Exemplo n.º 1
#!/usr/bin/env python

import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import camb_utils
from camb_utils.cambio import cbpowerspectrum
from camb_utils import example_data
# example_data =  os.path.join(os.path.split(camb_utils.__file__)[0], 'example_data')
fname = os.path.join(example_data, 'oneh_transfer_out.dat')
ps = cbpowerspectrum(transferfile=fname,

plt.loglog(ps[:, 0], ps[:, 1])
Exemplo n.º 2
def __powerspectrum ( koverh , 
	asciifile = None ,
	pstype = "matter", 
	method = "CAMBoutfile",
	z      = 0.0 , 
	cosmo =  None ,

	DO NOT CALL DIRECTLY. CALL powerspectrum instead 
	returns linearly interpolated values of the powerspectrum in the 
	powerspectrumfile with k values in units of h/Mpc. Using
	this with koverh = None, returns the values in the table. 

		koverh : array-like of floats or Nonetype, mandatory
			k in units of h/Mpc
		asciifile: string, 
			Filename for power spectrum or CAMB transfer function. 
			power sepctrum or transfer function input will be 
			recognized from CAMB file structure.
		method   : string, optional , defaults to "CAMBoutfile" 
			Method of obtaining power spectrum with fixed options
			CAMBoutfile   :assume that the asciifile output of CAMB 
				is at desired redshift 
			CAMBoutgrowth :Use the asciifile from CAMB output at 
				z  = 0.0 , and use a growth function to find 
				the power spectrum at z = z
		tuple (koverh , power spectrum)

	notes: should be able to obtain the powerspectrum in a variety of 
		methods with code being added

	#ensure we are supposed to read CAMB outfiles
	if not method in ["CAMBoutfile","CAMBoutgrowth"]:
		raise ValueError("Method not defined")

#	# Decide whether this ia a matter or transfer file
	#This has been made a function
#	psfile = False
#	tkfile = False
#	Unknown = True
#	shapetuple = np.shape(tmpfile)
#	if shapetuple[-1] == 7:
#		tkfile  = True
#		Unknown = False 
#	if shapetuple[-1] ==2 :
#		psfile  = True 	
#		Unknown  = False

	psfile, tkfile, Unknown = cambasciifiletype ( asciifile )
	tmpfile = np.loadtxt(asciifile)
	if koverh == None:
		koverh = tmpfile[:,0]

	if Unknown:
		#file is not CAMB transfer function or power spectrum output
		raise ValueError("Unknown filename supplied")

	if psfile: 
		pk = cio.loadpowerspectrum(asciifile)
		if not np.all(np.diff(pk[:,0])>0.):
			raise ValueError("The k values in the power spectrum file are not in ascending order")

		if koverh == None :
			return (pk[:,0], pk[:,1])

		return  koverh, np.interp( koverh, pk[:,0],pk[:,1],left = np.nan, right = np.nan)
	if tkfile:
		#print "AS " , params["As"]
		#print cosmo.Ob0, cosmo.Oc0
		if pstype == "cb":
			#print "filename ", asciifile
			pk = cio.cbpowerspectrum ( transferfile = asciifile , 
				Omegacdm  =  cosmo.Oc0,
				Omegab    =  cosmo.Ob0, 
				h         =  cosmo.h, 
				Omeganu   =  cosmo.On0,
				As        =  params["As"], 
				#As        =  cosmo.As, 
				ns        =  cosmo.ns, 
				koverh    =  None )

			return (pk [:,0], pk[:,1])

		if pstype == "cbmatter":
			Omegam = cosmo.Om0
			Omegacb = cosmo.Ob0 + cosmo.Oc0 
			ratiosq = (Omegacb/Omegam)**2.0
			#print "filename ", asciifile
			pk = cio.cbpowerspectrum ( transferfile = asciifile , 
				Omegacdm  =  cosmo.Oc0,
				Omegab    =  cosmo.Ob0, 
				h         =  cosmo.h, 
				Omeganu   =  cosmo.On0,
				As        =  params["As"], 
				#As        =  cosmo.As, 
				ns        =  cosmo.ns, 
				koverh    =  None )

			return (pk [:,0], pk[:,1]*ratiosq)
		if pstype == "matter" :
			if koverh == None :
				koverh = tmpfile[:,0]

			transfer  = cio.loadtransfers( filename = asciifile) 

			transfertuple = (transfer[:,0], transfer[:,-1])
			ps = cio.matterpowerfromtransfersforsinglespecies(
				koverh ,
				transfer  = transfertuple,
				h = cosmo.h ,
				As = params["As"],
				ns = cosmo.ns)

			return (ps [:,0], ps[:,1])

		return koverh, pk