Exemplo n.º 1
def dockerize_package(args):
    project = CanariProject()

    print('Dockerizing %s transform package...' % project.name)

    configurator = Configurator(
            {'non_interactive': True},
            variables={'project.name': project.name, 'canari.version': version}

    print('Creating Dockerfile for %s...' % project.name)

    if not find_executable('docker'):
        print """Could not find 'docker' in your system path. Please download and install Docker from http://docker.com
        and rerun this command again.


    docker_hosts = [j for sublist in [('-H', i) for i in args.host] for j in sublist]
    container = '%s/%s:%s' % (project.name, project.name, args.os)

    if not args.host:
        if not find_executable('docker-machine'):
            print """Could not find 'docker-machine' in your system path. Please download and install Docker Machine from
            http://docker.com and rerun this command again or manually specify a Docker host using the '-H' parameter,

        print 'Attempting to discover available Docker machines.'
        machines = run_command(['docker-machine', 'ls', '-q'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0].split('\n')

        machine = question.parse_int('More than one Docker machine was detected. Which one would you like to use to'
                                     'build and run this container?', machines) if len(machines) != 1 else 0

        print 'Setting up environment for Docker machine %s' % machines[machine]

        # Inject docker environment variables
        env = run_command(['docker-machine', 'env', machines[machine]], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]
        os.environ.update(re.findall(r'export ([^=]+)="([^"]+)', env))

    with PushDir(project.root_dir):
        p = run_command(['docker'] + docker_hosts + ['build', '-t', container, '-f', 'Dockerfile-%s' % args.os, '.'])
        if p.returncode:
            print 'An error occurred while building the Docker container.'

    if question.parse_bool('Would you like to run this container now?'):
        port = question.parse_int_range('Which port would you like Plume to listen on externally?', 0, 65535, 8080)
        print 'Plume will be listening on http://%s:%s' % (re.findall('://([^:]+)', os.environ['DOCKER_HOST'])[0], port)
        run_command(['docker'] + docker_hosts + ['run', '-it', '-p', '8080:%s' % port, container]).communicate()

    print 'done!'
Exemplo n.º 2
 def _iter_settings_dir(self, maltego_base_dir):
     vs = [i for i in os.listdir(maltego_base_dir) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(maltego_base_dir, i)) and
                                                      os.path.isdir(os.path.join(maltego_base_dir, i, 'config'))]
     if len(vs) == 1:
         return os.path.join(maltego_base_dir, vs[0])
     elif vs:
         print('Multiple versions of Maltego detected: ')
         r = parse_int('Please select which version you wish to use', ['Maltego %s' % i for i in vs])
         return os.path.join(maltego_base_dir, vs[int(r)])
     print('Could not automatically find Maltego\'s settings directory. '
           'Use the -w parameter to specify its location, instead.')
Exemplo n.º 3
 def _iter_settings_dir(self, maltego_base_dir):
     vs = [
         i for i in os.listdir(maltego_base_dir)
         if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(maltego_base_dir, i))
         and os.path.isdir(os.path.join(maltego_base_dir, i, 'config'))
     if len(vs) == 1:
         return os.path.join(maltego_base_dir, vs[0])
     elif vs:
         print('Multiple versions of Maltego detected: ')
         r = parse_int('Please select which version you wish to use',
                       ['Maltego %s' % i for i in vs])
         return os.path.join(maltego_base_dir, vs[int(r)])
         'Could not automatically find Maltego\'s settings directory. '
         'Use the -w parameter to specify its location, instead.')
Exemplo n.º 4
def dockerize_package(args):
    project = CanariProject()

    print('Dockerizing %s transform package...' % project.name)

    configurator = Configurator('canari.resources.templates:dockerize_package',
                                project.root_dir, {'non_interactive': True},
                                    'project.name': project.name,
                                    'canari.version': version

    print('Creating Dockerfile for %s...' % project.name)

    if not find_executable('docker'):
        print """Could not find 'docker' in your system path. Please download and install Docker from http://docker.com
        and rerun this command again.

    if not args.host and os.path.exists('/var/run/docker.sock'):
        args.host = ['unix:///var/run/docker.sock']

    docker_hosts = [
        j for sublist in [('-H', i) for i in args.host] for j in sublist
    container = '%s/%s:%s' % (project.name, project.name, args.os)

    if not args.host:
        if not find_executable('docker-machine'):
            print """Could not find 'docker-machine' in your system path. Please download and install Docker Machine from
            http://docker.com and rerun this command again or manually specify a Docker host using the '-H' parameter,

        print 'Attempting to discover available Docker machines.'
        machines = run_command(
            ['docker-machine', 'ls', '-q'],

        machine = question.parse_int(
            'More than one Docker machine was detected. Which one would you like to use to'
            'build and run this container?',
            machines) if len(machines) != 1 else 0

        print 'Setting up environment for Docker machine %s' % machines[machine]

        # Inject docker environment variables
        env = run_command(['docker-machine', 'env', machines[machine]],
        os.environ.update(re.findall(r'export ([^=]+)="([^"]+)', env))

    with PushDir(project.root_dir):
        p = run_command(
            ['docker'] + docker_hosts +
            ['build', '-t', container, '-f',
             'Dockerfile-%s' % args.os, '.'])
        if p.returncode:
            print 'An error occurred while building the Docker container.'

    if question.parse_bool('Would you like to run this container now?'):
        port = question.parse_int_range(
            'Which port would you like Plume to listen on externally?', 0,
            65535, 8080)
        print 'Plume will be listening on http://%s:%s' % (re.findall(
            '://([^:]+)', os.environ.get('DOCKER_HOST',
                                         ''))[0], port)
        run_command(['docker'] + docker_hosts +
                    ['run', '-it', '-p',
                     '8080:%s' % port, container]).communicate()

    print 'done!'