def _make_Phase_Space_Video_For_X_Array(self, videoTitle, xOrbitSnapShotArr, xaxis, yaxis, alpha, fps, dpi): fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 1) camera = celluloid.Camera(fig) labels, unitModifier = self._get_Axis_Labels_And_Unit_Modifiers( xaxis, yaxis) swarmAxisIndex = 0 latticeAxisIndex = 1 axes[swarmAxisIndex].set_xlabel(labels[0]) axes[swarmAxisIndex].set_ylabel(labels[1]) axes[swarmAxisIndex].text(0.1, 1.1, 'Phase space portraint', transform=axes[swarmAxisIndex].transAxes) axes[latticeAxisIndex].set_xlabel('meters') axes[latticeAxisIndex].set_ylabel('meters') for xOrbit, i in zip(xOrbitSnapShotArr, range(len(xOrbitSnapShotArr))): snapShotPhaseSpaceCoords = SwarmSnapShot( self.swarm, xOrbit).get_Surviving_Particle_PhaseSpace_Coords() if len(snapShotPhaseSpaceCoords) == 0: break else: xCoordsArr, yCoordsArr = self._get_Plot_Data_From_SnapShot( snapShotPhaseSpaceCoords, xaxis, yaxis) revs = int(xOrbit / self.lattice.totalLength) deltaX = xOrbit - revs * self.lattice.totalLength axes[swarmAxisIndex].text( 0.1, 1.01, 'Revolutions: ' + str(revs) + ', Distance along revolution: ' + str(np.round(deltaX, 2)) + 'm', transform=axes[swarmAxisIndex].transAxes) axes[swarmAxisIndex].scatter(xCoordsArr * unitModifier[0], yCoordsArr * unitModifier[1], c='blue', alpha=alpha, edgecolors=None, linewidths=0.0) axes[swarmAxisIndex].grid() xSwarmLab, ySwarmLab = self.lattice.get_Lab_Coords_From_Orbit_Distance( xOrbit) self.plot_Lattice_On_Axis(axes[latticeAxisIndex], [xSwarmLab, ySwarmLab]) camera.snap() plt.tight_layout() animation = camera.animate() + '.gif', fps=fps, dpi=dpi)
def animate(neurons, dts, num_neurons): # timesteps = 10 timesteps = dts heatmap = np.zeros((timesteps, 3, 2, 10, 10)) spikes = np.zeros((timesteps, 100)) exc_labels = [ "Spikes", "Null", "Resting Voltage (mV)", "Threshold Voltage (mV)", "Refractory Time (ms)", "Gain" ] offsets = [V_rest, V_th, par['tau_ref'], 0] fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, 2) camera = celluloid.Camera(fig) for timestep in tqdm(np.arange(1, timesteps), desc="Rendering"): # dts spikes[timestep] = [ neurons[0][neuron].spikes[timestep] / V_spike for neuron in np.arange(num_neurons) ] for row in np.arange(np.shape(axs)[0]): for col in np.arange(np.shape(axs)[1]): for i in np.arange(10): for j in np.arange(10): if row == 0 and col == 0: heatmap[timestep][row][col][i][j] = spikes[ timestep][i * 10 + j] elif row != 0: heatmap[timestep][row][col][i][j] = neurons[0][ i * 10 + j].exc[row * 2 + col - 2, timestep] - offsets[row * 2 + col - 2] axs[row][col].imshow(heatmap[timestep][row][col], cmap='hot', interpolation='nearest') axs[row][col].set_title(exc_labels[row * 2 + col]) fig.suptitle('Frame {}'.format(timestep)) camera.snap() animation = camera.animate()'animations/animation {}.gif'.format(time.time()))
thetaseq = [np.array(weights).reshape(2, 1) for i in range(len(seq))] print(means_em) print(means) print(error(means_em, means, weights)) print(weights) print( ot.emd2_1d(means_em[:, 0], means[:, 0], thetaseq[-1].reshape(-1), weights.reshape(-1))) animate = False if animate: fig = plt.figure() camera = celluloid.Camera(fig) cm = "viridis" #intital setup proba_mode = (weights_list[0][0] / (weights_list[0][0] + weights_list[0][1])) plt.scatter(x=samples[:, 0], y=samples[:, 1], c=proba_mode, cmap=cm, alpha=0.2) plt.scatter(x=means[0][0], y=means[0][1], c="black", s=200 * weights[0]) plt.scatter(x=means[1][0], y=means[1][1], c="black", s=200 * weights[1]) plt.scatter(seq[0][0][0], seq[0][0][1], c="red",
def make_movie(self, field_name, dt=None, cmin=-1., cmax=1., ncolors=10, name="movie.mp4", **kwargs): ''' Make a movie Input: ------ times : list, series of evolution times all_fields : dict, maps spectre-names of coords to lists of the same coordinate as a function of evolution time field_name : str, name of field to plot dt : time step kwargs : keyword arguments that are passed to `ArtistAnimation` Output: ------- result : tuple, (camera object, animation object) that can be used to display or save movie animation ''' times = self.times all_fields = self.fields # Data for frames x_of_t, y_of_t = self.coords_from_spectre_data() z_of_t = self.fields_from_spectre_data([field_name]) # Prepare figure and initialize Camera fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6)) ax = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.7, 0.8]) ax2 = fig.add_axes([0.8, 0.1, 0.03, 0.8]) camera = celluloid.Camera(fig) # Prepare a colorbar cmap = cmaplist = [cmap(i) for i in range(cmap.N)] cmap = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list( 'CustomCmap', cmaplist, cmap.N) cbar_bounds = np.linspace(cmin, cmax, ncolors + 1) norm = matplotlib.colors.BoundaryNorm(cbar_bounds, cmap.N) # Make all frames for idx in range(len(times)): if idx % 5 == 0:" ... making frame {0:d}".format(idx + 1)) t = times[idx] x, y, z = x_of_t[idx, :], y_of_t[idx, :], z_of_t[idx, :] # Draw a frame: FIXME: Use `contourf` sc = ax.scatter(x, y, c=z, s=50, alpha=0.97, marker="s", cmap=cmap, norm=norm, edgecolors='none', vmin=cmin, vmax=cmax) tx = ax.text(min(x), max(y) + 0.05 * (max(y) - min(y)), 'Time: {0:06.03f}'.format(t)) if idx >= 0: cb = matplotlib.colorbar.ColorbarBase(ax2, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, spacing='proportional', ticks=cbar_bounds, boundaries=cbar_bounds, format='%3.1f') ax2.set_ylabel(field_name) cb.set_clim(cmin, cmax) camera.snap() # Animate anim = camera.animate(**kwargs)
def xest_implement_1d_myosin(self): #Parameters total_time = 10.0 number_of_time_steps = 1000 # delta_t = fenics.Constant(total_time/number_of_time_steps) delta_t = total_time / number_of_time_steps nx = 1000 domain_size = 1.0 b = fenics.Constant(6.0) k = fenics.Constant(0.5) z_1 = fenics.Constant(-10.5) #always negative # z_1 = fenics.Constant(0.0) #always negative z_2 = 0.1 # always positive xi_0 = fenics.Constant(1.0) #always positive xi_1 = fenics.Constant(1.0) #always positive xi_2 = 0.001 #always positive xi_3 = 0.0001 #always negative d = fenics.Constant(0.15) alpha = fenics.Constant(1.0) c = fenics.Constant(0.1) # Sub domain for Periodic boundary condition class PeriodicBoundary(fenics.SubDomain): # Left boundary is "target domain" G def inside(self, x, on_boundary): return bool(-fenics.DOLFIN_EPS < x[0] < fenics.DOLFIN_EPS and on_boundary) def map(self, x, y): y[0] = x[0] - 1 periodic_boundary_condition = PeriodicBoundary() #Set up finite elements mesh = fenics.IntervalMesh(nx, 0.0, 1.0) vector_element = fenics.FiniteElement('P', fenics.interval, 1) single_element = fenics.FiniteElement('P', fenics.interval, 1) mixed_element = fenics.MixedElement(vector_element, single_element) V = fenics.FunctionSpace( mesh, mixed_element, constrained_domain=periodic_boundary_condition) # V = fenics.FunctionSpace(mesh, mixed_element) v, r = fenics.TestFunctions(V) full_trial_function = fenics.Function(V) u, rho = fenics.split(full_trial_function) full_trial_function_n = fenics.Function(V) u_n, rho_n = fenics.split(full_trial_function_n) u_initial = fenics.Constant(0.0) # rho_initial = fenics.Expression('1.0*sin(pi*x[0])*sin(pi*x[0])+1.0/k0', degree=2,k0 = k) rho_initial = fenics.Expression('1/k0', degree=2, k0=k) u_n = fenics.interpolate(u_initial, V.sub(0).collapse()) rho_n = fenics.interpolate(rho_initial, V.sub(1).collapse()) # perturbation = np.zeros(rho_n.vector().size()) # perturbation[:int(perturbation.shape[0]/2)] = 1.0 rho_n.vector().set_local( np.array(rho_n.vector()) + 1.0 * (0.5 - np.random.random(rho_n.vector().size()))) # u_n.vector().set_local(np.array(u_n.vector())+4.0*(0.5-np.random.random(u_n.vector().size()))) fenics.assign(full_trial_function_n, [u_n, rho_n]) u_n, rho_n = fenics.split(full_trial_function_n) F = (u * v * fenics.dx - u_n * v * fenics.dx + delta_t * (b + (z_1 * rho) / (1 + z_2 * rho) * c * xi_1) * u.dx(0) * v.dx(0) * fenics.dx - delta_t * (z_1 * rho) / (1 + z_2 * rho) * c * c * xi_2 / 2.0 * u.dx(0) * u.dx(0) * v.dx(0) * fenics.dx + delta_t * (z_1 * rho) / (1 + z_2 * rho) * c * c * c * xi_3 / 6.0 * u.dx(0) * u.dx(0) * u.dx(0) * v.dx(0) * fenics.dx - delta_t * z_1 * rho / (1 + z_2 * rho) * xi_0 * v.dx(0) * fenics.dx + u.dx(0) * v.dx(0) * fenics.dx - u_n.dx(0) * v.dx(0) * fenics.dx + rho * r * fenics.dx - rho_n * r * fenics.dx - rho * u * r.dx(0) * fenics.dx + rho * u_n * r.dx(0) * fenics.dx + delta_t * d * rho.dx(0) * r.dx(0) * fenics.dx + delta_t * k * fenics.exp(alpha * u.dx(0)) * rho * r * fenics.dx - delta_t * r * fenics.dx + delta_t * c * u.dx(0) * r * fenics.dx) vtkfile_rho = fenics.File( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'output', 'myosin_2d', 'solution_rho.pvd')) vtkfile_u = fenics.File( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'output', 'myosin_2d', 'solution_u.pvd')) # rho_0 = fenics.Expression(((('0.0'),('0.0'),('0.0')),('sin(x[0])')), degree=1 ) # full_trial_function_n = fenics.project(rho_0, V) # print('initial u and rho') # print(u_n.vector()) # print(rho_n.vector()) time = 0.0 not_initialised = True plt.figure() for time_index in range(number_of_time_steps): # Update current time time += delta_t # Compute solution fenics.solve(F == 0, full_trial_function) # Save to file and plot solution vis_u, vis_rho = full_trial_function.split() plt.subplot(311) fenics.plot(vis_u, color='blue') plt.ylim(-0.5, 0.5) plt.subplot(312) fenics.plot(-vis_u.dx(0), color='blue') plt.ylim(-2, 2) plt.title('actin density change') plt.subplot(313) fenics.plot(vis_rho, color='blue') plt.title('myosin density') plt.ylim(0, 7) plt.tight_layout() if not_initialised: animation_camera = celluloid.Camera(plt.gcf()) not_initialised = False animation_camera.snap() print('time is') print(time) # plt.savefig(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),'output','this_output_at_time_' + '{:04d}'.format(time_index) + '.png')) # print('this u and rho') # print(np.array(vis_u.vector())) # print(np.array(vis_rho.vector())) # vtkfile_rho << (vis_rho, time) # vtkfile_u << (vis_u, time) full_trial_function_n.assign(full_trial_function) animation = animation_camera.animate() os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'output', 'myosin_1D.mp4'))
def xest_first_tutorial(self): T = 2.0 # final time num_steps = 10 # number of time steps dt = T / num_steps # time step size alpha = 3 # parameter alpha beta = 1.2 # parameter beta # Create mesh and define function space nx = ny = 8 mesh = fenics.UnitSquareMesh(nx, ny) V = fenics.FunctionSpace(mesh, 'P', 1) # Define boundary condition u_D = fenics.Expression('1 + x[0]*x[0] + alpha*x[1]*x[1] + beta*t', degree=2, alpha=alpha, beta=beta, t=0) def boundary(x, on_boundary): return on_boundary bc = fenics.DirichletBC(V, u_D, boundary) # Define initial value u_n = fenics.interpolate(u_D, V) #u_n = project(u_D, V) # Define variational problem u = fenics.TrialFunction(V) v = fenics.TestFunction(V) f = fenics.Constant(beta - 2 - 2 * alpha) F = u * v * fenics.dx + dt *, fenics.grad( v)) * fenics.dx - (u_n + dt * f) * v * fenics.dx a, L = fenics.lhs(F), fenics.rhs(F) # Time-stepping u = fenics.Function(V) t = 0 vtkfile = fenics.File( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'output', 'heat_constructed_solution', 'solution.pvd')) not_initialised = True for n in range(num_steps): # Update current time t += dt u_D.t = t # Compute solution fenics.solve(a == L, u, bc) # Plot the solution vtkfile << (u, t) fenics.plot(u) if not_initialised: animation_camera = celluloid.Camera(plt.gcf()) not_initialised = False animation_camera.snap() # Compute error at vertices u_e = fenics.interpolate(u_D, V) error = np.abs(u_e.vector().get_local() - u.vector().get_local()).max() print('t = %.2f: error = %.3g' % (t, error)) # Update previous solution u_n.assign(u) # Hold plot animation = animation_camera.animate() os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'output', 'heat_equation.mp4'))
def __init__(self, W): plt.ioff() fig, self.axs = plt.subplots(1, W, figsize=(W * 9, 8)) = celluloid.Camera(fig) if W == 1: self.axs = [self.axs]