Exemplo n.º 1
def get_loops(fileobj, output_temp, inter=8.0, trans=2.0):
    track = LocalAudioFile(fileobj.name)
    tracks = [track, track, track] # 3 of em!

    valid = []
    # compute resampled and normalized matrices
    for track in tracks:
        track.resampled = resample_features(track, rate='beats')
        track.resampled['matrix'] = timbre_whiten(track.resampled['matrix'])
        # remove tracks that are too small
        if is_valid(track, inter, trans):
        # for compatibility, we make mono tracks stereo
        track = make_stereo(track)
    tracks = valid

    if len(tracks) < 1: return []
    # Initial transition. Should contain 2 instructions: fadein, and playback.
    start = initialize(tracks[0], inter, trans)

    # Middle transitions. Should each contain 2 instructions: crossmatch, playback.
    middle = []
    [middle.extend(make_transition(t1, t2, inter, trans)) for (t1, t2) in tuples(tracks)]

    # Last chunk. Should contain 1 instruction: fadeout.
    end = terminate(tracks[-1], FADE_OUT)
    actions =  start + middle + end
    # output_temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w+b", suffix=".mp3")
    render(actions, output_temp.name, False)
    # Do it again
    new_one = audio.LocalAudioFile(output_temp.name)
    analysis = json.loads(urllib.urlopen(new_one.analysis.pyechonest_track.analysis_url).read())
    return (output_temp.name, analysis)
Exemplo n.º 2
def do_work(audio_files, options):

    inter = float(options.inter)
    trans = float(options.transition)
    order = bool(options.order)
    equal = bool(options.equalize)
    verbose = bool(options.verbose)

    # Get pyechonest/remix objects
    analyze = lambda x: LocalAudioFile(
        x, verbose=verbose, sampleRate=44100, numChannels=2)
    tracks = map(analyze, audio_files)

    # decide on an initial order for those tracks
    if order == True:
        if verbose: print "Ordering tracks..."
        tracks = order_tracks(tracks)

    if equal == True:
        if verbose:
            for track in tracks:
                print "Vol = %.0f%%\t%s" % (
                    track.gain * 100.0, track.analysis.pyechonest_track.title)

    valid = []
    # compute resampled and normalized matrices
    for track in tracks:
        if verbose:
            print "Resampling features for", track.analysis.pyechonest_track.title
        track.resampled = resample_features(track, rate='beats')
        track.resampled['matrix'] = timbre_whiten(track.resampled['matrix'])
        # remove tracks that are too small
        if is_valid(track, inter, trans):
        # for compatibility, we make mono tracks stereo
        track = make_stereo(track)
    tracks = valid

    if len(tracks) < 1: return []
    # Initial transition. Should contain 2 instructions: fadein, and playback.
    if verbose: print "Computing transitions..."
    start = initialize(tracks[0], inter, trans)

    # Middle transitions. Should each contain 2 instructions: crossmatch, playback.
    middle = []
        middle.extend(make_transition(t1, t2, inter, trans))
        for (t1, t2) in tuples(tracks)

    # Last chunk. Should contain 1 instruction: fadeout.
    end = terminate(tracks[-1], FADE_OUT)

    return start + middle + end
Exemplo n.º 3
def do_work(audio_files, options):

    inter = float(options.inter)
    trans = float(options.transition)
    order = bool(options.order)
    equal = bool(options.equalize)
    verbose = bool(options.verbose)
    # Get pyechonest/remix objects
    analyze = lambda x : LocalAudioFile(x, verbose=verbose, sampleRate = 44100, numChannels = 2)
    tracks = map(analyze, audio_files)
    # decide on an initial order for those tracks
    if order == True:
        if verbose: print "Ordering tracks..."
        tracks = order_tracks(tracks)
    if equal == True:
        if verbose:
            for track in tracks:
                print "Vol = %.0f%%\t%s" % (track.gain*100.0, track.analysis.pyechonest_track.title)
    valid = []
    # compute resampled and normalized matrices
    for track in tracks:
        if verbose: print "Resampling features for", track.analysis.pyechonest_track.title
        track.resampled = resample_features(track, rate='beats')
        track.resampled['matrix'] = timbre_whiten(track.resampled['matrix'])
        # remove tracks that are too small
        if is_valid(track, inter, trans):
        # for compatibility, we make mono tracks stereo
        track = make_stereo(track)
    tracks = valid
    if len(tracks) < 1: return []
    # Initial transition. Should contain 2 instructions: fadein, and playback.
    if verbose: print "Computing transitions..."
    start = initialize(tracks[0], inter, trans)
    # Middle transitions. Should each contain 2 instructions: crossmatch, playback.
    middle = []
    [middle.extend(make_transition(t1, t2, inter, trans)) for (t1, t2) in tuples(tracks)]
    # Last chunk. Should contain 1 instruction: fadeout.
    end = terminate(tracks[-1], FADE_OUT)
    return start + middle + end
Exemplo n.º 4
    def loop(self):
        while len(self.tracks) < 2:
            log.info("Waiting for a new track.")
            track = self.iqueue.get()
                self.add_track(track)  # TODO: Extend to allow multiple tracks.
                log.info("Got a new track.")
            except Exception:
                log.error("Exception while trying to add new track:\n%s",

        # Initial transition. Should contain 2 instructions: fadein, and playback.
        inter = self.tracks[0].analysis.duration - self.transition_time * 3
        yield initialize(self.tracks[0], inter, self.transition_time, 10)

        while not self.__stop:
            while len(self.tracks) > 1:
                stay_time = min(self.tracks[0].analysis.duration
                                 - self.transition_time * 3,
                                 - self.transition_time * 3)
                tra = make_transition(self.tracks[0],
                del self.tracks[0].analysis
                yield tra
                del self.tracks[0]
            log.info("Waiting for a new track.")
                self.add_track(self.iqueue.get())  # TODO: Allow multiple tracks.
                log.info("Got a new track.")
            except ValueError:
                log.warning("Track too short! Trying another.")
            except Exception:
                log.error("Exception while trying to add new track:\n%s",

        # Last chunk. Should contain 1 instruction: fadeout.
        yield terminate(self.tracks[-1], FADE_OUT)
Exemplo n.º 5
def get_loops(fileobj, output_temp, inter=8.0, trans=2.0):
    track = LocalAudioFile(fileobj.name)
    tracks = [track, track, track]  # 3 of em!

    valid = []
    # compute resampled and normalized matrices
    for track in tracks:
        track.resampled = resample_features(track, rate='beats')
        track.resampled['matrix'] = timbre_whiten(track.resampled['matrix'])
        # remove tracks that are too small
        if is_valid(track, inter, trans):
        # for compatibility, we make mono tracks stereo
        track = make_stereo(track)
    tracks = valid

    if len(tracks) < 1: return []
    # Initial transition. Should contain 2 instructions: fadein, and playback.
    start = initialize(tracks[0], inter, trans)

    # Middle transitions. Should each contain 2 instructions: crossmatch, playback.
    middle = []
        middle.extend(make_transition(t1, t2, inter, trans))
        for (t1, t2) in tuples(tracks)

    # Last chunk. Should contain 1 instruction: fadeout.
    end = terminate(tracks[-1], FADE_OUT)
    actions = start + middle + end

    # output_temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w+b", suffix=".mp3")
    render(actions, output_temp.name, False)
    # Do it again
    new_one = audio.LocalAudioFile(output_temp.name)
    analysis = json.loads(
    return (output_temp.name, analysis)