def describe_ms(infile): """ Summarize the contents of an MS directory in casacore table format Parameters ---------- infile : str input filename of MS Returns ------- pandas.core.frame.DataFrame Summary information """ import os import pandas as pd import numpy as np import cngi._utils._table_conversion as tblconv from casatools import table as tb infile = os.path.expanduser(infile) # does nothing if $HOME is unknown if not infile.endswith('/'): infile = infile + '/' # as part of MSv3 conversion, these columns in the main table are no longer needed ignorecols = ['FLAG_CATEGORY', 'FLAG_ROW', 'SIGMA', 'WEIGHT_SPECTRUM', 'DATA_DESC_ID'] # figure out characteristics of main table from select subtables (must all be present) spw_xds = tblconv.convert_simple_table(infile, outfile='', subtable='SPECTRAL_WINDOW', ignore=ignorecols, nofile=True) pol_xds = tblconv.convert_simple_table(infile, outfile='', subtable='POLARIZATION', ignore=ignorecols, nofile=True) ddi_xds = tblconv.convert_simple_table(infile, outfile='', subtable='DATA_DESCRIPTION', ignore=ignorecols, nofile=True) ddis = list(ddi_xds['d0'].values) summary = pd.DataFrame([]) spw_ids = ddi_xds.spectral_window_id.values pol_ids = ddi_xds.polarization_id.values chans = spw_xds.NUM_CHAN.values pols = pol_xds.NUM_CORR.values tb_tool = tb(), nomodify=True, lockoptions={'option': 'usernoread'}) # allow concurrent reads for ddi in ddis: print('processing ddi %i of %i' % (ddi+1, len(ddis)), end='\r') sorted_table = tb_tool.taql('select * from %s where DATA_DESC_ID = %i' % (infile, ddi)) sdf = {'ddi': ddi, 'spw_id': spw_ids[ddi], 'pol_id': pol_ids[ddi], 'rows': sorted_table.nrows(), 'times': len(np.unique(sorted_table.getcol('TIME'))), 'baselines': len(np.unique(np.hstack([sorted_table.getcol(rr)[:,None] for rr in ['ANTENNA1', 'ANTENNA2']]), axis=0)), 'chans': chans[spw_ids[ddi]], 'pols': pols[pol_ids[ddi]]} sdf['size_MB'] = np.ceil((sdf['times']*sdf['baselines']*sdf['chans']*sdf['pols']*17) / 1024**2).astype(int) summary = pd.concat([summary, pd.DataFrame(sdf, index=[str(ddi)])], axis=0, sort=False) sorted_table.close() print(' '*50, end='\r') tb_tool.close() return summary.set_index('ddi').sort_index()
def convert_expanded_table(infile, outfile, keys, subtable='', subsel=None, timecols=[], dimnames={}, ignore=[], compressor=None, chunks=(100, 20, 1), nofile=False, extraselstr=''): if compressor is None: compressor = Blosc(cname='zstd', clevel=2, shuffle=0) tb_tool = tb(), subtable), nomodify=True, lockoptions={'option': 'usernoread'}) # allow concurrent reads # sometimes they are empty if tb_tool.nrows() == 0: tb_tool.close() return xarray.Dataset() # handle no chunking of first axis if chunks[0] == -1: chunks[0] = tb_tool.nrows() # sort table by value of dimensions to be expanded # load and store the column to be used as the key for the first dimension (aka the row key) # compute the following: # 1. unique_row_keys = unique values of this key (size of first dim) # 2. row_changes = row number where the value changes # 3. row_idxs = row numbers where each unique value occurs # then compute 1 and 3 for each additional key/dimension and store in midxs dictionary ordering = ','.join([ np.atleast_1d(key)[ii] for key in keys.keys() for ii in range(len(np.atleast_1d(key))) ]) if subsel is None or len(subsel) == 0: selstr = str(extraselstr) else: selstr = '&&'.join([f'{k} = {v}' for k, v in subsel.items()]) if len(extraselstr) > 0: selstr = f'({selstr}) && ({extraselstr})' if len(selstr) == 0: sorted_table = tb_tool.taql('select * from %s ORDERBY %s' % (os.path.join(infile, subtable), ordering)) else: sorted_table = tb_tool.taql( 'select * from %s where %s ORDERBY %s' % (os.path.join(infile, subtable), selstr, ordering)) if sorted_table.nrows() == 0: sorted_table.close() tb_tool.close() return xarray.Dataset() # master dataset holders mvars, midxs = {}, {} cshape, bad_cols = compute_dimensions(sorted_table, ignore) row_key, exp_keys = list( keys.keys())[0], list(keys.keys())[1:] if len(keys) > 1 else [] target_row_key, target_exp_keys = list( keys.values())[0], list(keys.values())[1:] if len(keys) > 1 else [] rows = np.hstack([ sorted_table.getcol(rr)[:, None] for rr in np.atleast_1d(row_key) ]).squeeze() unique_row_keys, row_changes, row_idxs = np.unique(rows, axis=0, return_index=True, return_inverse=True) if unique_row_keys.ndim > 1: # use index values when grouping columns unique_row_keys = np.arange(len(unique_row_keys)) elif target_row_key in timecols: # convert to datetime unique_row_keys = convert_time(unique_row_keys) for kk, key in enumerate(exp_keys): rows = np.hstack([ sorted_table.getcol(rr)[:, None] for rr in np.atleast_1d(key) ]).squeeze() midxs[target_exp_keys[kk]] = list( np.unique(rows, axis=0, return_inverse=True)) if midxs[target_exp_keys[kk]][0].ndim > 1: midxs[target_exp_keys[kk]][0] = np.arange( len(midxs[target_exp_keys[kk]][0])) elif target_exp_keys[kk] in timecols: midxs[target_exp_keys[kk]][0] = convert_time( midxs[target_exp_keys[kk]][0]) # store the dimension shapes known so far (grows later on) and the coordinate values mdims = dict([(target_row_key, len(unique_row_keys))] + [(mm, midxs[mm][0].shape[0]) for mm in list(midxs.keys())]) mcoords = dict([(target_row_key, [])] + [(mm, xarray.DataArray(midxs[mm][0], dims=target_exp_keys[ii])) for ii, mm in enumerate(list(midxs.keys()))]) start = time.time() # we want to parse the table in batches equal to the specified number of unique row keys, not number of rows # so we need to compute the proper number of rows to get the correct number of unique row keys for cc, start_idx in enumerate(range(0, len(unique_row_keys), chunks[0])): chunk = np.arange(min(chunks[0], len(unique_row_keys) - start_idx)) + start_idx end_idx = row_changes[chunk[-1] + 1] if chunk[-1] + 1 < len(row_changes) else len( row_idxs) idx_range = np.arange( row_changes[chunk[0]], end_idx ) # indices of table to be read, they are contiguous because table is sorted mcoords.update({ row_key.lower(): xarray.DataArray(unique_row_keys[chunk], dims=target_row_key) }) batch = len(unique_row_keys) // chunks[0] rtestimate = (' remaining time est %s s' + ' ' * 10) % str( int(((time.time() - start) / cc) * (batch - cc))) if cc > 0 else '' for col in sorted_table.colnames(): if (col in ignore) or (col in bad_cols): continue if col in keys.keys(): continue # skip dim columns (unless they are tuples) print('reading chunk %s of %s, col %s...%s' % (str(start_idx // chunks[0]), str(batch), col, rtestimate), end='\r') try: if col in cshape: # if this column has a varying shape, it needs to be normalized data = sorted_table.getvarcol(col, idx_range[0], len(idx_range)) tshape = cshape[ col] # grab the max dimensionality of this col # expand the variable shaped column to the maximum size of each dimension # blame the person who devised the tb.getvarcol return structure data = np.array([ np.pad( data['r' + str(kk)][..., 0], np.stack((tshape * 0, tshape - data['r' + str(kk)].shape[:-1]), -1)).transpose() for kk in np.arange(start_idx + 1, start_idx + len(data) + 1) ]) else: data = sorted_table.getcol(col, idx_range[0], len(idx_range)).transpose() if np.iscomplexobj(data) is True and np.all(data.imag == 0): # generate C-contiguous float array from real part of complex data tmp = np.empty_like(data.real) tmp[:] = data.real data = tmp except Exception: bad_cols += [col] continue # sometimes, even though the table has >0 rows, certain columns still return 0 rows if len(data) == 0: continue # compute the full shape of this chunk with the expanded dimensions and initialize to NANs fullshape = (len(chunk), ) + tuple( [midxs[mm][0].shape[0] for mm in list(midxs.keys())]) + data.shape[1:] fulldata = np.full(fullshape, np.nan, dtype=data.dtype) # compute the proper location to put the chunk data in the full expanded dimensions and assign # some NAN's will likely remain where there are holes in the expanded dimensions didxs = (row_idxs[idx_range] - chunk[0], ) + tuple( [midxs[tt][1][idx_range] for tt in midxs.keys()]) fulldata[didxs] = data # if this column has additional dimensionality beyond the expanded dims, we need to create/reuse placeholder names dims = [kk for kk in [target_row_key] + target_exp_keys] for ii, dd in enumerate(fullshape[len(keys):]): if (ii + len(keys) >= len(mdims)) or (dd not in list( mdims.values())[ii + len(keys):]): mdims['d%i' % len(mdims.keys())] = dd dims += [ list(mdims.keys())[ii + len(keys):][list( mdims.values())[ii + len(keys):].index(dd)] ] # set chunking based on passed in chunk shape, expanding last dimension if necessary chunking = [ chunks[di] if di < len(chunks) else chunks[-1] for di, dk in enumerate(dims) ] chunking = [ cs if cs > 0 else fulldata.shape[ci] for ci, cs in enumerate(chunking) ] # store in list of data variables mvars[col.upper()] = xarray.DataArray(fulldata, dims=dims).chunk( dict(zip(dims, chunking))) xds = xarray.Dataset(mvars, coords=mcoords).rename(dimnames) if (not nofile) and (start_idx == 0): encoding = dict( zip(list(xds.data_vars), cycle([{ 'compressor': compressor }]))) if len(bad_cols) > 0: xds = xds.assign_attrs({'bad_cols': bad_cols}) xds.to_zarr(os.path.join(outfile, subtable), mode='w', encoding=encoding, consolidated=True) elif not nofile: xds.to_zarr(os.path.join(outfile, subtable), mode='a', append_dim=row_key.lower(), compute=True, consolidated=True) sorted_table.close() tb_tool.close() if not nofile: xds = xarray.open_zarr(os.path.join(outfile, subtable)) return xds
def convert_simple_table(infile, outfile, subtable='', dimnames=None, timecols=[], ignore=[], compressor=None, chunks=(2000, -1), nofile=False, add_row_id=False): if compressor is None: compressor = Blosc(cname='zstd', clevel=2, shuffle=0) tb_tool = tb(), subtable), nomodify=True, lockoptions={'option': 'usernoread'}) # allow concurrent reads # sometimes they are empty if tb_tool.nrows() == 0: tb_tool.close() return xarray.Dataset() # handle no chunking of first axis if chunks[0] == -1: chunks[0] = tb_tool.nrows() # master dataset holders dim0 = subtable.lower() + "_id" if add_row_id else 'd0' mvars, mcoords = {}, {} mdims = { dim0: tb_tool.nrows() } # keys are dimension names, values are dimension sizes cshape, bad_cols = compute_dimensions(tb_tool, ignore) for start_idx in range(0, tb_tool.nrows(), chunks[0]): for col in tb_tool.colnames(): if (col in ignore) or (col in bad_cols): continue tblname ='/')[-1] print('reading %s chunk %s of %s, col %s...%s' % (tblname, str(start_idx // chunks[0]), str(tb_tool.nrows() // chunks[0]), col, ' ' * 20), end='\r') try: if (col in cshape) and ( tb_tool.isvarcol(col) ): # if this column has a varying shape, it needs to be normalized data = tb_tool.getvarcol(col, start_idx, chunks[0]) tshape = cshape[ col] # grab the max dimensionality of this col # expand the variable shaped column to the maximum size of each dimension # blame the person who devised the tb.getvarcol return structure data = np.array([ np.pad( data['r' + str(kk)][..., 0], np.stack((tshape * 0, tshape - data['r' + str(kk)].shape[:-1]), -1)).transpose() for kk in np.arange(start_idx + 1, start_idx + len(data) + 1) ]) elif (col in cshape) and (tb_tool.coldatatype(col) == 'string'): data = tb_tool.getcol( col, start_idx, chunks[0]).transpose().astype('<U' + str(cshape[col])) else: data = tb_tool.getcol(col, start_idx, chunks[0]).transpose() except Exception: bad_cols += [col] continue # sometimes, even though the table has >0 rows, certain columns still return 0 rows if len(data) == 0: continue # convert col values to datetime if desired if col in timecols: data = convert_time(data) # If this column has additional dimensionality, we need to create/reuse placeholder names from mdims. # Then, apply any specified names from dimnames. dims = [dim0] avail_mdims = mdims.copy() del avail_mdims[ dim0] # don't want to pick from the "row" dimension for ii, dd in enumerate( data.shape[1:]): # ii=index, dd=dimension length if dd in avail_mdims.values( ): # reuse: there's a matching placeholder name matching_mdims = filter(lambda dn: avail_mdims[dn] == dd, avail_mdims.keys()) dimname = sorted(list(matching_mdims))[0] del avail_mdims[dimname] else: # create: no matching placeholder names exist dimname = 'd%i' % len(mdims.keys()) mdims[dimname] = dd dims += [dimname] if dimnames is not None: dims = (dimnames[:len(dims)] + dims[len(dims) - len(dimnames) - 1:])[:len(dims)] chunking = [ chunks[di] if di < len(chunks) else chunks[-1] for di, dk in enumerate(dims) ] chunking = [ cs if cs > 0 else data.shape[ci] for ci, cs in enumerate(chunking) ] # store ID columns as a list of coordinates, otherwise store as a list of data variables if col.upper().endswith('_ID'): mcoords[col.lower()] = xarray.DataArray(data, dims=dims) else: mvars[col.upper()] = xarray.DataArray(data, dims=dims).chunk( dict(zip(dims, chunking))) # build up the current version of the dataset # do this here to hopefully catch bugs sooner than after the entire table has been built up xds = xarray.Dataset(mvars, coords=mcoords) if (not nofile) and (start_idx == 0): encoding = dict( zip(list(xds.data_vars), cycle([{ 'compressor': compressor }]))) if len(subtable) > 0: xds = xds.assign_attrs({'name': subtable + ' table'}) if len(bad_cols) > 0: xds = xds.assign_attrs({'bad_cols': bad_cols}) xds.to_zarr(os.path.join(outfile, subtable), mode='w', encoding=encoding, consolidated=True) elif not nofile: xds.to_zarr(os.path.join(outfile, subtable), mode='a', append_dim=dim0, compute=True, consolidated=True) # We're done parsing the table, release the table tool. tb_tool.close() if not nofile: xds = xarray.open_zarr(os.path.join(outfile, subtable)) # Now we know how big all the dimensions are, assign explicit coordinates. if add_row_id and (dim0 not in xds.coords): if nofile: xds = xds.assign_coords({dim0: xds[dim0].values}) else: aux_xds = xarray.Dataset(coords={dim0: np.arange(xds.dims[dim0])}) aux_xds.to_zarr(os.path.join(outfile, subtable), mode='a', compute=True, consolidated=True) xds = xarray.open_zarr(os.path.join(outfile, subtable)) return xds
def convert_simple_table(infile, outfile, subtable='', dimnames=None, timecols=[], ignore=[], compressor=None, chunk_shape=(40000, 20, 1), nofile=False): if compressor is None: compressor = Blosc(cname='zstd', clevel=2, shuffle=0) tb_tool = tb(), subtable), nomodify=True, lockoptions={'option': 'usernoread'}) # allow concurrent reads # sometimes they are empty if tb_tool.nrows() == 0: tb_tool.close() return xarray.Dataset() # handle no chunking of first axis if chunk_shape[0] == -1: chunk_shape[0] = tb_tool.nrows() # master dataset holders mvars, mcoords = {}, {} mdims = { 'd0': tb_tool.nrows() } # keys are dimension names, values are dimension sizes cshape, bad_cols = compute_dimensions(tb_tool, ignore) for start_idx in range(0, tb_tool.nrows(), chunk_shape[0]): for col in tb_tool.colnames(): if (col in ignore) or (col in bad_cols): continue tblname ='/')[-1] print('reading %s chunk %s of %s, col %s...%s' % (tblname, str(start_idx // chunk_shape[0]), str(tb_tool.nrows() // chunk_shape[0]), col, ' ' * 20), end='\r') try: if col in cshape: # if this column has a varying shape, it needs to be normalized data = tb_tool.getvarcol(col, start_idx, chunk_shape[0]) tshape = cshape[ col] # grab the max dimensionality of this col # expand the variable shaped column to the maximum size of each dimension # blame the person who devised the tb.getvarcol return structure data = np.array([ np.pad( data['r' + str(kk)][..., 0], np.stack((tshape * 0, tshape - data['r' + str(kk)].shape[:-1]), -1)).transpose() for kk in np.arange(start_idx + 1, start_idx + len(data) + 1) ]) else: data = tb_tool.getcol(col, start_idx, chunk_shape[0]).transpose() except Exception: bad_cols += [col] continue # sometimes, even though the table has >0 rows, certain columns still return 0 rows if len(data) == 0: continue # convert col values to datetime if desired if col in timecols: data = convert_time(data) # if this column has additional dimensionality, we need to create/reuse placeholder names # then apply any specified names dims = ['d0'] for ii, dd in enumerate(data.shape[1:]): if (ii + 1 >= len(mdims)) or (dd not in list( mdims.values())[ii + 1:]): mdims['d%i' % len(mdims.keys())] = dd dims += [ list(mdims.keys())[ii + 1:][list( mdims.values())[ii + 1:].index(dd)] ] if dimnames is not None: dims = (dimnames[:len(dims)] + dims[len(dims) - len(dimnames) - 1:])[:len(dims)] chunking = [ chunk_shape[di] if di < len(chunk_shape) else chunk_shape[-1] for di, dk in enumerate(dims) ] chunking = [ cs if cs > 0 else data.shape[ci] for ci, cs in enumerate(chunking) ] # store ID columns as a list of coordinates, otherwise store as a list of data variables if col.upper().endswith('_ID'): mcoords[col.lower()] = xarray.DataArray(data, dims=dims) else: mvars[col.upper()] = xarray.DataArray(data, dims=dims).chunk( dict(zip(dims, chunking))) xds = xarray.Dataset(mvars, coords=mcoords) if (not nofile) and (start_idx == 0): encoding = dict( zip(list(xds.data_vars), cycle([{ 'compressor': compressor }]))) if len(subtable) > 0: xds = xds.assign_attrs({'name': subtable + ' table'}) if len(bad_cols) > 0: xds = xds.assign_attrs({'bad_cols': bad_cols}) xds.to_zarr(os.path.join(outfile, subtable), mode='w', encoding=encoding, consolidated=True) elif not nofile: xds.to_zarr(os.path.join(outfile, subtable), mode='a', append_dim='d0', compute=True, consolidated=True) tb_tool.close() if not nofile: xds = xarray.open_zarr(os.path.join(outfile, subtable)) return xds
def convert_ms(infile, outfile=None, ddi=None, compressor=None, chunk_shape=(100, 400, 20, 1), nofile=False): """ Convert legacy format MS to xarray Visibility Dataset and zarr storage format This function requires CASA6 casatools module. Parameters ---------- infile : str Input MS filename outfile : str Output zarr filename. If None, will use infile name with .vis.zarr extension ddi : int or string Specific DDI to convert. DDI's are integer values, or use 'global' string for metadata table. Leave as None to convert entire MS compressor : numcodecs.blosc.Blosc The blosc compressor to use when saving the converted data to disk using zarr. If None the zstd compression algorithm used with compression level 2. chunk_shape: 4-D tuple of ints Shape of desired chunking in the form of (time, baseline, channel, polarization), use -1 for entire axis in one chunk. Default is (100, 400, 20, 1) Note: chunk size is the product of the four numbers, and data is batch processed by time axis, so that will drive memory needed for conversion. nofile : bool Allows legacy MS to be directly read without file conversion. If set to true, no output file will be written and entire MS will be held in memory. Requires ~4x the memory of the MS size. Default is False Returns ------- list of xarray.core.dataset.Dataset List of new xarray Datasets of Visibility data contents. One element in list per DDI plus the metadata global. """ import os from casatools import table as tb from numcodecs import Blosc import pandas as pd import xarray import numpy as np import time from itertools import cycle import warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=FutureWarning) if compressor is None: compressor = Blosc(cname='zstd', clevel=2, shuffle=0) # parse filename to use infile = os.path.expanduser(infile) prefix = infile[:infile.rindex('.')] if outfile is None: outfile = prefix + '.vis.zarr' else: outfile = os.path.expanduser(outfile) # need to manually remove existing zarr file (if any) print('processing %s ' % infile) if not nofile: os.system("rm -fr " + outfile) os.system("mkdir " + outfile) start = time.time() # let's assume that each DATA_DESC_ID (ddi) is a fixed shape that may differ from others # form a list of ddis to process, each will be placed it in its own xarray dataset and partition ddis = [ddi] if ddi is None: MS = tb(infile), nomodify=True, lockoptions={'option': 'usernoread'}) ddis = MS.taql('select distinct DATA_DESC_ID from %s' % prefix + '.ms').getcol('DATA_DESC_ID') MS.close() # initialize list of xarray datasets to be returned by this function xds_list = [] # helper for normalizing variable column shapes def apad(arr, ts): return np.pad(arr, (0, ts[0] - arr.shape[0])) if arr.ndim == 1 else np.pad( arr, ((0, ts[0] - arr.shape[0]), (0, ts[1] - arr.shape[1]))) # helper for reading time columns to datetime format # pandas datetimes are referenced against a 0 of 1970-01-01 # CASA's modified julian day reference time is (of course) 1858-11-17 # this requires a correction of 3506716800 seconds which is hardcoded to save time def convert_time(rawtimes): # correction = (pd.to_datetime(0, unit='s') - pd.to_datetime('1858-11-17', format='%Y-%m-%d')).total_seconds() correction = 3506716800.0 # return rawtimes return pd.to_datetime(np.array(rawtimes) - correction, unit='s').values ############################################ # build combined metadata xarray dataset from each table in the ms directory (other than main) # - we want as much as possible to be stored as data_vars with appropriate coordinates # - whenever possible, meaningless id fields are replaced with string names as the coordinate index # - some things that are too variably structured will have to go in attributes # - this pretty much needs to be done individually for each table, some generalization is possible but it makes things too complex ############################################ mvars, mcoords, mattrs = {}, {}, {} tables = [ 'DATA_DESCRIPTION', 'SPECTRAL_WINDOW', 'POLARIZATION', 'SORTED_TABLE' ] # initialize to things we don't want to process now ms_meta = tb() ## ANTENNA table tables += ['ANTENNA'] print('processing support table %s' % tables[-1], end='\r') if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(infile, tables[-1])):, tables[-1]), nomodify=True, lockoptions={'option': 'usernoread'}) mcoords['antenna'] = list(range(ms_meta.nrows())) for col in ms_meta.colnames(): if not ms_meta.iscelldefined(col, 0): continue data = ms_meta.getcol(col).transpose() if data.ndim == 1: mvars['ANT_' + col] = xarray.DataArray(data, dims=['antenna']) else: mvars['ANT_' + col] = xarray.DataArray( data, dims=['antenna', 'd' + str(data.shape[1])]) ms_meta.close() ## FEED table tables += ['FEED'] print('processing support table %s' % tables[-1], end='\r') if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(infile, tables[-1])):, tables[-1]), nomodify=True, lockoptions={'option': 'usernoread'}) if ms_meta.nrows() > 0: mcoords['spw'] = np.arange( np.max(ms_meta.getcol('SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID')) + 1) mcoords['feed'] = np.arange(np.max(ms_meta.getcol('FEED_ID')) + 1) mcoords['receptors'] = np.arange( np.max(ms_meta.getcol('NUM_RECEPTORS')) + 1) antidx, spwidx, feedidx = ms_meta.getcol( 'ANTENNA_ID'), ms_meta.getcol( 'SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID'), ms_meta.getcol('FEED_ID') if ms_meta.nrows() != (len(np.unique(antidx)) * len( np.unique(spwidx)) * len(np.unique(feedidx))): print('WARNING: index mismatch in %s table' % tables[-1]) for col in ms_meta.colnames(): if not ms_meta.iscelldefined(col, 0): continue if col in ['SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID', 'ANTENNA_ID', 'FEED_ID']: continue if ms_meta.isvarcol(col): try: tshape, tdim = (len( mcoords['receptors']), ), ('receptors', ) if col == 'BEAM_OFFSET': tshape, tdim = (2, len( mcoords['receptors'])), ('d2', 'receptors') elif col == 'POL_RESPONSE': tshape, tdim = (len( mcoords['receptors']), len( mcoords['receptors'])), ('receptors', 'receptors') data = ms_meta.getvarcol(col) data = np.array([ apad(data['r' + str(kk)][..., 0], tshape) for kk in np.arange(len(data)) + 1 ]) metadata = np.full( (len(mcoords['spw']), len(mcoords['antenna']), len(mcoords['feed'])) + tshape, np.nan, dtype=data.dtype) metadata[spwidx, antidx, feedidx] = data mvars['FEED_' + col] = xarray.DataArray( metadata, dims=['spw', 'antenna', 'feed'] + list(tdim)) except Exception: print( 'WARNING : unable to process col %s of table %s' % (col, tables[-1])) else: data = ms_meta.getcol(col).transpose() if col == 'TIME': data = convert_time(data) if data.ndim == 1: try: metadata = np.full( (len(mcoords['spw']), len( mcoords['antenna']), len(mcoords['feed'])), np.nan, dtype=data.dtype) metadata[spwidx, antidx, feedidx] = data mvars['FEED_' + col] = xarray.DataArray( metadata, dims=['spw', 'antenna', 'feed']) except Exception: print( 'WARNING : unable to process col %s of table %s' % (col, tables[-1])) else: # only POSITION should trigger this try: metadata = np.full( (len(mcoords['spw']), len(mcoords['antenna']), len(mcoords['feed']), data.shape[1]), np.nan, dtype=data.dtype) metadata[spwidx, antidx, feedidx] = data mvars['FEED_' + col] = xarray.DataArray( metadata, dims=[ 'spw', 'antenna', 'feed', 'd' + str(data.shape[1]) ]) except Exception: print( 'WARNING : unable to process col %s of table %s' % (col, tables[-1])) ms_meta.close() ## FIELD table tables += ['FIELD'] print('processing support table %s' % tables[-1], end='\r') if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(infile, tables[-1])):, tables[-1]), nomodify=True, lockoptions={'option': 'usernoread'}) if ms_meta.nrows() > 0: funique, fidx, fcount = np.unique(ms_meta.getcol('NAME'), return_inverse=True, return_counts=True) mcoords['field'] = [ funique[ii] if fcount[ii] == 1 else funique[ii] + ' (%s)' % str(nn) for nn, ii in enumerate(fidx) ] max_poly = np.max( ms_meta.taql('select distinct NUM_POLY from %s' % os.path.join( infile, tables[-1])).getcol('NUM_POLY')) + 1 tshape = (2, max_poly) for col in ms_meta.colnames(): if col in ['NAME']: continue if not ms_meta.iscelldefined(col, 0): continue if ms_meta.isvarcol(col): data = ms_meta.getvarcol(col) data = np.array([ apad(data['r' + str(kk)][..., 0], tshape) for kk in np.arange(len(data)) + 1 ]) mvars['FIELD_' + col] = xarray.DataArray( data, dims=['field', 'd2', 'd' + str(max_poly)]) else: data = ms_meta.getcol(col).transpose() if col == 'TIME': data = convert_time(data) mvars['FIELD_' + col] = xarray.DataArray(data, dims=['field']) ms_meta.close() ## FLAG_CMD table tables += ['FLAG_CMD'] print('processing support table %s' % tables[-1], end='\r') if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(infile, tables[-1])):, tables[-1]), nomodify=True, lockoptions={'option': 'usernoread'}) if ms_meta.nrows() > 0: mcoords['time_fcmd'], timeidx = np.unique(convert_time( ms_meta.getcol('TIME')), return_inverse=True) for col in ms_meta.colnames(): if not ms_meta.iscelldefined(col, 0): continue if col in ['TIME']: continue data = ms_meta.getcol(col).transpose() metadata = np.full((len(mcoords['time_fcmd'])), np.nan, dtype=data.dtype) metadata[timeidx] = data mvars['FCMD_' + col] = xarray.DataArray(metadata, dims=['time_fcmd']) ms_meta.close() ## HISTORY table tables += ['HISTORY'] print('processing support table %s' % tables[-1], end='\r') if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(infile, tables[-1])):, tables[-1]), nomodify=True, lockoptions={'option': 'usernoread'}) if ms_meta.nrows() > 0: mcoords['time_hist'], timeidx = np.unique(convert_time( ms_meta.getcol('TIME')), return_inverse=True) for col in ms_meta.colnames(): if not ms_meta.iscelldefined(col, 0): continue if col in ['TIME', 'CLI_COMMAND', 'APP_PARAMS']: continue # cli_command and app_params are var cols that wont work data = ms_meta.getcol(col).transpose() metadata = np.full((len(mcoords['time_hist'])), np.nan, dtype=data.dtype) metadata[timeidx] = data mvars['FCMD_' + col] = xarray.DataArray(metadata, dims=['time_hist']) ms_meta.close() ## OBSERVATION table tables += ['OBSERVATION'] print('processing support table %s' % tables[-1], end='\r') if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(infile, tables[-1])):, tables[-1]), nomodify=True, lockoptions={'option': 'usernoread'}) if ms_meta.nrows() > 0: funique, fidx, fcount = np.unique(ms_meta.getcol('PROJECT'), return_inverse=True, return_counts=True) mcoords['observation'] = [ funique[ii] if fcount[ii] == 1 else funique[ii] + ' (%s)' % str(nn) for nn, ii in enumerate(fidx) ] for col in ms_meta.colnames(): if not ms_meta.iscelldefined(col, 0): continue if col in ['PROJECT', 'LOG', 'SCHEDULE']: continue # log and schedule are var cols that wont work data = ms_meta.getcol(col).transpose() if col == 'TIME_RANGE': data = np.hstack((convert_time(data[:, 0])[:, None], convert_time(data[:, 1])[:, None])) mvars['OBS_' + col] = xarray.DataArray( data, dims=['observation', 'd2']) else: mvars['OBS_' + col] = xarray.DataArray( data, dims=['observation']) ms_meta.close() ## POINTING table tables += ['POINTING'] print('processing support table %s' % tables[-1], end='\r') if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(infile, tables[-1])):, tables[-1]), nomodify=True, lockoptions={'option': 'usernoread'}) if ms_meta.nrows() > 0: mcoords['time_point'], timeidx = np.unique(convert_time( ms_meta.getcol('TIME')), return_inverse=True) antidx = ms_meta.getcol('ANTENNA_ID') for col in ms_meta.colnames(): if col in ['TIME', 'ANTENNA_ID']: continue if not ms_meta.iscelldefined(col, 0): continue try: # can't use getvarcol as it dies on large tables like this data = ms_meta.getcol(col).transpose() if data.ndim == 1: metadata = np.full((len( mcoords['time_point']), len(mcoords['antenna'])), np.nan, dtype=data.dtype) metadata[timeidx, antidx] = data mvars['POINT_' + col] = xarray.DataArray( metadata, dims=['time_point', 'antenna']) if data.ndim > 1: metadata = np.full( (len(mcoords['time_point']), len( mcoords['antenna'])) + data.shape[1:], np.nan, dtype=data.dtype) metadata[timeidx, antidx] = data mvars['POINT_' + col] = xarray.DataArray( metadata, dims=['time_point', 'antenna'] + ['d' + str(ii) for ii in data.shape[1:]]) except Exception: print('WARNING : unable to process col %s of table %s' % (col, tables[-1])) ms_meta.close() ## PROCESSOR table tables += ['PROCESSOR'] print('processing support table %s' % tables[-1], end='\r') if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(infile, tables[-1])):, tables[-1]), nomodify=True, lockoptions={'option': 'usernoread'}) if ms_meta.nrows() > 0: funique, fidx, fcount = np.unique(ms_meta.getcol('TYPE'), return_inverse=True, return_counts=True) mcoords['processor'] = [ funique[ii] if fcount[ii] == 1 else funique[ii] + ' (%s)' % str(nn) for nn, ii in enumerate(fidx) ] for col in ms_meta.colnames(): if not ms_meta.iscelldefined(col, 0): continue if col in ['TYPE']: continue if not ms_meta.isvarcol(col): data = ms_meta.getcol(col).transpose() mvars['PROC_' + col] = xarray.DataArray(data, dims=['processor']) ms_meta.close() ## SOURCE table tables += ['SOURCE'] print('processing support table %s' % tables[-1], end='\r') if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(infile, tables[-1])):, tables[-1]), nomodify=True, lockoptions={'option': 'usernoread'}) if ms_meta.nrows() > 0: mcoords['source'] = np.unique(ms_meta.getcol('SOURCE_ID')) max_lines = np.max( ms_meta.taql( 'select distinct NUM_LINES from %s' % os.path.join(infile, tables[-1])).getcol('NUM_LINES')) srcidx, spwidx = ms_meta.getcol('SOURCE_ID'), ms_meta.getcol( 'SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID') tshape = (2, max_lines) for col in ms_meta.colnames(): try: if col in ['SOURCE_ID', 'SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID']: continue if not ms_meta.iscelldefined(col, 0): continue if ms_meta.isvarcol(col) and (tshape[1] > 0) and ( col not in ['POSITION', 'SOURCE_MODEL', 'PULSAR_ID']): data = ms_meta.getvarcol(col) data = np.array([ apad(data['r' + str(kk)][..., 0], tshape) for kk in np.arange(len(data)) + 1 ]) metadata = np.full( (len(mcoords['spw']), len(mcoords['source'])) + tshape, np.nan, dtype=data.dtype) metadata[spwidx, srcidx] = data mvars['SRC_' + col] = xarray.DataArray( metadata, dims=['spw', 'source', 'd' + str(max_lines)]) else: data = ms_meta.getcol(col).transpose() if col == 'TIME': data = convert_time(data) if data.ndim == 1: metadata = np.full( (len(mcoords['spw']), len(mcoords['source'])), np.nan, dtype=data.dtype) metadata[spwidx, srcidx] = data mvars['SRC_' + col] = xarray.DataArray( metadata, dims=['spw', 'source']) else: metadata = np.full( (len(mcoords['spw']), len( mcoords['source']), data.shape[1]), np.nan, dtype=data.dtype) metadata[spwidx, srcidx] = data mvars['SRC_' + col] = xarray.DataArray( metadata, dims=[ 'spw', 'source', 'd' + str(data.shape[1]) ]) except Exception: print('WARNING : unable to process col %s of table %s' % (col, tables[-1])) ms_meta.close() ## STATE table tables += ['STATE'] print('processing support table %s' % tables[-1], end='\r') if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(infile, tables[-1])):, tables[-1]), nomodify=True, lockoptions={'option': 'usernoread'}) if ms_meta.nrows() > 0: funique, fidx, fcount = np.unique(ms_meta.getcol('OBS_MODE'), return_inverse=True, return_counts=True) mcoords['state'] = [ funique[ii] if fcount[ii] == 1 else funique[ii] + ' (%s)' % str(nn) for nn, ii in enumerate(fidx) ] for col in ms_meta.colnames(): if not ms_meta.iscelldefined(col, 0): continue if col in ['OBS_MODE']: continue if not ms_meta.isvarcol(col): data = ms_meta.getcol(col).transpose() mvars['STATE_' + col] = xarray.DataArray(data, dims=['state']) ms_meta.close() # remaining junk for the attributes section other_tables = [ tt for tt in os.listdir(infile) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(infile, tt)) and tt not in tables ] other_tables = dict([(tt, tt[:4] + '_') for tt in other_tables]) for ii, tt in enumerate(other_tables.keys()): print('processing support table %s of %s : %s' % (str(ii), str(len(other_tables.keys())), tt), end='\r'), tt), nomodify=True, lockoptions={'option': 'usernoread'}) if ms_meta.nrows() == 0: continue for col in ms_meta.colnames(): if not ms_meta.iscelldefined(col, 0): continue if ms_meta.isvarcol(col): data = ms_meta.getvarcol(col) data = [ data['r' + str(kk)].tolist() if not isinstance(data['r' + str(kk)], bool) else [] for kk in np.arange(len(data)) + 1 ] mattrs[(other_tables[tt] + col).lower()] = data else: data = ms_meta.getcol(col).transpose() mattrs[(other_tables[tt] + col).lower()] = data.tolist() ms_meta.close() # write the global meta data to a separate global partition in the zarr output directory mxds = xarray.Dataset(mvars, coords=mcoords, attrs=mattrs) if not nofile: print('writing global partition') mxds.to_zarr(outfile + '/global', mode='w', consolidated=True) xds_list += [mxds] # first item returned is always the global metadata print('meta data processing time ', time.time() - start) #################################################################### # process each selected DDI from the input MS, assume a fixed shape within the ddi (should always be true) # each DDI is written to its own subdirectory under the parent folder for ddi in ddis: print('**********************************') print('Processing ddi', ddi) start_ddi = time.time() # Open measurement set (ms) select ddi and sort main table by TIME,ANTENNA1,ANTENNA2 tb_tool = tb(), nomodify=True, lockoptions={'option': 'usernoread'}) # allow concurrent reads ms_ddi = tb_tool.taql( 'select * from %s where DATA_DESC_ID = %s ORDERBY TIME,ANTENNA1,ANTENNA2' % (infile, str(ddi))) print('Selecting and sorting time ', time.time() - start_ddi) start_ddi = time.time() tdata = ms_ddi.getcol('TIME') times = convert_time(tdata) unique_times, time_changes, time_idxs = np.unique(times, return_index=True, return_inverse=True) n_time = unique_times.shape[0] ant1_col = np.array(ms_ddi.getcol('ANTENNA1')) ant2_col = np.array(ms_ddi.getcol('ANTENNA2')) ant1_ant2 = np.hstack((ant1_col[:, np.newaxis], ant2_col[:, np.newaxis])) unique_baselines, baseline_idxs = np.unique(ant1_ant2, axis=0, return_inverse=True) n_baseline = unique_baselines.shape[0] # look up spw and pol ids as starting point tb_tool_meta = tb() + "/DATA_DESCRIPTION", nomodify=True, lockoptions={'option': 'usernoread'}) spw_id = tb_tool_meta.getcol("SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID")[ddi] pol_id = tb_tool_meta.getcol("POLARIZATION_ID")[ddi] tb_tool_meta.close() ################### # build metadata structure from remaining spw-specific table fields aux_coords = { 'time': unique_times, 'spw': np.array([spw_id]), 'antennas': (['baseline', 'pair'], unique_baselines) } meta_attrs = { 'ddi': ddi, 'auto_correlations': int(np.any(ant1_col == ant2_col)) }, 'SPECTRAL_WINDOW'), nomodify=True, lockoptions={'option': 'usernoread'}) for col in tb_tool_meta.colnames(): try: if not tb_tool_meta.iscelldefined(col, spw_id): continue if col in ['FLAG_ROW']: continue if col in [ 'CHAN_FREQ', 'CHAN_WIDTH', 'EFFECTIVE_BW', 'RESOLUTION' ]: aux_coords[col.lower()] = ('chan', tb_tool_meta.getcol( col, spw_id, 1)[:, 0]) else: meta_attrs[col.lower()] = tb_tool_meta.getcol( col, spw_id, 1).transpose()[0] except Exception: print('WARNING : unable to process col %s of table %s' % (col, tables[-1])) tb_tool_meta.close(), 'POLARIZATION'), nomodify=True, lockoptions={'option': 'usernoread'}) for col in tb_tool_meta.colnames(): if col == 'CORR_TYPE': aux_coords[col.lower()] = ('pol', tb_tool_meta.getcol(col, pol_id, 1)[:, 0]) elif col == 'CORR_PRODUCT': aux_coords[col.lower()] = (['receptor', 'pol'], tb_tool_meta.getcol(col, pol_id, 1)[:, :, 0]) tb_tool_meta.close() n_chan = len(aux_coords['chan_freq'][1]) n_pol = len(aux_coords['corr_type'][1]) # overwrite chunk shape axis with -1 values ddi_chunk_shape = [ cs if cs > 0 else [n_time, n_baseline, n_chan, n_pol][ci] for ci, cs in enumerate(chunk_shape) ] # if not writing to file, entire main table will be read in to memory at once batchsize = n_time if nofile else ddi_chunk_shape[0] print('n_time:', n_time, ' n_baseline:', n_baseline, ' n_chan:', n_chan, ' n_pol:', n_pol, ' chunking: ', ddi_chunk_shape, ' batchsize: ', batchsize) coords = { 'time': unique_times, 'baseline': np.arange(n_baseline), 'chan': aux_coords.pop('chan_freq')[1], 'pol': aux_coords.pop('corr_type')[1], 'uvw_index': np.array(['uu', 'vv', 'ww']) } ################### # main table loop over each batch for cc, start_row_indx in enumerate(range(0, n_time, batchsize)): rtestimate = ', remaining time est %s s' % str( int(((time.time() - start_ddi) / cc) * (n_time / batchsize - cc))) if cc > 0 else '' print('processing chunk %s of %s' % (str(cc), str(n_time // batchsize)) + rtestimate, end='\r') chunk = np.arange(min(batchsize, n_time - start_row_indx)) + start_row_indx chunk_time_changes = time_changes[chunk] - time_changes[chunk[ 0]] # indices in this chunk of data where time value changes end_idx = time_changes[ chunk[-1] + 1] if chunk[-1] + 1 < len(time_changes) else len(time_idxs) idx_range = np.arange( time_changes[chunk[0]], end_idx) # indices (rows) in main table to be read coords.update({'time': unique_times[chunk]}) chunkdata = {} for col in ms_ddi.colnames(): if col in ['DATA_DESC_ID', 'TIME', 'ANTENNA1', 'ANTENNA2']: continue if not ms_ddi.iscelldefined(col, idx_range[0]): continue data = ms_ddi.getcol(col, idx_range[0], len(idx_range)).transpose() print('idx_range,', col, idx_range[0], len(idx_range), data.shape) if col in 'UVW': # n_row x 3 -> n_time x n_baseline x 3 fulldata = np.full((len(chunk), n_baseline, data.shape[1]), np.nan, dtype=data.dtype) fulldata[time_idxs[idx_range] - chunk[0], baseline_idxs[idx_range], :] = data chunkdata[col] = xarray.DataArray( fulldata, dims=['time', 'baseline', 'uvw_index']) elif data.ndim == 1: # n_row -> n_time x n_baseline if col == 'FIELD_ID' and 'field' in mxds.coords: coords['field'] = ('time', mxds.coords['field'].values[ data[chunk_time_changes]]) elif col == 'SCAN_NUMBER': coords['scan'] = ('time', data[chunk_time_changes]) elif col == 'INTERVAL': coords['interval'] = ('time', data[chunk_time_changes]) elif col == 'PROCESSOR_ID' and 'processor' in mxds.coords: coords['processor'] = ('time', mxds.coords['processor'].values[ data[chunk_time_changes]]) elif col == 'OBSERVATION_ID' and 'observation' in mxds.coords: coords['observation'] = ( 'time', mxds.coords['observation'].values[ data[chunk_time_changes]]) elif col == 'STATE_ID' and 'state' in mxds.coords: coords['state'] = ('time', mxds.coords['state'].values[ data[chunk_time_changes]]) else: fulldata = np.full((len(chunk), n_baseline), np.nan, dtype=data.dtype) if col == 'FLAG_ROW': fulldata = np.ones((len(chunk), n_baseline), dtype=data.dtype) print('col name', col) print('full datashape', fulldata.shape) print('data.shape', data.shape) print( 'full data subshape', fulldata[time_idxs[idx_range] - chunk[0], baseline_idxs[idx_range]].shape) fulldata[time_idxs[idx_range] - chunk[0], baseline_idxs[idx_range]] = data chunkdata[col] = xarray.DataArray( fulldata, dims=['time', 'baseline']) elif (data.ndim == 2) and (data.shape[1] == n_pol): fulldata = np.full((len(chunk), n_baseline, n_pol), np.nan, dtype=data.dtype) fulldata[time_idxs[idx_range] - chunk[0], baseline_idxs[idx_range], :] = data chunkdata[col] = xarray.DataArray( fulldata, dims=['time', 'baseline', 'pol']) elif (data.ndim == 2) and (data.shape[1] == n_chan): fulldata = np.full((len(chunk), n_baseline, n_chan), np.nan, dtype=data.dtype) fulldata[time_idxs[idx_range] - chunk[0], baseline_idxs[idx_range], :] = data chunkdata[col] = xarray.DataArray( fulldata, dims=['time', 'baseline', 'chan']) elif data.ndim == 3: assert (data.shape[1] == n_chan) & ( data.shape[2] == n_pol), 'Column dimensions not correct' if col == "FLAG": fulldata = np.ones( (len(chunk), n_baseline, n_chan, n_pol), dtype=data.dtype) else: fulldata = np.full( (len(chunk), n_baseline, n_chan, n_pol), np.nan, dtype=data.dtype) fulldata[time_idxs[idx_range] - chunk[0], baseline_idxs[idx_range], :, :] = data chunkdata[col] = xarray.DataArray( fulldata, dims=['time', 'baseline', 'chan', 'pol']) x_dataset = xarray.Dataset(chunkdata, coords=coords).chunk({ 'time': ddi_chunk_shape[0], 'baseline': ddi_chunk_shape[1], 'chan': ddi_chunk_shape[2], 'pol': ddi_chunk_shape[3], 'uvw_index': None }) if (not nofile) and (cc == 0): encoding = dict( zip(list(x_dataset.data_vars), cycle([{ 'compressor': compressor }]))) x_dataset.to_zarr(outfile + '/' + str(ddi), mode='w', encoding=encoding, consolidated=True) elif not nofile: x_dataset.to_zarr(outfile + '/' + str(ddi), mode='a', append_dim='time', compute=True, consolidated=True) # Add non dimensional auxiliary coordinates and attributes aux_coords.update({'time': unique_times}) aux_dataset = xarray.Dataset(coords=aux_coords, attrs=meta_attrs).chunk({ 'time': chunk_shape[0], 'baseline': chunk_shape[1], 'chan': chunk_shape[2], 'pol': chunk_shape[3] }) if nofile: x_dataset = xarray.merge([x_dataset, aux_dataset]).assign_attrs( meta_attrs) # merge seems to drop attrs else: aux_dataset.to_zarr(outfile + '/' + str(ddi), mode='a', compute=True, consolidated=True) x_dataset = xarray.open_zarr(outfile + '/' + str(ddi)) xds_list += [x_dataset] ms_ddi.close() print('Completed ddi', ddi, ' process time ', time.time() - start_ddi) print('**********************************') return xds_list
def convert_table(infile, outfile=None, compressor=None, nofile=False): """ Convert casacore table format to xarray Dataset and zarr storage format This function requires CASA6 casatools module. Parameters ---------- infile : str Input table filename outfile : str Output zarr filename. If None, will use infile name with .tbl.zarr extension compressor : numcodecs.blosc.Blosc The blosc compressor to use when saving the converted data to disk using zarr. If None the zstd compression algorithm used with compression level 2. nofile : bool Allows legacy MS to be directly read without file conversion. If set to true, no output file will be written and entire MS will be held in memory. Requires ~4x the memory of the MS size. Default is False Returns ------- New xarray.core.dataset.Dataset New xarray Dataset of table data contents. One element in list per DDI plus the metadata global. """ import os from casatools import table as tb from numcodecs import Blosc import xarray import numpy as np from itertools import cycle import warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=FutureWarning) if compressor is None: compressor = Blosc(cname='zstd', clevel=2, shuffle=0) # parse filename to use infile = os.path.expanduser(infile) prefix = infile[:infile.rindex('.')] if outfile is None: outfile = prefix + '.tbl.zarr' else: outfile = os.path.expanduser(outfile) # need to manually remove existing zarr file (if any) print('processing %s ' % infile) if not nofile: os.system("rm -fr " + outfile) os.system("mkdir " + outfile) tb_tool = tb(), nomodify=True, lockoptions={'option': 'usernoread'}) # allow concurrent reads mvars = {} print('processing table...') for col in tb_tool.colnames(): if not tb_tool.iscelldefined(col, 0): print("##### ERROR processing column %s, skipping..." % col) continue if tb_tool.isvarcol(col): data = tb_tool.getvarcol(col) tshape = np.max([list(data['r' + str(kk)].shape) for kk in np.arange(len(data)) + 1], axis=0) # expand the variable shaped column to the maximum size of each dimension # blame the person who devised the tb.getvarcol return structure data = [np.pad(data['r'+str(kk)], np.stack((tshape*0, tshape-data['r'+str(kk)].shape),-1)) for kk in np.arange(len(data))+1] data = np.array(data) else: data = tb_tool.getcol(col).transpose() dims = ['d0'] + ['d%s_%s' % (str(ii), str(data.shape[ii])) for ii in range(1,data.ndim)] mvars[col.upper()] = xarray.DataArray(data, dims=dims) tb_tool.close() xds = xarray.Dataset(mvars) if not nofile: print('writing...') encoding = dict(zip(list(xds.data_vars), cycle([{'compressor': compressor}]))) xds.to_zarr(outfile, mode='w', encoding=encoding, consolidated=True) return xds
def convert_simple_table(infile, outfile, subtable='', rowdim='d0', timecols=[], compressor=None, chunk_shape=(40000, 20, 1), nofile=False): if not infile.endswith('/'): infile = infile + '/' if not outfile.endswith('/'): outfile = outfile + '/' if compressor is None: compressor = Blosc(cname='zstd', clevel=2, shuffle=0) tb_tool = tb() + subtable, nomodify=True, lockoptions={'option': 'usernoread'}) # allow concurrent reads # sometimes they are empty if tb_tool.nrows() == 0: tb_tool.close() return xarray.Dataset() # handle no chunking of first axis if chunk_shape[0] == -1: chunk_shape[0] = tb_tool.nrows() # master dataset holders mvars = {} mdims = { rowdim: tb_tool.nrows() } # keys are dimension names, values are dimension sizes cshape, bad_cols = compute_dimensions(tb_tool) for start_idx in range(0, tb_tool.nrows(), chunk_shape[0]): for col in tb_tool.colnames(): if col in bad_cols: continue print('reading chunk %s of %s, col %s...' % (str(start_idx // chunk_shape[0]), str(tb_tool.nrows() // chunk_shape[0]), col), end='\r') if col in cshape: # if this column has a varying shape, it needs to be normalized data = tb_tool.getvarcol(col, start_idx, chunk_shape[0]) tshape = cshape[col] # grab the max dimensionality of this col # expand the variable shaped column to the maximum size of each dimension # blame the person who devised the tb.getvarcol return structure data = np.array([ np.pad( data['r' + str(kk)][..., 0], np.stack((tshape * 0, tshape - data['r' + str(kk)].shape[:-1]), -1)).transpose() for kk in np.arange(start_idx + 1, start_idx + len(data) + 1) ]) else: data = tb_tool.getcol(col, start_idx, chunk_shape[0]).transpose() # convert col values to datetime if desired if col in timecols: data = convert_time(data) # if this column has additional dimensionality beyond the expanded dims, we need to create/reuse placeholder names for dd in data.shape[1:]: if dd not in mdims.values(): mdims['d%i' % len(mdims.keys())] = dd dims = [rowdim] + [ ii for yy in data.shape[1:] for ii in mdims.keys() if mdims[ii] == yy ] chunking = [ chunk_shape[di] if di < len(chunk_shape) else chunk_shape[-1] for di, dk in enumerate(dims) ] chunking = [ cs if cs > 0 else data.shape[ci] for ci, cs in enumerate(chunking) ] # store as a list of data variables mvars[col.upper()] = xarray.DataArray(data, dims=dims).chunk( dict(zip(dims, chunking))) xds = xarray.Dataset(mvars) if (not nofile) and (start_idx == 0): encoding = dict( zip(list(xds.data_vars), cycle([{ 'compressor': compressor }]))) xds = xds.assign_attrs( {'name': infile[infile[:-1].rindex('/') + 1:-1]}) xds.to_zarr(outfile + subtable, mode='w', encoding=encoding, consolidated=True) elif not nofile: xds.to_zarr(outfile + subtable, mode='a', append_dim=rowdim, compute=True, consolidated=True) tb_tool.close() if not nofile: #xarray.Dataset(attrs={'name': infile[infile[:-1].rindex('/') + 1:-1]}).to_zarr(outfile+subtable, mode='a', compute=True, consolidated=True) xds = xarray.open_zarr(outfile + subtable) #else: # xds = xds.assign_attrs({'name': infile[infile[:-1].rindex('/') + 1:-1]}) return xds