def ftpmount (url, action): mountpoint = cfg.config('mountpoint') if action == 'mount': if os.path.isdir(mountpoint): command = ('beesu "curlftpfs -o allow_other %s %s"') % (url, mountpoint) else: command = ('beesu "mkdir -p %s && curlftpfs -o allow_other %s %s"') % (mountpoint, url, mountpoint) try: ret =, shell=True) except: ret = 2 if ret == 0: dialog_text = (url + '<br>mount - OK') code = 0 else: dialog_text = (url + '<br>mount - FAIL!!!') code = 1 else: command = ('beesu "umount %s && rm -rf %s"') % (mountpoint, mountpoint) try: ret =, shell=True) except: ret = 2 if ret == 0: dialog_text = (url + '<br>unmount - OK') code = 0 else: dialog_text = (url + '<br>unmount - FAIL!!!') code = 1 return [ dialog_text, code ]
def ftpmount(url, action): mountpoint = cfg.config('mountpoint') if action == 'mount': if os.path.isdir(mountpoint): command = ('beesu "curlftpfs -o allow_other %s %s"') % ( url, mountpoint) else: command = ( 'beesu "mkdir -p %s && curlftpfs -o allow_other %s %s"' ) % (mountpoint, url, mountpoint) try: ret =, shell=True) except: ret = 2 if ret == 0: dialog_text = (url + '<br>mount - OK') code = 0 else: dialog_text = (url + '<br>mount - FAIL!!!') code = 1 else: command = ('beesu "umount %s && rm -rf %s"') % (mountpoint, mountpoint) try: ret =, shell=True) except: ret = 2 if ret == 0: dialog_text = (url + '<br>unmount - OK') code = 0 else: dialog_text = (url + '<br>unmount - FAIL!!!') code = 1 return [dialog_text, code]
def init_ftp(self, path): pass conf = config().get_cfg(path, 'ftp.conf') try: self.ftp = FTP(conf['host'], conf['port'],conf['user'], conf['password'], conf['path'], conf['local_path'], conf['protocol']) except Exception, e: raise e
def getModGrey(green_list, dirPath): dirlist = os.listdir(dirPath) grey_list = [] dirLs = [] for file in dirlist: for modtype in cfg.config('modtype'): dirLs += re.findall('^.*.'+ modtype + '$', file) for a in (set(dirLs) - set(green_list)): grey_list.append(a) grey_list.sort() return grey_list
def getModGrey(green_list, dirPath): dirlist = os.listdir(dirPath) grey_list = [] dirLs = [] for file in dirlist: for modtype in cfg.config('modtype'): dirLs += re.findall('^.*.' + modtype + '$', file) for a in (set(dirLs) - set(green_list)): grey_list.append(a) grey_list.sort() return grey_list
def getModGrey(green_arr, dirPath): dirlist = os.listdir(dirPath) grey_list = [] green_list = [] dirLs = [] for file in dirlist: for modtype in cfg.config('modtype'): dirLs += re.findall('^.*.' + modtype + '$', file) list(dirLs) for val in green_arr.values(): green_list.append(val) grey_list = list(set(dirLs) - set(green_list)) return grey_list
def getModGrey(green_arr, dirPath): dirlist = os.listdir(dirPath) grey_list = [] green_list = [] dirLs = [] for file in dirlist: for modtype in cfg.config('modtype'): dirLs += re.findall('^.*.'+ modtype + '$', file) list(dirLs) for val in green_arr.values(): green_list.append(val) grey_list = list( set(dirLs) - set(green_list) ) return grey_list
def testSubdirs(dir, modArr): xzmList = [] exitcode = 'none' for a in dir: for modtype in cfg.config('modtype'): names = glob.glob(a + '/*.' + modtype) for name in names: xzmList.append(name) if not len(xzmList) == 0: exitcode = 'grey' a = [] for key, value in modArr.items(): a.append(value + '/' + key) for mod in xzmList: for file in a: if mod == file: exitcode = 'green' break if exitcode == 'green': break return exitcode
def __init__(self, archivo, encryption=True): import cfg self.cfgm = cfg.config(archivo, encryption) return None
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import sys, os, re, cgi, lib_mod_map, cfg, gettext gettext.install('mod_mnger', './locale', unicode=True) allEnabled = [] dialog_text = 'none' n = 1 # Определяем пути, см paths = cfg.config('all') base = paths['base_path'] modules = paths['mod_path'] optional = paths['opt_path'] data_modules = paths['data_mod_path'] data_optional = paths['data_opt_path'] copy2ram = paths['copy2ram'] # анализ cgi запроса form = cgi.FieldStorage() modname = form.getvalue('modname') or 'none' action = form.getvalue('action') or 'none' if modname == 'none': pass else: if action == 'activate': dialog_text = lib_mod_map.activate( modname ) elif action == 'deactivate': dialog_text = lib_mod_map.deactivate( modname )
) #why do we have coefficent 2 here? *Make sure we have dataset big enough prob_dist = class_dist / class_dist.sum() choices = np.random.choice(class_dist.index, p=prob_dist) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_title('Class Distribution', y=1.08) ax.pie(class_dist, labels=class_dist.index, autopct='%1.1f%%', shadow=False, startangle=90) ax.axis('equal') config = config(mode='conv') if config.mode == 'conv': X, y = build_rand_feat() y_flat = np.argmax(y, axis=1) input_shape = (X.shape[1], X.shape[2], 1) model = get_conv_model() # to be added later elif config.mode == 'resnet': X, y = build_rand_feat() y_flat = np.argmax(y, axis=1) input_shape = (X.shape[1], X.shape[2], 1) model = get_resnet_model() # to be added later class_weight = compute_class_weight('balanced', np.unique(y_flat), y_flat)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--experiment', type=str, default='', help="Experiment: mnist or chairs or msceleb") parser.add_argument('--dc', type=int, default=10, help="content dimensions") parser.add_argument('--ds', type=int, default=10, help="style dimensions") parser.add_argument('--ac', type=str, default="NONE", help="accumulation") parser.add_argument('--gs', type=int, default=2, help="group size") parser.add_argument('--mi', type=str, default="NONE", help="mutual information minimization type") parser.add_argument('--b1', type=float, default=1.0, help="beta1") parser.add_argument('--b2', type=float, default=1.0, help="beta2") parser.add_argument('--outdir', type=str, default="out", help="output directory") parser.add_argument('--resume', type=bool, default=False, help="resume training") FLAGS = parser.parse_args() cfg.config(FLAGS.experiment) cfg.cfg.ZC_dim = FLAGS.dc cfg.cfg.ZS_dim = FLAGS.ds cfg.cfg.Z_dim = cfg.cfg.ZC_dim+cfg.cfg.ZS_dim cfg.cfg.accumulation = cfg.AccumulationType[] cfg.cfg.groupSize = cfg.cfg.mutualInformation = cfg.MutualInformationType[FLAGS.mi] cfg.cfg.beta1 = FLAGS.b1 cfg.cfg.beta2 = FLAGS.b2 cfg.cfg.outdir = FLAGS.outdir cfg.cfg.outdirImages = cfg.cfg.outdir + '/images' cfg.cfg.save_path = cfg.cfg.outdir + '/saves'
import cgitb cgitb.enable() # for gettext mount = _('Mount').encode('UTF-8') umount = _('Unmount ftp').encode('UTF-8') Repository = _('Repository:').encode('UTF-8') Search = _('Search:').encode('UTF-8') title = _('Repository filelist, click link to choose action').encode('UTF-8') allready_mounted = _( 'Repository allready mounted, <br> mountpoint is:').encode('UTF-8') mount_ftp = _('Mouting ftp server:').encode('UTF-8') update = _('Server last update:').encode('UTF-8') repository = cfg.config('repository') mountpoint = cfg.config('mountpoint') + '/' modType = cfg.config('modtype') dialog_text = [ 'none', ] n = 1 # анализ cgi запроса form = cgi.FieldStorage() url = form.getvalue('url') or 'none' action = form.getvalue('action') or 'none' def getList(pathDir): dirlist = os.listdir(pathDir)
from keras.models import Sequential from keras.layers import Conv2D, Flatten, Dropout, MaxPooling2D, Dense, BatchNormalization from keras.callbacks import ModelCheckpoint from keras.utils import to_categorical #for efficient GPU use import tensorflow as tf from keras.backend import tensorflow_backend conf = tf.ConfigProto(gpu_options=tf.GPUOptions(allow_growth=True)) session = tf.Session(config=conf) tensorflow_backend.set_session(session) from sklearn.utils.class_weight import compute_class_weight config = config() Path = "C:\\Users\\sarth\\Desktop\\datasets\\UrbanSound8K\\metadata" f = os.path.join(Path, 'UrbanSound8K.csv') df = pd.read_csv(f) df.rename(columns={'class': 'label'}, inplace=True) classes = list(np.unique(df.label)) x_tr, x_te, y_tr, y_te = [], [], [], [] def features(): x, xt = [], [] for i in tqdm(range(len(df))): #for i in range(3): fold = df.iloc[i]['fold'] file_name = df.iloc[i]['slice_file_name']
gettext.install('mod_mnger', './locale', unicode=True) import cgitb cgitb.enable() # for gettext mount = _('Mount').encode('UTF-8') umount = _('Unmount ftp').encode('UTF-8') Repository = _('Repository:').encode('UTF-8') Search = _('Search:').encode('UTF-8') title = _('Repository filelist, click link to choose action').encode('UTF-8') allready_mounted = _('Repository allready mounted, <br> mountpoint is:').encode('UTF-8') mount_ftp = _('Mouting ftp server:').encode('UTF-8') update = _('Server last update:').encode('UTF-8') repository = cfg.config('repository') mountpoint = cfg.config('mountpoint') + '/' modType = cfg.config('modtype') dialog_text = ['none',] n = 1 # анализ cgi запроса form = cgi.FieldStorage() url = form.getvalue('url') or 'none' action = form.getvalue('action') or 'none' def getList(pathDir): dirlist = os.listdir(pathDir) dirLs = [] for file in dirlist:
# sample size may be different samples = 2 * int(data_frame["length"].sum() / 0.1) probability_dist = class_dist / class_dist.sum() choices = np.random.choice(class_dist.index, p=probability_dist) figure, axis = plt.subplots() axis.set_title('Class Distribution', y=1.08) axis.pie(class_dist, labels=class_dist.index, autopct='%1.1f%%', shadow=False, startangle=90) axis.axis('equal') config = config("cnn") if config.mode == "cnn": X, y = build_random_features() y_flat = np.argmax(y, axis=1) input_shape = (X.shape[1], X.shape[2], 1) model = get_cnn_model() elif config.mode == "rnn": X, y = build_random_features() y_flat = np.argmax(y, axis=1) input_shape = (X.shape[1], X.shape[2]) model = get_rnn_model() class_weight = compute_class_weight("balanced", np.unique(y_flat), y_flat) checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint(config.model_path,
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import os, cfg, cgi, lib_mod_map, urllib, gettext gettext.install("mod_mnger", "./locale", unicode=True) # ошибки в окно, потом закомментить надо import cgitb cgitb.enable() # Определяем пути, см paths = cfg.config("all") base = paths["base_path"] modules = paths["mod_path"] optional = paths["opt_path"] data_modules = paths["data_mod_path"] data_optional = paths["data_opt_path"] # for gettext title_activate = _("Activating module right here").encode("UTF-8") title_install = _("Copy module to modules directory and activate it").encode("UTF-8") activate = _("Activate").encode("UTF-8") install = _("Install").encode("UTF-8") cp2modules = _("Copy to MagOS/modules").encode("UTF-8") cp2data_modules = _("Copy to MagOS-Data/modules").encode("UTF-8") cp2optional = _("Copy to MagOS/optional").encode("UTF-8") cp2data_optional = _("Copy to MagOS-Data/optional").encode("UTF-8") modinfo = _("Module info").encode("UTF-8") # анализ запроса
import praw, pickle, time, string, text_tools import numpy as np from praw.models import MoreComments from cfg import config from sys import argv from import IncrementalBar # We're going to need to log in to reddit. To do so, we'll need a number of text # arguments that I just store in a private config file, which contains a class with # attributes which store the things we'll need. cfg = config() def get_user_comments(username, reddit, verbose=True): #Given a username, get the comments that user has written. Return them as a list comments = [] # There are a number of ways this can go wrong, and as Reddit changes the way the # website works, there are bound to be some that pop up which haven't been handled # here. This should ensure such situations are handled smoothly. try: # First get ALL comments by the user. user = reddit.redditor(username) for c in # Then we want to remove any links the user posted in the comment, # as well as any text they're quoting from another user. clean_comment does # this. cc = text_tools.clean_comment(c.body) # If the remaining comment is empty, don't do anything, otherwise, keep it. if len(cc) > 0: