Exemplo n.º 1
    def _forward_grouped_convolution(self, x, gy):
        # G: group count
        # N: batch size
        # kH, kW: kernel height, kernel width
        # iC, iH, iW: input channels, input height, input width
        # oC, oH, oW: output channels, output height, output width
        G = self.groups
        N, iC, iH, iW = x.shape
        _, oC, oH, oW = gy.shape  # _ == N
        kH = self.kh
        kW = self.kw
        iCg = iC // G
        oCg = oC // G

        # (N, iC, kH, kW, oH, oW)
        x = conv.im2col(x, kH, kW, self.sy, self.sx, self.ph, self.pw,
                        cover_all=self.cover_all, dy=self.dy, dx=self.dx)

        x = x.transpose(1, 2, 3, 0, 4, 5)  # (iC, kH, kW, N, oH, oW)
        x = x.reshape(G, iCg * kH * kW, N * oH * oW)
        x = x.transpose(0, 2, 1)  # (G, N*oH*oW, iCg*kH*kW)

        gy = gy.transpose(1, 0, 2, 3)  # (oC, N, oH, oW)
        gy = gy.reshape(G, oCg, N * oH * oW)

        # (G, oCg, iCg*kH*kW) = (G, oCg, N*oH*oW) @ (G, N*oH*oW, iCg*kH*kW)
        gW = _matmul(gy, x).astype(self.W_dtype, copy=False)
        gW = gW.reshape(oC, iCg, kH, kW)

        return gW,
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _forward_grouped_convolution(self, x, W, b):
        # G: group count
        # N: batch size
        # kH, kW: kernel height, kernel width
        # iC, iH, iW: input channels, input height, input width
        # oC, oH, oW: output channels, output height, output width
        G = self.groups
        N, iC, iH, iW = x.shape
        oC, _, kH, kW = W.shape  # _ == iCg
        iCg = iC // G
        oCg = oC // G

        # (N, iC, kW, kW, oH, oW)
        x = conv.im2col(x, kH, kW, self.sy, self.sx, self.ph, self.pw,
                        cover_all=self.cover_all, dy=self.dy, dx=self.dx)
        oH, oW = x.shape[-2:]

        x = x.transpose(1, 2, 3, 0, 4, 5)  # (iC, kH, kW, N, oH, oW)
        x = x.reshape(G, iCg * kH * kW, N * oH * oW)

        W = W.reshape(G, oCg, iCg * kH * kW)

        # (G, oCg, N*oH*oW) = (G, oCg, iCg*kH*kW) @ (G, iCg*kH*kW, N*oH*oW)
        y = _matmul(W, x).astype(x.dtype, copy=False)
        y = y.reshape(oC, N, oH, oW)
        y = y.transpose(1, 0, 2, 3)  # (N, oC, oH, oW)
        if b is not None:
            y += b.reshape(1, b.size, 1, 1)

        return y,
Exemplo n.º 3
    def _forward_grouped_convolution(self, x, gy):
        # G: group count
        # N: batch size
        # kH, kW: kernel height, kernel width
        # iC, iH, iW: input channels, input height, input width
        # oC, oH, oW: output channels, output height, output width
        G = self.groups
        N, iC, iH, iW = x.shape
        _, oC, oH, oW = gy.shape  # _ == N
        kH = self.kh
        kW = self.kw
        iCg = iC // G
        oCg = oC // G

        # (N, iC, kH, kW, oH, oW)
        x = conv.im2col(x, kH, kW, self.sy, self.sx, self.ph, self.pw,
                        cover_all=self.cover_all, dy=self.dy, dx=self.dx)

        x = x.transpose(1, 2, 3, 0, 4, 5)  # (iC, kH, kW, N, oH, oW)
        x = x.reshape(G, iCg * kH * kW, N * oH * oW)
        x = x.transpose(0, 2, 1)  # (G, N*oH*oW, iCg*kH*kW)

        gy = gy.transpose(1, 0, 2, 3)  # (oC, N, oH, oW)
        gy = gy.reshape(G, oCg, N * oH * oW)

        # (G, oCg, iCg*kH*kW) = (G, oCg, N*oH*oW) @ (G, N*oH*oW, iCg*kH*kW)
        gW = _matmul(gy, x).astype(self.W_dtype, copy=False)
        gW = gW.reshape(oC, iCg, kH, kW)

        return gW,
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _forward_grouped_convolution(self, x, W, b):
        # G: group count
        # N: batch size
        # kH, kW: kernel height, kernel width
        # iC, iH, iW: input channels, input height, input width
        # oC, oH, oW: output channels, output height, output width
        G = self.groups
        N, iC, iH, iW = x.shape
        oC, _, kH, kW = W.shape  # _ == iCg
        iCg = iC // G
        oCg = oC // G

        # (N, iC, kW, kW, oH, oW)
        x = conv.im2col(x, kH, kW, self.sy, self.sx, self.ph, self.pw,
                        cover_all=self.cover_all, dy=self.dy, dx=self.dx)
        oH, oW = x.shape[-2:]

        x = x.transpose(1, 2, 3, 0, 4, 5)  # (iC, kH, kW, N, oH, oW)
        x = x.reshape(G, iCg * kH * kW, N * oH * oW)

        W = W.reshape(G, oCg, iCg * kH * kW)

        # (G, oCg, N*oH*oW) = (G, oCg, iCg*kH*kW) @ (G, iCg*kH*kW, N*oH*oW)
        y = _matmul(W, x).astype(x.dtype, copy=False)
        y = y.reshape(oC, N, oH, oW)
        y = y.transpose(1, 0, 2, 3)  # (N, oC, oH, oW)
        if b is not None:
            y += b.reshape(1, b.size, 1, 1)

        return y,
Exemplo n.º 5
    def check_im2col(self, kh, kw, sy, sx, ph, pw, dy, dx, gpu):
        if gpu:
            img = cuda.to_gpu(self.img)
            img = self.img

        col = conv.im2col(img, kh, kw, sy, sx, ph, pw, dy=dy, dx=dx)
        col_h = conv.get_conv_outsize(self.h, kh, sy, ph, d=dy)
        col_w = conv.get_conv_outsize(self.w, kw, sx, pw, d=dx)
        self.assertEqual(col.shape, (2, 3, kh, kw, col_h, col_w))

        col = cuda.to_cpu(col)

        for y in moves.range(col_h):
            for x in moves.range(col_w):
                for ky in moves.range(kh):
                    for kx in moves.range(kw):
                        oy = y * sy - ph + ky * dy
                        ox = x * sx - pw + kx * dx
                        if 0 <= oy < self.h and 0 <= ox < self.w:
                                col[:, :, ky, kx, y, x],
                                self.img[:, :, oy, ox])
                                col[:, :, ky, kx, y, x],
                                numpy.zeros((2, 3), self.dtype))
Exemplo n.º 6
    def check_im2col(self, kh, kw, sy, sx, ph, pw, dy, dx, gpu):
        if gpu:
            img = cuda.to_gpu(self.img)
            img = self.img

        col = conv.im2col(img, kh, kw, sy, sx, ph, pw, dy=dy, dx=dx)
        col_h = conv.get_conv_outsize(self.h, kh, sy, ph, d=dy)
        col_w = conv.get_conv_outsize(self.w, kw, sx, pw, d=dx)
        self.assertEqual(col.shape, (2, 3, kh, kw, col_h, col_w))

        col = cuda.to_cpu(col)

        for y in moves.range(col_h):
            for x in moves.range(col_w):
                for ky in moves.range(kh):
                    for kx in moves.range(kw):
                        oy = y * sy - ph + ky * dy
                        ox = x * sx - pw + kx * dx
                        if 0 <= oy < self.h and 0 <= ox < self.w:
                            testing.assert_allclose(col[:, :, ky, kx, y, x],
                                                    self.img[:, :, oy, ox])
                                col[:, :, ky, kx, y, x],
                                numpy.zeros((2, 3), self.dtype))