Exemplo n.º 1
  def testStrForinet(self):
    """Test for Term._str_."""
    self.naming.GetNetAddr.side_effect = [
        [nacaddr.IP(''), nacaddr.IP('')],
        [nacaddr.IP(''), nacaddr.IP(''),
    self.naming.GetServiceByProto.return_value = ['123']

    pol = policy.ParsePolicy(INET_FILTER, self.naming, False)
    af = 4
    for _, terms in pol.filters:
      nsxv_term = nsxv.Term(terms[0], af)
      rule_str = nsxv.Term.__str__(nsxv_term)
    # parse xml rule and check if the values are correct
    root = ET.fromstring(rule_str)
    # check name and action
    self.assertEqual(root.find('name').text, 'allow-ntp-request')
    self.assertEqual(root.find('action').text, 'allow')

    # check source address
    exp_sourceaddr = ['', '']
    source_address = root.findall('./sources/source')
    self.assertNotEqual(len(source_address), 0)
    for source in source_address:
      self.assertEqual((source.find('type').text), 'Ipv4Address')
      value = (source.find('value').text)
      if value not in exp_sourceaddr:
        self.fail('IPv4Address source address not found in test_str_forinet()')

    # check destination address
    exp_destaddr = ['', '', '']
    destination_address = root.findall('./destinations/destination')
    self.assertNotEqual(len(destination_address), 0)
    for destination in destination_address:
      self.assertEqual((destination.find('type').text), 'Ipv4Address')
      value = (destination.find('value').text)
      if value not in exp_destaddr:
        self.fail('IPv4Address destination not found in test_str_forinet()')

    # check protocol
    protocol = int(root.find('./services/service/protocol').text)
    self.assertEqual(protocol, 17)

    # check source port
    source_port = root.find('./services/service/sourcePort').text
    self.assertEqual(source_port, '123')

    # check destination port
    destination_port = root.find('./services/service/destinationPort').text
    self.assertEqual(destination_port, '123')

    # check notes
    notes = root.find('notes').text
    self.assertEqual(notes, 'Allow ntp request')

        [mock.call('NTP_SERVERS'), mock.call('INTERNAL')])
        [mock.call('NTP', 'udp')] * 2)
Exemplo n.º 2
  def testServiceToStr(self):
    """Test for Term._ServiceToStr."""

    proto = 6
    icmp_types = []
    dports = [(1024, 65535)]
    spots = [(123, 123)]
    nsxv_term = nsxv.Term(INET_TERM, 'inet')
    service = nsxv_term._ServiceToString(proto, spots, dports, icmp_types)
    self.assertEqual(service, '<service><protocol>6</protocol><sourcePort>'
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_str_forinet(self):
        """Test for Term._str_."""
        pol = policy.ParsePolicy(nsxv_mocktest.INET_FILTER, self.defs, False)
        af = 4
        for _, terms in pol.filters:
            nsxv_term = nsxv.Term(terms[0], af)
            rule_str = nsxv.Term.__str__(nsxv_term)
        # parse xml rule and check if the values are correct
        root = ET.fromstring(rule_str)
        # check name and action
        self.assertEqual(root.find('name').text, 'allow-ntp-request')
        self.assertEqual(root.find('action').text, 'allow')

        # check source address
        exp_sourceaddr = ['', '']
        for destination in root.findall('./sources/source'):
            self.assertEqual((destination.find('type').text), 'Ipv4Address')
            value = (destination.find('value').text)
            if value not in exp_sourceaddr:
                    'IPv4Address source address not found in test_str_forinet()'

        # check destination address
        exp_destaddr = ['', '', '']
        for destination in root.findall('./destinations/destination'):
            self.assertEqual((destination.find('type').text), 'Ipv4Address')
            value = (destination.find('value').text)
            if value not in exp_destaddr:
                    'IPv4Address destination not found in test_str_forinet()')

        # check protocol
        protocol = int(root.find('./services/service/protocol').text)
        self.assertEqual(protocol, 17)

        # check source port
        source_port = root.find('./services/service/sourcePort').text
        self.assertEqual(source_port, '123')

        # check destination port
        destination_port = root.find('./services/service/destinationPort').text
        self.assertEqual(destination_port, '123')

        # check notes
        notes = root.find('notes').text
        self.assertEqual(notes, 'Allow ntp request')
Exemplo n.º 4
    def testStrForinet6(self):
        """Test for Term._str_."""
        pol = policy.ParsePolicy(INET6_FILTER, self.naming, False)
        af = 6
        filter_type = 'inet6'
        for _, terms in pol.filters:
            nsxv_term = nsxv.Term(terms[0], filter_type, None, af)
            rule_str = nsxv.Term.__str__(nsxv_term)

        # parse xml rule and check if the values are correct
        root = ET.fromstring(rule_str)
        # check name and action
        self.assertEqual(root.find('name').text, 'test-icmpv6')
        self.assertEqual(root.find('action').text, 'allow')

        # check protocol and sub protocol
        exp_subprotocol = [128, 129]
        for service in root.findall('./services/service'):
            protocol = int(service.find('protocol').text)
            self.assertEqual(protocol, 58)

            sub_protocol = int(service.find('subProtocol').text)
            if sub_protocol not in exp_subprotocol:
                self.fail('subProtocol not matched in test_str_forinet6()')
Exemplo n.º 5
 def testInitForinet6(self):
     """Test for Term._init_."""
     inet6_term = nsxv.Term(INET6_TERM, 'inet6', None, 6)
     self.assertEqual(inet6_term.af, 6)
     self.assertEqual(inet6_term.filter_type, 'inet6')
Exemplo n.º 6
 def testInitForinet(self):
     """Test for Term._init_."""
     inet_term = nsxv.Term(INET_TERM, 'inet')
     self.assertEqual(inet_term.af, 4)
     self.assertEqual(inet_term.filter_type, 'inet')
Exemplo n.º 7
 def test_init_forinet6(self):
     """Test for Term._init_."""
     inet6_term = nsxv.Term(nsxv_mocktest.INET6_TERM, 'inet6', 6)
     self.assertEqual(inet6_term.af, 6)
     self.assertEqual(inet6_term.filter_type, 'inet6')