Exemplo n.º 1
    def process_bts_settings(self, data_dict):
        """Process bts settings.

        TODO: We should revisit how configs are stored on cloud
        settings_map = {
                {'get': self.get_mcc,
                 'set': self.set_mcc},
                {'get': self.get_mnc,
                 'set': self.set_mnc},
                {'get': self.get_short_name,
                 'set': self.set_short_name},
                {'get': self.get_open_registration,
                 'set': self.set_open_registration},
                {'get': self.get_arfcn_c0,
                 'set': self.set_arfcn_c0},
                {'get': lambda: self.get_timer('3212'),
                 'set': lambda minutes: self.set_timer('3212', minutes)},
        for (key, val) in data_dict.items():
                cur_val = settings_map[key]['get']()
                if cur_val != val:
                    logger.info("Changed bts setting: %s = %s (was %s)" %
                                (key, val, cur_val))
            except Exception as e:
                    logger.error("Failed to process openbts setting"
                                 "(%s): %s = %s" % (e, key, val))
Exemplo n.º 2
    def log_worker(self, msgid, window_start, window_end, log_name):
        logger.info("Log req %s started" % msgid)
        log_path = "/var/log/%s" % log_name

        tmp_file = ('/tmp/%s-%s.log.gz' % (log_name, msgid))

        with gzip.open(tmp_file, 'w') as f:
            for msg in log_stream(log_path, window_start, window_end):

        params = {'msgid': msgid, 'log_name': log_name}
        files = {'file': open(tmp_file, 'rb')}
        r = requests.post(self.conf['registry'] + "/bts/logfile",
            if r.status_code == 200:
                logger.info("Log req %s posted successfully" % msgid)
                logger.error("Log req %s responded with %s: %s" %
                             (msgid, r.status_code, r.text))
        except (requests.exceptions.ConnectionError,
                requests.exceptions.Timeout) as e:
            logger.error("Log req %s failed: %s" % (msgid, e))
Exemplo n.º 3
def register(eapi):
    After a call to this, BTS should be registered with the server and have all
    credentials to connect to VPN.

    "Registered" here means that we have gotten our CSR (created by
    generate_keys()) signed by the server, and have received a signed
    certificate and client configuration back from the server. We'll stay stuck
    here trying to get our key signed until we succeed.

    A device is associated with an account in get_registration_conf(); if this
    fails, then the device won't have access credentials for our API and none
    of this will succeed. A device that is associated with an account, but for
    some reason can't get VPN credentials, will get stuck here, but local
    services will still work.

    if not ('bts_registered' in conf and conf['bts_registered']):
        # We're not registered yet, so do the initial registration procedure.
        OPENVPN_DIR = '/etc/openvpn/endaga-'
        CLIENT_CERT = OPENVPN_DIR + 'client.crt'
        VPN_CONF = OPENVPN_DIR + 'vpn-client.conf.noauto'

        # If we don't have a client certificate (signed by the certifier)
        # and VPN config file then attempt to get them by registering.
        if not (os.path.exists(CLIENT_CERT) and os.path.exists(VPN_CONF)):
            # Send the CSR and keep trying to register.
            with open(OPENVPN_DIR + 'client.req') as f:
                csr = f.read()

            vpn = _retry_req(lambda: get_vpn_conf(eapi, csr),
                             'BTS registration')
            cert = vpn['certificate']
            vpnconf = vpn['vpnconf']
            assert len(vpnconf) > 0 and len(cert) > 0, 'Invalid VPN parameters'
            logger.info('got VPN configuration')
            # write the client cert (before verification, for troubleshooting)
            with open(CLIENT_CERT, 'w') as f:
            # write the VPN config (don't discard if cert verification fails)
            with open(VPN_CONF, 'w') as f:
            # We already have a cert and VPN conf from a previous
            # attempt to register, but the cert could not be validated
            # against the CA bundle and that attempt aborted. The
            # user should be able to replace the CA bundle
            # (etage-bundle.crt) with the one that corresponds to the
            # cloud installation, after which registration should
            # succeed.
            with open(CLIENT_CERT, 'r') as f:
                cert = f.read()

        # validate client cert against CA
            os.path.dirname(VPN_CONF) + '/etage-bundle.crt')
        conf['bts_registered'] = True
Exemplo n.º 4
 def POST(self):
     data = web.input()
     # The auth token should be here.
     logger.info('GET mock subscriber provision')
     auth_token = web.ctx.env['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION']
     assert data.bts_uuid == snowflake.snowflake()
     assert len(data.imsi) == 19
     assert auth_token == "Token %s" % CONF['endaga_token']
     return json.dumps({ 'number': '1%010d' % random.randint(1000000000, 9999999999) })
Exemplo n.º 5
 def stopProcess(self, name):
     """Stops a process by name."""
         logger.info("Supervisor: stopping %s" % name)
         return self.server.supervisor.stopProcess(name)
     except xmlrpc.client.Fault as e:
         if e.faultCode == 70:  # NOT_RUNNING
             return True
         logger.error("Supervisor: failed to stop %s, fault code: %d" %
                      (name, e.faultCode))
         return False
     except IOError:
         logger.error("Supervisor: stop %s failed due to ioerror" % name)
         return False
Exemplo n.º 6
 def startProcess(self, name):
     """Starts a process by name."""
         logger.info("Supervisor: starting %s" % name)
         return self.server.supervisor.startProcess(name)
     except xmlrpc.client.Fault as e:
         if e.faultCode == 60:  # ALREADY_STARTED
             logger.info("Supervisor: %s already started" % name)
             return True
         logger.error("Supervisor: failed to start %s, fault code: %d" %
                      (name, e.faultCode))
         return False
     except IOError:
         logger.error("Supervisor: start %s failed due to ioerror" % name)
         return False
Exemplo n.º 7
    def ack(self, seqno):
        """Process an ack to the db.

        An ack up to a seqno means that all events up to and including that
        seqno have been handled and can be safely removed.
            cur = self.conn.cursor()
            cur.execute("DELETE FROM endaga_events WHERE seqno<=%s;", (seqno,))
            # If this fails, we don't commit.
            logger.info("EventStore: ack'd seqno %d" % int(seqno))
        except BaseException as e:
            logger.error("EventStore: ack seqno %s exception %s" % (seqno, e))
def verify_cert(_, ca_file):
    """ Validate that cert has been signed by the Etage CA. """
    r = delegator.run("openssl verify -CAfile %s %s/endaga-client.crt" %
                  (ca_file, os.path.dirname(ca_file)))
    if r.return_code != 0:
        Any error requires manual intervention, i.e., updating the CA
        cert, and hence cannot be resolved by retrying
        registration. Therefore we just raise an exception that
        terminates the agent.
        msg = ("Unable to verify client cert against CA bundle:\n%s" %
        raise SystemExit(msg)
    logger.info("Verified client cert against CA %s" % (ca_file, ))
Exemplo n.º 9
def register(eapi):
    After a call to this, BTS should be registered with the server and have all
    credentials to connect to VPN.

    "Registered" here means that we have gotten our CSR (created by
    generate_keys()) signed by the server, and have received a signed
    certificate and client configuration back from the server. We'll stay stuck
    here trying to get our key signed until we succeed.

    A device is associated with an account in get_registration_conf(); if this
    fails, then the device won't have access credentials for our API and none
    of this will succeed. A device that is associated with an account, but for
    some reason can't get VPN credentials, will get stuck here, but local
    services will still work.

    if not ('bts_registered' in conf and conf['bts_registered']):
        # We're not registered yet, so do the initial registration procedure.
        # Send on the CSR and keep trying to register.
        backoff_count = 0
        with open("/etc/openvpn/endaga-client.req") as f:
            csr = f.read()
        while not ('bts_registered' in conf and conf['bts_registered']):
                vpn = get_vpn_conf(eapi, csr)
                cert = vpn['certificate']
                vpnconf = vpn['vpnconf']
                assert len(vpnconf) > 0 and len(cert) > 0, 'Empty VPN Response'
                with open('/etc/openvpn/endaga-client.crt', 'w') as f:
                with open('/etc/openvpn/endaga-vpn-client.conf.noauto',
                          'w') as f:
                conf['bts_registered'] = True
            except ValueError:
                delay = min(2**backoff_count, 300)
                logger.info("registration failed, sleeping %d seconds" %
                            (delay, ))
                backoff_count += 1
Exemplo n.º 10
    def checkin(self, timeout=11):
        """Gather system status."""

        # Compile checkin data
        checkin_start = time.time()
        status = {
            'usage': events.usage(),
            'uptime': system_utilities.uptime(),
            'system_utilization': self.utilization_tracker.get_data(),

        # Append status if we can
            #get the software versions
            status['versions'] = bts.get_versions()
        except BSSError as e:
            logger.error("bts get_versions error: %s" % e)

            # Gather camped subscriber list
            status['camped_subscribers'] = bts.active_subscribers()
        except BSSError as e:
            logger.error("bts get active_subscribers error: %s" % e)

        # Gather tower load and noise data.
        # NOTE(matt): these values can vary quite a bit over a minute. It
        #       might be worth capturing data more frequently and sending
        #       something like average or median values.
        status['openbts_load'] = {}
            status['openbts_load'] = bts.get_load()
        except BSSError as e:
            logger.error("bts get_load error: %s" % e)

        for key, val in list(self._checkin_load_stats.items()):
            status['openbts_load']['checkin.' + key] = val

            status['openbts_noise'] = bts.get_noise()
        except BSSError as e:
            logger.error("bts get_noise error: %s" % e)

        status['radio'] = {}
            status['radio']['band'] = bts.get_band()
            # eventually need to also grab all used channels, not just c0
            # TODO: (kheimerl) T13270338 Add multiband support
            status['radio']['c0'] = bts.get_arfcn_c0()
            #also add power here eventually
            # TODO: (kheimerl) T13270365 Add power level support
        except BSSError as e:
            #delete the key if this failed
            del status['radio']
            logger.error("bts radio error: %s" % e)

        # Add balance sync data
        status['subscribers'] = subscriber.get_subscriber_states(

        # Add delta protocol context (if available) to let server know,
        # client supports delta optimization & has a prior delta state
        if delta.DeltaProtocol.CTX_KEY not in status:  # just a precaution
            sections_ctx = {}
            for section, ctx in list(CheckinHandler.section_ctx.items()):
                if ctx:
                    sections_ctx[section] = ctx.to_proto_dict()

            if sections_ctx:
                status[delta.DeltaProtocol.CTX_KEY] = {
                    delta.DeltaProtocolOptimizer.SECTIONS_CTX_KEY: sections_ctx

        # Send checkin request.
        uuid = snowflake.snowflake()
        data = {
            'status': status,
            'bts_uuid': uuid,
        headers = dict(self.auth_header)
        # Set content type to app/json & utf-8, compressed or not - JSON should
        # be more efficient then URL encoded JSON form payload
        headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
        data_json = json.dumps(data)
        decompressed_status_len = len(data_json)
        status_len = decompressed_status_len

        if status_len > endaga_ic.MIN_COMPRESSIBLE_REQUEST_SZ:
            # try to gzip payload, send uncompressed if compression failed
                gzbuf = BytesIO()
                with GzipFile(mode='wb', fileobj=gzbuf) as gzfile:
                    gzfile.write(bytes(data_json, encoding='UTF-8'))
                data_json = gzbuf.getvalue()
                # Using Content-Encoding header since AWS cannot handle
                # Transfer-Encoding header which would be more appropriate here
                headers['Content-Encoding'] = 'gzip'
                status_len = len(data_json)  # set len to reflect compression
            except BaseException as e:
                logger.error("Checkin request Gzip error: %s" % e)

        headers['Content-Length'] = str(status_len)

        post_start = time.time()
            r = self.session.post(
                self.conf['registry'] + "/checkin?id=" +
                # add part of uuid to the query, it helps with
                # debugging & server side logging and can
                # be used by LBs

        except BaseException as e:
            logger.error("Endaga: checkin failed , network error: %s." % e)
            self._checkin_load_stats['req_sz'] = status_len
            self._checkin_load_stats['raw_req_sz'] = decompressed_status_len
            self._checkin_load_stats['post_lat'] = time.time() - post_start

        post_end = time.time()

        # Make sure either server sent charset or we set it to utf-8 (JSON
        # default)
        if not r.encoding:
            r.encoding = 'utf-8'

        text = r.text
        decompressed_response_len = len(text)
        response_len = decompressed_response_len

        # Try to get correct content length from HTTP headers, it should
        # reflect correctly compressed length. if it fails - fall back to
        # getting length of returned text
        cont_len = r.headers.get('Content-Length')
        if cont_len:
                response_len = int(cont_len)
            except BaseException:

        if r.status_code == 200:
                logger.info("Endaga: checkin success.")
                if r.cookies is not None:
                    if self._session_cookies is None:
                        # First time cookies are seen from server
                        # initialize the cookies dict
                        self._session_cookies = dict(r.cookies)
                        for key, value in r.cookies.items():
                            # if server sent new/updated cookies, update them,
                            # but keep previously set cokies as well. ELBs
                            # do not send AWSELB cookies on every request &
                            # expect clients to 'remember' them
                            self._session_cookies[key] = value
            except BaseException:
            logger.error("Endaga: checkin failed (%d), reason: %s, body: %s" %
                         (r.status_code, r.reason, r.text))
            # cleanup session on any error
            if r.status_code >= 300:

        checkin_end = time.time()

        self._checkin_load_stats['req_sz'] = status_len  # request payload SZ
        self._checkin_load_stats['raw_req_sz'] = decompressed_status_len
            'rsp_sz'] = response_len  # response payload SZ
        self._checkin_load_stats['raw_rsp_sz'] = decompressed_response_len
        # Checkin Latencies
        self._checkin_load_stats['post_lat'] = post_end - post_start
        self._checkin_load_stats['process_lat'] = checkin_end - post_end
        self._checkin_load_stats['lat'] = checkin_end - checkin_start

        data['response'] = {'status': r.status_code, 'text': r.text}
        return data
Exemplo n.º 11
    def post(self, request, format=None):
        """Handle POST requests."""
        # First make sure the dom parses.
            dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(request.POST['cdr'])
        except xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError:
            logger.warning("invalid XML CDR: '%s'" % (request.POST['cdr'], ))
            return Response("Bad XML", status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
        except KeyError:
            logger.warning("invalid POST request: '%s'" % (request.POST, ))
            return Response("Missing CDR", status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
        # Then make sure all of the necessary pieces are there.  Fail if any
        # required tags are missing
        data = {}
        for tag_name in [
                "billsec", "username", "caller_id_name", "network_addr",
            data[tag_name] = dom.getElementsByTagName(tag_name)
        for tag_name in data:
            if not data[tag_name]:
                return Response("Missing XML",
                data[tag_name] = self.getText(data[tag_name][0].childNodes)
        # Convert certain tags to ints.
        for tag_name in ["billsec"]:
            data[tag_name] = int(data[tag_name])
        # Try to get Number instances for both the caller and recipient.
        # If we find both Numbers in the system then a user on one Endaga
        # network is calling a subscriber on a different Endaga-managed
        # network, cool. In our cloud freeswitch instance we actually
        # "short circuit" this call so it never goes to Nexmo, but to the
        # operators the call is a regular incoming / outgoing event, so we
        # will bill it as such.
        caller_number, dest_number = None, None
            caller_number = Number.objects.get(number=data["caller_id_name"])
                caller_cost = caller_number.network.calculate_operator_cost(
            except ValueError as ex:
                # this is raised iff the destination has an invalid prefix
                logger.error("invalid number prefix: %s" % (ex, ))
                caller_cost = 0
            caller_number.network.bill_for_call(caller_cost, data['billsec'],
            logger.info("billed network '%s' for outgoing call: %d" %
                        (caller_number.network.name, caller_cost))
        except Number.DoesNotExist:
            dest_number = Number.objects.get(number=data["destination_number"])
            # cost to receive doesn't take source/caller into account
            dest_cost = dest_number.network.calculate_operator_cost(
                'off_network_receive', 'call')
            dest_number.network.bill_for_call(dest_cost, data['billsec'],
            logger.info("billed network '%s' for incoming call: %d" %
                        (dest_number.network.name, dest_cost))
        except Number.DoesNotExist:
        if not (caller_number or dest_number):
            # We didn't find either Number, that's a failure.
            return Response("Invalid caller and destination",

        # Local, incoming and outgoing calls respond with 200 OK.
        return Response("", status=status.HTTP_200_OK)
Exemplo n.º 12
 def GET(self, uuid):
     logger.info('GET mock number allocation with env: %s' % str(web.ctx.env))
     auth_token = web.ctx.env['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION']
     assert uuid == snowflake.snowflake()
     assert auth_token == "Token %s" % CONF['endaga_token']
     return '1%010d' % random.randint(1000000000, 9999999999)
Exemplo n.º 13
 def GET(self):
     logger.info('GET mock bts register')
     return web.forbidden()
Exemplo n.º 14
def _create_event(imsi,
    """Logs a generic UsageEvent in the EventStore.

    Also writes this action to logger.

      imsi: the IMSI connected to this event
      old_credit: the account's balance before this action
      new_credit: the account's balance after this action
      reason: a string describing this event
      kind: the type of event.  If None, we will attempt to lookup the type
            based on the reason.
      call_duration: duration, including connect, if it was a call (seconds)
      billsec: billable duration of the event if it was a call (seconds)
      from_imsi: sender IMSI
      from_number: sender number
      to_imsi: destination IMSI
      to_number: destination number
      tariff: the cost per unit applied during this transaction
      up_bytes: integer amount of data uploaded during the timespan
      down_bytes: integer amount of data downloaded during the timespan
      timsespan: number of seconds over which this measurement was taken
      write: write event to the eventstore (default: True; only for tests)

        A dictionary representing the event
    template = ('new event: user: %s, old_credit: %d, new_credit: %d,'
                ' change: %d, reason: %s\n')
    message = template % (imsi, old_credit, new_credit,
                          new_credit - old_credit, reason)
    # Add this event to the DB.  This is the canonical definition of a
    # UsageEvent.
    # Version 5: added up_bytes, down_bytes and timespan
    # Version 4: added billsec, call_duration (removed underscore)
    # Version 3: ~~a mystery~~
    # Version 2: added 'call duration', from_imsi, to_imsi, from_number,
    #            to_number
    # Version 1: date, imsi, oldamt, newamt, change, reason, kind
    if not kind:
        kind = kind_from_reason(reason)
    data = {
        'date': time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),
        'imsi': imsi,
        'oldamt': old_credit,
        'newamt': new_credit,
        'change': new_credit - old_credit,
        'reason': reason,
        'kind': kind,
        'call_duration': call_duration,
        'billsec': billsec,
        'from_imsi': from_imsi,
        'to_imsi': to_imsi,
        'from_number': from_number,
        'to_number': to_number,
        'tariff': tariff,
        'up_bytes': up_bytes,
        'down_bytes': down_bytes,
        'timespan': timespan,
        'version': 5,

    # TODO(shasan): find a way to remove this and mock out in testing instead
    if write:
        event_store = EventStore()
    return data