Exemplo n.º 1
def news_add(request):
    if not 'news.add_news' in request.user.get_all_permissions():
        return cnq_render_to_response('error.html', request, {
            'error_message': "You are not allowed to add news items.",

    # Nothing was POSTed? Just display the form.
    if not 'news_title' in request.POST:
        return cnq_render_to_response('news_add.html', request, { })

    # News was POSTed. Try to add it.
    error_message = ""

    if len(request.POST['news_title']) == 0:
        error_message = "Please enter the news title."
    elif len(request.POST['news_text']) == 0:
        error_message = "Please enter the news text."

    if len(error_message) > 0:
        return cnq_render_to_response('news_add.html', request, {
            'body_top_error': error_message,
            'news_text': request.POST['news_text'],
            'news_title': request.POST['news_title'],

    n = News()
    n.title = request.POST['news_title']
    n.text = request.POST['news_text']
    n.added_by = request.user

    # We should redirect to /news/<new_id>/ here, with possibly the
    # message "Quote added" at the top.
    return HttpResponseRedirect("/news/")
Exemplo n.º 2
def quote_add(request):
    # Nothing was POSTed? Just display the form.
    if not "quote_title" in request.POST:
        return cnq_render_to_response("quote_add.html", request, {})

    # A quote was POSTed. Try to add it.
    error_message = ""

    if len(request.POST["quote_title"]) == 0:
        error_message = "Please enter the quote's title."
    elif len(request.POST["quote_text"]) == 0:
        error_message = "Please enter the quote's text."

    if len(error_message) > 0:
        return cnq_render_to_response(
                "body_top_error": error_message,
                "quote_text": request.POST["quote_text"],
                "quote_title": request.POST["quote_title"],

    q = Quote()
    q.title = request.POST["quote_title"]
    q.text = request.POST["quote_text"]
    q.added_by = request.user

    # We should redirect to /quotes/<new_id>/ here, with possibly the
    # message "Quote added" at the top.
    return HttpResponseRedirect("/quotes/%d/" % q.id)
Exemplo n.º 3
def quote_add(request):
    # Nothing was POSTed? Just display the form.
    if not 'quote_title' in request.POST:
        return cnq_render_to_response('quote_add.html', request, {})

    # A quote was POSTed. Try to add it.
    error_message = ""

    if len(request.POST['quote_title']) == 0:
        error_message = "Please enter the quote's title."
    elif len(request.POST['quote_text']) == 0:
        error_message = "Please enter the quote's text."

    if len(error_message) > 0:
        return cnq_render_to_response(
            'quote_add.html', request, {
                'body_top_error': error_message,
                'quote_text': request.POST['quote_text'],
                'quote_title': request.POST['quote_title'],

    q = Quote()
    q.title = request.POST['quote_title']
    q.text = request.POST['quote_text']
    q.added_by = request.user

    # We should redirect to /quotes/<new_id>/ here, with possibly the
    # message "Quote added" at the top.
    return HttpResponseRedirect("/quotes/%d/" % q.id)
Exemplo n.º 4
def quotes_view(request):
    page_number = request.GET.get("p")
    if page_number:
        page_number = int(page_number)
        page_number = 1

    order_by = request.GET.get("o")
    search_term = request.GET.get("q")

    quotes = Quote.objects

    if search_term:
        quotes = quotes.filter(text__icontains=search_term)

    if order_by and order_by == "score":
        quotes = quotes.order_by("-score", "-id").all()
        quotes = quotes.order_by("-id").all()

    if not len(quotes):
        return cnq_render_to_response("quotes_none_found.html", request, {"search_term": search_term})

    result = _get_page_of_quotes(quotes, page_number)

    quote_url = reverse(quotes_view)
    get_params = []

    if search_term:
        get_params.append("q=%s" % urlquote(search_term))
    if order_by:
        get_params.append("o=%s" % order_by)

    addition = "&".join(get_params)
    quote_url += "?%s" % addition
    if addition:
        quote_url += "&"

    return cnq_render_to_response(
            "quote_list": result["paged_quotes"],
            "search_term": search_term or "",
            "pager_data": {
                "first_page": 1,
                "previous_page": result["previous_page"],
                "current_page": page_number,
                "next_page": result["next_page"],
                "last_page": result["num_pages"],
                "close_nav": result["close_nav"],
                "url": quote_url,
Exemplo n.º 5
def quotes_view(request):
    page_number = request.GET.get('p')
    if page_number:
        page_number = int(page_number)
        page_number = 1

    order_by = request.GET.get('o')
    search_term = request.GET.get('q')

    quotes = Quote.objects

    if search_term:
        quotes = quotes.filter(text__icontains=search_term)

    if order_by and order_by == 'score':
        quotes = quotes.order_by('-score', '-id').all()
        quotes = quotes.order_by('-id').all()

    if not len(quotes):
        return cnq_render_to_response('quotes_none_found.html', request, {
            'search_term': search_term,

    result = _get_page_of_quotes(quotes, page_number)

    quote_url = reverse(quotes_view)
    get_params = []

    if search_term:
        get_params.append("q=%s" % urlquote(search_term))
    if order_by:
        get_params.append("o=%s" % order_by)

    addition = '&'.join(get_params)
    quote_url += "?%s" % addition
    if addition:
        quote_url += '&'

    return cnq_render_to_response(
        'quote_page.html', request, {
            'quote_list': result['paged_quotes'],
            'search_term': search_term or '',
            'pager_data': {
                'first_page': 1,
                'previous_page': result['previous_page'],
                'current_page': page_number,
                'next_page': result['next_page'],
                'last_page': result['num_pages'],
                'close_nav': result['close_nav'],
                'url': quote_url,
Exemplo n.º 6
def profile_edit(request, username):
    u = get_carnique_user(username)

    if not u:
        raise Http404()

    editing_user = request.user
    profile_raw = u.get_profile().text
    profile_html = convert_bb_to_html(profile_raw)

    if not _can_edit_profile(username, editing_user):
        return cnq_render_to_response(
            'profile.html', request, {
                'puser': u,
                'profile_text': profile_html,
                'body_top_error': 'You cannot edit this profile.',

    if not 'profile_birthday' in request.POST:
        return cnq_render_to_response('profile_edit.html', request, {
            'puser': u,
            'profile': u.get_profile(),
            'profile_text': profile_raw,

    # Verify and commit changes
    if u.get_profile().text != request.POST['profile_text']:
        u.get_profile().text = request.POST['profile_text']
        u.get_profile().last_updated = datetime.datetime.now()

    u.get_profile().realname = request.POST['profile_realname']
    u.get_profile().location = request.POST['profile_location']
    u.get_profile().twitter_username = request.POST['profile_twitter_username']
    u.get_profile().blog_url = request.POST['profile_blog_url']
    u.get_profile().blog_name = request.POST['profile_blog_name']

    if request.POST['profile_birthday']:
        u.get_profile().birthday = request.POST['profile_birthday']


    profile_text = convert_bb_to_html(u.get_profile().text)

    return cnq_render_to_response(
        'profile.html', request, {
            'puser': u,
            'profile_birthday': u.get_profile().birthday,
            'profile': u.get_profile(),
            'profile_text': profile_text,
            'body_top_message': 'The changes to your profile have been saved.',
Exemplo n.º 7
def profile_edit(request, username):
    u = get_carnique_user(username)

    if not u:
        raise Http404()

    editing_user = request.user
    profile_raw = u.get_profile().text
    profile_html = convert_bb_to_html(profile_raw)

    if not _can_edit_profile(username, editing_user):
        return cnq_render_to_response('profile.html', request, {
            'puser': u,
            'profile_text': profile_html,
            'body_top_error': 'You cannot edit this profile.',

    if not 'profile_birthday' in request.POST:
        return cnq_render_to_response('profile_edit.html', request, {
            'puser': u,
            'profile': u.get_profile(),
            'profile_text': profile_raw,

    # Verify and commit changes
    if u.get_profile().text != request.POST['profile_text']:
        u.get_profile().text = request.POST['profile_text']
        u.get_profile().last_updated = datetime.datetime.now()

    u.get_profile().realname         = request.POST['profile_realname']
    u.get_profile().location         = request.POST['profile_location']
    u.get_profile().twitter_username = request.POST['profile_twitter_username']
    u.get_profile().blog_url         = request.POST['profile_blog_url']
    u.get_profile().blog_name        = request.POST['profile_blog_name']

    if request.POST['profile_birthday']:
        u.get_profile().birthday = request.POST['profile_birthday']


    profile_text = convert_bb_to_html(u.get_profile().text)

    return cnq_render_to_response('profile.html', request, {
        'puser': u,
        'profile_birthday': u.get_profile().birthday,
        'profile': u.get_profile(),
        'profile_text': profile_text,
        'body_top_message': 'The changes to your profile have been saved.',
Exemplo n.º 8
def quote_vote_down(request, quote_id):
    quote = get_object_or_404(Quote, pk=quote_id)

    if not _already_voted(quote, request):
        _vote(quote, request, -1)

    return cnq_render_to_response("quote.html", request, {"quote": quote, "quote_text": convert_bb_to_html(quote.text)})
Exemplo n.º 9
def quote_view(request, quote_id):
    q = get_object_or_404(Quote, pk=quote_id)

    return cnq_render_to_response('quote.html', request, {
        'quote': q,
        'quote_text': convert_bb_to_html(q.text),
Exemplo n.º 10
def quote_view_random(request):
    num_quotes = Quote.objects.count()
    q = Quote.objects.all()[randint(0, num_quotes - 1)]

    return cnq_render_to_response('quote.html', request, {
        'quote': q,
        'quote_text': convert_bb_to_html(q.text),
Exemplo n.º 11
def quote_vote_down(request, quote_id):
    quote = get_object_or_404(Quote, pk=quote_id)

    if not _already_voted(quote, request):
        _vote(quote, request, -1)

    return cnq_render_to_response('quote.html', request, {
        'quote': quote,
        'quote_text': convert_bb_to_html(quote.text),
Exemplo n.º 12
def news_list(request):
    news = News.objects.order_by('-id').all()

    can_add_news = False
    if request.user.is_authenticated:
        if request.user.has_perm('main.add_news'):
            can_add_news = True

    return cnq_render_to_response('news_list.html', request, {
        'news_list': news,
        'can_add_news': can_add_news,
Exemplo n.º 13
def profile_view(request, username):
    u = get_carnique_user(username)

    if not u:
        raise Http404()

    profile_text = convert_bb_to_html(u.get_profile().text)

    return cnq_render_to_response('profile.html', request, {
        'puser': u,
        'profile_text': profile_text,
Exemplo n.º 14
def news_list(request):
    news = News.objects.order_by('-id').all()

    can_add_news = False
    if request.user.is_authenticated:
        if request.user.has_perm('main.add_news'):
            can_add_news = True

    return cnq_render_to_response('news_list.html', request, {
        'news_list': news,
        'can_add_news': can_add_news,
Exemplo n.º 15
def profile_view(request, username):
    u = get_carnique_user(username)

    if not u:
        raise Http404()

    profile_text = convert_bb_to_html(u.get_profile().text)

    return cnq_render_to_response('profile.html', request, {
        'puser': u,
        'profile_text': profile_text,
Exemplo n.º 16
def news_add(request):
    if not 'news.add_news' in request.user.get_all_permissions():
        return cnq_render_to_response(
            'error.html', request, {
                'error_message': "You are not allowed to add news items.",

    # Nothing was POSTed? Just display the form.
    if not 'news_title' in request.POST:
        return cnq_render_to_response('news_add.html', request, {})

    # News was POSTed. Try to add it.
    error_message = ""

    if len(request.POST['news_title']) == 0:
        error_message = "Please enter the news title."
    elif len(request.POST['news_text']) == 0:
        error_message = "Please enter the news text."

    if len(error_message) > 0:
        return cnq_render_to_response(
            'news_add.html', request, {
                'body_top_error': error_message,
                'news_text': request.POST['news_text'],
                'news_title': request.POST['news_title'],

    n = News()
    n.title = request.POST['news_title']
    n.text = request.POST['news_text']
    n.added_by = request.user

    # We should redirect to /news/<new_id>/ here, with possibly the
    # message "Quote added" at the top.
    return HttpResponseRedirect("/news/")
Exemplo n.º 17
def quote_view_random(request):
    num_quotes = Quote.objects.count()
    q = Quote.objects.all()[randint(0, num_quotes - 1)]

    return cnq_render_to_response("quote.html", request, {"quote": q, "quote_text": convert_bb_to_html(q.text)})
Exemplo n.º 18
def quote_view(request, quote_id):
    q = get_object_or_404(Quote, pk=quote_id)

    return cnq_render_to_response("quote.html", request, {"quote": q, "quote_text": convert_bb_to_html(q.text)})