Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_non_negativity_constraint(self, train_data_idx):
        The optimisation in notears lasso involves reshaping the initial similarity matrix
        into two strictly positive matrixes (w+ and w-) and imposing a non negativity constraint
        to the solver. We test here if these two contraints are imposed.

        We check if:
        (1) bounds impose non negativity constraint
        (2) initial guess obeys non negativity constraint
        (3) most importantly: output of sopt obeys the constraint
        # using `wraps` to **spy** on the function
        with patch("causalnex.structure.notears.sopt.minimize",
                   wraps=sopt.minimize) as mocked:
            from_numpy_lasso(train_data_idx.values, 0.1, w_threshold=0.3)
            # We iterate over each time `sopt.minimize` was called
            for called_arguments in list(mocked.call_args_list):
                # These are the arguments with which the `sopt.minimize` was called
                func_ = called_arguments[0][0]  # positional arg
                w_est = called_arguments[0][1]  # positional arg
                keyword_args = called_arguments[1]

                # check 1:
                assert [(len(el) == 2) and (el[0] == 0)
                        for el in keyword_args["bounds"]]
                # check 2:
                assert [el >= 0 for el in w_est]
                # check 3
                sol = sopt.minimize(func_, w_est, **keyword_args)
                assert [el >= 0 for el in sol.x]
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_single_iter_gets_converged_fail_warnings(self, train_data_idx):
        With a single iteration on this dataset, learn_structure fails to converge and should give warnings.

        with pytest.warns(
                match="Failed to converge. Consider increasing max_iter."):
            from_numpy_lasso(train_data_idx.values, 0.1, max_iter=1)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_empty_data_raises_error(self):
        Providing an empty data set should result in a Value Error explaining that data must not be empty.
        This error is useful to catch and handle gracefully, because otherwise the user would experience
        misleading division by zero, or unpacking errors.

        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            from_numpy_lasso(np.empty([0, 5]), 0.1)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def test_array_with_nan_raises_error(self):
     Providing a data set including nan should result in a Value Error explaining that data contains nan.
     This error is useful to catch and handle gracefully, because otherwise the user would have empty structures.
     with pytest.raises(
             "Input contains NaN, infinity or a value too large for dtype*",
         from_numpy_lasso(np.array([[3, np.nan]]), 0.1)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_no_cycles(self, train_data_idx):
        The learned structure should be acyclic

        g = from_numpy_lasso(train_data_idx.values, 0.1, w_threshold=0.3)
        assert nx.algorithms.is_directed_acyclic_graph(g)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_f1score_generated(self, adjacency_mat_num_stability):
        """Structure learnt from regularisation should have very high f1 score relative to the ground truth"""
        df = pd.DataFrame(
            10 * adjacency_mat_num_stability,
            columns=["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"],
            index=["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"],
        train_model = StructureModel(df.values)
        X = generate_continuous_dataframe(StructureModel(df),
        g = from_numpy_lasso(X[["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]].values,
        right_edges = train_model.edges

        n_predictions_made = len(g.edges)
        n_correct_predictions = len(
        n_relevant_predictions = len(right_edges)

        precision = n_correct_predictions / n_predictions_made
        recall = n_correct_predictions / n_relevant_predictions
        f1_score = 2 * (precision * recall) / (precision + recall)

        assert f1_score > 0.85
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_tabu_expected_child_nodes(self, train_data_idx):
        """Tabu child nodes should not have any ingoing edges"""

        tabu_c = ["a", "d", "b"]
        g = from_numpy_lasso(train_data_idx.values,
        assert [c not in [e[1] for e in g.edges] for c in tabu_c]
Exemplo n.º 8
    def test_tabu_expected_parent_nodes(self, train_data_idx):
        """Tabu parent nodes should not have any outgoing edges"""

        tabu_p = ["a", "d", "b"]
        g = from_numpy_lasso(train_data_idx.values,
        assert [p not in [e[0] for e in g.edges] for p in tabu_p]
Exemplo n.º 9
    def test_certain_relationships_get_near_certain_weight(self):
        """If observations reliably show a==b and !a==!b then the relationship from a->b should be certain"""

        data = pd.DataFrame([[0, 1] for _ in range(10)], columns=["a", "b"])
        g = from_numpy_lasso(data.values, 0.1)
        assert all(0.99 <= weight <= 1
                   for u, v, weight in g.edges(data="weight")
                   if u == 0 and v == 1)
Exemplo n.º 10
    def test_inverse_relationships_get_negative_weight(self):
        """If observations indicate a==!b and b==!a then the weight of the relationship from a-> should be negative"""

        data = pd.DataFrame([[0, 1] for _ in range(10)], columns=["a", "b"])
            pd.DataFrame([[1, 0] for _ in range(10)], columns=["a", "b"]))
        g = from_numpy_lasso(data.values, 0.1)
        assert all(weight < 0 for u, v, weight in g.edges(data="weight")
                   if u == 0 and v == 1)
Exemplo n.º 11
    def test_f1_score_fixed(self, train_data_idx, train_model_idx):
        """Structure learnt from regularisation should have very high f1 score relative to the ground truth"""
        g = from_numpy_lasso(train_data_idx.values, 0.1, w_threshold=0.3)

        n_predictions_made = len(g.edges)
        n_correct_predictions = len(
        n_relevant_predictions = len(train_model_idx.edges)

        precision = n_correct_predictions / n_predictions_made
        recall = n_correct_predictions / n_relevant_predictions
        f1_score = 2 * (precision * recall) / (precision + recall)

        assert f1_score > 0.8
Exemplo n.º 12
    def test_multiple_tabu(self, train_data_idx):
        """Any edge related to tabu edges/parent nodes/child nodes should not exist in the network"""

        tabu_e = [("d", "a"), ("b", "c")]
        tabu_p = ["b"]
        tabu_c = ["a", "d"]
        g = from_numpy_lasso(
        assert [e not in g.edges for e in tabu_e]
        assert [p not in [e[0] for e in g.edges] for p in tabu_p]
        assert [c not in [e[1] for e in g.edges] for c in tabu_c]
Exemplo n.º 13
    def test_sparsity_against_without_reg(self, train_data_idx):
        """Structure learnt from regularisation should be sparser than the one without"""

        g1 = from_numpy_lasso(train_data_idx.values, 0.1, w_threshold=0.3)
        g2 = from_numpy(train_data_idx.values, w_threshold=0.3)
        assert len(g1.edges) > len(g2.edges)
Exemplo n.º 14
    def test_sparsity(self, train_data_idx):
        """Structure learnt from larger lambda should be sparser than smaller lambda"""

        g1 = from_numpy_lasso(train_data_idx.values, 0.1, w_threshold=0.3)
        g2 = from_numpy_lasso(train_data_idx.values, 1e-6, w_threshold=0.3)
        assert len(g1.edges) > len(g2.edges)
Exemplo n.º 15
    def test_tabu_expected_edges(self, train_data_idx):
        """Tabu edges should not exist in the network"""

        tabu_e = [("d", "a"), ("b", "c")]
        g = from_numpy_lasso(train_data_idx.values, 0.1, tabu_edges=tabu_e)
        assert [e not in g.edges for e in tabu_e]
Exemplo n.º 16
    def test_expected_structure_learned(self, train_data_idx, train_model_idx):
        """Given an extremely small lambda_lasso and small data set that can be examined by hand,
        the structure should be deterministic"""

        g = from_numpy_lasso(train_data_idx.values, 1e-8, w_threshold=0.3)
        assert set(g.edges) == set(train_model_idx.edges)
Exemplo n.º 17
    def test_isolated_nodes_exist(self, train_data_idx):
        """Isolated nodes should still be in the learned structure"""

        g = from_numpy_lasso(train_data_idx.values, 0.1, w_threshold=1.0)
        assert len(g.nodes) == len(train_data_idx.columns)
Exemplo n.º 18
    def test_all_columns_in_structure(self, train_data_idx):
        """Every columns that is in the data should become a node in the learned structure"""

        g = from_numpy_lasso(train_data_idx.values, 0.1)
        assert len(g.nodes) == len(train_data_idx.columns)