Exemplo n.º 1
    def schedule_tasks(self, args):
        """Schedules one or more Tasks.

Required Arguments: 

* `tasks` - a JSON document containing a list of Tasks and schedule details.
Schedule definition format:

> All lists are _zero based_ integers.

> The [Task Schedule Object](restapi/api-response-objects.html#TaskSchedule){:target="_blank"} response from the `get_task_schedules` command in JSON format
 can provide schedule definition examples for this command.

            "Task" : *task name*,
            "Version" : *optional*,
            "Months": "*" or [list of months],
            "DaysOrWeekdays": "Days" = days of the month, "Weekdays" = days of the week (default),
            "Days": "*" or [list of days],
            "Hours": "*" or [list of hours],
            "Minutes": "*" or [list of minutes]

Returns: Nothing if successful, error messages on failure.
        # this is a developer function
        if not api._DEVELOPER:
            return R(err_code=R.Codes.Forbidden, err_msg="Only Developers or Administrators can perform this function.")
        required_params = ["tasks"]
        has_required, resp = api.check_required_params(required_params, args)
        if not has_required:
            return resp

        # so, we'll loop through each task and try to schedule it
        # keeping track of errors, etc.
        tasks = []
        if args.get("tasks"):
                tasks = json.loads(args["tasks"])
            except Exception as ex:
                return R(err_code=R.Codes.Exception, err_detail="Schedule definition is not valid JSON. %s" % ex)

        out = []
        for t in tasks:
            if not t.get("Task"):
                return R(err_code=R.Codes.CreateError, err_detail="Each item in the schedule definition requires a 'task'.")
            obj = task.Task()
            obj.FromNameVersion(t["Task"], t.get("Version"), False)
            if not api.is_object_allowed(obj.ID, catocommon.CatoObjectTypes.Task):
                return R(err_code=R.Codes.Forbidden, err_msg="You do not have access to the details of this Task.")
            sched_def = { 
                         "Months": t.get("Months"),
                         "Days": t.get("Days"),
                         "Hours": t.get("Hours"),
                         "Minutes": t.get("Minutes"),
                         "DaysOrWeekdays": t.get("DaysOrWeekdays")
            # parameters coming from the command line are defined as json OR xml, we need xml
            parameters = t.get("Parameters")
            pxml = ""
            if parameters:
                # this will convert json OR xml params into the xml format we need
                pxml = catocommon.params2xml(parameters)

            obj.RunRepeatedly(sched_def, pxml, t.get("Debug"), t.get("AccountID"))
            out.append("[%s] successfully scheduled." % obj.Name)
        return R(response="\n".join(out))
Exemplo n.º 2
    def run_task(self, args):
        """Runs a Task.

Required Arguments: 

* `task` - Either the Task ID or Name.
* `version` - The Task Version.  (Unnecessary if 'task' is an ID.)
Optional Arguments:

* `log_level` - an integer (0-4) where 0 is none, 2 is normal and 4 is verbose.  Default is 2.
* `account` - the ID or Name of a Cloud Account.  Certain Task commands require a Cloud Account.
* `parameters` - A JSON or XML document defining parameters for the Task.
* `options` - a JSON object defining certain options for this Task.  Typically used to provide scope for extensions to the Task Engine.
* `run_later` - if provided, the Task will be scheduled to run at the specified date/time.  ex. "7/4/1776 15:30"
Returns: A [Task Instance Object](restapi/api-response-objects.html#TaskInstance){:target="_blank"}.

* If 'output_format' is set to 'text', returns only a Task Instance ID.
* If 'run_later' was specified, will return a success or error message.
        # this is a developer function
        if not api._DEVELOPER:
            return R(err_code=R.Codes.Forbidden, err_msg="Only Developers or Administrators can perform this function.")
        required_params = ["task"]
        has_required, resp = api.check_required_params(required_params, args)
        if not has_required:
            return resp
        ver = args["version"] if "version" in args else ""

        # find the task
        obj = task.Task()
        obj.FromNameVersion(args["task"], ver, False)

        if not api.is_object_allowed(obj.ID, catocommon.CatoObjectTypes.Task):
            return R(err_code=R.Codes.Forbidden, err_msg="You do not have access to the details of this Task.")
        task_id = obj.ID
        debug = args.get("log_level", "20")
        # not verifying this optional value because that would require importing a maestro lib
        # just use it as-is
        options = args.get("options", "")
        # same for account
        account_id = ""
        account = args.get("account", "")
        if account:
            ca = cloud.CloudAccount()
            if ca:
                account_id = ca.ID

        parameters = args.get("parameters", "")
        pxml = ""
        if parameters:
            # this will convert json OR xml params into the xml format we need
            pxml = catocommon.params2xml(parameters)

        if args.get("run_later"):
            obj.RunLater(args.get("run_later"), pxml, debug, account_id)
            return R(response="[%s] successfully scheduled." % obj.Name)
            # try to launch it
            ti = catocommon.add_task_instance(task_id, api._USER_ID, debug, pxml, account_id=account_id, options=options)
            if ti:
                if args.get("output_format") == "text":
                    return R(response=ti)
                    instance = task.TaskInstance(ti)
                    if args.get("output_format") == "json":
                        return R(response=instance.__dict__)
                        return R(response=instance.AsXML())

        # uh oh, something went wrong but we don't know what.
        return R(err_code=R.Codes.GetError, err_detail="Unable to run Task [%s%s].  Check the log for details." % (args["task"], " %s" % (ver) if ver else ""))