Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_identity(self):
      im = Image.open("/u/konolige/vslam/data/indoor1/left-%04d.ppm" % 1000)
      kp = [(x-16, y-16) for (x,y) in fast.fast(im.tostring(), im.size[0], im.size[1], 150, 40)]

      cl1 = calonder.classifier()

      cl1.train(im.tostring(), im.size[0], im.size[1], kp)

      def testclassifier(kp, im, cl):
        ma = calonder.BruteForceMatcher()

        sigs = []
        for (x,y) in kp:
          patch = im.crop((x,y,x+32,y+32))
          sig = cl.getSignature(patch.tostring(), patch.size[0], patch.size[1])
          #print ["%3f" % x for x in sig.dump()]

        for (i,(x,y)) in enumerate(kp):
          patch = im.crop((x,y,x+32,y+32))
          sig = cl.getSignature(patch.tostring(), patch.size[0], patch.size[1])
          (index, distance) = ma.findMatch(sig)
          self.assert_(i == index)

      testclassifier(kp, im, cl1)
      del cl1

      # Now make another classifier, and read it from the file above

      cl2 = calonder.classifier()

      testclassifier(kp, im, cl2)
 def __init__(self, *args):
   self.cl = calonder.classifier()
   search = [ '/u/prdata/calonder_trees/current.rtc', '/u/jamesb/current.rtc', None ]
   for filename in search:
     if not filename:
       print "Failed to find current.rtc in", search
       assert 0
     if os.access(filename, os.R_OK):
   DescriptorScheme.__init__(self, *args)
Exemplo n.º 3
def match_runs(reference_files, query_files):
    print "loading vocabulary tree..."
    vt = place_recognition.load("/u/mihelich/images/holidays/holidays.tree")
    cl = calonder.classifier()

    print "adding database images..."
    for i in reference_files[2]:
        # Add image to vocabulary tree
        name = reference_files[0] % i
        img = Image.open(name)
        desc, kp = get_features(img, cl)
        vt.add(img, desc)
        print '%s has %d feature points' % (name, len(kp))
        # Save coordinates and descriptors
        file = open(reference_files[1] % (i, "key"), "w")
        for (pt, d) in zip(kp, desc):
            # Format: x y [d...]
            file.write("%i %i %s\n" % (pt[0], pt[1], str(list(d))))

    print "getting top-k views for query images..."
    N = len(reference_files[2])
    k = 32
    M = []
    for i in query_files[2]:
        # Get indexes of best N matching views from reference run
        name = query_files[0] % i
        img = Image.open(name)
        desc, kp = get_features(img, cl)
        print '%s has %d feature points' % (name, len(kp))
        scores = vt.topN(img, desc, N)
        top_n = sorted(enumerate(scores), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[:k]
        # Save filenames of matching views
        file = open(query_files[1] % (i, "match"), "w")
        for (index, score) in top_n:
            file.write("%s %f\n" %
                       (reference_files[0] % reference_files[2][index], score))
    return M
Exemplo n.º 4
 def __init__(self):
     self.cl = calonder.classifier()
     self.ma = calonder.BruteForceMatcher()
Exemplo n.º 5
 def __init__(self):
   self.cl = calonder.classifier()
   self.ma = calonder.BruteForceMatcher()
Exemplo n.º 6
print 'opening images...'
outlet_train = [
    Image.open(outlet_files % i).convert('L') for i in range(416, 427)
no_out_train = [
    Image.open(no_out_files % i).convert('L') for i in range(416, 427)
#outlet_test  = [ Image.open(outlet_files % i).convert('L') for i in range(372, 416) + range(427, 471) ]
#no_out_test  = [ Image.open(no_out_files % i).convert('L') for i in range(372, 416) + range(427, 471) ]

print 'loading trees...'
vt = place_recognition.load('/u/mihelich/images/holidays/holidays_b5d4.tree')
#vt = place_recognition.load('/u/mihelich/images/holidays/holidays.tree')
#vt = place_recognition.vocabularytree()
#vt.build(outlet_train, 5, 4, False)
cl = calonder.classifier()

def kp_d(frame):
    fkp = fast.fast(frame.tostring(), frame.size[0], frame.size[1], 10, 15)
    fkp = [(x, y, r) for (x, y, r) in fkp
           if (16 <= x and 16 <= y and x <= frame.size[0] -
               16 and y <= frame.size[1] - 16)]
    fkp = fast.nonmax(fkp)  #damn this is slow
    kp = [(x, y) for (
        x, y,
        r) in sorted(fkp, key=lambda x: (x[2], x[0], x[1]), reverse=True)[:200]
    print 'kp_d gave %d points' % len(kp)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_identity(self):
      im = Image.open("f0-left.png")
      kp = [(x-16, y-16) for (x,y,r) in fast.fast(im.tostring(), im.size[0], im.size[1], 55, 0) if (x > 32) and (y > 32) and (x < (640-32)) and (y < (480-32))]
      print "keypoints", len(kp)
      dim = 176 # actual dimension will be min(176, |kp|)

      cl1 = calonder.classifier()

      if 0:
        cl1.train(im.tostring(), im.size[0], im.size[1], kp, 50, 10, 100, dim, 0)
        # CMakefile.txt downloads current.rtc before this test runs
        filename = 'current.rtc'

      dim = cl1.dimension()

      if 0:
        for i in range(1000000):
          print i
          sigs = cl1.getSignatures(im.size, im.tostring(), kp)
          #for (x,y) in kp:
          #  patch = im.crop((x,y,x+32,y+32))
          #  sig = cl1.getSignature(patch.tostring(), patch.size[0], patch.size[1])

      def testclassifier(kp, im, cl):
        ma = calonder.BruteForceMatcher(dim)

        sigs = []

        kp = kp[:]
        for (x,y) in kp:
          print x,y
          patch = im.crop((x,y,x+32,y+32))
          sig = cl.getSignature(patch.tostring(), patch.size[0], patch.size[1])
        #print cl.getSignatures(im, kp)

        for (i,(x,y)) in enumerate(kp):
          patch = im.crop((x,y,x+32,y+32))
          sig = cl.getSignature(patch.tostring(), patch.size[0], patch.size[1])
          (index, distance) = ma.findMatch(sig)
          print "i = %d, match = %u, distance = %.3f" % (i, index, distance)
          self.assert_(i == index)

      testclassifier(kp, im, cl1)
      print "done"

      print "Writing to unittest.tree... ",
      print "done"

      del cl1

      # Now make another classifier, and read it from the file above

      cl2 = calonder.classifier()
      print "Reading classifier... ",
      print "done"

      testclassifier(kp, im, cl2)

      f = open('sigs.pickle', 'w')
      for (x,y) in kp[:3]:
        patch = im.crop((x,y,x+32,y+32))
        sig = cl2.getSignature(patch.tostring(), patch.size[0], patch.size[1])
        pickle.dump(sig, f)
        print "saved", sig
      f = open('sigs.pickle')
      for i in range(3):
        print "loaded", pickle.load(f)