Exemplo n.º 1
def register_hash(request, hashcode, group = None):
    params = dict([(x[0],x[1][0]) for x in urldecode(decryptString( settings.SECRET_KEY, hashcode )).iteritems()])
    next = params.pop('next', '/')
    # Validate the email address, etc.
    params['password2'] = params['password']
    reg_form = RegistrationForm( params )

    if reg_form.is_valid():
        # OK, create the new user
        vitals = reg_form.cleaned_data

        user = User(
            , first_name=vitals['first_name']
            , last_name=vitals['last_name']
            , email=vitals['email']

        user = authenticate(
            username = user.username, password = vitals['password'])
        auth_login(request, user)
        request.session['account_message'] = 'User account created. You are now logged in!'

        return HttpResponseRedirect(next)
        raise Http404
    return render_to_response( 'login_or_register.html',
                               { 'form': reg_form },
                               context_instance = RequestContext(request) )
Exemplo n.º 2
 def url_equals(to_check):
     if to_check[:4] != check_parts[:4]:
         return False
     args = urldecode(to_check[4])
     for key, value in args:
         if check_query.get(key) != value:
             return False
     return True
Exemplo n.º 3
def get_redirect_target(environ, user_url=None, invalid_targets=(),
    """Check the request and get the redirect target if possible.
    If not this function returns just `None`.  The return value of this
    function is suitable to be passed to `redirect`.
    check_target = user_url or environ.get('HTTP_REFERER')

    # if there is no information in either the form data
    # or the wsgi environment about a jump target we have
    # to use the target url
    if not check_target:

    # otherwise drop the leading slash
    check_target = check_target.lstrip('/')

    root_url = get_current_url(environ)
    root_parts = urlparse(root_url)

    check_parts = urlparse(urljoin(root_url, check_target))
    check_query = urldecode(check_parts[4])

    def url_equals(to_check):
        if to_check[:4] != check_parts[:4]:
            return False
        args = urldecode(to_check[4])
        for key, value in args:
            if check_query.get(key) != value:
                return False
        return True

    allowed_redirects = chain([get_host(environ)], allowed_redirects or ())

    # if the jump target is on a different server we probably have
    # a security problem and better try to use the target url.
    # except the host is whitelisted in the config
    if root_parts[:2] != check_parts[:2]:
        host = check_parts[1].split(':', 1)[0]
        for rule in allowed_redirects:
            if fnmatch(host, rule):

    # if the jump url is the same url as the current url we've had
    # a bad redirect before and use the target url to not create a
    # infinite redirect.
    if url_equals(urlparse(get_current_url(environ))):

    # if the `check_target` is one of the invalid targets we also
    # fall back.
    for invalid in invalid_targets:
        if url_equals(urlparse(urljoin(root_url, invalid))):

    return check_target