Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_z_from_k3pk(self):
     ref_z = f212z(119.7e6)
     out_z, _, _, _ = load_k3pk(test_data_file, verbose=False)
     self.assertEqual(ref_z, out_z,
             msg='Expected z {0} but ' \
                     'retruned z {1}'.format(ref_z,out_z)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def test_k_from_k3pk(self):
     ref_k_par = .2
     ref_z = f212z(119.7e6)
     ref_umag = 30 / (3e8 / (119.7 * 1e6))
     ref_k_perp = ref_umag * pspec.dk_du(ref_z)
     ref_k_mag = np.sqrt(ref_k_par**2 + ref_k_perp**2)
     _, out_k_mag, _, _ = load_k3pk(test_data_file, verbose=False)
     self.assertEqual(ref_k_mag, out_k_mag,
             msg='Expected k_mag {0} but ' \
                     'retruned k_mag {1}'.format(ref_k_mag,out_k_mag)
Exemplo n.º 3
def get_k3pk_from_npz(files=None, verbose=False):
    Load output from plot_pk_k3pk.npz and returns Delta^2 spectrum.

    Return lists of k, Delta^2, Delta^2_err ordered by  decreasing redshift
    Return format: z, k_magnitude, Delta^2, Delta^2_err
    if files is None:  # check that files are passed
        print 'No Files given for loading'
        return [], [], [], []

    if len(n.shape(files)) == 0:
        files = [files]

    freqs = []
    if verbose:
        print "parsing npz file frequencies"
    for filename in files:
        if verbose:
            print filename,
            if verbose:
                print "npz..",
            freqs.append(n.load(filename)['freq'] * 1e3)  # load freq in MHz
            if verbose:
                print "[Success]"
            if verbose:
                print "[FAIL]"
                if verbose:
                    print "looking for path like RUNNAME/chan_chan/I/pspec.npz"
                dchan = (int(filename.split('/')[1].split('_')[1]) -
                chan = int(filename.split('/')[1].split('_')[0]) + dchan / 2
                freqs.append(chan / 2. + 100)
                # a pretty good apprximation of chan 2 freq for 500kHz channels
                if verbose:
                    print "[FAIL] no freq found. Skipping..."

    if len(freqs) == 0:  # check if any files were loaded correctly
        print 'No parsable frequencies found'
        print 'Exiting'
        return [], [], [], []

    if verbose:
        print "sorting input files by frequency"
    files = n.array(files)
    files = files[n.argsort(freqs)]
    freqs = n.sort(freqs)

    if verbose:
        print "found freqs"
    freqs = n.array(freqs)
    if verbose:
        print freqs

    z = f212z(freqs * 1e6)
    if verbose:
        print "processing redshifts:", z
    k3Pk = []
    k3err = []
    kmags = []
    for i, FILE in enumerate(files):
        F = n.load(FILE)
        if verbose:
            print FILE.split('/')[-1], z[i]
    return z, kmags, k3Pk, k3err
Exemplo n.º 4
def get_k3pk_from_npz(files=None, verbose=False):
    Load output from plot_pk_k3pk.npz and returns Delta^2 spectrum.

    Return lists of k, Delta^2, Delta^2_err ordered by  decreasing redshift
    Return format: z, k_magnitude, Delta^2, Delta^2_err
    if files is None:  # check that files are passed
        print 'No Files given for loading'
        return [], [], [], []

    if len(n.shape(files)) == 0:
        files = [files]

    freqs = []
    if verbose:
        print "parsing npz file frequencies"
    for filename in files:
        if verbose:
            print filename,
            if verbose:
                print "npz..",
            freqs.append(n.load(filename)['freq'] * 1e3)  # load freq in MHz
            if verbose:
                print "[Success]"
        except (KeyError):
            if verbose:
                print "[FAIL]"
                if verbose:
                    print "looking for path like RUNNAME/chan_chan/I/pspec.npz"
                dchan = (int(filename.split('/')[1].split('_')[1]) -
                chan = int(filename.split('/')[1].split('_')[0]) + dchan / 2
                freqs.append(chan / 2. + 100)
                # a pretty good apprximation of chan 2 freq for 500kHz channels
            except (IndexError):
                if verbose:
                    print "[FAIL] no freq found. Skipping..."

    if len(freqs) == 0:  # check if any files were loaded correctly
        print 'No parsable frequencies found'
        print 'Exiting'
        return [], [], [], []

    if verbose:
        print "sorting input files by frequency"
    files = n.array(files)
    files = files[n.argsort(freqs)]
    freqs = n.sort(freqs)

    if verbose:
        print "found freqs"
    freqs = n.array(freqs)
    if verbose:
        print freqs

    z = f212z(freqs * 1e6)
    if verbose:
        print "processing redshifts:", z
    k3Pk = []
    k3err = []
    kmags = []
    for i, FILE in enumerate(files):
        F = n.load(FILE)
        if verbose:
            print FILE.split('/')[-1], z[i]
    return z, kmags, k3Pk, k3err
Exemplo n.º 5
                    help='Plot analytical noise approximation')
parser.add_argument('--noisefiles', type=str, nargs='*',
                    help='supply 21cmSense files to plot sensitivity')
parser.add_argument('--outfile', type=str, default='pspec_k3pk',
                    help='give custom output file name')
parser.add_argument('--noC', action='store_true', help='do not plot C-weighted points')
parser.add_argument('--noI', action='store_true', help='do not plot I-weighted points')
args = parser.parse_args()

assert args.noC != args.noI, 'gotta plot something.'

zs = []
for filename in args.files:
    F = np.load(filename)
    freq = F['freq']
    zs.append(f212z(freq * 1e9))

# reverse order to make high redshift of left of plot
zs = np.unique(zs)[::-1]
Nzs = len(zs)
# define some color format sets for the plotter
# colors = ['r', 'g', 'k', 'b']
markers = ['o', ',', 'd', '^', 's', 'v']
# markers = itertools.cycle(markers)
marker_count = [0 for i in xrange(Nzs)]
figsize = (5 * (1 + Nzs)/2., 6)

# Create figure and prep subplot sizes for Delta^2
fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize)
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, Nzs)
gs.update(hspace=0.0, wspace=0.2)
Exemplo n.º 6
def get_k3pk_from_npz(files=None, verbose=False):
    Loads output from plot_pk_k3pk.npz and returns Delta^2 spectrum
    returns lists of k, Delta^2, Delta^2_err ordered by  decreasing redshift
    return format: z, k_magnitude, Delta^2, Delta^2_err
    if files is None: #check that files are passed
        print 'No Files gives for loading'
        return 0,'','',''

    if len(n.shape(files)) ==0: files = [files];
    if len(files) == 1: one_file_flag=True
    freqs = []
    if verbose: print "parsing npz file frequencies"
    for filename in files:
        if verbose: print filename,
            if verbose: print "npz..",
            freqs.append(n.load(filename)['freq']*1e3) #load freq in MHz
            if verbose: print "[Success]"
            if verbose: print "[FAIL]"
                if verbose: print "looking for path like RUNNAME/chan_chan/I/pspec.npz"
                dchan = int(filename.split('/')[1].split('_')[1])-int(filename.split('/')[1].split('_')[0])
                chan = int(filename.split('/')[1].split('_')[0]) + dchan/2
                freqs.append(chan/2. + 100) #a pretty good apprximation of chan 2 freq for 500kHz channels
                if verbose: print "[FAIL] no freq found. Skipping..."

    if len(freqs) ==0: #check if any files were loaded correctly
        print 'No parsable frequencies found'
        print 'Exiting'
        return 0,'','',''

    if verbose: print "sorting input files"
    files = n.array(files)
    files = files[n.argsort(freqs)]
    freqs = n.sort(freqs)
    if verbose: print "found freqs"
    freqs = n.array(freqs)
    if verbose: print freqs

    z = f212z(freqs*1e6)
    if verbose: print "processing redshifts:",z
    #redshift_files = dict(zip(z,files))
    umags = 30/(c/(freqs*1e6))
    # if verbose: print "umags = ",umags
    kperps = umags*pspec.dk_du(z)
    k3Pk = []
    k3err = []
    kmags = []
    for i,FILE in enumerate(files):
        F = n.load(FILE)
        if verbose: print FILE.split('/')[-1],z[i]
        # k = n.sqrt(F['kpl']**2 + kperps[i]**2)
    # if one_file_flag:
        # z = n.squeeze(z)
        # kmags = n.squeeze(kmags)
        # k3Pk = n.squeeze(k3Pk)
        # k3err = n.squeeze(k3err)
    return z, kmags, k3Pk, k3err
Exemplo n.º 7
def get_pk_from_npz(files=None, verbose=False):
    Loads output from plot_pk_k3pk.npz and returns P(k)  spectrum
    returns lists of k, Pk, Pk_err, Delta^2 ordered by decreasing redshift
    return format: z, k_parallel, Pk, Pk_err
    if files is None:
        print 'No Files gives for loading'
        return 0,'','',''

    if len(n.shape(files)) ==0: files = [files];
    if len(files) == 1: one_file_flag=True

    freqs = []
    if verbose: print "parsing npz file frequencies"
    for filename in files:
        if verbose: print filename,
            if verbose: print "npz..",
            freqs.append(n.load(filename)['freq']*1e3) #load freq in MHz
            if verbose: print "[Success]"
            if verbose: print "[FAIL]"
                if verbose: print "looking for path like RUNNAME/chan_chan/I/pspec.npz"
                dchan = int(filename.split('/')[1].split('_')[1])-int(filename.split('/')[1].split('_')[0])
                chan = int(filename.split('/')[1].split('_')[0]) + dchan/2
                freqs.append(chan/2. + 100) #a pretty good apprximation of chan 2 freq for 500kHz channels
                if verbose: print "[FAIL] no freq found. Skipping..."

    if len(freqs) ==0: #check if any files were loaded correctly
        print 'No parsable frequencies found'
        print 'Exiting'
        return 0,'','',''

    if verbose: print "sorting input files"
    files = n.array(files)
    files = files[n.argsort(freqs)]
    freqs = n.sort(freqs)
    if verbose: print "found freqs"
    freqs = n.array(freqs)
    if verbose: print freqs

    z = f212z(freqs*1e6)
    if verbose: print "processing redshifts:",z

    kpars = []
    Pks = []
    Pkerr =[]
    for i,FILE in enumerate(files):
        F = n.load(FILE)
        if verbose: print FILE.split('/')[-1],z[i]
    # if one_file_flag:
        # z = n.squeeze(z)
        # kpars = n.squeeze(kpars)
        # Pks = n.squeeze(Pks)
        # Pkerr = n.squeeze(Pkerr)
    return z, kpars, Pks, Pkerr