Exemplo n.º 1
 def consume(self, word):
     """Updates the current nodes by searching for all nodes which
     are reachable from the current nodes by a path consisting of 
     any number of epsilons and exactly one ``word`` label. If there
     is no such arc, we set the predictor in an invalid state. In 
     this case, all subsequent ``predict_next`` calls will return 
     the empty set.
         word (int): Word on an outgoing arc from the current node
     # Add all epsilon reachable states
     d = {}
     # Collect distances to nodes reachable by word
     for weight, node in self.cur_nodes:
         for arc in self.cur_fst.arcs(node):
             if arc.olabel == word:
                 d[arc.nextstate] = d.get(arc.nextstate, []) + [
                     weight + self.weight_factor * w2f(arc.weight)
     # Add epsilon reachable states
     prev_d = {}
     while len(prev_d) != len(d):
         prev_d = copy.copy(d)
         for node, weights in prev_d.iteritems():
             for arc in self.cur_fst.arcs(node):
                 weight = utils.log_sum(weights)
                 if arc.olabel == EPS_ID:
                     d[arc.nextstate] = d.get(arc.nextstate, []) + [
                         weight + self.weight_factor * w2f(arc.weight)
     self.cur_nodes = [(utils.log_sum(weights), n)
                       for n, weights in d.iteritems()]
Exemplo n.º 2
def breakdown2score_bayesian_loglin(working_score, score_breakdown, full=False,
    """Like bayesian combination scheme, but uses loglinear model
    combination rather than linear interpolation weights
    TODO: Implement incremental version of it, write weights into breakdowns.
    if not score_breakdown:
        return working_score
    acc = []
    prev_alphas = [] # list of all alpha_i,k
    # Write priors to alphas
    for (p, w) in score_breakdown[0]:
    for pos in score_breakdown: # for each position in the hypothesis
        alphas = []
        sub_acc = []
        # for each predictor (p: p_k(w_i|h_i), w: prior p(k))
        for k, (p, w) in enumerate(pos): 
            alpha = prev_alphas[k] + p
            sub_acc.append(p + alpha)
        acc.append(utils.log_sum(sub_acc) - utils.log_sum(alphas))
        prev_alphas = alphas
    return sum(acc)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def write_hypos(self, all_hypos, sen_indices):
     """Writes ngram files for each sentence in ``all_hypos``.
         all_hypos (list): list of nbest lists of hypotheses
         sen_indices (list): List of sentence indices (0-indexed)
         OSError. If the directory could not be created
         IOError. If something goes wrong while writing to the disk
     _mkdir(self.path, "ngram")
     for sen_idx, hypos in zip(sen_indices, all_hypos):
         sen_idx += 1
         total = utils.log_sum([hypo.total_score for hypo in hypos])
         normed_scores = [hypo.total_score - total for hypo in hypos]
         ngrams = defaultdict(dict)
         # Collect ngrams
         for hypo_idx, hypo in enumerate(hypos):
             sen_eos = [utils.GO_ID] + hypo.trgt_sentence + [utils.EOS_ID]
             for pos in xrange(1, len(sen_eos) + 1):
                 hist = sen_eos[:pos]
                 for order in xrange(self.min_order, self.max_order + 1):
                     ngram = ' '.join(map(str, hist[-order:]))
                     ngrams[ngram][hypo_idx] = True
         with open(self.file_pattern % sen_idx, "w") as f:
             for ngram, hypo_indices in ngrams.iteritems():
                 ngram_score = np.exp(
                         for hypo_idx in hypo_indices
                 f.write("%s : %f\n" % (ngram, min(1.0, ngram_score)))
Exemplo n.º 4
 def write_hypos(self, all_hypos, sen_indices):
     """Writes ngram files for each sentence in ``all_hypos``.
         all_hypos (list): list of nbest lists of hypotheses
         sen_indices (list): List of sentence indices (0-indexed)
         OSError. If the directory could not be created
         IOError. If something goes wrong while writing to the disk
     _mkdir(self.path, "ngram")
     for sen_idx, hypos in zip(sen_indices, all_hypos):
         sen_idx += 1
         total = utils.log_sum([hypo.total_score for hypo in hypos])
         normed_scores = [hypo.total_score - total for hypo in hypos]
         ngrams = defaultdict(dict)
         # Collect ngrams
         for hypo_idx, hypo in enumerate(hypos):
             sen_eos = [utils.GO_ID] + hypo.trgt_sentence + [utils.EOS_ID]
             for pos in xrange(1, len(sen_eos) + 1):
                 hist = sen_eos[:pos]
                 for order in xrange(self.min_order, self.max_order + 1):
                     ngram = ' '.join(map(str, hist[-order:]))
                     ngrams[ngram][hypo_idx] = True
         with open(self.file_pattern % sen_idx, "w") as f:
             for ngram, hypo_indices in ngrams.iteritems():
                 ngram_score = np.exp(utils.log_sum(
                    [normed_scores[hypo_idx] for hypo_idx in hypo_indices]))
                 f.write("%s : %f\n" % (ngram, min(1.0, ngram_score)))
Exemplo n.º 5
def breakdown2score_bayesian(working_score,
    """This realizes score combination following the Bayesian LM 
    interpolation scheme from (Allauzen and Riley, 2011)
      Bayesian Language Model Interpolation for Mobile Speech Input
    By setting K=T we define the predictor weights according the score
    the predictors give to the current partial hypothesis. The initial
    predictor weights are used as priors. 
    TODO could make more efficient use of ``working_score``
        working_score (float): Working combined score, which is the 
                               weighted sum of the scores in
                               ``score_breakdown``. Not used.
        score_breakdown (list): Breakdown of the combined score into
                                predictor scores
        full (bool): If True, reevaluate all time steps. If False,
                     assume that this function has been called in the
                      previous time step.
        float. Bayesian interpolated predictor scores
    if not score_breakdown or working_score == utils.NEG_INF:
        return working_score
    alphas = [np.log(w) for (_, w) in score_breakdown[0]]
    if full:
        acc = []
        for pos in score_breakdown:  # for each position in the hypothesis
            for k, (p, _) in enumerate(pos):
                alphas[k] += p
            alpha_part = utils.log_sum(alphas)
            scores = [
                alphas[k] - alpha_part + p for k, (p, _) in enumerate(pos)
        return sum(acc)
        if len(score_breakdown) == 1:
            scores = [np.log(w) + p for p, w in score_breakdown[0]]
            return utils.log_sum(scores)
        working_score = prev_score
        for k, (p, w) in enumerate(score_breakdown[-2]):
            alphas[k] = np.log(w) + p
        alpha_norm = alphas - utils.log_sum(alphas)
        scores = [
            alpha_norm[k] + p for k, (p, w) in enumerate(score_breakdown[-1])
        updated_breakdown = [(p, np.exp(alpha_norm[k]))
                             for k, (p, w) in enumerate(score_breakdown[-1])]
        score_breakdown[-1] = updated_breakdown
        working_score += utils.log_sum(scores)
        return working_score
Exemplo n.º 6
 def _combine_posteriors_norm_reduced(self,
     """Combine predictor posteriors according the normalization
     scheme ``CLOSED_VOCAB_SCORE_NORM_REDUCED``. For more information
     on closed vocabulary predictor score normalization see the 
     documentation on the ``CLOSED_VOCAB_SCORE_NORM_*`` vars.
         non_zero_words (set): All words with positive probability
         posteriors: Predictor posterior distributions calculated
                     with ``predict_next()``
         unk_probs: UNK probabilities of the predictors, calculated
                    with ``get_unk_probability``
         pred_weights (list): Predictor weights
         top_n (int): Not implemented!
         combined,score_breakdown: like in ``apply_predictors()``
     n_predictors = len(self.predictors)
     score_breakdown_raw = {}
     for trgt_word in non_zero_words: 
         score_breakdown_raw[trgt_word] = [(utils.common_get(
                                             trgt_word, unk_probs[idx]), w)
                     for idx, w in enumerate(pred_weights)]
     sums = []
     for idx in range(n_predictors):
                         for preds in score_breakdown_raw.values()]))
     return self._combine_posteriors_with_renorm(score_breakdown_raw, sums)
Exemplo n.º 7
 def predict_next(self):
     """Uses the outgoing arcs from all current node to build up the
     scores for the next word. This method does not follow epsilon
     arcs: ``consume`` updates ``cur_nodes`` such that all reachable
     arcs with word ids are connected directly with a node in
     ``cur_nodes``. If there are multiple arcs with the same word,
     we use the log sum of the arc weights as score.
         dict. Set of words on outgoing arcs from the current node
         together with their scores, or an empty set if we currently
         have no active nodes or fst.
     scorelst = {}
     for weight, node in self.cur_nodes:
         for arc in self.cur_fst.arcs(node):
             if arc.olabel != EPS_ID:
                 scorelst[arc.olabel] = scorelst.get(arc.olabel, []) + [
                     weight + self.weight_factor * w2f(arc.weight)
     scores = {
         word: utils.log_sum(weights)
         for word, weights in scorelst.iteritems()
     return self.finalize_posterior(scores, self.use_weights,
Exemplo n.º 8
 def predict_next(self):
     """Looks up ngram scores via self.scores. """
     cur_hist_length = len(self.history)
     this_scores = [[] for _ in xrange(cur_hist_length + 1)]
     this_unk_scores = [[] for _ in xrange(cur_hist_length + 1)]
     for pos in xrange(len(self.scores)):
         acc = 0.0
         for order, word in enumerate(self.history):
             if pos + order + 1 >= len(self.scores):
             acc += utils.common_get(self.scores[pos + order], word,
                                     self.unk_scores[pos + order])
             this_scores[order + 1].append(acc +
                                           self.scores[pos + order + 1])
             this_unk_scores[order +
                             1].append(acc +
                                       self.unk_scores[pos + order + 1])
     combined_scores = []
     combined_unk_scores = []
     for order, (scores,
                 unk_scores) in enumerate(zip(this_scores,
         if scores and order + 1 >= self.min_order:
             score_matrix = np.vstack(scores)
             combined_scores.append(logsumexp(score_matrix, axis=0))
     if not combined_scores:
         self.cur_unk_score = 0.0
         return {}
     self.cur_unk_score = sum(combined_unk_scores)
     return sum(combined_scores)
Exemplo n.º 9
 def _combine_posteriors_norm_reduced(self,
     """Combine predictor posteriors according the normalization
     scheme ``CLOSED_VOCAB_SCORE_NORM_REDUCED``. For more information
     on closed vocabulary predictor score normalization see the 
     documentation on the ``CLOSED_VOCAB_SCORE_NORM_*`` vars.
         non_zero_words (set): All words with positive probability
         posteriors: Predictor posterior distributions calculated
                     with ``predict_next()``
         unk_probs: UNK probabilities of the predictors, calculated
                    with ``get_unk_probability``
         pred_weights (list): Predictor weights
         top_n (int): Not implemented!
         combined,score_breakdown: like in ``apply_predictors()``
     n_predictors = len(self.predictors)
     score_breakdown_raw = {}
     for trgt_word in non_zero_words: 
         score_breakdown_raw[trgt_word] = [(utils.common_get(
                                             trgt_word, unk_probs[idx]), w)
                     for idx, w in enumerate(pred_weights)]
     sums = []
     for idx in xrange(n_predictors):
                         for preds in score_breakdown_raw.itervalues()]))
     return self._combine_posteriors_with_renorm(score_breakdown_raw, sums)
Exemplo n.º 10
 def predict_next(self):
     """Looks up ngram scores via self.scores. """
     cur_hist_length = len(self.history)
     this_scores = [[] for _ in xrange(cur_hist_length+1)]
     this_unk_scores = [[] for _ in xrange(cur_hist_length+1)]
     for pos in xrange(len(self.scores)):
         acc = 0.0
         for order, word in enumerate(self.history):
             if pos + order + 1 >= len(self.scores):
             acc += utils.common_get(
                 self.scores[pos + order], word, 
                 self.unk_scores[pos + order])
             this_scores[order+1].append(acc + self.scores[pos + order + 1])
                 acc + self.unk_scores[pos + order + 1])
     combined_scores = []
     combined_unk_scores = []
     for order, (scores, unk_scores) in enumerate(zip(this_scores, 
         if scores and order + 1 >= self.min_order:
             score_matrix = np.vstack(scores)
             combined_scores.append(logsumexp(score_matrix, axis=0))
     if not combined_scores:
         self.cur_unk_score = 0.0
         return {}
     self.cur_unk_score = sum(combined_unk_scores)
     return sum(combined_scores)
Exemplo n.º 11
 def _get_next_hypos_renorm(self, hypos, scores):
     """Get hypotheses of the next time step.
         hypos (list): List of hypotheses
         scores (list): hypo scores with heuristic estimates
         list. List with hypotheses.
     probs = (1.0 - self.smooth_factor) * np.exp(
         scores - utils.log_sum(scores)) \
         + self.smooth_factor / float(len(scores))
     lengths = [len(hypo.trgt_sentence) for hypo in hypos]
     logging.debug("%d candidates min_length=%d max_length=%d" %
                   (len(lengths), min(lengths), max(lengths)))
     ngrams = []
     for hypo in hypos:
         ngram_list = []
         for order in xrange(self.min_order, self.max_order + 1):
                     " ".join(
                         map(str, hypo.trgt_sentence[start:start + order]))
                     for start in xrange(len(hypo.trgt_sentence))
     exp_bleus = []
     for hyp_ngrams, hyp_length in zip(ngrams, lengths):
         precisions = np.array([
             self._compute_bleu(hyp_ngrams, ref_ngrams, hyp_length,
             for ref_ngrams, ref_length in zip(ngrams, lengths)
         exp_bleus.append(precisions * probs)
     next_hypos = []
     if self.selection_strategy == 'oracle_bleu':
         for _ in xrange(min(self.beam_size, len(hypos))):
             idx = np.argmax(np.sum(exp_bleus, axis=1))
             bleu = np.sum(exp_bleus[idx])
             logging.debug("Selected (score=%f expected_bleu=%f): %s" %
                           (scores[idx], bleu, hypos[idx].trgt_sentence))
             hypos[idx].bleu = -bleu
             gained_bleus = exp_bleus[idx]
             for update_idx in xrange(len(exp_bleus)):
                 exp_bleus[update_idx] = np.maximum(exp_bleus[update_idx],
     else:  # selection strategy 'bleu'
         total_exp_bleus = np.sum(exp_bleus, axis=1)
         for idx in utils.argmax_n(total_exp_bleus, self.beam_size):
             hypos[idx].bleu = total_exp_bleus[idx]
                 "Selected (score=%f expected_bleu=%f): %s" %
                 (scores[idx], hypos[idx].bleu, hypos[idx].trgt_sentence))
     return next_hypos
Exemplo n.º 12
Arquivo: core.py Projeto: ml-lab/sgnmt
def breakdown2score_bayesian(working_score, score_breakdown):
    """This realizes score combination following the Bayesian LM 
    interpolation scheme from (Allauzen and Riley, 2011)
      Bayesian Language Model Interpolation for Mobile Speech Input
    By setting K=T we define the predictor weights according the score
    the predictors give to the current partial hypothesis. The initial
    predictor weights are used as priors. This function is designed to 
    be assigned to the globals ``breakdown2score_partial`` or 
    TODO could make more efficient use of ``working_score``
        working_score (float): Working combined score, which is the 
                               weighted sum of the scores in
                               ``score_breakdown``. Not used.
        score_breakdown (list): Breakdown of the combined score into
                                predictor scores
        float. Bayesian interpolated predictor scores
    if not score_breakdown:
        return working_score
    acc = []
    prev_alphas = []  # list of all alpha_i,k
    # Write priors to alphas
    for (p, w) in score_breakdown[0]:
    for pos in score_breakdown:  # for each position in the hypothesis
        alphas = []
        sub_acc = []
        # for each predictor (p: p_k(w_i|h_i), w: prior p(k))
        for k, (p, w) in enumerate(pos):
            alpha = prev_alphas[k] + p
            sub_acc.append(p + alpha)
        acc.append(utils.log_sum(sub_acc) - utils.log_sum(alphas))
        prev_alphas = alphas
    return sum(acc)
Exemplo n.º 13
Arquivo: core.py Projeto: chagge/sgnmt
def breakdown2score_bayesian(working_score, score_breakdown):
    """This realizes score combination following the Bayesian LM 
    interpolation scheme from (Allauzen and Riley, 2011)
      Bayesian Language Model Interpolation for Mobile Speech Input
    By setting K=T we define the predictor weights according the score
    the predictors give to the current partial hypothesis. The initial
    predictor weights are used as priors. This function is designed to 
    be assigned to the globals ``breakdown2score_partial`` or 
    TODO could make more efficient use of ``working_score``
        working_score (float): Working combined score, which is the 
                               weighted sum of the scores in
                               ``score_breakdown``. Not used.
        score_breakdown (list): Breakdown of the combined score into
                                predictor scores
        float. Bayesian interpolated predictor scores
    if not score_breakdown:
        return working_score
    acc = []
    prev_alphas = [] # list of all alpha_i,k
    # Write priors to alphas
    for (p,w) in score_breakdown[0]:
    for pos in score_breakdown: # for each position in the hypothesis
        alphas = []
        sub_acc = []
        # for each predictor (p: p_k(w_i|h_i), w: prior p(k))
        for k,(p,w) in enumerate(pos): 
            alpha = prev_alphas[k] + p
            sub_acc.append(p + alpha)
        acc.append(utils.log_sum(sub_acc) - utils.log_sum(alphas))
        prev_alphas = alphas
    return sum(acc)
Exemplo n.º 14
 def _get_next_hypos_renorm(self, hypos, scores):
     """Get hypotheses of the next time step.
         hypos (list): List of hypotheses
         scores (list): hypo scores with heuristic estimates
         list. List with hypotheses.
     probs = (1.0 - self.smooth_factor) * np.exp(
         scores - utils.log_sum(scores)) \
         + self.smooth_factor / float(len(scores))
     lengths = [len(hypo.trgt_sentence) for hypo in hypos]
     logging.debug("%d candidates min_length=%d max_length=%d" % 
         (len(lengths), min(lengths), max(lengths)))
     ngrams = []
     for hypo in hypos:
         ngram_list = []
         for order in xrange(self.min_order, self.max_order+1):
                 " ".join(map(str, hypo.trgt_sentence[start:start+order]))
                 for start in xrange(len(hypo.trgt_sentence))]))
     exp_bleus = []
     for hyp_ngrams, hyp_length in zip(ngrams, lengths):
         precisions = np.array([self._compute_bleu(
                 hyp_ngrams, ref_ngrams, hyp_length, ref_length)
             for ref_ngrams, ref_length in zip(ngrams, lengths)])
         exp_bleus.append(precisions * probs)
     next_hypos = []
     if self.selection_strategy == 'oracle_bleu': 
         for _ in xrange(min(self.beam_size, len(hypos))):
             idx = np.argmax(np.sum(exp_bleus, axis=1))
             bleu = np.sum(exp_bleus[idx])
             logging.debug("Selected (score=%f expected_bleu=%f): %s"
                     % (scores[idx], bleu, hypos[idx].trgt_sentence))
             hypos[idx].bleu = -bleu
             gained_bleus = exp_bleus[idx]
             for update_idx in xrange(len(exp_bleus)):
                 exp_bleus[update_idx] = np.maximum(exp_bleus[update_idx], 
     else: # selection strategy 'bleu'
         total_exp_bleus = np.sum(exp_bleus, axis=1)
         for idx in utils.argmax_n(total_exp_bleus, self.beam_size):
             hypos[idx].bleu = total_exp_bleus[idx]
             logging.debug("Selected (score=%f expected_bleu=%f): %s"
                 % (scores[idx], hypos[idx].bleu, hypos[idx].trgt_sentence))
     return next_hypos
Exemplo n.º 15
 def finalize_posterior(self, scores, use_weights, normalize_scores):
     """This method can be used to enforce the parameters use_weights
     normalize_scores in predictors with dict posteriors.
         scores (dict): unnormalized log valued scores
         use_weights (bool): Set to false to replace all values in 
                             ``scores`` with 0 (= log 1)
         normalize_scores: Set to true to make the exp of elements 
                           in ``scores`` sum up to 1"""
     if not scores: # empty scores -> pass through
         return scores
     if not use_weights:
         scores = dict.fromkeys(scores, 0.0)
     if normalize_scores:
         log_sum = utils.log_sum(scores.itervalues())
         ret = {k: v - log_sum for k, v in scores.iteritems()}
         return ret
     return scores
Exemplo n.º 16
 def finalize_posterior(self, scores, use_weights, normalize_scores):
     """This method can be used to enforce the parameters use_weights
     normalize_scores in predictors with dict posteriors.
         scores (dict): unnormalized log valued scores
         use_weights (bool): Set to false to replace all values in 
                             ``scores`` with 0 (= log 1)
         normalize_scores: Set to true to make the exp of elements 
                           in ``scores`` sum up to 1"""
     if not scores:  # empty scores -> pass through
         return scores
     if not use_weights:
         scores = dict.fromkeys(scores, 0.0)
     if normalize_scores:
         log_sum = utils.log_sum(scores.itervalues())
         ret = {k: v - log_sum for k, v in scores.iteritems()}
         return ret
     return scores
Exemplo n.º 17
def breakdown2score_bayesian(working_score, score_breakdown, full=False):
    """This realizes score combination following the Bayesian LM 
    interpolation scheme from (Allauzen and Riley, 2011)
      Bayesian Language Model Interpolation for Mobile Speech Input
    By setting K=T we define the predictor weights according the score
    the predictors give to the current partial hypothesis. The initial
    predictor weights are used as priors. This function is designed to 
    be assigned to the globals ``breakdown2score_partial`` or 
    TODO could make more efficient use of ``working_score``
        working_score (float): Working combined score, which is the 
                               weighted sum of the scores in
                               ``score_breakdown``. Not used.
        score_breakdown (list): Breakdown of the combined score into
                                predictor scores
        full (bool): If True, reevaluate all time steps. If False,
                     assume that this function has been called in the
                      previous time step.
        float. Bayesian interpolated predictor scores
    if not score_breakdown or working_score == NEG_INF:
        return working_score
    if full:
        acc = []
        alphas = [] # list of all alpha_i,k
        # Write priors to alphas
        for (p, w) in score_breakdown[0]:
        for pos in score_breakdown: # for each position in the hypothesis
            for k, (p, w) in enumerate(pos): 
                alphas[k] += p
            alpha_part = utils.log_sum(alphas)
            scores = [alphas[k] - alpha_part + p 
                    for k, (p, w) in enumerate(pos)]
        return sum(acc)
    else: # Incremental: Alphas are in predictor weights
        if len(score_breakdown) == 1:
            scores = [np.log(w) + p for p, w in score_breakdown[0]]
            return utils.log_sum(scores)
        priors = [s[1] for s in score_breakdown[0]]
        last_score = sum([w * s[0] 
                          for w, s in zip(priors, score_breakdown[-1])])
        working_score -= last_score
        # Now, working score does not include the last time step anymore
        # Compute updated alphas
        alphas = [np.log(p) for p in priors]
        for pos in score_breakdown[:-1]:
            for k, (p, _) in enumerate(pos):
                alphas[k] += p
        alpha_part = utils.log_sum(alphas)
        scores = [alphas[k] - alpha_part + p 
                for k, (p, w) in enumerate(score_breakdown[-1])]
        updated_breakdown = [(p, np.exp(alphas[k] - alpha_part))
                for k, (p, w) in enumerate(score_breakdown[-1])]
        score_breakdown[-1] = updated_breakdown
        working_score += utils.log_sum(scores)
        return working_score
Exemplo n.º 18
def breakdown2score_bayesian_state_dependent(working_score, score_breakdown, 
                                             full=False, prev_score=None,
    """This realizes score combination following the Bayesian LM 
    interpolation scheme from (Allauzen and Riley, 2011)
      Bayesian Language Model Interpolation for Mobile Speech Input
    By setting K=T we define the predictor weights according the score
    the predictors give to the current partial hypothesis. The initial
    predictor weights are used as priors .

    Unlike breakdown2score_bayesian, define state-independent weights
    which affect how much state-dependent mixture weights (alphas) are
    affected by scores from the other model.

    Makes more efficient use of working_score and calculated priors
    when used incrementally.
        working_score (float): Working combined score, which is the 
                               weighted sum of the scores in
                               ``score_breakdown``. Not used.
        score_breakdown (list): Breakdown of the combined score into
                                predictor scores
        full (bool): If True, reevaluate all time steps. If False,
                     assume that this function has been called in the
                      previous time step.
        prev_score: score of hypothesis without final step
        lambdas: np array of domain-task weights
        float. Bayesian interpolated predictor scores
    if not score_breakdown or working_score == utils.NEG_INF:
        return working_score
    if full:
        acc = []
        alphas = [np.log(w) for (_, w) in score_breakdown[0]]
        for pos in score_breakdown: # for each position in the hypothesis
            for k, (p_k, _) in enumerate(pos):
                alphas[k] += p_k
            alpha_prob = np.exp(alphas - utils.log_sum(alphas))
            alpha_prob_lambdas = np.zeros_like(alpha_prob)
            for k in range(len(alpha_prob)):
                for t in range(len(alpha_prob)):
                    alpha_prob_lambdas[k] += alpha_prob[t] * lambdas[k, t]
            scores = [np.log(alpha_prob_lambdas[k]) + p
                      for k, (p, _) in enumerate(pos)]
        return sum(acc)
        if len(score_breakdown) == 1:
            scores = [np.log(w) + p for p, w in score_breakdown[0]]
            return utils.log_sum(scores)
        working_score = prev_score
        alphas = [np.log(w) for (_, w) in score_breakdown[-2]]
        for k, (p_k, _) in enumerate(score_breakdown[-2]):
            alphas[k] += p_k 
        alpha_prob = np.exp(alphas - utils.log_sum(alphas)) 
        alpha_prob_lambdas = np.zeros_like(alpha_prob)
        for k in range(len(alpha_prob)):
            for t in range(len(alpha_prob)):
                alpha_prob_lambdas[k] += alpha_prob[t] * lambdas[k, t]
        scores = [np.log(alpha_prob_lambdas[k]) + p
                  for k, (p, _) in enumerate(score_breakdown[-1])]
        updated_breakdown = [(p, alpha_prob[k])
                             for k, (p, _) in enumerate(score_breakdown[-1])]
        score_breakdown[-1] = updated_breakdown
        working_score += utils.log_sum(scores)
        return working_score