Exemplo n.º 1
def main(rootpage, saveto):
    wptools = WikiProjectTools()
    bot = pywikibot.Site('en', 'wikipedia')
    projects = []
    output = 'These WikiProjects are not in any WikiProject meta-categories:\n\n'

    # Generating category whitelist
    wpcats = WikiProjectCategories()
    tree = wpcats.generate()
    whitelist = list(treegen(tree))  # Run through a simple generator function to produce a flat list
    whitelist = tuple(set(whitelist))  # De-duplicating and making into a tuple

    page = pywikibot.Page(bot, rootpage + '/All')
    contents = mwph.parse(page.text)
    contents = contents.filter_templates()
    for t in contents:
        if t.name.strip() == "WikiProject directory entry":
            project = str(t.get('project').value).strip().replace(' ', '_')

            # Give me a list of all the categories, as long as it's on the whitelist
            query = wptools.query('wiki', "select distinct cl_to from categorylinks join page on categorylinks.cl_from=page.page_id where page_namespace in (4, 14) and page_title = {0} and cl_to in {1};".format('"' + project + '"', whitelist), None)
            if len(query) == 0:  # If page is in none of the whitelisted categories
                output += "# [[Wikipedia:{0}|{0}]]\n".format(project.replace('_', ' '))

    page = pywikibot.Page(bot, saveto)
    page.text = output
    page.save('Updating', minor=False)
Exemplo n.º 2
def main(rootpage, saveto):
    wptools = WikiProjectTools()
    bot = pywikibot.Site('en', 'wikipedia')
    projects = []
    output = 'These WikiProjects are not in any WikiProject meta-categories:\n\n'

    # Generating category whitelist
    wpcats = WikiProjectCategories()
    tree = wpcats.generate()
    whitelist = list(treegen(tree))  # Run through a simple generator function to produce a flat list
    whitelist = tuple(set(whitelist))  # De-duplicating and making into a tuple

    page = pywikibot.Page(bot, rootpage + '/All')
    contents = mwph.parse(page.text)
    contents = contents.filter_templates()
    for t in contents:
        if t.name.strip() == "WikiProject directory entry small":
            project = str(t.get('project').value).strip().replace(' ', '_')

            # Give me a list of all the categories, as long as it's on the whitelist
            query = wptools.query('wiki', "select distinct cl_to from categorylinks join page on categorylinks.cl_from=page.page_id where page_namespace in (4, 14) and page_title = {0} and cl_to in {1};".format('"' + project + '"', whitelist), None)
            if len(query) == 0:  # If page is in none of the whitelisted categories
                output += "# [[Wikipedia:{0}|{0}]]\n".format(project.replace('_', ' '))

    page = pywikibot.Page(bot, saveto)
    page.text = output
    page.save('Updating', minor=False)
Exemplo n.º 3
def main(rootpage):
    d = WikiProjectDirectory()
    wptools = WikiProjectTools()
    wpcats = WikiProjectCategories()
    tree = wpcats.generate()
    bot = pywikibot.Site('en', 'wikipedia')
    directories = {}
    directoryrow = {}
    projects = []

    # Generate directoryrows and projects lists based on the /All directory:
    page = pywikibot.Page(bot, rootpage + '/All')
    contents = mwph.parse(page.text)
    contents = contents.filter_templates()
    for t in contents:
        if t.name.strip() == "WikiProject directory entry small":
            name = str(t.get('project').value).strip().replace(' ', '_')
            directoryrow[name] = str(t).replace('entry small', 'entry') + "\n"

    # The rest of this stuff is copied from directory.py
    index_primary = sorted([key for key in tree.keys()])
    index_secondary = {}
    indextext = "'''[[{0}/All|All WikiProjects]]'''\n\n".format(rootpage)
    for firstlevel in tree.keys():
        directories[firstlevel] = "={0}=\n".format(firstlevel.replace('_', ' '))
        directories[firstlevel] += d.listpull(wptools, projects, directoryrow, firstlevel)  # For immmedate subcats of WikiProjects_by_area
        directories[firstlevel] += d.treeiterator(wptools, tree[firstlevel], projects, directoryrow, firstlevel)  # For descendants of those immediate subcats.
        index_secondary[firstlevel] = sorted([key for key in tree[firstlevel].keys()])

    # Updating the directory index
    for firstlevel in index_primary:
        firstlevel_normalized = firstlevel.replace('_', ' ')
        indextext += ";[[{0}/{1}|{1}]]".format(rootpage, firstlevel_normalized)
        if len(tree[firstlevel]) > 0:
            indextext += " : "
            for secondlevel in index_secondary[firstlevel]:
                indextext += "[[{0}/{1}#{2}|{2}]] – ".format(rootpage, firstlevel_normalized, secondlevel.replace('_', ' '))
            indextext = indextext[:-3]  # Truncates trailing dash and is also a cute smiley face
        indextext += "\n\n"
    saveindex = pywikibot.Page(bot, 'Template:WikiProject directory index')
    saveindex.text = indextext
    saveindex.save('Updating', minor=False, async=True)

    # Generate directories and save!
    for directory in directories.keys():
        contents = directories[directory]
        page = pywikibot.Page(bot, rootpage + "/" + directory)
        if contents != page.text:  # Checking to see if a change was made to cut down on API save queries
            oldcontents = page.text
            page.text = contents
            page.save('Updating', minor=False, async=True)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def main(self, rootpage):
        # Initializing...
        bot = pywikibot.Site('en', 'wikipedia')
        wptools = WikiProjectTools()
        config = json.loads(wptools.query('index', 'select json from config;', None)[0][0])

        # Get list of people who opted out
        optout = pywikibot.Page(bot, 'User:Reports bot/Opt-out')
        blacklist = []
        regexes =[re.findall('\[\[User:(.*?)\|',optout.text,re.I), re.findall('\{\{user\|(.*?)\}\}',optout.text,re.I), re.findall('\[\[:User:(.*?)\]',optout.text,re.I), re.findall('\[\[:User talk:(.*?)\]',optout.text,re.I)]
        for results in regexes:
            for user in results:
        # Bots are to be excluded
        for result in wptools.query('wiki', "select user_name from user_groups left join user on user_id = ug_user where ug_group = 'bot';", None):

        # List of projects we are working on
        # Methodology: List from Project Index + List from Formal Definition, minus duplicates
        # This will cover all of our bases.
        articles = {}
        counter = 0
        while True:  # I am a bad man for doing this
            query = wptools.query('index', 'select pi_page, pi_project from projectindex where pi_id > {0} and pi_id <= {1};'.format(counter, counter+1000000), None)
            if len(query) == 0:
            for pair in query:
                # Normalizing by getting rid of namespace
                page = pair[0]
                page = page.replace('Draft_talk:', '')
                page = page.replace('Talk:', '')
                proj = pair[1][10:]  # Normalizing by getting rid of "Wikipedia:"
                except KeyError:
                    articles[proj] = [page]
            counter += 1000000

        projects = [project for project in articles.keys()]

        q = ('select distinct page.page_title from page '
             'join categorylinks on page.page_id = categorylinks.cl_from '
             'left join redirect on page.page_id = redirect.rd_from '
             'where page_namespace = 4 '
             'and page_title not like "%/%" '
             'and rd_title is null '
             'and (cl_to in '
             '(select page.page_title from page '
             'where page_namespace = 14 and '
             'page_title like "%\_WikiProjects" '
             'and page_title not like "%\_for\_WikiProjects" '
             'and page_title not like "%\_of\_WikiProjects") '
             'or page_title like "WikiProject\_%");')
        formaldefinition = wptools.query('wiki', q, None)  # http://quarry.wmflabs.org/query/3509
        for row in formaldefinition:
            row = row[0].decode('utf-8')
            if row not in projects:

        directories = {'All': ''}  # All projects, plus subdirectories to be defined below.
        directoryrow = {}

        # Alright! Let's run some reports!
        for project in projects:

            # Seeding directory row and profile page
            if project not in articles:
                articles[project] = []
            project_normalized = project.replace('_', ' ')

            # List of active project participants (less blacklist)
            wp_editors = []
            start_date = time.strftime('%Y%m%d000000',time.gmtime(time.time()-(60*60*24*90)))  # 90 days
            end_date = time.strftime('%Y%m%d000000',time.gmtime(time.time()))  # Today
            query = "select rev_user_text from page left join revision on page_id = rev_page where (page_namespace = 4 OR page_namespace = 5) and (page_title like \"{0}/%%\" OR page_title = \"{0}\") and rev_timestamp > {1} and rev_timestamp < {2} group by rev_user_text HAVING count(*) > 1;".format(project, start_date, end_date)
            for result in wptools.query('wiki', query, None):
                if result[0] is not None:
                    user = result[0].decode('utf-8')
                    if user not in blacklist:

            # List of active subject area editors (less blacklist)
            start_date = time.strftime('%Y%m%d000000',time.gmtime(time.time()-(60*60*24*30)))  # 30 days
            end_date = time.strftime('%Y%m%d000000',time.gmtime(time.time()))  # Today

            if len(articles[project]) > 0:
                subject_editors = []
                packages = []
                for i in range(0, len(articles[project]), 10000):

                counter = 0
                for package in packages:
                    counter += 1
                    if len(package) > 1:
                        query_builder = 'select rev_user_text from page left join revision on page_id = rev_page where page_namespace in (0, 1, 118, 119) and page_title in {0} and rev_timestamp > {1} and rev_timestamp < {2} order by rev_user_text;'.format(tuple(package), start_date, end_date)
                        query_builder = 'select rev_user_text from page left join revision on page_id = rev_page where page_namespace in (0, 1, 118, 119) and page_title = "{0}" and rev_timestamp > {1} and rev_timestamp < {2} order by rev_user_text;'.format(package[0], start_date, end_date)

                    for result in wptools.query('wiki', query_builder, None):
                        if result[0] is not None:

                subject_editors = dict(Counter(subject_editors))  # Convert the list to a dictionary with username as key and edit count as value
                subject_editors_filtered = []
                for user in subject_editors.keys():
                    if user not in blacklist:
                        if subject_editors[user] > 4:
                subject_editors = subject_editors_filtered   # And now assigned back.

                subject_editors = []

            # Generate and Save Profile Page
            wp_editors_formatted = ""
            subject_editors_formatted = ""
            if len(wp_editors) > 0:
                for editor in wp_editors:
                    wp_editors_formatted += "\n* [[User:{0}|{0}]] ([[User talk:{0}|talk]])".format(editor)
                wp_editors_formatted = ""
            if len(subject_editors) > 0 and len(subject_editors) < 3200:
                for editor in subject_editors:
                    subject_editors_formatted += "\n* [[User:{0}|{0}]] ([[User talk:{0}|talk]])".format(editor)
                subject_editors_formatted = ""

            profilepage = "{{{{WikiProject description page | project = {0} | list_of_active_wikiproject_participants = {1} | list_of_active_subject_area_editors = {2}}}}}".format(project_normalized, wp_editors_formatted, subject_editors_formatted)
            page = pywikibot.Page(bot, rootpage + '/Description/' + project_normalized)
            if profilepage != page.text:  # Checking to see if a change was made to cut down on API queries
                page.text = profilepage
                page.save('Updating', minor=False, async=True, quiet=True)

            # Construct directory entry
            directoryrow[project] = "{{{{WikiProject directory entry | project = {0} | number_of_articles = {1} | wp_editors = {2} | scope_editors = {3}}}}}\n".format(project_normalized, len(articles[project]), len(wp_editors), len(subject_editors))

        # Assign directory entry to relevant directory pages ("All entries" and relevant subdirectory pages)
        for entry in sorted(directoryrow.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1)):  # Sorting into alphabetical order
            directories['All'] += entry[1]
        directories['All'] = "{{WikiProject directory top}}\n" + directories['All'] + "|}"

        wpcats = WikiProjectCategories()
        tree = wpcats.generate()
        index_primary = sorted([key for key in tree.keys()])
        index_secondary = {}
        indextext = "'''[[{0}/All|All WikiProjects]]'''\n\n".format(rootpage)
        for firstlevel in tree.keys():
            directories[firstlevel] = "={0}=\n".format(firstlevel.replace('_',  ' ' ))
            directories[firstlevel] += self.listpull(wptools, projects, directoryrow, firstlevel)  # For immmedate subcats of WikiProjects_by_area
            directories[firstlevel] += self.treeiterator(wptools, tree[firstlevel], projects, directoryrow, firstlevel)  # For descendants of those immediate subcats.
            index_secondary[firstlevel] = sorted([key for key in tree[firstlevel].keys()])

        # Updating the directory index
        for firstlevel in index_primary:
            firstlevel_normalized = firstlevel.replace('_', ' ')
            indextext += ";[[{0}/{1}|{1}]]".format(rootpage, firstlevel_normalized)
            if len(tree[firstlevel]) > 0:
                indextext += " : "
                for secondlevel in index_secondary[firstlevel]:
                    indextext += "[[{0}/{1}#{2}|{2}]] – ".format(rootpage, firstlevel_normalized, secondlevel.replace('_', ' '))
                indextext = indextext[:-3]  # Truncates trailing dash and is also a cute smiley face
            indextext += "\n\n"
        saveindex = pywikibot.Page(bot, 'Template:WikiProject directory index')
        saveindex.text = indextext
        saveindex.save('Updating', minor=False, async=True, quiet=True)

        # Generate directories and save!
        for directory in directories.keys():
            contents = directories[directory]
            page = pywikibot.Page(bot, rootpage + "/" + directory)
            if contents != page.text:  # Checking to see if a change was made to cut down on API save queries
                oldcontents = page.text
                page.text = contents
                page.save('Updating', minor=False, async=True, quiet=True)
                # Cleanup of obsolete description pages and "Related WikiProjects" pages
                if directory == 'All':
                    oldcontents = mwph.parse(oldcontents)
                    oldcontents = oldcontents.filter_templates()
                    oldprojectlist = []
                    for t in oldcontents:
                        if t.name.strip() == "WikiProject directory entry":
                    for oldproject in oldprojectlist:
                        oldproject = oldproject.strip().replace(' ', '_')  # Normalizing
                        if oldproject not in projects:
                            deletethis = pywikibot.Page(bot, rootpage + '/Description/' + oldproject)
                            deletethis.text = "{{db-g6|rationale=A bot has automatically tagged this page as obsolete. This means that the WikiProject described on this page has been deleted or made into a redirect}}\n"
                            deletethis.save('Nominating page for deletion', minor=False, async=True, quiet=True)
                            deletethis = pywikibot.Page(bot, 'Wikipedia:Related WikiProjects/' + oldproject)
                            if deletethis.text != "":
                                deletethis.text = "{{db-g6|rationale=A bot has automatically tagged this page as obsolete. This means that the WikiProject described on this page has been deleted or made into a redirect}}\n"
                                deletethis.save('Nominating page for deletion', minor=False, async=True, quiet=True)
Exemplo n.º 5
def main(rootpage):
    d = WikiProjectDirectory()
    wptools = WikiProjectTools()
    wpcats = WikiProjectCategories()
    tree = wpcats.generate()
    bot = pywikibot.Site('en', 'wikipedia')
    directories = {}
    directoryrow = {}
    projects = []

    # Generate directoryrows and projects lists based on the /All directory:
    page = pywikibot.Page(bot, rootpage + '/All')
    contents = mwph.parse(page.text)
    contents = contents.filter_templates()
    for t in contents:
        if t.name.strip() == "WikiProject directory entry":
            name = str(t.get('project').value).strip().replace(' ', '_')
            directoryrow[name] = str(t) + "\n"

    # The rest of this stuff is copied from directory.py
    index_primary = sorted([key for key in tree.keys()])
    index_secondary = {}
    indextext = "'''[[{0}/All|All WikiProjects]]'''\n\n".format(rootpage)
    for firstlevel in tree.keys():
        directories[firstlevel] = "={0}=\n".format(firstlevel.replace(
            '_', ' '))
        directories[firstlevel] += d.listpull(
            wptools, projects, directoryrow,
            firstlevel)  # For immmedate subcats of WikiProjects_by_area
        directories[firstlevel] += d.treeiterator(
            wptools, tree[firstlevel], projects, directoryrow,
            firstlevel)  # For descendants of those immediate subcats.
        index_secondary[firstlevel] = sorted(
            [key for key in tree[firstlevel].keys()])

    # Updating the directory index
    for firstlevel in index_primary:
        firstlevel_normalized = firstlevel.replace('_', ' ')
        indextext += ";[[{0}/{1}|{1}]]".format(rootpage, firstlevel_normalized)
        if len(tree[firstlevel]) > 0:
            indextext += " : "
            for secondlevel in index_secondary[firstlevel]:
                indextext += "[[{0}/{1}#{2}|{2}]] – ".format(
                    rootpage, firstlevel_normalized,
                    secondlevel.replace('_', ' '))
            indextext = indextext[:
                                  -3]  # Truncates trailing dash and is also a cute smiley face
        indextext += "\n\n"
    saveindex = pywikibot.Page(bot, 'Template:WikiProject directory index')
    saveindex.text = indextext
    saveindex.save('Updating', minor=False, async=True)

    # Generate directories and save!
    for directory in directories.keys():
        contents = directories[directory]
        page = pywikibot.Page(bot, rootpage + "/" + directory)
        if contents != page.text:  # Checking to see if a change was made to cut down on API save queries
            oldcontents = page.text
            page.text = contents
            page.save('Updating', minor=False, async=True)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def main(self, rootpage):
        # Initializing...
        bot = pywikibot.Site('en', 'wikipedia')
        wptools = WikiProjectTools()
        config = json.loads(
            wptools.query('index', 'select json from config;', None)[0][0])

        # Get list of people who opted out
        optout = pywikibot.Page(bot, 'User:Reports bot/Opt-out')
        blacklist = []
        regexes = [
            re.findall('\[\[User:(.*?)\|', optout.text, re.I),
            re.findall('\{\{user\|(.*?)\}\}', optout.text, re.I),
            re.findall('\[\[:User:(.*?)\]', optout.text, re.I),
            re.findall('\[\[:User talk:(.*?)\]', optout.text, re.I)
        for results in regexes:
            for user in results:
        # Bots are to be excluded
        for result in wptools.query(
                "select user_name from user_groups left join user on user_id = ug_user where ug_group = 'bot';",

        # List of projects we are working on
        # Methodology: List from Project Index + List from Formal Definition, minus duplicates
        # This will cover all of our bases.
        articles = {}
        counter = 0
        while True:  # I am a bad man for doing this
            query = wptools.query(
                'select pi_page, pi_project from projectindex where pi_id > {0} and pi_id <= {1};'
                .format(counter, counter + 1000000), None)
            if len(query) == 0:
            for pair in query:
                # Normalizing by getting rid of namespace
                page = pair[0]
                page = page.replace('Draft_talk:', '')
                page = page.replace('Talk:', '')
                proj = pair[1][
                    10:]  # Normalizing by getting rid of "Wikipedia:"
                except KeyError:
                    articles[proj] = [page]
            counter += 1000000

        projects = [project for project in articles.keys()]

        q = ('select distinct page.page_title from page '
             'join categorylinks on page.page_id = categorylinks.cl_from '
             'left join redirect on page.page_id = redirect.rd_from '
             'where page_namespace = 4 '
             'and page_title not like "%/%" '
             'and rd_title is null '
             'and (cl_to in '
             '(select page.page_title from page '
             'where page_namespace = 14 and '
             'page_title like "%\_WikiProjects" '
             'and page_title not like "%\_for\_WikiProjects" '
             'and page_title not like "%\_of\_WikiProjects") '
             'or page_title like "WikiProject\_%");')
        formaldefinition = wptools.query(
            'wiki', q, None)  # http://quarry.wmflabs.org/query/3509
        for row in formaldefinition:
            row = row[0].decode('utf-8')
            if row not in projects:

        directories = {
            'All': ''
        }  # All projects, plus subdirectories to be defined below.
        directoryrow = {}

        # Alright! Let's run some reports!
        for project in projects:

            # Seeding directory row and profile page
            if project not in articles:
                articles[project] = []
            project_normalized = project.replace('_', ' ')

            # List of active project participants (less blacklist)
            wp_editors = []
            start_date = time.strftime(
                time.gmtime(time.time() - (60 * 60 * 24 * 90)))  # 90 days
            end_date = time.strftime('%Y%m%d000000',
                                     time.gmtime(time.time()))  # Today
            query = "select rev_user_text from page left join revision on page_id = rev_page where (page_namespace = 4 OR page_namespace = 5) and (page_title like \"{0}/%%\" OR page_title = \"{0}\") and rev_timestamp > {1} and rev_timestamp < {2} group by rev_user_text HAVING count(*) > 1;".format(
                project, start_date, end_date)
            for result in wptools.query('wiki', query, None):
                if result[0] is not None:
                    user = result[0].decode('utf-8')
                    if user not in blacklist:

            # List of active subject area editors (less blacklist)
            start_date = time.strftime(
                time.gmtime(time.time() - (60 * 60 * 24 * 30)))  # 30 days
            end_date = time.strftime('%Y%m%d000000',
                                     time.gmtime(time.time()))  # Today

            if len(articles[project]) > 0:
                subject_editors = []
                packages = []
                for i in range(0, len(articles[project]), 10000):
                    packages.append(articles[project][i:i + 10000])

                counter = 0
                for package in packages:
                    counter += 1
                    if len(package) > 1:
                        query_builder = 'select rev_user_text from page left join revision on page_id = rev_page where page_namespace in (0, 1, 118, 119) and page_title in {0} and rev_timestamp > {1} and rev_timestamp < {2} order by rev_user_text;'.format(
                            tuple(package), start_date, end_date)
                        query_builder = 'select rev_user_text from page left join revision on page_id = rev_page where page_namespace in (0, 1, 118, 119) and page_title = "{0}" and rev_timestamp > {1} and rev_timestamp < {2} order by rev_user_text;'.format(
                            package[0], start_date, end_date)

                    for result in wptools.query('wiki', query_builder, None):
                        if result[0] is not None:

                subject_editors = dict(
                )  # Convert the list to a dictionary with username as key and edit count as value
                subject_editors_filtered = []
                for user in subject_editors.keys():
                    if user not in blacklist:
                        if subject_editors[user] > 4:
                subject_editors = subject_editors_filtered  # And now assigned back.

                subject_editors = []

            # Generate and Save Profile Page
            wp_editors_formatted = ""
            subject_editors_formatted = ""
            if len(wp_editors) > 0:
                for editor in wp_editors:
                    wp_editors_formatted += "\n* [[User:{0}|{0}]] ([[User talk:{0}|talk]])".format(
                wp_editors_formatted = ""
            if len(subject_editors) > 0 and len(subject_editors) < 3200:
                for editor in subject_editors:
                    subject_editors_formatted += "\n* [[User:{0}|{0}]] ([[User talk:{0}|talk]])".format(
                subject_editors_formatted = ""

            profilepage = "{{{{WikiProject description page | project = {0} | list_of_active_wikiproject_participants = {1} | list_of_active_subject_area_editors = {2}}}}}".format(
                project_normalized, wp_editors_formatted,
            page = pywikibot.Page(
                bot, rootpage + '/Description/' + project_normalized)
            if profilepage != page.text:  # Checking to see if a change was made to cut down on API queries
                page.text = profilepage
                page.save('Updating', minor=False, async=True)

            # Construct directory entry
                project] = "{{{{WikiProject directory entry | project = {0} | number_of_articles = {1} | wp_editors = {2} | scope_editors = {3}}}}}\n".format(
                    project_normalized, len(articles[project]),
                    len(wp_editors), len(subject_editors))

        # Assign directory entry to relevant directory pages ("All entries" and relevant subdirectory pages)
        for entry in sorted(
                key=operator.itemgetter(1)):  # Sorting into alphabetical order
            directories['All'] += entry[1]
        directories['All'] = "{{WikiProject directory top}}\n" + directories[
            'All'] + "|}"

        wpcats = WikiProjectCategories()
        tree = wpcats.generate()
        index_primary = sorted([key for key in tree.keys()])
        index_secondary = {}
        indextext = "'''[[{0}/All|All WikiProjects]]'''\n\n".format(rootpage)
        for firstlevel in tree.keys():
            directories[firstlevel] = "={0}=\n".format(
                firstlevel.replace('_', ' '))
            directories[firstlevel] += self.listpull(
                wptools, projects, directoryrow,
                firstlevel)  # For immmedate subcats of WikiProjects_by_area
            directories[firstlevel] += self.treeiterator(
                wptools, tree[firstlevel], projects, directoryrow,
                firstlevel)  # For descendants of those immediate subcats.
            index_secondary[firstlevel] = sorted(
                [key for key in tree[firstlevel].keys()])

        # Updating the directory index
        for firstlevel in index_primary:
            firstlevel_normalized = firstlevel.replace('_', ' ')
            indextext += ";[[{0}/{1}|{1}]]".format(rootpage,
            if len(tree[firstlevel]) > 0:
                indextext += " : "
                for secondlevel in index_secondary[firstlevel]:
                    indextext += "[[{0}/{1}#{2}|{2}]] – ".format(
                        rootpage, firstlevel_normalized,
                        secondlevel.replace('_', ' '))
                indextext = indextext[:
                                      -3]  # Truncates trailing dash and is also a cute smiley face
            indextext += "\n\n"
        saveindex = pywikibot.Page(bot, 'Template:WikiProject directory index')
        saveindex.text = indextext
        saveindex.save('Updating', minor=False, async=True)

        # Generate directories and save!
        for directory in directories.keys():
            contents = directories[directory]
            page = pywikibot.Page(bot, rootpage + "/" + directory)
            if contents != page.text:  # Checking to see if a change was made to cut down on API save queries
                oldcontents = page.text
                page.text = contents
                page.save('Updating', minor=False, async=True)
                # Cleanup of obsolete description pages and "Related WikiProjects" pages
                if directory == 'All':
                    oldcontents = mwph.parse(oldcontents)
                    oldcontents = oldcontents.filter_templates()
                    oldprojectlist = []
                    for t in oldcontents:
                        if t.name.strip() == "WikiProject directory entry":
                    for oldproject in oldprojectlist:
                        oldproject = oldproject.strip().replace(
                            ' ', '_')  # Normalizing
                        if oldproject not in projects:
                            deletethis = pywikibot.Page(
                                bot, rootpage + '/Description/' + oldproject)
                            deletethis.text = "{{db-g6|rationale=A bot has automatically tagged this page as obsolete. This means that the WikiProject described on this page has been deleted or made into a redirect}}\n"
                            deletethis.save('Nominating page for deletion',
                            deletethis = pywikibot.Page(
                                'Wikipedia:Related WikiProjects/' + oldproject)
                            if deletethis.text != "":
                                deletethis.text = "{{db-g6|rationale=A bot has automatically tagged this page as obsolete. This means that the WikiProject described on this page has been deleted or made into a redirect}}\n"
                                deletethis.save('Nominating page for deletion',