Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_delay_can_be_0(self):
        Test to validate that the delay can be zero for the ConstantSpeculativeExecutionPolicy
        @since 3.13
        @jira_ticket PYTHON-836
        @expected_result all the queries are executed immediately
        @test_category policy
        number_of_requests = 4
        spec = ExecutionProfile(
                0, number_of_requests))

        cluster = Cluster()
        cluster.add_execution_profile("spec", spec)
        session = cluster.connect(wait_for_all_pools=True)

        counter = count()

        def patch_and_count(f):
            def patched(*args, **kwargs):
                f(*args, **kwargs)

            return patched

        ResponseFuture._on_speculative_execute = patch_and_count(
        stmt = SimpleStatement("INSERT INTO test3rf.test(k, v) VALUES (1, 2)")
        stmt.is_idempotent = True
        results = session.execute(stmt, execution_profile="spec")
        self.assertEqual(len(results.response_future.attempted_hosts), 3)
        self.assertEqual(next(counter), number_of_requests)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_speculative_execution(self):
        Test to ensure that speculative execution honors LBP, and that they retry appropriately.

        This test will use various LBP, and ConstantSpeculativeExecutionPolicy settings and ensure the proper number of hosts are queried
        @since 3.7.0
        @jira_ticket PYTHON-218
        @expected_result speculative retries should honor max retries, idempotent state of queries, and underlying lbp.

        @test_category metadata
        self.session.execute("""USE {0}""".format(self.keyspace_name))
        self.session.execute("""create or replace function timeout (arg int) RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT RETURNS int LANGUAGE java AS $$ long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); while(System.currentTimeMillis() - start < arg){} return arg; $$;""")
        self.session.execute("""CREATE TABLE  d (k int PRIMARY KEY , i int);""")
        self.session.execute("""INSERT INTO d (k,i) VALUES (0, 1000);""")
        statement = SimpleStatement("""SELECT timeout(i) FROM d WHERE k =0""", is_idempotent=True)
        statement_non_idem = SimpleStatement("""SELECT timeout(i) FROM d WHERE k =0""", is_idempotent=False)

        # This LBP should repeat hosts up to around 30
        result = self.session.execute(statement, execution_profile='spec_ep_brr')
        self.assertEqual(21, len(result.response_future.attempted_hosts))

        # This LBP should keep host list to 3
        result = self.session.execute(statement, execution_profile='spec_ep_rr')
        self.assertEqual(3, len(result.response_future.attempted_hosts))
        # Spec_execution policy should limit retries to 1
        result = self.session.execute(statement, execution_profile='spec_ep_rr_lim')

        self.assertEqual(2, len(result.response_future.attempted_hosts))

        # Spec_execution policy should not be used if  the query is not idempotent
        result = self.session.execute(statement_non_idem, execution_profile='spec_ep_brr')
        self.assertEqual(1, len(result.response_future.attempted_hosts))

        # Default policy with non_idem query
        result = self.session.execute(statement_non_idem)
        self.assertEqual(1, len(result.response_future.attempted_hosts))

        # Should be able to run an idempotent query against default execution policy with no speculative_execution_policy
        result = self.session.execute(statement)
        self.assertEqual(1, len(result.response_future.attempted_hosts))

        # Test timeout with spec_ex
        with self.assertRaises(OperationTimedOut):
            result = self.session.execute(statement, execution_profile='spec_ep_rr', timeout=.5)

        # PYTHON-736 Test speculation policy works with a prepared statement
        statement = self.session.prepare("SELECT timeout(i) FROM d WHERE k = ?")
        # non-idempotent
        result = self.session.execute(statement, (0,), execution_profile='spec_ep_brr')
        self.assertEqual(1, len(result.response_future.attempted_hosts))
        # idempotent
        statement.is_idempotent = True
        result = self.session.execute(statement, (0,), execution_profile='spec_ep_brr')
        self.assertLess(1, len(result.response_future.attempted_hosts))
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_delay_can_be_0(self):
        Test to validate that the delay can be zero for the ConstantSpeculativeExecutionPolicy
        @since 3.13
        @jira_ticket PYTHON-836
        @expected_result all the queries are executed immediately
        @test_category policy
        query_to_prime = "INSERT INTO madeup_keyspace.madeup_table(k, v) VALUES (1, 2)"
        prime_query(query_to_prime, then={"delay_in_ms": 5000})
        number_of_requests = 4
        spec = ExecutionProfile(
                0, number_of_requests))

        cluster = Cluster()
        cluster.add_execution_profile("spec", spec)
        session = cluster.connect(wait_for_all_pools=True)

        counter = count()

        def patch_and_count(f):
            def patched(*args, **kwargs):
                f(*args, **kwargs)

            return patched

        self.addCleanup(setattr, ResponseFuture, "send_request",
        ResponseFuture.send_request = patch_and_count(
        stmt = SimpleStatement(query_to_prime)
        stmt.is_idempotent = True
        results = session.execute(stmt, execution_profile="spec")
        self.assertEqual(len(results.response_future.attempted_hosts), 3)

        # send_request is called number_of_requests times for the speculative request
        # plus one for the call from the main thread.
        self.assertEqual(next(counter), number_of_requests + 1)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_delay_can_be_0(self):
        Test to validate that the delay can be zero for the ConstantSpeculativeExecutionPolicy
        @since 3.13
        @jira_ticket PYTHON-836
        @expected_result all the queries are executed immediately
        @test_category policy
        query_to_prime = "INSERT INTO madeup_keyspace.madeup_table(k, v) VALUES (1, 2)"
        prime_query(query_to_prime, then={"delay_in_ms": 5000})
        number_of_requests = 4
        spec = ExecutionProfile(load_balancing_policy=RoundRobinPolicy(),
                                speculative_execution_policy=ConstantSpeculativeExecutionPolicy(0, number_of_requests))

        cluster = Cluster()
        cluster.add_execution_profile("spec", spec)
        session = cluster.connect(wait_for_all_pools=True)

        counter = count()

        def patch_and_count(f):
            def patched(*args, **kwargs):
                f(*args, **kwargs)
            return patched

        self.addCleanup(setattr, ResponseFuture, "send_request", ResponseFuture.send_request)
        ResponseFuture.send_request = patch_and_count(ResponseFuture.send_request)
        stmt = SimpleStatement(query_to_prime)
        stmt.is_idempotent = True
        results = session.execute(stmt, execution_profile="spec")
        self.assertEqual(len(results.response_future.attempted_hosts), 3)

        # send_request is called number_of_requests times for the speculative request
        # plus one for the call from the main thread.
        self.assertEqual(next(counter), number_of_requests + 1)