Exemplo n.º 1
	def eval_opt_ineq_N(self, z, p):
		x = z[:self.n_x]

		hyp_w = p[self.n_x+self.N_ineq*self.d_ineq+self.N_ineq : self.n_x+self.N_ineq*self.d_ineq+self.N_ineq+self.n_x]
		hyp_b = p[self.n_x+self.N_ineq*self.d_ineq+self.N_ineq+self.n_x]

		t_opt = z[0:2]
		R_opt = np.array([ [ca.cos(z[2]), -ca.sin(z[2])], [ca.sin(z[2]), ca.cos(z[2])] ])

		obca = []
		obca_d = []
		obca_norm = []

		j = 0

		for i in range(self.n_obs):
			A = p[ self.n_x + j*self.d_ineq : self.n_x + (j+self.n_ineq[i])*self.d_ineq ].reshape( (self.n_ineq[i], self.d_ineq) )
			b = p[ self.n_x + self.N_ineq*self.d_ineq + j : self.n_x + self.N_ineq*self.d_ineq + j + self.n_ineq[i] ]

			Lambda = z[ self.n_x + j : self.n_x + j + self.n_ineq[i] ]

			mu = z[ self.n_x + self.N_ineq + i*self.m_ineq : self.n_x + self.N_ineq + (i+1)*self.m_ineq ]

			obca.append( ca.mtimes( ca.transpose(self.G), mu) + ca.mtimes( ca.transpose(ca.mtimes(A, R_opt)), Lambda ) )
			obca_d.append( -ca.dot(self.g, mu) + ca.dot(ca.mtimes(A, t_opt)-b, Lambda) )
			obca_norm.append( ca.dot(ca.mtimes( ca.transpose(A), Lambda), ca.mtimes( ca.transpose(A), Lambda)) )

			j += self.n_ineq[i]

		opt_ineq = ca.vcat( [ca.vcat(obca), ca.vcat(obca_d), ca.vcat(obca_norm)] )
		opt_ineq = ca.vcat( [opt_ineq, ca.dot(hyp_w, x) - hyp_b] )

		return opt_ineq
Exemplo n.º 2
	def eval_ws_eq(self, z, p):

		t_ws = p[0:2]
		R_ws = np.array( [ [ca.cos(p[2]), -ca.sin(p[2])],
							[ca.sin(p[2]), ca.cos(p[2])] ] )

		obca_d = []
		obca = []

		j = 0

		for i in range(self.n_obs):
			A = p[ self.n_x + j*self.d_ineq : self.n_x + (j+self.n_ineq[i])*self.d_ineq ].reshape( (self.n_ineq[i], self.d_ineq) )
			b = p[ self.n_x + self.N_ineq*self.d_ineq + j : self.n_x + self.N_ineq*self.d_ineq + j + self.n_ineq[i] ]

			Lambda = z[ j : j + self.n_ineq[i] ]

			mu = z[ self.N_ineq + i*self.m_ineq : self.N_ineq + (i+1)*self.m_ineq ]

			d = z[ self.N_ineq + self.M_ineq + i ]

			obca_d.append( -ca.dot(self.g, mu) + ca.dot( ca.mtimes(A, t_ws)-b, Lambda ) - d)

			obca.append( ca.mtimes(self.G.T, mu) + ca.mtimes( ca.mtimes(A, R_ws).T, Lambda ) )

			j += self.n_ineq[i]

		ws_eq = ca.vcat( [ca.vcat(obca_d),
							ca.vcat(obca)] )

		return ws_eq
Exemplo n.º 3
    def error_contour_lag(self, z, p):
        theta = z[self.index["theta_position"]]
        px = z[self.index['x_position']]
        py = z[self.index['y_position']]
        pz = z[self.index['z_position']]
        rx = casadi.polyval(p[self.index["px"]], theta)
        ry = casadi.polyval(p[self.index["py"]], theta)
        rz = casadi.polyval(p[self.index["pz"]], theta)
        drx = casadi.polyval(p[self.index["pdx"]], theta)
        dry = casadi.polyval(p[self.index["pdy"]], theta)
        drz = casadi.polyval(p[self.index["pdz"]], theta)

        tangent_normalized = self.calculate_tangent(drx, dry, drz)

        # set point
        s = casadi.vcat([rx, ry, rz])
        pos = casadi.vcat([px, py, pz])
        r = s - pos

        # lag
        lag = casadi.dot(r, tangent_normalized)
        e_lag = lag**2

        # contour
        contour = r - (lag * tangent_normalized)
        e_contour = casadi.dot(contour, contour)
        return e_contour, e_lag
Exemplo n.º 4
def trajectory_2pts(initial_state, final_state):
        Find point-to-point trajectory
    assert np.shape(initial_state) == np.shape(final_state)
    ntrailers = len(initial_state) - 3
    flat = get_flat_maps(ntrailers)

    args = flat.flat_derivs.reshape((-1,1))
    state_expr = vcat((
        flat.positions[0][0], # x
        flat.positions[0][1], # y
    inp_expr = vcat((
    state_fun = Function('state', [args], [state_expr])
    inp_fun = Function('input', [args], [inp_expr])

    flat_val1 = eval_flat_derivs(initial_state, flat)
    flat_val2 = eval_flat_derivs(final_state, flat)

    poly1 = make_poly_bv(flat_val1[:,0], flat_val2[:,0])
    poly2 = make_poly_bv(flat_val1[:,1], flat_val2[:,1])

    t = np.linspace(0, 1, 1000)
    poly = make_poly_bv([0, 0], [1, 0])
    s = polyval(t, poly)
    nderivs = flat.flat_derivs.shape[0] - 1
    out1_vals = get_poly_derivatives(s, poly1, nderivs)
    out2_vals = get_poly_derivatives(s, poly2, nderivs)
    out_vals = np.concatenate([out1_vals, out2_vals])

    state_vals = state_fun(out_vals)
    state_vals = np.array(state_vals.T, float)
    for i in range(ntrailers):
        fix_conitnuity(state_vals[:,3+i], 2*np.pi)

    inp_vals = inp_fun(out_vals)
    inp_vals = np.array(inp_vals.T, float)
    traj = {
        'ntrailers': ntrailers,
        't': t, 
        'x': state_vals[:,0],
        'y': state_vals[:,1],
        'phi': state_vals[:,2],
        'theta': state_vals[:,3:].T,
        'u1': inp_vals[:,0],
        'u2': inp_vals[:,1]
    return traj
Exemplo n.º 5
 def get_state_trans_func(x, u, dt):
     pos, θ, vel, ω, m, J, r, μ = x[0:2], x[2], x[3:5], x[5], x[6], x[7], x[
         8:10], x[10]
     fx, fy, tr = u[0], u[1], u[2]
     pos_new = pos + vel * dt
     # position of the center of mass.
     θ_new = θ + ω * dt
     # angular velocity of the center of mass
     #θ_new = cs.mod(θ_new, 2*pi)
     vel_new = vel - μ / m * vel * dt + 1 / m * cs.vcat([fx, fy]) * dt
     ω_new = ω - 1/J*cs.dot(r,cs.vcat([cs.sin(θ),cs.cos(θ)]))*fx*dt + \
                 1/J*cs.dot(r,cs.vcat([cs.cos(θ),-cs.sin(θ)]))*fy*dt + 1/J*tr*dt
     x_new = cs.vcat([pos_new, θ_new, vel_new, ω_new, m, J, r, μ])
     f = cs.Function('f', [x, u], [x_new], ['x', 'u'], ['x_new'])
     return f
Exemplo n.º 6
    def _grid_intg_fine(self, stage, expr, grid, refine):
        """Evaluate expression at extra fine integrator discretization points."""
        if stage._method.poly_coeff is None:
            msg = "No polynomal coefficients for the {} integration method".format(
            raise Exception(msg)
        N, M, T = stage._method.N, stage._method.M, stage._method.T

        expr_f = Function('expr', [stage.x, stage.z, stage.u], [expr])

        sub_expr = []

        time = self.sol.value(stage._method.control_grid)
        total_time = []
        for k in range(N):
            t0 = time[k]
            dt = (time[k + 1] - time[k]) / M
            tlocal = np.linspace(0, dt, refine + 1)
            ts = DM(tlocal[:-1]).T
            for l in range(M):
                total_time.append(t0 + tlocal[:-1])
                coeff = stage._method.poly_coeff[k * M + l]
                tpower = vcat([ts**i for i in range(coeff.shape[1])])
                if stage._method.poly_coeff_z:
                    coeff_z = stage._method.poly_coeff_z[k * M + l]
                    tpower_z = vcat([ts**i for i in range(coeff_z.shape[1])])
                    z = coeff_z @ tpower_z
                    z = nan
                sub_expr.append(expr_f(coeff @ tpower, z, stage._method.U[k]))
                t0 += dt

        ts = tlocal[-1]
        total_time.append(time[k + 1])
        tpower = vcat([ts**i for i in range(coeff.shape[1])])
        if stage._method.poly_coeff_z:
            tpower_z = vcat([ts**i for i in range(coeff_z.shape[1])])
            z = coeff_z @ tpower_z
            z = nan
            expr_f(stage._method.poly_coeff[-1] @ tpower, z,

        res = self.sol.value(hcat(sub_expr))

        time = np.hstack(total_time)
        return time, res
Exemplo n.º 7
 def p_control(x, pos_gain, rot_gain):
     fVec = -pos_gain * x[:2]
     torque = -rot_gain * (x[2] - pi)
     # Target θ is pi.
     u = cs.vcat([fVec, torque])
     p_control = cs.Function('p_control', [x], [u], ['x'], ['u'])
     return p_control
Exemplo n.º 8
 def fk_rpy_casadi(self, q):
     T = self.fk_casadi(q)
     s = ca.sqrt(T[0, 0] * T[0, 0] + T[0, 1] * T[0, 1])
     r_x = ca.arctan2(-T[1, 2], T[2, 2])
     r_y = ca.arctan2(T[0, 2], s)
     r_z = ca.arctan2(-T[0, 1], T[2, 2])
     return ca.vcat([T[:3, 3], r_x, r_y, r_z])
Exemplo n.º 9
    def exitForEquation(self, tree):

        f = self.for_loops.pop()
        if len(f.values) > 0:
            indexed_symbols = list(f.indexed_symbols.keys())
            args = [f.index_variable] + indexed_symbols
            expr = ca.vcat([ca.vec(self.get_mx(e)) for e in tree.equations])
            free_vars = ca.symvar(expr)

            arg_names = [arg.name() for arg in args]
            free_vars = [e for e in free_vars if e.name() not in arg_names]
            all_args = args + free_vars
            F = ca.Function('loop_body', all_args, [expr])

            indexed_symbols_full = []
            for k in indexed_symbols:
                s = f.indexed_symbols[k]
                orig_symbol = self.nodes[self.current_class][s.tree.name]
                indexed_symbol = orig_symbol[s.indices]
                if s.transpose:
                    indexed_symbol = ca.transpose(indexed_symbol)

            Fmap = F.map("map", self.map_mode, len(f.values),
                         list(range(len(args), len(all_args))), [])
            res = Fmap.call([f.values] + indexed_symbols_full + free_vars)

            self.src[tree] = res[0].T
            self.src[tree] = ca.MX()
Exemplo n.º 10
	def __init__(self,name,syms,expression):

		# info
		self.name = name
		self.sizes = (syms[0].numel(),expression.numel(),sum([s.numel() for s in syms[1:]]))

		# use a single parameter for the expression (because julia sucks sometimes)
		self.param_sym = oc.MX.sym("P",self.sizes[2])
		self.param_names = [s.name() for s in syms[1:]]
		expression_ = cs.substitute(expression,cs.vcat(syms[1:]),self.param_sym)

		# expression evaluation
		self.eval = cs.Function('eval',[syms[0],self.param_sym],[expression_]).expand()

		# collect the sx version of the symbols
		sx_syms = self.eval.sx_in()
		self.main_sym = sx_syms[0]

		# expression jacobian
		jacobian = cs.jacobian(expression_,syms[0])
		self.eval_jac = cs.Function('eval_jac',[syms[0],self.param_sym],[jacobian]).expand()

		# hessian of each of the elements of the expression
		split_eval = [cs.Function('eval',[syms[0],self.param_sym],[expression_[i]]).expand() for i in range(expression_.shape[0]) ]
		hessian = [cs.hessian(split_eval[i](*sx_syms),sx_syms[0])[0]  for i in range(expression_.shape[0])]
		self.eval_hes = [cs.Function('eval_hes'+str(i),sx_syms,[hessian[i]]).expand() for i in range(expression.shape[0])]

		# location of the compiled library
		self.lib_path = None
Exemplo n.º 11
    def generate_model(self, configuration):
        """ Logic to construct a model, and smooth representation on BSpline basis """
        self.n = configuration['grid_size']
        self.K = configuration['basis_number']
        self.s = configuration['model_form']['state']
        n_ps = configuration['model_form']['parameters']

        # setup fine time grid
        self.ts = ca.MX.sym("t", self.n, 1)
        self.observation_times = np.linspace(*configuration['time_span'][:2],

        # determine knots and build basis functions
        if configuration['knot_function'] is None:
            knots = casbasis.choose_knots(self.observation_times, self.K - 2)
            knots = configuration['knot_function'](self.observation_times,
                                                   self.K - 2,
        self.basis_fns = casbasis.basis_functions(knots)
        self.basis = ca.vcat([b(self.ts) for b in self.basis_fns]).reshape(
            (self.n, self.K))

        self.tssx = ca.SX.sym("t", self.n, 1)

        # define basis matrix and gradient matrix
        phi = ca.Function('phi', [self.ts], [self.basis])
        self.phi = np.array(phi(self.observation_times))

        bjac = ca.vcat([
            ca.diag(ca.jacobian(self.basis[:, i], self.ts))
            for i in range(self.K)
        ]).reshape((self.n, self.K))
        self.basis_jacobian = np.array(
            ca.Function('bjac', [self.ts], [bjac])(self.observation_times))

        # create the objects that define the smooth, model parameters
        self.cs = [ca.SX.sym("c_" + str(i), self.K, 1) for i in range(self.s)]
        self.xs = [self.phi @ ci for ci in self.cs]
        self.xdash = self.basis_jacobian @ ca.hcat(self.cs)
        self.ps = [ca.SX.sym("p_" + str(i)) for i in range(n_ps)]

        # model function derived from input model function
        self.model = ca.Function(
            "model", [self.tssx, *self.cs, *self.ps],
            [ca.hcat(configuration['model'](self.tssx, self.xs, self.ps))])
Exemplo n.º 12
 def build_solvers(self, config):
     for i, (objective,
             model) in enumerate(zip(self.objectives, self.models)):
         problem = {
             'f': objective.objective,
             'x': ca.vcat(objective.input_list),
             'p': ca.vcat([objective.rho, objective.alpha]),
             'g': ca.vcat(model.ps),
         options = {
             'ipopt': {
                 'print_level': 3,
             ca.nlpsol(f"solver{i}", 'ipopt', problem, options))
         opts = self.prep_solver(config, model)
         self.solve_opts.append((i, opts))
Exemplo n.º 13
    def create_objective(self, model):
        self.obj_1 = sum(
            w / len(ov) * ca.sumsqr(self.densities * (ov - cm @ ca.interp1d(
                om(model.observation_times, model.ps, *
                   (model.xs[j] for j in oj)), self.observation_times)))
            for om, oj, ov, w, cm in zip(
                self.observation_model, self.observation_vector,
                self.observations, self.weightings, self.collocation_matrices))
        self.obj_2 = sum(
            ca.sumsqr((model.xdash[:, i] - model.model(
                model.observation_times, *model.cs, *model.ps)[:, i]))
            for i in range(model.s)) / model.n

        self.regularisation = ca.sumsqr(
            (ca.vcat(model.ps) - ca.vcat(self.regularisation_vector)) /
            (1 + ca.vcat(self.regularisation_vector)))

        self.objective = self.obj_1 + self.rho * self.obj_2 + self.alpha * self.regularisation
Exemplo n.º 14
 def _grid_integrator(self, stage, expr, grid):
     """Evaluate expression at (N*M + 1) integrator discretization points."""
     sub_expr = []
     time = []
     for k in range(stage._method.N):
         for l in range(stage._method.M):
                 stage._method.eval_at_integrator(stage, expr, k, l))
     sub_expr.append(stage._method.eval_at_control(stage, expr, -1))
     res = [self.sol.value(elem) for elem in sub_expr]
     time = self.sol.value(vcat(time))
     return time, np.array(res)
def ControlInput(ref_trajectories, opti_vars, k):
    Übersetzt durch Maschinenparameter parametrierte
    Führungsgrößenverläufe in optimierbare control inputs

    control = []

    for key in ref_trajectories.keys():
        control.append(ref_trajectories[key](opti_vars, k))

    control = cs.vcat(control)

    return control
Exemplo n.º 16
    def is_signal(self, expr):
        """Does the expression represent a signal (does it depend on time)?

        res : bool


        return depends_on(
            vertcat(self.x, self.u, self.t,
                    vcat(self.variables['control'] +
Exemplo n.º 17
 def error_velocity(self, z, p):
     dpx = z[self.index['x_velocity']]
     dpy = z[self.index['y_velocity']]
     dpz = z[self.index['z_velocity']]
     theta = z[self.index["theta_position"]]
     drx = casadi.polyval(p[self.index["pdx"]], theta)
     dry = casadi.polyval(p[self.index["pdy"]], theta)
     drz = casadi.polyval(p[self.index["pdz"]], theta)
     desired_velocity = casadi.polyval(p[self.index["pv"]], theta)
     tangent_normalized = self.calculate_tangent(drx, dry, drz)
     global_velocity = casadi.vcat([dpx, dpy, dpz])
     projected_velocity = casadi.dot(global_velocity, tangent_normalized)
     e_velocity = (desired_velocity - projected_velocity)**2
     return e_velocity
 def ode(chi, T, dt):
     T_surge = T[0] + T[1]
     M_yaw = (T[0] - T[1]) * self.D_back
     u_dot = -(-chi[1] * chi[2]) * m - (Xu * chi[0]) + T_surge
     v_dot = -(chi[0] * chi[2]) * m - (Yv * chi[1])
     r_dot = -(Nr * chi[2]) + M_yaw
     x_dot = ca.cos(chi[5]) * chi[0] - ca.sin(chi[5]) * chi[1]
     y_dot = ca.sin(chi[5]) * chi[0] + ca.cos(chi[5]) * chi[1]
     psi_dot = chi[2]
     chi_dot = ca.vcat([
         u_dot * Mu_inv, v_dot * Mv_inv, r_dot * Mr_inv, x_dot, y_dot,
     chi_1 = chi + dt * chi_dot
     return chi_1
Exemplo n.º 19
	def eval_ws_ineq(self, z, p):

		ws_ineq = []

		j = 0
		for i in range(self.n_obs):
			A = p[ self.n_x + j*self.d_ineq : self.n_x + (j+self.n_ineq[i])*self.d_ineq ].reshape( (self.n_ineq[i], self.d_ineq) )

			Lambda = z[ j : j + self.n_ineq[i] ]

			ws_ineq.append( ca.dot( ca.mtimes(A.T, Lambda), ca.mtimes(A.T, Lambda) ) )

			j += self.n_ineq[i]

		return ca.vcat( ws_ineq )
Exemplo n.º 20
    def solve(self, x0):
        xs = ca.vcat([state for state in self.states])
        us = ca.vcat([control for control in self.controls])

        dyns = ca.vcat([
            var[1:] - (var[:-1] + self.state_der[var] * self.dt)
            for var in self.states
        cons = ca.vcat(
            [state[0] - x0[i] for i, state in enumerate(self.states)])

        obs = ca.vcat([(o - self.objectives[o]) * self.o_scales[o]
                       for o in self.objectives.keys()])

        nlp = {\
            'x': ca.vertcat(xs, us, self.dt),
            'f': ca.sumsqr(obs),
            'g': ca.vertcat(dyns, cons)

        n_g = nlp['g'].shape[0]
        self.lbg = [0] * n_g
        self.ubg = [0] * n_g

        x00 = ca.vcat([self.initial[state] for state in self.states])
        u00 = ca.vcat([self.initial[control] for control in self.controls])
        x0 = ca.vertcat(x00, u00, self.initial[self.dt])

        # S = ca.nlpsol('S', 'ipopt', nlp, {'ipopt':{'print_level':0}})
        S = ca.nlpsol('S', 'ipopt', nlp, {'ipopt': {'print_level': 5}})
        r = S(x0=x0, lbx=self.lbx, ubx=self.ubx, lbg=self.lbg, ubg=self.ubg)
        x_opt = r['x']

        n_state_vars = len(self.states) * self.n
        n_control_vars = len(self.controls) * self.n

        states = np.array(x_opt[:n_state_vars])
        controls = np.array(x_opt[n_state_vars:n_state_vars + n_control_vars])
        times = np.array(x_opt[-self.n + 1:])

        for i, state in enumerate(self.states):
            self.set_inital(state, states[i * self.n:self.n * (i + 1)])

        for i, control in enumerate(self.controls):
                            controls[(self.n - 1) * i:(i + 1) * (self.n - 1)])

        self.set_inital(self.dt, times)

        return states, controls, times
def ControlInput(reference,opti_vars,k):
    Übersetzt durch Maschinenparameter parametrierte
    Führungsgrößenverläufe in optimierbare control inputs
    if reference == []:
        return []
    control = []
    for ref in reference:
    control = cs.vcat(control)

    return control   
Exemplo n.º 22
    def collocation_coeff(tau):
        [C, D] = collocation_interpolators(tau)
        d = len(tau)
        tau = [0] + tau
        F = [None] * (d + 1)
        # Construct polynomial basis
        for j in range(d + 1):
            # Construct Lagrange polynomials to get the polynomial basis at the collocation point
            p = np.poly1d([1])
            for r in range(d + 1):
                if r != j:
                    p *= np.poly1d([1, -tau[r]]) / (tau[j] - tau[r])

            # Evaluate the integral of the polynomial to get the coefficients of the quadrature function
            pint = np.polyint(p)
            F[j] = pint(1.0)

        return (hcat(C[1:]), vcat(D), hcat(F[1:]))
Exemplo n.º 23
    def get_link_relative_transform_casadi(self, qi):
        """ Link transform according to the Denavit-Hartenberg convention.
        Casadi compatible function.
        if self.joint_type == JointType.revolute:
            a, alpha, d, theta = self.dh.a, self.dh.alpha, self.dh.d, qi
        elif self.joint_type == JointType.prismatic:
            a, alpha, d, theta = self.dh.a, self.dh.alpha, qi, self.dh.theta

        c_t, s_t = ca.cos(theta), ca.sin(theta)
        c_a, s_a = ca.cos(alpha), ca.sin(alpha)

        row1 = ca.hcat([c_t, -s_t * c_a, s_t * s_a, a * c_t])
        row2 = ca.hcat([s_t, c_t * c_a, -c_t * s_a, a * s_t])
        row3 = ca.hcat([0, s_a, c_a, d])
        row4 = ca.hcat([0, 0, 0, 1])

        return ca.vcat([row1, row2, row3, row4])
    def generate_cost_function(self):
        initial_state = cd.SX.sym('initial_state',
                                  self._controller.model.number_of_states, 1)
        state_reference = cd.SX.sym('state_reference',
                                    self._controller.model.number_of_states, 1)
        input_reference = cd.SX.sym('input_reference',
                                    self._controller.model.number_of_inputs, 1)
        static_casadi_parameters = cd.vertcat(initial_state, state_reference,

        constraint_weights = cd.SX.sym('constraint_weights',

        input_all_steps = cd.SX.sym(
            self._controller.model.number_of_inputs * self._controller.horizon,
        cost = cd.SX.sym('cost', 1, 1)
        cost = 0

        current_state = initial_state
        for i in range(1, self._controller.horizon + 1):
            input = input_all_steps[(i - 1) *
                                    self._controller.model.number_of_inputs:i *
            current_state = self._controller.model.get_next_state(
                current_state, input)

            cost = cost + self._controller.stage_cost(
                current_state, input, i, state_reference, input_reference)
            cost = cost + self._controller.generate_cost_constraints(
                current_state, input, constraint_weights)

        # Function created to bypass the parameters, needs to be adjusted but works for now
        static_casadi_parameters = cd.vertcat(
            cd.vcat([e for e in cd.symvar(cost) if "obstacle_" in e.name()]))

        (cost_function, cost_function_derivative_combined) = \

        return (cost_function, cost_function_derivative_combined)
Exemplo n.º 25
    def exitForStatement(self, tree):

        f = self.for_loops.pop()
        if len(f.values) > 0:
            indexed_symbols = list(f.indexed_symbols.keys())
            args = [f.index_variable] + indexed_symbols
            expr = ca.vcat(
                [ca.vec(self.get_mx(e.right)) for e in tree.statements])
            free_vars = ca.symvar(expr)

            arg_names = [arg.name() for arg in args]
            free_vars = [e for e in free_vars if e.name() not in arg_names]
            all_args = args + free_vars
            F = ca.Function('loop_body', all_args, [expr])

            indexed_symbols_full = []
            for k in indexed_symbols:
                s = f.indexed_symbols[k]
                orig_symbol = self.nodes[self.current_class][s.tree.name]
                indexed_symbol = orig_symbol[s.indices]
                if s.transpose:
                    indexed_symbol = ca.transpose(indexed_symbol)

            Fmap = F.map("map", self.map_mode, len(f.values),
                         list(range(len(args), len(all_args))), [])
            res = Fmap.call([f.values] + indexed_symbols_full + free_vars)

            # Split into a list of statements
            variables = [
                assignment.left for statement in tree.statements
                for assignment in self.get_mx(statement)
            all_assignments = []
            for i in range(len(f.values)):
                for j, variable in enumerate(variables):
                    all_assignments.append(Assignment(variable, res[0][j,

            self.src[tree] = all_assignments
            self.src[tree] = []
Exemplo n.º 26
    def add_inf_constraints(self, stage, opti, c, k, l, meta):
        coeff = stage._method.poly_coeff[k * self.M + l]
        degree = coeff.shape[1]-1
        basis = BSplineBasis([0]*(degree+1)+[1]*(degree+1),degree)
        tscale = self.T / self.N / self.M
        tpower = vcat([tscale**i for i in range(degree+1)])
        coeff = coeff * repmat(tpower.T,stage.nx,1)
        # TODO: bernstein transformation as function of degree
        Poly_to_Bernstein_matrix_4 = DM([[1,0,0,0,0],[1,1.0/4, 0, 0, 0],[1, 1.0/2, 1.0/6, 0, 0],[1, 3.0/4, 1.0/2, 1.0/4, 0],[1, 1, 1, 1, 1]])
        state_coeff = Poly_to_Bernstein_matrix_4 @ coeff.T
        statesize = [0] + [elem.nnz() for elem in stage.states]
        statessizecum = np.cumsum(statesize)

        subst_from = stage.states
        state_coeff_split = horzsplit(state_coeff,statessizecum)
        subst_to = [BSpline(basis,coeff) for coeff in state_coeff_split]
        c_spline = reinterpret_expr(c, subst_from, subst_to)
        opti.subject_to(self.eval_at_control(stage, c_spline, k), meta=meta)
Exemplo n.º 27
    def solve(self):
        xs = ca.vcat([state for state in self.states])
        us = ca.vcat([control for control in self.controls])

        dyns = ca.vcat([var[1:] - (var[:-1] + self.state_der[var] * self.dt) for var in self.states])
        cons = ca.vcat([cons[0] - self.constraints[cons] for cons in self.constraints.keys()])

        obs = ca.vcat([(o - self.objectives[o]) * self.o_scales[o] for o in self.objectives.keys()])

        nlp = {\
            'x': ca.vertcat(xs, us, self.dt),
            'f': ca.sumsqr(obs),
            'g': ca.vertcat(dyns, cons)

        n_g = nlp['g'].shape[0]
        lbg = [0] * n_g
        ubg = [0] * n_g

        x00 = ca.vcat([self.initial[state] for state in self.states])
        u00 = ca.vcat([self.initial[control] for control in self.controls])
        x0 = ca.vertcat(x00, u00, self.initial[self.dt])

        x_mins = [self.min_lims[state] for state in self.states] * self.n
        x_maxs = [self.max_lims[state] for state in self.states] * self.n
        u_mins = [self.min_lims[control] for control in self.controls] * (self.n - 1)
        u_maxs = [self.max_lims[control] for control in self.controls] * (self.n - 1)

        lbx = x_mins + u_mins + list(np.zeros(self.n-1))
        ubx = x_maxs + u_maxs + list(np.ones(self.n-1) * self.max_t)
        S = ca.nlpsol('S', 'ipopt', nlp)
        r = S(x0=x0, lbx=lbx, ubx=ubx, lbg=lbg, ubg=ubg)
        x_opt = r['x']

        n_state_vars = len(self.states) * self.n
        n_control_vars = len(self.controls) * self.n

        states = np.array(x_opt[:n_state_vars])
        controls = np.array(x_opt[n_state_vars:n_state_vars + n_control_vars])
        times = np.array(x_opt[-self.n+1:])

        return states, controls, times
Exemplo n.º 28
    def exitForEquation(self, tree):
        f = self.for_loops.pop()

        indexed_symbols = list(f.indexed_symbols.keys())
        args = [f.index_variable] + indexed_symbols
        expr = ca.vcat([ca.vec(self.get_mx(e)) for e in tree.equations])
        free_vars = ca.symvar(expr)

        arg_names = [arg.name() for arg in args]
        free_vars = [e for e in free_vars if e.name() not in arg_names]
        all_args = args + free_vars
        F = ca.Function('loop_body_' + f.name, all_args, [expr])

        indexed_symbols_full = [
                f.indexed_symbols[k].indices - 1] for k in indexed_symbols
        Fmap = F.map("map", "serial", len(f.values),
                     list(range(len(args), len(all_args))), [])
        res = Fmap.call([f.values] + indexed_symbols_full + free_vars)

        self.src[tree] = res[0].T
Exemplo n.º 29
    def __init__(self,name,syms,expression,type='auto'):

        # info
        self.name = name
        self.sizes = (syms[0].numel(),expression.numel(),sum([s.numel() for s in syms[1:]]))
        self.main_sym = syms[0]

        # use a single parameter for the expression (because julia sucks sometimes)
        self.param_sym = oc.MX.sym("P",self.sizes[2])
        self.param_names = [s.name() for s in syms[1:]]
        expression_ = cs.substitute(expression,cs.vcat(syms[1:]),self.param_sym)

        # expression evaluation
        self.eval = cs.Function('eval',[self.main_sym,self.param_sym],[expression_])

        # expression jacobian
        jacobian = cs.jacobian(expression_,self.main_sym)
        self.jcb_nnz = jacobian.nnz()
        self.jcb_sparsity = jacobian.sparsity().get_triplet()
        self.eval_jac = cs.Function('eval_jac',[self.main_sym,self.param_sym],[jacobian])

        # hessian of each of the elements of the expression
        hessian = [cs.hessian(expression_[i],self.main_sym)[0] for i in range(expression_.shape[0])]
        self.hes_nnz = [hessian[i].nnz() for i in range(expression_.shape[0])]
        self.hes_sparsity = [hessian[i].sparsity().get_triplet() for i in range(expression_.shape[0])]
        self.eval_hes = [cs.Function('eval_hes'+str(i),[self.main_sym,self.param_sym],[hessian[i]]) for i in range(expression.shape[0])]

        # check type
        self.type = 'Linear'
        for n in self.hes_nnz:
            if n > 0:
                self.type = 'Quadratic'

        if self.type == 'Quadratic' and self.type not in ['auto','Auto','Quadratic','quadratic']:
            raise NameError('LinQuadForJulia: the function is declared '+type+' but it results Quadratic.')
        if self.type == 'Linear' and self.type not in ['auto','Auto','Linear','linear']:
            raise NameError('LinQuadForJulia: the function is declared '+type+' but it results Linear.')
Exemplo n.º 30
    def exitForStatement(self, tree):

        f = self.for_loops.pop()
        if len(f.values) > 0:
            indexed_symbols = list(f.indexed_symbols.keys())
            args = [f.index_variable] + indexed_symbols
            expr = ca.vcat([ca.vec(self.get_mx(e.right)) for e in tree.statements])
            free_vars = ca.symvar(expr)

            arg_names = [arg.name() for arg in args]
            free_vars = [e for e in free_vars if e.name() not in arg_names]
            all_args = args + free_vars
            F = ca.Function('loop_body', all_args, [expr])

            indexed_symbols_full = []
            for k in indexed_symbols:
                s = f.indexed_symbols[k]
                orig_symbol = self.nodes[self.current_class][s.tree.name]
                indexed_symbol = orig_symbol[s.indices]
                if s.transpose:
                    indexed_symbol = ca.transpose(indexed_symbol)

            Fmap = F.map("map", self.map_mode, len(f.values), list(
                range(len(args), len(all_args))), [])
            res = Fmap.call([f.values] + indexed_symbols_full + free_vars)

            # Split into a list of statements
            variables = [assignment.left for statement in tree.statements for assignment in self.get_mx(statement)]
            all_assignments = []
            for i in range(len(f.values)):
                for j, variable in enumerate(variables):
                    all_assignments.append(Assignment(variable, res[0][j, i].T))

            self.src[tree] = all_assignments
            self.src[tree] = []
Exemplo n.º 31
 def get_obs_func(x, u):
     pos, θ, vel, ω, m, J, r, μ = x[0:2], x[2], x[3:5], x[5], x[6], x[7], x[
         8:10], x[10]
     fx, fy, tr = u[0], u[1], u[2]
     px_robot = pos[0] + r[0] * cs.cos(θ) - r[1] * cs.sin(θ)
     py_robot = pos[1] + r[0] * cs.sin(θ) + r[1] * cs.cos(θ)
     vx_robot = vel[0] - ω * (r[0] * cs.sin(θ) + r[1] * cs.cos(θ))
     vy_robot = vel[1] + ω * (r[0] * cs.cos(θ) - r[1] * cs.sin(θ))
     α_robot = 1/J*tr \
             - 1/J*(r[0]*cs.sin(θ) + r[1]*cs.cos(θ))*fx \
             + 1/J*(r[0]*cs.cos(θ) - r[1]*cs.sin(θ))*fy
     ax_robot = 1/m*(fx - μ*vel[0]) \
              - α_robot*(r[0]*cs.sin(θ) + r[1]*cs.cos(θ)) \
              - (ω**2)*(r[0]*cs.cos(θ) - r[1]*cs.sin(θ))
     ay_robot = 1/m*(fy - μ*vel[1]) \
              + α_robot*(r[0]*cs.cos(θ) - r[1]*cs.sin(θ)) \
              - (ω**2)*(r[0]*cs.sin(θ) + r[1]*cs.cos(θ))
     y = cs.vcat([
         px_robot, py_robot, θ, vx_robot, vy_robot, ω, ax_robot, ay_robot,
     h = cs.Function('h', [x, u], [y], ['x', 'u'], ['y'])
     return h
Exemplo n.º 32
    def exitForEquation(self, tree):

        f = self.for_loops.pop()
        if len(f.values) > 0:
            indexed_symbols = list(f.indexed_symbols.keys())
            args = [f.index_variable] + indexed_symbols
            expr = ca.vcat([ca.vec(self.get_mx(e)) for e in tree.equations])
            free_vars = ca.symvar(expr)

            arg_names = [arg.name() for arg in args]
            free_vars = [e for e in free_vars if e.name() not in arg_names]
            all_args = args + free_vars
            F = ca.Function('loop_body', all_args, [expr])

            indexed_symbols_full = []
            for k in indexed_symbols:
                s = f.indexed_symbols[k]
                indices = s.indices
                    i = self.model.delay_states.index(k.name())
                except ValueError:
                    orig_symbol = self.nodes[self.current_class][s.tree.name]
                    # We are missing a similarly shaped delayed symbol. Make a new one with the appropriate shape.
                    delay_symbol = self.model.delay_arguments[i]

                    # We need to figure out the shape of the expression that
                    # we are delaying. The symbols that can occur in the delay
                    # expression should have been encountered before this
                    # iteration of the loop. The assert statement below covers
                    # this.
                    delay_expr_args = free_vars + all_args[:len(indexed_symbols_full)+1]
                    assert set(ca.symvar(delay_symbol.expr)).issubset(delay_expr_args)

                    f_delay_expr = ca.Function('delay_expr', delay_expr_args, [delay_symbol.expr])
                    f_delay_map = f_delay_expr.map("map", self.map_mode, len(f.values), list(
                        range(len(free_vars))), [])
                    [res] = f_delay_map.call(free_vars + [f.values] + indexed_symbols_full)
                    res = res.T

                    # Make the symbol with the appropriate size, and replace the old symbol with the new one.
                    orig_symbol = _new_mx(k.name(), *res.size())
                    assert res.size1() == 1 or res.size2() == 1, "Slicing does not yet work with 2-D indices"
                    indices = slice(None, None)

                    model_input = next(x for x in self.model.inputs if x.symbol.name() == k.name())
                    model_input.symbol = orig_symbol
                    self.model.delay_arguments[i] = DelayArgument(res, delay_symbol.duration)

                indexed_symbol = orig_symbol[indices]
                if s.transpose:
                    indexed_symbol = ca.transpose(indexed_symbol)

            Fmap = F.map("map", self.map_mode, len(f.values), list(
                range(len(args), len(all_args))), [])
            res = Fmap.call([f.values] + indexed_symbols_full + free_vars)

            self.src[tree] = res[0].T
            self.src[tree] = ca.MX()