Exemplo n.º 1
def local_scheduler(config):
    Scheduler (daemon) for running DOU articles capture. It takes as input
    a configuration (dict) or a JSON filename containing the configuration.
    The configuration has the keywords:
    * "sched_interval": number of minutes between each capture attempt;

    * storage_path:     the path to save DOU articles;
    * save_articles:    BOOL that tells whether or not to write all articles to database; 
    * date_format:      the format of end_date (e.g. %Y-%m-%d);
    * end_date:         the last day to search for articles (cat be set to 'now');
    * secao:            a list with DOU sections to search immediately;
    * secao_all:        a list with all DOU sections that one is interested in searching in the future
                        (1, 2, 3, 'e', '1a'; only relevant for scheduler); 
    * timedelta:        the number of days in the pasr from end_date to start the search
                        (a negative number);
    * filter_file:      JSON filename that describes the filters to be applied to articles;
    * post_articles:    BOOL that tells whether or not to post articles to Slack;
    * slack_token:      filename for file containing Slack's authentication token.    
    while True:
        print(time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime()))
        config = cd.capture_DOU_driver(config)
        if gs.debug:
            print("Next config:")
        time.sleep(60 * config['sched_interval'])
Exemplo n.º 2
def lambda_handler(event, context):
    Wrapper for remote (AWS) implementation of DOU articles capture. No input is required.
    This function loads the configuration from DynamoDB, runs the capture driver and 
    updates the configuration in DynamoDB. The schedule is controled from outside by cron 
    from CloudWatch.
    client = boto3.client('dynamodb')

    # Load config from AWS DynamoDB:
    config = client.get_item(TableName="configs",
                             Key={'name': {
                                 'S': 'capture_DOU'
    config = dyjson.loads(config)['Item']

    # Run DOU articles capture:
    updated_config = cd.capture_DOU_driver(config)

    # Save config to AWS DynamoDB:
    response = client.put_item(TableName="configs",
                               Item=dyjson.dumps(updated_config, as_dict=True))

    # Immediately call this function again if capturing next article batch in AWS:
    if gs.local == False and updated_config['next_batch'] == True:
        print('Calling next batch')
        lambd = boto3.client('lambda')
Exemplo n.º 3
def lambda_handler(event, context):
    Wrapper for remote (AWS) implementation of DOU articles capture. No input is required.
    This function loads the configuration from DynamoDB, runs the capture driver and 
    updates the configuration in DynamoDB. The schedule is controled from outside by cron 
    from CloudWatch.
    client = boto3.client('dynamodb')

    # Load config from AWS DynamoDB:
    config = client.get_item(TableName="configs",
                             Key={'name': {
                                 'S': 'capture_DOU'
    config = dyjson.loads(config)['Item']

    # Run DOU articles capture:
    updated_config = cd.capture_DOU_driver(config)

    # Save config to AWS DynamoDB:
    response = client.put_item(TableName="configs",
                               Item=dyjson.dumps(updated_config, as_dict=True))
Exemplo n.º 4
do all that. The configuration file keywords are:

storage_path   > Path to where to save downloaded DOU articles;
date_format    > Formar of 'end_date' below;
end_date       > Date of the last day to download articles (can be set to 'now' for the current date);
secao          > a list of sections to download (maximal list is [1,2,3,'e','1a']);
timedelta      > Number of the days from 'end_date' to download articles (is a negative number);
save_articles  > Boolean (true, false) that specifies if articles should be saved to 'storage_path';
filter_file    > filename (with path) of the file that describes the desired filtering.

USAGE:   capture_dou.py <CONFIG_FILE>
EXAMPLE: capture_dou.py configs/capture_DOU_test.json

Written by Henrique S. Xavier, [email protected], on 23/jun/2019.

import sys
import capture_driver as cd

# Docstring output:
if len(sys.argv) != 1 + 1:

# Get input:
config_file = sys.argv[1]

# Call driver of DOU's capture:
next_config = cd.capture_DOU_driver(config_file)