Exemplo n.º 1
 def communicate(self):
     Performs data transfer between vehicles, i.e., fetching data from
     leading and front vehicles to feed the CACC algorithm. This function is
     an adaptation of the original that can be found in the Michele Segata's
     GitHub repository and in the utils.py file
     for vid, links in self._topology.iteritems():
         # get data about platoon leader
         leader_data = utils.get_par(links["leader"], cc.PAR_SPEED_AND_ACCELERATION)
         (l_v, l_a, l_u, l_x, l_y, l_t) = cc.unpack(leader_data)
         leader_data = cc.pack(l_v, l_u, l_x, l_y, l_t)
         # get data about front vehicle
         front_data = utils.get_par(links["front"], cc.PAR_SPEED_AND_ACCELERATION)
         (f_v, f_a, f_u, f_x, f_y, f_t) = cc.unpack(front_data)
         front_data = cc.pack(f_v, f_u, f_x, f_y, f_t)
         # pass leader and front vehicle data to CACC
         if (l_a < 0 and f_a < 0) or (l_a > 0 and f_a > 0):
             utils.set_par(vid, cc.PAR_LEADER_SPEED_AND_ACCELERATION, leader_data)
             utils.set_par(vid, cc.PAR_LEADER_SPEED_AND_ACCELERATION, front_data)
         utils.set_par(vid, cc.PAR_PRECEDING_SPEED_AND_ACCELERATION, front_data)
         # compute GPS distance and pass it to the fake CACC
         f_d = gap_between_vehicles(vid, links["front"])[0]
         utils.set_par(vid, cc.PAR_LEADER_FAKE_DATA, cc.pack(l_v, l_u))
         utils.set_par(vid, cc.PAR_FRONT_FAKE_DATA, cc.pack(f_v, f_u, f_d))
Exemplo n.º 2
def communicate(topology):
    Performs data transfer between vehicles, i.e., fetching data from
    leading and front vehicles to feed the CACC algorithm
    :param topology: a dictionary pointing each vehicle id to its front
    vehicle and platoon leader. Each entry of the dictionary is a dictionary
    which includes the keys "leader" and "front"
    :type topology: dict[str, dict[str, str]]
    for vid, links in topology.iteritems():
        # get data about platoon leader
        leader_data = get_par(links["leader"], cc.PAR_SPEED_AND_ACCELERATION)
        (l_v, l_a, l_u, l_x, l_y, l_t) = cc.unpack(leader_data)
        leader_data = cc.pack(l_v, l_u, l_x, l_y, l_t)
        # get data about front vehicle
        front_data = get_par(links["front"], cc.PAR_SPEED_AND_ACCELERATION)
        (f_v, f_a, f_u, f_x, f_y, f_t) = cc.unpack(front_data)
        front_data = cc.pack(f_v, f_u, f_x, f_y, f_t)
        # pass leader and front vehicle data to CACC
        set_par(vid, cc.PAR_LEADER_SPEED_AND_ACCELERATION, leader_data)
        set_par(vid, cc.PAR_PRECEDING_SPEED_AND_ACCELERATION, front_data)
        # compute GPS distance and pass it to the fake CACC
        f_d = get_distance(vid, links["front"])
        set_par(vid, cc.PAR_LEADER_FAKE_DATA, cc.pack(l_v, l_u))
        set_par(vid, cc.PAR_FRONT_FAKE_DATA, cc.pack(f_v, f_u, f_d))
Exemplo n.º 3
def main(demo_mode, real_engine, setter=None):
    # used to randomly color the vehicles
    start_sumo("cfg/freeway.sumo.cfg", False)
    step = 0
    while running(demo_mode, step, 6000):

        # when reaching 60 seconds, reset the simulation when in demo_mode
        if demo_mode and step == 6000:
            start_sumo("cfg/freeway.sumo.cfg", True)
            step = 0
            state = GOING_TO_POSITION


        if step == 0:
            # create vehicles and track the joiner
            topology = add_vehicles(N_VEHICLES, real_engine)
            traci.gui.trackVehicle("View #0", JOINER)
            traci.gui.setZoom("View #0", 20000)
        if step % 10 == 1:
            # simulate vehicle communication every 100 ms
        if step == 100:
            # at 1 second, let the joiner get closer to the platoon
            topology = get_in_position(JOINER, FRONT_JOIN, topology)
        if state == GOING_TO_POSITION:
            # when the distance of the joiner is small enough, let the others
            # open a gap to let the joiner enter the platoon
            if get_distance(JOINER, FRONT_JOIN) < JOIN_DISTANCE + 1:
                state = OPENING_GAP
                topology = open_gap(BEHIND_JOIN, JOINER, topology, N_VEHICLES)
        if state == OPENING_GAP:
            # when the gap is large enough, complete the maneuver
            if get_distance(BEHIND_JOIN, FRONT_JOIN) > 2 * JOIN_DISTANCE + 2:
                state = COMPLETED
                change_lane(JOINER, 0)
                set_par(JOINER, cc.PAR_ACTIVE_CONTROLLER, cc.CACC)
                set_par(JOINER, cc.PAR_CACC_SPACING, DISTANCE)
                set_par(BEHIND_JOIN, cc.PAR_ACTIVE_CONTROLLER, cc.CACC)
                set_par(BEHIND_JOIN, cc.PAR_CACC_SPACING, DISTANCE)
                topology = reset_leader(BEHIND_JOIN, topology, N_VEHICLES)
        if real_engine and setter is not None:
            # if we are running with the dashboard, update its values
            tracked_id = traci.gui.getTrackedVehicle("View #0")
            if tracked_id != "":
                (g, rpm) = cc.unpack(get_par(tracked_id, cc.PAR_ENGINE_DATA))
                data = get_par(tracked_id, cc.PAR_SPEED_AND_ACCELERATION)
                (v, a, u, x, y, t) = cc.unpack(data)
                setter(rpm, g, v, a)

        step += 1

Exemplo n.º 4
def get_distance(v1, v2):
    Returns the distance between two vehicles, removing the length
    :param v1: id of first vehicle
    :param v2: id of the second vehicle
    :return: distance between v1 and v2
    v_data = get_par(v1, cc.PAR_SPEED_AND_ACCELERATION)
    (v, a, u, x1, y1, t) = cc.unpack(v_data)
    v_data = get_par(v2, cc.PAR_SPEED_AND_ACCELERATION)
    (v, a, u, x2, y2, t) = cc.unpack(v_data)
    return math.sqrt((x1 - x2)**2 + (y1 - y2)**2) - 4
Exemplo n.º 5
def get_dist_to_POI_old(v, poi):
    v_data = get_par(v, cc.PAR_SPEED_AND_ACCELERATION)
    (v, a, u, x1, y1, t) = cc.unpack(v_data)
    px = traci.poi.getPosition(poi)[0]
    py = traci.poi.getPosition(poi)[1]
    poitype = traci.poi.getType(poi)
    return math.sqrt((x1 - px)**2 + (y1 - py)**2)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def look_for_flags(self, pois, step):
     Evaluates whether a plane is less than 70 meters
     from or past a flag within which lane change is permisssible
     vehicles = self._members
     leader = vehicles[0]
     flag_found = False
     poi_index = "0"
     vehicle_data = utils.get_par(leader, cc.PAR_SPEED_AND_ACCELERATION)
     (v, a, u, x1, y1, t) = cc.unpack(vehicle_data)
     time_to_pass = (((self.DISTANCE + self.VLENGTH) * self.N_VEHICLES) / v)
     for poi in pois:
         if self.states[-1] == self.FLAG_PASSED:
         if utils.get_dist_to_POI(leader, poi) < 70:
             poi_index = int(poi.split("_")[2])
             flag_found = True
                 traci.simulation.getCurrentTime() / 1000)
             if self.time_flags_found[poi_index][-1] - self.time_flags_found[
                     poi_index][-2] < time_to_pass:
                 poi_index = int(poi.split("_")[2])
                 flag_found = False
     flag_n_poi_index = [flag_found, poi_index]
     return flag_n_poi_index
Exemplo n.º 7
 def move_to_next_best_lane(self, step, flag_poi_index_rank):
     Evaluates whether a plane should change lanes based on its 
     current location and past states. It prevents the plane from 
     changing lanes more than once at each lane change station
     times_flag_found = self.times_flag_found
     flag_found = flag_poi_index_rank[0]
     poi_index = flag_poi_index_rank[1]
     plane_rank = flag_poi_index_rank[2]
     vehicle_data = utils.get_par(self._members[0],
     (v, a, u, x1, y1, t) = cc.unpack(vehicle_data)
     time_to_pass = (((self.DISTANCE + self.VLENGTH) * self._plength) / v)
     ## Move to next best lane only if it's first of this flag and don't move within passing time
     if traci.simulation.getCurrentTime(
     ) > times_flag_found['POI_' + str(poi_index)][plane_rank][
             -2] + time_to_pass and flag_found == True:
         vehicles = self._members
         # print("vehs at move to next: {}".format(vehicles))
         current_lane_num = traci.vehicle.getLaneIndex(vehicles[0])
         next_best_lane = current_lane_num - 1
         for vehicle in vehicles:
             utils.change_lane(vehicle, next_best_lane)
Exemplo n.º 8
def get_dist_to_POI_new(v, poi):
    v_data = get_par(v, cc.PAR_SPEED_AND_ACCELERATION)
    (v, a, u, x1, y1, t) = cc.unpack(v_data)
    px = traci.poi.getPosition(poi)[0]
    py = traci.poi.getPosition(poi)[1]
    poitype = traci.poi.getType(poi)
    if poitype in ['WE', 'EW']:
        return abs(px - x1)

    if poitype in ['NS', 'SN']:
        return abs(py - y1)
Exemplo n.º 9
def get_distance(v1, v2):
    Returns the distance between two vehicles, removing the length of the first
    :param v1: id of first vehicle
    :param v2: id of the second vehicle
    :type v1: str
    :type v2: str
    :return: distance between v1 and v2
    :rtype: float
    v_data = get_par(v1, cc.PAR_SPEED_AND_ACCELERATION)
    (v, a, u, x1, y1, t) = cc.unpack(v_data)
    v_data = get_par(v2, cc.PAR_SPEED_AND_ACCELERATION)
    (v, a, u, x2, y2, t) = cc.unpack(v_data)
    # Since euclidean distance doesn't give information of which vehicle is in
    # first position (no sign) we need to identify the first vehicle
    first_vehicle = platooning.first_of([v1, v2])

    return math.sqrt((x1 - x2)**2 +
                     (y1 - y2)**2) - traci.vehicle.getLength(first_vehicle)
Exemplo n.º 10
 def move_to_next_best_lane(self, step):
     """Change travel lane of platoon toone lane down"""
     vehicle_data = utils.get_par(self._members[0],
     (v, a, u, x1, y1, t) = cc.unpack(vehicle_data)
     time_to_pass = (((self.DISTANCE + self.VLENGTH) * self.N_VEHICLES) / v)
     vehicles = self._members
     pois = ["exit_POI_0", "exit_POI_1", "exit_POI_2", "exit_POI_3"]
     current_lane_num = traci.vehicle.getLaneIndex(vehicles[0])
     next_best_lane = current_lane_num - 1
     for vehicle in vehicles:
         utils.change_lane(vehicle, next_best_lane)
Exemplo n.º 11
 def look_for_flags(self, pois, step):
     Evaluates whether a plane is within the ideal range to a flag
     to execute a lane change. The Lane change must occur once and once only
     subsequent flags found at the same location must be ignored
     vehicles = self._members
     leader = vehicles[0]
     flag_found = False
     poi_index = "0"
     plane_rank = 0
     vehicle_data = utils.get_par(self._members[0],
     (v, a, u, x1, y1, t) = cc.unpack(vehicle_data)
     time_to_pass = (((self.DISTANCE + self.VLENGTH) * self._plength) / v)
     for poi in pois:
         if utils.get_dist_to_POI(leader, poi) < 100:
             poi_index = int(poi.split("_")[2])
             flag_found = True
             cur_edge_ind = traci.vehicle.getRouteIndex(leader)
             num_edge_2_finish = len(
             if num_edge_2_finish == 3:
                 plane_rank = 0
                     'POI_' + str(poi_index)][plane_rank].append(
                         traci.simulation.getCurrentTime() / 1000)
             elif num_edge_2_finish == 8:
                 plane_rank = 1
                     'POI_' + str(poi_index)][plane_rank].append(
                         traci.simulation.getCurrentTime() / 1000)
             elif num_edge_2_finish == 13:
                 plane_rank = 2
                     'POI_' + str(poi_index)][plane_rank].append(
                         traci.simulation.getCurrentTime() / 1000)
             ### The following condition is meant to catch stray planes whose routes may be different from the 3,8,13 len(route) format ###
                 plane_rank = 4
                     'POI_' + str(poi_index)][plane_rank].append(
                         traci.simulation.getCurrentTime() / 1000)
             if self.times_flag_found['POI_' + str(poi_index)][plane_rank][
                     -1] - self.times_flag_found['POI_' + str(
                         poi_index)][plane_rank][-2] < time_to_pass:
                 poi_index = int(poi.split("_")[2])
                 flag_found = False
     flag_poi_index_rank = [flag_found, poi_index, plane_rank]
     return flag_poi_index_rank
Exemplo n.º 12
def main(demo_mode, real_engine=True, setter=None):
    start_sumo("cfg/freeway.sumo.cfg", False)
    step = 0

    while running(demo_mode, step, 4000):

        # when reaching 60 seconds, reset the simulation when in demo_mode
        if demo_mode and step == 4000:
            start_sumo("cfg/freeway.sumo.cfg", True)
            step = 0

        if step == 0:
            # create vehicles and track one of them
            traci.gui.trackVehicle("View #0", VEHICLES[TRACK])
            traci.gui.setZoom("View #0", 20000)
        if step == 100:
            # at 1 second let them accelerate as much as they can
            for vid in VEHICLES:
                set_par(vid, cc.PAR_FIXED_ACCELERATION, cc.pack(1, 20))

        # in the dashboard, show the engine information about the vehicle
        # being tracked
        tracked_id = traci.gui.getTrackedVehicle("View #0")
        if setter is not None and tracked_id != "":
            (g, rpm) = cc.unpack(get_par(tracked_id, cc.PAR_ENGINE_DATA))
            data = get_par(tracked_id, cc.PAR_SPEED_AND_ACCELERATION)
            (v, a, u, x, y, t) = cc.unpack(data)
            setter(rpm, g, v, a)

        step += 1

def look_for_flags(leader, pois, flags_at_pois, step):
    flag_edges = ["n3", "n8", "n13", "n18"]
    flag = False
    vehicle = leader

    if vehicle in flags_at_pois.keys() and flags_at_pois[vehicle]['state'][-1] == 'completed':# and traci.simulation.getCurrentTime()/1000 - flags_at_pois[leader]['time'][-1] < time_to_pass : # Might lead to false false flags if speed is low and time to pass increases
        vehicle_data = get_par(vehicle, cc.PAR_SPEED_AND_ACCELERATION)
        (v, a, u, x1, y1, t) = cc.unpack(vehicle_data) 
        time_to_pass = (((DISTANCE + LENGTH)* N_VEHICLES)/v)
        print("time to pass is {} ".format(time_to_pass))
        print("veh {} states are {}".format(vehicle, flags_at_pois[vehicle]['state']))
        print("veh {} poitypes are {}".format(vehicle, flags_at_pois[vehicle]['poitype']))
        print("time to pass is {} ".format(time_to_pass))
        print("time since last change is {}".format(traci.simulation.getCurrentTime()/1000 - flags_at_pois[leader]['time'][-1]))
        #if traci.simulation.getCurrentTime()/1000 - flags_at_pois[leader]['time'][-1] < time_to_pass :
        curr_edge = traci.vehicle.getRoadID(vehicle)
        poi_edges = [('exit_POI_0', 'n3'), ('exit_POI_1', 'n8'), ('exit_POI_2', 'n13'), ('exit_POI_3', 'n18')]
        actual_poi = [item[0] for item in poi_edges if item[1] == curr_edge]
        print("actual poi is {}".format(actual_poi))
        print("in flag poi is {}".format(flags_at_pois[vehicle]['poi'][-1]))
        if actual_poi[-1] == flags_at_pois[vehicle]['poi'][-1]:

            print("veh {} has false flag identified".format(vehicle))
            flag = False
            flag_data = (flag, flags_at_pois[vehicle]['poitype'][-1])
            return flag_data

        else: # This entry isn't valid actual flag and dictionary entry mismatch
            del flags_at_pois[vehicle]
            flag = False
            flag_data = (flag, 'dummy')

        d = defaultdict(list)
        if traci.vehicle.getRoadID(vehicle) in flag_edges:

            for poi in pois:
                if get_dist_to_POI_new(vehicle,poi) <= 150:
                    print("Distance to poi new is{}".format(get_dist_to_POI_new(vehicle,poi)))
                    #print("Distance to poi old is{}".format(get_dist_to_POI_old(vehicle,poi)))

                    ctime = traci.simulation.getCurrentTime()/1000
                    poitype = traci.poi.getType(poi)
                    s = [('poi', poi), ('poitype', poitype),('time', ctime), ('state', 'InZone')]
                    for k, v in s:

                    flags_at_pois[vehicle] = dict(d.items())
                    poi_pos = traci.poi.getPosition(poi)
                    veh_pos = traci.vehicle.getPosition(vehicle)
                    if flags_at_pois[vehicle]['poitype'][-1] == 'WE' and traci.vehicle.getRoadID(vehicle) == 'n3':
                        if flags_at_pois[vehicle]['state'][-1] == 'InZone':
                            flags_at_pois[vehicle]['state'][-1] = 'changed'
                            print("Flags at Yaaaaaaaaay is {}".format(flags_at_pois))
                            flag = True
                            flag_data = (flag, poitype)
                            return flag_data
                    if flags_at_pois[vehicle]['poitype'][-1] == 'NS' and traci.vehicle.getRoadID(vehicle) == 'n8':
                        if flags_at_pois[vehicle]['state'][-1] == 'InZone':
                            flags_at_pois[vehicle]['state'][-1] = 'changed'
                            print("Flags at Yaaaaaaaaay is {}".format(flags_at_pois))
                            flag = True

                            flag_data = (flag, poitype)
                            return flag_data
                    if flags_at_pois[vehicle]['poitype'][-1] == 'EW' and traci.vehicle.getRoadID(vehicle) == 'n13':
                        if flags_at_pois[vehicle]['state'][-1] == 'InZone':
                            flags_at_pois[vehicle]['state'][-1] = 'changed'
                            print("Flags at Yaaaaaaaaay is {}".format(flags_at_pois))
                            flag = True
                            flag_data = (flag, poitype)
                            return flag_data
                    if flags_at_pois[vehicle]['poitype'][-1] == 'SN' and traci.vehicle.getRoadID(vehicle) == 'n18':
                        if flags_at_pois[vehicle]['state'][-1] == 'InZone':
                            flags_at_pois[vehicle]['state'][-1] = 'changed'
                            print("Flags at Yaaaaaaaaay is {}".format(flags_at_pois))
                            flag = True
                            flag_data = (flag, poitype)
                            return flag_data