def estimate_motion():
    """Saves the motion level of the patient into the ontology"""
    clock = graph.value(home["clock"], qol["hasValue"]).toPython()

    # set the room motions in the window frame
    for room in rooms.values():
        room.motion = 0
        for sensor in room.sensors:
            # We exclude the old states
            sensor.on_states = [state for state in sensor.on_states if clock - state <= TIME_WINDOW]
            room.motion = room.motion + len(sensor.on_states)

    # integrate new updates to the room motions
    for uri, sensor in sensors.items():
            last_update = graph.value(uri, qol["lastUpdate"]).toPython()
        except AttributeError:
            last_update = None

        if not sensor.on_states or last_update != sensor.on_states[-1]:
            state = graph.value(uri, qol["hasCurrentState"])

            if state is not None and (state, qol["indicateLocation"], Literal(True)) in graph:
       = + 1

    # update the ontology with the room motions
    for uri, room in rooms.items():
        graph.set((uri, qol["motionMeasured"], Literal(room.motion)))

    # update the ontology with the house motion
    home_motion = sum([room.motion for room in rooms.values()])
    graph.set((house, qol["motionMeasured"], Literal(home_motion)))
Exemplo n.º 2
def read_activity():
    """Retrieve the current activity in the ontology"""
    # TODO make the subject more generic
    activity = graph.value(home['johndoe'], qol['believedToDo'])

    labels = graph.preferredLabel(activity, lang='en')
    if labels:
        return labels[0][1].toPython()
    return None
        self.motion = 0

    def add_sensor(self, sensor):

class Sensor(object):
    def __init__(self, sensor, room): = room
        self.sensor = sensor
        self.on_states = []

house = graph.value(predicate=RDF.type, object=qol["House"])

room_query = graph.query(
    """SELECT DISTINCT ?room
    WHERE {
        ?room rdf:type ?class .
        ?class rdfs:subClassOf* qol:Room .
        ?room qol:partOf ?house .
    initBindings={"house": house},
    initNs={"qol": qol},
rooms = { Room( for row in room_query}

# We don't care of door sensors here
sensor_query = graph.query(