Exemplo n.º 1
 def doFUNCTION(self,wl_min=10.0,wl_max=20.0,function='linear'):
     Replace all opacities by an extrapolation below a cut-off wavelength.
     @keyword wl_min: lower boundary interpolation range and the cutoff 
                      wavelength for the extrapolation
                      (default: 10.0)
     @type wl_min: float
     @keyword wl_max: upper boundary interpolation range
                      (default: 20.0)
     @type wl_max: float
     @keyword function: type of function used for the inter/extrapolation
                        See Interpol.pEval for function types    
                        (default: 'linear')
     @type function: string 
     #raise TypeError("WARNING! The CustumOpa().doFUNCTION method is obsolete! New version NYI.")
     #- Select relevant inputlines (not saving the scattering matrices)
     self.opacity_file = True
     inputsel = [line for line in self.input_data if len(line) == 4]
     inputsel = array([[float(f) for f in line] for line in inputsel])
     wl = inputsel[:,0]
     function = function.lower()
     #- Select the extrapolation and interpolation regions.
     wl_low = wl[wl < wl_min]
     wlinter = wl[(wl >= wl_min) * (wl <= wl_max)]
     abs_inter = inputsel[:,2][(wl >= wl_min) * (wl <= wl_max)]
     sca_inter = inputsel[:,3][(wl >= wl_min) * (wl <= wl_max)]
     #- Fit the interpolation region and extrapolate this to lower wavelength
     abs_p0 = [abs_inter[0],wl[0],1,1]
     sca_p0 = [sca_inter[0],wl[0],1,1]
     abs_low = Interpol.fitFunction(x_in=wlinter,y_in=abs_inter,\
     abs_low = array([a > 0 and a or 0 for a in abs_low])
     sca_low = Interpol.fitFunction(x_in=wlinter,y_in=sca_inter,\
     sca_low = array([s > 0 and s or 0 for s in sca_low])
     ext_low = abs_low + sca_low
     #- Set the output data
     self.output_data = [array([w,el,al,sl])
                         for w,el,al,sl in zip(wl_low,ext_low,\
     self.output_data.extend(inputsel[wl >= wl_min])
Exemplo n.º 2
 def doFUNCTION(self,wl_min=10.0,wl_max=20.0,function='linear'):
     Replace all opacities by an extrapolation below a cut-off wavelength.
     @keyword wl_min: lower boundary interpolation range and the cutoff 
                      wavelength for the extrapolation
                      (default: 10.0)
     @type wl_min: float
     @keyword wl_max: upper boundary interpolation range
                      (default: 20.0)
     @type wl_max: float
     @keyword function: type of function used for the inter/extrapolation
                        See Interpol.pEval for function types    
                        (default: 'linear')
     @type function: string 
     #raise TypeError("WARNING! The CustumOpa().doFUNCTION method is obsolete! New version NYI.")
     #- Select relevant inputlines (not saving the scattering matrices)
     self.opacity_file = True
     inputsel = [line for line in self.input_data if len(line) == 4]
     inputsel = array([[float(f) for f in line] for line in inputsel])
     wl = inputsel[:,0]
     function = function.lower()
     #- Select the extrapolation and interpolation regions.
     wl_low = wl[wl < wl_min]
     wlinter = wl[(wl >= wl_min) * (wl <= wl_max)]
     abs_inter = inputsel[:,2][(wl >= wl_min) * (wl <= wl_max)]
     sca_inter = inputsel[:,3][(wl >= wl_min) * (wl <= wl_max)]
     #- Fit the interpolation region and extrapolate this to lower wavelength
     abs_p0 = [abs_inter[0],wl[0],1,1]
     sca_p0 = [sca_inter[0],wl[0],1,1]
     abs_low = Interpol.fitFunction(x_in=wlinter,y_in=abs_inter,\
     abs_low = array([a > 0 and a or 0 for a in abs_low])
     sca_low = Interpol.fitFunction(x_in=wlinter,y_in=sca_inter,\
     sca_low = array([s > 0 and s or 0 for s in sca_low])
     ext_low = abs_low + sca_low
     #- Set the output data
     self.output_data = [array([w,el,al,sl])
                         for w,el,al,sl in zip(wl_low,ext_low,\
     self.output_data.extend(inputsel[wl >= wl_min])
Exemplo n.º 3
 def divideContinuum(self,w,f,dtype,frindex):
     Divide flux by the continuum flux in a dust feature. 
     @param w: The wavelength grid
     @type w: list/array
     @param f: The flux grid
     @type f: list/array
     @param dtype: data type (only 'model','sws' for now)
     @type dtype: string
     @param frindex: The index in the franges list for this entry.
     @type frindex: int
     @keyword plot: Show a plot of the continuum division 
     @type plot: bool
     fr1,fr2 = self.franges[frindex][0],self.franges[frindex][1]
     fr3,fr4 = self.franges[frindex][2],self.franges[frindex][3]
     w_in = list(w[(w>fr1) * (w<fr2)]) + list(w[(w>fr3) * (w<fr4)])
     f_in = list(f[(w>fr1) * (w<fr2)]) + list(f[(w>fr3) * (w<fr4)])
     w_cont = w[(w>self.frmin*0.9)*(w<self.frmax*1.1)]
     f_ori = f[(w>self.frmin*0.9)*(w<self.frmax*1.1)]
     f_cont = Interpol.fitFunction(x_in=w_in,y_in=f_in,x_out=w_cont,\
     self.cont_division[dtype] = dict()
     self.cont_division[dtype]['w_feat'] = w_cont
     self.cont_division[dtype]['f_feat'] = f_ori
     self.cont_division[dtype]['w_fitsel_feat'] = w_in
     self.cont_division[dtype]['f_fitsel_feat'] = f_in
     self.cont_division[dtype]['f_interp'] = f_cont
     self.cont_division[dtype]['f_division'] = f_ori/f_cont
     if self.plot:
         x = [w_cont,w_cont]
         y = [f_ori,f_cont]
Exemplo n.º 4
    def divideContinuum(self, w, f, dtype, frindex):
        Divide flux by the continuum flux in a dust feature. 
        @param w: The wavelength grid
        @type w: list/array
        @param f: The flux grid
        @type f: list/array
        @param dtype: data type (only 'model','sws' for now)
        @type dtype: string
        @param frindex: The index in the franges list for this entry.
        @type frindex: int
        @keyword plot: Show a plot of the continuum division 
        @type plot: bool

        fr1, fr2 = self.franges[frindex][0], self.franges[frindex][1]
        fr3, fr4 = self.franges[frindex][2], self.franges[frindex][3]
        w_in = list(w[(w > fr1) * (w < fr2)]) + list(w[(w > fr3) * (w < fr4)])
        f_in = list(f[(w > fr1) * (w < fr2)]) + list(f[(w > fr3) * (w < fr4)])
        w_cont = w[(w > self.frmin * 0.9) * (w < self.frmax * 1.1)]
        f_ori = f[(w > self.frmin * 0.9) * (w < self.frmax * 1.1)]
        f_cont = Interpol.fitFunction(x_in=w_in,y_in=f_in,x_out=w_cont,\

        self.cont_division[dtype] = dict()
        self.cont_division[dtype]['w_feat'] = w_cont
        self.cont_division[dtype]['f_feat'] = f_ori
        self.cont_division[dtype]['w_fitsel_feat'] = w_in
        self.cont_division[dtype]['f_fitsel_feat'] = f_in
        self.cont_division[dtype]['f_interp'] = f_cont
        self.cont_division[dtype]['f_division'] = f_ori / f_cont

        if self.plot:
            x = [w_cont, w_cont]
            y = [f_ori, f_cont]