Exemplo n.º 1
def generate_array(initializer, shape, xp, dtype=None, device=None):
    # type: (types.AbstractInitializer, types.ShapeSpec, types.Xp, types.DTypeSpec, types.DeviceSpec) -> types.NdArray  # NOQA
    """Return initialized array.

    The algorithms used to make the new values depend on the
    concrete derived classes. If the initializer has the ``dtype`` attribute,
    it is used to construct the array. Otherwise, ``chainer.config.dtype`` is
    used instead. See :ref:`configuration` for the dtype config.

        initializer: A callable object that takes :ref:`ndarray` and edits its
        shape (int or tuple of int): Shape of the initialized array.
        xp (module): :mod:`cupy`, :mod:`numpy`, or :mod:`chainerx`.
        dtype: Dtype specifier. If omitted, ``initializer.dtype`` is used.
        device: Target device specifier. If omitted, the current device is
             used for :mod:`cupy`, and the default device is used for

        :ref:`ndarray`: An initialized array.

    dtype_attr = getattr(initializer, 'dtype', None)
    if dtype is not None and dtype_attr is not None \
            and numpy.dtype(dtype) != numpy.dtype(dtype_attr):
        raise ValueError('dtype mismatch: {} != {}'.format(dtype, dtype_attr))
    if dtype is None:
        dtype = dtype_attr
    dtype = chainer.get_dtype(dtype)

    if device is None:
        backend_device = backend._guess_device_from_array_module(xp)
        backend_device = chainer.get_device(device)
        if xp != backend_device.xp:
            raise ValueError('xp and device arguments are inconsistent.')

    if xp is chainerx:
        # Initialize with NumPy/CuPy array that shares memory with the
        # ChainerX array.
        # TODO(sonots): Directly use initializer after ChainerX
        # supports random.
        chx_device = backend_device.device
        array = chainerx.empty(shape, dtype=dtype, device=chx_device)
        fallback_device = backend_device.fallback_device
        with chainer.using_device(fallback_device):
        return array

    with chainer.using_device(backend_device):
        array = xp.empty(shape, dtype=dtype)
    return array
Exemplo n.º 2
def generate_array(
        initializer: types.AbstractInitializer,
        shape: types.ShapeSpec,
        xp: types.Xp,
        dtype: tp.Optional[types.DTypeSpec] = None,
        device: tp.Optional[types.DeviceSpec] = None) -> types.NdArray:
    """Return initialized array.

    The algorithms used to make the new values depend on the
    concrete derived classes. If the initializer has the ``dtype`` attribute,
    it is used to construct the array. Otherwise, ``chainer.config.dtype`` is
    used instead. See :ref:`configuration` for the dtype config.

        initializer: A callable object that takes :ref:`ndarray` and edits its
        shape (int or tuple of int): Shape of the initialized array.
        xp (module): :mod:`cupy`, :mod:`numpy`, or :mod:`chainerx`.
        dtype: Dtype specifier. If omitted, ``initializer.dtype`` is used.
        device: Target device specifier. If omitted, the current device is
             used for :mod:`cupy`, and the default device is used for

        :ref:`ndarray`: An initialized array.

    dtype_attr = getattr(initializer, 'dtype', None)
    if dtype is not None and dtype_attr is not None \
            and numpy.dtype(dtype) != numpy.dtype(dtype_attr):
        raise ValueError('dtype mismatch: {} != {}'.format(dtype, dtype_attr))
    if dtype is None:
        dtype = dtype_attr
    dtype = chainer.get_dtype(dtype)

    if device is None:
        backend_device = backend._guess_device_from_array_module(xp)
        backend_device = chainer.get_device(device)
        if xp != backend_device.xp:
            raise ValueError('xp and device arguments are inconsistent.')
    with chainer.using_device(backend_device):
        array = xp.empty(shape, dtype=dtype)
    return array
Exemplo n.º 3
def generate_array(initializer, shape, xp, dtype=None, device=None):
    # type: (types.AbstractInitializer, types.ShapeSpec, types.Xp, types.DTypeSpec, types.DeviceSpec) -> types.NdArray  # NOQA
    """Return initialized array.

    The algorithms used to make the new values depend on the
    concrete derived classes. If the initializer has the ``dtype`` attribute,
    it is used to construct the array. Otherwise, ``chainer.config.dtype`` is
    used instead. See :ref:`configuration` for the dtype config.

        initializer: A callable object that takes :ref:`ndarray` and edits its
        shape (tuple): Shape of a return array.
        xp (module): :mod:`cupy`, :mod:`numpy`, or :mod:`chainerx`.
        dtype: Dtype specifier. If omitted, ``initializer.dtype`` is used.
        device: Target device specifier. If omitted, the current device is
             used for :mod:`cupy`, and the default device is used for

        :ref:`ndarray`: An initialized array.

    dtype_attr = getattr(initializer, 'dtype', None)
    if dtype is not None and dtype_attr is not None \
            and numpy.dtype(dtype) != numpy.dtype(dtype_attr):
        raise ValueError(
            'dtype mismatch: {} != {}'.format(dtype, dtype_attr))
    if dtype is None:
        dtype = dtype_attr
    dtype = chainer.get_dtype(dtype)

    if device is None:
        backend_device = backend._guess_device_from_array_module(xp)
        backend_device = chainer.get_device(device)
        if xp != backend_device.xp:
            raise ValueError('xp and device arguments are inconsistent.')

    if xp is chainerx:
        # Initialize with NumPy/CuPy array that shares memory with the
        # ChainerX array.
        # TODO(sonots): Directly use initializer after ChainerX
        # supports random.
        chx_device = backend_device.device  # type: ignore
        # TODO(okapies): remove 'type: ignore' when chainerx implements sequence support for empty() # NOQA
        array = chainerx.empty(shape, dtype=dtype, device=chx_device)  # type: ignore # NOQA
        if chx_device.backend.name == 'native':
            temp_array = _cpu._to_cpu(array)
            temp_device = cuda.DummyDevice  # type: cuda.Device
        elif chx_device.backend.name == 'cuda':
            temp_array = cuda.to_gpu(array, chx_device.index)
            temp_device = cuda.Device(chx_device.index)
            raise RuntimeError('ChainerX backend: {} is not supported.'.format(
        with temp_device:
        return array

    with chainer.using_device(backend_device):
        array = xp.empty(shape, dtype=dtype)
    return array