Exemplo n.º 1
    def get_straights(self):
        straights = []

        ordered_values = Card.all_values()
        for i in range(len(ordered_values)-4):
            for j in range(5):
                if len(self.value_groups[ ordered_values[i+j] ]) == 0:
                # if the `break` statement is never called, then the below will execute
                for straight in itertools.product(*[self.value_groups[ ordered_values[i+j] ] for j in range(5)]):
                    straights.append( tuple(sorted(straight)) )
        # this is because the 'A' is at the beginning of `Card.all_values()`
        # so we haven't accounted for the [T, J, Q, K, A] stright
        for value in ['T', 'J', 'Q', 'K', 'A']:
            if len(self.value_groups[value]) == 0:
            # if the `break` statement is never called, then the below will execute
            for straight in itertools.product(*[self.value_groups[value] for value in ['T', 'J', 'Q', 'K', 'A']]):
                straights.append( tuple(sorted(straight)) )
        return straights
Exemplo n.º 2
    def get_best_hand(self):
        # useful data structures
        self.value_groups = { value : [] for value in Card.all_values() }
        self.suit_groups = { suit : [] for suit in Card.all_suits() }

        for card in self.cards:

        # get each category
        flushes = self.get_flushes()
        straights = self.get_straights()
        quads = self.get_quads()
        sets = self.get_sets()
        pairs = self.get_pairs()
        # sort them to make things easier later
        flushes = list(sorted(flushes, key=lambda cards: cards[-1]))
        straights = list(sorted(straights, key=lambda cards: cards[-1]))
        quads = list(sorted(quads, key=lambda cards: cards[-1]))
        sets = list(sorted(sets, key=lambda cards: cards[-1]))

        # checking for royal-flushes / straight-flushes
        for flush in flushes:
            for straight in straights:
                if flush == straight:
                    self.best = flush

                    if flush[-1].value == 'A':
                        self.description = "Royal Flush"
                        self.description = f"Straight Flush: {flush[-1].value} high"
                    return self.best

        # checking for four of a kinds
        if len(quads) > 0:
            self.best = tuple( list(quads[-1]) + self.cards[-1:] )
            self.description = f"Four of a Kind: {self.best[-1].value}s"

        # checking for full houses
        if len(sets) > 0:
            highest_set = sets[-1]

            highest_pair = None
            if len(sets) > 1:
                highest_pair = (sets[-2][0], sets[-2][1])
            if len(pairs) > 0:
                if highest_pair is None or pairs[-1][0].value > highest_pair[0].value:
                    highest_pair = pairs[-1]

            if not highest_pair is None:
                self.best = tuple( list(highest_set) + list(highest_pair) )
                self.description = f"Full House: {self.best[0].value}s full of {self.best[-1].value}s"
                return self.best

        # checking for flushes
        if len(flushes) > 0:
            self.best = flushes[-1]
            self.description = f"Flush: {self.best[-1].value} high"
            return self.best
        # checking for straights
        if len(straights) > 0:
            self.best = straights[-1]
            self.description = f"Straight: {self.best[-1].value} high"
            return self.best
        # checking for three of a kind
        if len(sets) > 0:
            self.best = tuple( list(sets[-1]) + self.cards[-2:] )
            self.description = f"Three of a Kind: {self.best[0].value}s"
            return self.best

        # checking for two pair
        if len(pairs) > 1:
            self.best = tuple( list(pairs[-1]) + list(pairs[-2]) + self.cards[-1:] )
            self.description = f"Two Pair: {self.best[0].value}s and {self.best[2].value}s"
            return self.best
        # checking for one pair
        if len(pairs) > 0:
            self.best = tuple( list(pairs[-1]) + self.cards[-3:] )
            self.description = f"Pair: {self.best[0].value}s"
            return self.best
        # return highest cards
        self.best = tuple(reversed(sorted( self.cards[-5:] )))
        self.description = f"High Card: {self.best[0].value}"
        return self.best