        mi.last_modified = self._field_for('last_modified', book_id,
        formats = self._field_for('formats', book_id)
        mi.format_metadata = {}
        mi.languages = list(self._field_for('languages', book_id))
        if not formats:
            good_formats = None
            mi.format_metadata = FormatMetadata(self, id, formats)
            good_formats = FormatsList(formats, mi.format_metadata)
        mi.formats = good_formats
        mi.has_cover = _('Yes') if self._field_for('cover', book_id,
                default_value=False) else ''
        mi.tags = list(self._field_for('tags', book_id, default_value=()))
        mi.series = self._field_for('series', book_id)
        if mi.series:
            mi.series_index = self._field_for('series_index', book_id,
        mi.rating = self._field_for('rating', book_id)
        mi.set_identifiers(self._field_for('identifiers', book_id,
        mi.application_id = book_id
        mi.id = book_id
        composites = []
        for key, meta in self.field_metadata.custom_iteritems():
            mi.set_user_metadata(key, meta)
            if meta['datatype'] == 'composite':
                val = self._field_for(key, book_id)
                if isinstance(val, tuple):
                    val = list(val)
                extra = self._field_for(key+'_index', book_id)
                mi.set(key, val=val, extra=extra)
        for key in composites:
            mi.set(key, val=self._composite_for(key, book_id, mi))

        user_cat_vals = {}
        if get_user_categories:
            user_cats = self.backend.prefs['user_categories']
            for ucat in user_cats:
                res = []
                for name,cat,ign in user_cats[ucat]:
                    v = mi.get(cat, None)
                    if isinstance(v, list):
                        if name in v:
                    elif name == v:
                user_cat_vals[ucat] = res
        mi.user_categories = user_cat_vals

        return mi
    # }}}

    # Cache Layer API {{{

    def init(self):
        Initialize this cache with data from the backend.
        with self.write_lock:

            for field, table in self.backend.tables.iteritems():
                self.fields[field] = create_field(field, table)
                if table.metadata['datatype'] == 'composite':

            self.fields['ondevice'] = create_field('ondevice',

    def field_for(self, name, book_id, default_value=None):
        Return the value of the field ``name`` for the book identified by
        ``book_id``. If no such book exists or it has no defined value for the
        field ``name`` or no such field exists, then ``default_value`` is returned.

        default_value is not used for title, title_sort, authors, author_sort
        and series_index. This is because these always have values in the db.
        default_value is used for all custom columns.

        The returned value for is_multiple fields are always tuples, even when
        no values are found (in other words, default_value is ignored). The
        exception is identifiers for which the returned value is always a dict.

        WARNING: For is_multiple fields this method returns tuples, the old
        interface generally returned lists.

        WARNING: For is_multiple fields the order of items is always in link
        order (order in which they were entered), whereas the old db had them
        in random order for fields other than author.
        if self.composites and name in self.composites:
            return self.composite_for(name, book_id,
            field = self.fields[name]
        except KeyError:
            return default_value
        if field.is_multiple:
            default_value = {} if name == 'identifiers' else ()
            return field.for_book(book_id, default_value=default_value)
        except (KeyError, IndexError):
            return default_value

    def composite_for(self, name, book_id, mi=None, default_value=''):
            f = self.fields[name]
        except KeyError:
            return default_value

        if mi is None:
            return f.get_value_with_cache(book_id, partial(self._get_metadata,
            return f.render_composite(book_id, mi)

    def field_ids_for(self, name, book_id):
        Return the ids (as a tuple) for the values that the field ``name`` has on the book
        identified by ``book_id``. If there are no values, or no such book, or
        no such field, an empty tuple is returned.
            return self.fields[name].ids_for_book(book_id)
        except (KeyError, IndexError):
            return ()

    def books_for_field(self, name, item_id):
        Return all the books associated with the item identified by
        ``item_id``, where the item belongs to the field ``name``.

        Returned value is a set of book ids, or the empty set if the item
        or the field does not exist.
            return self.fields[name].books_for(item_id)
        except (KeyError, IndexError):
            return set()

    def all_book_ids(self, type=frozenset):
        Frozen set of all known book ids.
        return type(self.fields['uuid'])

    def all_field_ids(self, name):
        Frozen set of ids for all values in the field ``name``.
        return frozenset(iter(self.fields[name]))

    def author_data(self, author_id):
        Return author data as a dictionary with keys: name, sort, link

        If no author with the specified id is found an empty dictionary is
            return self.fields['authors'].author_data(author_id)
        except (KeyError, IndexError):
            return {}

    def format_metadata(self, book_id, fmt, allow_cache=True):
        if not fmt:
            return {}
        fmt = fmt.upper()
        if allow_cache:
            x = self.format_metadata_cache[book_id].get(fmt, None)
            if x is not None:
                return x
            name = self.fields['formats'].format_fname(book_id, fmt)
            path = self._field_for('path', book_id).replace('/', os.sep)
            return {}

        ans = {}
        if path and name:
            ans = self.backend.format_metadata(book_id, fmt, name, path)
            self.format_metadata_cache[book_id][fmt] = ans
        return ans

    def pref(self, name, default=None):
        return self.backend.prefs.get(name, default)

    def set_pref(self, name, val):
        self.backend.prefs.set(name, val)

    def get_metadata(self, book_id,
            get_cover=False, get_user_categories=True, cover_as_data=False):
        Return metadata for the book identified by book_id as a :class:`Metadata` object.
        Note that the list of formats is not verified. If get_cover is True,
        the cover is returned, either a path to temp file as mi.cover or if
        cover_as_data is True then as mi.cover_data.

        with self.read_lock:
            mi = self._get_metadata(book_id, get_user_categories=get_user_categories)

        if get_cover:
            if cover_as_data:
                cdata = self.cover(book_id)
                if cdata:
                    mi.cover_data = ('jpeg', cdata)
                mi.cover = self.cover(book_id, as_path=True)

        return mi

    def cover(self, book_id,
            as_file=False, as_image=False, as_path=False):
        Return the cover image or None. By default, returns the cover as a

        WARNING: Using as_path will copy the cover to a temp file and return
        the path to the temp file. You should delete the temp file when you are
        done with it.

        :param as_file: If True return the image as an open file object (a SpooledTemporaryFile)
        :param as_image: If True return the image as a QImage object
        :param as_path: If True return the image as a path pointing to a
                        temporary file
        with self.read_lock:
                path = self._field_for('path', book_id).replace('/', os.sep)
                return None

        with self.record_lock.lock(book_id):
            return self.backend.cover(path, as_file=as_file, as_image=as_image,

    def multisort(self, fields, ids_to_sort=None):
        Return a list of sorted book ids. If ids_to_sort is None, all book ids
        are returned.

        fields must be a list of 2-tuples of the form (field_name,
        ascending=True or False). The most significant field is the first
        all_book_ids = frozenset(self._all_book_ids() if ids_to_sort is None
                else ids_to_sort)
        get_metadata = partial(self._get_metadata, get_user_categories=False)
        lang_map = self.fields['languages'].book_value_map

        fm = {'title':'sort', 'authors':'author_sort'}

        def sort_key(field):
            'Handle series type fields'
            idx = field + '_index'
            is_series = idx in self.fields
            ans = self.fields[fm.get(field, field)].sort_keys_for_books(
                get_metadata, lang_map, all_book_ids,)
            if is_series:
                idx_ans = self.fields[idx].sort_keys_for_books(
                    get_metadata, lang_map, all_book_ids)
                ans = {k:(v, idx_ans[k]) for k, v in ans.iteritems()}
            return ans

        sort_keys = tuple(sort_key(field[0]) for field in fields)

        if len(sort_keys) == 1:
            sk = sort_keys[0]
            return sorted(all_book_ids, key=lambda i:sk[i], reverse=not
            return sorted(all_book_ids, key=partial(SortKey, fields, sort_keys))

    def search(self, query, restriction, virtual_fields=None):
        return self._search_api(self, query, restriction,

    def get_categories(self, sort='name', book_ids=None, icon_map=None):
        return get_categories(self, sort=sort, book_ids=book_ids,