def from_list(name, colors, N=256, gamma=1.0): """ Make a linear segmented colormap with *name* from a sequence of *colors* which evenly transitions from colors[0] at val=0 to colors[-1] at val=1. *N* is the number of rgb quantization levels. Alternatively, a list of (value, color) tuples can be given to divide the range unevenly. """ if not cbook.iterable(colors): raise ValueError('colors must be iterable') if cbook.iterable(colors[0]) and len(colors[0]) == 2 and \ not cbook.is_string_like(colors[0]): # List of value, color pairs vals, colors = zip(*colors) else: vals = np.linspace(0., 1., len(colors)) cdict = dict(red=[], green=[], blue=[]) for val, color in zip(vals, colors): r,g,b = colorConverter.to_rgb(color) cdict['red'].append((val, r, r)) cdict['green'].append((val, g, g)) cdict['blue'].append((val, b, b)) return LinearSegmentedColormap(name, cdict, N, gamma)
def _get_color(self, c, N=1): if looks_like_color(c): return [colorConverter.to_rgba(c)]*N elif iterable(c) and len(c) and iterable(c[0]) and len(c[0])==4: # looks like a tuple of rgba return c else: raise TypeError('c must be a matplotlib color arg or nonzero length sequence of rgba tuples')
def _process_linewidths(self): linewidths = self.linewidths Nlev = len(self.levels) if linewidths is None: tlinewidths = [rcParams['lines.linewidth']] *Nlev else: if iterable(linewidths) and len(linewidths) < Nlev: linewidths = list(linewidths) * int(ceil(Nlev/len(linewidths))) elif not iterable(linewidths) and type(linewidths) in [int, float]: linewidths = [linewidths] * Nlev tlinewidths = [(w,) for w in linewidths] return tlinewidths
def fixlist(args): ret = [] for a in args: if iterable(a): a = tuple(a) ret.append(a) return tuple(ret)
def invoke_on_elem(working, current_index, previous_indices, args): #print 'in invoke_on_elem, args = %s' % (`args`) position = previous_indices + [current_index] value = working.get_value(position) lookup = working.get_lookup(position) # check for internal implementation if (hasattr(lookup, method_name)): #print 'in invoke_on_elem, args = %s' % (`args`) arg_list = args if (distinct_lookup): arg_list = (value, ) + arg_list value = getattr(lookup, method_name)(*arg_list) # copy check and replace working.set_value(position, value) else: conversion_class = None try: conversion_class = \ self._get_unit_conversion(lookup.__class__) except: pass if (conversion_class): # copy check arg_list = [value] arg_list.extend(args) arg_list = tuple(arg_list) value = getattr(conversion_class, method_name)(*arg_list) # copy check and replace working.set_value(position, value) elif (iterable(value)): for v_index in range(len(value)): invoke_on_elem(working, v_index, position, args)
def _process_colors(self, colors, alpha, lev, cmap): """ Color argument processing for contouring. Note that we base the color mapping on the contour levels, not on the actual range of the Z values. This means we don't have to worry about bad values in Z, and we always have the full dynamic range available for the selected levels. """ Nlev = len(lev) collections = [] if colors is not None: if is_string_like(colors): colors = [colors] * Nlev elif iterable(colors) and len(colors) < Nlev: colors = list(colors) * Nlev else: try: gray = float(colors) except TypeError: pass else: colors = [gray] * Nlev tcolors = [(colorConverter.to_rgba(c, alpha),) for c in colors] mappable = None else: mappable = ContourMappable(lev, collections, cmap=cmap) mappable.set_array(lev) mappable.autoscale() tcolors = [ (tuple(rgba),) for rgba in mappable.to_rgba(lev)] return tcolors, mappable, collections
def _contour_args(self, *args): if self.filled: fn = 'contourf' else: fn = 'contour' Nargs = len(args) if Nargs <= 2: z = args[0] x, y = self._initialize_x_y(z) elif Nargs <=4: x,y,z = self._check_xyz(args[:3]) else: raise TypeError("Too many arguments to %s; see help(%s)" % (fn,fn)) z = ma.asarray(z) # Convert to native masked array format if necessary. if Nargs == 1 or Nargs == 3: lev = self._autolev(z, 7) else: # 2 or 4 args level_arg = args[-1] if type(level_arg) == int: lev = self._autolev(z, level_arg) elif iterable(level_arg) and len(shape(level_arg)) == 1: lev = array([float(fl) for fl in level_arg]) else: raise TypeError("Last %s arg must give levels; see help(%s)" % (fn,fn)) if self.filled and len(lev) < 2: raise ValueError("Filled contours require at least 2 levels.") # Workaround for cntr.c bug wrt masked interior regions: #if filled: # z = ma.masked_array(z.filled(-1e38)) # It's not clear this is any better than the original bug. self.levels = lev self.layers = self.levels # contour: a line is a thin layer if self.filled: self.layers = 0.5 * (self.levels[:-1] + self.levels[1:]) return (x, y, z)
def longest_ones(x): """ return the indicies of the longest stretch of contiguous ones in x, assuming x is a vector of zeros and ones. If there are two equally long stretches, pick the first """ x = asarray(x) if len(x) == 0: return array([]) #print 'x', x ind = find(x == 0) if len(ind) == 0: return arange(len(x)) if len(ind) == len(x): return array([]) y = zeros((len(x) + 2, ), Int) y[1:-1] = x d = diff(y) #print 'd', d up = find(d == 1) dn = find(d == -1) #print 'dn', dn, 'up', up, ind = find(dn - up == max(dn - up)) # pick the first if iterable(ind): ind = ind[0] ind = arange(up[ind], dn[ind]) return ind
def hist(y, bins=10, normed=0): """ Return the histogram of y with bins equally sized bins. If bins is an array, use the bins. Return value is (n,x) where n is the count for each bin in x If normed is False, return the counts in the first element of the return tuple. If normed is True, return the probability density n/(len(y)*dbin) If y has rank>1, it will be raveled Credits: the Numeric 22 documentation """ y = asarray(y) if len(y.shape) > 1: y = ravel(y) if not iterable(bins): ymin, ymax = min(y), max(y) if ymin == ymax: ymin -= 0.5 ymax += 0.5 bins = linspace(ymin, ymax, bins) n = searchsorted(sort(y), bins) n = diff(concatenate([n, [len(y)]])) if normed: db = bins[1] - bins[0] return 1 / (len(y) * db) * n, bins else: return n, bins
def fixitems(items): ret = [] for k, v in items: if iterable(v): v = tuple(v) ret.append((k, v)) return tuple(ret)
def _contour_args(self, filled, badmask, origin, extent, *args): if filled: fn = 'contourf' else: fn = 'contour' Nargs = len(args) if Nargs <= 2: z = args[0] x, y = self._initialize_x_y(z, origin, extent) elif Nargs <=4: x,y,z = self._check_xyz(args[:3]) else: raise TypeError("Too many arguments to %s; see help(%s)" % (fn,fn)) z = asarray(z) # Convert to native array format if necessary. if Nargs == 1 or Nargs == 3: lev = self._autolev(z, 7, filled, badmask) else: # 2 or 4 args level_arg = args[-1] if type(level_arg) == int: lev = self._autolev(z, level_arg, filled, badmask) elif iterable(level_arg) and len(shape(level_arg)) == 1: lev = array([float(fl) for fl in level_arg]) else: raise TypeError("Last %s arg must give levels; see help(%s)" % (fn,fn)) rx = ravel(x) ry = ravel(y), max(rx))), max(ry))) return (x, y, z, lev)
def hist(y, bins=10, normed=0): """ Return the histogram of y with bins equally sized bins. If bins is an array, use the bins. Return value is (n,x) where n is the count for each bin in x If normed is False, return the counts in the first element of the return tuple. If normed is True, return the probability density n/(len(y)*dbin) If y has rank>1, it will be raveled Credits: the Numeric 22 documentation """ y = asarray(y) if len(y.shape)>1: y = ravel(y) if not iterable(bins): ymin, ymax = min(y), max(y) if ymin==ymax: ymin -= 0.5 ymax += 0.5 bins = linspace(ymin, ymax, bins) n = searchsorted(sort(y), bins) n = diff(concatenate([n, [len(y)]])) if normed: db = bins[1]-bins[0] return 1/(len(y)*db)*n, bins else: return n, bins
def longest_ones(x): """ return the indicies of the longest stretch of contiguous ones in x, assuming x is a vector of zeros and ones. If there are two equally long stretches, pick the first """ x = asarray(x) if len(x)==0: return array([]) #print 'x', x ind = find(x==0) if len(ind)==0: return arange(len(x)) if len(ind)==len(x): return array([]) y = zeros( (len(x)+2,), Int) y[1:-1] = x d = diff(y) #print 'd', d up = find(d == 1); dn = find(d == -1); #print 'dn', dn, 'up', up, ind = find( dn-up == max(dn - up)) # pick the first if iterable(ind): ind = ind[0] ind = arange(up[ind], dn[ind]) return ind
def _update_positions(self, renderer): # called from renderer to allow more precise estimates of # widths and heights with get_window_extent def get_tbounds(text): #get text bounds in axes coords bbox = text.get_window_extent(renderer) bboxa = inverse_transform_bbox(self._transform, bbox) return bboxa.get_bounds() hpos = [] for t, tabove in zip(self.texts[1:], self.texts[:-1]): x,y = t.get_position() l,b,w,h = get_tbounds(tabove) hpos.append( (b,h) ) t.set_position( (x, b-0.1*h) ) # now do the same for last line l,b,w,h = get_tbounds(self.texts[-1]) hpos.append( (b,h) ) for handle, tup in zip(self.handles, hpos): y,h = tup if isinstance(handle, Line2D): ydata = y*ones(self._xdata.shape, Float) handle.set_ydata(ydata+h/2) elif isinstance(handle, Rectangle): handle.set_y(y+1/4*h) handle.set_height(h/2) # Set the data for the legend patch bbox = self._get_handle_text_bbox(renderer).deepcopy() bbox.scale(1 + self.pad, 1 + self.pad) l,b,w,h = bbox.get_bounds() self.legendPatch.set_bounds(l,b,w,h) BEST, UR, UL, LL, LR, R, CL, CR, LC, UC, C = range(11) ox, oy = 0, 0 # center if iterable(self._loc) and len(self._loc)==2: xo = self.legendPatch.get_x() yo = self.legendPatch.get_y() x, y = self._loc ox = x-xo oy = y-yo self._offset(ox, oy) else: if self._loc in (UL, LL, CL): # left ox = self.axespad - l if self._loc in (BEST, UR, LR, R, CR): # right ox = 1 - (l + w + self.axespad) if self._loc in (BEST, UR, UL, UC): # upper oy = 1 - (b + h + self.axespad) if self._loc in (LL, LR, LC): # lower oy = self.axespad - b if self._loc in (LC, UC, C): # center x ox = (0.5-w/2)-l if self._loc in (CL, CR, C): # center y oy = (0.5-h/2)-b self._offset(ox, oy)
def invoke_on_elem(working, current_index, previous_indices, args): #print 'in invoke_on_elem, args = %s' % (`args`) position = previous_indices + [current_index] value = working.get_value(position) lookup = working.get_lookup(position) # check for internal implementation if (hasattr(lookup, method_name)): #print 'in invoke_on_elem, args = %s' % (`args`) arg_list = args if (distinct_lookup): arg_list = (value,) + arg_list value = getattr(lookup, method_name)(*arg_list) # copy check and replace working.set_value(position, value) else: conversion_class = None try: conversion_class = \ self._get_unit_conversion(lookup.__class__) except: pass if (conversion_class): # copy check arg_list = [value] arg_list.extend(args) arg_list = tuple(arg_list) value = getattr(conversion_class, method_name)(*arg_list) # copy check and replace working.set_value(position, value) elif (iterable(value)): for v_index in range(len(value)): invoke_on_elem(working, v_index, position, args)
def draw(self, renderer): if self._invalid: self.recache() renderer.open_group('line2d', self.get_gid()) if not self._visible: return gc = renderer.new_gc() self._set_gc_clip(gc) gc.set_foreground(self._color) gc.set_antialiased(self._antialiased) gc.set_linewidth(self._linewidth) gc.set_alpha(self._alpha) if self.is_dashed(): cap = self._dashcapstyle join = self._dashjoinstyle else: cap = self._solidcapstyle join = self._solidjoinstyle gc.set_joinstyle(join) gc.set_capstyle(cap) gc.set_snap(self.get_snap()) funcname = self._lineStyles.get(self._linestyle, '_draw_nothing') if funcname != '_draw_nothing': tpath, affine = self._transformed_path.get_transformed_path_and_affine( ) self._lineFunc = getattr(self, funcname) funcname = self.drawStyles.get(self._drawstyle, '_draw_lines') drawFunc = getattr(self, funcname) drawFunc(renderer, gc, tpath, affine.frozen()) if self._marker is not None: gc = renderer.new_gc() self._set_gc_clip(gc) gc.set_foreground(self.get_markeredgecolor()) gc.set_linewidth(self._markeredgewidth) gc.set_alpha(self._alpha) funcname = self._markers.get(self._marker, '_draw_nothing') if funcname != '_draw_nothing': tpath, affine = self._transformed_path.get_transformed_points_and_affine( ) # subsample the markers if markevery is not None markevery = self.get_markevery() if markevery is not None: if iterable(markevery): startind, stride = markevery else: startind, stride = 0, markevery if is not None: =[startind::stride] tpath.vertices = tpath.vertices[startind::stride] markerFunc = getattr(self, funcname) markerFunc(renderer, gc, tpath, affine.frozen()) renderer.close_group('line2d')
def _update_positions(self, renderer): # called from renderer to allow more precise estimates of # widths and heights with get_window_extent def get_tbounds(text): #get text bounds in axes coords bbox = text.get_window_extent(renderer) bboxa = inverse_transform_bbox(self._transform, bbox) return bboxa.get_bounds() hpos = [] for t, tabove in zip(self.texts[1:], self.texts[:-1]): x, y = t.get_position() l, b, w, h = get_tbounds(tabove) hpos.append((b, h)) t.set_position((x, b - 0.1 * h)) # now do the same for last line l, b, w, h = get_tbounds(self.texts[-1]) hpos.append((b, h)) for handle, tup in zip(self.handles, hpos): y, h = tup if isinstance(handle, Line2D): ydata = y * ones(self._xdata.shape, Float) handle.set_ydata(ydata + h / 2) elif isinstance(handle, Rectangle): handle.set_y(y + 1 / 4 * h) handle.set_height(h / 2) # Set the data for the legend patch bbox = self._get_handle_text_bbox(renderer).deepcopy() bbox.scale(1 + self.pad, 1 + self.pad) l, b, w, h = bbox.get_bounds() self.legendPatch.set_bounds(l, b, w, h) BEST, UR, UL, LL, LR, R, CL, CR, LC, UC, C = range(11) ox, oy = 0, 0 # center if iterable(self._loc) and len(self._loc) == 2: xo = self.legendPatch.get_x() yo = self.legendPatch.get_y() x, y = self._loc ox = x - xo oy = y - yo self._offset(ox, oy) else: if self._loc in (UL, LL, CL): # left ox = self.axespad - l if self._loc in (BEST, UR, LR, R, CR): # right ox = 1 - (l + w + self.axespad) if self._loc in (BEST, UR, UL, UC): # upper oy = 1 - (b + h + self.axespad) if self._loc in (LL, LR, LC): # lower oy = self.axespad - b if self._loc in (LC, UC, C): # center x ox = (0.5 - w / 2) - l if self._loc in (CL, CR, C): # center y oy = (0.5 - h / 2) - b self._offset(ox, oy)
def fixitems(items): #items may have arrays and lists in them, so convert them # to tuples for the key ret = [] for k, v in items: if iterable(v): v = tuple(v) ret.append((k,v)) return tuple(ret)
def fixitems(items): #items may have arrays and lists in them, so convert them # to tuples for the key ret = [] for k, v in items: if iterable(v): v = tuple(v) ret.append((k, v)) return tuple(ret)
def draw(self, renderer): if self._invalid: self.recache() renderer.open_group('line2d', self.get_gid()) if not self._visible: return gc = renderer.new_gc() self._set_gc_clip(gc) gc.set_foreground(self._color) gc.set_antialiased(self._antialiased) gc.set_linewidth(self._linewidth) gc.set_alpha(self._alpha) if self.is_dashed(): cap = self._dashcapstyle join = self._dashjoinstyle else: cap = self._solidcapstyle join = self._solidjoinstyle gc.set_joinstyle(join) gc.set_capstyle(cap) gc.set_snap(self.get_snap()) funcname = self._lineStyles.get(self._linestyle, '_draw_nothing') if funcname != '_draw_nothing': tpath, affine = self._transformed_path.get_transformed_path_and_affine() self._lineFunc = getattr(self, funcname) funcname = self.drawStyles.get(self._drawstyle, '_draw_lines') drawFunc = getattr(self, funcname) drawFunc(renderer, gc, tpath, affine.frozen()) if self._marker is not None: gc = renderer.new_gc() self._set_gc_clip(gc) gc.set_foreground(self.get_markeredgecolor()) gc.set_linewidth(self._markeredgewidth) gc.set_alpha(self._alpha) funcname = self._markers.get(self._marker, '_draw_nothing') if funcname != '_draw_nothing': tpath, affine = self._transformed_path.get_transformed_points_and_affine() # subsample the markers if markevery is not None markevery = self.get_markevery() if markevery is not None: if iterable(markevery): startind, stride = markevery else: startind, stride = 0, markevery if is not None: =[startind::stride] tpath.vertices = tpath.vertices[startind::stride] markerFunc = getattr(self, funcname) markerFunc(renderer, gc, tpath, affine.frozen()) renderer.close_group('line2d')
def _update_positions(self, renderer): # called from renderer to allow more precise estimates of # widths and heights with get_window_extent if not len(self.legendHandles) and not len(self.texts): return def get_tbounds(text): #get text bounds in axes coords bbox = text.get_window_extent(renderer) bboxa = bbox.inverse_transformed(self.get_transform()) return bboxa.bounds hpos = [] for t, tabove in safezip(self.texts[1:], self.texts[:-1]): x, y = t.get_position() l, b, w, h = get_tbounds(tabove) b -= self.labelsep h += 2 * self.labelsep hpos.append((b, h)) t.set_position((x, b - 0.1 * h)) # now do the same for last line l, b, w, h = get_tbounds(self.texts[-1]) b -= self.labelsep h += 2 * self.labelsep hpos.append((b, h)) for handle, tup in safezip(self.legendHandles, hpos): y, h = tup if isinstance(handle, Line2D): ydata = y * np.ones(handle.get_xdata().shape, float) handle.set_ydata(ydata + h / 2.) handle._legmarker.set_ydata(ydata + h / 2.) elif isinstance(handle, Rectangle): handle.set_y(y + 1 / 4 * h) handle.set_height(h / 2) # Set the data for the legend patch bbox = self._get_handle_text_bbox(renderer) bbox = bbox.expanded(1 + self.pad, 1 + self.pad) l, b, w, h = bbox.bounds self.legendPatch.set_bounds(l, b, w, h) ox, oy = 0, 0 # center if iterable(self._loc) and len(self._loc) == 2: xo = self.legendPatch.get_x() yo = self.legendPatch.get_y() x, y = self._loc ox, oy = x - xo, y - yo elif self._loc == 0: # "best" ox, oy = self._find_best_position(w, h) else: x, y = self._loc_to_axes_coords(self._loc, w, h) ox, oy = x - l, y - b self._offset(ox, oy)
def _contour_args(self, *args): if self.filled: fn = 'contourf' else: fn = 'contour' Nargs = len(args) if Nargs <= 2: z = args[0] x, y = self._initialize_x_y(z) elif Nargs <=4: x,y,z = self._check_xyz(args[:3]) else: raise TypeError("Too many arguments to %s; see help(%s)" % (fn,fn)) z = ma.asarray(z) # Convert to native masked array format if necessary. self.zmax = ma.maximum(z) self.zmin = ma.minimum(z) self._auto = False if self.levels is None: if Nargs == 1 or Nargs == 3: lev = self._autolev(z, 7) else: # 2 or 4 args level_arg = args[-1] if type(level_arg) == int: lev = self._autolev(z, level_arg) elif iterable(level_arg) and len(shape(level_arg)) == 1: lev = array([float(fl) for fl in level_arg]) else: raise TypeError("Last %s arg must give levels; see help(%s)" % (fn,fn)) if self.filled and len(lev) < 2: raise ValueError("Filled contours require at least 2 levels.") # Workaround for cntr.c bug wrt masked interior regions: #if filled: # z = ma.masked_array(z.filled(-1e38)) # It's not clear this is any better than the original bug. self.levels = lev #if self._auto and self.extend in ('both', 'min', 'max'): # raise TypeError("Auto level selection is inconsistent " # + "with use of 'extend' kwarg") self._levels = list(self.levels) if self.extend in ('both', 'min'): self._levels.insert(0, self.zmin - 1) if self.extend in ('both', 'max'): self._levels.append(self.zmax + 1) self._levels = asarray(self._levels) self.vmin = amin(self.levels) # alternative would be self.layers self.vmax = amax(self.levels) if self.extend in ('both', 'min') or self.clip_ends: self.vmin = 2 * self.levels[0] - self.levels[1] if self.extend in ('both', 'max') or self.clip_ends: self.vmax = 2 * self.levels[-1] - self.levels[-2] self.layers = self._levels # contour: a line is a thin layer if self.filled: self.layers = 0.5 * (self._levels[:-1] + self._levels[1:]) if self.extend in ('both', 'min') or self.clip_ends: self.layers[0] = 0.5 * (self.vmin + self._levels[1]) if self.extend in ('both', 'max') or self.clip_ends: self.layers[-1] = 0.5 * (self.vmax + self._levels[-2]) return (x, y, z)
def _update_positions(self, renderer): # called from renderer to allow more precise estimates of # widths and heights with get_window_extent if not len(self.legendHandles) and not len(self.texts): return def get_tbounds(text): #get text bounds in axes coords bbox = text.get_window_extent(renderer) bboxa = bbox.inverse_transformed(self.get_transform()) return bboxa.bounds hpos = [] for t, tabove in safezip(self.texts[1:], self.texts[:-1]): x,y = t.get_position() l,b,w,h = get_tbounds(tabove) b -= self.labelsep h += 2*self.labelsep hpos.append( (b,h) ) t.set_position( (x, b-0.1*h) ) # now do the same for last line l,b,w,h = get_tbounds(self.texts[-1]) b -= self.labelsep h += 2*self.labelsep hpos.append( (b,h) ) for handle, tup in safezip(self.legendHandles, hpos): y,h = tup if isinstance(handle, Line2D): ydata = y*np.ones(handle.get_xdata().shape, float) handle.set_ydata(ydata+h/2.) handle._legmarker.set_ydata(ydata+h/2.) elif isinstance(handle, Rectangle): handle.set_y(y+1/4*h) handle.set_height(h/2) # Set the data for the legend patch bbox = self._get_handle_text_bbox(renderer) bbox = bbox.expanded(1 + self.pad, 1 + self.pad) l, b, w, h = bbox.bounds self.legendPatch.set_bounds(l, b, w, h) ox, oy = 0, 0 # center if iterable(self._loc) and len(self._loc)==2: xo = self.legendPatch.get_x() yo = self.legendPatch.get_y() x, y = self._loc ox, oy = x-xo, y-yo elif self._loc == 0: # "best" ox, oy = self._find_best_position(w, h) else: x, y = self._loc_to_axes_coords(self._loc, w, h) ox, oy = x-l, y-b self._offset(ox, oy)
def _get_value(self, val): try: return (float(val), ) except TypeError: if iterable(val) and len(val): try: float(val[0]) except TypeError: pass # raise below else: return val raise TypeError('val must be a float or nonzero sequence of floats')
def date2num(d): """ d is either a datetime instance or a sequence of datetimes return value is a floating point number (or sequence of floats) which gives number of days (fraction part represents hours, minutes, seconds) since 0001-01-01 00:00:00 UTC """ if not iterable(d): return _to_ordinalf(d) else: return [_to_ordinalf(val) for val in d]
def __init__(self, o): """ Initialize the artist inspector with an artist or sequence of artists. Id a sequence is used, we assume it is a homogeneous sequence (all Artists are of the same type) and it is your responsibility to make sure this is so. """ if iterable(o): o = o[0] self.o = o self.aliasd = self.get_aliases()
def __init__(self, o): """ Initialize the artist inspector with an artist or sequence of artists. Id a sequence is used, we assume it is a homogeneous sequence (all Artists are of the same type) and it is your responsibility to make sure this is so. """ if iterable(o) and len(o): o = o[0] self.o = o self.aliasd = self.get_aliases()
def add_axes(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Add an a axes with axes rect [left, bottom, width, height] where all quantities are in fractions of figure width and height. kwargs are legal Axes kwargs plus"polar" which sets whether to create a polar axes add_axes((l,b,w,h)) add_axes((l,b,w,h), frameon=False, axisbg='g') add_axes((l,b,w,h), polar=True) add_axes(ax) # add an Axes instance If the figure already has an axes with key *args, *kwargs then it will simply make that axes current and return it. If you do not want this behavior, eg you want to force the creation of a new axes, you must use a unique set of args and kwargs. The artist "label" attribute has been exposed for this purpose. Eg, if you want two axes that are otherwise identical to be added to the axes, make sure you give them unique labels: add_axes((l,b,w,h), label='1') add_axes((l,b,w,h), label='2') The Axes instance will be returned """ if iterable(args[0]): key = tuple(args[0]), tuple(kwargs.items()) else: key = args[0], tuple(kwargs.items()) if self._seen.has_key(key): ax = self._seen[key] return ax if not len(args): return if isinstance(args[0], Axes): a = args[0] a.set_figure(self) else: rect = args[0] ispolar = popd(kwargs, 'polar', False) if ispolar: a = PolarAxes(self, rect, **kwargs) else: a = Axes(self, rect, **kwargs) self.axes.append(a) self._axstack.push(a) self._seen[key] = a return a
def to_rgb(self, arg): """ Returns an *RGB* tuple of three floats from 0-1. *arg* can be an *RGB* or *RGBA* sequence or a string in any of several forms: 1) a letter from the set 'rgbcmykw' 2) a hex color string, like '#00FFFF' 3) a standard name, like 'aqua' 4) a float, like '0.4', indicating gray on a 0-1 scale if *arg* is *RGBA*, the *A* will simply be discarded. """ try: return self.cache[arg] except KeyError: pass except TypeError: # could be unhashable rgb seq arg = tuple(arg) try: return self.cache[arg] except KeyError: pass except TypeError: raise ValueError( 'to_rgb: arg "%s" is unhashable even inside a tuple' % (str(arg),)) try: if cbook.is_string_like(arg): argl = arg.lower() color = self.colors.get(argl, None) if color is None: str1 = cnames.get(argl, argl) if str1.startswith('#'): color = hex2color(str1) else: fl = float(argl) if fl < 0 or fl > 1: raise ValueError( 'gray (string) must be in range 0-1') color = tuple([fl]*3) elif cbook.iterable(arg): if len(arg) > 4 or len(arg) < 3: raise ValueError( 'sequence length is %d; must be 3 or 4'%len(arg)) color = tuple(arg[:3]) if [x for x in color if (float(x) < 0) or (x > 1)]: # This will raise TypeError if x is not a number. raise ValueError('number in rbg sequence outside 0-1 range') else: raise ValueError('cannot convert argument to rgb sequence') self.cache[arg] = color except (KeyError, ValueError, TypeError), exc: raise ValueError('to_rgb: Invalid rgb arg "%s"\n%s' % (str(arg), exc))
def mx2num(mxdates): """ Convert mx datetime instance (or sequence of mx instances) to the new date format, """ scalar = False if not iterable(mxdates): scalar = True mxdates = [mxdates] ret = epoch2num([m.ticks() for m in mxdates]) if scalar: return ret[0] else: return ret
def _add_offsets(self, offsets): segs = self._segments Nsegs = len(segs) Noffs = len(offsets) if not iterable(offsets[0]): # i.e., not a tuple but an x-offset xo, yo = offsets for i in range(Nsegs): segs[i] = [(x + xo * i, y + yo * i) for x, y in segs[i]] else: for i in range(Nsegs): xo, yo = offsets[i % Noffs] segs[i] = [(x + xo, y + yo) for x, y in segs[i]]
def set_linestyle(self, ls): """ Set the linestyles(s) for the collection. ACCEPTS: ['solid' | 'dashed', 'dashdot', 'dotted' | (offset, on-off-dash-seq) ]""" if is_string_like(ls): dashes = GraphicsContextBase.dashd[ls] elif iterable(ls) and len(ls)==2: dashes = ls else: raise ValueError('Do not know how to convert %s to dashes'%ls) self._ls = dashes
def set_linestyle(self, ls): """ Set the linestyles(s) for the collection. ACCEPTS: ['solid' | 'dashed', 'dashdot', 'dotted' | (offset, on-off-dash-seq) ]""" if is_string_like(ls): dashes = GraphicsContextBase.dashd[ls] elif iterable(ls) and len(ls) == 2: dashes = ls else: raise ValueError('Do not know how to convert %s to dashes' % ls) self._ls = dashes
def _add_offsets(self, offsets): segs = self._segments Nsegs = len(segs) Noffs = len(offsets) if not iterable(offsets[0]): # i.e., not a tuple but an x-offset xo, yo = offsets for i in range(Nsegs): segs[i] = [(x+xo*i, y+yo*i) for x,y in segs[i]] else: for i in range(Nsegs): xo, yo = offsets[i%Noffs] segs[i] = [(x+xo, y+yo) for x,y in segs[i]]
def to_rgb(self, arg, warn=True): """ Returns an RGB tuple of three floats from 0-1. arg can be an RGB sequence or a string in any of several forms: 1) a letter from the set 'rgbcmykw' 2) a hex color string, like '#00FFFF' 3) a standard name, like 'aqua' 4) a float, like '0.4', indicating gray on a 0-1 scale """ # warn kwarg will go away when float-as-grayscale does try: return self.cache[arg] except KeyError: pass except TypeError: # could be unhashable rgb seq arg = tuple(arg) try: self.cache[arg] except KeyError: pass except TypeError: raise ValueError('to_rgb: unhashable even inside a tuple') try: if is_string_like(arg): str1 = cnames.get(arg, arg) if str1.startswith('#'): color = hex2color(str1) else: try: color = self.colors[arg] except KeyError: color = tuple([float(arg)]*3) elif iterable(arg): # streamline this after removing float case color = tuple(arg[:3]) if [x for x in color if (x < 0) or (x > 1)]: raise ValueError('to_rgb: Invalid rgb arg "%s"' % (str(arg))) elif isinstance(arg, (float,int)): #raise Exception('number is %s' % str(arg)) if warn: warnings.warn( "For gray use a string, '%s', not a float, %s" % (str(arg), str(arg)), DeprecationWarning) else: self._gray = True if 0 <= arg <= 1: color = (arg,arg,arg) else: raise ValueError('Floating point color arg must be between 0 and 1') else: raise ValueError('to_rgb: Invalid rgb arg "%s"' % (str(arg))) self.cache[arg] = color except (KeyError, ValueError, TypeError), exc: raise ValueError('to_rgb: Invalid rgb arg "%s"\n%s' % (str(arg), exc))
def num2date(x, tz=None): """ x is a float value which gives number of days (fraction part represents hours, minutes, seconds) since 0001-01-01 00:00:00 UTC Return value is a datetime instance in timezone tz (default to rcparams TZ value) if x is a sequence, a sequence of datetimes will be returned """ if tz is None: tz = _get_rc_timezone() if not iterable(x): return _from_ordinalf(x, tz) else: return [_from_ordinalf(val, tz) for val in x]
def looks_like_color(c): if is_string_like(c): if cnames.has_key(c): return True elif len(c) == 1: return True elif len(c) == 7 and c.startswith('#') and len(c) == 7: return True else: return False elif iterable(c) and len(c) == 3: try: rgb = [float(val) for val in c] return True except: return False else: return False
def looks_like_color(c): if is_string_like(c): if cnames.has_key(c): return True elif len(c)==1: return True elif len(c)==7 and c.startswith('#') and len(c)==7: return True else: return False elif iterable(c) and len(c)==3: try: rgb = [float(val) for val in c] return True except: return False else: return False
def looks_like_color(c): warnings.warn('Use is_color_like instead!', DeprecationWarning) if is_string_like(c): if cnames.has_key(c): return True elif len(c)==1: return True elif len(c)==7 and c.startswith('#') and len(c)==7: return True else: return False elif iterable(c) and len(c)==3: try: rgb = [float(val) for val in c] return True except: return False else: return False
def looks_like_color(c): warnings.warn('Use is_color_like instead!', DeprecationWarning) if is_string_like(c): if cnames.has_key(c): return True elif len(c) == 1: return True elif len(c) == 7 and c.startswith('#') and len(c) == 7: return True else: return False elif iterable(c) and len(c) == 3: try: rgb = [float(val) for val in c] return True except: return False else: return False
def prctile(x, p = (0.0, 25.0, 50.0, 75.0, 100.0)): """ Return the percentiles of x. p can either be a sequence of percentil values or a scalar. If p is a sequence the i-th element of the return sequence is the p(i)-th percentile of x """ x = sort(ravel(x)) Nx = len(x) if not iterable(p): return x[int(p*Nx/100.0)] p = multiply(array(p), Nx/100.0) ind = p.astype(Int) ind = where(ind>=Nx, Nx-1, ind) return take(x, ind)
def add_axes(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Add an a axes with axes rect [left, bottom, width, height] where all quantities are in fractions of figure width and height. kwargs are legal Axes kwargs plus"polar" which sets whether to create a polar axes add_axes((l,b,w,h)) add_axes((l,b,w,h), frameon=False, axisbg='g') add_axes((l,b,w,h), polar=True) add_axes(ax) # add an Axes instance If the figure already has an axed with key *args, *kwargs then it will simply make that axes current and return it The Axes instance will be returned """ if iterable(args[0]): key = tuple(args[0]), tuple(kwargs.items()) else: key = args[0], tuple(kwargs.items()) if self._seen.has_key(key): ax = self._seen[key] return ax if not len(args): return if isinstance(args[0], Axes): a = args[0] a.set_figure(self) else: rect = args[0] ispolar = popd(kwargs, 'polar', False) if ispolar: a = PolarAxes(self, rect, **kwargs) else: a = Axes(self, rect, **kwargs) self.axes.append(a) self._axstack.push(a) self._seen[key] = a return a
def _make_key(self, *args, **kwargs): 'make a hashable key out of args and kwargs' def fixitems(items): #items may have arrays and lists in them, so convert them # to tuples for the kyey ret = [] for k, v in items: if iterable(v): v = tuple(v) ret.append((k, v)) return ret if iterable(args[0]): key = tuple(args[0]), tuple(fixitems(kwargs.items())) else: key = args[0], tuple(fixitems(kwargs.items())) return key
def to_rgba(self, arg, alpha=None, warn=True): """ Returns an RGBA tuple of four floats from 0-1. For acceptable values of arg, see to_rgb. In addition, arg may already be an rgba sequence, in which case it is returned unchanged if the alpha kwarg is None, or takes on the specified alpha. """ if not is_string_like(arg) and iterable(arg): if len(arg) == 4 and alpha is None: return tuple(arg) r, g, b = arg[:3] else: r, g, b = self.to_rgb(arg, warn) if alpha is None: alpha = 1.0 return r, g, b, alpha
def set_marker(self, marker): if (iterable(marker) and len(marker) in (2, 3) and marker[1] in (0, 1, 2, 3)): self._marker_function = self._set_tuple_marker elif marker in self.markers: self._marker_function = getattr( self, '_set_' + self.markers[marker]) elif is_string_like(marker) and is_math_text(marker): self._marker_function = self._set_mathtext_path elif isinstance(marker, Path): self._marker_function = self._set_path_marker else: try: path = Path(marker) self._marker_function = self._set_vertices except: raise ValueError('Unrecognized marker style %s' % marker) self._marker = marker self._recache()
def _process_colors(self, z, colors, alpha, lev, cmap): """ Color argument processing for contouring. Note that we base the color mapping on the contour levels, not on the actual range of the Z values. This means we don't have to worry about bad values in Z, and we always have the full dynamic range available for the selected levels. The input argument Z is not actually being used now; if using the levels for autoscaling instead of Z works well, then it will be removed. """ Nlev = len(lev) collections = [] if colors is not None: if is_string_like(colors): colors = [colors] * Nlev elif iterable(colors) and len(colors) < Nlev: colors = list(colors) * Nlev else: try: gray = float(colors) except TypeError: pass else: colors = [gray] * Nlev tcolors = [(colorConverter.to_rgba(c, alpha), ) for c in colors] mappable = None else: mappable = ContourMappable(lev, collections, cmap=cmap) #mappable.set_array(z) mappable.set_array(lev) mappable.autoscale() tcolors = [(tuple(rgba), ) for rgba in mappable.to_rgba(lev)] return tcolors, mappable, collections
def __call__(self, X, alpha=1.0): """ X is either a scalar or an array (of any dimension). If scalar, a tuple of rgba values is returned, otherwise an array with the new shape = oldshape+(4,). If the X-values are integers, then they are used as indices into the array. If they are floating point, then they must be in the interval (0.0, 1.0). Alpha must be a scalar. """ if not self._isinit: self._init() alpha = min(alpha, 1.0) # alpha must be between 0 and 1 alpha = max(alpha, 0.0) self._lut[:-3, -1] = alpha mask_bad = None if not iterable(X): vtype = 'scalar' xa = array([X]) else: vtype = 'array' xma = ma.asarray(X) xa = xma.filled(0) mask_bad = ma.getmaskorNone(xma) if typecode(xa) in typecodes['Float']: xa = where(xa == 1.0, 0.9999999, xa) # Tweak so 1.0 is in range. xa = (xa * self.N).astype(Int) mask_under = xa < 0 mask_over = xa > self.N - 1 xa = where(mask_under, self._i_under, xa) xa = where(mask_over, self._i_over, xa) if mask_bad is not None: # and sometrue(mask_bad): xa = where(mask_bad, self._i_bad, xa) rgba = take(self._lut, xa) if vtype == 'scalar': rgba = tuple(rgba[0, :]) return rgba
def _contour_args(self, *args): if self.filled: fn = 'contourf' else: fn = 'contour' Nargs = len(args) if Nargs <= 2: z = args[0] x, y = self._initialize_x_y(z) elif Nargs <= 4: x, y, z = self._check_xyz(args[:3]) else: raise TypeError("Too many arguments to %s; see help(%s)" % (fn, fn)) z = ma.asarray( z) # Convert to native masked array format if necessary. if Nargs == 1 or Nargs == 3: lev = self._autolev(z, 7) else: # 2 or 4 args level_arg = args[-1] if type(level_arg) == int: lev = self._autolev(z, level_arg) elif iterable(level_arg) and len(shape(level_arg)) == 1: lev = array([float(fl) for fl in level_arg]) else: raise TypeError("Last %s arg must give levels; see help(%s)" % (fn, fn)) if self.filled and len(lev) < 2: raise ValueError("Filled contours require at least 2 levels.") # Workaround for cntr.c bug wrt masked interior regions: #if filled: # z = ma.masked_array(z.filled(-1e38)) # It's not clear this is any better than the original bug. self.levels = lev self.layers = self.levels # contour: a line is a thin layer if self.filled: self.layers = 0.5 * (self.levels[:-1] + self.levels[1:]) return (x, y, z)
def contour(self, *args, **kwargs): """ contour(self, *args, **kwargs) Function signatures contour(Z) - make a contour plot of an array Z. The level values are chosen automatically. contour(X,Y,Z) - X,Y specify the (x,y) coordinates of the surface contour(Z,N) and contour(X,Y,Z,N) - draw N contour lines overriding the automatic value contour(Z,V) and contour(X,Y,Z,V) - draw len(V) contour lines, at the values specified in V (array, list, tuple) contour(Z, **kwargs) - Use keyword args to control colors, linewidth, origin, cmap ... see below [L,C] = contour(...) returns a list of levels and a silent_list of LineCollections Optional keywork args are shown with their defaults below (you must use kwargs for these): * colors = None: one of these: - a tuple of matplotlib color args (string, float, rgb, etc), different levels will be plotted in different colors in the order specified - one string color, e.g. colors = 'r' or colors = 'red', all levels will be plotted in this color - if colors == None, the default colormap will be used * alpha=1.0 : the alpha blending value * cmap = None: a cm Colormap instance from * origin = None: 'upper'|'lower'|'image'|None. If 'image', the rc value for image.origin will be used. If None (default), the first value of Z will correspond to the lower left corner, location (0,0). This keyword is active only if contourf is called with one or two arguments, that is, without explicitly specifying X and Y. * extent = None: (x0,x1,y0,y1); also active only if X and Y are not specified. * badmask = None: array with dimensions of Z, and with values of zero at locations corresponding to valid data, and one at locations where the value of Z should be ignored. This is experimental. It presently works for edge regions for line and filled contours, but for interior regions it works correctly only for line contours. The badmask kwarg may go away in the future, to be replaced by the use of NaN value in Z and/or the use of a masked array in Z. * linewidths = None: or one of these: - a number - all levels will be plotted with this linewidth, e.g. linewidths = 0.6 - a tuple of numbers, e.g. linewidths = (0.4, 0.8, 1.2) different levels will be plotted with different linewidths in the order specified - if linewidths == None, the default width in lines.linewidth in .matplotlibrc is used * fmt = '1.3f': a format string for adding a label to each collection. Useful for auto-legending. """ alpha = kwargs.get('alpha', 1.0) linewidths = kwargs.get('linewidths', None) fmt = kwargs.get('fmt', '%1.3f') origin = kwargs.get('origin', None) extent = kwargs.get('extent', None) cmap = kwargs.get('cmap', None) colors = kwargs.get('colors', None) badmask = kwargs.get('badmask', None) if cmap is not None: assert (isinstance(cmap, Colormap)) if origin is not None: assert (origin in ['lower', 'upper', 'image']) if extent is not None: assert (len(extent) == 4) if colors is not None and cmap is not None: raise RuntimeError('Either colors or cmap must be None') # todo: shouldn't this use the current image rather than the rc param? if origin == 'image': origin = rcParams['image.origin'] x, y, z, lev = self._contour_args(False, badmask, origin, extent, *args) # Manipulate the plot *after* checking the input arguments. if not Nlev = len(lev) if cmap is None: if colors is None: Ncolors = Nlev else: Ncolors = len(colors) else: Ncolors = Nlev reg, triangle = self._initialize_reg_tri(z, badmask) tcolors, mappable, collections = self._process_colors( z, colors, alpha, lev, cmap) if linewidths == None: tlinewidths = [rcParams['lines.linewidth']] * Nlev else: if iterable(linewidths) and len(linewidths) < Nlev: linewidths = list(linewidths) * int( ceil(Nlev / len(linewidths))) elif not iterable(linewidths) and type(linewidths) in [int, float]: linewidths = [linewidths] * Nlev tlinewidths = [(w, ) for w in linewidths] region = 0 for level, color, width in zip(lev, tcolors, tlinewidths): ntotal, nparts = _contour.GcInit1(x, y, reg, triangle, region, z, level) np = zeros((nparts, ), typecode='l') xp = zeros((ntotal, ), Float64) yp = zeros((ntotal, ), Float64) nlist = _contour.GcTrace(np, xp, yp) col = LineCollection(nlist) col.set_color(color) col.set_linewidth(width) if level < 0.0 and Ncolors == 1: col.set_linestyle((0, (6., 6.)), ) #print "setting dashed" col.set_label(fmt % level) collections.append(col) collections = silent_list('LineCollection', collections) # the mappable attr is for the pylab interface functions, # which maintain the current image collections.mappable = mappable return lev, collections
def draw(self, renderer): if self._invalidy or self._invalidx: self.recache() self.ind_offset = 0 # Needed for contains() method. if self._subslice and self.axes: # Need to handle monotonically decreasing case also... x0, x1 = self.axes.get_xbound() i0, = self._x.searchsorted([x0], 'left') i1, = self._x.searchsorted([x1], 'right') subslice = slice(max(i0 - 1, 0), i1 + 1) self.ind_offset = subslice.start self._transform_path(subslice) if self._transformed_path is None: self._transform_path() if not self.get_visible(): return renderer.open_group('line2d', self.get_gid()) gc = renderer.new_gc() self._set_gc_clip(gc) gc.set_foreground(self._color) gc.set_antialiased(self._antialiased) gc.set_linewidth(self._linewidth) gc.set_alpha(self._alpha) if self.is_dashed(): cap = self._dashcapstyle join = self._dashjoinstyle else: cap = self._solidcapstyle join = self._solidjoinstyle gc.set_joinstyle(join) gc.set_capstyle(cap) gc.set_snap(self.get_snap()) funcname = self._lineStyles.get(self._linestyle, '_draw_nothing') if funcname != '_draw_nothing': tpath, affine = self._transformed_path.get_transformed_path_and_affine( ) if len(tpath.vertices): self._lineFunc = getattr(self, funcname) funcname = self.drawStyles.get(self._drawstyle, '_draw_lines') drawFunc = getattr(self, funcname) drawFunc(renderer, gc, tpath, affine.frozen()) if self._marker: gc = renderer.new_gc() self._set_gc_clip(gc) rgbFace = self._get_rgb_face() rgbFaceAlt = self._get_rgb_face(alt=True) edgecolor = self.get_markeredgecolor() if is_string_like(edgecolor) and edgecolor.lower() == 'none': gc.set_linewidth(0) gc.set_foreground(rgbFace) else: gc.set_foreground(edgecolor) gc.set_linewidth(self._markeredgewidth) gc.set_alpha(self._alpha) marker = self._marker tpath, affine = self._transformed_path.get_transformed_points_and_affine( ) if len(tpath.vertices): # subsample the markers if markevery is not None markevery = self.get_markevery() if markevery is not None: if iterable(markevery): startind, stride = markevery else: startind, stride = 0, markevery if is not None: codes =[startind::stride] else: codes = None vertices = tpath.vertices[startind::stride] subsampled = Path(vertices, codes) else: subsampled = tpath snap = marker.get_snap_threshold() if type(snap) == float: snap = renderer.points_to_pixels(self._markersize) >= snap gc.set_snap(snap) gc.set_joinstyle(marker.get_joinstyle()) gc.set_capstyle(marker.get_capstyle()) marker_path = marker.get_path() marker_trans = marker.get_transform() w = renderer.points_to_pixels(self._markersize) if marker.get_marker() != ',': # Don't scale for pixels, and don't stroke them marker_trans = marker_trans.scale(w) else: gc.set_linewidth(0) renderer.draw_markers(gc, marker_path, marker_trans, subsampled, affine.frozen(), rgbFace) alt_marker_path = marker.get_alt_path() if alt_marker_path: alt_marker_trans = marker.get_alt_transform() alt_marker_trans = alt_marker_trans.scale(w) renderer.draw_markers(gc, alt_marker_path, alt_marker_trans, subsampled, affine.frozen(), rgbFaceAlt) gc.restore() gc.restore() renderer.close_group('line2d')
def __init__(self, xdata, ydata, linewidth = None, # all Nones default to rc linestyle = None, color = None, marker = None, markersize = None, markeredgewidth = None, markeredgecolor = None, markerfacecolor = None, antialiased = None, dash_capstyle = None, solid_capstyle = None, dash_joinstyle = None, solid_joinstyle = None, xunits = None, yunits = None, **kwargs ): """ xdata is a sequence of x data ydata is a sequence of y data linewidth is the width of the line in points linestyle is one of lineStyles marker is one of lineMarkers or None markersize is the size of the marker in points markeredgecolor and markerfacecolor can be any color arg markeredgewidth is the size of the markter edge in points dash_capstyle set the capstyle for dashed line solid_capstyle set the capstyle for solid line dash_joinstyle set the joinstyle for dashed line solid_joinstyle set the joinstyle for solid line """ Artist.__init__(self) #convert sequences to numeric arrays if not iterable(xdata): raise RuntimeError('xdata must be a sequence') if not iterable(ydata): raise RuntimeError('ydata must be a sequence') if linewidth is None : linewidth=rcParams['lines.linewidth'] if linestyle is None : linestyle=rcParams['lines.linestyle'] if marker is None : marker=rcParams['lines.marker'] if color is None : color=rcParams['lines.color'] if markeredgecolor is None : markeredgecolor=rcParams['lines.markeredgecolor'] if markerfacecolor is None : markerfacecolor=rcParams['lines.markerfacecolor'] if markeredgewidth is None : markeredgewidth=rcParams['lines.markeredgewidth'] if markersize is None : markersize=rcParams['lines.markersize'] if antialiased is None : antialiased=rcParams['lines.antialiased'] if dash_capstyle is None : dash_capstyle=rcParams['lines.dash_capstyle'] if dash_joinstyle is None : dash_joinstyle=rcParams['lines.dash_joinstyle'] if solid_capstyle is None : solid_capstyle=rcParams['lines.solid_capstyle'] if solid_joinstyle is None : solid_joinstyle=rcParams['lines.solid_joinstyle'] self.set_dash_capstyle(dash_capstyle) self.set_dash_joinstyle(dash_joinstyle) self.set_solid_capstyle(solid_capstyle) self.set_solid_joinstyle(solid_joinstyle) self.set_xunits(xunits) self.set_yunits(yunits) self._linestyle = linestyle self._linewidth = linewidth self._color = color self._antialiased = antialiased self._markersize = markersize self._dashSeq = None self._markerfacecolor = markerfacecolor self._markeredgecolor = markeredgecolor self._markeredgewidth = markeredgewidth self._point_size_reduction = 0.5 self.verticalOffset = None self.set_data(xdata, ydata) if not self._lineStyles.has_key(linestyle): raise ValueError('Unrecognized line style %s, %s' %( linestyle, type(linestyle))) if not self._markers.has_key(marker): raise ValueError('Unrecognized marker style %s, %s'%( marker, type(marker))) self.set_marker(marker) self._logcache = None if len(kwargs): setp(self, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, xdata, ydata, linewidth = None, # all Nones default to rc linestyle = None, color = None, marker = None, markersize = None, markeredgewidth = None, markeredgecolor = None, markerfacecolor = None, antialiased = None, dash_capstyle = None, solid_capstyle = None, dash_joinstyle = None, solid_joinstyle = None, pickradius = 5, **kwargs ): """ Create a Line2D instance with x and y data in sequences xdata, ydata The kwargs are Line2D properties: alpha: float animated: [True | False] antialiased or aa: [True | False] clip_box: a matplotlib.transform.Bbox instance clip_on: [True | False] color or c: any matplotlib color dash_capstyle: ['butt' | 'round' | 'projecting'] dash_joinstyle: ['miter' | 'round' | 'bevel'] dashes: sequence of on/off ink in points data: (np.array xdata, np.array ydata) figure: a matplotlib.figure.Figure instance label: any string linestyle or ls: [ '-' | '--' | '-.' | ':' | 'steps' | 'steps-pre' | 'steps-mid' | 'steps-post' | 'None' | ' ' | '' ] linewidth or lw: float value in points lod: [True | False] marker: [ '+' | ',' | '.' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' markeredgecolor or mec: any matplotlib color markeredgewidth or mew: float value in points (default 5) markerfacecolor or mfc: any matplotlib color markersize or ms: float pickradius: mouse event radius for pick items in points (default 5) solid_capstyle: ['butt' | 'round' | 'projecting'] solid_joinstyle: ['miter' | 'round' | 'bevel'] transform: a matplotlib.transform transformation instance visible: [True | False] xdata: np.array ydata: np.array zorder: any number """ Artist.__init__(self) #convert sequences to numpy arrays if not iterable(xdata): raise RuntimeError('xdata must be a sequence') if not iterable(ydata): raise RuntimeError('ydata must be a sequence') if linewidth is None : linewidth=rcParams['lines.linewidth'] if linestyle is None : linestyle=rcParams['lines.linestyle'] if marker is None : marker=rcParams['lines.marker'] if color is None : color=rcParams['lines.color'] if markeredgecolor is None : markeredgecolor='auto' if markerfacecolor is None : markerfacecolor='auto' if markeredgewidth is None : markeredgewidth=rcParams['lines.markeredgewidth'] if markersize is None : markersize=rcParams['lines.markersize'] if antialiased is None : antialiased=rcParams['lines.antialiased'] if dash_capstyle is None : dash_capstyle=rcParams['lines.dash_capstyle'] if dash_joinstyle is None : dash_joinstyle=rcParams['lines.dash_joinstyle'] if solid_capstyle is None : solid_capstyle=rcParams['lines.solid_capstyle'] if solid_joinstyle is None : solid_joinstyle=rcParams['lines.solid_joinstyle'] self.set_dash_capstyle(dash_capstyle) self.set_dash_joinstyle(dash_joinstyle) self.set_solid_capstyle(solid_capstyle) self.set_solid_joinstyle(solid_joinstyle) self.set_linestyle(linestyle) self.set_linewidth(linewidth) self.set_color(color) self.set_marker(marker) self.set_antialiased(antialiased) self.set_markersize(markersize) self._dashSeq = None self.set_markerfacecolor(markerfacecolor) self.set_markeredgecolor(markeredgecolor) self.set_markeredgewidth(markeredgewidth) self._point_size_reduction = 0.5 self.verticalOffset = None # update kwargs before updating data to give the caller a # chance to init axes (and hence unit support) self.update(kwargs) self.pickradius = pickradius if is_numlike(self._picker): self.pickradius = self._picker self._xorig = np.asarray([]) self._yorig = np.asarray([]) self._invalid = True self.set_data(xdata, ydata)