def shp_apply(self, inputs): info = batch_size, channels, height, width = cgt.shape(inputs[0]) pooled_height = cgt.ceil_divide(height + 2*info.pad_h - info.kernel_h, info.stride_h) pooled_width = cgt.ceil_divide(width + 2*info.pad_w - info.kernel_w, info.stride_w) outshape = [batch_size , channels, pooled_height, pooled_width] return outshape
def _subtensor2(x, slis, y): dims2drop = [] for (ax,sli) in enumerate(slis): if _is_int_scalar(sli): if y is None: dims2drop.append(ax) else: yshape = cgt.shape(y) yshape.insert(ax, 1) y = y.reshape(yshape) sli = slice(sli, sli + 1, 1) assert isinstance(sli.step, int) or sli.step is None step = 1 if sli.step is None else sli.step if step < 0: start = size(x, ax)-1 if sli.start is None else sli.start stop = -1 if sli.stop is None else sli.stop else: start = 0 if sli.start is None else sli.start stop = size(x, ax) if sli.stop is None else sli.stop assert isinstance(step, (int, core.Node)), "step argument of a slice should be an integer or a symbolic variable" if y is None: x = core.Result(core.GetSli(ax), [x, start, stop, step]) else: # note: we only support incrementing slice along one axis return core.Result(core.IncSli(ax), [x, start, stop, step, y]) x = _dropdims(x, dims2drop) return x
def dropout(x, p=0): if p == 0: return x else: mask = cgt.greater(cgt.rand(*cgt.shape(x)), p) x = x * mask x = x / (1.0 - p) return x
def dropout(x, p=0): if p==0: return x else: mask = cgt.greater(cgt.rand(*cgt.shape(x)), p) x = x * mask x = x /(1.0-p) return x
def shp_apply(self, inputs): info = batch_size, channels, height, width = cgt.shape(inputs[0]) pooled_height = cgt.ceil_divide( height + 2 * info.pad_h - info.kernel_h, info.stride_h) pooled_width = cgt.ceil_divide(width + 2 * info.pad_w - info.kernel_w, info.stride_w) outshape = [batch_size, channels, pooled_height, pooled_width] return outshape
def shp_apply(self, inputs): # pooled_height_ = static_cast<int>(ceil(static_cast<float>(height_ + 2 * pad_h_ - kernel_h_) / stride_h_)) + 1; # pooled_width_ = static_cast<int>(ceil(static_cast<float>(width_ + 2 * pad_w_ - kernel_w_) / stride_w_)) + 1; info = batch_size, channels, height, width = cgt.shape(inputs[0]) pooled_height = cgt.ceil_divide(height + 2*info.pad_h - info.kernel_h, info.stride_h) pooled_width = cgt.ceil_divide(width + 2*info.pad_w - info.kernel_w, info.stride_w) outshape = [batch_size , channels, pooled_height, pooled_width] return (outshape, outshape)
def pullback(self, inputs, output, goutput): if self.pullback_impl is None: raise core.MethodNotDefined pb_input_types = self.input_types + [self.output_type]*2 pb_output_type = core.TupleType(*self.input_types) pbop = EasyCustomOp(pb_input_types, pb_output_type, forward_impl=self.pullback_impl, pullback_impl=None, shapefun = lambda *args : tuple(cgt.shape(x) for x in inputs) ) return cgt.core.unpack(core.Result(pbop, inputs + [output, goutput]))
def sample(self, p, shape=None, numeric=False): """ Element-wise sampling for each component of p """ # TODO_TZ maybe cgt has mechanism to eval an expr if not numeric: p = core.as_node(p) shape = shape or cgt.shape(p) return cgt.rand(*shape) <= p else: assert isinstance(p, np.ndarray) return np.array(nr.rand(*p.shape) <= p, dtype="i2")
def shp_apply(self, inputs): info = batch_size, channels, height, width = cgt.shape(inputs[0]) height_out = (height + 2 * info.pad_h - info.kernel_h) // info.stride_h + 1 width_out = (width + 2 * info.pad_w - info.kernel_w) // info.stride_w + 1 return [ batch_size, height_out, width_out, channels * info.kernel_w * info.kernel_h ]
def shp_apply(self, inputs): # pooled_height_ = static_cast<int>(ceil(static_cast<float>(height_ + 2 * pad_h_ - kernel_h_) / stride_h_)) + 1; # pooled_width_ = static_cast<int>(ceil(static_cast<float>(width_ + 2 * pad_w_ - kernel_w_) / stride_w_)) + 1; info = batch_size, channels, height, width = cgt.shape(inputs[0]) pooled_height = cgt.ceil_divide( height + 2 * info.pad_h - info.kernel_h, info.stride_h) pooled_width = cgt.ceil_divide(width + 2 * info.pad_w - info.kernel_w, info.stride_w) outshape = [batch_size, channels, pooled_height, pooled_width] return (outshape, outshape)
class Im2Col(core.Op): available_impls = ("native_cpu", ) def __init__(self, info): assert info.stride_h > 0 and info.stride_w > 0 = info def get_diff(self, _): return [True] def get_py_impl(self): raise core.MethodNotDefined def pullback(self, (x, ), _y, gy): return [core.Result(Col2Im(, [gy] + cgt.shape(x))]
def determine_memowner(nodes_sorted, updates, node2dev, outputs): # First determine how many "child" nodes each node has node2child = defaultdict(list) for node in nodes_sorted: for parent in node.parents: node2child[parent].append(node) # Now traverse graph again and see where we can use the same memory node2memowner = {} # mapping node x -> the node that owns its memory # For updates, memlocation(RHS) = memlocation(LHS) after2before = {after:before for (before,after) in updates} enable_inplace_opt = core.get_config()["enable_inplace_opt"] for node in nodes_sorted: base = node # by default, if node.is_argument(): pass elif node.op.writes_to_input >= 0: base = node2memowner[node.parents[node.op.writes_to_input]] elif node in after2before: base = after2before[node] elif enable_inplace_opt and node.op.return_type == "byref": # TODO think about if we need any other conditions nodeshape = node.op.shp_apply(node.parents) for parent in node.parents: parentowner = node2memowner[parent] if (len(node2child[parent])==1 and nodeshape==cgt.shape(parent) # XXX not a very robust way to check and node.dtype == parent.dtype and _is_data_mutable(parentowner) and parent not in outputs ): base = parentowner break # TODO: add optimization for in-place incrementing node2memowner[node] = base return node2memowner
def shp_apply(self, inputs): return cgt.shape(inputs[0])
def sample(self, p, shape=None): p = core.as_node(p) shape = shape or cgt.shape(p) return cgt.rand(*shape) <= p
def shp_apply(self, inputs): info = batch_size, channels, height, width = cgt.shape(inputs[0]) height_out = (height + 2 * info.pad_h - info.kernel_h) // info.stride_h + 1 width_out = (width + 2 * info.pad_w - info.kernel_w) // info.stride_w + 1 return [batch_size , height_out, width_out, channels * info.kernel_w * info.kernel_h]
def shp_apply(self, parents): if self.shapefun: return self.shapefun(parents) else: return cgt.shape(self)