Exemplo n.º 1
def subtract_single_frame(pathToFrames, pathToSubtracted, namePrefix,
                          singleFrame, maskFrame):
    """Subtracts a single frame from a dataset without any further alterations such as a flux correction.
    pathToFrames ... string location of the folder which contains the frames
    pathToSubtracted ... string location where the processed frames should be saved
    namePrefix ... string short text that is added to each newly calculated frame
    singleFrame ... fabio.frame this frame will be substracted from the dataset
    maskFrame ... fabio.frame frame which contains all pixel that should be masked
    singleData = singleFrame.data.copy()
    print("Reading masks, please wait!")
    maskUntrusted, maskDefective, maskHot = cbf_tools.generate_all_unwanted_pixel(
        maskFrame, 1000000)
    print("starting subtracting\n")
    frameset = cbf_tools.Frameset(pathToFrames)
    for fileName in frameset.generate_frame_names_from_template():
        frame = fabio.open(fileName)
        frame.data -= singleData.astype(
            np.int32)  # here is the actual frame subtraction
        frame.data = frame.data.round().astype(
            np.int32)  # make resonable counts
        frame.data = cbf_tools.restore_pixel_mask(frame, maskUntrusted,
                                                  maskDefective, maskHot)
        fileName = os.path.basename(
            fileName)  # preparing writing to new location
        frame.save(os.path.join(pathToSubtracted, namePrefix + fileName))
        print("Frame subtracted from %s" % fileName, end='\r')
        del frame  # cleaning up memory
Exemplo n.º 2
def update_masked_intensity(sampleFrame,
    Changes the already provided masked intisities from MASKED_BRAGG_INTENSITY with to a new intensity.
    sampleFrame ... fabio.frame some frame from which the dimensions can be read.
    pathToFrames ... string location of the folder which contains the frames.
    frameNameTemplate ... string example of how the frames are named, allows for percent substitution.
    pathToPunched ... string location where the processed frames should be saved.
    punchedPrefix ... string prefix that should be put in front of the processed frames.
    frameShape = sampleFrame.data.shape

    frameset = cbf_tools.Frameset(pathToFrames, frameNameTemplate)

    # punching, the sorting function is used for a nice print out
    for fileName in frameset.generate_frame_names_from_template():
        print("Updating " + str(fileName), end="\r")
        frame = fabio.open(fileName)
        data = np.array(frame.data)
        data[data <= MASKED_BRAGG_INTENSITY] = updateIntensity
        frame.data = data
                         updatedPrefix + os.path.basename(fileName)))
        del frame  # freeing memory
    print("\nUpdating complete!")
Exemplo n.º 3
def subtract_hybrid_background(pathToFrames, pathToSubtracted,
                               backgroundFrameNames, backgroundMixture, bgName,
    """Generates a flux normalized background from multiple sources and subtracts it from the raw data.
    pathToFrames ... string location of the folder which contains the frames
    pathToSubtracted ... string location where the processed frames should be saved
    backgroundFrameNames ... array[string] names of the background files which should be used
    backgroundMixture ... array[float] contribution of each background frame for the final background image
    bgName ... string prefix which should be added to the modified frames
    maskFrame ... fabio.frame frame which contains all pixel that should be masked
    bgFluxes = []
    bgData = []
    bgCount = len(backgroundFrameNames)
    for fileName in backgroundFrameNames:
        # grab the file extension, NOTE: extension includes the dot!!!!!!!!!!!
        fileType = os.path.splitext(fileName)[1]
        if fileType == '.h5':
            bgData.append(cbf_tools.h5_to_numpy(fileName, ()))
        elif fileType == '.cbf':

    print("Reading masks, please wait!")
    maskUntrusted, maskDefective, maskHot = cbf_tools.generate_all_unwanted_pixel(
        maskFrame, 1000000)
    print("starting subtracting\n")
    frameset = cbf_tools.Frameset(pathToFrames)
    for fileName in frameset.generate_frame_names_from_template():
        frame = fabio.open(fileName)
        frameFlux = cbf_tools.get_flux(frame)
        # mix the background frame
        bgAll = np.zeros(frame.data.shape)
        for i in range(bgCount):
            scale = frameFlux / bgFluxes[i]
            bgAll += bgData[i] * scale * backgroundMixture[i]
        frame.data -= bgAll  # here is the actual backround subtraction
        frame.data = frame.data.round().astype(
            np.int32)  # make resonable counts
        frame.data = cbf_tools.restore_pixel_mask(frame, maskUntrusted,
                                                  maskDefective, maskHot)
        fileName = os.path.basename(
            fileName)  # preparing writing to new location
        frame.save(os.path.join(pathToSubtracted, bgName + fileName))
        print("Background subtracted from %s" % fileName, end='\r')
        del frame  # cleaning up memory
Exemplo n.º 4
def punch_Bragg(XDSPunchFilePath,
    Masks all  Bragg peaks using XDS BGK files. For an unkown reason, when XDS's BKGPIX.cbf is substracted from a raw frame, then all positive intensities represent Bragg peaks.
    XDSPunchFilePath ... string location of the BKGPIX file create by XDS. NOTE: fabio can not read the that file by default, I used ALBULA to convert it to an h5 file!
    sampleFrame ... fabio.frame some frame from which the dimensions can be read.
    pathToFrames ... string location of the folder which contains the frames.
    frameNameTemplate ... string example of how the frames are named, allows for percent substitution.
    pathToPunched ... string location where the processed frames should be saved.
    punchedPrefix ... string prefix that should be put in front of the processed frames.
    maskedIntensity ... int placeholder intensity which identifies it as masked.
    frameShape = sampleFrame.data.shape
    # generating the background data
    bgType = os.path.splitext(XDSPunchFilePath)[1]
    if bgType == ".h5":
        bg = xds_tools.bgFromH5(XDSPunchFilePath, frameShape)
        raise TypeError("Background file not supported!")

    frameset = cbf_tools.Frameset(pathToFrames, frameNameTemplate)

    # punching, the sorting function is used for a nice print out
    for fileName in frameset.generate_frame_names_from_template():
        print("Punching " + str(fileName), end="\r")
        frame = fabio.open(fileName)
        punched = frame.data - bg
        for x in range(frameShape[0]):
            for y in range(frameShape[1]):
                if punched[x, y] >= 0:
                    frame.data[x, y] = MASKED_BRAGG_INTENSITY
                         punchedPrefix + os.path.basename(fileName)))
        del frame  # freeing memory
    print("\nPunching complete!")
Exemplo n.º 5
def SavGol_filter(pathToFrames, nameTemplate, frameRange, pathToFiltered,
                  namePrefix, maskFrame, subsize, windowLength, polyOrder):
    """Subtracts a flux normalized frame from a dataset.
    pathToFrames ... string location of the folder which contains the frames
    pathToSubtracted ... string location where the processed frames should be saved
    namePrefix ... string short text that is added to each newly calculated frame
    single ... fabio.frame this frame will be substracted from the dataset
    maskFrame ... fabio.frame frame which contains all pixel that should be masked
    print("Reading masks, please wait!")
    # maskUntrusted, maskDefective, maskHot = cbf_tools.generate_all_unwanted_pixel(maskFrame, 1000000)
    print("starting filtering\n")
    # generating frame paths and names for reading
    frameset = cbf_tools.Frameset(pathToFrames, nameTemplate)
    frameset.setSize = frameRange
    fileNames = frameset.generate_frame_names_from_template()
    # generating frame paths and names for writing
    frameset = cbf_tools.Frameset(pathToFiltered, namePrefix + nameTemplate)
    frameset.setSize = frameRange
    newFiles = frameset.generate_frame_names_from_template()

    templateFrame = fabio.open(fileNames[0])
    # determination of how many tiles are necessary for the subdivition of the frames
    tilesx = int(templateFrame.data.shape[0] / subsize) + 1
    tilesy = int(templateFrame.data.shape[1] / subsize) + 1
    for subx in range(tilesx):
        for suby in range(tilesy):
            print("\nWorking on sub %i of %i" %
                  ((suby * (subx + 1) + subx), tilesx * tilesy))
            # generation of the subframe size taking the border regions into account
            if (subx + 2) > tilesx:
                width = templateFrame.data.shape[0] - subx * subsize
                width = subsize
            if (suby + 2) > tilesy:
                height = templateFrame.data.shape[1] - suby * subsize
                height = subsize
            print("Width %i, height %i" % (width, height))
            subFrame = np.zeros((width, height, frameRange))
            for i in range(frameRange):
                print("Reading frame " + fileNames[i])  #, end="\r")
                frame = fabio.open(fileNames[i])
                subFrame[:, :,
                         i] = frame.data[subx * subsize:subx * subsize + width,
                                         suby * subsize:suby * subsize +
                del frame  # cleaning memory
            print("\nApplying SavGol filter...")
            for x in range(subFrame.shape[0]):
                for y in range(subFrame.shape[1]):
                    print(x, y, end="\r")
                    filterLine = subFrame[x, y, :]
                             y, :] = scipy.signal.savgol_filter(
            subframe = subFrame.astype(np.int32)
            for i in range(frameRange):
                print("Writing frame " + newFiles[i])  #, end="\r")
                frame = fabio.open(newFiles[i])
                frame.data[subx * subsize:subx * subsize + width, suby *
                           subsize:suby * subsize + height] = subFrame[:, :, i]
                    os.path.join(pathToFiltered, namePrefix +
                del frame  # cleaning memory
Exemplo n.º 6
def generate_subframe_background_percentile(pathToFrames,
    """Creates a background by only reading in parts of frames and puzzeling these parts together.
    pathToFrames ... string location of the folder which contains the frames
    pathToBackground ... string location where the background frame should be placed
    nameTemplate ... string format of the frame names, allows percent substitution
    frameRange ... int maximum number of frames over which to run the algorithm
    subsize ... int number of pixels in x and y directions to determine the subframe size
                this is used to save memory
    percentile ... numeric the percentile of the frames which should be considered as background
    outputName ... string name of the finished background frame, allows percent substituiton
    outputModifiers ... string plus-sign seperated string list, these modfieres are used to susbtitute outputName
    # parse the modifiers
    outputModifiers = helping_tools.parse_substition_modifiers(outputModifiers)
    fileNames = []
    frameset = cbf_tools.Frameset(pathToFrames, nameTemplate)
    fileNames = frameset.generate_frame_names_from_template()

    templateFrame = fabio.open(fileNames[0])  # just a prototype
    bg = np.zeros((templateFrame.data.shape[0], templateFrame.data.shape[1]))

    # determination of how many tiles are necessary for the subdivition of the frames
    tilesx = int(templateFrame.data.shape[0] / subsize) + 1
    tilesy = int(templateFrame.data.shape[1] / subsize) + 1
    for subx in range(tilesx):
        for suby in range(tilesy):
            print("\nWorking on sub %i of %i" % ((subx + 1) *
                                                 (suby + 1), tilesx * tilesy))
            # generation of the subframe size taking the border regions into account
            if (subx + 2) > tilesx:
                width = templateFrame.data.shape[0] - subx * subsize
                width = subsize
            if (suby + 2) > tilesy:
                height = templateFrame.data.shape[1] - suby * subsize
                height = subsize
            print("Width %i, height %i" % (width, height))
            subFrame = np.zeros((width, height, frameRange))
            for i in range(frameRange):
                print("Reading frame " + fileNames[i], end="\r")
                frame = fabio.open(fileNames[i])
                subFrame[:, :,
                         i] = frame.data[subx * subsize:subx * subsize + width,
                                         suby * subsize:suby * subsize +
                del frame  # cleaning memory
            print("\nCalculating percentile")
            bg[subx * subsize:subx * subsize + width,
               suby * subsize:suby * subsize + height] = get_percentile(
                   subFrame, subFrame.shape, percentile)

    # create and write the flux monitor
    fluxFileName = "fluxmonitor_" + outputName + ".csv"
    flux = cbf_tools.average_flux(pathToFrames, nameTemplate, pathToBackground,
                                  fluxFileName % outputModifiers, frameRange)
    # writing the background file
    templateFrame.data = bg.astype(np.int32)
    fileName, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(outputName)
    # splicing the average flux into the file name and prepare the extension
    outputName = fileName + "_flux_" + str(flux) + ".cbf"
    # write the cbf file
        os.path.join(pathToBackground, outputName % outputModifiers))
    # write the h5 file
                          os.path.join(pathToBackground, outputName + ".h5"),