Exemplo n.º 1
def rpy_quaternion(quat):
    """ Returns roll, pitch, yaw angle (ZYX-Convention) from a quaternion."""
    qw, qx, qy, qz = quat[0], quat[1], quat[2], quat[3]
    roll = cs.arctan2(2.0*(qw*qx + qy*qz), 1 - 2*(qx**2+qy**2))
    pitch = cs.arcsin(2*(qw*qy-qz*qx))
    yaw = cs.arctan2(2*(qw*qz+qx*qy), 1 - 2*(qy**2 + qz**2))
    return roll, pitch, yaw
Exemplo n.º 2
def getEuler(ocp, k):
    r11 = ocp.lookup('e11',timestep=k)
    r12 = ocp.lookup('e12',timestep=k)
    mr13 = -ocp.lookup('e13',timestep=k)
#     mr13 -- nan protect
#       | mr13' >  1 =  1
#       | mr13' < -1 = -1
#       | otherwise = mr13'
    r23 = ocp.lookup('e23',timestep=k)
    r33 = ocp.lookup('e33',timestep=k)

    yaw   = C.arctan2(r12,r11)
    pitch = C.arcsin(mr13)
    roll  = C.arctan2(r23,r33)
    return (yaw,pitch,roll)
Exemplo n.º 3
def getEuler(ocp, k):
    r11 = ocp.lookup('e11', timestep=k)
    r12 = ocp.lookup('e12', timestep=k)
    mr13 = -ocp.lookup('e13', timestep=k)
    #     mr13 -- nan protect
    #       | mr13' >  1 =  1
    #       | mr13' < -1 = -1
    #       | otherwise = mr13'
    r23 = ocp.lookup('e23', timestep=k)
    r33 = ocp.lookup('e33', timestep=k)

    yaw = C.arctan2(r12, r11)
    pitch = C.arcsin(mr13)
    roll = C.arctan2(r23, r33)
    return (yaw, pitch, roll)
Exemplo n.º 4
def getWindAnglesFrom_v_bw_b(airspeed, v_bw_b):
    alpha = C.arctan2(v_bw_b[2], v_bw_b[0])
    beta = C.arcsin(v_bw_b[1] / airspeed)
    return (alpha, beta)
Exemplo n.º 5
def carouselModel(conf):
    pass this a conf, and it'll return you a dae
    # empty Dae
    dae = Dae()

    # add some differential states/algebraic vars/controls/params
    dae.addX( [ "x"
              , "y"
              , "z"
              , "e11"
              , "e12"
              , "e13"
              , "e21"
              , "e22"
              , "e23"
              , "e31"
              , "e32"
              , "e33"
              , "dx"
              , "dy"
              , "dz"
              , "w_bn_b_x"
              , "w_bn_b_y"
              , "w_bn_b_z"
              , "ddelta"
              , "r"
              , "dr"
              , "aileron"
              , "elevator"
              , "motor_torque"
              , "ddr"
              ] )
    if 'cn_rudder' in conf:
    if 'cL_flaps' in conf:
    if conf['delta_parameterization'] == 'linear':
        dae['cos_delta'] = C.cos(dae['delta'])
        dae['sin_delta'] = C.sin(dae['delta'])
        dae_delta_residual = dae.ddt('delta') - dae['ddelta']

    elif conf['delta_parameterization'] == 'cos_sin':
        norm = dae['cos_delta']**2 + dae['sin_delta']**2

        if 'stabilize_invariants' in conf and conf['stabilize_invariants'] == True:
            pole_delta = 0.5    
            pole_delta = 0.0

        cos_delta_dot_st = -pole_delta/2.* ( dae['cos_delta'] - dae['cos_delta'] / norm )
        sin_delta_dot_st = -pole_delta/2.* ( dae['sin_delta'] - dae['sin_delta'] / norm )
        dae_delta_residual = C.veccat([dae.ddt('cos_delta') - (-dae['sin_delta']*dae['ddelta'] + cos_delta_dot_st),
                                       dae.ddt('sin_delta') - ( dae['cos_delta']*dae['ddelta'] + sin_delta_dot_st) ])
        raise ValueError('unrecognized delta_parameterization "'+conf['delta_parameterization']+'"')

    dae.addU( [ "daileron"
              , "delevator"
              , "dmotor_torque"
              , 'dddr'
              ] )
    # add wind parameter if wind shear is in configuration
    if 'wind_model' in conf:
        if conf['wind_model']['name'] == 'hardcoded':
            dae['w0'] = conf['wind_model']['hardcoded_value']
        elif conf['wind_model']['name'] != 'random_walk':
            dae.addP( ['w0'] )

    # set some state derivatives as outputs
    dae['ddx'] = dae.ddt('dx')
    dae['ddy'] = dae.ddt('dy')
    dae['ddz'] = dae.ddt('dz')
    dae['ddt_w_bn_b_x'] = dae.ddt('w_bn_b_x')
    dae['ddt_w_bn_b_y'] = dae.ddt('w_bn_b_y')
    dae['ddt_w_bn_b_z'] = dae.ddt('w_bn_b_z')
    dae['w_bn_b'] = C.veccat([dae['w_bn_b_x'], dae['w_bn_b_y'], dae['w_bn_b_z']])

    # some outputs in for plotting
    dae['carousel_RPM'] = dae['ddelta']*60/(2*C.pi)
    dae['aileron_deg'] = dae['aileron']*180/C.pi
    dae['elevator_deg'] = dae['elevator']*180/C.pi
    dae['daileron_deg_s'] = dae['daileron']*180/C.pi
    dae['delevator_deg_s'] = dae['delevator']*180/C.pi

    # tether tension == radius*nu where nu is alg. var associated with x^2+y^2+z^2-r^2==0
    dae['tether_tension'] = dae['r']*dae['nu']

    # theoretical mechanical power
    dae['mechanical_winch_power'] = -dae['tether_tension']*dae['dr']

    # carousel2 motor model from thesis data
    dae['rpm'] = -dae['dr']/0.1*60/(2*C.pi)
    dae['torque'] = dae['tether_tension']*0.1
    dae['electrical_winch_power'] =  293.5816373499238 + \
                                     0.0003931623408*dae['rpm']*dae['rpm'] + \
                                     0.0665919381751*dae['torque']*dae['torque'] + \

    dae['R_c2b'] = C.blockcat([[dae['e11'],dae['e12'],dae['e13']],
    dae["yaw"] = C.arctan2(dae["e12"], dae["e11"]) * 180.0 / C.pi
    dae["pitch"] = C.arcsin( -dae["e13"] ) * 180.0 / C.pi
    dae["roll"] = C.arctan2(dae["e23"], dae["e33"]) * 180.0 / C.pi

    # line angle
    dae['cos_line_angle'] = \
      -(dae['e31']*dae['x'] + dae['e32']*dae['y'] + dae['e33']*dae['z']) / C.sqrt(dae['x']**2 + dae['y']**2 + dae['z']**2)
    dae['line_angle_deg'] = C.arccos(dae['cos_line_angle'])*180.0/C.pi

    (massMatrix, rhs, dRexp) = setupModel(dae, conf)

    if 'stabilize_invariants' in conf and conf['stabilize_invariants'] == True:
        RotPole = 0.5
        RotPole = 0.0
    Rst = RotPole*C.mul( dae['R_c2b'], (C.inv(C.mul(dae['R_c2b'].T,dae['R_c2b'])) - numpy.eye(3)) )

    ode = C.veccat([
        C.veccat([dae.ddt(name) for name in ['x','y','z']]) - C.veccat([dae['dx'],dae['dy'],dae['dz']]),
        C.veccat([dae.ddt(name) for name in ["e11","e12","e13",
                                             "e31","e32","e33"]]) - ( dRexp.T.reshape([9,1]) + Rst.reshape([9,1]) ),
#        C.veccat([dae.ddt(name) for name in ['dx','dy','dz']]) - C.veccat([dae['ddx'],dae['ddy'],dae['ddz']]),
#        C.veccat([dae.ddt(name) for name in ['w1','w2','w3']]) - C.veccat([dae['dw1'],dae['dw2'],dae['dw3']]),
#        dae.ddt('ddelta') - dae['dddelta'],
        dae.ddt('r') - dae['dr'],
        dae.ddt('dr') - dae['ddr'],
        dae.ddt('aileron') - dae['daileron'],
        dae.ddt('elevator') - dae['delevator'],
        dae.ddt('motor_torque') - dae['dmotor_torque'],
        dae.ddt('ddr') - dae['dddr']
    if 'rudder' in dae:
        ode = C.veccat([ode, dae.ddt('rudder') - dae['drudder']])
    if 'flaps' in dae:
        ode = C.veccat([ode, dae.ddt('flaps') - dae['dflaps']])
    if 'useVirtualTorques' in conf:
        _v = conf[ 'useVirtualTorques' ]
        if isinstance(_v, str):
            _type = _v
            _which = True, True, True
            assert isinstance(_v, dict)
            _type = _v["type"]
            _which = _v["which"]
        if _type == 'random_walk':
            if _which[ 0 ]:
                ode = C.veccat([ode,
                                dae.ddt('t1_disturbance') - dae['dt1_disturbance']])
            if _which[ 1 ]:
                ode = C.veccat([ode,
                                dae.ddt('t2_disturbance') - dae['dt2_disturbance']])
            if _which[ 2 ]:
                ode = C.veccat([ode,
                                dae.ddt('t3_disturbance') - dae['dt3_disturbance']])
        elif _type == 'parameter':
            if _which[ 0 ]:
                ode = C.veccat([ode, dae.ddt('t1_disturbance')])
            if _which[ 1 ]:
                ode = C.veccat([ode, dae.ddt('t2_disturbance')])
            if _which[ 2 ]:
                ode = C.veccat([ode, dae.ddt('t3_disturbance')])
    if 'useVirtualForces' in conf:
        _v = conf[ 'useVirtualForces' ]
        if isinstance(_v, str):
            _type = _v
            _which = True, True, True
            assert isinstance(_v, dict)
            _type = _v["type"]
            _which = _v["which"]
        if _type is 'random_walk':

            if _which[ 0 ]:
                ode = C.veccat([ode,
                                dae.ddt('f1_disturbance') - dae['df1_disturbance']])
            if _which[ 1 ]:
                ode = C.veccat([ode,
                                dae.ddt('f2_disturbance') - dae['df2_disturbance']])
            if _which[ 2 ]:
                ode = C.veccat([ode,
                                dae.ddt('f3_disturbance') - dae['df3_disturbance']])
        elif _type == 'parameter':
            if _which[ 0 ]:
                ode = C.veccat([ode, dae.ddt('f1_disturbance')])
            if _which[ 1 ]:
                ode = C.veccat([ode, dae.ddt('f2_disturbance')])
            if _which[ 2 ]:
                ode = C.veccat([ode, dae.ddt('f3_disturbance')])
    if 'wind_model' in conf and conf['wind_model']['name'] == 'random_walk':
        tau_wind = conf['wind_model']['tau_wind']
        ode = C.veccat([ode,
                        dae.ddt('wind_x') - (-dae['wind_x'] / tau_wind + dae['delta_wind_x'])
                        , dae.ddt('wind_y') - (-dae['wind_y'] / tau_wind + dae['delta_wind_y'])
                        , dae.ddt('wind_z') - (-dae['wind_z'] / tau_wind + dae['delta_wind_z'])

    if 'stabilize_invariants' in conf and conf['stabilize_invariants'] == True:
        cPole = 0.5
        cPole = 0.0
    rhs[-1] -= 2*cPole*dae['cdot'] + cPole*cPole*dae['c']

    psuedoZVec = C.veccat([dae.ddt(name) for name in ['ddelta','dx','dy','dz','w_bn_b_x','w_bn_b_y','w_bn_b_z']]+[dae['nu']])
    alg = C.mul(massMatrix, psuedoZVec) - rhs

    return dae
Exemplo n.º 6
def getWindAnglesFrom_v_bw_b(airspeed, v_bw_b):
    alpha = C.arctan2(v_bw_b[2], v_bw_b[0])
    beta = C.arcsin(v_bw_b[1] / airspeed)
    return (alpha, beta)
Exemplo n.º 7
def carouselModel(conf):
    pass this a conf, and it'll return you a dae
    # empty Dae
    dae = Dae()

    # add some differential states/algebraic vars/controls/params
    dae.addX( [ "x"
              , "y"
              , "z"
              , "e11"
              , "e12"
              , "e13"
              , "e21"
              , "e22"
              , "e23"
              , "e31"
              , "e32"
              , "e33"
              , "dx"
              , "dy"
              , "dz"
              , "w_bn_b_x"
              , "w_bn_b_y"
              , "w_bn_b_z"
              , "ddelta"
              , "r"
              , "dr"
              , "aileron"
              , "elevator"
              , "motor_torque"
              , "ddr"
              ] )
    if 'cn_rudder' in conf:
    if 'cL_flaps' in conf:
    if conf['delta_parameterization'] == 'linear':
        dae['cos_delta'] = C.cos(dae['delta'])
        dae['sin_delta'] = C.sin(dae['delta'])
        dae_delta_residual = dae.ddt('delta') - dae['ddelta']

    elif conf['delta_parameterization'] == 'cos_sin':
        norm = dae['cos_delta']**2 + dae['sin_delta']**2

        if 'stabilize_invariants' in conf and conf['stabilize_invariants'] == True:
            pole_delta = 0.5    
            pole_delta = 0.0

        cos_delta_dot_st = -pole_delta/2.* ( dae['cos_delta'] - dae['cos_delta'] / norm )
        sin_delta_dot_st = -pole_delta/2.* ( dae['sin_delta'] - dae['sin_delta'] / norm )
        dae_delta_residual = C.veccat([dae.ddt('cos_delta') - (-dae['sin_delta']*dae['ddelta'] + cos_delta_dot_st),
                                       dae.ddt('sin_delta') - ( dae['cos_delta']*dae['ddelta'] + sin_delta_dot_st) ])
        raise ValueError('unrecognized delta_parameterization "'+conf['delta_parameterization']+'"')

    if "parametrizeInputsAsOnlineData" in conf and conf[ "parametrizeInputsAsOnlineData" ] is True:
        dae.addP( [ "daileron",
                    'dddr' ] )
        dae.addU( [ "daileron",
                    'dddr' ] )
    # add wind parameter if wind shear is in configuration
    if 'wind_model' in conf:
        if conf['wind_model']['name'] == 'hardcoded':
            dae['w0'] = conf['wind_model']['hardcoded_value']
        elif conf['wind_model']['name'] != 'random_walk':
            dae.addP( ['w0'] )

    # set some state derivatives as outputs
    dae['ddx'] = dae.ddt('dx')
    dae['ddy'] = dae.ddt('dy')
    dae['ddz'] = dae.ddt('dz')
    dae['ddt_w_bn_b_x'] = dae.ddt('w_bn_b_x')
    dae['ddt_w_bn_b_y'] = dae.ddt('w_bn_b_y')
    dae['ddt_w_bn_b_z'] = dae.ddt('w_bn_b_z')
    dae['w_bn_b'] = C.veccat([dae['w_bn_b_x'], dae['w_bn_b_y'], dae['w_bn_b_z']])

    # some outputs in for plotting
    dae['carousel_RPM'] = dae['ddelta']*60/(2*C.pi)
    dae['aileron_deg'] = dae['aileron']*180/C.pi
    dae['elevator_deg'] = dae['elevator']*180/C.pi
    dae['daileron_deg_s'] = dae['daileron']*180/C.pi
    dae['delevator_deg_s'] = dae['delevator']*180/C.pi

    # tether tension == radius*nu where nu is alg. var associated with x^2+y^2+z^2-r^2==0
    dae['tether_tension'] = dae['r']*dae['nu']

    # theoretical mechanical power
    dae['mechanical_winch_power'] = -dae['tether_tension']*dae['dr']

    # carousel2 motor model from thesis data
    dae['rpm'] = -dae['dr']/0.1*60/(2*C.pi)
    dae['torque'] = dae['tether_tension']*0.1
    dae['electrical_winch_power'] =  293.5816373499238 + \
                                     0.0003931623408*dae['rpm']*dae['rpm'] + \
                                     0.0665919381751*dae['torque']*dae['torque'] + \

    dae['R_c2b'] = C.blockcat([[dae['e11'],dae['e12'],dae['e13']],
    dae["yaw"] = C.arctan2(dae["e12"], dae["e11"]) * 180.0 / C.pi
    dae["pitch"] = C.arcsin( -dae["e13"] ) * 180.0 / C.pi
    dae["roll"] = C.arctan2(dae["e23"], dae["e33"]) * 180.0 / C.pi

    # line angle
    dae['cos_line_angle'] = \
      -(dae['e31']*dae['x'] + dae['e32']*dae['y'] + dae['e33']*dae['z']) / C.sqrt(dae['x']**2 + dae['y']**2 + dae['z']**2)
    dae['line_angle_deg'] = C.arccos(dae['cos_line_angle'])*180.0/C.pi

    (massMatrix, rhs, dRexp) = setupModel(dae, conf)

    if 'stabilize_invariants' in conf and conf['stabilize_invariants'] == True:
        RotPole = 0.5
        RotPole = 0.0
    Rst = RotPole*C.mul( dae['R_c2b'], (C.inv(C.mul(dae['R_c2b'].T,dae['R_c2b'])) - numpy.eye(3)) )

    ode = C.veccat([
        C.veccat([dae.ddt(name) for name in ['x','y','z']]) - C.veccat([dae['dx'],dae['dy'],dae['dz']]),
        C.veccat([dae.ddt(name) for name in ["e11","e12","e13",
                                             "e31","e32","e33"]]) - ( dRexp.T.reshape([9,1]) + Rst.reshape([9,1]) ),
#        C.veccat([dae.ddt(name) for name in ['dx','dy','dz']]) - C.veccat([dae['ddx'],dae['ddy'],dae['ddz']]),
#        C.veccat([dae.ddt(name) for name in ['w1','w2','w3']]) - C.veccat([dae['dw1'],dae['dw2'],dae['dw3']]),
#        dae.ddt('ddelta') - dae['dddelta'],
        dae.ddt('r') - dae['dr'],
        dae.ddt('dr') - dae['ddr'],
        dae.ddt('aileron') - dae['daileron'],
        dae.ddt('elevator') - dae['delevator'],
        dae.ddt('motor_torque') - dae['dmotor_torque'],
        dae.ddt('ddr') - dae['dddr']
    if 'rudder' in dae:
        ode = C.veccat([ode, dae.ddt('rudder') - dae['drudder']])
    if 'flaps' in dae:
        ode = C.veccat([ode, dae.ddt('flaps') - dae['dflaps']])
    if 'useVirtualTorques' in conf:
        _v = conf[ 'useVirtualTorques' ]
        if isinstance(_v, str):
            _type = _v
            _which = True, True, True
            assert isinstance(_v, dict)
            _type = _v["type"]
            _which = _v["which"]
        if _type == 'random_walk':
            if _which[ 0 ]:
                ode = C.veccat([ode,
                                dae.ddt('t1_disturbance') - dae['dt1_disturbance']])
            if _which[ 1 ]:
                ode = C.veccat([ode,
                                dae.ddt('t2_disturbance') - dae['dt2_disturbance']])
            if _which[ 2 ]:
                ode = C.veccat([ode,
                                dae.ddt('t3_disturbance') - dae['dt3_disturbance']])
        elif _type == 'parameter':
            if _which[ 0 ]:
                ode = C.veccat([ode, dae.ddt('t1_disturbance')])
            if _which[ 1 ]:
                ode = C.veccat([ode, dae.ddt('t2_disturbance')])
            if _which[ 2 ]:
                ode = C.veccat([ode, dae.ddt('t3_disturbance')])
    if 'useVirtualForces' in conf:
        _v = conf[ 'useVirtualForces' ]
        if isinstance(_v, str):
            _type = _v
            _which = True, True, True
            assert isinstance(_v, dict)
            _type = _v["type"]
            _which = _v["which"]
        if _type is 'random_walk':

            if _which[ 0 ]:
                ode = C.veccat([ode,
                                dae.ddt('f1_disturbance') - dae['df1_disturbance']])
            if _which[ 1 ]:
                ode = C.veccat([ode,
                                dae.ddt('f2_disturbance') - dae['df2_disturbance']])
            if _which[ 2 ]:
                ode = C.veccat([ode,
                                dae.ddt('f3_disturbance') - dae['df3_disturbance']])
        elif _type == 'parameter':
            if _which[ 0 ]:
                ode = C.veccat([ode, dae.ddt('f1_disturbance')])
            if _which[ 1 ]:
                ode = C.veccat([ode, dae.ddt('f2_disturbance')])
            if _which[ 2 ]:
                ode = C.veccat([ode, dae.ddt('f3_disturbance')])
    if 'wind_model' in conf and conf['wind_model']['name'] == 'random_walk':
        tau_wind = conf['wind_model']['tau_wind']
        ode = C.veccat([ode,
                        dae.ddt('wind_x') - (-dae['wind_x'] / tau_wind + dae['delta_wind_x'])
                        , dae.ddt('wind_y') - (-dae['wind_y'] / tau_wind + dae['delta_wind_y'])
                        , dae.ddt('wind_z') - (-dae['wind_z'] / tau_wind + dae['delta_wind_z'])

    if 'stabilize_invariants' in conf and conf['stabilize_invariants'] == True:
        cPole = 0.5
        cPole = 0.0
    rhs[-1] -= 2*cPole*dae['cdot'] + cPole*cPole*dae['c']

    psuedoZVec = C.veccat([dae.ddt(name) for name in ['ddelta','dx','dy','dz','w_bn_b_x','w_bn_b_y','w_bn_b_z']]+[dae['nu']])
    alg = C.mul(massMatrix, psuedoZVec) - rhs

    return dae
Exemplo n.º 8
    eLe1 = - eTe2*we3 + eTe3*we2
    eLe2 = - eTe3*we1 + eTe1*we3
    eLe3 = - eTe1*we2 + eTe2*we1
    # #################
    vT1 =          wE1
    vT2 = -lT*w3 + wE2
    vT3 =  lT*w2 + wE3
#    alpha = alpha0-wE3/wE1
#    beta = wE2/C.sqrt(wE1*wE1 + wE3*wE3)
    alpha = alpha0 + C.arctan2(-wE3,wE1)
    beta = C.arcsin(wE2/vKite)

    #NOTE: beta & alphaTail are compensated for the tail motion induced by
    #omega @>@>
#    alphaTail = alpha0-vT3/vT1
#    betaTail = vT2/C.sqrt(vT1*vT1 + vT3*vT3)
    alphaTail = alpha0 + C.arctan2(-vT3,vT1)
    betaTail = C.arcsin(vT2/vKite)
    dae.addOutput('alpha(deg)', alpha*180/C.pi)
    dae.addOutput('alphaTail(deg)', alphaTail*180/C.pi)
    dae.addOutput('beta(deg)', beta*180/C.pi)
    dae.addOutput('betaTail(deg)', betaTail*180/C.pi)

    # cL = cLA*alpha + cLe*elevator   + cL0
    # cD = cDA*alpha + cDA2*alpha*alpha + cDB2*beta*beta + cDe*elevator + cDr*aileron + cD0
Exemplo n.º 9
def traverse(node, casadi_syms, rootnode):
	#print node
	#print node.args
	#print len(node.args)

	if len(node.args)==0:
		# Handle symbols
			return casadi_syms[node.name]

		# Handle numbers and constants
		if node.is_Zero:
			return 0
		if node.is_Number:
			return float(node)

	trig = sympy.functions.elementary.trigonometric
	if len(node.args)==1:
		# Handle unary operators
		child = traverse(node.args[0], casadi_syms, rootnode) # Recursion!
		if type(node) == trig.cos:
			return casadi.cos(child)
		if type(node) == trig.sin:
			return casadi.sin(child)
		if type(node) == trig.tan:
			return casadi.tan(child)

		if type(node) == trig.cosh:
			return casadi.cosh(child)
		if type(node) == trig.sinh:
			return casadi.sinh(child)
		if type(node) == trig.tanh:
			return casadi.tanh(child)

		if type(node) == trig.cot:
			return 1/casadi.tan(child)
		if type(node) == trig.acos:
			return casadi.arccos(child)
		if type(node) == trig.asin:
			return casadi.arcsin(child)
		if type(node) == trig.atan:
			return casadi.arctan(child)

	if len(node.args)==2:
		# Handle binary operators
		left = traverse(node.args[0], casadi_syms, rootnode) # Recursion!
		right = traverse(node.args[1], casadi_syms, rootnode) # Recursion!
		if node.is_Pow:
			return left**right
		if type(node) == trig.atan2:
			return casadi.arctan2(left,right)

	if len(node.args)>=2:
		# Handle n-ary operators
		child_generator = ( traverse(arg,casadi_syms,rootnode) 
								for arg in node.args )
		if node.is_Add:
			return reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, child_generator)
		if node.is_Mul:
			return reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, child_generator)

	if node!=rootnode:
		raise Exception("No mapping to casadi for node of type " 
				+ str(type(node)))
Exemplo n.º 10
def traverse(node, casadi_syms, rootnode):
	#print node
	#print node.args
	#print len(node.args)

	if len(node.args)==0:
		# Handle symbols
			return casadi_syms[node.name]

		# Handle numbers and constants
		if node.is_Zero:
			return 0
		if node.is_Number:
			return float(node)

	trig = sympy.functions.elementary.trigonometric
	if len(node.args)==1:
		# Handle unary operators
		child = traverse(node.args[0], casadi_syms, rootnode) # Recursion!
		if type(node) == trig.cos:
			return casadi.cos(child)
		if type(node) == trig.sin:
			return casadi.sin(child)
		if type(node) == trig.tan:
			return casadi.tan(child)

		if type(node) == trig.cosh:
			return casadi.cosh(child)
		if type(node) == trig.sinh:
			return casadi.sinh(child)
		if type(node) == trig.tanh:
			return casadi.tanh(child)

		if type(node) == trig.cot:
			return 1/casadi.tan(child)
		if type(node) == trig.acos:
			return casadi.arccos(child)
		if type(node) == trig.asin:
			return casadi.arcsin(child)
		if type(node) == trig.atan:
			return casadi.arctan(child)

	if len(node.args)==2:
		# Handle binary operators
		left = traverse(node.args[0], casadi_syms, rootnode) # Recursion!
		right = traverse(node.args[1], casadi_syms, rootnode) # Recursion!
		if node.is_Pow:
			return left**right
		if type(node) == trig.atan2:
			return casadi.arctan2(left,right)

	if len(node.args)>=2:
		# Handle n-ary operators
		child_generator = ( traverse(arg,casadi_syms,rootnode) 
								for arg in node.args )
		if node.is_Add:
			return reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, child_generator)
		if node.is_Mul:
			return reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, child_generator)

	if node!=rootnode:
		raise Exception("No mapping to casadi for node of type " 
				+ str(type(node)))
Exemplo n.º 11
def flightPathAngle(vel_n):
    """ Returns the flight-path angle."""
    return cs.arcsin(-vel_n[2]/cs.sqrt(vel_n.T@vel_n))#cs.linalg.norm(vel_n))