Exemplo n.º 1
class ProcessSearchCommand(GeneratingCommand):
    """Generates a process search result from Carbon Black from a given IP or search query
        | processsearch query=${ip}

    query = Option(name="query", require=True)

    field_names = [
        'cmdline', 'comms_ip', 'hostname', 'id', 'interface_ip', 'last_update',
        'os_type', 'parent_md5', 'parent_name', 'parent_pid',
        'parent_unique_id', 'path', 'process_md5', 'process_name',
        'process_pid', 'regmod_count', 'segment_id', 'sensor_id', 'start',
        'unique_id', 'username', 'childproc_count', 'crossproc_count',
        'modload_count', 'netconn_count', 'filemod_count', 'group', 'host_type'

    def prepare(self):

        configuration_dict = splunk.clilib.cli_common.getConfStanza(
            'carbonblack', 'cbserver')

        self.cb_server = configuration_dict['cburl']
        self.token = configuration_dict['cbapikey']

        self.cb = CbApi(self.cb_server, token=self.token, ssl_verify=False)

    def generate(self):
        self.logger.info("query %s" % self.query)
        i = 0
        for bindata in self.cb.process_search_iter(self.query):
            i += 1
            if i > 1000:
                # TODO: let's stop at 1,000 results for now?

            temp = dict((field_name, bindata[field_name])
                        for field_name in self.field_names)
            temp['sourcetype'] = 'bit9:carbonblack:json'

            # Sometimes we have seen 'start' be equal to -1
                temp['_time'] = int(
            except Exception as e:
                self.logger.exception('parsing bindata["start"] %s' %
                temp['_time'] = 0

            temp['link_process'] = self.cb_server + '/#/analyze/' + bindata[
                'id'] + "/1"
            temp['source'] = 'cbapi'
            temp['_raw'] = json.dumps(temp)
            yield temp

            if i % 10 == 0:
Exemplo n.º 2
class CBQuery(object):
    def __init__(self, url, token, ssl_verify):
        self.cb = CbApi(url, token=token, ssl_verify=ssl_verify)
        self.cb_url = url

    def report(self, hostname, user_dictionary):
        print ""
        print "%s | %s : %s" % ("Hostname", "Process Count", "Username")
        print "--------------------------------------------"
	for key,value in user_dictionary.items():
		print "%s | %s = %s" % (hostname, value, key)

    def check(self, hostname):
        # print a legend
	print ""
	print "USER REPORT FOR %s:" % (hostname)
	print "--------------------------------------------"

        # build the query string
        q = "hostname:%s" % (hostname)
	#define dictionary
	user_dictionary = dict()
	# loop over the entire result set
        for result in self.cb.process_search_iter(q):
		user_name = result.get("username", "<unknown>")

		if user_name not in user_dictionary.keys():
			print "NEW USER found on %s : %s" % (hostname, user_name)
			user_dictionary[user_name] = 1
			user_dictionary[user_name] = user_dictionary[user_name] + 1

	self.report(hostname, user_dictionary)
class CBQuery(object):
    def __init__(self, url, token, ssl_verify):
        self.cb = CbApi(url, token=token, ssl_verify=ssl_verify)
        self.cb_url = url

    def report(self, hostname, user_dictionary):
        print ""
        print "%s | %s : %s" % ("Hostname", "Process Count", "Username")
        print "--------------------------------------------"

        for key, value in user_dictionary.items():
            print "%s | %s = %s" % (hostname, value, key)

    def check(self, hostname):
        # print a legend
        print ""
        print "USER REPORT FOR %s:" % (hostname)
        print "--------------------------------------------"

        # build the query string
        q = "hostname:%s" % (hostname)

        #define dictionary
        user_dictionary = dict()

        # loop over the entire result set
        for result in self.cb.process_search_iter(q):
            user_name = result.get("username", "<unknown>")

            if user_name not in user_dictionary.keys():
                print "NEW USER found on %s : %s" % (hostname, user_name)
                user_dictionary[user_name] = 1
                user_dictionary[user_name] = user_dictionary[user_name] + 1

        self.report(hostname, user_dictionary)
class CBQuery(object):
    def __init__(self, url, token, ssl_verify):
        self.cb = CbApi(url, token=token, ssl_verify=ssl_verify)
        self.cb_url = url

    def report(self, rundll_query, dll_dictionary, search_match_count):
        # CALLED BY: self.report(regex, regex_match_dictionary, search_match_count)

        print "--------------------------------------------"
        print "%s Command Line Matches:" % (search_match_count)
        print "%s : %s" % ("Search Match Count", "Command Line Match")
        print "--------------------------------------------"

        #ordered_dll_dictionary = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(dll_dictionary.items()))
        ordered_dll_dictionary = sorted(dll_dictionary.items(),
        for value in ordered_dll_dictionary:
            print "%s : %s" % (value[1], value[0])

    def check(self, regex, ignore_case, group_reference_to_match, count_flag,
        # CALLED BY: cb.check(opts.regex, opts.ignore_case, opts.group_reference_to_match, opts.count_flag, opts.matches_only_flag)

        # print a legend
        print ""
        print "Displaying Report for Commandline regular expression matches"
        print ""
        print "Command Line Strings Matching REGEX: %s" % (regex)
        print "============================================================"
        print ""

        # build the query string
        q = "cmdline:*"

        #define dictionary
        regex_match_dictionary = dict()
        search_match_count = 0

        #define regexp
        # check if we need to ignore case, if so, update regexp
        if ignore_case:
            regexp = re.compile(regex, re.IGNORECASE)
            regexp = re.compile(regex)

        for result in self.cb.process_search_iter(q):
            cmdline = result.get("cmdline", "<unknown>")
            # print "CMD: %s" % (cmdline,)

            if matches_only_flag:
                # print "-----MATCHES ONLY"
                search_match_result = regexp.match(cmdline)
                # print "-----EVERYTHING"
                search_match_result = regexp.search(cmdline)

            if search_match_result is not None:
                # print "cmdline: %s" % (cmdline)
                # print "result: %s" % (search_match_result)
                # print "------------------------------------"

                # Iterate TOTAL Search Match Count
                search_match_count = search_match_count + 1

                # On Match, add to dictionary
                # 1st Check group_reference_to_match flag to see if we need to add a specific Group Reference or just the entire Command Line as the regex match
                if group_reference_to_match:
                    # print "cmdline: %s" % (cmdline)
                    # print"matching GROUP: %s" % (group_reference_to_match)
                    # print"search_match_result: %s" % (search_match_result)
                    regex_match_group_reference = search_match_result.group(
                    if regex_match_group_reference not in regex_match_dictionary.keys(
                        print "%s" % (regex_match_group_reference)
                        regex_match_dictionary[regex_match_group_reference] = 1
                            regex_match_group_reference] = regex_match_dictionary[
                                regex_match_group_reference] + 1
                    if cmdline not in regex_match_dictionary.keys():
                        print "%s" % (cmdline)
                        regex_match_dictionary[cmdline] = 1
                            cmdline] = regex_match_dictionary[cmdline] + 1

        self.report(regex, regex_match_dictionary, search_match_count)
Exemplo n.º 5
class ProcessSearchCommand(GeneratingCommand):
    """Generates a process search result from Carbon Black from a given IP or search query
        | processsearch query=${ip}

    query = Option(name="query", require=True)

    field_names = ['cmdline',

    def prepare(self):

        configuration_dict = splunk.clilib.cli_common.getConfStanza('carbonblack', 'cbserver')

        self.cb_server = configuration_dict['cburl']
        self.token = configuration_dict['cbapikey']

        self.cb = CbApi(self.cb_server, token=self.token, ssl_verify=False)

    def generate(self):
        self.logger.info("query %s" % self.query)
        i = 0
        for bindata in self.cb.process_search_iter(self.query):
            i += 1
            if i > 1000:
                # TODO: let's stop at 1,000 results for now?

            temp = dict((field_name, bindata[field_name]) for field_name in self.field_names)
            temp['sourcetype'] = 'bit9:carbonblack:json'

            # Sometimes we have seen 'start' be equal to -1
                temp['_time'] = int(time.mktime(dateutil.parser.parse(bindata['start']).timetuple()))
            except Exception as e:
                self.logger.exception('parsing bindata["start"] %s' % bindata['start'])
                temp['_time'] = 0

            temp['link_process'] = self.cb_server + '/#/analyze/' + bindata['id'] + "/1"
            temp['source'] = 'cbapi'
            temp['_raw'] = json.dumps(temp)
            yield temp

            if i % 10 == 0:
class CBQuery(object):
    def __init__(self, url, token, ssl_verify):
        self.cb = CbApi(url, token=token, ssl_verify=ssl_verify)
        self.cb_url = url

    def report(self, rundll_query, dll_dictionary, search_match_count):
	    # CALLED BY: self.report(regex, regex_match_dictionary, search_match_count)

        print "--------------------------------------------"
        print "%s Command Line Matches:" % (search_match_count)
        print "%s : %s" % ("Search Match Count", "Command Line Match")
        print "--------------------------------------------"
	    #ordered_dll_dictionary = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(dll_dictionary.items()))
        ordered_dll_dictionary = sorted(dll_dictionary.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))
        for value in ordered_dll_dictionary:
            print "%s : %s" % (value[1], value[0])

    def check(self, regex, ignore_case, group_reference_to_match, count_flag, matches_only_flag):
	    # CALLED BY: cb.check(opts.regex, opts.ignore_case, opts.group_reference_to_match, opts.count_flag, opts.matches_only_flag)

        # print a legend
    	print ""
        print "Displaying Report for Commandline regular expression matches"
        print ""
        print "Command Line Strings Matching REGEX: %s" % (regex)
        print "============================================================"
        print ""

        # build the query string
        q = "cmdline:*"

        #define dictionary
        regex_match_dictionary = dict()
        search_match_count = 0
        #define regexp
        # check if we need to ignore case, if so, update regexp
        if ignore_case:
            regexp = re.compile(regex, re.IGNORECASE)
            regexp = re.compile(regex)

        for result in self.cb.process_search_iter(q):
            cmdline = result.get("cmdline", "<unknown>")
            # print "CMD: %s" % (cmdline,)

            if matches_only_flag:
                # print "-----MATCHES ONLY"
                search_match_result = regexp.match(cmdline)
                # print "-----EVERYTHING"
                search_match_result = regexp.search(cmdline)

            if search_match_result is not None:
                # print "cmdline: %s" % (cmdline)
                # print "result: %s" % (search_match_result)
                # print "------------------------------------"

                # Iterate TOTAL Search Match Count
                search_match_count = search_match_count + 1

                # On Match, add to dictionary
                # 1st Check group_reference_to_match flag to see if we need to add a specific Group Reference or just the entire Command Line as the regex match
                if group_reference_to_match:
                    # print "cmdline: %s" % (cmdline)
                    # print"matching GROUP: %s" % (group_reference_to_match)
                    # print"search_match_result: %s" % (search_match_result)
                    regex_match_group_reference = search_match_result.group(int(group_reference_to_match))
                    if regex_match_group_reference not in regex_match_dictionary.keys():
                        print "%s" % (regex_match_group_reference)
                        regex_match_dictionary[regex_match_group_reference] = 1
                        regex_match_dictionary[regex_match_group_reference] = regex_match_dictionary[regex_match_group_reference] + 1
                    if cmdline not in regex_match_dictionary.keys():
                        print "%s" % (cmdline)
                        regex_match_dictionary[cmdline] = 1
                        regex_match_dictionary[cmdline] = regex_match_dictionary[cmdline] + 1

        self.report(regex, regex_match_dictionary, search_match_count)