Exemplo n.º 1
    def filter_using_image(self, workspace, mask):
        '''Filter out connections using local intensity minima between objects

        workspace - the workspace for the image set
        mask - mask of background points within the minimum distance
        # NOTE: This is an efficient implementation and an improvement
        #       in accuracy over the Matlab version. It would be faster and
        #       more accurate to eliminate the line-connecting and instead
        #       do the following:
        #     * Distance transform to get the coordinates of the closest
        #       point in an object for points in the background that are
        #       at most 1/2 of the max distance between objects.
        #     * Take the intensity at this closest point and similarly
        #       label the background point if the background intensity
        #       is at least the minimum intensity fraction
        #     * Assume there is a connection between objects if, after this
        #       labeling, there are adjacent points in each object.
        # As it is, the algorithm duplicates the Matlab version but suffers
        # for cells whose intensity isn't high in the centroid and clearly
        # suffers when two cells touch at some point that's off of the line
        # between the two.
        objects = workspace.object_set.get_objects(self.objects_name.value)
        labels = objects.segmented
        image = self.get_image(workspace)
        if self.show_window:
            # Save the image for display
            workspace.display_data.image = image
        # Do a distance transform into the background to label points
        # in the background with their closest foreground object
        i, j = scind.distance_transform_edt(labels == 0,
        confluent_labels = labels[i, j]
        confluent_labels[~mask] = 0
        if self.where_algorithm == CA_CLOSEST_POINT:
            # For the closest point method, find the intensity at
            # the closest point in the object (which will be the point itself
            # for points in the object).
            object_intensity = image[i,
                                     j] * self.minimum_intensity_fraction.value
            confluent_labels[object_intensity > image] = 0
        count, index, c_j = morph.find_neighbors(confluent_labels)
        if len(c_j) == 0:
            # Nobody touches - return the labels matrix
            return labels
        # Make a row of i matching the touching j
        c_i = np.zeros(len(c_j))
        # Eliminate labels without matches
        label_numbers = np.arange(1, len(count) + 1)[count > 0]
        index = index[count > 0]
        count = count[count > 0]
        # Get the differences between labels so we can use a cumsum trick
        # to increment to the next label when they change
        label_numbers[1:] = label_numbers[1:] - label_numbers[:-1]
        c_i[index] = label_numbers
        c_i = np.cumsum(c_i).astype(int)
        if self.where_algorithm == CA_CENTROIDS:
            # Only connect points > minimum intensity fraction
            center_i, center_j = morph.centers_of_labels(labels)
            indexes, counts, i, j = morph.get_line_pts(center_i[c_i - 1],
                                                       center_j[c_i - 1],
                                                       center_i[c_j - 1],
                                                       center_j[c_j - 1])
            # The indexes of the centroids at pt1
            last_indexes = indexes + counts - 1
            # The minimum of the intensities at pt0 and pt1
            centroid_intensities = np.minimum(
                image[i[indexes], j[indexes]], image[i[last_indexes],
            # Assign label numbers to each point so we can use
            # scipy.ndimage.minimum. The label numbers are indexes into
            # "connections" above.
            pt_labels = np.zeros(len(i), int)
            pt_labels[indexes[1:]] = 1
            pt_labels = np.cumsum(pt_labels)
            minima = scind.minimum(image[i, j], pt_labels,
            minima = morph.fixup_scipy_ndimage_result(minima)
            # Filter the connections using the image
            mif = self.minimum_intensity_fraction.value
            i = c_i[centroid_intensities * mif <= minima]
            j = c_j[centroid_intensities * mif <= minima]
            i = c_i
            j = c_j
        # Add in connections from self to self
        unique_labels = np.unique(labels)
        i = np.hstack((i, unique_labels))
        j = np.hstack((j, unique_labels))
        # Run "all_connected_components" to get a component # for
        # objects identified as same.
        new_indexes = morph.all_connected_components(i, j)
        new_labels = np.zeros(labels.shape, int)
        new_labels[labels != 0] = new_indexes[labels[labels != 0]]
        return new_labels
Exemplo n.º 2
    def run(self, workspace):
        '''Run the algorithm on one image set'''
        # Get the image as a binary image
        image_set = workspace.image_set
        image = image_set.get_image(self.image_name.value, must_be_binary=True)
        mask = image.pixel_data
        if image.has_mask:
            mask = mask & image.mask
        angle_count = self.angle_count.value
        # We collect the i,j and angle of pairs of points that
        # are 3-d adjacent after erosion.
        # i - the i coordinate of each point found after erosion
        # j - the j coordinate of each point found after erosion
        # a - the angle of the structuring element for each point found
        i = np.zeros(0, int)
        j = np.zeros(0, int)
        a = np.zeros(0, int)

        ig, jg = np.mgrid[0:mask.shape[0], 0:mask.shape[1]]
        this_idx = 0
        for angle_number in range(angle_count):
            angle = float(angle_number) * np.pi / float(angle_count)
            strel = self.get_diamond(angle)
            erosion = binary_erosion(mask, strel)
            # Accumulate the count, i, j and angle for all foreground points
            # in the erosion
            this_count = np.sum(erosion)
            i = np.hstack((i, ig[erosion]))
            j = np.hstack((j, jg[erosion]))
            a = np.hstack((a, np.ones(this_count, float) * angle))
        # Find connections based on distances, not adjacency
        first, second = self.find_adjacent_by_distance(i, j, a)
        # Do all connected components.
        if len(first) > 0:
            ij_labels = all_connected_components(first, second) + 1
            nlabels = np.max(ij_labels)
            label_indexes = np.arange(1, nlabels + 1)
            # Compute the measurements
            center_x = fix(mean_of_labels(j, ij_labels, label_indexes))
            center_y = fix(mean_of_labels(i, ij_labels, label_indexes))
            # The angles are wierdly complicated because of the wrap-around.
            # You can imagine some horrible cases, like a circular patch of
            # "worm" in which all angles are represented or a gentle "U"
            # curve.
            # For now, I'm going to use the following heuristic:
            # Compute two different "angles". The angles of one go
            # from 0 to 180 and the angles of the other go from -90 to 90.
            # Take the variance of these from the mean and
            # choose the representation with the lowest variance.
            # An alternative would be to compute the variance at each possible
            # dividing point. Another alternative would be to actually trace through
            # the connected components - both overkill for such an inconsequential
            # measurement I hope.
            angles = fix(mean_of_labels(a, ij_labels, label_indexes))
            vangles = fix(
                mean_of_labels((a - angles[ij_labels - 1])**2, ij_labels,
            aa = a.copy()
            aa[a > np.pi / 2] -= np.pi
            aangles = fix(mean_of_labels(aa, ij_labels, label_indexes))
            vaangles = fix(
                mean_of_labels((aa - aangles[ij_labels - 1])**2, ij_labels,
            aangles[aangles < 0] += np.pi
            angles[vaangles < vangles] = aangles[vaangles < vangles]
            # Squish the labels to 2-d. The labels for overlaps are arbitrary.
            labels = np.zeros(mask.shape, int)
            labels[i, j] = ij_labels
            center_x = np.zeros(0, int)
            center_y = np.zeros(0, int)
            angles = np.zeros(0)
            nlabels = 0
            label_indexes = np.zeros(0, int)
            labels = np.zeros(mask.shape, int)

        m = workspace.measurements
        assert isinstance(m, cpmeas.Measurements)
        object_name = self.object_name.value
        m.add_measurement(object_name, I.M_LOCATION_CENTER_X, center_x)
        m.add_measurement(object_name, I.M_LOCATION_CENTER_Y, center_y)
        m.add_measurement(object_name, M_ANGLE, angles * 180 / np.pi)
        m.add_measurement(object_name, I.M_NUMBER_OBJECT_NUMBER, label_indexes)
        m.add_image_measurement(I.FF_COUNT % object_name, nlabels)
        # Make the objects
        object_set = workspace.object_set
        assert isinstance(object_set, cpo.ObjectSet)
        objects = cpo.Objects()
        objects.segmented = labels
        objects.parent_image = image
        object_set.add_objects(objects, object_name)
        if self.show_window:
            workspace.display_data.i = center_y
            workspace.display_data.j = center_x
            workspace.display_data.angle = angles
            workspace.display_data.mask = mask
            workspace.display_data.labels = labels
            workspace.display_data.count = nlabels
    def filter_using_image(self, workspace, mask):
        '''Filter out connections using local intensity minima between objects

        workspace - the workspace for the image set
        mask - mask of background points within the minimum distance
        # NOTE: This is an efficient implementation and an improvement
        #       in accuracy over the Matlab version. It would be faster and
        #       more accurate to eliminate the line-connecting and instead
        #       do the following:
        #     * Distance transform to get the coordinates of the closest
        #       point in an object for points in the background that are
        #       at most 1/2 of the max distance between objects.
        #     * Take the intensity at this closest point and similarly
        #       label the background point if the background intensity
        #       is at least the minimum intensity fraction
        #     * Assume there is a connection between objects if, after this
        #       labeling, there are adjacent points in each object.
        # As it is, the algorithm duplicates the Matlab version but suffers
        # for cells whose intensity isn't high in the centroid and clearly
        # suffers when two cells touch at some point that's off of the line
        # between the two.
        objects = workspace.object_set.get_objects(self.objects_name.value)
        labels = objects.segmented
        image = self.get_image(workspace)
        if self.show_window:
            # Save the image for display
            workspace.display_data.image = image
        # Do a distance transform into the background to label points
        # in the background with their closest foreground object
        i, j = scind.distance_transform_edt(labels==0,
        confluent_labels = labels[i,j]
        confluent_labels[~mask] = 0
        if self.where_algorithm == CA_CLOSEST_POINT:
            # For the closest point method, find the intensity at
            # the closest point in the object (which will be the point itself
            # for points in the object).
            object_intensity = image[i,j] * self.minimum_intensity_fraction.value
            confluent_labels[object_intensity > image] = 0
        count, index, c_j = morph.find_neighbors(confluent_labels)
        if len(c_j) == 0:
            # Nobody touches - return the labels matrix
            return labels
        # Make a row of i matching the touching j
        c_i = np.zeros(len(c_j))
        # Eliminate labels without matches
        label_numbers = np.arange(1,len(count)+1)[count > 0]
        index = index[count > 0]
        count = count[count > 0]
        # Get the differences between labels so we can use a cumsum trick
        # to increment to the next label when they change
        label_numbers[1:] = label_numbers[1:] - label_numbers[:-1]
        c_i[index] = label_numbers
        c_i = np.cumsum(c_i).astype(int)
        if self.where_algorithm == CA_CENTROIDS:
            # Only connect points > minimum intensity fraction
            center_i, center_j = morph.centers_of_labels(labels)
            indexes, counts, i, j = morph.get_line_pts(
                center_i[c_i-1], center_j[c_i-1],
                center_i[c_j-1], center_j[c_j-1])
            # The indexes of the centroids at pt1
            last_indexes = indexes+counts-1
            # The minimum of the intensities at pt0 and pt1
            centroid_intensities = np.minimum(
                image[i[last_indexes], j[last_indexes]])
            # Assign label numbers to each point so we can use
            # scipy.ndimage.minimum. The label numbers are indexes into
            # "connections" above.
            pt_labels = np.zeros(len(i), int)
            pt_labels[indexes[1:]] = 1
            pt_labels = np.cumsum(pt_labels)
            minima = scind.minimum(image[i,j], pt_labels, np.arange(len(indexes)))
            minima = morph.fixup_scipy_ndimage_result(minima)
            # Filter the connections using the image
            mif = self.minimum_intensity_fraction.value
            i = c_i[centroid_intensities * mif <= minima]
            j = c_j[centroid_intensities * mif <= minima]
            i = c_i
            j = c_j
        # Add in connections from self to self
        unique_labels = np.unique(labels)
        i = np.hstack((i, unique_labels))
        j = np.hstack((j, unique_labels))
        # Run "all_connected_components" to get a component # for
        # objects identified as same.
        new_indexes = morph.all_connected_components(i, j)
        new_labels = np.zeros(labels.shape, int)
        new_labels[labels != 0] = new_indexes[labels[labels != 0]]
        return new_labels
    def run(self, workspace):
        '''Run the algorithm on one image set'''
        # Get the image as a binary image
        image_set = workspace.image_set
        image = image_set.get_image(self.image_name.value, must_be_binary=True)
        mask = image.pixel_data
        if image.has_mask:
            mask = mask & image.mask
        angle_count = self.angle_count.value
        # We collect the i,j and angle of pairs of points that
        # are 3-d adjacent after erosion.
        # i - the i coordinate of each point found after erosion
        # j - the j coordinate of each point found after erosion
        # a - the angle of the structuring element for each point found
        i = np.zeros(0, int)
        j = np.zeros(0, int)
        a = np.zeros(0, int)

        ig, jg = np.mgrid[0:mask.shape[0], 0:mask.shape[1]]
        #this_idx = 0
        for angle_number in range(angle_count):
            angle = float(angle_number) * np.pi / float(angle_count)
            strel = self.get_diamond(angle)
            erosion = binary_erosion(mask, strel)
            # Accumulate the count, i, j and angle for all foreground points
            # in the erosion
            this_count = np.sum(erosion)
            i = np.hstack((i, ig[erosion]))
            j = np.hstack((j, jg[erosion]))
            a = np.hstack((a, np.ones(this_count, float) * angle))
        # Find connections based on distances, not adjacency
        first, second = self.find_adjacent_by_distance(i, j, a)
        # Do all connected components.
        if len(first) > 0:
            ij_labels = all_connected_components(first, second) + 1
            nlabels = np.max(ij_labels)
            label_indexes = np.arange(1, nlabels + 1)
            # Compute the measurements
            center_x = fix(mean_of_labels(j, ij_labels, label_indexes))
            center_y = fix(mean_of_labels(i, ij_labels, label_indexes))
            # The angles are wierdly complicated because of the wrap-around.
            # You can imagine some horrible cases, like a circular patch of
            # "linear object" in which all angles are represented or a gentle "U"
            # curve.
            # For now, I'm going to use the following heuristic:
            # Compute two different "angles". The angles of one go
            # from 0 to 180 and the angles of the other go from -90 to 90.
            # Take the variance of these from the mean and
            # choose the representation with the lowest variance.
            # An alternative would be to compute the variance at each possible
            # dividing point. Another alternative would be to actually trace through
            # the connected components - both overkill for such an inconsequential
            # measurement I hope.
            angles = fix(mean_of_labels(a, ij_labels, label_indexes))
            vangles = fix(
                mean_of_labels((a - angles[ij_labels - 1])**2, ij_labels,
            aa = a.copy()
            aa[a > np.pi / 2] -= np.pi
            aangles = fix(mean_of_labels(aa, ij_labels, label_indexes))
            vaangles = fix(
                mean_of_labels((aa - aangles[ij_labels - 1])**2, ij_labels,
            aangles[aangles < 0] += np.pi
            angles[vaangles < vangles] = aangles[vaangles < vangles]
            center_x = np.zeros(0, int)
            center_y = np.zeros(0, int)
            angles = np.zeros(0)
            nlabels = 0
            label_indexes = np.zeros(0, int)
            labels = np.zeros(mask.shape, int)

        ifull = []
        jfull = []
        ij_labelsfull = []
        labeldict = {}

        for label_id in np.unique(label_indexes):
            r = np.array(i) * (ij_labels == label_id)
            r = r[r != 0]
            c = np.array(j) * (ij_labels == label_id)
            c = c[c != 0]
            rect_strel = self.get_rectangle(angles[label_id - 1])
            seedmask = np.zeros_like(mask, int)
            seedmask[r, c] = label_id

            reconstructedlinearobject = skimage.filter.rank.maximum(
                seedmask, rect_strel)
            reconstructedlinearobject = reconstructedlinearobject * mask
            if self.overlap_within_angle == False:
                itemp, jtemp = np.where(reconstructedlinearobject == label_id)
                ifull += list(itemp)
                jfull += list(jtemp)
                ij_labelsfull += [label_id] * len(itemp)

                itemp, jtemp = np.where(reconstructedlinearobject == label_id)
                labeldict[label_id] = zip(itemp, jtemp)

        if self.overlap_within_angle == True:
            angledict = {}
            for eachangle in range(len(angles)):
                angledict[eachangle + 1] = [angles[eachangle]]
            nmerges = 1
            while nmerges != 0:
                nmerges = sum([
                    self.mergeduplicates(firstlabel, secondlabel, labeldict,
                    for firstlabel in label_indexes
                    for secondlabel in label_indexes
                    if firstlabel != secondlabel

            newlabels = labeldict.keys()
            newangles = angledict.keys()
            angles = []
            for eachnewlabel in range(len(newlabels)):
                ifull += [
                    for eachloc in labeldict[newlabels[eachnewlabel]]
                jfull += [
                    for eachloc in labeldict[newlabels[eachnewlabel]]
                ij_labelsfull += [eachnewlabel + 1] * len(
            angles = np.array(angles)

        ijv = np.zeros([len(ifull), 3], dtype=int)
        ijv[:, 0] = ifull
        ijv[:, 1] = jfull
        ijv[:, 2] = ij_labelsfull

        # Make the objects
        object_set = workspace.object_set
        object_name = self.object_name.value
        assert isinstance(object_set, cpo.ObjectSet)
        objects = cpo.Objects()
        objects.ijv = ijv
        objects.parent_image = image
        object_set.add_objects(objects, object_name)
        if self.show_window:
            workspace.display_data.mask = mask
            workspace.display_data.overlapping_labels = [
                l for l, idx in objects.get_labels()
        if self.overlap_within_angle == True:
            center_x = np.bincount(ijv[:, 2],
                                   ijv[:, 1])[objects.indices] / objects.areas
            center_y = np.bincount(ijv[:, 2],
                                   ijv[:, 0])[objects.indices] / objects.areas

        m = workspace.measurements
        assert isinstance(m, cpmeas.Measurements)
        m.add_measurement(object_name, "Location_Center_X", center_x)
        m.add_measurement(object_name, "Location_Center_Y", center_y)
        m.add_measurement(object_name, M_ANGLE, angles * 180 / np.pi)
        m.add_measurement(object_name, "Number_Object_Number", label_indexes)
        m.add_image_measurement("Count_%s" % object_name, nlabels)
    def run(self, workspace):
        '''Run the algorithm on one image set'''
        # Get the image as a binary image
        image_set = workspace.image_set
        image = image_set.get_image(self.image_name.value,
                                    must_be_binary = True)
        mask = image.pixel_data
        if image.has_mask:
            mask = mask & image.mask
        angle_count = self.angle_count.value
        # We collect the i,j and angle of pairs of points that
        # are 3-d adjacent after erosion.
        # i - the i coordinate of each point found after erosion
        # j - the j coordinate of each point found after erosion
        # a - the angle of the structuring element for each point found
        i = np.zeros(0, int)
        j = np.zeros(0, int)
        a = np.zeros(0, int)

        ig, jg = np.mgrid[0:mask.shape[0], 0:mask.shape[1]]
        this_idx = 0
        for angle_number in range(angle_count):
            angle = float(angle_number) * np.pi / float(angle_count)
            strel = self.get_diamond(angle)
            erosion = binary_erosion(mask, strel)
            # Accumulate the count, i, j and angle for all foreground points
            # in the erosion
            this_count = np.sum(erosion)
            i = np.hstack((i, ig[erosion]))
            j = np.hstack((j, jg[erosion]))
            a = np.hstack((a, np.ones(this_count, float) * angle))
        # Find connections based on distances, not adjacency
        first, second = self.find_adjacent_by_distance(i,j,a)
        # Do all connected components.
        if len(first) > 0:
            ij_labels = all_connected_components(first, second) + 1
            nlabels = np.max(ij_labels)
            label_indexes = np.arange(1, nlabels + 1)
            # Compute the measurements
            center_x = fix(mean_of_labels(j, ij_labels, label_indexes))
            center_y = fix(mean_of_labels(i, ij_labels, label_indexes))
            # The angles are wierdly complicated because of the wrap-around.
            # You can imagine some horrible cases, like a circular patch of
            # "worm" in which all angles are represented or a gentle "U"
            # curve.
            # For now, I'm going to use the following heuristic:
            # Compute two different "angles". The angles of one go
            # from 0 to 180 and the angles of the other go from -90 to 90.
            # Take the variance of these from the mean and
            # choose the representation with the lowest variance.
            # An alternative would be to compute the variance at each possible
            # dividing point. Another alternative would be to actually trace through
            # the connected components - both overkill for such an inconsequential
            # measurement I hope.
            angles = fix(mean_of_labels(a, ij_labels, label_indexes))
            vangles = fix(mean_of_labels((a - angles[ij_labels-1])**2,
                                         ij_labels, label_indexes))
            aa = a.copy()
            aa[a > np.pi / 2] -= np.pi
            aangles = fix(mean_of_labels(aa, ij_labels, label_indexes))
            vaangles = fix(mean_of_labels((aa-aangles[ij_labels-1])**2,
                                          ij_labels, label_indexes))
            aangles[aangles < 0] += np.pi
            angles[vaangles < vangles] = aangles[vaangles < vangles]
            # Squish the labels to 2-d. The labels for overlaps are arbitrary.
            labels = np.zeros(mask.shape, int)
            labels[i, j] = ij_labels
            center_x = np.zeros(0, int)
            center_y = np.zeros(0, int)
            angles = np.zeros(0)
            nlabels = 0
            label_indexes = np.zeros(0, int)
            labels = np.zeros(mask.shape, int)

        m = workspace.measurements
        assert isinstance(m, cpmeas.Measurements)
        object_name = self.object_name.value
        m.add_measurement(object_name, I.M_LOCATION_CENTER_X, center_x)
        m.add_measurement(object_name, I.M_LOCATION_CENTER_Y, center_y)
        m.add_measurement(object_name, M_ANGLE, angles * 180 / np.pi)
        m.add_measurement(object_name, I.M_NUMBER_OBJECT_NUMBER, label_indexes)
        m.add_image_measurement(I.FF_COUNT % object_name, nlabels)
        # Make the objects
        object_set = workspace.object_set
        assert isinstance(object_set, cpo.ObjectSet)
        objects = cpo.Objects()
        objects.segmented = labels
        objects.parent_image = image
        object_set.add_objects(objects, object_name)
        if self.show_window:
            workspace.display_data.i = center_y
            workspace.display_data.j = center_x
            workspace.display_data.angle = angles
            workspace.display_data.mask = mask
            workspace.display_data.labels = labels
            workspace.display_data.count = nlabels