Exemplo n.º 1
def worker(pipeline, recipe, config):
    uvrange = config['uvrange']
    plotter = config['standard_plotter']

    label_in = config['label_in']
    nobs = pipeline.nobs

    subdir = config['dirname']
    output_dir = os.path.join(pipeline.diagnostic_plots, subdir) if subdir else pipeline.diagnostic_plots

    if config['field'] == 'calibrators':
        fields = ['bpcal', 'gcal', 'fcal']
    elif config['field'] == 'target':
        fields = ['target']
        fields = config['field'].split(',')
        if set(fields).difference(['fcal', 'bpcal', 'gcal']):
            raise ValueError("Eligible values for 'field': 'target', 'calibrators', 'fcal', 'bpcal' or 'gcal'. " \
                             "User selected {}".format(",".join(fields)))
    log.info(f"plotting fields: {' '.join(fields)}")

    for iobs in range(nobs):
        label = config['label_plot']

        mslist  = pipeline.get_mslist(iobs, label_in, target=(config['field'] == 'target'))

        for msname in mslist:
            if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(pipeline.msdir, msname)):
                raise IOError("MS {0:s} does not exist. Please check that is where it should be.".format(msname))

        for msname in mslist:
            log.info(f"plotting MS: {msname}")
            msbase = os.path.splitext(msname)[0]

            ms_info_dict = pipeline.get_msinfo(msname)

            corr = config['correlation']
            ms_corrs = ms_info_dict['CORR']['CORR_TYPE']

            if corr == 'auto' or corr == 'all':
                corr = ','.join(ms_corrs)
            elif corr == 'diag' or corr == 'parallel':
                corr = ','.join([c for c in ms_corrs if len(c) == 2 and c[0] == c[1]])
            if not corr:
                log.warning(f"No correlations found to plot for {msname}")
            log.info(f"plotting correlations: {corr}")

            # new-school plots
            if config['shadems']['enable']:
                # make dict of substitutions
                basesubst = OrderedDict(msbase=os.path.splitext(msname)[0])

                # make a map: {(fields): field_type}, so we can loop over fields below, but only include unique fields
                field_map = OrderedDict()
                # make a reverse map: field_type -> "field_name,field_name"
                field_map_names = OrderedDict()
                # make set of all field names
                all_fields = set()
                for field_type in fields:
                    if (label_in != '') and (config['field'] == 'target'):
                        field_names = tuple(ms_info_dict['FIELD']['NAME'])
                        field_names = tuple(getattr(pipeline, field_type)[iobs])
                    field_map.setdefault(field_names, field_type)
                    basesubst[field_type] = field_map_names[field_type] = ",".join(field_names)
                basesubst["all_fields"] = ",".join(all_fields)

                plot_args = []
                def collect_plots(args, plotspecs, extra_args, subst=None):
                    """Generic helper function to parse a list of shadems plot specs, and add them to plot_args"""
                    for iplot, plotspec in enumerate(plotspecs):
                        if plotspec:
                            plotspec = plotspec.format(**(subst or basesubst))
                            # add arguments from args, if not present in plotspec
                            plotspec = plotspec.split()
                            for arg, value in args.items():
                                arg = "--" + arg
                                if arg not in plotspec:
                                    plotspec += [arg, value]
                            plotspec += extra_args

                            plot_args.append(" ".join(plotspec))

                baseargs = OrderedDict(
                    png="{}-{}-{}".format(msbase, label,
                    title="'{ms} {_field}{_Spw}{_Scan}{_Ant}{_title}{_Alphatitle}{_Colortitle}'",
                    corr=corr.replace(' ', ''))

                # collect generic plots
                collect_plots(baseargs, config['shadems']['plots'], [])

                # collect plots_by_corr
                args = baseargs.copy()
                args["field"] = ",".join(all_fields)
                collect_plots(args, config['shadems']['plots_by_corr'], ["--iter-corr"])

                # collect plots_by_field
                for field_names, field_type in field_map.items():
                    args = baseargs.copy()
                    args["field"] = ",".join(field_names)
                    args["png"] = "{}-{}-{}-{}".format(msbase, label, field_type,
                    args["title"] = "'{ms} " + field_type + "{_field}{_Spw}{_Scan}{_Ant}{_title}{_Alphatitle}{_Colortitle}'"
                    subst = basesubst.copy()
                    subst["field"] = field_type
                    collect_plots(args,  config['shadems']['plots_by_field'], ["--iter-field"])

                # dispatch plots
                if plot_args:
                    step = 'plot-shadems-ms{0:d}'.format(iobs)
                    recipe.add("cab/shadems_direct", step,
                               dict(ms=msname, args=plot_args,
                               input=pipeline.input, output=output_dir,
                               label="{0:s}:: Plotting".format(step))
                    log.warning("The shadems section is enabled, but doesn't specify any plot_by_field or plot_by_corr")

            # old-school plots

            # define plot attributes
            diagnostic_plots = {}
            diagnostic_plots["real_imag"] = dict(
                plotms={"xaxis": "imag", "yaxis": "real",
                        "colouraxis": "baseline", "iteraxis": "corr"},
                shadems={"xaxis": "real", "yaxis": "imag"},
                ragavi_vis={"xaxis": "real", "yaxis": "imaginary",
                            "iter-axis": "scan", "canvas-width": 300,
                            "canvas-height": 300})

            diagnostic_plots["amp_phase"] = dict(
                plotms={"xaxis": "amp", "yaxis": "phase",
                        "colouraxis": "baseline", "iteraxis": "corr"},
                shadems={"xaxis": "amp", "yaxis": "phase"},
                ragavi_vis={"xaxis": "phase", "yaxis": "amplitude",
                            "iter-axis": "corr", "canvas-width": 1080,
                            "canvas-height": 720})

            diagnostic_plots["amp_ant"] = dict(
                plotms={"xaxis": "antenna", "yaxis": "amp",
                        "colouraxis": "baseline", "iteraxis": "corr"},
                shadems={"xaxis": "ANTENNA1", "yaxis": "amp"},

            diagnostic_plots["amp_uvwave"] = dict(
                plotms={"xaxis": "uvwave", "yaxis": "amp",
                        "colouraxis": "baseline", "iteraxis": "corr"},
                shadems={"xaxis": "UV", "yaxis": "amp"},
                ragavi_vis={"xaxis": "uvwave", "yaxis": "amplitude",
                            "iter-axis": "scan", "canvas-width": 300,
                            "canvas-height": 300})

            diagnostic_plots["phase_uvwave"] = dict(
                plotms={"xaxis": "uvwave", "yaxis": "phase",
                        "colouraxis": "baseline", "iteraxis": "corr"},
                shadems={"xaxis": "UV", "yaxis": "phase"},
                ragavi_vis={"xaxis": "uvwave", "yaxis": "phase",
                            "iter-axis": "scan", "canvas-width": 300,
                            "canvas-height": 300})

            diagnostic_plots["amp_scan"] = dict(
                plotms={"xaxis": "scan", "yaxis": "amp"},
                shadems={"xaxis": "SCAN_NUMBER", "yaxis": "amp"},
                ragavi_vis={"xaxis": "scan", "yaxis": "amplitude",
                            "iter-axis": None,
                            "canvas-width": 1080, "canvas-height": 720})

            diagnostic_plots["amp_chan"] = dict(
                plotms={"xaxis": "chan", "yaxis": "amp"},
                shadems={"xaxis": "CHAN", "yaxis": "amp"},
                ragavi_vis={"xaxis": "channel", "yaxis": "amplitude",
                            "iter-axis": "scan", "canvas-width": 300,
                            "canvas-height": 300})

            diagnostic_plots["phase_chan"] = dict(
                plotms={"xaxis": "chan", "yaxis": "phase"},
                shadems={"xaxis": "CHAN", "yaxis": "phase"},
                ragavi_vis={"xaxis": "channel", "yaxis": "phase",
                            "iter-axis": "scan", "canvas-width": 300,
                            "canvas-height": 300})

            if plotter.lower() != "none":
                for plotname in diagnostic_plots:
                    if not pipeline.enable_task(config, plotname):
                    opts = diagnostic_plots[plotname][plotter]
                    if opts is None:
                        log.warn("The plotter '{0:s}' cannot make the plot '{1:s}'".format(
                            plotter, plotname))
                    elif plotter == "ragavi_vis":
                            opts["num-cores"] = config["num_cores"]
                            opts["mem-limit"] = config["mem_limit"]

                    # make map from field name to field_type, field_id
                    field_map = OrderedDict()
                    for field_type in fields:
                        for field in getattr(pipeline, field_type)[iobs]:
                            if label_in != '' and field_type == 'target':
                                fid = 0
                                fid = utils.get_field_id(ms_info_dict, field)[0]
                            field_map.setdefault(field, (field_type, fid))

                    if plotter == "shadems":
                        corr = corr.replace(" ", "").split(",")
                        for it, co in enumerate(corr):
                            if co in ms_corrs:
                                corr[it] = str(ms_corrs.index(co))
                        corr = ",".join(corr)
                        # for each corr
                        for co in corr.split(","):
                            opts["corr"] = co
                            for field, (field_type, fid) in field_map.items():
                                globals()[plotter](pipeline, recipe, config,
                                                   plotname, msname, field,
                                                   iobs, label, msbase, opts,
                                                   ftype=field_type, fid=fid, output_dir=output_dir,

                    elif plotter == "ragavi_vis" and not opts["iter-axis"] == "corr":
                        # change the labels to indices
                        corr = corr.replace(" ", "").split(",")
                        for it, co in enumerate(corr):
                            if co in ms_corrs:
                                corr[it] = str(ms_corrs.index(co))
                        corr = ",".join(corr)

                        # for each corr
                        for co in corr.split(","):
                            opts["corr"] = co
                            for field, (field_type, fid) in field_map.items():
                                globals()[plotter](pipeline, recipe, config,
                                                   plotname, msname, field,
                                                   iobs, label, msbase, opts,
                                                   ftype=field_type, fid=fid, output_dir=output_dir,
                        opts["corr"] = corr
                        for field, (field_type, fid) in field_map.items():
                            globals()[plotter](pipeline, recipe, config,
                                               plotname, msname, field, iobs, label,
                                               msbase, opts, ftype=field_type,
                                               fid=fid, output_dir=output_dir)
Exemplo n.º 2
def worker(pipeline, recipe, config):
    label = config['label_in']
    wname = pipeline.CURRENT_WORKER
    flags_before_worker = '{0:s}_{1:s}_before'.format(pipeline.prefix, wname)
    flags_after_worker = '{0:s}_{1:s}_after'.format(pipeline.prefix, wname)

    nobs = pipeline.nobs
    for i in range(nobs):
        prefix_msbase = pipeline.prefix_msbases[i]
        mslist  = pipeline.get_mslist(i, label, target=(config['field'] == "target"))
        target_ls = pipeline.target[i] if config['field'] == "target" else []

        for j, msname in enumerate(mslist):
            msdict = pipeline.get_msinfo(msname)
            prefix = os.path.splitext(msname)[0]

            if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(pipeline.msdir, msname)):
                raise IOError("MS file {0:s} does not exist. Please check that is where it should be.".format(msname))

            # Write/rewind flag versions
            available_flagversions = manflags.get_flags(pipeline, msname)
            if config['rewind_flags']['enable']:
                if config['rewind_flags']['mode'] == 'reset_worker':
                    version = flags_before_worker
                    stop_if_missing = False
                elif config['rewind_flags']['mode'] == 'rewind_to_version':
                    version = config['rewind_flags']['version']
                    if version == 'auto':
                        version = flags_before_worker
                    stop_if_missing = True
                if version in available_flagversions:
                    if flags_before_worker in available_flagversions and available_flagversions.index(flags_before_worker) < available_flagversions.index(version) and not config['overwrite_flagvers']:
                        manflags.conflict('rewind_too_little', pipeline, wname, msname, config, flags_before_worker, flags_after_worker)
                    substep = 'version-{0:s}-ms{1:d}'.format(version, msiter)
                    manflags.restore_cflags(pipeline, recipe, version, msname, cab_name=substep)
                    if version != available_flagversions[-1]:
                        substep = 'delete-flag_versions-after-{0:s}-ms{1:d}'.format(version, msiter)
                        manflags.delete_cflags(pipeline, recipe,
                            msname, cab_name=substep)
                    if version != flags_before_worker:
                        substep = 'save-{0:s}-ms{1:d}'.format(flags_before_worker, msiter)
                        manflags.add_cflags(pipeline, recipe, flags_before_worker,
                            msname, cab_name=substep, overwrite=config['overwrite_flagvers'])
                elif stop_if_missing:
                    manflags.conflict('rewind_to_non_existing', pipeline, wname, msname, config, flags_before_worker, flags_after_worker)
                    substep = 'save-{0:s}-ms{1:d}'.format(flags_before_worker, msiter)
                    manflags.add_cflags(pipeline, recipe, flags_before_worker,
                        msname, cab_name=substep, overwrite=config['overwrite_flagvers'])
                if flags_before_worker in available_flagversions and not config['overwrite_flagvers']:
                    manflags.conflict('would_overwrite_bw', pipeline, wname, msname, config, flags_before_worker, flags_after_worker)
                    substep = 'save-{0:s}-ms{1:d}'.format(flags_before_worker, msiter)
                    manflags.add_cflags(pipeline, recipe, flags_before_worker,
                        msname, cab_name=substep, overwrite=config['overwrite_flagvers'])

            # Define fields and field_ids to be used to only flag the fields selected with
            # flagging:field (either 'target' or 'calibrators') and with
            # flagging:calfields (for further selection among the calibrators)
            if config['field'] == 'target':
                fields = [target_ls[j]]
                fields = []
                fld_string = config['calfields']
                if fld_string == "auto":
                    iter_fields = "gcal bpcal xcal fcal".split()
                    iter_fields = fld_string.split(",")
                for item in iter_fields:
                    if hasattr(pipeline, item):
                        tfld = getattr(pipeline, item)[i]
                        raise ValueError("Field given is invalid. Options are 'xcal bpcal gcal fcal'.")
                    if tfld:
                        fields += tfld
                fields = list(set(fields))
            field_ids = utils.get_field_id(msdict, fields)
            fields = ",".join(fields)

            if pipeline.enable_task(config, 'unflag'):
                step = '{0:s}-unflag-ms{1:d}'.format(wname, msiter)
                recipe.add('cab/casa_flagdata', step,
                               "vis": msname,
                               "mode": 'unflag',
                               "field": fields,
                               "flagbackup": False,
                           label='{0:s}:: Unflag ms={1:s}'.format(step, msname))

            # flag antennas automatically based on drifts in the scan average of the
            # auto correlation spectra per field. This doesn't strictly require any calibration. It is also
            # not field structure dependent, since it is just based on the DC of the field
            # Compares scan to median power of scans per field per channel
            # Also compares antenna to median of the array per scan per field per channel
            # This should catch any antenna with severe temperature problems
            if pipeline.enable_task(config, 'flag_autopowerspec'):
                step = '{0:s}-autopowerspec-ms{1:d}'.format(wname, msiter)
                recipe.add("cab/politsiyakat_autocorr_amp", step,
                               "msname": msname,
                               "field": ",".join([str(id) for id in field_ids]),
                               "cal_field": ",".join([str(id) for id in field_ids]),
                               "scan_to_scan_threshold": config["flag_autopowerspec"]["scan_thr"],
                               "antenna_to_group_threshold": config["flag_autopowerspec"]["ant_group_thr"],
                               "dpi": 300,
                               "plot_size": 6,
                               "nproc_threads": config['flag_autopowerspec']['threads'],
                               "data_column": config['flag_autopowerspec']['col']
                           input=pipeline.input, output=pipeline.output,
                           label="{0:s}:: Flag out antennas with drifts in autocorrelation powerspectra ms={1:s}".format(step,msname))

            if pipeline.enable_task(config, 'flag_autocorr'):
                step = '{0:s}-autocorr-ms{1:d}'.format(wname, msiter)
                recipe.add('cab/casa_flagdata', step,
                               "vis": msname,
                               "mode": 'manual',
                               "autocorr": True,
                               "field": fields,
                               "flagbackup": False,
                           label='{0:s}:: Flag auto-correlations ms={1:s}'.format(step, msname))

            if pipeline.enable_task(config, 'flag_quack'):
                step = '{0:s}-quack-ms{1:d}'.format(wname, msiter)
                recipe.add('cab/casa_flagdata', step,
                               "vis": msname,
                               "mode": 'quack',
                               "quackinterval": config['flag_quack']['interval'],
                               "quackmode": config['flag_quack']['mode'],
                               "field": fields,
                               "flagbackup": False,
                           label='{0:s}:: Quack flagging ms={1:s}'.format(step, msname))

            if pipeline.enable_task(config, 'flag_elevation'):
                step = '{0:s}-elevation-ms{1:d}'.format(wname, msiter)
                recipe.add('cab/casa_flagdata', step,
                               "vis": msname,
                               "mode": 'elevation',
                               "lowerlimit": config['flag_elevation']['low'],
                               "upperlimit": config['flag_elevation']['high'],
                               "field": fields,
                               "flagbackup": False,
                           label='{0:s}:: Flag elevation ms={1:s}'.format(step, msname))

            if pipeline.enable_task(config, 'flag_shadow'):
                if config['flag_shadow']['full_mk64']:
                    addantennafile = '{0:s}/mk64.txt'.format(pipeline.input)
                    subarray = msdict['ANT']['NAME']
                    idleants = open(addantennafile, 'r').readlines()
                    for aa in subarray:
                        for kk in range(len(idleants)):
                            if aa in idleants[kk]:
                    addantennafile = 'idleants.txt'
                    with open('{0:s}/{1:s}'.format(pipeline.input, addantennafile), 'w') as ia:
                        for aa in idleants:
                    addantennafile += ':input'
                    addantennafile = None
                step = '{0:s}-shadow-ms{1:d}'.format(wname, msiter)
                recipe.add('cab/casa_flagdata', step,
                               "vis": msname,
                               "mode": 'shadow',
                               "tolerance": config['flag_shadow']['tol'],
                               "addantenna": addantennafile,
                               "flagbackup": False,
                               "field": fields,
                           label='{0:s}:: Flag shadowed antennas ms={1:s}'.format(step, msname))

            if pipeline.enable_task(config, 'flag_spw'):
                step = '{0:s}-spw-ms{1:d}'.format(wname, msiter)
                flagspwselection = config['flag_spw']['chans']
                firsts = [min(ff) for ff in msdict['SPW']['CHAN_FREQ']]
                lasts = [max(ff) for ff in msdict['SPW']['CHAN_FREQ']]
                nrs = msdict['SPW']['NUM_CHAN']
                nspws = len(nrs)
                found_valid_data = 0
                if config['flag_spw']['ensure_valid']:
                    scalefactor, scalefactor_dict = 1, {
                        'GHz': 1e+9, 'MHz': 1e+6, 'kHz': 1e+3 }
                    for ff in flagspwselection.split(','):
                        found_units = False
                        for dd in scalefactor_dict:
                            if dd.lower() in ff.lower():
                                ff, scalefactor = ff.lower().replace(
                                    dd.lower(), ''), scalefactor_dict[dd]
                                found_units = True
                        if 'hz' in ff.lower():
                          ff = ff.lower().replace('hz', '')
                          found_units = True
                        ff = ff.split(':')
                        if len(ff) > 1:
                            spws = ff[0]
                            spws = '*'
                        edges = [
                            ii*scalefactor for ii in map(float, ff[-1].split('~'))]
                        if '*' in spws:
                            spws = list(range(nspws))
                        elif '~' in spws:
                            spws = list(
                                range(int(spws.split('~')[0]), int(spws.split('~')[1])+1))
                            spws = [int(spws), ]
                        edges = [edges for uu in range(len(spws))]
                        for ss in spws:
                            if found_units and ss < nspws and min(edges[ss][1], lasts[ss]) - max(edges[ss][0], firsts[ss]) > 0:
                                found_valid_data = 1
                            elif not found_units and ss < nspws and edges[ss][0]>=0 and edges[ss][1] < nrs[ss]:
                                found_valid_data = 1
                    if not found_valid_data:
                            'The following channel selection has been made in the flag_spw module of the flagging worker: "{1:s}". This selection would result in no valid data in {0:s}. This would lead to the FATAL error "No valid SPW & Chan combination found" in CASA/FLAGDATA. To avoid this error the corresponding cab {2:s} will not be added to the Stimela recipe of the flagging worker.'.format(msname, flagspwselection, step))

                if found_valid_data or not config['flag_spw']['ensure_valid']:
                    recipe.add('cab/casa_flagdata', step,
                                   "vis": msname,
                                   "mode": 'manual',
                                   "spw": flagspwselection,
                                   "field": fields,
                                   "flagbackup": False,
                               label='{0:s}::Flag out channels ms={1:s}'.format(step, msname))

            if pipeline.enable_task(config, 'flag_time'):
                step = '{0:s}-time-ms{1:d}'.format(wname, msiter)
                found_valid_data = 0
                if config['flag_time']['ensure_valid']:
                    if pipeline.startdate[i]:
                        flag_start = float(''.join(re.split('/|:', start_flagrange)))
                        flag_end  = float(''.join(re.split('/|:', end_flagrange)))
                        if (flag_start <= pipeline.enddate[i]) and (pipeline.startdate[i] <= flag_end):
                            found_valid_data = 1
                        raise ValueError("You wanted to ensure a valid time range but we could not find a start and end time")
                    if not found_valid_data:
                            'The following time selection has been made in the flag_time module of the flagging worker: "{1:s}". This selection would result in no valid data in {0:s}. This would lead to the FATAL error " The selected table has zero rows" in CASA/FLAGDATA. To avoid this error the corresponding cab {2:s} will not be added to the Stimela recipe of the flagging worker.'.format(msname, config['flag_time']['timerange'], step))
                if found_valid_data or not config['flag_time']['ensure_valid']:
                    recipe.add('cab/casa_flagdata', step,
                                    "vis": msname,
                                    "mode": 'manual',
                                    "timerange": config['flag_time']['timerange'],
                                    "flagbackup": False,
                                    "field": fields,
                                label='{0:s}::Flag out channels ms={1:s}'.format(step, msname))

            if pipeline.enable_task(config, 'flag_scan'):
                step = '{0:s}-scan-ms{1:d}'.format(wname, msiter)
                recipe.add('cab/casa_flagdata', step,
                               "vis": msname,
                               "mode": 'manual',
                               "scan": config['flag_scan']['scans'],
                               "flagbackup": False,
                               "field": fields,
                           label='{0:s}::Flag out channels ms={1:s}'.format(step, msname))

            if pipeline.enable_task(config, 'flag_antennas'):
                # step = '{0:s}-antennas-ms{1:d}'.format(wname, msiter)
                antennas = [config['flag_antennas']['antennas']]
                times = [config['flag_antennas']['timerange']]
                found_valid_data = [0]
                ensure = config['flag_antennas']['ensure_valid']
                if times[0] == '':
                    ensure = False
                if ensure:
                    if pipeline.startdate[i]:
                        antennas = config['flag_antennas']['antennas'].split(',')
                        times = config['flag_antennas']['timerange'].split(',')
                        while len(times) < len(antennas):
                        while len(found_valid_data) < len(antennas):
                        for nn,time_range in enumerate(times):
                            flag_start = float(''.join(re.split('/|:', start_flagrange)))
                            flag_end  = float(''.join(re.split('/|:', end_flagrange)))
                            if (flag_start <= pipeline.enddate[i]) and (pipeline.startdate[i] <= flag_end):
                                found_valid_data[nn] = 1
                        raise ValueError("You wanted to ensure a valid time range but we could not find a start and end time")
                for nn,antenna in enumerate(antennas):
                    antstep = 'ant-{0:s}-ms{1:d}-antsel{2:d}'.format(wname, i, nn)
                    if found_valid_data[nn] or not ensure:
                        recipe.add('cab/casa_flagdata', antstep,
                                        "vis": msname,
                                        "mode": 'manual',
                                        "antenna": antenna,
                                        "timerange": times[nn],
                                        "field": fields,
                                        "flagbackup": False,
                                    label='{0:s}:: Flagging bad antenna {2:s} ms={1:s}'.format(antstep, msname,antenna))
                    elif ensure and not found_valid_data[nn]:
                            'The following time selection has been made in the flag_antennas module of the flagging worker: "{1:s}". This selection would result in no valid data in {0:s}. This would lead to the FATAL error " The selected table has zero rows" in CASA/FLAGDATA. To avoid this error the corresponding cab {2:s} will not be added to the Stimela recipe of the flagging worker.'.format(msname, times[nn], antstep))

            if pipeline.enable_task(config, 'flag_mask'):
                step = '{0:s}-mask-ms{1:d}'.format(wname, msiter)
                recipe.add('cab/rfimasker', step,
                               "msname": msname,
                               "mask": config['flag_mask']['mask'],
                               "accumulation_mode": 'or',
                               "uvrange": sdm.dismissable(config['flag_mask']['uvrange'] or None),
                               "memory": 4096,
                           label='{0:s}:: Apply flag mask ms={1:s}'.format(step, msname))

            if pipeline.enable_task(config, 'flag_manual'):
                rules = config['flag_manual']['rules']
                for irule, rule in enumerate(rules):
                    # a manual flagging rule has a pattern to match the MS name, followed by key:value pairs
                    rule_elements = rule.split()
                    if len(rule_elements) < 2 or not all(':' in el for el in rule_elements[1:]):
                        raise ValueError(f"invalid flag_manual rule '{rule}'")
                    pattern = rule_elements[0]
                    keywords = {tuple(elem.split(":", 1)) for elem in rule_elements[1:]}
                    # end of parsing block. Replace this with file if you like
                    if not fnmatch.fnmatch(msname, pattern):
                    caracal.log.info(f"adding manual flagging rule for {pattern}")
                    step = f'{wname}-manual-ms{msiter}-{irule}'
                    args = {
                                   "vis": msname,
                                   "mode": 'manual',
                                   "flagbackup": False,
                                   "field": fields,
                    recipe.add('cab/casa_flagdata', step, args,
                               label=f'{step}::Flag ms={msname} using {rule}')

            if pipeline.enable_task(config, 'flag_rfi'):
                step = '{0:s}-rfi-ms{1:d}'.format(wname, msiter)
                if config['flag_rfi']["flagger"] == "aoflagger":
                    if config['flag_rfi']['aoflagger']['ensure_valid']:
                        ms_corr = msdict['CORR']['CORR_TYPE']
                        with open('{0:s}/{1:s}'.format(pipeline.input,config['flag_rfi']['aoflagger']['strategy'])) as stdr:
                            for ss in stdr.readlines():
                                for pp in 'xx,xy,yx,yy,stokes-i,stokes-q,stokes-u,stokes-v'.split(','):
                                    if '<on-{0:s}>1</on-{0:s}>'.format(pp) in ss: flag_corr.append(pp)
                        if ('stokes-u' in flag_corr and (('XY' not in ms_corr and 'RL' not in ms_corr) or ('YX' not in ms_corr and 'LR' not in ms_corr))) or\
                             ('stokes-v' in flag_corr and (('XY' not in ms_corr and 'RR' not in ms_corr) or ('YX' not in ms_corr and 'LL' not in ms_corr))) or\
                             ('stokes-i' in flag_corr and (('XX' not in ms_corr and 'RR' not in ms_corr) or ('YY' not in ms_corr and 'LL' not in ms_corr))) or\
                             ('stokes-q' in flag_corr and (('XX' not in ms_corr and 'RL' not in ms_corr) or ('YY' not in ms_corr and 'LR' not in ms_corr))) or\
                             ('xy' in flag_corr and ('XY' not in ms_corr and 'RL' not in ms_corr )) or\
                             ('yx' in flag_corr and ('YX' not in ms_corr and 'LR' not in ms_corr)) or\
                             ('xx' in flag_corr and ('XX' not in ms_corr and 'RR' not in ms_corr)) or\
                             ('yy' in flag_corr and ('YY' not in ms_corr and 'LL' not in ms_corr)):
                            raise ValueError("The selected flagging strategy {0:s}/{1:s} will attempt to flag on {2:} but this is"\
                                             " not compatible with the {3:} correlations available in {4:s}. To proceed you can edit the flagging"\
                                             " strategy or, if you know what you are doing, disable aoflagger: ensure_valid.".format(

                    recipe.add('cab/autoflagger', step,
                                   "msname": msname,
                                   "column": config['flag_rfi']['col'],
                                   "fields": ",".join(map(str, field_ids)),
                                   "strategy": config['flag_rfi']['aoflagger']['strategy'],
                                   "indirect-read": True if config['flag_rfi']['aoflagger']['readmode'] == 'indirect' else False,
                                   "memory-read": True if config['flag_rfi']['aoflagger']['readmode'] == 'memory' else False,
                                   "auto-read-mode": True if config['flag_rfi']['aoflagger']['readmode'] == 'auto' else False,
                               label='{0:s}:: AOFlagger auto-flagging flagging pass ms={1:s} fields={2:s}'.format(step, msname, fields))

                elif config['flag_rfi']["flagger"] == "tricolour":
                    if config['flag_rfi']['tricolour']['mode'] == 'auto':
                        bandwidth = msdict['SPW']['TOTAL_BANDWIDTH'][0]/10.0**6
                        caracal.log.info("Total Bandwidth = {0:} MHz".format(bandwidth))
                        if bandwidth <= 20.0:
                            caracal.log.info("Narrowband data detected, selecting appropriate flagging strategy")
                            tricolour_strat = config['flag_rfi']['tricolour']['strat_narrow']

                    caracal.log.info("Flagging strategy in use: {0:}".format(tricolour_strat))
                    recipe.add('cab/tricolour', step,
                                   "ms": msname,
                                   "data-column": config['flag_rfi']['col'],
                                   "window-backend": config['flag_rfi']['tricolour']['backend'],
                                   "field-names": fields,
                                   "flagging-strategy": 'polarisation',
                                   "config" : tricolour_strat,
                               label='{0:s}:: Tricolour auto-flagging flagging pass ms={1:s} fields={2:s}'.format(step, msname, fields))

                elif config['flag_rfi']["flagger"] == "tfcrop":
                    col = config['flag_rfi']['col'].split("_DATA")[0].lower()
                    recipe.add('cab/casa_flagdata', step,
                                   "vis" : msname,
                                   "datacolumn" : col,
                                   "mode" : "tfcrop",
                                   "field" : fields,
                                   "usewindowstats" : config["flag_rfi"]["tfcrop"]["usewindowstats"],
                                   "combinescans" : config["flag_rfi"]["tfcrop"]["combinescans"],
                                   "flagdimension" : config["flag_rfi"]["tfcrop"]["flagdimension"],
                                   "flagbackup" : False,
                                   "timecutoff" : config["flag_rfi"]["tfcrop"]["timecutoff"],
                                   "freqcutoff" : config["flag_rfi"]["tfcrop"]["freqcutoff"],
                                   "correlation" : config["flag_rfi"]["tfcrop"]["correlation"],
                               label='{0:s}:: Tfcrop auto-flagging flagging pass ms={1:s} fields={2:s}'.format(step, msname, fields))
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        "Flagger, {0:s} is not available. Options are 'aoflagger, tricolour, tfcrop'.")

            if pipeline.enable_task(config, 'inspect'):
                step = '{0:s}-inspect-ms{1:d}'.format(wname,msiter)
                if config['field'] == 'target':
                    field = '0'
                    field = ",".join(map(str, utils.get_field_id(msdict, manfields.get_field(
                        pipeline, i, config['inspect']['field']).split(","))))
                for f in field.split(','):
                    outlabel = '_{0:d}'.format(i) if len(field.split(',')) == 1 else '_{0:d}_{1:s}'.format(i,f)
                    recipe.add('cab/rfinder', step,
                                   "msname": msname,
                                   "field": int(f),
                                   "plot_noise": "noise",
                                   "RFInder_mode": "use_flags",
                                   "outlabel": outlabel,  # The output will be rfi_<pol>_<outlabel>
                                   "polarization": config['inspect']['polarization'],
                                   "spw_width": config['inspect']['spw_width'],
                                   "time_step": config['inspect']['time_step'],
                                   "time_enable": config['inspect']['time_enable'],
                                   "spw_enable": config['inspect']['spw_enable'],
                                   "1d_gif": config['inspect']['time_enable'],
                                   "2d_gif": config['inspect']['time_enable'],
                                   "altaz_gif": config['inspect']['spw_enable'],
                                   "movies_in_report": config['inspect']['time_enable'] or config['spw_enable']
                               label='{0:s}:: Investigate presence of rfi in ms={1:s}'.format(step, msname))

            if pipeline.enable_task(config, 'summary'):
                __label = config['label_in']
                step = '{0:s}-summary-ms{1:d}'.format(wname,msiter)
                recipe.add('cab/casa_flagdata', step,
                               "vis": msname,
                               "mode": 'summary',
                               "field": fields,
                               "flagbackup": False,
                           label='{0:s}:: Flagging summary  ms={1:s}'.format(step, msname))
                # Empty job que after execution
                recipe.jobs = []
                summary_log = glob.glob("{0:s}/log-flag-{1:s}-*.txt".format(pipeline.logs,
                json_summary = manflags.get_json_flag_summary(pipeline, summary_log,
                                                              prefix_msbase, wname)
                manflags.flag_summary_plots(pipeline, json_summary, prefix_msbase, wname, i)

            substep = 'save-{0:s}-ms{1:d}'.format(flags_after_worker, msiter)
            manflags.add_cflags(pipeline, recipe, flags_after_worker, msname, cab_name=substep, overwrite=config['overwrite_flagvers'])
Exemplo n.º 3
def solve(msname, msinfo,  recipe, config, pipeline, iobs, prefix, label, ftype,
        append_last_secondary=None, prev=None, prev_name=None, smodel=False):
    gaintables = []
    interps = []
    fields = []
    iters = {}

    if prev and prev_name:
        for item in config[ftype]['apply']:
            gaintables.append("%s_%s.%s%d" % (prefix, prev_name, item, prev["iters"][item]))
            ft = RULES[item]["field"]
            fields.append(",".join(getattr(pipeline, ft)[iobs]))

    field = getattr(pipeline, CALS[ftype])[iobs]
    order = config[ftype]["order"]
    field_id = utils.get_field_id(msinfo, field)

    def do_KGBF(i):
        gtable_ = None
        ftable_ = None
        interp = RULES[term]["interp"]
        params["refant"] = pipeline.refant[iobs] or '0'
        params["solint"] = first_if_single(config[ftype]["solint"], i)
        params["combine"] = first_if_single(config[ftype]["combine"], i).strip("'")
        params["field"] = ",".join(field)
        caltable = "%s_%s.%s%d" % (prefix, ftype, term, itern)
        params["caltable"] = caltable + ":output"
        my_term = term
        did_I = 'I' in order[:i+1] 
        if not did_I and smodel and term in "KGF":
            params["smodel"] = ["1", "0", "0", "0"]
        # allow selection of band subset(s) for gaincal see #1204 on github issue tracker
        if term in "KGF":
            params["spw"] = config[ftype]["spw"]

        if term == "B":
            params["bandtype"] = term
            params["solnorm"] = config[ftype]["b_solnorm"]
            params["fillgaps"] = config[ftype]["b_fillgaps"]
            params["uvrange"] = config["uvrange"]
        elif term == "K":
            params["gaintype"] = term
        elif term in "FG":
            my_term = ["F", "G"]
            if term == "F":
                # Never append to the original. Make a copy for each F that is needed
                caltable_original = "%s_%s.G%d" % (prefix, prev_name, prev["iters"]["G"])
                primary_G = "%s_%s_append-%d.G%d" % (prefix, prev_name, itern,prev["iters"]["G"])
                caltable_path_original = os.path.join(pipeline.caltables, caltable_original)
                caltable_path = os.path.join(pipeline.caltables, primary_G)
                params["append"] = True
                caltable = "%s_%s.F%d" % (prefix, ftype, itern)
                params["caltable"] = primary_G + ":output"

            params["gaintype"] = "G"
            params["uvrange"] = config["uvrange"]
            params["calmode"] = first_if_single(config[ftype]["calmode"], i).strip("'")

        otf_apply = get_last_gain(gaintables, my_term=my_term)
        if otf_apply:
            params["gaintable"] = [gaintables[count]+":output" for count in otf_apply]
            params["interp"] = [interps[count] for count in otf_apply]
            params["gainfield"] = [fields[count] for count in otf_apply]

        can_reuse = False
        if config[ftype]["reuse_existing_gains"] and exists(pipeline.caltables, caltable):
            # check if field is in gain table
            fields_in_tab = set(table(os.path.join(pipeline.caltables, caltable), ack=False).getcol("FIELD_ID"))
            if fields_in_tab.issubset(field_id):
                can_reuse = True

        if can_reuse:
            caracal.log.info("Reusing existing gain table '%s' as requested" % caltable)
            if term == "F":
                if os.path.exists(caltable_path):
                cpstep = "copy_primary_gains_%s-%s-%d-%d-%s" % (name, label, itern, iobs, ftype)
                recipe.add(shutil.copytree, cpstep, {
                        "src" : caltable_path_original,
                        "dst": caltable_path,
                        }, label="{0}:: Copy parimary gains".format(step))
            recipe.add(RULES[term]["cab"], step, 
                    input=pipeline.input, output=pipeline.caltables,
                    label="%s:: %s calibration" % (step, term))
            if term == "F":
                transfer_fluxscale(msname, recipe, primary_G+":output", caltable+":output", pipeline, 
                iobs, reference=pipeline.fluxscale_reference, label=label)

        # Assume gains were plotted when they were created
        if config[ftype]["plotgains"] and not can_reuse:
            plotgains(recipe, pipeline, field_id if term != "F" else None, caltable, iobs, term=term)


    def do_IA(i):
        if i==0:
            raise RuntimeError("Have encountred an imaging/flagging request before any gains have been computed."\
                    "an I only makes sense after a G or K (usually both)."
                    "Please review your 'order' option in the self_cal:secondary section")

        if not applied:
            applycal(latest_KGBF_group, msname, recipe, gaintables,
                    interps, fields, CALS[ftype], pipeline, iobs,
            caracal.log.info("Gains have already been applied using this exact set of gain tables and fields. Skipping unnecessary applycal step")

        if term == "A":
            if not set("KGBF").intersection(order[:i]):
                raise RuntimeError("Have encountered a request to flag the secondary calibrator without any gain, bandpass or delay tables to apply first.")
            step = "%s-%s-%d-%d-%s" % (name, label, itern, iobs, ftype)
            params["mode"] = RULES[term]["mode"]
            params["field"] = ",".join(field)
            params["datacolumn"] = config[ftype]["flag"]["col"]
            params["usewindowstats"] = config[ftype]["flag"]["usewindowstats"]
            params["combinescans"] = config[ftype]["flag"]["combinescans"]
            params["flagdimension"] = config[ftype]["flag"]["flagdimension"]
            params["flagbackup"] = False
            params["timecutoff"] = config[ftype]["flag"]["timecutoff"]
            params["freqcutoff"] = config[ftype]["flag"]["freqcutoff"]
            params["correlation"] = config[ftype]["flag"]["correlation"]
            recipe.add(RULES[term]["cab"], step,
                    input=pipeline.input, output=pipeline.output,
                    label="%s::" % step)

            for fid in field_id:
                step = "%s-%s-%d-%d-%s-field%d" % (name, label, itern, iobs, ftype, fid)
                calimage = "%s-%s-I%d-%d-field%d:output" %(prefix, ftype, itern, iobs, fid)
                recipe.add(RULES[term]["cab"], step, {
                        "msname" : msname,
                        "name" : calimage,
                        "size" : config[ftype]["image"]['npix'],
                        "scale" : config[ftype]["image"]['cell'],
                        "join-channels" : False if config[ftype]["image"]["nchans"]==1 else True,
                        "fit-spectral-pol" : config[ftype]["image"]["fit_spectral_pol"],
                        "channels-out" : config[ftype]["image"]['nchans'],
                        "auto-mask" : config[ftype]["image"]['auto_mask'],
                        "auto-threshold" : config[ftype]["image"]['auto_threshold'],
                        "local-rms-window" : config[ftype]["image"]['rms_window'],
                        "local-rms" : config[ftype]["image"]['local_rms'],
                        "padding" : config[ftype]["image"]['padding'],
                        "niter" : config[ftype]["image"]['niter'],
                        "weight" : config[ftype]["image"]["weight"],
                        "mgain" : config[ftype]["image"]['mgain'],
                        "field" : fid,
                        input=pipeline.input, output=pipeline.crosscal_continuum,
                        label="%s:: Image %s field" % (step, ftype))

    nterms = len(order)

    # terms that need an apply 
    groups_apply = list(filter(lambda g: g, re.findall("([AI]+)?", order)))
    # terms that need a solve
    groups_solve = list(filter(lambda g: g, re.findall("([KGBF]+)?", order)))
    # Order has to start with solve group. 
    # TODO(sphe) in the philosophy of giving user enough roap to hang themselves
    # Release II will allow both starting with I/A in case 
    # someone wants to apply primary gains to the secondary
    n_apply = len(groups_apply)
    n_solve = len(groups_solve)
    groups = [None] * (n_apply + n_solve) 
    groups[::2] = groups_solve # even indices
    groups[1::2] = groups_apply # odd indices

    # no need to apply gains multiple when encountering consecutive terms that need to apply
    applied = False
    i = -1 #
    for jj, group in enumerate(groups):
        for g, term in enumerate(group):
            i += 1
            # if this is not the case, then something has gone horribly wrong
            assert term == order[i]
            if (jj % 2) == 0: # even counter is solve group
                even = True
                latest_KGBF_group = group
                latest_IA_group = group
                even = False
                if g == 0:
                    applied = False
                    applied = True

            name = RULES[term]["name"]
            if term in iters:
                iters[term] += 1
                iters[term] = 0

            itern = iters[term]
            params = {}
            params["vis"] = msname

            step = "%s-%s-%d-%d-%s" % (name, label, itern, iobs, ftype)
            if even:

    return  {
                "gaintables" : gaintables,
                "interps" : interps,
                "iters" : iters,
                "gainfield" : fields,
Exemplo n.º 4
def worker(pipeline, recipe, config):
    wname = pipeline.CURRENT_WORKER
    flags_before_worker = '{0:s}_{1:s}_before'.format(pipeline.prefix, wname)
    flags_after_worker = '{0:s}_{1:s}_after'.format(pipeline.prefix, wname)
    label = config["label_cal"]
    label_in = config["label_in"]

    # loop over all MSs for this label
    for i, msbase in enumerate(pipeline.msbasenames):
        msname = pipeline.form_msname(msbase, label_in)
        msinfo = pipeline.get_msinfo(msname)
        prefix_msbase = f"{pipeline.prefix_msbases[i]}-{label}"

        if {"gcal", "fcal", "target"}.intersection(config["apply_cal"]["applyto"]):
            # Write/rewind flag versions
            available_flagversions = manflags.get_flags(pipeline, msname)
            if config['rewind_flags']['enable']:
                if config['rewind_flags']['mode'] == 'reset_worker':
                    version = flags_before_worker
                    stop_if_missing = False
                elif config['rewind_flags']['mode'] == 'rewind_to_version':
                    version = config['rewind_flags']['version']
                    if version == 'auto':
                        version = flags_before_worker
                    stop_if_missing = True
                if version in available_flagversions:
                    if flags_before_worker in available_flagversions and available_flagversions.index(flags_before_worker) < available_flagversions.index(version) and not config['overwrite_flagvers']:
                        manflags.conflict('rewind_too_little', pipeline, wname, msname, config, flags_before_worker, flags_after_worker)
                    substep = 'version-{0:s}-ms{1:d}'.format(version, i)
                    manflags.restore_cflags(pipeline, recipe, version, msname, cab_name=substep)
                    if version != available_flagversions[-1]:
                        substep = 'delete-flag_versions-after-{0:s}-ms{1:d}'.format(version, i)
                        manflags.delete_cflags(pipeline, recipe,
                            msname, cab_name=substep)
                    if version != flags_before_worker:
                        substep = 'save-{0:s}-ms{1:d}'.format(flags_before_worker, i)
                        manflags.add_cflags(pipeline, recipe, flags_before_worker,
                            msname, cab_name=substep, overwrite=config['overwrite_flagvers'])
                elif stop_if_missing:
                    manflags.conflict('rewind_to_non_existing', pipeline, wname, msname, config, flags_before_worker, flags_after_worker)
                    substep = 'save-{0:s}-ms{1:d}'.format(flags_before_worker, i)
                    manflags.add_cflags(pipeline, recipe, flags_before_worker,
                        msname, cab_name=substep, overwrite=config['overwrite_flagvers'])
                if flags_before_worker in available_flagversions and not config['overwrite_flagvers']:
                    manflags.conflict('would_overwrite_bw', pipeline, wname, msname, config, flags_before_worker, flags_after_worker)
                    substep = 'save-{0:s}-ms{1:d}'.format(flags_before_worker, i)
                    manflags.add_cflags(pipeline, recipe, flags_before_worker,
                        msname, cab_name=substep, overwrite=config['overwrite_flagvers'])

        if len(pipeline.fcal[i]) > 1:
            fluxscale_field = utils.observed_longest(msinfo, pipeline.fcal[i])
            fluxscale_field_id = utils.get_field_id(msinfo, fluxscale_field)[0]
            caracal.log.info("Found more than one flux calibrator."\
                               "Will use the one observed the logest (%s)." % fluxscale_field)
            fluxscale_field = pipeline.fcal[i][0]
            fluxscale_field_id = utils.get_field_id(msinfo, fluxscale_field)[0]

        pipeline.fluxscale_reference = fluxscale_field

        if pipeline.enable_task(config, 'set_model'):
            if config['set_model']['no_verify']:
                opts = {
                    "vis": msname,
                    "field": fluxscale_field,
                    "scalebychan": True,
                    "usescratch": True,
                modelsky = utils.find_in_native_calibrators(msinfo, fluxscale_field, mode='sky')
                modelpoint = utils.find_in_native_calibrators(msinfo, fluxscale_field, mode='mod')
                standard = utils.find_in_casa_calibrators(msinfo, fluxscale_field)
                if config['set_model']['meerkat_skymodel'] and modelsky:

                    # use local sky model of calibrator field if exists
                    opts = {
                        "skymodel": modelsky,
                        "msname": msname,
                        "field-id": utils.get_field_id(msinfo, fluxscale_field)[0],
                        "threads": config["set_model"]['threads'],
                        "mode": "simulate",
                        "tile-size": 128,
                        "column": "MODEL_DATA",
                elif modelpoint:  # spectral model if specified in our standard
                    opts = {
                        "vis": msname,
                        "field": fluxscale_field,
                        "standard": "manual",
                        "fluxdensity": modelpoint['I'],
                        "reffreq": '{0:f}GHz'.format(modelpoint['ref']/1e9),
                        "spix": [modelpoint[a] for a in 'abcd'],
                        "scalebychan": True,
                        "usescratch": True,
                elif standard:  # NRAO model otherwise
                    opts = {
                        "vis": msname,
                        "field": fluxscale_field,
                        "standard": standard,
                        "usescratch": True,
                        "scalebychan": True,

                    raise RuntimeError('The flux calibrator field "{}" could not be '
                                       'found in our database or in the CASA NRAO database'.format(fluxscale_field))
            step = 'set_model_cal-{0:d}'.format(i)
            cabtouse = 'cab/casa_setjy'
            recipe.add(cabtouse if "skymodel" not in opts else 'cab/simulator', step,
               label='{0:s}:: Set jansky ms={1:s}'.format(step, msname))

        gcal_set = set(pipeline.gcal[i])
        fcal_set = set(pipeline.fcal[i])
        calmode = config["apply_cal"]["calmode"]
        primary_order = config["primary"]["order"]
        secondary_order = config["secondary"]["order"]
        no_secondary = gcal_set == set() or len(gcal_set - fcal_set) == 0 
        if no_secondary:
            primary_order = config["primary"]["order"]
            primary = solve(msname, msinfo, recipe, config, pipeline, i,
                    prefix_msbase, label=label, ftype="primary")
            caracal.log.info("Secondary calibrator is the same as the primary. Skipping fluxscale")
            interps = primary["interps"]
            gainfields = primary["gainfield"]
            gaintables = primary["gaintables"]

            if "bpcal" in config["apply_cal"]["applyto"] or "gcal" in config["apply_cal"]["applyto"]:
                applycal(primary_order, msname, recipe, copy.deepcopy(gaintables), copy.deepcopy(interps),
                        "nearest", "bpcal", pipeline, i, calmode=calmode, label=label)
            if "target" in config["apply_cal"]["applyto"]:
                applycal(primary_order, msname, recipe, copy.deepcopy(gaintables), copy.deepcopy(interps),
                        "nearest", "target", pipeline, i, calmode=calmode, label=label)
            primary = solve(msname, msinfo, recipe, config, pipeline, i,
                    prefix_msbase, label=label, ftype="primary")

            secondary = solve(msname, msinfo, recipe, config, pipeline, i,
                    prefix_msbase, label=label, ftype="secondary",
                    prev=primary, prev_name="primary", smodel=True)

            interps = primary["interps"]
            gaintables = primary["gaintables"]

            if "bpcal" in config["apply_cal"]["applyto"]:
                applycal(primary_order, msname, recipe, copy.deepcopy(gaintables), copy.deepcopy(interps),
                        "nearest", "bpcal", pipeline, i, calmode=calmode, label=label)

            interps = secondary["interps"]
            gainfields = secondary["gainfield"]
            gaintables = secondary["gaintables"]

            if "gcal" in config["apply_cal"]["applyto"]:
                applycal(secondary_order, msname, recipe, copy.deepcopy(gaintables), interps,
                        gainfields, "gcal", pipeline, i, calmode=calmode, label=label)
            if "target" in config["apply_cal"]["applyto"]:
                applycal(secondary_order, msname, recipe, copy.deepcopy(gaintables), interps,
                        "nearest", "target", pipeline, i, calmode=calmode, label=label)

        if {"gcal", "fcal", "target"}.intersection(config["apply_cal"]["applyto"]):
            substep = 'save-{0:s}-ms{1:d}'.format(flags_after_worker, i)
            manflags.add_cflags(pipeline, recipe, flags_after_worker, msname, cab_name=substep, overwrite=config['overwrite_flagvers'])
        gt_final, itp_final, fd_final = get_caltab_final(primary_order if no_secondary else secondary_order,
                       copy.deepcopy(gaintables), interps, "nearest", "target")

        applycal_recipes = []
        calmodes = []
        for ix,gt in enumerate(gt_final):
                ['caltable', 'fldmap', 'interp'], [gt, fd_final[ix], itp_final[ix]])))
            if '.K' in gt:
            elif '.B' in gt:
            elif '.F' in gt:
            elif '.G' in gt:

        callib_dir = "{}/callibs".format(
        if not os.path.exists(callib_dir):

        callib_dict = dict(zip(calmodes, applycal_recipes))

        with open(os.path.join(callib_dir, f'callib_{prefix_msbase}.json'), 'w') as json_file:
            json.dump(callib_dict, json_file)

        if pipeline.enable_task(config, 'summary'):
            step = 'summary-{0:s}-{1:d}'.format(label, i)
            recipe.add('cab/casa_flagdata', step,
                           "vis" : msname,
                           "mode" : 'summary',
                           "field" : ",".join(set(pipeline.bpcal[i]+pipeline.fcal[i]+pipeline.gcal[i]))
                       label='{0:s}:: Flagging summary  ms={1:s}'.format(step, msname))
            # Empty job que after execution
            recipe.jobs = []

            summary_log = glob.glob("{0:s}/log-{1:s}-{2:s}-*"
                                    ".txt".format(pipeline.logs, wname, step))[0]
            json_summary = manflags.get_json_flag_summary(pipeline, summary_log, prefix_msbase, wname )
            manflags.flag_summary_plots(pipeline, json_summary, prefix_msbase, wname, i)
Exemplo n.º 5
def worker(pipeline, recipe, config):
    recipe.msdir = pipeline.rawdatadir
    recipe.output = pipeline.msdir
    step = None

    for i, (msname, msroot, prefix) in enumerate(zip(pipeline.msnames, pipeline.msbasenames, pipeline.prefix_msbases)):
        # filenames generated
        obsinfo  = f'{msroot}-obsinfo.txt'
        summary  = f'{msroot}-summary.json'
        elevplot = f'{msroot}-elevation-tracks.png'

        if pipeline.enable_task(config, 'obsinfo'):
            if config['obsinfo']['listobs']:
                if os.path.exists(os.path.join(pipeline.msdir, obsinfo)):
                    caracal.log.info(f"obsinfo file {obsinfo} exists, not regenerating")
                    step = f'listobs-ms{i}'
                    recipe.add('cab/casa_listobs', step,
                                   "vis": msname,
                                   "listfile": obsinfo,
                                   "overwrite": True,
                               label='{0:s}:: Get observation information ms={1:s}'.format(step, msname))

            if config['obsinfo']['summary_json']:
                if os.path.exists(os.path.join(pipeline.msdir, summary)):
                    caracal.log.info(f"summary file {summary} exists, not regenerating")
                    step = f'summary_json-ms{i}'
                    recipe.add('cab/msutils', step,
                                   "msname": msname,
                                   "command": 'summary',
                                   "display": False,
                                   "outfile": summary,
                               label='{0:s}:: Get observation information as a json file ms={1:s}'.format(step, msname))

            if config['obsinfo']['vampirisms']:
                step = 'vampirisms-ms{0:d}'.format(i)
                recipe.add('cab/sunblocker', step,
                               "command": 'vampirisms',
                               "inset": msname,
                               "dryrun": True,
                               "nononsoleil": True,
                               "verb": True,
                       label='{0:s}:: Note sunrise and sunset'.format(step))

            if pipeline.enable_task(config['obsinfo'], 'plotelev'):
                if os.path.exists(os.path.join(pipeline.msdir, elevplot)):
                    caracal.log.info(f"elevation plot {elevplot} exists, not regenerating")
                    step = "elevation-plots-ms{:d}".format(i)
                    if config['obsinfo']["plotelev"]["plotter"] in ["plotms"]:
                        recipe.add("cab/casa_plotms", step, {
                                   "vis" : msname,
                                   "xaxis" : "hourangle",
                                   "yaxis" : "elevation",
                                   "coloraxis" : "field",
                                   "plotfile": elevplot,
                                   "overwrite" : True,
                                   label="{:s}:: Plotting elevation tracks".format(step))
                    elif config['obsinfo']["plotelev"]["plotter"] in ["owlcat"]:
                        recipe.add("cab/owlcat_plotelev", step, {
                                   "msname" : msname,
                                   "output-name" : elevplot
                                   label="{:s}:: Plotting elevation tracks".format(step))

    # if any steps at all were inserted, run the recipe
    if step is not None:
        recipe.jobs = []

    # initialse things
    for item in 'xcal fcal bpcal gcal target refant'.split():
        val = config[item]
        for attr in ["", "_ra", "_dec", "_id"]:
            setattr(pipeline, item+attr, repeat_val(val, pipeline.nobs))

    setattr(pipeline, 'nchans', repeat_val(None,pipeline.nobs))
    setattr(pipeline, 'firstchanfreq', repeat_val(None, pipeline.nobs))
    setattr(pipeline, 'lastchanfreq', repeat_val(None, pipeline.nobs))
    setattr(pipeline, 'chanwidth', repeat_val(None, pipeline.nobs))
    setattr(pipeline, 'specframe', repeat_val(None, pipeline.nobs))
    setattr(pipeline, 'startdate', repeat_val(None, pipeline.nobs))
    setattr(pipeline, 'enddate', repeat_val(None, pipeline.nobs))

    # Set antenna properties
    #pipeline.Tsys_eta = config['Tsys_eta']
    #pipeline.dish_diameter = config['dish_diameter']

    for i, (msname, msroot, prefix) in enumerate(zip(pipeline.msnames, pipeline.msbasenames, pipeline.prefix_msbases)):
        caracal.log.info(f"MS #{i}: {msname}")

        msdict = pipeline.get_msinfo(msname)
        obsinfo  = f'{msroot}-obsinfo.txt'
        summary  = f'{msroot}-summary.json'
        elevplot = f'{msroot}-elevation-tracks.png'

        # copy these to obsinfo dir if needed
        for filename in obsinfo, summary, elevplot:
            src, dest = os.path.join(pipeline.msdir, filename), os.path.join(pipeline.obsinfo, filename)
            if os.path.exists(src) and (not os.path.exists(dest) or os.path.getmtime(dest) < os.path.getmtime(src)):
                caracal.log.info(f"generated new obsinfo/{filename}")
                shutil.copy2(src, dest)

        # get the  actual date stamp for the start and end of the observations.
        # !!!!!!! This info appears to not be present in the json file just the totals and start times (without slew times) so we'll get it from the txt file
        with open(os.path.join(pipeline.msdir, obsinfo), 'r') as stdr:
            content = stdr.readlines()
        for line in content:
            info_on_line = [x for x in line.split() if x != '']
            if len(info_on_line) > 2:
                if info_on_line[0].lower() == 'observed' and info_on_line[1].lower() == 'from':
                    calender_month_abbr = ['jan', 'feb', 'mar', 'apr', 'may','jun', 'jul', 'aug', 'sep', 'oct', 'nov',
                    startdate,starttime =info_on_line[2].split('/')
                    hr,minute,sec = starttime.split(':')
                    day,month_abbr,year = startdate.split('-')
                    month_num = '{:02d}'.format(calender_month_abbr.index(month_abbr.lower())+1)
                    correct_date = ''.join([year,month_num,day,hr,minute,sec])
                    pipeline.startdate[i] = float(correct_date)
                    enddate,endtime =info_on_line[4].split('/')
                    hr,minute,sec = endtime.split(':')
                    day,month_abbr,year = enddate.split('-')
                    month_num = '{:02d}'.format(calender_month_abbr.index(month_abbr.lower())+1)
                    correct_date = ''.join([year,month_num,day,hr,minute,sec])
                    pipeline.enddate[i] = float(correct_date)

        # get reference antenna LEAVING THIS LINE HERE
        #if config.get('refant') == 'auto':
        #    pipeline.refant[i] = '0'

        # Get channels in MS
        spw = msdict['SPW']['NUM_CHAN']
        pipeline.nchans[i] = spw
        caracal.log.info('  {0:d} spectral windows, with NCHAN={1:s}'.format(
            len(spw), ','.join(map(str, spw))))

        # Get first chan, last chan, chan width
        chfr = msdict['SPW']['CHAN_FREQ']
        firstchanfreq = [ss[0] for ss in chfr]
        lastchanfreq = [ss[-1] for ss in chfr]
        chanwidth = [(ss[-1]-ss[0])/(len(ss)-1) for ss in chfr]
        pipeline.firstchanfreq[i] = firstchanfreq
        pipeline.lastchanfreq[i] = lastchanfreq
        pipeline.chanwidth[i] = chanwidth
        caracal.log.info('  CHAN_FREQ from {0:s} Hz to {1:s} Hz with average channel width of {2:s} Hz'.format(
                ','.join(map(str, firstchanfreq)), ','.join(map(str, lastchanfreq)), ','.join(map(str, chanwidth))))
        if i == pipeline.nobs-1 and np.max(pipeline.chanwidth) > 0 and np.min(pipeline.chanwidth) < 0:
            caracal.log.err('Some datasets have a positive channel increment, some negative. This will lead to errors. Exiting')
            raise caracal.BadDataError("MSs with mixed channel ordering not supported")

        # Get spectral frame
        pipeline.specframe[i] = msdict['SPW']['MEAS_FREQ_REF']

        targetinfo = msdict['FIELD']

        intents = utils.categorize_fields(msdict)
        # Save all fields in a list
        all_fields = msdict["FIELD"]["NAME"]
        # The order of fields here is important
        for term in "target gcal fcal bpcal xcal".split():
            conf_fields = getattr(pipeline, term)[i]
            label, fields = intents[term]
            label = ",".join(label)
            # check if user set fields manually
            if set(all_fields).intersection(conf_fields):
                label = term
                if term == 'target':
                    pipeline.target[i] = [value for value in getattr(pipeline, term)[i] if value in all_fields]
            elif fields in [None, []]:
                getattr(pipeline, term)[i] = []
            elif "all" in conf_fields:
                getattr(pipeline, term)[i] = fields
            elif "longest" in conf_fields:
                f = utils.observed_longest(msdict, fields)
                getattr(pipeline, term)[i] = [f]
            elif "nearest" in conf_fields:
                f = utils.select_gcal(msdict, fields, mode="nearest")
                getattr(pipeline, term)[i] = [f]
                raise RuntimeError("Could not find field/selection {0}."\
                        " Please check the [observation_config.{1}] "\
                        "section of the config file".format(conf_fields, term))

#            caracal.log.info("    ====================================")
            caracal.log.info(f"  {label}:")
#            caracal.log.info("     ---------------------------------- ")
            _ra = []
            _dec = []
            _fid = []
            for f in getattr(pipeline, term)[i]:
                fid = utils.get_field_id(msdict, f)[0]
                targetpos = targetinfo['REFERENCE_DIR'][fid][0]
                ra = targetpos[0]/np.pi*180
                dec = targetpos[1]/np.pi*180
                tobs = utils.field_observation_length(msdict, f)/60.0
                        '    {0:s} (ID={1:d}) : {2:.2f} minutes | RA={3:.2f} deg, Dec={4:.2f} deg'.format(f, fid, tobs, ra, dec))
            getattr(pipeline, term+"_ra")[i] = _ra
            getattr(pipeline, term+"_dec")[i] = _dec
            getattr(pipeline, term+"_id")[i] = _fid