Exemplo n.º 1
    def __readCDMS(self):
        Read data from CDMS line list catalogs for a specific molecule.

        data = DataIO.readFile(self.fn,\
        print 'Reading data from CDMS database for'
        print self.fn

        #-- If the uncertainties are negative, change the unit of min/max to
        #   cm-1
        uncertainties = [float(line[13:21]) for line in data]
        if min(uncertainties) < 0 and max(uncertainties) == 0:
            self.x_min = self.x_min.to(1. / u.cm, equivalencies=u.spectral())
            self.x_max = self.x_max.to(1. / u.cm, equivalencies=u.spectral())
        elif min(uncertainties) < 0 and max(uncertainties) > 0:
            raise ValueError('Uncertainties in CDMS input file for ' + \
                             'file %s are ambiguous.'\

        data = self.__parseCatalog(data)

        #-- If unit was changed, change the f values to MHz, the default unit
        rcm = u.Unit("1 / cm")
        if self.x_min.unit == rcm:
            data = sorted([[
                (entry *
                 rcm).to(u.MHz, equivalencies=u.spectral()) if not i else entry
                for i, entry in enumerate(line)
            ] for line in data])
        self.line_list = data
Exemplo n.º 2
def getKey(k,data=None,fn=None):

    Retrieve data from an ALI inputfile. 
    Returns the line following the line that contains the given key. 
    @param k: The unique input key word for which the ALI inputfile is 
    @type k: str

    @keyword data: The data, ie a file read by readFile with delimiter set to ''
                   A filename must be given if data is None.
                   (default: None)
    @type data: list[str]
    @keyword fn: The ALI input filename. Only used if data is None.
                 (default: None)
    @type fn: str
    @return: The line following the line that contains given key
    @rtype: str
    if data is None:
        data = DataIO.readFile(filename=fn,delimiter=None,replace_spaces=0)
    i = DataIO.findKey(0,data,k)
    return data[i+1].replace('\n','')
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __readCDMS(self):
        Read data from CDMS line list catalogs for a specific molecule.
        data = DataIO.readFile(self.fn,\
        print 'Reading data from CDMS database for'
        print self.fn
        #-- If the uncertainties are negative, change the unit of min/max to 
        #   cm-1
        uncertainties = [float(line[13:21]) for line in data]
        if min(uncertainties) < 0 and max(uncertainties) == 0:
            self.x_min = self.x_min.to(1./u.cm,equivalencies=u.spectral())
            self.x_max = self.x_max.to(1./u.cm,equivalencies=u.spectral())
        elif min(uncertainties) < 0 and max(uncertainties) > 0:
            raise ValueError('Uncertainties in CDMS input file for ' + \
                             'file %s are ambiguous.'\

        data = self.__parseCatalog(data)

        #-- If unit was changed, change the f values to MHz, the default unit
        rcm = u.Unit("1 / cm")
        if self.x_min.unit == rcm:
            data = sorted([[(entry*rcm).to(u.MHz,equivalencies=u.spectral()) 
                                if not i else entry
                            for i,entry in enumerate(line)] 
                           for line in data])
        self.line_list = data
Exemplo n.º 4
    def readFile(self, wildcard="*", *args, **kwargs):

        Read a filename and store its contents in the Reader object.
        The contents are stored in a dictionary, with the filename as key. Note 
        that one filename can refer to multiple files with the use of a wildcard
        character. This character can be replaced upon calling this method. 
        The contents can be returned with the method getFile.
        If the file is not found, an empty list is stored instead.
        Additional args/kwargs are passed to DataIO.readFile (such as delimiter
        and replace_spaces)
        @keyword wildcard: if a wildcard character is present in the filename, 
                           it can be replaced here.
                           (default: '*')
        @type wildcard: string

        # -- Replace the wildcard if it is present.
        fn = self.fn.replace("*", wildcard)

        # -- Read the file
        self["contents"][fn] = DataIO.readFile(fn, *args, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def readCDMS(self):
        Read data from CDMS line list catalogs for a specific molecule.

        data = DataIO.readFile(os.path.join(cc.path.ll,\
        print 'Reading data from CDMS database for %s.' % self.molecule.molecule
        uncertainties = [float(line[13:21]) for line in data]
        if min(uncertainties) < 0 and max(uncertainties) == 0:
            input_xmin = self.x_min
            input_xmax = self.x_max
            self.x_min = (self.c / (input_xmin * 10**6))**-1
            self.x_max = (self.c / (input_xmax * 10**6))**-1
            self.input_unit = 'cm-1'
        elif min(uncertainties) < 0 and max(uncertainties) > 0:
            raise ValueError('Uncertainties in CDMS input file for ' + \
                             'molecule %s are ambiguous.'\
        data = self.parseStandardCatalog(data, 'CDMS')
        if self.input_unit == 'cm-1':
            data = sorted([[i == 0 \
                                and self.c*entry*10**-6 \
                                or entry \
                            for i,entry in enumerate(line)]
                           for line in data])
Exemplo n.º 6
    def readFile(self, wildcard='*', *args, **kwargs):
        Read a filename and store its contents in the Reader object.
        The contents are stored in a dictionary, with the filename as key. Note 
        that one filename can refer to multiple files with the use of a wildcard
        character. This character can be replaced upon calling this method. 
        The contents can be returned with the method getFile.
        If the file is not found, an empty list is stored instead.
        Additional args/kwargs are passed to DataIO.readFile (such as delimiter
        and replace_spaces)
        @keyword wildcard: if a wildcard character is present in the filename, 
                           it can be replaced here.
                           (default: '*')
        @type wildcard: string

        #-- Replace the wildcard if it is present.
        fn = self.fn.replace('*', wildcard)

        #-- Read the file
        self['contents'][fn] = DataIO.readFile(fn, *args, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 7
 def readCDMS(self):
     Read data from CDMS line list catalogs for a specific molecule.
     data = DataIO.readFile(os.path.join(cc.path.ll,\
     print 'Reading data from CDMS database for %s.'%self.molecule.molecule
     uncertainties = [float(line[13:21]) for line in data]
     if min(uncertainties) < 0 and max(uncertainties) == 0:
         input_xmin = self.x_min
         input_xmax = self.x_max
         self.x_min = (self.c/(input_xmin*10**6))**-1
         self.x_max = (self.c/(input_xmax*10**6))**-1
         self.input_unit = 'cm-1'
     elif min(uncertainties) < 0 and max(uncertainties) > 0:
         raise ValueError('Uncertainties in CDMS input file for ' + \
                          'molecule %s are ambiguous.'\
     data = self.parseStandardCatalog(data,'CDMS')
     if self.input_unit == 'cm-1':
         data = sorted([[i == 0 \
                             and self.c*entry*10**-6 \
                             or entry \
                         for i,entry in enumerate(line)] 
                        for line in data])
Exemplo n.º 8
 def __init__(self,path_chemistry='runTest',replace_db_entry=0,db=None,\
     Initializing an instance of ModelingSession.
     @keyword db: the Chemistry database
                       (default: None)
     @type db: Database()
     @keyword replace_db_entry: replace an entry in the Chemistry database with 
                                a newly calculated model with a new model id 
                                (for instance if some general data not 
                                included in the inputfiles is changed)
                                (default: 0)
     @type replace_db_entry: bool
     @keyword path_chemistry: modeling folder in Chemistry home
                          (default: 'runTest')
     @type path_chemistry: string
     @keyword new_entries: The new model_ids when replace_db_entry is 1
                                of other models in the grid. These are not 
                                (default: [])
     @type new_entries: list[str]     
     @keyword single_session: If this is the only CC session. Speeds up db
                              (default: 0)
     @type single_session: bool
     super(Chemistry, self).__init__(code='Chemistry',path=path_chemistry,\
     #-- Convenience path
     cc.path.cout = os.path.join(cc.path.chemistry,self.path)
     self.db = db
     #-- If an chemistry model is in progress, the model manager will hold until
     #   the other cc session is finished. 
     self.in_progress = False
     #- Read standard input file with all parameters that should be included
     #- as well as some dust specific information
     self.inputfilename = os.path.join(cc.path.aux,'inputChemistry.dat')
     self.standard_inputfile = DataIO.readDict(self.inputfilename,\
     chemistry_keys = os.path.join(cc.path.aux,'Input_Keywords_Chemistry.dat')
     self.chemistry_keywords = [line.strip() 
                                for line in DataIO.readFile(chemistry_keys) 
                                if line]      
Exemplo n.º 9
    def __readJPL(self):
        Read data from JPL line list catalogs for a specific molecule.

        data = DataIO.readFile(self.fn,\
        print 'Reading data from JPL database for'
        print self.fn
        data = self.__parseCatalog(data)
        self.line_list = data
Exemplo n.º 10
def getExtinctionCurve(gal_position='ism',curve_type='chiar_tielens',\
    Read extinction curve.
    @keyword gal_position: galactic position star: 'ism' or 'gc'. Difference of 
                           extinction curve for ISM or galactic center 
                           (as for chiar_tielens), if no difference 
                           (as for cardelli) this parameter is ignored. 
                           (default: 'ism')
    @type gal_position: string
    @keyword curve_type: type of extinction curve 
                         ('chiar_tielens' or 'cardelli')
                         (default: 'chiar_tielens')
    @type curve_type: string
    @keyword av_to_ak_conv: V-band to K-band conversion factor for extinction 
                            (default: 0.112)
    @type av_to_ak_conv: float
    @return: The wavelength grid and extinction curve values
    @rtype: (array,array)
    extcurve_input = DataIO.readFile(os.path.join(cc.path.aux,\
                                                  curve_type + '.dat'),\
                                     delimiter=' ')
    extcurve_x = [float(row[0]) for row in extcurve_input if row[0][0] != '#']
    if gal_position.lower() == 'ism' and curve_type.lower() == 'chiar_tielens':
        extcurve_y = [float(row[2]) 
                      for row in extcurve_input 
                      if row[0][0] != '#' and len(row) == 3]
        #- Cut off excess wavelengths
        extcurve_x = extcurve_x[:len(extcurve_y)]                
    elif curve_type.lower() == 'cardelli':
        #- putting wavelength in micron
        extcurve_x = array(extcurve_x)*10**(-4)                  
        extcurve_y = [float(row[1]) 
                      for row in extcurve_input 
                      if row[0][0] != '#']
        #- Put values to Alambda/Ak
        extcurve_y = array(extcurve_y)/(3.1*av_to_ak_conv)       
        extcurve_y = [float(row[1]) 
                      for row in extcurve_input 
                      if row[0][0] != '#']
    return (array(extcurve_x),array(extcurve_y))
Exemplo n.º 11
    def readJPL(self):
        Read data from JPL line list catalogs for a specific molecule.

        data = DataIO.readFile(os.path.join(cc.path.ll,\
        print 'Reading data from JPL database for %s.' % self.molecule.molecule
        data = self.parseStandardCatalog(data, 'JPL')
Exemplo n.º 12
 def __readJPL(self):
     Read data from JPL line list catalogs for a specific molecule.
     data = DataIO.readFile(self.fn,\
     print 'Reading data from JPL database for'
     print self.fn
     data = self.__parseCatalog(data)
     self.line_list = data
Exemplo n.º 13
 def readJPL(self):
     Read data from JPL line list catalogs for a specific molecule.
     data = DataIO.readFile(os.path.join(cc.path.ll,\
     print 'Reading data from JPL database for %s.'%self.molecule.molecule
     data = self.parseStandardCatalog(data,'JPL')
Exemplo n.º 14
    def __init__(self,code,path,replace_db_entry=0,new_entries=[],\
        Initializing an instance of ModelingSession.
        @param code: code for which the modelingsession is created
        @type code: string
        @param path: modeling output folder in the code's home folder
        @type path: string
        @keyword replace_db_entry: replace an entry in the database with a 
                                   newly calculated model with a new model id 
                                   (eg if some general data not included in 
                                   the inputfiles is changed)
                                   (default: 0)
        @type replace_db_entry: bool
        @keyword new_entries: The new model_ids when replace_db_entry is 1
                              of other models in the grid. These are not 
                              (default: [])
        @type new_entries: list[str]        
        @keyword single_session: If this is the only CC session. Speeds up db
                                 (default: 0)
        @type single_session: bool

        self.path = path
        self.code = code
        self.model_id = ''
        self.replace_db_entry = replace_db_entry
        self.new_entries = new_entries
        self.single_session = single_session
        if code == 'Chemistry':
            self.mutable = []
            mutablefile = os.path.join(cc.path.aux,\
            self.mutable = [
                line[0] for line in DataIO.readFile(mutablefile, delimiter=' ')
                if ' '.join(line)
            self.mutable = [line for line in self.mutable if line[0] != '#']
        fout = os.path.join(getattr(cc.path, self.code.lower()), self.path)
        DataIO.testFolderExistence(os.path.join(fout, 'models'))
Exemplo n.º 15
 def __init__(self,code,path,replace_db_entry=0,new_entries=[],\
     Initializing an instance of ModelingSession.
     @param code: code for which the modelingsession is created
     @type code: string
     @param path: modeling output folder in the code's home folder
     @type path: string
     @keyword replace_db_entry: replace an entry in the database with a 
                                newly calculated model with a new model id 
                                (eg if some general data not included in 
                                the inputfiles is changed)
                                (default: 0)
     @type replace_db_entry: bool
     @keyword new_entries: The new model_ids when replace_db_entry is 1
                           of other models in the grid. These are not 
                           (default: [])
     @type new_entries: list[str]        
     @keyword single_session: If this is the only CC session. Speeds up db
                              (default: 0)
     @type single_session: bool
     self.path = path
     self.code = code
     self.model_id = ''
     self.replace_db_entry = replace_db_entry
     self.new_entries = new_entries
     self.single_session = single_session
     if code == 'Chemistry':
         self.mutable = []
         mutablefile = os.path.join(cc.path.aux,\
         self.mutable = [line[0] 
                         for line in DataIO.readFile(mutablefile,delimiter=' ')
                         if ' '.join(line)]
         self.mutable = [line for line in self.mutable if line[0] != '#']
     fout = os.path.join(getattr(cc.path,self.code.lower()),self.path)
Exemplo n.º 16
    def setSpecies(self, species):
        Change the species of the current CustomOpacity instance.
        @param species: the species short name
        @type species: string

        self.species = species
        self.index = DataIO.getInputData(keyword='SPECIES_SHORT',\
        self.filename =  DataIO.getInputData(keyword='PART_FILE',\
        fn = os.path.join(cc.path.mopac, self.filename)
        self.input_data = DataIO.readFile(filename=fn, delimiter=' ')
Exemplo n.º 17
 def setSpecies(self,species):
     Change the species of the current CustomOpacity instance.
     @param species: the species short name
     @type species: string
     self.species = species
     self.index = DataIO.getInputData(keyword='SPECIES_SHORT',\
     self.filename =  DataIO.getInputData(keyword='PART_FILE',\
     fn = os.path.join(cc.path.mopac,self.filename)
     self.input_data = DataIO.readFile(filename=fn,delimiter=' ') 
Exemplo n.º 18
 def readFile(self, filename, delimiter = ' '):
     Read a filename and store its contents in the OutputReader.
     The contents are stored in a dictionary, with the filename as key.
     The contents can be returned when running getFile.
     @param filename: The filename of the outputfile, including filepath
     @type filename: string
     @keyword delimiter: The delimiter character used in this file. 
                         (default: ' ')
     @type delimiter: string
         self.contents[filename] = DataIO.readFile(filename, delimiter)
     except IOError:
         self.contents[filename] = None
Exemplo n.º 19
 def readKappas(self,species):
     Read kappas (cm2/g) and Q_ext/a (cm-1) for a dust species from the 
     MCMax INPUT files. 
     This also reads the absorption and scattering kappas separately. 
     @param species: The dust species (from Dust.dat)
     @type species: string
     if self.waves.has_key(species):
         ispecies = self.lspecies.index(species)
     except ValueError:
         print 'Species not found in Dust.dat.'
     fn = os.path.join(cc.path.mopac,self.lfilenames[ispecies])
     sd = self.lspec_dens[ispecies]
     if fn[-9:] == '.particle':
         part_file = DataIO.readFile(filename=fn,delimiter=' ') 
         wav = array([float(q[0]) 
                      for q in part_file if len(q) == 4]) 
         kappa = [array([float(q[1]) 
                         for q in part_file if len(q) == 4]),
                         for q in part_file if len(q) == 4]),
                         for q in part_file if len(q) == 4])]
         part_file = DataIO.readCols(filename=fn)
         wav = part_file[0]
         kappa = part_file[1:]
     self.waves[species] = wav
     self.kappas[species] = kappa
     self.qext_a[species] = array(kappa) * 4/3. * sd
Exemplo n.º 20
    def readKappas(self, species):

        Read kappas (cm2/g) and Q_ext/a (cm-1) for a dust species from the 
        MCMax INPUT files. 
        This also reads the absorption and scattering kappas separately. 
        @param species: The dust species (from Dust.dat)
        @type species: string

        if self.waves.has_key(species):
            ispecies = self.lspecies.index(species)
        except ValueError:
            print "Species not found in Dust.dat."
        fn = os.path.join(cc.path.mopac, self.lfilenames[ispecies])
        sd = self.lspec_dens[ispecies]
        if fn[-9:] == ".particle":
            part_file = DataIO.readFile(filename=fn, delimiter=" ")
            wav = array([float(q[0]) for q in part_file if len(q) == 4])
            kappa = [
                array([float(q[1]) for q in part_file if len(q) == 4]),
                array([float(q[2]) for q in part_file if len(q) == 4]),
                array([float(q[3]) for q in part_file if len(q) == 4]),
            part_file = DataIO.readCols(filename=fn)
            wav = part_file[0]
            kappa = part_file[1:]
        self.spec_dens[species] = sd
        self.fns[species] = fn
        self.waves[species] = wav
        self.kappas[species] = kappa
        self.qext_a[species] = array(kappa) * 4 / 3.0 * sd
Exemplo n.º 21
 def readAnalyse(self, star):
     Reads the output of the analyse routine performed.
     @keyword star: Star object containing the chemistry model
     @type star: Star()
     @return: Dictionary containing the analyse output for every
                      molecule, eg analyse['SiO']. The analyse radius is 
                      also included (analyse['radius']).
     @rtype: dict()
     #- Read in analyse.out
     filename = os.path.join(cc.path.cout,'models',\
     data = DataIO.readFile(filename)
     data = [x.split() for x in data]
     #- Initialise output dictionary
     analyse = dict()
     #- Determine and save routine radius
     radius = float(data[0][-2])
     index = np.where([len(i)==2 for i in data])[0]
     analyse['radius'] = radius
     #- Save analyse routine output in dictionary per molecule
     for ii in range(len(index[:-1])):
         name = data[index[ii]][1][1:]
         analyse[name] = dict()
         analyse[name]['MAIN'] = data[index[ii]+1:index[ii+1]-1]
         analyse[name]['DRATE'] = data[index[ii+1]-1][1]
         analyse[name]['PRATE'] = data[index[ii+1]-1][3]
     return analyse
Exemplo n.º 22
def changeKey(k,v,data=None,fn=None):
    Update an ALI inputfile with new information.
    Takes an input key and value. The file is searched for the key, and the 
    value is inserted on the next line. 
    The content is then returned. This method does not save the file.

    @param k: The unique input key word for which the ALI inputfile is 
    @type k: str
    @param v: The value inserted on the next line after key. Must be a 
              formatted string; no formatting is done here.
    @type v: str

    @keyword data: The data, ie a file read by readFile with delimiter set to ''
                   A filename must be given if data is None.
                   (default: None)
    @type data: list[str]
    @keyword fn: The ALI input filename. Only used if data is None.
                 (default: None)
    @type fn: str
    @return: The data as read from a file or as adapted from the original 
    @rtype: list[str]
    if data is None:
        data = DataIO.readFile(filename=fn,delimiter=None,replace_spaces=0)
        data = [line.replace('\n','') for line in data]
    i = DataIO.findKey(0,data,k)
    data[i+1] = v
    return data
Exemplo n.º 23
    def readAnalyse(self, star):
        Reads the output of the analyse routine performed.
        @keyword star: Star object containing the chemistry model
        @type star: Star()
        @return: Dictionary containing the analyse output for every
                         molecule, eg analyse['SiO']. The analyse radius is 
                         also included (analyse['radius']).
        @rtype: dict()

        #- Read in analyse.out
        filename = os.path.join(cc.path.cout,'models',\
        data = DataIO.readFile(filename)
        data = [x.split() for x in data]

        #- Initialise output dictionary
        analyse = dict()

        #- Determine and save routine radius
        radius = float(data[0][-2])
        index = np.where([len(i) == 2 for i in data])[0]
        analyse['radius'] = radius

        #- Save analyse routine output in dictionary per molecule
        for ii in range(len(index[:-1])):
            name = data[index[ii]][1][1:]
            analyse[name] = dict()
            analyse[name]['MAIN'] = data[index[ii] + 1:index[ii + 1] - 1]
            analyse[name]['DRATE'] = data[index[ii + 1] - 1][1]
            analyse[name]['PRATE'] = data[index[ii + 1] - 1][3]

        return analyse
Exemplo n.º 24
 def read(self):
     Read the Lamda file, including molecular spectroscopy and collision 
     Each level and transition is stored as an index, following the 
     prescription of MolReader and CollisReader.
     #-- Read the files lines, and set the single number properties.
     d = DataIO.readFile(self.fn)
     self['pars'] = dict()
     pars = ['molecule','mol_weight','ny']
     dtypes = [str,float,int]
     indices = [1,3,5]
     for i,p,dt in zip(indices,pars,dtypes):
         self['pars'][p] = dt(d[i].split()[0])
     #-- Read the levels and their properties. Swap columns 1 and 2 to match
     #   MlineReader's format.
     d1 = np.genfromtxt(self.fn,skip_header=7,max_rows=self['pars']['ny'],\
     self['level'] = d1
     #-- Determine the index from ny and preset lines
     index = 7 + self['pars']['ny'] + 1
     self['pars']['nline'] = int(d[index].split()[0])
     #-- Read the transitions and their properties. Swap columns 3 and 4 to
     #   match MlineReader's format.
     d2 = np.genfromtxt(self.fn,usecols=[0,1,2,4,3],dtype='i8,i8,i8,f8,f8',\
     self['trans'] = d2
     #-- Continue single line parameters.
     index += 1 + self['pars']['nline'] + 2
     self['pars']['npartners'] = int(d[index].split()[0])
     index += 2
     self['pars']['partners'] = d[index:index+self['pars']['npartners']]
     index += self['pars']['npartners'] + 1
     self['pars']['ncoll_trans'] = int(d[index].split()[0])
     index += 2
     self['pars']['ncoll_temp'] = int(d[index].split()[0])
     index += 2
     self['coll_temp'] = np.array(d[index].split(),dtype=float)
     #-- Read the collision rates. 
     d3 = np.genfromtxt(self.fn,usecols=[0,1,2],dtype='i8,i8,i8',\
     d4 = np.genfromtxt(self.fn,skip_header=index+2,\
     dtype = [('index',int),('lup',int),('llow',int),('rates',np.ndarray)]
     self['coll_trans'] = np.empty(shape=(self['pars']['ncoll_trans'],),\
     self['coll_trans']['index'] = d3['index']
     self['coll_trans']['lup'] = d3['lup']
     self['coll_trans']['llow'] = d3['llow']
     for i in range(self['pars']['ncoll_trans']):
         self['coll_trans']['rates'][i] = d4[i,:]
Exemplo n.º 25
 def __init__(self,path_gastronoom='runTest',vic=None,sphinx=0,\
     Initializing an instance of a GASTRoNOoM modeling session.
     A single cooling model and a given set of molecules and transitions are
     calculated here or are retrieved from the databases.
     @keyword path_gastronoom: modeling folder in GASTRoNOoM home
                               (default: 'runTest')
     @type path_gastronoom: string
     @keyword vic: the vic manager for running sphinx models on VIC3 
                   (default: None)
     @type vic: Vic()
     @keyword sphinx: Running Sphinx?
                      (default: 0)
     @type sphinx: bool
     @keyword replace_db_entry: replace an entry in the databases with a 
                                newly calculated model with a new model id 
                                (e.g. if some general data not included in 
                                the inputfiles is changed)
                                (default: 0)
     @type replace_db_entry: bool
     @keyword new_entries: The new model_ids when replace_db_entry is 1
                                of other models in the grid. These are not 
                                (default: [])
     @type new_entries: list[str]     
     @keyword skip_cooling: Skip running cooling in case a model is not 
                            found in the database, for instance if it is 
                            already known that the model will fail
                            (default: 0)
     @type skip_cooling: bool
     @keyword recover_sphinxfiles: Try to recover sphinx files from the disk
                                   in case they were correctly calculated, 
                                   but not saved to the database for one 
                                   reason or another. 
                                   (default: 0) 
     @type recover_sphinxfiles: bool
     @keyword cool_db: the cooling database
                       (default: None)
     @type cool_db: Database()
     @keyword ml_db: the mline database
                     (default: None)
     @type ml_db: Database()
     @keyword sph_db: the sphinx database
                      (default: None)
     @type sph_db: Database()
     #-- Convenience path
     cc.path.gout = os.path.join(cc.path.gastronoom,self.path)
     self.vic = vic
     self.trans_in_progress = []
     self.sphinx = sphinx
     cool_keys = os.path.join(cc.path.aux,'Input_Keywords_Cooling.dat')
     ml_keys = os.path.join(cc.path.aux,'Input_Keywords_Mline.dat')
     sph_keys = os.path.join(cc.path.aux,'Input_Keywords_Sphinx.dat')
     self.cooling_keywords = [line.strip() 
                              for line in DataIO.readFile(cool_keys) 
                              if line]
     self.mline_keywords = [line.strip() 
                            for line in DataIO.readFile(ml_keys) 
                            if line]
     self.sphinx_keywords = [line.strip() 
                             for line in DataIO.readFile(sph_keys) 
                             if line]
     self.trans_bools = []
     self.mline_done = False
     self.cool_done = False
     self.cooling_molec_keys = ['ENHANCE_ABUNDANCE_FACTOR',\
     self.no_ab_molecs = ['12C16O','13C16O','1H1H16O','p1H1H16O',\
     #- Read standard input file with all parameters that should be included
     filename = os.path.join(cc.path.aux,'inputGASTRoNOoM.dat')
     self.standard_inputfile = DataIO.readDict(filename,\
     self.skip_cooling = skip_cooling
     self.recover_sphinxfiles = recover_sphinxfiles
     self.cool_db = cool_db
     self.ml_db = ml_db
     self.sph_db = sph_db
Exemplo n.º 26
    def __init__(self,star_name='model',inputfilename=None,\
        Initializing an instance of PlottingSession.
        @keyword star_name: name of the star from Star.dat, use default only 
                            when never using any star model specific things 
                            (default: "model")
        @type star_name: string
        @keyword path: Output modeling folder in code home folder
                       (default: 'codeJun2010')
        @type path: string
        @keyword inputfilename: name of inputfile that is also copied to the 
                                output folder of the plots, 
                                if None nothing is copied
                                (default: None)
        @type inputfilename: string
        @keyword code: the modeling code
                       (default: GASTRoNOoM)
        @type code: string

        self.inputfilename = inputfilename
        self.star_name = star_name
        self.star_index = DataIO.getInputData(path=cc.path.usr)\
        self.star_name_plots = DataIO.getInputData(path=cc.path.usr,
        #-- Can't use convenience paths here through cc.path, because the
        #   module is not code specific. Within a single pything session, there
        #   may be multiple instances of PlottingSession
        self.path = path
        fn_mcm = os.path.join(cc.path.aux, 'Mutable_Parameters_MCMax.dat')
        self.mutable_mcmax = [
            line[0] for line in DataIO.readFile(fn_mcm, delimiter=' ')
            if ''.join(line).strip()
        self.mutable_mcmax = [
            line for line in self.mutable_mcmax if line[0] != '#'
        fn_gas = os.path.join(cc.path.aux, 'Mutable_Parameters_GASTRoNOoM.dat')
        self.mutable_gastronoom = [line[0]
                                   for line in DataIO.readFile(fn_gas,\
                                                               delimiter=' ')
                                   if ''.join(line).strip()]
        self.mutable_gastronoom = [
            line for line in self.mutable_gastronoom if line[0] != '#'
        self.mutable = self.mutable_mcmax + self.mutable_gastronoom
        self.plot_id = 'plot_%.4i-%.2i-%.2ih%.2i-%.2i-%.2i' \
        self.code = code

        #-- Folder management and copying inputfile to plot output folder
        pout = os.path.join(getattr(cc.path,self.code.lower()),self.path,\
        pstar = os.path.join(pout, self.star_name)
        self.pplot = os.path.join(pstar, self.plot_id)
        for pp in [pout, pstar, self.pplot]:

        if self.inputfilename <> None:
            ipfn = os.path.split(self.inputfilename)[1]
            newf = os.path.join(self.pplot, ipfn)
            subprocess.call(['cp %s %s' % (self.inputfilename, newf)],
Exemplo n.º 27
 def makeJobFile(self):
     Make the job file that will run the loop on VIC3 and copy the cooling
     and mline output to VIC3.
     @return: to be printed strings once all the copying is done, which 
              shows how many transitions are being calculated for which 
              sphinx model id
     @rtype: list[string]
     model_id = self.models[self.current_model]
     vic_server = '*****@*****.**'%self.account
     jobfiles = []
     printing = []
     for model_id_sphinx in self.sphinx_model_ids[self.current_model]:
         these_trans = [trans 
                        for trans in self.transitions[self.current_model] 
                        if trans.getModelId() == model_id_sphinx]
         models_in_job = (int(log10(len(these_trans))))**2 
         if not models_in_job: models_in_job = 1
         job_number = len(these_trans)%models_in_job==0.0 \
                         and len(these_trans)/models_in_job \
                         or int(len(these_trans)/models_in_job)+1
         #- job_number: this is the number of jobs you want to queue
         job_number = job_number/8+1  
         time_per_job = self.time_per_sphinx*models_in_job
         walltimestring = '%.2i:00:00'%(int(time_per_job/60)+1)
         #- Create job file
         jobfile = DataIO.readFile(os.path.join(cc.path.gastronoom,\
         new_jobfile = []
         for line in jobfile:
             #if line.find('#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=8') != -1:
             #    new_line = line.replace('ppn=8','ppn=%i'%)
             if line.split('=')[0].find('#PBS -l walltime') != -1:
                 new_line = '='.join([line.split('=')[0],walltimestring])
             elif line.split('=')[0].find('export COCODEHOME') != -1:
                 new_line = line.replace('vsc30226',self.account)\
             elif line.split('=')[0].find('export COCODEDATA') != -1:
                 new_line = '='.join([line.split('=')[0],\
             elif line.find('for i in $(seq 1 1)') != -1:
                 new_line = 'for i in $(seq 1 %i)'%models_in_job
             elif line.split('=')[0].find('export MODELNUMBER') != -1:
                 new_line = '='.join([line.split('=')[0],line.split('=')[1]\
                 new_line = line
         #- Save job file, change permission and copy to VIC
         local_folder = os.path.join(cc.path.gastronoom,\
         jobfilename_vic = '/user/leuven/'+self.disk+'/' + self.account + \
                           '/COCode/vic_job_' + model_id_sphinx + '.sh'
         jobfilename_local = os.path.join(local_folder,'vic_input',\
         subprocess.call(['chmod +x %s'%jobfilename_local],shell=True)
         subprocess.call(['scp %s %s:%s'%(jobfilename_local,vic_server,\
         #- Make the output folder on VIC
         vic_folder = '/data/leuven/%s/%s/COCode/output/%s/'\
         subprocess.call('ssh %s mkdir %s'%(vic_server,vic_folder),\
         #-copy required GASTRoNOoM files, molecule specific.
         these_molecules = set(['sampling'] + \
                                for trans in these_trans])
         to_be_copied = ['coolfgr*','input%s.dat'%model_id_sphinx]
                              for molec in these_molecules])
                              for molec in these_molecules 
                              if molec != 'sampling'])
         for filecopy in to_be_copied:
             subprocess.call(['scp %s %s:%s.'\
                                vic_server,vic_folder)], shell=True)
         #- number of nodes*number of cpus=amount of times to queue it
         printing.append('Running %i jobs with %i models each for ID %s.' \
                         %(job_number*7, models_in_job,model_id_sphinx))
     #- Create the run-jobs file.
     runjobsfile = DataIO.readFile(os.path.join(cc.path.gastronoom,\
     new_runjobsfile = []
     for i,job in enumerate(jobfiles):
         for line in runjobsfile:
             if line.find('#!/bin/bash -l') != -1 and i == 0:
                 new_line = line
             elif line.find('cd COCode') != -1 and i == 0:
                 new_line = 'cd /user/leuven/'+self.disk+'/'+ self.account+\
             elif line.find('module load worker') != -1 and i == 0:
                 new_line = line
             elif line.find('for i in $(seq 1 1) ;') != -1:
                 new_line = 'for i in $(seq 1 %i) ;' %(job[1])    
             elif line.find('do wsub -A dummy -t 1-8 -batch') != -1:
                 new_line = line.replace('vic_job_example.sh',\
                 if not self.credits_acc is None:
                     new_line = new_line.replace('-A dummy',\
                                                 '-A %s'%self.credits_acc)
                     new_line = new_line.replace('-A dummy ','')
             elif line.find('done') != -1:
                 new_line = line
                 new_line = ''
     #- Run-jobs file: Write, change permission and copy to VIC
     runjobsfilename_local = os.path.join(cc.path.gastronoom,self.path,\
     runjobsfilename_vic = '/user/leuven/%s/%s/COCode/vic_run_jobs_%s_%s.sh'\
     subprocess.call(['chmod +x %s'%runjobsfilename_local],shell=True)
     subprocess.call(['scp %s %s:%s'\
     return printing
Exemplo n.º 28
    def makeJobFile(self):
        Make the job file that will run the loop on VIC3 and copy the cooling
        and mline output to VIC3.
        @return: to be printed strings once all the copying is done, which 
                 shows how many transitions are being calculated for which 
                 sphinx model id
        @rtype: list[string]

        model_id = self.models[self.current_model]
        vic_server = '*****@*****.**' % self.account
        jobfiles = []
        printing = []
        for model_id_sphinx in self.sphinx_model_ids[self.current_model]:
            these_trans = [
                trans for trans in self.transitions[self.current_model]
                if trans.getModelId() == model_id_sphinx
            models_in_job = (int(log10(len(these_trans))))**2
            if not models_in_job: models_in_job = 1
            job_number = len(these_trans)%models_in_job==0.0 \
                            and len(these_trans)/models_in_job \
                            or int(len(these_trans)/models_in_job)+1
            #- job_number: this is the number of jobs you want to queue
            job_number = job_number / 8 + 1
            time_per_job = self.time_per_sphinx * models_in_job
            walltimestring = '%.2i:00:00' % (int(time_per_job / 60) + 1)

            #- Create job file
            jobfile = DataIO.readFile(os.path.join(cc.path.gastronoom,\
            new_jobfile = []
            for line in jobfile:
                #if line.find('#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=8') != -1:
                #    new_line = line.replace('ppn=8','ppn=%i'%)
                if line.split('=')[0].find('#PBS -l walltime') != -1:
                    new_line = '='.join([line.split('=')[0], walltimestring])
                elif line.split('=')[0].find('export COCODEHOME') != -1:
                    new_line = line.replace('vsc30226',self.account)\
                elif line.split('=')[0].find('export COCODEDATA') != -1:
                    new_line = '='.join([line.split('=')[0],\
                elif line.find('for i in $(seq 1 1)') != -1:
                    new_line = 'for i in $(seq 1 %i)' % models_in_job
                elif line.split('=')[0].find('export MODELNUMBER') != -1:
                    new_line = '='.join([line.split('=')[0],line.split('=')[1]\
                    new_line = line

            #- Save job file, change permission and copy to VIC
            local_folder = os.path.join(cc.path.gastronoom,\
            jobfilename_vic = '/user/leuven/'+self.disk+'/' + self.account + \
                              '/COCode/vic_job_' + model_id_sphinx + '.sh'
            jobfilename_local = os.path.join(local_folder,'vic_input',\
            DataIO.writeFile(jobfilename_local, new_jobfile)
            subprocess.call(['chmod +x %s' % jobfilename_local], shell=True)
            subprocess.call(['scp %s %s:%s'%(jobfilename_local,vic_server,\
            jobfiles.append((jobfilename_vic, job_number))

            #- Make the output folder on VIC
            vic_folder = '/data/leuven/%s/%s/COCode/output/%s/'\
            subprocess.call('ssh %s mkdir %s'%(vic_server,vic_folder),\

            #-copy required GASTRoNOoM files, molecule specific.
            these_molecules = set(['sampling'] + \
                                   for trans in these_trans])
            to_be_copied = ['coolfgr*', 'input%s.dat' % model_id_sphinx]
                ['cool*_%s.dat' % molec for molec in these_molecules])
                'ml*_%s.dat' % molec for molec in these_molecules
                if molec != 'sampling'
            for filecopy in to_be_copied:
                subprocess.call(['scp %s %s:%s.'\
                                   vic_server,vic_folder)], shell=True)

            #- number of nodes*number of cpus=amount of times to queue it
            printing.append('Running %i jobs with %i models each for ID %s.' \
                            %(job_number*7, models_in_job,model_id_sphinx))

        #- Create the run-jobs file.
        runjobsfile = DataIO.readFile(os.path.join(cc.path.gastronoom,\
        new_runjobsfile = []
        for i, job in enumerate(jobfiles):
            for line in runjobsfile:
                if line.find('#!/bin/bash -l') != -1 and i == 0:
                    new_line = line
                elif line.find('cd COCode') != -1 and i == 0:
                    new_line = 'cd /user/leuven/'+self.disk+'/'+ self.account+\
                elif line.find('module load worker') != -1 and i == 0:
                    new_line = line
                elif line.find('for i in $(seq 1 1) ;') != -1:
                    new_line = 'for i in $(seq 1 %i) ;' % (job[1])
                elif line.find('do wsub -A dummy -t 1-8 -batch') != -1:
                    new_line = line.replace('vic_job_example.sh',\
                    if self.credits_acc <> None:
                        new_line = new_line.replace('-A dummy',\
                                                    '-A %s'%self.credits_acc)
                        new_line = new_line.replace('-A dummy ', '')
                elif line.find('done') != -1:
                    new_line = line
                    new_line = ''

        #- Run-jobs file: Write, change permission and copy to VIC
        runjobsfilename_local = os.path.join(cc.path.gastronoom,self.path,\
        runjobsfilename_vic = '/user/leuven/%s/%s/COCode/vic_run_jobs_%s_%s.sh'\
        DataIO.writeFile(runjobsfilename_local, new_runjobsfile)
        subprocess.call(['chmod +x %s' % runjobsfilename_local], shell=True)
        subprocess.call(['scp %s %s:%s'\
        return printing
Exemplo n.º 29
 def __init__(self,star_name='model',inputfilename=None,\
     Initializing an instance of PlottingSession.
     @keyword star_name: name of the star from Star.dat, use default only 
                         when never using any star model specific things 
                         (default: "model")
     @type star_name: string
     @keyword path: Output modeling folder in code home folder
                    (default: 'codeJun2010')
     @type path: string
     @keyword inputfilename: name of inputfile that is also copied to the 
                             output folder of the plots, 
                             if None nothing is copied
                             (default: None)
     @type inputfilename: string
     @keyword code: the modeling code
                    (default: GASTRoNOoM)
     @type code: string
     self.inputfilename = inputfilename
     self.star_name = star_name
     self.star_index = DataIO.getInputData(path=cc.path.usr)\
     self.star_name_plots = DataIO.getInputData(path=cc.path.usr,
     #-- Can't use convenience paths here through cc.path, because the 
     #   module is not code specific. Within a single pything session, there
     #   may be multiple instances of PlottingSession
     self.path = path
     fn_mcm = os.path.join(cc.path.aux,'Mutable_Parameters_MCMax.dat')
     self.mutable_mcmax = [line[0] 
                           for line in DataIO.readFile(fn_mcm,delimiter=' ')
                           if ''.join(line).strip()]
     self.mutable_mcmax = [line 
                           for line in self.mutable_mcmax 
                           if line[0] != '#']
     fn_gas = os.path.join(cc.path.aux,'Mutable_Parameters_GASTRoNOoM.dat')
     self.mutable_gastronoom = [line[0] 
                                for line in DataIO.readFile(fn_gas,\
                                                            delimiter=' ')
                                if ''.join(line).strip()]
     self.mutable_gastronoom = [line 
                                for line in self.mutable_gastronoom 
                                if line[0] != '#']
     self.mutable = self.mutable_mcmax + self.mutable_gastronoom
     self.plot_id = 'plot_%.4i-%.2i-%.2ih%.2i-%.2i-%.2i' \
     self.code = code
     #-- Folder management and copying inputfile to plot output folder
     pout = os.path.join(getattr(cc.path,self.code.lower()),self.path,\
     pstar = os.path.join(pout,self.star_name)
     self.pplot = os.path.join(pstar,self.plot_id)
     for pp in [pout,pstar,self.pplot]:
     if self.inputfilename <> None:
         ipfn = os.path.split(self.inputfilename)[1]
         newf = os.path.join(self.pplot,ipfn)
         subprocess.call(['cp %s %s'%(self.inputfilename,newf)],shell=True)
Exemplo n.º 30
def makeMoleculeFromDb(molec_id,molecule,path_gastronoom='codeSep2010',\
    Make a Molecule() from a database, based on model_id and molec_id.
    Returns None if the molecule is not available in the database.
    @param molec_id: the model_id of the molecule
    @type molec_id: string
    @param molecule: the short hand name of the molecule        
    @type molecule: string
    @keyword path_gastronoom: the output path in the ~/GASTRoNOoM/. directory
                              (default: codeSep2010)
    @type path_gastronoom: string
    @keyword mline_db: The mline database, which can be passed in case one 
                       wants to reduce overhead. Not required though.
                       (default: None)
    @type mline_db: Database()
    @return: the molecule with all its information embedded
    @rtype: Molecule()
    #-- Convenience path
    cc.path.gout = os.path.join(cc.path.gastronoom,path_gastronoom)
    #-- Retrieve cooling id log
    cooling_log = os.path.join(cc.path.gout,'models',molec_id,'cooling_id.log')
    if os.path.isfile(cooling_log):
        model_id = DataIO.readFile(cooling_log)[0]
    #- ie mline id is the same as model id, the first calced for this id
        model_id = molec_id
    if mline_db is None:
        molec_db = Database(os.path.join(cc.path.gout,\
        molec_db = mline_db
    if not molec_db.has_key(model_id) \
            or not molec_db[model_id].has_key(molec_id) \
            or not molec_db[model_id][molec_id].has_key(molecule):
        return None
    molec_dict = molec_db[model_id][molec_id][molecule].copy()
    extra_pars = molec_dict['MOLECULE'].split()[1:]
    for k,v in zip(['ny_low','ny_up','nline','n_impact','n_impact_extra'],\
        molec_dict[k] = int(v)
        if molec_dict.has_key(key):
            del molec_dict[key]
    molec_dict = dict([(k.lower(),v) for k,v in molec_dict.items()])
    molec_dict['path_gastronoom'] = path_gastronoom
    molec = Molecule(molecule=molecule,**molec_dict)
    return molec
Exemplo n.º 31
    def __init__(self,molecule,ny_up=0,ny_low=0,nline=0,n_impact=0,\
        Initiate a Molecule class, setting all values for the allowed 
        transition parameters to zero (by default).
        @param molecule: shorthand name of the molecule
        @type molecule: string
        @keyword ny_up: number of levels in first vibration state v=1
                        (default: 0)
        @type ny_up: int
        @keyword ny_low: number of levels in the ground vibration state v=0
                         (default: 0)
        @type ny_low: int
        @keyword nline: number of allowed transitions in molecule
                        (default: 0)
        @type nline: int  
        @keyword n_impact: number of depth points in radius mesh
                           (default: 0)
        @type n_impact: int       
        @keyword n_impact_extra: number of depth points in radius_mesh 
                                 (< n_impact) used for variable mass-loss 
                                 (0 if constant mdot)
                                 (default: 0)
        @type n_impact_extra: int            
        @keyword itera: number of iterations in mline for molecule, LTE 
                        approximation if zero
                        (default: 0)
        @type itera: string    
        @keyword abun_molec: molecular abundance at the stellar radius.
                             Default is arbitrary, and used if molecule is co 
                             or h2o.
                             (default: 1.0e-10)
        @type abun_molec: float    
        @keyword abun_molec_rinner: molecular abundance at inner shell radius.
                                    Default is arbitrary, and used if molecule
                                    is co or h2o.
                                    (default: 1.0e-10)
        @type abun_molec_rinner: float            
        @keyword abun_molec_re: molecular abundance at rmax_molec. Default is 
                                arbitrary, and used if molecule is co or h2o.
                                (default: 1.0e-10)
        @type abun_molec_re: float 
        @keyword rmax_molec: The radius from which the Willacy abundance
                             profiles are used. They are rescaled to 
                             abun_molec_re. Default is arbitrary, and used if 
                             molecule is co or h2o.
                             (default: 1.)
        @type rmax_molec: float
        @keyword use_collis_radiat_switch: in case of unstable mline, such as 
                                           for para h2o sometimes
                                           (default: 0)
        @type use_collis_radiat_switch: bool
        @keyword fehler: convergence criterium in mline
                         (default: 1e-4)
        @type fehler: float
        @keyword xdex: Controls the distribution of the impact parameters in the
                       interval between R_STAR and R_OUTER. 
                       (default: 2.)
        @type xdex: float 
        @keyword n_freq: Number of frequency points in line profile
                         (default: 30)
        @type n_freq: int
        @keyword start_approx: set to 0 when one wants to start with LTE-approx 
                               as starting n(NY,N_IMPACT); set to 1 when 
                               starting from another model - with same NY, 
                               N_IMPACT, ...
                               (default: 0)
        @type start_approx: bool
        @keyword use_fraction_level_corr: set to 1 if one wants to put a limit 
                                          on the level-population correction 
                                          (default: 1)
        @type use_fraction_level_corr: bool
        @keyword fraction_level_corr: user-defined fraction for maximum change 
                                      in level-population correction; useful in 
                                      case of H2O
                                      (default: 0.8)
        @type fraction_level_corr: float
        @keyword number_level_max_corr: user-defined level population. Only the 
                                        level corrections for levels with a 
                                        higher level population will be used to 
                                        determine convergence criterion
                                        (default: 1e-12)
        @type number_level_max_corr: float
        @keyword ratio_12c_to_13c: 12c/13c ratio, only relevant for 13co and 
                                   other molecules with that isotope
                                   (default: 0)
        @type ratio_12c_to_13c: int
        @keyword ratio_16o_to_17o: 16o/17o ratio, only relevant for h2_17o and 
                                   other molecules with that isotope
                                   (default: 0)
        @type ratio_16o_to_17o: int
        @keyword ratio_16o_to_18o: 16o/18o ratio, only relevant for h2_18o and 
                                   other molecules with that isotope
                                   (default: 0)
        @type ratio_16o_to_18o: int
        @keyword opr: ortho-to-para water ratio, only relevant for ph2o,
                      ph2_17o,ph2_18o and other molecules with para h2o
                      (default: 0)
        @type opr: int    
        @keyword r_outer: the outer radius of the shell for this molecule, 
                          0 if MAMON
                          (default: 0)
        @type r_outer: float
        @keyword lte_request: using LTE in mline only (with or without 
                              collision rates: determined by itera), if default
                              lte_request is 0 if itera != 0 and 1 if itera ==0
                              (default: 0)
        @type lte_request: bool
        @keyword outer_r_mode: the mode used for calculating r_outer 
                               (FIXED or MAMON)
                               (default: 'MAMON')
        @type outer_r_mode: string
        @keyword dust_to_gas_change_ml_sp: if 0 not used, otherwise this is an 
                                           alternative value for the
                                           dust-to-gas ratio in mline/sphinx 
                                           for this molecule and its 
                                           (default: 0)
        @type dust_to_gas_change_ml_sp: float
        @keyword abundance_filename: if enhance_abundance_factor is not zero, 
                                        this includes the filename and/or path 
                                        to the file that includes the profile. 
                                        (default: None)
        @type abundance_filename: string
        @keyword enhance_abundance_factor: if 0 the Willacy abundance profiles 
                                           are uses, if not zero the 
                                           abundance_filename is used and 
                                           scaled with the factor given here. 
                                           THIS DOES NOT RESCALE ABUNDANCES BY 
                                           WILLACY! Only used for filename 
                                           abundances, hence why this parameter
                                           also turns this feature on/off
                                           (default: 0)
        @type enhance_abundance_factor: float
        @keyword set_keyword_change_abundance: Change the abundance calculated 
                                               in cooling by a radius dependent
                                               (default: 0)
        @type set_keyword_change_abundance: bool
        @keyword change_fraction_filename: the filename of the enhancement 
                                           factors if 
                                           set_keyword_change_abundance != 0
                                           (default: None)
        @type change_fraction_filename: string
        @keyword set_keyword_change_temperature: Use a different temperature 
                                                 structure in mline and sphinx
                                                 (default: 0)
        @type set_keyword_change_temperature: bool
        @keyword new_temperature_filename: the filename for the temperature 
                                           structure if 
                                           set_keyword_change_temperature != 0
                                           (default: None)
        @type new_temperature_filename: string
        @keyword use_no_maser_option: Do not allow masers (neg opacs) in mline
                                      RT by setting negative line opacs to 1e-60
                                      If use_maser_in_sphinx is on, mline 
                                      will do a final run including masers 
                                      anyway to see what would happen if they 
                                      were inluded by allowing negative opacs
                                      for the line profile calculations in 
                                      sphinx (but not for the convergence in 
                                      (default: 0)
        @type use_no_maser_option: bool
        @keyword use_maser_in_sphinx: When on, does a final mline run including 
                                      masers, allowing negative opacities. When 
                                      off, sets the masing line opacities to 
                                      1e-60 when writing out the ml3 file.
                                      (default: 1)
        @type use_maser_in_sphinx: bool
        @keyword linelist: The molecule is created for the LineList module. No
                           radiative information is read from GASTRoNOoM input
                           (default: 0)
        @type linelist: bool
        @keyword starfile: input filename for a stellar input spectrum (either
                           user defined or from a model atmosphere spectrum)
                           (default: '')
        @type starfile: str
        @keyword path_gastronoom: model output folder in the GASTRoNOoM home
                                  (default: None)
        @type path_gastronoom: string                   
        self.molecule = str(molecule)
        self.ny_up = int(ny_up)
        self.ny_low = int(ny_low)
        self.nline = int(nline)
        self.n_impact = int(n_impact)
        self.n_impact_extra = int(n_impact_extra)
        self.path_gastronoom = path_gastronoom
        self.molecule_index = DataIO.getInputData(keyword='TYPE_SHORT',\
        mdata = ['MOLEC_TYPE','NAME_SHORT','NAME_PLOT',\
        attrs = ['molecule_full','molecule_short','molecule_plot',\
        mfloat = [0,0,0,1,1]
        for k,a,mf in zip(mdata,attrs,mfloat):
        self.itera = int(itera)
        #- lte_request may be undefined, but then it would be faulty input, 
        #- where we do want the code to crash... 
        if self.itera==0 and lte_request is None:
            self.lte_request = 1
        #- Normally u never use lte if taking into account collision rates
        elif self.itera != 0:      
            self.lte_request = 0
        elif self.itera==0 and lte_request is not None:
            self.lte_request = lte_request
        self.abun_molec = abun_molec
        self.abun_molec_rinner = abun_molec_rinner
        self.abun_molec_re = abun_molec_re
        self.rmax_molec = rmax_molec
        self.use_collis_radiat_switch = int(use_collis_radiat_switch)
        self.ratio_12c_to_13c = ratio_12c_to_13c
        self.ratio_16o_to_17o = ratio_16o_to_17o
        self.ratio_16o_to_18o = ratio_16o_to_18o
        self.opr = opr
        self.dust_to_gas_change_ml_sp = float(dust_to_gas_change_ml_sp)
        self.use_no_maser_option = int(use_no_maser_option)
        self.use_maser_in_sphinx = int(use_maser_in_sphinx)
        self.fehler = fehler
        self.xdex = xdex
        self.n_freq = int(n_freq)
        self.start_approx = int(start_approx)
        self.use_fraction_level_corr = int(use_fraction_level_corr)
        self.fraction_level_corr = fraction_level_corr
        self.number_level_max_corr = number_level_max_corr
        #-- Set the molecule inputfiles for abundance and temperature, applying
        #   the path from Path.dat if the file does not exist or the path to the
        #   file is not given. (eg a subfolder might be given, but that works)
        for k in ['abundance_filename','change_fraction_filename',\
            fn = locals()[k]
            if fn and not (os.path.isfile(fn) and os.path.split(fn)[0]):
                fn = os.path.join(cc.path.molf,fn)
        self.enhance_abundance_factor = float(enhance_abundance_factor)
        self.set_keyword_change_abundance = int(set_keyword_change_abundance)
        self.set_keyword_change_temperature = \

        #-- Mainly for plotting purposes: The relative, multiplicative abundance 
        #   factor with respect to main isotope (and OPR) is calculated
        #   This does not take into account enhance_abundance_factor!
        self.abun_factor = self.getAbunFactor() 
        self.outer_r_mode = outer_r_mode
        if self.outer_r_mode == 'MAMON': self.r_outer = 0
        else: self.r_outer = float(r_outer)
        self.__model_id = None
        if not linelist:
            if self.use_indices_dat:
                tag = '_'.join([self.molecule,str(self.ny_low),\
                i = DataIO.getInputData(start_index=4,keyword='MOLECULE',\
                fn = DataIO.getInputData(path=cc.path.usr,keyword='RADIAT',\
                fn = os.path.join(cc.path.gdata,'radiat_backup',fn)
                fn = os.path.join(cc.path.gdata,'%s_radiat.dat'%self.molecule)

            self.radiat = RadiatReader.RadiatReader(fn=fn,nline=self.nline,
            if self.spec_indices:
                if self.use_indices_dat:
                    f = DataIO.getInputData(path=cc.path.usr,start_index=4,\
                    filename = os.path.join(cc.path.gdata,'indices_backup',f)
                    filename = os.path.join(cc.path.gdata,\
                rf = DataIO.readFile(filename,' ')
                self.radiat_indices = [[int(i) for i in line] for line in rf]
            self.radiat = None
            self.radiat_indices = None
        self.starfile = starfile
        self.mline = None
Exemplo n.º 32
    def __init__(self,star_name='model',inputfilename=None,\
        Initializing an instance of PlottingSession.
        @keyword star_name: name of the star from Star.dat, use default only 
                            when never using any star model specific things 
                            (default: "model")
        @type star_name: string
        @keyword path: Output modeling folder in code home folder
                       (default: '')
        @type path: string
        @keyword inputfilename: name of inputfile that is also copied to the 
                                output folder of the plots, 
                                if None nothing is copied
                                (default: None)
        @type inputfilename: string
        @keyword code: the modeling code
                       (default: GASTRoNOoM)
        @type code: string
        @keyword fn_add_star: Add the star name to the requested plot filename.
                              Only relevant if fn_plt is given in a sub method.
                              (default: 1)
        @type fn_add_star: bool

        self.inputfilename = inputfilename
        self.star_name = star_name
        self.star_index = DataIO.getInputData(
        self.star_name_plots = DataIO.getInputData(path=cc.path.usr,

        #-- Can't use convenience paths here through cc.path, because the
        #   module is not code specific. Within a single python session, there
        #   may be multiple instances of PlottingSession
        if not path:
            print('Warning! %s model output folder not set.' % code)
        self.path = path
        fn_mcm = os.path.join(cc.path.aux, 'Mutable_Parameters_MCMax.dat')
        self.mutable_mcmax = [
            line[0] for line in DataIO.readFile(fn_mcm, delimiter=' ')
            if ''.join(line).strip()
        self.mutable_mcmax = [
            line for line in self.mutable_mcmax if line[0] != '#'
        fn_gas = os.path.join(cc.path.aux, 'Mutable_Parameters_GASTRoNOoM.dat')
        self.mutable_gastronoom = [line[0]
                                   for line in DataIO.readFile(fn_gas,\
                                                               delimiter=' ')
                                   if ''.join(line).strip()]
        self.mutable_gastronoom = [
            line for line in self.mutable_gastronoom if line[0] != '#'
        self.mutable = self.mutable_mcmax + self.mutable_gastronoom
        self.plot_id = 'plot_%.4i-%.2i-%.2ih%.2i-%.2i-%.2i' \
        self.code = code

        #-- Folder management and copying inputfile to plot output folder
        pout = os.path.join(getattr(cc.path,self.code.lower()),self.path,\
        pstar = os.path.join(pout, self.star_name)
        self.pplot = os.path.join(pstar, self.plot_id)
        for pp in [pout, pstar]:

        self.fn_add_star = fn_add_star
Exemplo n.º 33
    def __init__(self,molecule,ny_up=0,ny_low=0,nline=0,n_impact=0,\
        Initiate a Molecule class, setting all values for the allowed 
        transition parameters to zero (by default).
        @param molecule: shorthand name of the molecule
        @type molecule: string
        @keyword ny_up: number of levels in first vibration state v=1
                        (default: 0)
        @type ny_up: int
        @keyword ny_low: number of levels in the ground vibration state v=0
                         (default: 0)
        @type ny_low: int
        @keyword nline: number of allowed transitions in molecule
                        (default: 0)
        @type nline: int  
        @keyword n_impact: number of depth points in radius mesh
                           (default: 0)
        @type n_impact: int       
        @keyword n_impact_extra: number of depth points in radius_mesh 
                                 (< n_impact) used for variable mass-loss 
                                 (0 if constant mdot)
                                 (default: 0)
        @type n_impact_extra: int            
        @keyword itera: number of iterations in mline for molecule, LTE 
                        approximation if zero
                        (default: 0)
        @type itera: string    
        @keyword abun_molec: molecular abundance at the stellar radius.
                             Default is arbitrary, and used if molecule is co 
                             or h2o.
                             (default: 1.0e-10)
        @type abun_molec: float    
        @keyword abun_molec_rinner: molecular abundance at inner shell radius.
                                    Default is arbitrary, and used if molecule
                                    is co or h2o.
                                    (default: 1.0e-10)
        @type abun_molec_rinner: float            
        @keyword abun_molec_re: molecular abundance at rmax_molec. Default is 
                                arbitrary, and used if molecule is co or h2o.
                                (default: 1.0e-10)
        @type abun_molec_re: float 
        @keyword rmax_molec: The radius from which the Willacy abundance
                             profiles are used. They are rescaled to 
                             abun_molec_re. Default is arbitrary, and used if 
                             molecule is co or h2o.
                             (default: 1.)
        @type rmax_molec: float
        @keyword use_collis_radiat_switch: in case of unstable mline, such as 
                                           for para h2o sometimes
                                           (default: 0)
        @type use_collis_radiat_switch: bool
        @keyword ratio_12c_to_13c: 12c/13c ratio, only relevant for 13co and 
                                   other molecules with that isotope
                                   (default: 0)
        @type ratio_12c_to_13c: int
        @keyword ratio_16o_to_17o: 16o/17o ratio, only relevant for h2_17o and 
                                   other molecules with that isotope
                                   (default: 0)
        @type ratio_16o_to_17o: int
        @keyword ratio_16o_to_18o: 16o/18o ratio, only relevant for h2_18o and 
                                   other molecules with that isotope
                                   (default: 0)
        @type ratio_16o_to_18o: int
        @keyword opr: ortho-to-para water ratio, only relevant for ph2o,
                      ph2_17o,ph2_18o and other molecules with para h2o
                      (default: 0)
        @type opr: int    
        @keyword r_outer: the outer radius of the shell for this molecule, 
                          0 if MAMON
                          (default: 0)
        @type r_outer: float
        @keyword lte_request: using LTE in mline only (with or without 
                              collision rates: determined by itera), if default
                              lte_request is 0 if itera != 0 and 1 if itera ==0
                              (default: 0)
        @type lte_request: bool
        @keyword outer_r_mode: the mode used for calculating r_outer 
                               (FIXED or MAMON)
                               (default: 'MAMON')
        @type outer_r_mode: string
        @keyword dust_to_gas_change_ml_sp: if 0 not used, otherwise this is an 
                                           alternative value for the
                                           dust-to-gas ratio in mline/sphinx 
                                           for this molecule and its 
                                           (default: 0)
        @type dust_to_gas_change_ml_sp: float
        @keyword abundance_filename: if enhance_abundance_factor is not zero, 
                                        this includes the filename and/or path 
                                        to the file that includes the profile. 
                                        (default: None)
        @type abundance_filename: string
        @keyword enhance_abundance_factor: if 0 the Willacy abundance profiles 
                                           are uses, if not zero the 
                                           abundance_filename is used and 
                                           scaled with the factor given here. 
                                           THIS DOES NOT RESCALE ABUNDANCES BY 
                                           WILLACY! Only used for filename 
                                           abundances, hence why this parameter
                                           also turns this feature on/off
                                           (default: 0)
        @type enhance_abundance_factor: float
        @keyword set_keyword_change_abundance: Change the abundance calculated 
                                               in cooling by a radius dependent
                                               (default: 0)
        @type set_keyword_change_abundance: bool
        @keyword change_fraction_filename: the filename of the enhancement 
                                           factors if 
                                           set_keyword_change_abundance != 0
                                           (default: None)
        @type change_fraction_filename: string
        @keyword set_keyword_change_temperature: Use a different temperature 
                                                 structure in mline and sphinx
                                                 (default: 0)
        @type set_keyword_change_temperature: bool
        @keyword new_temperature_filename: the filename for the temperature 
                                           structure if 
                                           set_keyword_change_temperature != 0
                                           (default: None)
        @type new_temperature_filename: string
        @keyword linelist: The molecule is created for the LineList module. No
                           radiative information is read from GASTRoNOoM input
                           (default: 0)
        @type linelist: bool
        @keyword starfile: input filename for a stellar input spectrum (either
                           user defined or from a model atmosphere spectrum)
                           (default: '')
        @type starfile: str

        self.molecule = str(molecule)
        self.ny_up = int(ny_up)
        self.ny_low = int(ny_low)
        self.nline = int(nline)
        self.n_impact = int(n_impact)
        self.n_impact_extra = int(n_impact_extra)
        self.molecule_index = DataIO.getInputData(keyword='TYPE_SHORT',\
        mdata = ['MOLEC_TYPE','NAME_SHORT','NAME_PLOT',\
        attrs = ['molecule_full','molecule_short','molecule_plot',\
        mfloat = [0, 0, 0, 1, 1]
        for k, a, mf in zip(mdata, attrs, mfloat):

        self.itera = int(itera)
        #- lte_request may be undefined, but then it would be faulty input,
        #- where we do want the code to crash...
        if self.itera == 0 and lte_request is None:
            self.lte_request = 1
        #- Normally u never use lte if taking into account collision rates
        elif self.itera != 0:
            self.lte_request = 0
        elif self.itera == 0 and lte_request is not None:
            self.lte_request = lte_request
        self.abun_molec = abun_molec
        self.abun_molec_rinner = abun_molec_rinner
        self.abun_molec_re = abun_molec_re
        self.rmax_molec = rmax_molec
        self.use_collis_radiat_switch = use_collis_radiat_switch
        self.ratio_12c_to_13c = ratio_12c_to_13c
        self.ratio_16o_to_17o = ratio_16o_to_17o
        self.ratio_16o_to_18o = ratio_16o_to_18o
        self.opr = opr
        self.dust_to_gas_change_ml_sp = float(dust_to_gas_change_ml_sp)
        self.enhance_abundance_factor = float(enhance_abundance_factor)
        self.abundance_filename = abundance_filename
        #-- Mainly for plotting purposes: The relative, multiplicative abundance
        #   factor with respect to main isotope (and OPR) is calculated
        #   This does not take into account enhance_abundance_factor!
        self.abun_factor = self.getAbunFactor()
        self.outer_r_mode = outer_r_mode
        if self.outer_r_mode == 'MAMON': self.r_outer = 0
        else: self.r_outer = float(r_outer)
        self.set_keyword_change_abundance = int(set_keyword_change_abundance)
        self.change_fraction_filename = change_fraction_filename
        self.set_keyword_change_temperature = \
        self.new_temperature_filename = new_temperature_filename
        self.__model_id = None
        if not linelist:
            if self.use_indices_dat:
                tag = '_'.join([self.molecule,str(self.ny_low),\
                i = DataIO.getInputData(start_index=4,keyword='MOLECULE',\
                self.indices_index = i
            self.radiat = Radiat.Radiat(molecule=self)
            if self.spec_indices:
                if self.use_indices_dat:
                    f = DataIO.getInputData(path=cc.path.usr,start_index=4,\
                    filename = os.path.join(cc.path.gdata, 'indices_backup', f)
                    filename = os.path.join(cc.path.gdata,\
                rf = DataIO.readFile(filename, ' ')
                self.radiat_indices = [[int(i) for i in line] for line in rf]
            self.radiat = None
            self.radiat_indices = None
        self.starfile = starfile
Exemplo n.º 34
    def __init__(self,path_gastronoom='runTest',vic=None,sphinx=0,\
        Initializing an instance of a GASTRoNOoM modeling session.
        A single cooling model and a given set of molecules and transitions are
        calculated here or are retrieved from the databases.
        @keyword path_gastronoom: modeling folder in GASTRoNOoM home
                                  (default: 'runTest')
        @type path_gastronoom: string
        @keyword vic: the vic manager for running sphinx models on VIC3 
                      (default: None)
        @type vic: Vic()
        @keyword sphinx: Running Sphinx?
                         (default: 0)
        @type sphinx: bool
        @keyword replace_db_entry: replace an entry in the databases with a 
                                   newly calculated model with a new model id 
                                   (e.g. if some general data not included in 
                                   the inputfiles is changed)
                                   (default: 0)
        @type replace_db_entry: bool
        @keyword new_entries: The new model_ids when replace_db_entry is 1
                                   of other models in the grid. These are not 
                                   (default: [])
        @type new_entries: list[str]     
        @keyword skip_cooling: Skip running cooling in case a model is not 
                               found in the database, for instance if it is 
                               already known that the model will fail
                               (default: 0)
        @type skip_cooling: bool
        @keyword recover_sphinxfiles: Try to recover sphinx files from the disk
                                      in case they were correctly calculated, 
                                      but not saved to the database for one 
                                      reason or another. 
                                      (default: 0) 
        @type recover_sphinxfiles: bool
        @keyword cool_db: the cooling database
                          (default: None)
        @type cool_db: Database()
        @keyword ml_db: the mline database
                        (default: None)
        @type ml_db: Database()
        @keyword sph_db: the sphinx database
                         (default: None)
        @type sph_db: Database()

        #-- Convenience path
        cc.path.gout = os.path.join(cc.path.gastronoom, self.path)
        self.vic = vic
        self.trans_in_progress = []
        self.sphinx = sphinx
        cool_keys = os.path.join(cc.path.aux, 'Input_Keywords_Cooling.dat')
        ml_keys = os.path.join(cc.path.aux, 'Input_Keywords_Mline.dat')
        sph_keys = os.path.join(cc.path.aux, 'Input_Keywords_Sphinx.dat')
        self.cooling_keywords = [
            line.strip() for line in DataIO.readFile(cool_keys) if line
        self.mline_keywords = [
            line.strip() for line in DataIO.readFile(ml_keys) if line
        self.sphinx_keywords = [
            line.strip() for line in DataIO.readFile(sph_keys) if line
        self.trans_bools = []
        self.mline_done = False
        self.cool_done = False
        self.cooling_molec_keys = ['ENHANCE_ABUNDANCE_FACTOR',\
        self.no_ab_molecs = ['12C16O','13C16O','1H1H16O','p1H1H16O',\

        #- Read standard input file with all parameters that should be included
        filename = os.path.join(cc.path.aux, 'inputGASTRoNOoM.dat')
        self.standard_inputfile = DataIO.readDict(filename,\
        self.skip_cooling = skip_cooling
        self.recover_sphinxfiles = recover_sphinxfiles
        self.cool_db = cool_db
        self.ml_db = ml_db
        self.sph_db = sph_db
Exemplo n.º 35
def makeMoleculeFromDb(molec_id,molecule,path_gastronoom='codeSep2010',\
    Make a Molecule() from a database, based on model_id and molec_id.
    Returns None if the molecule is not available in the database.
    @param molec_id: the model_id of the molecule
    @type molec_id: string
    @param molecule: the short hand name of the molecule        
    @type molecule: string
    @keyword path_gastronoom: the output path in the ~/GASTRoNOoM/. directory
                              (default: codeSep2010)
    @type path_gastronoom: string
    @keyword mline_db: The mline database, which can be passed in case one 
                       wants to reduce overhead. Not required though.
                       (default: None)
    @type mline_db: Database()
    @return: the molecule with all its information embedded
    @rtype: Molecule()
    #-- Convenience path
    cc.path.gout = os.path.join(cc.path.gastronoom,path_gastronoom)
    #-- Retrieve cooling id log
    cooling_log = os.path.join(cc.path.gout,'models',molec_id,'cooling_id.log')
    if os.path.isfile(cooling_log):
        model_id = DataIO.readFile(cooling_log)[0]
    #- ie mline id is the same as model id, the first calced for this id
        model_id = molec_id
    if mline_db is None:
        molec_db = Database(os.path.join(cc.path.gout,\
        molec_db = mline_db
    if not molec_db.has_key(model_id) \
            or not molec_db[model_id].has_key(molec_id) \
            or not molec_db[model_id][molec_id].has_key(molecule):
        return None
    molec_dict = molec_db[model_id][molec_id][molecule].copy()
    extra_pars = molec_dict['MOLECULE'].split()[1:]
    for k,v in zip(['ny_low','ny_up','nline','n_impact','n_impact_extra'],\
        molec_dict[k] = int(v)
        if molec_dict.has_key(key):
            del molec_dict[key]
    molec_dict = dict([(k.lower(),v) for k,v in molec_dict.items()])
    molec = Molecule(molecule=molecule,**molec_dict)
    return molec
Exemplo n.º 36
 def __init__(self,star_name='model',inputfilename=None,\
     Initializing an instance of PlottingSession.
     @keyword star_name: name of the star from Star.dat, use default only 
                         when never using any star model specific things 
                         (default: "model")
     @type star_name: string
     @keyword path: Output modeling folder in code home folder
                    (default: '')
     @type path: string
     @keyword inputfilename: name of inputfile that is also copied to the 
                             output folder of the plots, 
                             if None nothing is copied
                             (default: None)
     @type inputfilename: string
     @keyword code: the modeling code
                    (default: GASTRoNOoM)
     @type code: string
     @keyword fn_add_star: Add the star name to the requested plot filename.
                           Only relevant if fn_plt is given in a sub method.
                           (default: 1)
     @type fn_add_star: bool
     self.inputfilename = inputfilename
     self.star_name = star_name
     self.star_index = DataIO.getInputData(path=cc.path.usr).index(star_name)
     self.star_name_plots = DataIO.getInputData(path=cc.path.usr,
     #-- Can't use convenience paths here through cc.path, because the 
     #   module is not code specific. Within a single python session, there
     #   may be multiple instances of PlottingSession
     if not path:
         print('Warning! %s model output folder not set.'%code)
     self.path = path
     fn_mcm = os.path.join(cc.path.aux,'Mutable_Parameters_MCMax.dat')
     self.mutable_mcmax = [line[0] 
                           for line in DataIO.readFile(fn_mcm,delimiter=' ')
                           if ''.join(line).strip()]
     self.mutable_mcmax = [line 
                           for line in self.mutable_mcmax 
                           if line[0] != '#']
     fn_gas = os.path.join(cc.path.aux,'Mutable_Parameters_GASTRoNOoM.dat')
     self.mutable_gastronoom = [line[0] 
                                for line in DataIO.readFile(fn_gas,\
                                                            delimiter=' ')
                                if ''.join(line).strip()]
     self.mutable_gastronoom = [line 
                                for line in self.mutable_gastronoom 
                                if line[0] != '#']
     self.mutable = self.mutable_mcmax + self.mutable_gastronoom
     self.plot_id = 'plot_%.4i-%.2i-%.2ih%.2i-%.2i-%.2i' \
     self.code = code
     #-- Folder management and copying inputfile to plot output folder
     pout = os.path.join(getattr(cc.path,self.code.lower()),self.path,\
     pstar = os.path.join(pout,self.star_name)
     self.pplot = os.path.join(pstar,self.plot_id)
     for pp in [pout,pstar]:
     self.fn_add_star = fn_add_star
Exemplo n.º 37
    def read(self):
        Read the Lamda file, including molecular spectroscopy and collision 
        Each level and transition is stored as an index, following the 
        prescription of MolReader and CollisReader.

        #-- Read the files lines, and set the single number properties.
        d = DataIO.readFile(self.fn)
        self['pars'] = dict()
        pars = ['molecule', 'mol_weight', 'ny']
        dtypes = [str, float, int]
        indices = [1, 3, 5]
        for i, p, dt in zip(indices, pars, dtypes):
            self['pars'][p] = dt(d[i].split()[0])

        #-- Read the levels and their properties. Swap columns 1 and 2 to match
        #   MlineReader's format.
        d1 = np.genfromtxt(self.fn,skip_header=7,max_rows=self['pars']['ny'],\
        self['level'] = d1

        #-- Determine the index from ny and preset lines
        index = 7 + self['pars']['ny'] + 1
        self['pars']['nline'] = int(d[index].split()[0])

        #-- Read the transitions and their properties. Swap columns 3 and 4 to
        #   match MlineReader's format.
        d2 = np.genfromtxt(self.fn,usecols=[0,1,2,4,3],dtype='i8,i8,i8,f8,f8',\
        self['trans'] = d2

        #-- Continue single line parameters.
        index += 1 + self['pars']['nline'] + 2
        self['pars']['npartners'] = int(d[index].split()[0])
        index += 2
        self['pars']['partners'] = d[index:index + self['pars']['npartners']]
        index += self['pars']['npartners'] + 1
        self['pars']['ncoll_trans'] = int(d[index].split()[0])
        index += 2
        self['pars']['ncoll_temp'] = int(d[index].split()[0])
        index += 2
        self['coll_temp'] = np.array(d[index].split(), dtype=float)

        #-- Read the collision rates.
        d3 = np.genfromtxt(self.fn,usecols=[0,1,2],dtype='i8,i8,i8',\
        d4 = np.genfromtxt(self.fn,skip_header=index+2,\
        dtype = [('index', int), ('lup', int), ('llow', int),
                 ('rates', np.ndarray)]
        self['coll_trans'] = np.empty(shape=(self['pars']['ncoll_trans'],),\
        self['coll_trans']['index'] = d3['index']
        self['coll_trans']['lup'] = d3['lup']
        self['coll_trans']['llow'] = d3['llow']
        for i in range(self['pars']['ncoll_trans']):
            self['coll_trans']['rates'][i] = d4[i, :]
Exemplo n.º 38
    def __init__(self,molecule,ny_up=0,ny_low=0,nline=0,n_impact=0,\
        Initiate a Molecule class, setting all values for the allowed 
        transition parameters to zero (by default).
        @param molecule: shorthand name of the molecule
        @type molecule: string
        @keyword ny_up: number of levels in first vibration state v=1
                        (default: 0)
        @type ny_up: int
        @keyword ny_low: number of levels in the ground vibration state v=0
                         (default: 0)
        @type ny_low: int
        @keyword nline: number of allowed transitions in molecule
                        (default: 0)
        @type nline: int  
        @keyword n_impact: number of depth points in radius mesh
                           (default: 0)
        @type n_impact: int       
        @keyword n_impact_extra: number of depth points in radius_mesh 
                                 (< n_impact) used for variable mass-loss 
                                 (0 if constant mdot)
                                 (default: 0)
        @type n_impact_extra: int            
        @keyword itera: number of iterations in mline for molecule, LTE 
                        approximation if zero
                        (default: 0)
        @type itera: string    
        @keyword abun_molec: molecular abundance at the stellar radius.
                             Default is arbitrary, and used if molecule is co 
                             or h2o.
                             (default: 1.0e-10)
        @type abun_molec: float    
        @keyword abun_molec_rinner: molecular abundance at inner shell radius.
                                    Default is arbitrary, and used if molecule
                                    is co or h2o.
                                    (default: 1.0e-10)
        @type abun_molec_rinner: float            
        @keyword abun_molec_re: molecular abundance at rmax_molec. Default is 
                                arbitrary, and used if molecule is co or h2o.
                                (default: 1.0e-10)
        @type abun_molec_re: float 
        @keyword rmax_molec: The radius from which the Willacy abundance
                             profiles are used. They are rescaled to 
                             abun_molec_re. Default is arbitrary, and used if 
                             molecule is co or h2o.
                             (default: 1.)
        @type rmax_molec: float
        @keyword use_collis_radiat_switch: in case of unstable mline, such as 
                                           for para h2o sometimes
                                           (default: 0)
        @type use_collis_radiat_switch: bool
        @keyword ratio_12c_to_13c: 12c/13c ratio, only relevant for 13co and 
                                   other molecules with that isotope
                                   (default: 0)
        @type ratio_12c_to_13c: int
        @keyword ratio_16o_to_17o: 16o/17o ratio, only relevant for h2_17o and 
                                   other molecules with that isotope
                                   (default: 0)
        @type ratio_16o_to_17o: int
        @keyword ratio_16o_to_18o: 16o/18o ratio, only relevant for h2_18o and 
                                   other molecules with that isotope
                                   (default: 0)
        @type ratio_16o_to_18o: int
        @keyword opr: ortho-to-para water ratio, only relevant for ph2o,
                      ph2_17o,ph2_18o and other molecules with para h2o
                      (default: 0)
        @type opr: int    
        @keyword r_outer: the outer radius of the shell for this molecule, 
                          0 if MAMON
                          (default: 0)
        @type r_outer: float
        @keyword lte_request: using LTE in mline only (with or without 
                              collision rates: determined by itera), if default
                              lte_request is 0 if itera != 0 and 1 if itera ==0
                              (default: 0)
        @type lte_request: bool
        @keyword outer_r_mode: the mode used for calculating r_outer 
                               (FIXED or MAMON)
                               (default: 'MAMON')
        @type outer_r_mode: string
        @keyword dust_to_gas_change_ml_sp: if 0 not used, otherwise this is an 
                                           alternative value for the
                                           dust-to-gas ratio in mline/sphinx 
                                           for this molecule and its 
                                           (default: 0)
        @type dust_to_gas_change_ml_sp: float
        @keyword abundance_filename: if enhance_abundance_factor is not zero, 
                                        this includes the filename and/or path 
                                        to the file that includes the profile. 
                                        (default: None)
        @type abundance_filename: string
        @keyword enhance_abundance_factor: if 0 the Willacy abundance profiles 
                                           are uses, if not zero the 
                                           abundance_filename is used and 
                                           scaled with the factor given here. 
                                           THIS DOES NOT RESCALE ABUNDANCES BY 
                                           WILLACY! Only used for filename 
                                           abundances, hence why this parameter
                                           also turns this feature on/off
                                           (default: 0)
        @type enhance_abundance_factor: float
        @keyword set_keyword_change_abundance: Change the abundance calculated 
                                               in cooling by a radius dependent
                                               (default: 0)
        @type set_keyword_change_abundance: bool
        @keyword change_fraction_filename: the filename of the enhancement 
                                           factors if 
                                           set_keyword_change_abundance != 0
                                           (default: None)
        @type change_fraction_filename: string
        @keyword set_keyword_change_temperature: Use a different temperature 
                                                 structure in mline and sphinx
                                                 (default: 0)
        @type set_keyword_change_temperature: bool
        @keyword new_temperature_filename: the filename for the temperature 
                                           structure if 
                                           set_keyword_change_temperature != 0
                                           (default: None)
        @type new_temperature_filename: string
        @keyword linelist: The molecule is created for the LineList module. No
                           radiative information is read from GASTRoNOoM input
                           (default: 0)
        @type linelist: bool
        @keyword starfile: input filename for a stellar input spectrum (either
                           user defined or from a model atmosphere spectrum)
                           (default: '')
        @type starfile: str
        self.molecule = str(molecule)
        self.ny_up = int(ny_up)
        self.ny_low = int(ny_low)
        self.nline = int(nline)
        self.n_impact = int(n_impact)
        self.n_impact_extra = int(n_impact_extra)
        self.molecule_index = DataIO.getInputData(keyword='TYPE_SHORT',\
        mdata = ['MOLEC_TYPE','NAME_SHORT','NAME_PLOT',\
        attrs = ['molecule_full','molecule_short','molecule_plot',\
        mfloat = [0,0,0,1,1]
        for k,a,mf in zip(mdata,attrs,mfloat):
        self.itera = int(itera)
        #- lte_request may be undefined, but then it would be faulty input, 
        #- where we do want the code to crash... 
        if self.itera==0 and lte_request is None:
            self.lte_request = 1
        #- Normally u never use lte if taking into account collision rates
        elif self.itera != 0:      
            self.lte_request = 0
        elif self.itera==0 and lte_request is not None:
            self.lte_request = lte_request
        self.abun_molec = abun_molec
        self.abun_molec_rinner = abun_molec_rinner
        self.abun_molec_re = abun_molec_re
        self.rmax_molec = rmax_molec
        self.use_collis_radiat_switch = use_collis_radiat_switch
        self.ratio_12c_to_13c = ratio_12c_to_13c
        self.ratio_16o_to_17o = ratio_16o_to_17o
        self.ratio_16o_to_18o = ratio_16o_to_18o
        self.opr = opr
        self.dust_to_gas_change_ml_sp = float(dust_to_gas_change_ml_sp)
        self.enhance_abundance_factor = float(enhance_abundance_factor)
        self.abundance_filename = abundance_filename
        #-- Mainly for plotting purposes: The relative, multiplicative abundance 
        #   factor with respect to main isotope (and OPR) is calculated
        #   This does not take into account enhance_abundance_factor!
        self.abun_factor = self.getAbunFactor() 
        self.outer_r_mode = outer_r_mode
        if self.outer_r_mode == 'MAMON': self.r_outer = 0
        else: self.r_outer = float(r_outer)
        self.set_keyword_change_abundance = int(set_keyword_change_abundance)
        self.change_fraction_filename = change_fraction_filename
        self.set_keyword_change_temperature = \
        self.new_temperature_filename = new_temperature_filename
        self.__model_id = None
        if not linelist:
            if self.use_indices_dat:
                tag = '_'.join([self.molecule,str(self.ny_low),\
                i = DataIO.getInputData(start_index=4,keyword='MOLECULE',\
                self.indices_index = i
            self.radiat = Radiat.Radiat(molecule=self)
            if self.spec_indices:
                if self.use_indices_dat:
                    f = DataIO.getInputData(path=cc.path.usr,start_index=4,\
                    filename = os.path.join(cc.path.gdata,'indices_backup',f)
                    filename = os.path.join(cc.path.gdata,\
                rf = DataIO.readFile(filename,' ')
                self.radiat_indices = [[int(i) for i in line] for line in rf]
            self.radiat = None
            self.radiat_indices = None
        self.starfile = starfile
Exemplo n.º 39
 def appendResults(self):    
     Append results at the end of the inputfile.
     print '** Appending results to inputfile and copying to output folders.'
     print '***********************************'
     #-- Check if the transition was intended to be calculated, and if it was 
     #-- successful (ie don't add if it had already been done)
     timestring = '%.4i-%.2i-%.2ih%.2i-%.2i-%.2i'\
     appendage = []
     if self.model_manager.trans_bool_list:
         model_ids_list = [list(set([(trans.molecule.molecule,\
                                     for boolean,trans in zip(trans_bool,\
                                     if trans.getModelId() \
                                         and (not trans_bool \
                                         or self.append_results)]))
                           for star,trans_bool in zip(self.star_grid,\
         #-- all unique molecules over all stars
         molec_list = list(set([molec 
                                for model_ids in model_ids_list 
                                for molec,model_id in model_ids 
                                if model_ids]))
         #-- all unique modelids for every star separately
         model_id_unique = [list(set([model_id 
                                      for molec,model_id in model_ids])) 
                            for model_ids in model_ids_list]    
         if [modelids for modelids in model_ids_list if modelids] != []:
             appendage += \
                    '## Successfully calculated transition model_ids on %s:'\
             appendage.extend(['## molecule %s'%molec 
                               for molec in molec_list])
             for i,(star,model_ids) in enumerate(zip(self.star_grid,\
                 if model_ids:
                     appendage += ['## For Model %i : cooling id %s'\
                                   %(i+1,star['LAST_GASTRONOOM_MODEL'])] + \
                                  ['#molecule %s #%s' %(molecule,model_id) 
                                   for molecule,model_id in model_ids] + \
             for star,model_ids in zip(self.star_grid,model_id_unique):
                 for model_id in model_ids:
                         i = 0
                         while True:
                             dummy = DataIO.readFile(\
                             i += 1
                     except IOError:
                         subprocess.call(['cp %s %s'%(self.inputfilename,\
     if self.model_manager.mcmax_done_list:
         model_ids = [star['LAST_MCMAX_MODEL'] 
                      for star,boolean in zip(self.star_grid,\
                      if boolean or self.append_results]
         if model_ids:
             appendage += ['#########################################',\
                     '## MCMax model_ids associated with this grid on %s:'\
             appendage += ['#%s'%model_id for model_id in model_ids]
             for model_id in model_ids:
                     i = 0
                     while True:
                         dummy = DataIO.readFile(os.path.join(\
                         i += 1
                 except IOError:
                     subprocess.call(['cp %s %s'%(self.inputfilename,os.path.join(\
     if appendage: DataIO.writeFile(filename=self.inputfilename,\
Exemplo n.º 40
    def doChemistry(self,star):
        Running Chemistry.
        @param star: The parameter set for this session
        @type star: Star()

        print '***********************************'                                       
        #- Create the input dictionary for this Chemistry run
        print '** Making input file for Chemistry'
        #-- Add the previous model_id to the list of new entries, so it does 
        #   not get deleted if replace_db_entry == 1. 
        if self.model_id: 
        self.model_id = ''
        self.command_list = dict()
        # Bijzonder gevallen hier ipv in loop over orig
        # Dan is input_lines/command_list wat er in de database staat
        # input_lines = d
        if star['PERFORM_ROUTINE'] == 0:
            self.command_list['ROUTINE_RADIUS'] = 0
            self.command_list['ROUTINE_RADIUS'] = star['ROUTINE_RADIUS']
        self.command_list['R_STAR'] = star['R_STAR']*star.Rsun
        #self.command_list['R_INNER_CHEM'] = star['R_INNER_CHEM']*\
        #self.command_list['R_OUTER_CHEM'] = star['R_OUTER_CHEM']*\
        self.command_list['REACTIONS_FILE'] = '"'+os.path.join(cc.path.csource,\
        self.command_list['SPECIES_FILE'] = '"'+os.path.join(cc.path.csource,\
        self.command_list['FILECO'] = '"'+os.path.join(cc.path.csource,\
        self.command_list['FILEN2'] = '"'+os.path.join(cc.path.csource,\
        add_keys = [k  
                    for k in self.standard_inputfile.keys() 
                    if not self.command_list.has_key(k)]
         for k in add_keys]

        print '** DONE!'
        print '***********************************'
        #-- Check the Chemistry database if the model was calculated before
        modelbool = self.checkDatabase()
        #-- if no match found in database, calculate new model with new model id 
        #-- if the calculation did not fail, add entry to database for new model
        if not modelbool:
            input_dict = self.command_list.copy()
            input_lines = []
            orig = DataIO.readFile(self.inputfilename)
            for i,s in enumerate(orig):
                split = s.split()
                if s[0] == '!':
                    input_lines.append(" ".join(split[0:2])+' '+\
            output_folder = os.path.join(cc.path.cout,'models',self.model_id)
            input_lines.append('OUTPUT_FOLDER = "' +\
            input_filename = os.path.join(cc.path.cout,'models',\
            #subprocess.call(' '.join([cc.path.ccode,input_filename]),shell=True)
            subprocess.call(' '.join([os.path.join(cc.path.csource,'csmodel'),input_filename]),shell=True)
            # files die worden aangemaakt op einde, test of successvol
            testf1 = os.path.join(output_folder,'cscoldens.out')
            testf2 = os.path.join(output_folder,'csfrac.out')
            if os.path.exists(testf1) and os.path.exists(testf2) and \
                    os.path.isfile(testf1) and os.path.isfile(testf2):
                del self.db[self.model_id]['IN_PROGRESS']
                print '** Model calculation failed. No entry is added to ' + \
                      'the database.'
                del self.db[self.model_id]
                self.model_id = ''
            if not self.single_session: self.db.sync()

        #- Note that the model manager now adds/changes MUTABLE input keys, 
        #- which MAY be overwritten by the input file inputComboCode.dat
        print '***********************************'