Exemplo n.º 1
def build(build_server, wait=True):
        pull the latest uniio repos (uniio, sysmgmt, nasmgmt, uniio-ui) from github on build server
        build on server

    global g_runtime_dir
    gitcmd = get_gitcmd()
    a,b,c,git_ssh_identityfile = g_conf["build_server"]  # [IP, username, password, git_ssh_identityfile]

    shs = []
    cos = []
    if g_uioonly:
        repos = ['uniio']
        repos = ['uniio', 'uniio-ui', 'sysmgmt', 'nasmgmt']

    # build all repos in parallel
    for repo in repos:
        sh = build_server.newshell()
        if not sh: 
            return None

        # prepare shell
        cos.append(sh.exe("cd /tmp", wait=False))
        cos.append(sh.exe("export GIT_SSH_COMMAND=\"ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o IdentityFile=%s -o ProxyCommand='ssh -q -W %%h:%%p evidence.orcadt.com'\"" % (git_ssh_identityfile), wait=False))

        # clone repo
        checkout = g_conf["%s_checkout"%(repo)] if g_conf.has_key("%s_checkout"%(repo)) else "default"
        cmd = "[[ -e '%s/%s' ]] && { cd %s/%s && git fetch; } || { %s clone --recurse-submodules [email protected]:uniio/%s.git %s/%s; }" \
                % (g_runtime_dir, repo, g_runtime_dir, repo, gitcmd, repo, g_runtime_dir, repo)
        cos.append( sh.exe(cmd, wait=False) )
        if checkout != "default": # checkout desired branch or tag or commit
            cmd = "cd %s/%s && %s checkout %s" % (g_runtime_dir, repo, gitcmd, checkout)
            cos.append( sh.exe(cmd, wait=False) )
        cmd = "cd %s/%s && %s pull --no-edit || true" % (g_runtime_dir, repo, gitcmd)
        cos.append( sh.exe(cmd, wait=False) )
        cmd = "cd %s/%s && %s log --pretty=format:'%%h|%%ci|%%an|%%s' | head -8 || true" % (g_runtime_dir, repo, gitcmd)
        cos.append( sh.exe(cmd, wait=False) )

        # cmake repo
        if repo == "uniio-ui":
            co = sh.exe("cd %s/%s && mkdir -p build_debug && cd build_debug && cmake3 .." % (g_runtime_dir, repo), wait=False)
            co = sh.exe("cd %s/%s/build_debug && rm -f *.rpm && make -j20 package" % (g_runtime_dir, repo), wait=False)
            co = sh.exe("cd %s/%s && mkdir -p build && cd build && cmake3 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .." % (g_runtime_dir, repo), wait=False)
            co = sh.exe("cd %s/%s/build && rm -f *.rpm && make -j20 package" % (g_runtime_dir, repo), wait=False)
    if wait:
        for co in cos:
            if not co.succ():
                common.log("failed build command: '%s'" % (co.cmdline), 1)
                return None
    return cos
Exemplo n.º 2
def discard_drives(federation_targets, wait=True):
    cos = []
    for t in federation_targets:
        cos.append(t.exe("while read d; do wipefs -f -a \${d}; dd if=/dev/zero of=\${d} bs=1M count=16; blkdiscard \${d} & done < <(lsblk -lpn -o NAME | grep -w 'sd.' | grep -v $(mount | grep -w / | awk '{print $1}' | sed 's/[0-9]//g')) && wait", wait=wait))
    if wait:
        for co in cos:
            if not co.succ():
                common.log("failed when discarding drives.")
                return None
    return cos
Exemplo n.º 3
def perf_test(client_targets, federation_targets, fill=0):
        run performance test.
        start fio workload from clients,
        collect counter logs at the same time,
        fill: fill the luns first, for a given time
        return when all jobs are done.
    # print threadtable.ini contents on all federation servers
    for t in federation_targets:
        t.exe("cat /etc/objblk/threadtable.ini")

    status_str = ""
    jobdesc, fio_job_dir, fio_cos, fio_driver = fio_run(client_targets, fill)
    if not fio_cos:
        return False
    counter_log_dir, counter_log_path, counter_cos = counter_log(jobdesc, federation_targets)

    # wait for jobs to end
    fio_fail = None
    for fio_co in fio_cos:
        if not fio_co.succ():
            fio_fail = fio_co
    if fio_fail: status_str += ".FIO_FAIL_on_%s" % (fio_driver.address)
    counter_fail = None
    for co in counter_cos:
        if not co.succ():
            counter_fail = co
    if counter_fail: status_str += ".COUNTER_FAIL_on_%s" % (counter_fail.shell.t.address)

    # download fio logs from fio driver node
    localtime = time.localtime()
    date_str = "%d-%02d-%02d" % (localtime.tm_year, localtime.tm_mon, localtime.tm_mday)
    time_str = "%02d.%02d.%02d" % (localtime.tm_hour, localtime.tm_min, localtime.tm_sec)
    logdir = "perflogs/%s/%s.%s_%s%s" % (date_str, jobdesc, date_str, time_str, status_str)
    me.exe("rm -rf %s" % (logdir))
    me.exe("mkdir -p %s" % (logdir))
    if not fio_driver.download(logdir, "%s/*" % (fio_job_dir)):
        return False

    # download counter logs and cpu data svg files from federation nodes
    for t in federation_targets:
        counterdir = "%s/counter_%s" % (logdir, t.address)
        svgdir = "%s/cpudata_%s" % (logdir, t.address)
        me.exe("mkdir -p %s" % (counterdir))
        if g_cpudata: me.exe("mkdir -p %s" % (svgdir))
        if not t.download(counterdir, counter_log_path):
            return False
        if g_cpudata and not t.download(svgdir, counter_log_dir+"/*%s*.svg" % (jobdesc)):
            return False
    json.dump(g_conf, open("%s/settings.json" % (logdir), 'w'), indent=2)  # dump a copy of config file to the logdir
    common.log("DONE EEPERFTEST.\n%s\nlog location: %s" % ("-"*60, os.path.join(os.getcwd(), logdir)))
    showfio (logdir)
    return True
Exemplo n.º 4
def counter_log(jobdesc, federation_targets):
        start logging counter values using 'server/counters.sh' on federation nodes
        collect cpu data into flame graphs every 1 hour ( if applicable )
        return: counter_log_dir, counter_log_path, cmdobjs
            counter_log_dir:  the directory that contains counter logs and svg files
            counter_log_path: counter log location on each node
            cmdobj: the command objects tracking the counters.sh command

    # numjobs and iodepth may be replaced by 'runfio.sh'
    njobs = g_conf["fio_numjobs"] if g_conf.has_key("fio_numjobs") else 1
    qdepth = g_conf["fio_iodepth"] if g_conf.has_key("fio_iodepth") else 3
    nj_str = g_conf["runfio_jobs"] if g_conf.has_key("runfio_jobs") else str(njobs)
    qd_str = g_conf["runfio_qdepth"] if g_conf.has_key("runfio_qdepth") else str(qdepth)
    nj_str = re.sub('\s+', ',', nj_str.strip())
    qd_str = re.sub('\s+', ',', qd_str.strip())
    runtime = g_conf["fio_runtime"] if g_conf.has_key("fio_runtime") else 60

    dur = len(nj_str.split(',')) * len(qd_str.split(',')) * runtime
    cmdobjs = []

    # collect counter logs
    counter_log_dir = "%s/counter_logs" % (g_runtime_dir)
    counter_log_path = "%s/%s.%ddur.log" % (counter_log_dir,jobdesc, dur)
    for t in federation_targets:
        t.exe("mkdir -p %s" % (counter_log_dir))
        sh = t.newshell()
        if not sh:
            return None, None, None
        cmd = "%s/uio_scripts/server/counters.sh %d > %s" % (g_runtime_dir, dur, counter_log_path)
        cmdobjs.append(sh.exe(cmd, wait=False))
        common.log("long task running on '%s': %s" % (t, cmd))
    if g_cpudata:
        # collect cpu data with 'server/collect_cpu.sh' for one time at start
        # if duration is more than 1 hour, proceed cpu data collection every hour
        every = 3600
        num_collects = dur / every + 1
        for t in federation_targets:
            sh = t.newshell()   # get a new shell for cpu collection, so no serilization with the counter shell
            if not sh:
                return None, None, None
            # stacking commands in the same shell, it will serialize all commands
            cmdobjs.append(sh.exe("cd %s" % (counter_log_dir), wait=False))
            for elapse in [ every * i for i in range(num_collects) ]:
                prefix = "when%ds.%s" % (elapse, jobdesc)
                cmdobjs.append(sh.exe("sleep %d" % (elapse if elapse == 0 else every), wait=False))
                cmd = "%s/uio_scripts/server/collect_cpu.sh cio_array -w %s -t 30" % (g_runtime_dir, prefix)
                cmdobjs.append(sh.exe(cmd, wait=False))
                cmd = "%s/uio_scripts/server/collect_cpu.sh -w %s -t 30" % (g_runtime_dir, prefix)
                cmdobjs.append(sh.exe(cmd, wait=False))

    return counter_log_dir, counter_log_path, cmdobjs
Exemplo n.º 5
def fio_server(client_targets):
    cos = []

    # restarting fio server
    for t in client_targets:
        cos.append(t.exe("killall -9 fio || true", wait=False))
        cos.append(t.exe("fio --server --daemonize=/tmp/fio.pid", wait=False))
    for co in cos:
        if not co.succ():
            common.log("failed restarting fio server.")
            return False    
    return True
Exemplo n.º 6
def push_topology(federation_targets):
    t = None
    for n in federation_targets:
        if fab_running(n):
            t = n
    if not t:
        common.log("fabric manager is not running on federation nodes.", 1)
        return False
    # pushing topology
    if not t.exe("cioctl topology %s" % (g_conf["topology"])).succ():
        return False
    if not t.exe("cioctl portal --management_ip %s --iscsi_ip %s" % (g_conf["management_ip"], g_conf["iscsi_ip"])).succ():
        return False
    return True
Exemplo n.º 7
def shutdown_cluster(federation_targets, force=True, wait=True):
    # shutdown cluster
    cos = []
    for t in federation_targets:
        if not (array_running(t) or fab_running(t)):
            cos.append(t.exe("echo uniio is not running.", wait=False))
        cmd  = "%s/uio_scripts/server/init_cluster.sh %s -s" % (g_runtime_dir, "-f" if force else "")
        cos.append(t.exe(cmd, wait=False))
    if wait:
        for co in cos:
            if not co.succ():
                common.log("failed when sending shutdown cmd to uniio.")
                return None
    return cos
Exemplo n.º 8
def boot_cluster(federation_targets):
    # start objmgr and objmgr-fab on all uniio nodes
    cos = []
    for t in federation_targets:
        cmd  = "%s/uio_scripts/server/init_cluster.sh -b" % (g_runtime_dir)
        cos.append(t.exe(cmd, wait=False))
    for co in cos:
        if not co.succ():
            common.log("failed when starting uniio.")
            return False
    for t in federation_targets: # give time for fabricmanager to be ready for accepting topology
        if not t.wait_alive(8080, 600):
            common.log("fabricmanager is not starting after 600s. port: 8080")
            return False
    if not attach_luns(federation_targets):
        return False
    return True
Exemplo n.º 9
def prep_targets():
        * build 3 target lists: client_targets, federation_targets, build_server
        * upload uio_scripts to all targets
        * return 3 target lists as a tuple: (client_targets, federation_targets, build_server)
    global g_runtime_dir
    # node defs: [ (IP, username, password), ... ]
    client_node_def = g_conf["client_nodes"]
    federation_node_def = g_conf["federation_nodes"]
    build_node_def = g_conf["build_server"]  # [IP, username, password, git_ssh_identifyfile]

    client_targets = []
    for n in client_node_def:
        t = gettarget(n[0], username=n[1], password=n[2], svc="ssh", timeout=60)
        if t:
            client_targets = []

    federation_targets = []
    for n in federation_node_def:
        t = gettarget(n[0], username=n[1], password=n[2], svc="ssh", timeout=60)
        if t:
            federation_targets = []

    build_server = None
    build_server = gettarget(build_node_def[0], username=build_node_def[1], password=build_node_def[2], svc="ssh", timeout=60)
    if not build_server:
        build_server = None

    # upload uio_scripts to targets
    if client_targets and federation_targets:
        for t in client_targets + federation_targets:
            if not t.exe("mkdir -p %s" % (g_runtime_dir)):
                return None
            if not t.upload("%s" % (g_rootdir), g_runtime_dir):
                return None
        common.log("failed to connect to some of the nodes.")

    return (client_targets, federation_targets, build_server)
Exemplo n.º 10
def create_luns(client_targets, federation_targets, numluns=0):
    # get client iscsi initiator iqns for mapping
    iqns = {}  # { address : iqn }
    for t in client_targets:
        iqns[t.address] = t.exe("awk -F'=' '{print \$2}' /etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi").stdout.strip()
    t = None
    for n in federation_targets:
        if fab_running(n):
            t = n
    if not t:
        common.log("fabric manager is not running on all federation nodes.", 1)
        return False    
    # create luns
    num_luns = numluns if numluns else g_conf["num_luns"] if g_conf.has_key("num_luns") else 18
    for i in range(num_luns):
        if not t.exe("cioctl create lun%d %dG" % (i, g_conf["lunsize_G"])).succ():
            return False
        if not t.exe("cioctl iscsi target create --name tgt-%d" % (i)).succ():
            return False
    # create initiator groups
    inames = []
    for address in iqns.keys():
        iqn = iqns[address]
        addr = address.replace(".", "-")
        iname = "i%s" % (addr); inames.append(iname)
        if not t.exe("cioctl iscsi initiator create --name %s --iqn %s" % (iname, iqn)).succ():
            return False
        if not t.exe("cioctl iscsi initiatorgroup create --name ig%s --initiators i%s" % (addr, addr)).succ():
            return False
    if g_fullmap:
        if not t.exe("cioctl iscsi initiatorgroup create --name igall --initiators %s" % (','.join(inames))).succ():
            return False

    # create mappings: luns are evenly mapped to clients
    num_igs = len(iqns); luns_per_client = num_luns / len(iqns)
    for i in range(num_luns):
        address = iqns.keys()[(i/luns_per_client)%num_igs]
        addr = address.replace(".", "-"); igroup = 'igall' if g_fullmap else "ig%s" % (addr)
        if not t.exe("cioctl iscsi mapping create --blockdevice lun%d --target tgt-%d --initiatorgroup %s" % (i, i, igroup)).succ():
            return False
    return True
Exemplo n.º 11
def detach_luns(federation_targets):
    t = None
    for n in federation_targets:
        if fab_running(n):
            t = n
    if not t:
        common.log("fabric manager is not running on all federation nodes.", 1)
        return False
    luns = t.exe("cioctl list | grep GB | awk '{print \$2}' | grep -v '^-'").getlist()
    for lun in luns:
        if not t.exe("cioctl detach --ignore_session_check %s" % (lun)).succ():
            return False
    snaps = t.exe("cioctl snapshot list | grep GiB | awk '{print \$2}'").getlist()
    for snap in snaps:
        if not t.exe("cioctl detach --ignore_session_check %s" % (snap)).succ():
            return False
    return True
Exemplo n.º 12
def init_backend(federation_targets, force=True, wait=True):
    if not federation_targets:
        common.log("federation nodes are None.")
        return False
    raw_disk_size_G = g_conf["raw_disk_size_G"] if g_conf.has_key("raw_disk_size_G") else None
    cos = []
    for t in federation_targets:
        if raw_disk_size_G:
            cmd  = "%s/uio_scripts/server/init_backend.sh -O init -G 300 -S %d" % (g_runtime_dir, raw_disk_size_G)
            cmd  = "%s/uio_scripts/server/init_backend.sh -O init -G 300" % (g_runtime_dir)
        cos.append(t.exe(cmd, wait=False))
    if wait:
        for co in cos:
            if not co.succ():
                common.log("failed when initializing uniio.")
                return None
    return cos
Exemplo n.º 13
def clear_luns(client_targets, federation_targets):
    iscsi_ip = g_conf["iscsi_ip"]
    cos = []
    for t in client_targets:
        cos.append(t.exe("iscsiadm -m node --logout", wait=False))
        cos.append(t.exe("iscsiadm -m session -u", wait=False))
        cos.append(t.exe("iscsiadm -m discoverydb -t sendtargets -p %s:3260 -o delete" % (iscsi_ip), wait=False))
    for co in cos:

    t = None
    for n in federation_targets:
        if fab_running(n):
            t = n
    if not t:
        common.log("fabric manager is not running on all federation nodes.", 1)
        return False    
    mappings = t.exe("cioctl iscsi mapping list | grep iqn | awk '{print \$2}'").getlist()
    for mapping in mappings:
        if not t.exe("cioctl iscsi mapping delete --ignore_session_check --blockdevice %s --yes-i-really-really-mean-it" % (mapping)).succ():
            return False
    targets = t.exe("cioctl iscsi target list | grep iqn | awk '{print \$2}'").getlist()
    for tgt in targets:
        if not t.exe(" cioctl iscsi target delete --name %s --yes-i-really-really-mean-it" % (tgt)).succ():
            return False
    snapshots = t.exe("cioctl snapshot list | grep GiB | awk '{print \$2}'").getlist()
    for snap in snapshots:
        if not t.exe("cioctl detach %s" % (snap)).succ():
            return False
    luns = t.exe("cioctl list | grep GB | awk '{print \$2}' | grep -v '^-'").getlist()
    for lun in luns:
        if not t.exe("cioctl delete %s" % (lun)).succ():
            return False
    igs = t.exe("cioctl iscsi initiatorgroup list | grep -E '.+-[0-9]+-' | awk '{print \$2}'").getlist()
    for ig in igs:
        if not t.exe("cioctl iscsi initiatorgroup delete --name %s --yes-i-really-really-mean-it" % (ig)).succ():
            return False
    initiators = t.exe("cioctl iscsi initiator list | grep -E '.+-[0-9]+-' | awk '{print \$2}'").getlist()
    for it in initiators:
        if not t.exe("cioctl iscsi initiator delete --name %s --yes-i-really-really-mean-it" % (it)).succ():
            return False
    return True
Exemplo n.º 14
def build_bin(build_server, wait=True):
        pull the latest uniio repo from github on build server
        build cio_array and cio_array.sym on server

    global g_runtime_dir
    gitcmd = get_gitcmd()
    a,b,c,git_ssh_identityfile = g_conf["build_server"]  # [IP, username, password, git_ssh_identityfile]
    sh = build_server.newshell()
    cos = []
    cos.append(sh.exe("cd /tmp", wait=False))
    cos.append(sh.exe("export GIT_SSH_COMMAND=\"ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o IdentityFile=%s -o ProxyCommand='ssh -q -W %%h:%%p evidence.orcadt.com'\"" % (git_ssh_identityfile), wait=False))
    # git clone uniio repo
    repo = "uniio"
    checkout = g_conf["%s_checkout"%(repo)] if g_conf.has_key("%s_checkout"%(repo)) else "default"
    cmd = "[[ -e '%s/%s' ]] && { cd %s/%s && git fetch; } || { %s clone --recurse-submodules [email protected]:uniio/%s.git %s/%s; }" \
            % (g_runtime_dir, repo, g_runtime_dir, repo, gitcmd, repo, g_runtime_dir, repo)
    cos.append( sh.exe(cmd, wait=False) )

    if checkout != "default": # checkout desired branch or tag or commit
        cmd = "cd %s/%s && %s checkout %s" % (g_runtime_dir, repo, gitcmd, checkout)
        cos.append( sh.exe(cmd, wait=False) )

    cmd = "cd %s/%s && %s pull --no-edit || true" % (g_runtime_dir, repo, gitcmd)
    cos.append(sh.exe(cmd, wait=False))
    cmd = "cd %s/%s && %s log --pretty=format:'%%h|%%ci|%%an|%%s' | head -8 || true" % (g_runtime_dir, repo, gitcmd)
    cos.append(sh.exe(cmd, wait=False))

    # cmake repos
    cos.append(sh.exe("cd %s/%s && mkdir -p build && cd build && cmake3 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .." % (g_runtime_dir, repo), wait=False))

    # make repos
    cos.append( sh.exe("cd %s/%s/build && make -j20 cio_array cio_array.sym ioperftest" % (g_runtime_dir, repo), wait=False) )
    if wait:
        for co in cos:
            if not co.succ():
                common.log("failed build bin. command: '%s'" % (co.cmdline), 1)
                return None
    return cos
Exemplo n.º 15
def attach_luns(federation_targets):
    t = None
    for n in federation_targets:
        if fab_running(n):
            t = n
    if not t:
        common.log("fabric manager is not running on all federation nodes.", 1)
        return False
    for i in range(3):
        luns = t.exe("cioctl list | grep GB | awk '{print \$2}' | grep -v '^-'").getlist()
        if luns: break
    for lun in luns:
        if not t.exe("cioctl attach %s" % (lun)).succ():
            return False
    snaps = t.exe("cioctl snapshot list | grep GiB | awk '{print \$2}'").getlist()
    for snap in snaps:
        if not t.exe("cioctl attach %s" % (snap)).succ():
            return False
    return True
Exemplo n.º 16
def update_cluster(federation_targets, build_server, force=True):
    cos_shutdown = shutdown_cluster(federation_targets, force=True, wait=False)
    if not cos_shutdown:
        common.log("failed when shutting down uniio.")
        return False
    cos_backend = init_backend(federation_targets, force=True, wait=False)
    if not cos_backend:
        common.log("failed when sending reinit backend command.")
        return False
    if g_binonly:
        if not replace_bin(federation_targets, build_server, True):
            return False
        if not replace_rpm(federation_targets, build_server, True):
            return False
    # wait for backend to be reinitialized
    for co in cos_shutdown + cos_backend:
        if not co.succ():
            common.log("failed when updating cluster. cmd: %s" % (co.cmdline))
            return False

    if not init_cluster(federation_targets):
        return False
    return True
Exemplo n.º 17
def replace_rpm(federation_targets, build_server, force=True):
        build the latest uniio on build_server and replace rpms on federation nodes
    if not build_server:
        common.log("failed replace rpms. build server is None.", 1)
        return False
    if not federation_targets:
        common.log("failed replace rpms. uniio servers are None.", 1)
        return False
    cos_build = build(build_server, wait=False)
    if not cos_build:
        return False
    # reinitialize backend
    if not shutdown_cluster(federation_targets, force=True, wait=True):
        return False
    # wait for build job to end
    for co in cos_build:
        if not co.succ():
            common.log("failed when build.")
            return False

    # download from build server and upload rpm packages to federation nodes:
    me.exe("rm -rf /tmp/rpms && mkdir /tmp/rpms")
    if not build_server.download("/tmp/rpms/", "%s/uniio/build/object-array-*.rpm" % (g_runtime_dir)):                    # download uniio rpms
        return False
    if not g_uioonly:
        if not build_server.download("/tmp/rpms/", "%s/nasmgmt/build/object-array-nasmgmt-*.rpm" % (g_runtime_dir)):          # download nasmgmt rpms
            return False
        if not build_server.download("/tmp/rpms/", "%s/sysmgmt/build/object-array-sysmgmt-*.rpm" % (g_runtime_dir)):          # download sysmgmt rpms
            return False
        if not build_server.download("/tmp/rpms/", "%s/uniio-ui/build_debug/object-array-uniio-ui-*.rpm" % (g_runtime_dir)):  # download uniio-ui rpms
            return False

    for t in federation_targets:
        t.exe("rm -rf /tmp/rpms && mkdir -p /tmp/rpms")
        if not t.upload("/tmp/rpms/*.rpm", "/tmp/rpms/"):
            return False

    cos = []
    for t in federation_targets:
        cmd  = "%s/uio_scripts/server/init_cluster.sh %s --replace=/tmp/rpms" % (g_runtime_dir, '-f' if force else "")
        cos.append(t.exe(cmd, wait=False))
    for co in cos:
        if not co.succ():
            common.log("failed when replacing uniio packages.")
            return False
    return True
Exemplo n.º 18
def replace_bin(federation_targets, build_server, force=True):
        if the g_binonly is a local file, simply upload the file and replace '/opt/uniio/sbin/cio_array'
        if the g_binonly is not a local file, build the latest cio_array, cio_array.sym on build_server and replace binaries on federation nodes
    if not federation_targets:
        common.log("failed replace rpms. uniio servers are None.", 1)
        return False

    if me.is_path_executable(g_binonly): # use a local binary file to update the federation
        # wait for backend gets reinitialized
        if not shutdown_cluster(federation_targets, force=True, wait=True):
            return False
        for t in federation_targets:
            if not t.upload(g_binonly, "/opt/uniio/sbin/cio_array"):
                return False
        if not build_server:
            common.log("failed replace rpms. build server is None.", 1)
            return False
        cos_build = build_bin(build_server, wait=False)
        if not cos_build:
            return False
        # reinitialize backend
        if not shutdown_cluster(federation_targets, force=True, wait=True):
            return False
        # wait for build task to complete
        for co in cos_build:
            if not co.succ():
                common.log("failed when building uniio binaries.")
                return False

        # download from build server and upload rpm packages to federation nodes:
        bins = ('cio_array', 'cio_array.sym', 'ioperftest')
        for bin in bins:
            if not build_server.download("/tmp/", "%s/uniio/build/%s" % (g_runtime_dir, bin)):
                return False
        for t in federation_targets:
            for bin in bins:
                if not t.upload("/tmp/%s" % (bin), "/opt/uniio/sbin/"):
                    return False
    return True
Exemplo n.º 19
def init_cluster(federation_targets, force=True):
    if not federation_targets:
        common.log("federation nodes are None.")
        return False
    if not shutdown_cluster(federation_targets, force):
        return False
    # restart uniio
    cos = []
    for t in federation_targets:
        cmd  = "%s/uio_scripts/server/init_cluster.sh -i" % (g_runtime_dir)
        cos.append(t.exe(cmd, wait=False))
    for co in cos:
        if not co.succ():
            common.log("failed when initializing uniio.")
            return False
    for t in federation_targets: # give time for fabricmanager to be ready for accepting topology
        if not t.wait_alive(8080, 600):
            common.log("fabricmanager is not starting after 600s. port: 8080")
            return False
    if not push_topology(federation_targets):
        return False
    return True
Exemplo n.º 20
    if g_threadtable:
        if not replace_threadtable(federation_targets, g_threadtable): exit(1)

    if g_boot_only:
        if not boot_cluster(federation_targets): exit(1)
    if g_init_backend_only:
        if not shutdown_cluster(federation_targets, force=True): exit(1)
        if not init_backend(federation_targets, force=g_force): exit(1)

    if g_update:
        if not update_cluster(federation_targets, build_server, force=True): exit(1)
    if g_init:
        if not init_cluster(federation_targets, force=True): exit(1)
    if g_createluns:
        if not create_luns(client_targets, federation_targets, g_createluns): exit(1)

    if g_perftest:
        if (g_init or g_update) and (not g_createluns):
            if not create_luns(client_targets, federation_targets, 0): exit(1)
        if not perf_test(client_targets, federation_targets, g_fill): exit(1)
    # discard_drives(federation_targets)
    dur = time.time() - start
    common.log("DONE. REALTIME: %d seconds." % (dur))
Exemplo n.º 21
def fio_build_job_contents(client_target, fill=0):
        generate fio job file contents for 'runfio.sh' for a given client
        return: jobdesc, fio_job_content
            jobdesc: string to summarize the job ( may be used as prefix of job filename  )
            fio_job_content: content string for the fio job definition file
    fio_job_content  = "[global]"
    fio_job_content += "\n" "write_bw_log=xxx"   # later xxx will be replaced by runfio.sh
    fio_job_content += "\n" "write_lat_log=xxx"  # later xxx will be replaced by runfio.sh
    fio_job_content += "\n" "write_iops_log=xxx" # later xxx will be replaced by runfio.sh
    fio_job_content += "\n" "log_avg_msec=10000" 
    fio_job_content += "\n" "ioengine=libaio" 
    fio_job_content += "\n" "direct=1" 
    # fio_job_content += "\n" "sync=1" 
    fio_job_content += "\n" "bs=4k"
    dist = g_conf["fio_random_distribution"] if g_conf.has_key("fio_random_distribution") else "random"
    fio_job_content += "\n" "random_distribution=%s" % (dist)
    duprate = g_conf["fio_dedupe_percentage"] if g_conf.has_key("fio_dedupe_percentage") else 80
    if fill: duprate = 0
    if duprate != 0:
        fio_job_content += "\n" "dedupe_percentage=%d" % (duprate) 
    else:   # no deduplicable data, small changes to every fio buffer
        fio_job_content += "\n" "scramble_buffers=1"
    comprate = g_conf["fio_buffer_compress_percentage"] if g_conf.has_key("fio_buffer_compress_percentage") else 60
    if fill: comprate = 0
    if comprate != 0:
        fio_job_content += "\n" "buffer_compress_percentage=%d" % (comprate)
    else:   # no compressible data, refill every fio buffer
        fio_job_content += "\n" "refill_buffers=1"
    fio_job_content += "\n" "group_reporting=1"
    runtime = g_conf["fio_runtime"] if g_conf.has_key("fio_runtime") else 60
    if fill: runtime = fill
    fio_job_content += "\n" "runtime=%d" % (runtime) 
    fio_job_content += "\n" "time_based=1" 
    fio_job_content += "\n" "ramp_time=%d " % (g_conf["fio_ramp_time"] if g_conf.has_key("fio_ramp_time") else 60)

    # numjobs and iodepth may be replaced by 'runfio.sh'
    njobs = g_conf["fio_numjobs"] if g_conf.has_key("fio_numjobs") else 1
    fio_job_content += "\n" "numjobs=%d" % (njobs) 
    qdepth = g_conf["fio_iodepth"] if g_conf.has_key("fio_iodepth") else 3
    fio_job_content += "\n" "iodepth=%d" % (qdepth)
    fio_job_content += "\n" ""

    rw = g_conf["fio_rw"] if g_conf.has_key("fio_rw") else "randrw"
    nj_str = g_conf["runfio_jobs"] if g_conf.has_key("runfio_jobs") else str(njobs)
    qd_str = g_conf["runfio_qdepth"] if g_conf.has_key("runfio_qdepth") else str(qdepth)
    jobdesc = "%s.qd%s.njobs%s.%ddup.%dcomp.%s_dist.%dsec" % \
              (rw, re.sub(',| ', '-', qd_str.strip()), re.sub(',| ', '-', nj_str.strip()), duprate, comprate, dist, runtime)
    if fill: rw = "write"

    # get UNIIO iscsi luns on client
    client_target.exe("lsscsi")  # list lun info
    cmd = "lsblk -p -o name,vendor | grep -w UNIIO | grep sd | awk '{print \$1}'"
    uio_devs = client_target.exe(cmd).getlist()
    if not uio_devs:  # no uniio iscsi devices on this client
        common.log("no uniio iscsi devices on this client: %s" % (client_target.address), 1)
        return None, None

    for dev in uio_devs:
        fio_job_content += "\n" ""
        if rw[:6] == "sepjob":  # no constraint for read and write, will define separate jobs for read and write
            if rw[7:] == "rw":  # separated jobs for sequential read and write
                fio_job_content += "\n" "[%s_read]" % (dev)
                fio_job_content += "\n" "rw=read"
                fio_job_content += "\n" "filename=%s" % (dev)
                fio_job_content += "\n" "[%s_write]" % (dev)
                fio_job_content += "\n" "rw=write"
                fio_job_content += "\n" "filename=%s" % (dev)
            else:  # separated jobs for random read and write
                fio_job_content += "\n" "[%s_read]" % (dev)
                fio_job_content += "\n" "rw=randread"
                fio_job_content += "\n" "filename=%s" % (dev)
                fio_job_content += "\n" "[%s_write]" % (dev)
                fio_job_content += "\n" "rw=randwrite"
                fio_job_content += "\n" "filename=%s" % (dev)
        else:   # actual fio supported rw types
            fio_job_content += "\n" "[%s]" % (dev)
            fio_job_content += "\n" "filename=%s" % (dev)
            fio_job_content += "\n" "rw=%s" % (rw)
            if rw.strip().find('rw') >= 0:  # mixed read/write
                fio_job_content += "\n" "rwmixread=%d" % (g_conf["fio_rwmixread"] if g_conf.has_key("fio_rwmixread") else 80) 
                fio_job_content += "\n" "rwmixwrite=%d" % (g_conf["fio_rwmixwrite"] if g_conf.has_key("fio_rwmixwrite") else 20) 

    return jobdesc, fio_job_content
Exemplo n.º 22
def handleopts():
    global g_conf, g_runtime_dir, g_force, g_shutdown_only, g_boot_only, g_update, g_init, g_perftest, g_binonly, g_fullmap, g_cpudata, g_fill, g_createluns, g_delluns_only, g_ref, g_init_backend_only, g_uioonly, g_threadtable
    conf_file = "%s/auto.json" % (os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))
        options, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hc:fsbuipd", ["help", "configfile=","force","shutdown","boot","update","init","perftest", "binonly=", "uioonly", "fullmap", "cpudata", "fill=", "createluns=","deleteluns", "ref=", "threadtable="])
    except getopt.GetoptError as err:
    for o, a in options:
        if(o in ('-h', '--help')): 
        if(o in ('-c', '--config')):
            conf_file = a
        if(o in ('-f', '--force')):
            g_force = True
        if(o in ('-s', '--shutdown')):
            g_shutdown_only = True
        if(o in ('-b', '--boot')):
            g_boot_only = True
        if(o in ('-d', '--initbackend')):
            g_init_backend_only = True
        if(o in ('-u', '--update')):
            g_update = True
        if(o in ('', '--ref')):
            g_ref = a
        if(o in ('', '--binonly')):
            g_binonly = a
        if(o in ('', '--uioonly')):
            g_uioonly = True
        if(o in ('-i', '--init')):
            g_init = True
        if(o in ('-p', '--perftest')):
            g_perftest = True
        if(o in ('', '--fullmap')):
            g_fullmap = True
        if(o in ('', '--cpudata')):
            g_cpudata = True
        if(o in ('', '--fill')):
            g_fill = int(a)
        if(o in ('', '--createluns')):
            g_createluns = int(a)
        if(o in ('', '--deleteluns')):
            g_delluns_only = True
        if(o in ('', '--threadtable')):
            g_threadtable = a
    # load configuration file
    f = open(conf_file)
    if not f:
        common.log("can not open configuration file '%s'." % conf_file, 1)
        return None
    jstr = f.read()
    if not jstr: 
        common.log("can not read configuration file '%s'." % conf_file, 1)
        return None
    conf = json.loads(jstr)
    if not conf:
        common.log("can not parse configuration file '%s'." % conf_file, 1)
        return None
    g_runtime_dir = conf["runtime_dir"]
    if g_ref:
        conf["uniio_checkout"] = g_ref   # a git commit to checkout
    if g_binonly and g_binonly != 'build' and (not me.is_command_executable(g_binonly)):
        usage("%s does not exist or not executable." % (g_binonly))
    if g_threadtable and ( (not os.path.exists(g_threadtable)) or (not os.path.isfile(g_threadtable)) ):
        usage("%s does not exist or is not a regular file." % (g_threadtable))
    g_conf = conf
    return conf