Exemplo n.º 1
def search_by_record(db_name, table_name, col, op, val):
    table_file = table_name + '.csv'
    block_num = getBlockNum(db_name, table_file)  # max block number
    res = []  # result list of records
    # attr_list = catalogManager.getAttr(table_name) #attributes of table
    attr_info = attr_data(table_name)  # function by catalog
    attr_list = attr_info['attr_name']
    attr_type = attr_data(table_name)["attr_type"]
    index = attr_list.index(col)
    # print(block_num)
    # print(index)

    for num in range(block_num+1):
        block_list = buffer(db_name, table_file, num).strip().split('\n')
        for s in block_list:
            row = s.split(',')
            for j in range(len(row)):
                if attr_type[attr_list[j]] == "int":
                    row[j] = int(row[j])
                elif attr_type[attr_list[j]] == "float":
                    row[j] = float(row[j])
            if check_operator(op, row[index], val):
                res.append([str(i) for i in row])

    return res
Exemplo n.º 2
def check_unique(db_name, table_name, values):
    table_file = table_name + '.csv'
    block_num = getBlockNum(db_name, table_file)  # max block number
    res_record = []  # result records
    attr_info = attr_data(table_name)
    attr_uni = attr_info['attr_unique']  # dict {'attr': 'unique'}
    attr_list = attr_info['attr_name']
    attr_type = attr_info["attr_type"]

    for i in range(block_num + 1):
        block_list = buffer(db_name, table_file, i).strip().strip('\0').split('\n')
        for row in block_list:
            row = row.split(',')
            if len(row) == attr_info['attr_num'] and row[0] != '':
                for j in range(len(row)):
                    if attr_type[attr_list[j]] == "int":
                        row[j] = int(row[j])
                    elif attr_type[attr_list[j]] == "float":
                        row[j] = float(row[j])

    # get unique attr from catalog
    for attr in attr_list:
        if attr_uni[attr] == 'unique':
            mark = attr_list.index(attr)  # index下标
            for row in res_record:
                if len(row) == attr_info['attr_num']:
                    if row[mark] == values[mark]:
                        return 1
    return 0
Exemplo n.º 3
def del_by_record(db_name, table_name, col, op, val):
    table_file = table_name + '.csv'
    attr_info = attr_data(table_name)  # function by catalog
    attr_list = attr_info['attr_name']
    block_num = getBlockNum(db_name, table_file)  # max block number
    res = []  # result list of records
    # attr_list = catalogManager.getAttr(table_name) #attributes of table
    col_index = attr_list.index(col)
    new_list = []
    for num in range(block_num+1):
        block_list = buffer(db_name, table_file, num).strip().split('\n')

        new_list = block_list[:]  # deep copy
        for s in block_list:
            row = s.split(',')
            if check_operator(op, row[col_index], val):  # if condition is satisfied
                new_list.remove(s)  # delete record

        block_str = '\n'.join(new_list)  # convert to str in the block
        # print(block_str)
        bufferSave(db_name, table_file, num, block_str)

    # print("test del", len(res))
    # print(block_list)
    # print(res)
    return res, len(res)
Exemplo n.º 4
def search_with_index(db_name, table_name, col, op, val):
    # search_index_by_range(col, left_key=None, right_key=None, left_equal=False, right_equal=False)
    # return list of block_num and offset
    # search_index(self, index_name, key)
    # return record
    table_file = table_name + '.csv'
    index_key = attr_data(table_name)["attr_to_index"]
    index_name = index_key[col]
    if index_name is None:
    manager = index_manager()  # new object
    if op == "=":
        pos = manager.search_index(index_name, val)
    elif op == ">":
        pos = manager.search_index_by_range(index_name, val, None, False, False)
    elif op == ">=":
        pos = manager.search_index_by_range(index_name, val, None, True, False)
    elif op == "<":
        pos = manager.search_index_by_range(index_name, None, val, False, False)
    elif op == "<=":
        pos = manager.search_index_by_range(index_name, None, val, False, True)
        print("Unknown operator!")
    res = []
    if pos == -1:
        return res
    if op == "=":
        block = buffer(db_name, table_file, int(pos[0])).split('\n')
        res.append(block[int(pos[1])].split(','))  # 'a,b,c,d' => ['a','b','c','d']
        for i in pos:  # i: [block_num, offset]
            block = buffer(db_name, table_file, int(i[0])).split('\n')
            res.append(block[int(i[1])].split(','))  # 'a,b,c,d' => ['a','b','c','d']
    return res
Exemplo n.º 5
    def create_index(self, table_name, index_name, key_attr):
        table_file = table_name + '.csv'
        block_num = getBlockNum("db", table_file)  # max block number
        data = catalog_manager.attr_data(table_name)
        index = data["attr_name"].index(key_attr)
        if data["attr_type"][key_attr] == "int":
            key_size = 10
        elif data["attr_type"][key_attr] == "float":
            key_size = 40
        elif data["attr_type"][key_attr] == "char":
            key_size = int(data["attr_type_length"][key_attr])
        degree = int((4096 - (sys.getsizeof(index_name) - 48) + 6 + 11) /
                     (key_size + 23))
        self.create_blank_index(index_name, data["attr_type"][key_attr],

        for num in range(block_num + 1):
            block_list = buffer("db", table_file, num).strip().split('\n')
            offset = 0
            for s in block_list:
                if ',' not in s:
                row = s.split(',')
                key = row[index]
                self.insert_index(index_name, key, [num, offset])
                offset += 1
Exemplo n.º 6
def print_record(table_name, records, count):
    res_table = pt.PrettyTable()
    # attr_list = catalogManager.getAttr(table_name) #attributes of table
    attr_info = attr_data(table_name)  # function by catalog
    attr_list = attr_info['attr_name']
    res_table.field_names = attr_list
    for row in records:
        if len(row) == len(attr_list):
    print(str(count) + " rows in set.")
Exemplo n.º 7
def select_all_table(db_name, table_name):
    table_file = table_name + '.csv'
    block_num = getBlockNum(db_name, table_file)  # max block number
    attr_list = attr_data(table_name)["attr_name"]  # function by catalog
    res_record = []  # result records

    for i in range(block_num + 1):
        block_list = buffer(db_name, table_file, i).strip().strip('\0').split('\n')
        for row in block_list:
       #     if len(row) == len(attr_list):
    # print("select all")
    return res_record
Exemplo n.º 8
def insert(detail):
    table_name = detail['table']
    con = detail['condition']
    condition = con.split(',')
    attr = catalog_manager.attr_data(table_name)
    for x in range(attr["attr_num"]):
        if attr["attr_type"][attr["attr_name"][x]] == "int":
            condition[x] = int(condition[x])
        elif attr["attr_type"][attr["attr_name"][x]] == "float":
            condition[x] = float(condition[x])
        elif attr["attr_type"][attr["attr_name"][x]] == "char":
            if condition[x][0] == '\'':
                condition[x] = re.findall(r'\'(.*)\'', condition[x])[0]
            elif condition[x][0] == '\"':
                condition[x] = re.findall(r'\"(.*)\"', condition[x])[0]
    recordManager.insert_record("db", table_name, condition)
Exemplo n.º 9
def del_with_index(db_name, table_name, col, op, val):
    table_file = table_name + '.csv'
    attr_info = attr_data(table_name)  # function by catalog
    index_info = index_data(table_name)  # function by catalog
    res = []  # deleted records
    pos = []

    index_name = attr_info(table_name)["attr_to_index"][col]

    if index_name is None:
    manager = index_manager()
    if op == "=":
        pos = manager.search_index(index_name, val)
    elif op == ">":
        pos = manager.search_index_by_range(index_name, val, None, False, False)
    elif op == ">=":
        pos = manager.search_index_by_range(index_name, val, None, True, False)
    elif op == "<":
        pos = manager.search_index_by_range(index_name, None, val, False, False)
    elif op == "<=":
        pos = manager.search_index_by_range(index_name, None, val, False, True)
        print("Unknown operator!")
    for i in pos:  # i: [block_num, offset]
        block_num = i[0]
        offset = i[1]
        block_list = buffer(db_name, table_file, block_num).split('\n')
        record = block_list[offset]  # 'a,b,c,d'
        res.append(record.split(','))  # => ['a','b','c','d']
        block_list.remove(record)  # append new value
        block_str = '\n'.join(block_list)  # convert to str in the block
        bufferSave(db_name, table_file, block_num, block_str)

    # delete index
    # delete_index(self, index_name, key)
    for name in index_info['index_name']:
        if index_info['index_to_attr'][name] == col:  # attr_name
            manager_1 = index_manager()
            manager_1.delete_index(name, val)

    return res, len(res)
Exemplo n.º 10
def insert_record(db_name, table_name, values):
    # after handling exception by catalog manager
    attr_info = attr_data(table_name)  # function by catalog
    index_info = index_data(table_name)  # function by catalog
    table_file = table_name + '.csv'
    block_num = getBlockNum(db_name, table_file)  # max block number
    block = buffer(db_name, table_file, block_num)  # get content in th block

    # if block space not available, get next block
    if getsizeof(block) + getsizeof(values) > MAX_SIZE:
        block_num += 1
        block = buffer(db_name, table_file, block_num)

    # check unique value conflict
    if check_unique(db_name, table_name, values):
        print('Unique value conflict!')

    # insert values to end of block
    block_list = block.split('\n')
    new_val = ','.join([str(i) for i in values])  # convert list to str
    block_list.append(new_val)  # append new value
    block_offset = block_list.index(new_val)  # block offset of insert position
    block_str = '\n'.join(block_list)  # convert to str in the block
    bufferSave(db_name, table_file, block_num, block_str)

    # update index
    # value: [block_num, offset]
    # function by index: insert_index(self, index_name, key, value)
    for item in index_info["index_name"]:
        attr = index_info["index_to_attr"][item]   # dic: {"index_name": attr_name}
        i = attr_info['attr_name'].index(attr)  # get index下标
        update_key = values[i]
        update_value = [block_num, block_offset]
        manager = index_manager()
        manager.insert_index(item, update_key, update_value)

    # insert success
    print("1 row inserted!")
Exemplo n.º 11
def select_record(db_name, table_name, condition):
    # after handling exception by catalog manager
    res_record = []  # result records, list of records
    attr_type = attr_data(table_name)["attr_type"]
    attr_list = attr_data(table_name)["attr_name"]  # function by catalog
    index_list = index_data(table_name)["index_to_attr"].values()  # function by catalog
    # index_list = []
    if condition is None:  # no condition, return the whole table
        res_record = select_all_table(db_name, table_name)
    elif len(condition) == 1:  # one condition
        col, op, val = condition[0].strip().split(' ')
        if attr_type[col] == "int":
            val = int(val)
        elif attr_type[col] == "float":
            val = float(val)
        elif attr_type[col] == "char":
            val = val.strip('\'')
            val = val.strip('\"')
        if col in index_list:
            res_record = search_with_index(db_name, table_name, col, op, val)
            res_record = search_by_record(db_name, table_name, col, op, val)
    elif len(condition) == 2:  # two conditions
        # handle the first condition
        col, op, val = condition[0].strip().split(' ')
        if attr_type[col] == "int":
            val = int(val)
        elif attr_type[col] == "float":
            val = float(val)
        elif attr_type[col] == "char":
            val = val.strip('\'')
            val = val.strip('\"')
        if col in index_list:
            res1 = search_with_index(db_name, table_name, col, op, val)
            res1 = search_by_record(db_name, table_name, col, op, val)

        # handle the second condition
        col, op, val = condition[1].strip().split(' ')
        if attr_type[col] == "int":
            val = int(val)
        elif attr_type[col] == "float":
            val = float(val)
        elif attr_type[col] == "char":
            val = val.strip('\'')
            val = val.strip('\"')
        if col in index_list:
            res2 = search_with_index(db_name, table_name, col, op, val)
            res2 = search_by_record(db_name, table_name, col, op, val)

        # get the intersection records of res1 and res2
        res_record = [i for i in res1 if i in res2]
        print("At most 2 'AND' conditions!")

    # print(res_record)
    clear_list = []
    for item in res_record:
        if len(item) == len(attr_list):
            item = [s.strip().strip('\0') for s in item]
    # print(res_record)
    count = len(clear_list)
    # print(count)
    print_record(table_name, clear_list, count)
    return count, clear_list