Exemplo n.º 1
def saveSfdcCampaignsToMaster(user_id=None, company_id=None, job_id=None, run_type=None):    
    #job_id = ObjectId("56d25c6af6fd2a15df46cd60")
    if run_type == 'initial':
        campaigns = TempData.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(record_type='campaign') & Q(source_system='sfdc') & Q(job_id=job_id) ).only('source_record') #& Q(job_id=job_id) 
        campaigns = TempDataDelta.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(record_type='campaign') & Q(source_system='sfdc') & Q(job_id=job_id) ).only('source_record') #& Q(job_id=job_id) 
    campaignListTemp = list(campaigns)
    campaignList = [i['source_record'] for i in campaignListTemp]
        for newCampaign in campaignList: #['records']: 
            #company_id = request.user.company_id
            guid = 'sfdc_' + str(newCampaign['Id']) 
            Campaign.objects(Q(guid = guid) & Q(company_id=company_id)).modify(upsert=True, new=True, set__campaigns__sfdc = newCampaign, set__updated_date = datetime.utcnow, set_on_insert__source_system = 'sfdc', set_on_insert__guid = guid, set_on_insert__company_id = company_id)

#         for oldCampaign in campaignList['records']: 
# #             mktoCampaigns = []  
# #             mktoCampaigns.append(campaign)            
#             campaign = Campaign()
#             campaign.company_id = request.user.company_id
#             campaign.derived_id = 'sfdc_' + str(oldCampaign['Id'])
#             campaign.campaigns["sfdc"] = oldCampaign
#             campaign.save()
    except Exception as e:
        print 'error while saving sfdc campaign: ' + str(e)
Exemplo n.º 2
def associateEmailWithCampaign(name, channel, company_id, email_id, job_id, run_type):
    '''Associate an email template with a Hubspot campaign - from website traffic because there is no direct API method to extract campaigns '''
        existingCampaign = Campaign.objects(Q(name=name) & Q(channel=channel) & Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(source_system='hspt')).first()
        if existingCampaign is None:
            return #this should not happen
            emails = existingCampaign['emails']
            if emails is None: #create a new email for the campaign
                _doAssociationEmailWithCampaign(email_id, existingCampaign, company_id, job_id, run_type)
                email_exists = False
                for email in emails:
                    emailDetails = None
                    if email['id'] == email_id: #if email exists, only update the details
                        email_exists = True
                        emailDetails = _get_hspt_email_details(email_id, existingCampaign, company_id, job_id, run_type)
                        email['details'] = emailDetails
                        print 'existing email updated'
                if email_exists == False: #else, create a new email for the campaign
                    _doAssociationEmailWithCampaign(email_id, existingCampaign, company_id, job_id, run_type)
    except Exception as e:
        print 'error while associating email with Hspt campaign from traffic ' + str(e)
Exemplo n.º 3
def saveHsptCampaignsToMaster(user_id=None, company_id=None, job_id=None, run_type=None):    
    if run_type == 'initial':
        campaigns = TempData.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(record_type='campaign') & Q(source_system='hspt') & Q(job_id=job_id) ).only('source_record') #& Q(job_id=job_id) 
        campaigns = TempDataDelta.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(record_type='campaign') & Q(source_system='hspt') & Q(job_id=job_id) ).only('source_record') #& Q(job_id=job_id) 
    campaignListTemp = list(campaigns)
    campaignList = [i['source_record'] for i in campaignListTemp]
        for newCampaign in campaignList: 
            #company_id = request.user.company_id
            #derived_id = 'hspt_' + str(newCampaign['id']) 
            guid = newCampaign['guid']
            name = newCampaign['name']
            source_system = 'hspt'
            channel = 'email'
            emails = newCampaign['emails']
            #save all email events for this campaign first
            saveHsptCampaignEmailEventRecords(company_id=company_id, run_type=run_type, job_id=job_id, guid=guid)
            #now update or create campaign record
            existingCampaign = Campaign.objects(Q(guid = guid) & Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(source_system=source_system)).first() #.modify(upsert=True, new=True, set__emails = emails, set_on_insert__name = name, set_on_insert__guid = guid, set_on_insert__company_id = company_id, set_on_insert__updated_date=datetime.utcnow)
            if existingCampaign is None: #new campaign so add it
                newCampaign = Campaign(emails = emails, name = name, guid = guid, company_id = company_id, updated_date=datetime.utcnow, source_system=source_system)
            else: #campaign already exists so update relevant fields
                #print 'existing campaign is ' + str(existingCampaign)
                if 'emails' not in existingCampaign: #should never happen
                #print 'before emails ' + str(emails)
                for email in emails: #loop through each email found in API call for this campaign
                    #save events separately
                    #print 'entering emails'
                    #now create/update the campaign record        
                    email_found = False
                    for existingEmail in existingCampaign['emails']: #check if the API email already exists
                        if email['id'] == existingEmail['id']: #we found this email already existing so update specific fields
                            email_found = True
                            existingEmail['stats'] = email['stats']
                            existingEmail['details'] = email['details']
                        if email_found:
                            break #move to the next API email since we already found a match
                    if email_found == False: #email was not found so add it to existing emails
    except Exception as e:
        print 'exception ' + str(e)
Exemplo n.º 4
def getCount(request, id):
        object = request.GET.get('object')
            if object == 'lead':
                result = {'count' : Lead.objects(company_id = id).count()}
            elif object == 'campaign': 
                result = {'count' : Campaign.objects(company_id = id).count()}
                result =  'Nothing to count'
            return JsonResponse(result, safe=False)
        except Exception as e:
            return JsonResponse({'Error' : str(e)})   
Exemplo n.º 5
def createHsptCampaignFromTraffic(name, channel, company_id):
    '''Create campaigns for Hubspot from website traffic because there is no direct API method to extract campaigns '''
        existingCampaign = Campaign.objects(Q(name=name) & Q(channel=channel) & Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(source_system='hspt')).first()
        if existingCampaign is None:
            newCampaign = Campaign(name=name, channel=channel, company_id=company_id, source_system='hspt')
    except Exception as e:
        print 'error while saving Hspt campaign from traffic ' + str(e)
Exemplo n.º 6
def getCampaigns(request, id):
        company_id = request.user.company_id
        system_type = request.GET.get('system_type')
        page_number = int(request.GET.get('page_number'))
        items_per_page = int(request.GET.get('per_page'))
        start_date = int(request.GET.get('start_date'))
        end_date = int(request.GET.get('end_date'))
        sub_view = request.GET.get('subview')
        filters = request.GET.get('filters')
        filters = json.loads(filters)
        superfilters = request.GET.get('superfilters')
        super_filters = json.loads(superfilters)
        #print 'super filters are ' + str(super_filters)
        date_field = None
        querydict_filters = {}
        offset = (page_number - 1) * items_per_page
#         existingIntegration = CompanyIntegration.objects(company_id = company_id ).first()
#         code = None
#         if existingIntegration is not None:
#             for source in existingIntegration.integrations.keys():
#                 defined_system_type = SuperIntegration.objects(Q(code = source) & Q(system_type = system_type)).first()
#                 if defined_system_type is not None:
#                     code = source
#         if code is None:
#             return JsonResponse({'Error' : 'Marketing Automation system not found'})
        #projection = {'$project': {'_id': '$campaigns.' + code + '.id', 'created_date': '$campaigns.' + code + '.createdAt', 'name': '$campaigns.' + code + '.name', 'description': '$campaigns.' + code + '.description', 'url': '$campaigns.' + code + '.url', 'type': '$campaigns.' + code + '.type', 'channel': '$campaigns.' + code + '.channel', } }
        match = {'$match' : { }}
        date_field = None
        collection = Campaign._get_collection()
        company_field_qry = 'company_id'
        querydict = {company_field_qry: company_id}
        code = ''
        if super_filters is not None:
            if 'date_types' in super_filters: # need to filter by a certain type of date
                date_field = super_filters['date_types']
                if date_field is not None:
                    if start_date is not None:
                        start_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(start_date) / 1000)
                    if end_date is not None:
                        end_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(end_date) / 1000)
                    local_start_date = get_current_timezone().localize(start_date, is_dst=None)
                    utc_day_start = local_start_date.astimezone(pytz.timezone('UTC'))
                    utc_day_start_string = datetime.strftime(utc_day_start, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ+0000')
                    utc_day_start_string_crm = datetime.strftime(utc_day_start, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000+0000')
                    local_end_date = get_current_timezone().localize(end_date, is_dst=None)
                    utc_day_end = local_end_date.astimezone(pytz.timezone('UTC'))
                    utc_day_end_string = datetime.strftime(utc_day_end, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ+0000')
                    utc_day_end_string_crm = datetime.strftime(utc_day_end, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000+0000')
                    #print 'utc start string is ' + str(utc_day_start_string)
                    #print 'utc end string is ' + str(utc_day_end_string)
                    #remove the date_types item 
                    date_field_original = date_field
                    date_field = date_field.replace('.', '__')
                    date_field_start_qry =  date_field + '__gte'
                    date_field_end_qry = date_field + '__lte'
        if filters is not None:
            for key, value in filters.items():
                if value is not None and value != '':
                    querydict_filters['campaigns__' + code + '__' + key] = value #creates an additional querydict that can be added to the main qd
                    match['$match']['campaigns.' + code + '.' + key] = value
        if sub_view == 'allcampaigns':
            if date_field is None:
                total = collection.find({'company_id': int(company_id)}).count() #.hint('company_id_1')
                queryset = Campaign.objects(**querydict).skip(offset).limit(items_per_page)
                total = collection.find({'company_id': int(company_id), date_field_original: {'$gte':utc_day_start_string, '$lte':utc_day_end_string}}).count() #.hint('company_id_1')
                querydict[date_field_start_qry] = utc_day_start_string 
                querydict[date_field_end_qry] = utc_day_end_string
                queryset = Campaign.objects(**querydict).skip(offset).limit(items_per_page)
        elif sub_view == 'onlyma' or sub_view == 'onlycrm':
            if sub_view == 'onlyma':
                code = _get_system(company_id, 'MA')
                code = _get_system(company_id, 'CRM')
            if code is None:
                return JsonResponse({'Error' : 'No source system found'})
            querydict['source_system'] = code
            if date_field is None:
                total = collection.find({'company_id': int(company_id), 'source_system': code}).count() #.hint('company_id_1')
                queryset = Campaign.objects(**querydict).skip(offset).limit(items_per_page)
                if sub_view == 'onlycrm' and code == 'sfdc':
                    if date_field_original == 'campaigns.mkto.createdAt':
                        date_field_original = 'campaigns.sfdc.CreatedDate'
                        date_field_start_qry = 'campaigns__sfdc__CreatedDate__gte'
                        date_field_end_qry = 'campaigns__sfdc__CreatedDate__lte'
                    elif date_field_original == 'campaigns.mkto.updatedAt':
                        date_field_original = 'campaigns.sfdc.LastModifiedDate'
                        date_field_start_qry = 'campaigns__sfdc__LastModifiedDate__gte'
                        date_field_end_qry = 'campaigns__sfdc__LastModifiedDate__lte'
                total = collection.find({'company_id': int(company_id), 'source_system': code, date_field_original: {'$gte':utc_day_start_string, '$lte':utc_day_end_string}}).count() #.hint('company_id_1')
                querydict[date_field_start_qry] = utc_day_start_string 
                querydict[date_field_end_qry] = utc_day_end_string
                queryset = Campaign.objects(**querydict).skip(offset).limit(items_per_page)
        elif sub_view == 'crmfromma' or sub_view == 'crmnotma':
            code = _get_system(company_id, 'CRM')
            if code is None:
                return JsonResponse({'Error' : 'No source system found'})
            querydict['source_system'] = code
            mapping = CompanyIntegration.objects(company_id=company_id).only('mapping').first()
            print 'mapping is ' + str(mapping)
            if mapping is None or len(mapping) == 0:
                return JsonResponse({'Error' : 'No mapping found in company settings'})
            ma_user = None
            ma_code = _get_system(company_id, 'MA')
            if ma_code == 'mkto': 
                ma_user = mapping['mapping'].get('mkto_sync_user', None)
            if ma_user is None or ma_code is None:
                return JsonResponse({'Error' : 'No marketing automation details found'})
            if code == 'sfdc':
                if sub_view == 'crmfromma':
                    user_field_qry = 'campaigns.sfdc.CreatedById'
                    querydict['campaigns__sfdc__CreatedById'] = ma_user
                    user_field_qry = 'campaigns.sfdc.CreatedById__ne'
                    querydict['campaigns__sfdc__CreatedById__ne'] = ma_user
                if date_field is None:
                    total = collection.find({'company_id': int(company_id), 'source_system': code, user_field_qry: ma_user}).count() #.hint('company_id_1')
                    queryset = Campaign.objects(**querydict).skip(offset).limit(items_per_page)
                    if date_field_original == 'campaigns.mkto.createdAt':
                        date_field_original = 'campaigns.sfdc.CreatedDate'
                        date_field_start_qry = 'campaigns__sfdc__CreatedDate__gte'
                        date_field_end_qry = 'campaigns__sfdc__CreatedDate__lte'
                    elif date_field_original == 'campaigns.mkto.updatedAt':
                        date_field_original = 'campaigns.sfdc.LastModifiedDate'
                        date_field_start_qry = 'campaigns__sfdc__LastModifiedDate__gte'
                        date_field_end_qry = 'campaigns__sfdc__LastModifiedDate__lte'
                    total = collection.find({'company_id': int(company_id), 'source_system': code, user_field_qry: ma_user, date_field_original: {'$gte':utc_day_start_string, '$lte':utc_day_end_string}}).count() #.hint('company_id_1')
                    querydict[date_field_start_qry] = utc_day_start_string 
                    querydict[date_field_end_qry] = utc_day_end_string
                    queryset = Campaign.objects(**querydict).skip(offset).limit(items_per_page)
        serializer = CampaignSerializer(queryset, many=True)   
        type = 'campaigns'
        return JsonResponse({'count' : total, 'results': serializer.data, 'type': type})    
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({'Error' : str(e)})