Exemplo n.º 1
def _check_grad_type(func, x, gx):
    if x.data is None or gx is None:
        # ``x.data is None`` implies that the data array is not retained
    if not chainer.is_arrays_compatible((gx, x.data)):
        msg = ('Type of data and grad mismatch\ngrad: %s != data: %s' %
               (type(x.data), type(gx)))
        typ = TypeError
    elif gx.dtype != x.data.dtype:
        msg = ('Dtype of data and grad mismatch\ngrad: %s != data: %s' %
               (x.data.dtype, gx.dtype))
        typ = TypeError
    elif gx.shape != x.data.shape:
        msg = ('Shape of data and grad mismatch\ngrad: %s != data: %s' %
               (x.data.shape, gx.shape))
        typ = ValueError

    detail = ''
    if func:
        detail = 'Function `{0}` ({1}) has a bug.\n'.format(
            type(func)._impl_name, func.label)
        stack = func.stack
        if stack:
            detail += 'Stacktrace of the function is below:\n'
            for line in traceback.format_list(func.stack):
                detail += line
        detail += '''
Please report this error to the issue tracker with the stack trace,
the information of your environment, and your script:
'''.format(type(func).__name__, func.label)

    raise typ(detail + msg)
Exemplo n.º 2
def _check_grad_type(func, x, gx):
    if x.data is None or gx is None:
        # ``x.data is None`` implies that the data array is not retained
    if not chainer.is_arrays_compatible((gx, x.data)):
        msg = ('Type of data and grad mismatch\ngrad: %s != data: %s' %
               (type(gx), type(x.data)))
        typ = TypeError
    elif gx.dtype != x.data.dtype:
        msg = ('Dtype of data and grad mismatch\ngrad: %s != data: %s' %
               (gx.dtype, x.data.dtype))
        typ = TypeError
    elif gx.shape != x.data.shape:
        msg = ('Shape of data and grad mismatch\ngrad: %s != data: %s' %
               (gx.shape, x.data.shape))
        typ = ValueError

    detail = ''
    if func:
        detail = 'Function `{0}` ({1}) has a bug.\n'.format(
            type(func)._impl_name, func.label)
        stack = func.stack
        if stack:
            detail += 'Stacktrace of the function is below:\n'
            for line in traceback.format_list(func.stack):
                detail += line
        detail += '''
Please report this error to the issue tracker with the stack trace,
the information of your environment, and your script:
'''.format(type(func).__name__, func.label)

    raise typ(detail + msg)
Exemplo n.º 3
def _check_arrays_forward_compatible(arrays, label=None):
    if not chainer.is_arrays_compatible(arrays):
        raise TypeError(
            'incompatible array types are mixed in the forward input{}.\n'
            'Actual: {}'.format(
                ' ({})'.format(label) if label is not None else '',
                ', '.join(str(type(a)) for a in arrays)))
Exemplo n.º 4
def _check_arrays_forward_compatible(arrays, label=None):
    if not chainer.is_arrays_compatible(arrays):
        raise TypeError(
            'incompatible array types are mixed in the forward input{}.\n'
            'Actual: {}'.format(
                ' ({})'.format(label) if label is not None else '',
                ', '.join(str(type(a)) for a in arrays)))
Exemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, in_size, out_size, pool_size,
                 initialW=None, initial_bias=0):
        super(Maxout, self).__init__()

        linear_out_size = out_size * pool_size

        if initialW is None or \
           numpy.isscalar(initialW) or \
           isinstance(initialW, initializer.Initializer):
        elif chainer.is_arrays_compatible([initialW]):
            if initialW.ndim != 3:
                raise ValueError('initialW.ndim should be 3')
            initialW = initialW.reshape(linear_out_size, in_size)
        elif callable(initialW):
            initialW_orig = initialW

            def initialW(array):
                array.shape = (out_size, pool_size, in_size)
                array.shape = (linear_out_size, in_size)

        if initial_bias is None or \
           numpy.isscalar(initial_bias) or \
           isinstance(initial_bias, initializer.Initializer):
        elif chainer.is_arrays_compatible([initial_bias]):
            if initial_bias.ndim != 2:
                raise ValueError('initial_bias.ndim should be 2')
            initial_bias = initial_bias.reshape(linear_out_size)
        elif callable(initial_bias):
            initial_bias_orig = initial_bias

            def initial_bias(array):
                array.shape = (out_size, pool_size)
                array.shape = linear_out_size,

        with self.init_scope():
            self.linear = linear.Linear(
                in_size, linear_out_size,
                nobias=initial_bias is None, initialW=initialW,

        self.out_size = out_size
        self.pool_size = pool_size
Exemplo n.º 6
def _check_grad_type(func, x, is_node_x, gx, is_var_gx):
    if gx is None:
    x_grad = gx.array if is_var_gx else gx
    x_data = x.data

    # TODO(kataoka): Make _update_data_info store the array module.
    # ``is_node_x and x_data is None`` implies that the data array is not
    # retained.
    # ``not is_node_x and x_data is None`` implies that grad of uninitialized
    # variable is checked here.

    if x_grad is None:
        # TODO(kataoka): This should be an error.
    elif x_data is None and not is_node_x:
        # TODO(kataoka): This should be an error.
    elif not chainer.is_arrays_compatible((x_grad, x_data)):
        msg = ('Type of data and grad mismatch\ngrad: %s != data: %s' %
               (type(x_grad), type(x_data)))
        typ = TypeError
    elif x.dtype is None or x.shape is None:
        # unretained Variable(None)
        # TODO(kataoka): This should be an error.
    elif gx.dtype != x.dtype:
        msg = ('Dtype of data and grad mismatch\ngrad: %s != data: %s' %
               (gx.dtype, x.dtype))
        typ = TypeError
    elif gx.shape != x.shape:
        msg = ('Shape of data and grad mismatch\ngrad: %s != data: %s' %
               (gx.shape, x.shape))
        typ = ValueError

    detail = ''
    if func:
        detail = 'Function `{0}` ({1}) has a bug.\n'.format(
            type(func)._impl_name, func.label)
        stack = func.stack
        if stack:
            detail += 'Stacktrace of the function is below:\n'
            for line in traceback.format_list(func.stack):
                detail += line
        detail += '''
Please report this error to the issue tracker with the stack trace,
the information of your environment, and your script:

    raise typ(detail + msg)
Exemplo n.º 7
 def forward(self, xs):
     self.xs = xs
     results = self.func(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
     if isinstance(results, (tuple, list)):
         dummy_results = tuple(_unwrap_var(ret) for ret in results)
     elif isinstance(results, dict):
         dummy_results = tuple(_unwrap_var(ret) for ret in results.values())
         dummy_results = _unwrap_var(results)
         dummy_results = dummy_results,
     if not chainer.is_arrays_compatible(dummy_results):
         raise ValueError(
             'returned values from the function wrapped by \'as_funcnode\' '
             'must consist only array, function name: {}'.format(self.name))
     return dummy_results
Exemplo n.º 8
    def forward(self, xs):
        assert len(xs) == len(self.arg_vars)
        self.xs = xs
        results = self.func(*self.args, **self.kwargs)

        self.skeleton, flattened_results = self._flatten_return_value(results)
        dummy_results = tuple(_unwrap_var(ret) for ret in flattened_results)
        if all([_is_var(ret) for ret in flattened_results]):
            self.internal_results = flattened_results

        if not chainer.is_arrays_compatible(dummy_results):
            raise ValueError(
                'returned values from the function wrapped by \'as_funcnode\' '
                'must consist only array, function name: {}'.format(
        return dummy_results
Exemplo n.º 9
def numerical_grad(f,
    """Computes numerical gradient by finite differences.

    This function is used to implement gradient check. For usage example, see
    unit tests of :mod:`chainer.functions`.

    By default, ``numerical_grad`` computes the gradient to the first order of

        f (callable): Python function with no arguments that runs forward
            computation and returns the result.
        inputs (tuple of arrays): Tuple of arrays that should be treated as
            inputs. Each element of them is slightly modified to realize
            numerical gradient by finite differences.
        grad_outputs (tuple of arrays or scalars): Tuple of arrays or scalars
            that are treated as output gradients.
        eps (float): Epsilon value of finite differences.
        detect_nondifferentiable (bool):
            ``False`` by default.
            If ``True``, ``numerical_grad`` checks whether ``f`` is
            differentiable at ``inputs``.
            It requires evaluation of ``f`` at 5 points instead of 2.
            As a side effect, the accuracy of numerical gradient will be
            increased to the third order of ``eps``.
            If it turns out that ``f`` is non-differentiable at ``input``,
            ``numerical_grad`` raises
        diff_atol (float):
            Absolute tolerance of fitting error of non-differentiable point
        diff_rtol (float):
            Tolerance of fitting error of non-differentiable point detection
            relative to the output values of ``f``.
        center_outputs (tuple of arrays or None):
            Only used if ``detect_nondifferentiable`` is ``True``.
            If specified, these arrays are used as the outputs of ``f`` at
            Otherwise, it is calculated.
            It can be used to reduce the computation if these arrays are
            already calculated before calling ``numerical_grad``.

        tuple: Numerical gradient arrays corresponding to ``inputs``.

    # TODO(niboshi): Deprecate `center_outputs` argument.
    # If dtype of this argument is not float64, often the resolution is
    # insufficient for numerical gradient calculation. We might use it only
    # when its dtype is float64, but it would be better to simply remove it.
    center_outputs = None

    assert eps > 0
    assert isinstance(inputs, (tuple, list))
    for x in inputs:
        if x.dtype.kind != 'f':
            raise RuntimeError(
                'The dtype of input arrays must be kind of float')

    inputs = tuple(inputs)
    # Cast grad_outputs to float64
    grad_outputs = tuple([
        None if g is None else
        numpy.float64(g) if numpy.isscalar(g) else g.astype(numpy.float64)
        for g in grad_outputs

    if not chainer.is_arrays_compatible(
        [a for a in inputs + grad_outputs if not numpy.isscalar(a)]):
        raise RuntimeError('Do not mix GPU and CPU arrays in `numerical_grad`')

    device = backend.get_device_from_array(*(inputs + grad_outputs))
    xp = device.xp

    if xp is cuda.cupy:
        numerical_grad_kernel_1 = cuda.reduce('T y1, T y2, U gy, T eps',
                                              'V gxi', '(y1 - y2) * gy',
                                              'a + b', 'gxi += a / (eps * 2)',
                                              '0', 'numerical_grad_kernel_1')
        numerical_grad_kernel_3 = cuda.reduce(
            'T y1, T y2, T y3, T y4, U gy, T eps', 'V gxi',
            '(-y1 + 8 * y2 - 8 * y3 + y4) * gy', 'a + b',
            'gxi += a / (eps * 6)', '0', 'numerical_grad_kernel_3')

    if xp is chainerx:
        grads = [
            xp.zeros(x.shape, numpy.float64, device=x.device) for x in inputs
        grads = [xp.zeros(x.shape, numpy.float64) for x in inputs]

    if detect_nondifferentiable:
        if center_outputs is None:
            ys0 = _copy_arrays(f())
            ys0 = center_outputs
        nout = len(ys0)
        shapes = [y0.shape for y0 in ys0]
        sizes = numpy.array([y0.size for y0 in ys0])
        cumsizes = numpy.cumsum(sizes)

    # Evaluate func at a single input
    def eval_func(x, x_ind, delta, orig):
        x[x_ind] = orig + delta
        ys = _copy_arrays(f())
        assert len(ys) == len(grad_outputs)
        assert all(
            [gy is None for y, gy in zip(ys, grad_outputs) if y is None])
        assert all([
            gy is None or numpy.isscalar(gy) or y.shape == gy.shape
            for y, gy in zip(ys, grad_outputs)
        x[x_ind] = orig
        return ys

    # An iteration on a single input displacement
    def iterate_single_input(i_in, x, orig_x, x_ind):
        orig = orig_x[x_ind]
        # `yss` holds a list of output arrays for each of 2 or 5 sampling
        # points.
        if detect_nondifferentiable:
            yss = [
                eval_func(x, x_ind, -eps * 1., orig),
                eval_func(x, x_ind, -eps * .5, orig),
                eval_func(x, x_ind, +eps * .5, orig),
                eval_func(x, x_ind, +eps * 1., orig),
            yss = [
                eval_func(x, x_ind, -eps * 1, orig),
                eval_func(x, x_ind, +eps * 1, orig),

        assert all([
            y is None
            or (y.shape == yss[0][i].shape and y.dtype == yss[0][i].dtype)
            for ys in yss for i, y in enumerate(ys)

        # If all the outputs are 0-size, skip non-differentiable check.
        if all([y is None or y.size == 0 for y in yss[0]]):
            detect_nondifferentiable_ = False
            detect_nondifferentiable_ = detect_nondifferentiable

        if detect_nondifferentiable_:
            # Detect non-differentiable point by quadratic fitting

            # Check for non-finite output.
            # If any single element in the output arrays has different
            # finiteness among sampled points, that means this is a
            # non-differentiable point.
            # If the function consistently generates non-finite values
            # around the point, we do not treat the point as
            # non-differentiable.
            # (Example: x<0 region for the logarithm function)
            any_nonfinite = False
            for i_out in range(nout):
                isfinites = [xp.isfinite(ys[i_out]) for ys in yss]
                if any((isfinites[0] != isfinites[i]).any()
                       for i in range(1, len(yss))):
                    s = six.StringIO()
                    s.write('Tried to compute the numeric gradient on a '
                            'non-differentiable point.\n\n')
                    s.write('i_in: {}\n'.format(i_in))
                    s.write('i_out: {}\n'.format(i_out))
                    s.write('x: {}\n'.format(inputs[i_in]))
                    s.write('index on x: {}\n'.format(x_ind))
                    s.write('eps: {}\n'.format(eps))
                    s.write('y[x-eps  ]: {}\n'.format(yss[0][i_out]))
                    s.write('y[x-eps/2]: {}\n'.format(yss[1][i_out]))
                    s.write('y[x      ]: {}\n'.format(yss[2][i_out]))
                    s.write('y[x+eps/2]: {}\n'.format(yss[3][i_out]))
                    s.write('y[x+eps  ]: {}\n'.format(yss[4][i_out]))
                    raise NondifferentiableError(s.getvalue())

                any_nonfinite |= not all((_).all() for _ in isfinites)

            if not any_nonfinite:
                # Stack flattened outputs to make (5, *)-shaped 2D array
                ystack = xp.vstack(
                    [xp.hstack([y.ravel() for y in ys]) for ys in yss])
                assert ystack.ndim == 2 and ystack.shape[0] == len(yss)
                # Fit to quadratic
                if xp is not numpy:
                    ystack = _cpu._to_cpu(ystack)
                polyfit = numpy.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit
                _, (residuals, _, _, _) = polyfit(range(len(yss)),
                if xp is not numpy:
                    residuals = device.send(residuals)
                residuals = xp.sqrt(residuals / len(yss))

                # Check for error for each output array
                for i_out in range(nout):
                    size = sizes[i_out]
                    cumsize = cumsizes[i_out]
                    shape = shapes[i_out]
                    # TODO(niboshi): The following two lines could be
                    # rewritten using xp.stack, which is supported in
                    # NumPy>=1.10
                    ymax = xp.concatenate([ys[i_out][None]
                                           for ys in yss]).max(axis=0)
                    ymin = xp.concatenate([ys[i_out][None]
                                           for ys in yss]).min(axis=0)
                    # Restore the shape of flattened residual
                    res = residuals[cumsize - size:cumsize]
                    res = res.reshape(shape)
                    det = utils.force_array(diff_atol + diff_rtol *
                                            (ymax - ymin) < res)
                    # Constant output = not nondifferentiable
                    det[ymax == ymin] = False
                    if det.any():
                        s = six.StringIO()
                        s.write('Tried to compute the numeric gradient on a '
                                'non-differentiable point.\n\n')
                        s.write('i_in: {}\n'.format(i_in))
                        s.write('i_out: {}\n'.format(i_out))
                        s.write('x: {}\n'.format(inputs[i_in]))
                        s.write('index on x: {}\n'.format(x_ind))
                        s.write('eps: {}\n'.format(eps))
                        s.write('diff_rtol: {}\n'.format(diff_rtol))
                        s.write('diff_atol: {}\n'.format(diff_atol))
                        s.write('ymax: {}\n'.format(ymax))
                        s.write('ymin: {}\n'.format(ymin))
                            'diff_atol + diff_rtol * (ymax-ymin): {}\n'.format(
                                diff_atol + diff_rtol * (ymax - ymin)))
                        s.write('fitting errors: {}\n'.format(res))
                        s.write('y[x-eps  ]: {}\n'.format(yss[0][i_out]))
                        s.write('y[x-eps/2]: {}\n'.format(yss[1][i_out]))
                        s.write('y[x      ]: {}\n'.format(yss[2][i_out]))
                        s.write('y[x+eps/2]: {}\n'.format(yss[3][i_out]))
                        s.write('y[x+eps  ]: {}\n'.format(yss[4][i_out]))
                        raise NondifferentiableError(s.getvalue())

        # Calculate numerical gradient
        for i_out, gy in enumerate(grad_outputs):
            if gy is None:
            if not numpy.isscalar(gy):
                gy = gy.astype(numpy.float64, copy=False)
            gpu_ = (xp is cuda.cupy
                    and all(isinstance(ys[i_out], cuda.ndarray) for ys in yss))
            # If any output sample is None, all others must be.
            assert all([(yss[0][i_out] is None) == (yss[j][i_out] is None)
                        for j in range(len(yss))])
            # If outputs samples are None, the part of numeric gradient for
            # this output is considered as zero: skip the accumulation.
            if yss[0][i_out] is None:

            if len(yss) == 2:  # 1st order
                y0 = yss[0][i_out]
                y1 = yss[1][i_out]
                if gpu_:
                    numerical_grad_kernel_1(y1, y0, xp.asarray(gy), eps,
                    dot = ((y1 - y0) * gy).sum()
                    gx[x_ind] = gx[x_ind] + dot / (2 * eps)
            elif len(yss) == 5:  # 3rd order
                y0 = yss[0][i_out]
                y1 = yss[1][i_out]
                y2 = yss[3][i_out]
                y3 = yss[4][i_out]
                if gpu_:
                    numerical_grad_kernel_3(y3, y2, y1, y0, gy, eps, gx[x_ind])
                    num = -y3 + 8 * y2 - 8 * y1 + y0
                    dot = (num * gy).sum()
                    gx[x_ind] = gx[x_ind] + dot / (6 * eps)
                assert False

    # Calculate numeric gradient
    with configuration.using_config('type_check', False):
        for i_in, (x, gx) in enumerate(six.moves.zip(inputs, grads)):
            orig_x = x.copy()  # hold original value
            for x_ind in numpy.ndindex(x.shape):
                iterate_single_input(i_in, x, orig_x, x_ind)

    return [
        g.astype(x.dtype, copy=False) for g, x in six.moves.zip(grads, inputs)
Exemplo n.º 10
    def apply(self, inputs):
        """Computes output variables and grows the computational graph.

        Basic behavior is expressed in the documentation of

        .. note::

           If the :data:`~Variable.data` attribute of input variables exist on
           a GPU device, that device is made current before calling
           :meth:`forward`, so implementors do not need to take care of device
           selection in most cases.

            inputs: Tuple of input variables. Each element can be either
                :class:`~chainer.Variable`, :class:`numpy.ndarray`,
                or :class:`cupy.ndarray`. If the element is an ndarray, it is
                automatically wrapped with :class:`~chainer.Variable`.

            A tuple of output :class:`~chainer.Variable` objects.

        input_vars = [chainer.as_variable(x) for x in inputs]
        in_data = tuple([x.data for x in input_vars])
        requires_grad = any([x.requires_grad for x in input_vars])

        # Check for input array types
        if not chainer.is_arrays_compatible(in_data):
            raise TypeError(
                'incompatible array types are mixed in the forward input '
                'Actual: {}'.format(self.label,
                                    ', '.join(str(type(x)) for x in in_data)))

        is_debug = chainer.is_debug()
        if is_debug:
            # Keep stack trace for debug
            self.stack = traceback.extract_stack()

        if configuration.config.type_check:

        hooks = chainer.get_function_hooks()
        if self._n_local_function_hooks > 0:
            hooks = collections.OrderedDict(hooks)
        hooks = hooks.values()  # avoid six for performance

        for hook in hooks:
            hook.forward_preprocess(self, in_data)

        # Forward propagation
        with cuda.get_device_from_array(*in_data):
            self._input_indexes_to_retain = None
            self._output_indexes_to_retain = None
            outputs = self.forward(in_data)

        # Check for output array types
        if not isinstance(outputs, tuple):
            raise TypeError('forward output must be a tuple ({})\n'
                            'Actual: {}'.format(self.label, type(outputs)))

        if not chainer.is_arrays_compatible(outputs):
            raise TypeError(
                'incompatible array types are mixed in the forward output '
                'Actual: {}'.format(self.label,
                                    ', '.join(str(type(x)) for x in outputs)))

        for hook in hooks:
            hook.forward_postprocess(self, in_data)

        # NaN check of output values
        if is_debug:
            if any(chainer.backends._contains_nan(out) for out in outputs):
                msg = ('NaN is detected on forward computation of '
                raise RuntimeError(msg)

        ret = tuple([
            variable.Variable(y, requires_grad=requires_grad) for y in outputs

        if configuration.config.enable_backprop:
            # Topological ordering
            self.rank = max([x.rank for x in input_vars]) if input_vars else 0
            # Add backward edges
            for y in ret:
                y.creator_node = self
            self.inputs = tuple([x.node for x in input_vars])
            # Add forward edges (must be weak references)
            self.outputs = tuple([weakref.ref(y.node) for y in ret])

            if self._input_indexes_to_retain is not None:
                for index in self._input_indexes_to_retain:

            if self._output_indexes_to_retain is not None:
                retained_data = []
                for index in self._output_indexes_to_retain:
                self._retained_output_data = tuple(retained_data)

            self.lazy_grad_sum = configuration.config.lazy_grad_sum

        return ret
Exemplo n.º 11
    def apply(self, inputs):
        """Computes output variables and grows the computational graph.

        Basic behavior is expressed in the documentation of

        .. note::

           If the :data:`~Variable.data` attribute of input variables exist on
           a GPU device, that device is made current before calling
           :meth:`forward`, so implementors do not need to take care of device
           selection in most cases.

            inputs: Tuple of input variables. Each element can be either
                :class:`~chainer.Variable` or :ref:`ndarray`. If the element
                is an ndarray, it is automatically wrapped with

            A tuple of output :class:`~chainer.Variable` objects.

        chainerx_in_data = None
        chainerx_device = None
        is_chainerx, in_data = _extract_apply_in_data(inputs)

        if is_chainerx:
            # Try ChainerX C++ implementation.
            # If it's supported, the output arrays are wrapped with Variables
            # and returned.
            # If not supported, FunctionNode.forward_chainerx should return
            # Fallback.
            # In that case the input arrays are converted to numpy.ndarray
            # or cupy.ndarray (depending on the ChainerX backend) and
            # forward computation falls back to the conventional
            # FunctionNode.forward() implementaion.
            outputs = self.forward_chainerx(in_data)

            if outputs is not chainer.Fallback:
                # Supported. Wrap with variables and return
                assert isinstance(outputs, tuple)
                return tuple([
                        y, requires_grad=y.is_backprop_required(),
                    for y in outputs])

            # Fall back to FunctionNode.forward()
            chainerx_in_data, in_data, chainerx_device = (
                self._chainerx_apply_fallback_preprocess(in_data, inputs))
            self._is_chainerx_fallback_mode = True
            self.chainerx_device = chainerx_device

        utils._check_arrays_forward_compatible(in_data, self.label)

        is_debug = chainer.is_debug()
        if is_debug:
            # Keep stack trace for debug
            self.stack = traceback.extract_stack()

        if configuration.config.type_check:

        hooks = chainer.get_function_hooks()
        if self._n_local_function_hooks > 0:
            hooks = collections.OrderedDict(hooks)
        hooks = hooks.values()  # avoid six for performance

        for hook in hooks:
            hook.forward_preprocess(self, in_data)

        # Forward propagation
        with cuda.get_device_from_array(*in_data):
            self._input_indexes_to_retain = None
            self._output_indexes_to_retain = None
            if chainer.config.schedule_func is not None:
                outputs = static_forward_optimizations(self, in_data)
            elif self._is_chainerx_fallback_mode:
                # In ChainerX fallback, __class__ is temporarily replaced with
                # the fabricated one with automatic attirbute fallback.
                with _chainerx_attribute_fallback(self, chainerx_device):
                    outputs = self.forward(in_data)
                # In normal case, simply run the forward method.
                outputs = self.forward(in_data)

        # Check for output array types
        if not isinstance(outputs, tuple):
            raise TypeError(
                'forward output must be a tuple ({})\n'
                'Actual: {}'.format(self.label, type(outputs)))

        if not chainer.is_arrays_compatible(outputs):
            raise TypeError(
                'incompatible array types are mixed in the forward output '
                'Actual: {}'.format(
                    ', '.join(str(type(x)) for x in outputs)))

        for hook in hooks:
            hook.forward_postprocess(self, in_data)

        # NaN check of output values
        if is_debug:
            if any(chainer.backend._contains_nan(out)
                   for out in outputs):
                msg = ('NaN is detected on forward computation of '
                raise RuntimeError(msg)

        self._output_count = len(outputs)

        if self._is_chainerx_fallback_mode:
            ret = self._chainerx_apply_fallback_postprocess(
                chainerx_in_data, inputs, outputs)

            input_vars = [chainer.as_variable(x) for x in inputs]
            requires_grad = any([x.requires_grad for x in input_vars])

            ret = tuple(
                [variable.Variable(y, requires_grad=requires_grad)
                 for y in outputs])

            if configuration.config.enable_backprop:
                # Topological ordering
                self.rank = max(
                    [x.rank for x in input_vars]) if input_vars else 0
                # Add backward edges
                for y in ret:
                    y.creator_node = self
                self.inputs = tuple([x.node for x in input_vars])
                # Add forward edges (must be weak references)
                self.outputs = tuple([weakref.ref(y.node) for y in ret])

                if self._input_indexes_to_retain is not None:
                    for index in self._input_indexes_to_retain:

                if self._output_indexes_to_retain is not None:
                    retained_data = []
                    for index in self._output_indexes_to_retain:
                    self._retained_output_data = tuple(retained_data)

                self.lazy_grad_sum = configuration.config.lazy_grad_sum

        return ret
Exemplo n.º 12
def numerical_grad(
        f, inputs, grad_outputs, eps=1e-3,
        detect_nondifferentiable=False, diff_atol=0, diff_rtol=1e-2,
    """Computes numerical gradient by finite differences.

    This function is used to implement gradient check. For usage example, see
    unit tests of :mod:`chainer.functions`.

    By default, ``numerical_grad`` computes the gradient to the first order of

        f (callable): Python function with no arguments that runs forward
            computation and returns the result.
        inputs (tuple of arrays): Tuple of arrays that should be treated as
            inputs. Each element of them is slightly modified to realize
            numerical gradient by finite differences.
        grad_outputs (tuple of arrays or scalars): Tuple of arrays or scalars
            that are treated as output gradients.
        eps (float): Epsilon value of finite differences.
        detect_nondifferentiable (bool):
            ``False`` by default.
            If ``True``, ``numerical_grad`` checks whether ``f`` is
            differentiable at ``inputs``.
            It requires evaluation of ``f`` at 5 points instead of 2.
            As a side effect, the accuracy of numerical gradient will be
            increased to the third order of ``eps``.
            If it turns out that ``f`` is non-differentiable at ``input``,
            ``numerical_grad`` raises
        diff_atol (float):
            Absolute tolerance of fitting error of non-differentiable point
        diff_rtol (float):
            Tolerance of fitting error of non-differentiable point detection
            relative to the output values of ``f``.
        center_outputs (tuple of arrays or None):
            Only used if ``detect_nondifferentiable`` is ``True``.
            If specified, these arrays are used as the outputs of ``f`` at
            Otherwise, it is calculated.
            It can be used to reduce the computation if these arrays are
            already calculated before calling ``numerical_grad``.

        tuple: Numerical gradient arrays corresponding to ``inputs``.

    # TODO(niboshi): Deprecate `center_outputs` argument.
    # If dtype of this argument is not float64, often the resolution is
    # insufficient for numerical gradient calculation. We might use it only
    # when its dtype is float64, but it would be better to simply remove it.
    center_outputs = None

    assert eps > 0
    assert isinstance(inputs, (tuple, list))
    for x in inputs:
        if x.dtype.kind != 'f':
            raise RuntimeError(
                'The dtype of input arrays must be kind of float')

    inputs = tuple(inputs)
    # Cast grad_outputs to float64
    grad_outputs = tuple([
        None if g is None
        else numpy.float64(g) if numpy.isscalar(g)
        else g.astype(numpy.float64)
        for g in grad_outputs])

    if not chainer.is_arrays_compatible(
            [a for a in inputs + grad_outputs if not numpy.isscalar(a)]):
        raise RuntimeError('Do not mix GPU and CPU arrays in `numerical_grad`')

    device = backend.get_device_from_array(*(inputs + grad_outputs))
    xp = device.xp

    if xp is cuda.cupy:
        numerical_grad_kernel_1 = cuda.reduce(
            'T y1, T y2, U gy, T eps', 'V gxi',
            '(y1 - y2) * gy', 'a + b', 'gxi += a / (eps * 2)', '0',
        numerical_grad_kernel_3 = cuda.reduce(
            'T y1, T y2, T y3, T y4, U gy, T eps', 'V gxi',
            '(-y1 + 8 * y2 - 8 * y3 + y4) * gy',
            'a + b', 'gxi += a / (eps * 6)', '0',

    if xp is chainerx:
        grads = [
            xp.zeros(x.shape, numpy.float64, device=x.device) for x in inputs]
        grads = [xp.zeros(x.shape, numpy.float64) for x in inputs]

    if detect_nondifferentiable:
        if center_outputs is None:
            ys0 = _copy_arrays(f())
            ys0 = center_outputs
        nout = len(ys0)
        shapes = [_.shape for _ in ys0]
        sizes = numpy.array([_.size for _ in ys0])
        cumsizes = numpy.cumsum(sizes)

    # Evaluate func at a single input
    def eval_func(x, i, delta, orig):
        x[i] = orig + delta
        y = _copy_arrays(f())
        assert len(y) == len(grad_outputs)
        assert all([
            gy is None
            for y_, gy in zip(y, grad_outputs)
            if y_ is None])
        assert all([
            gy is None or numpy.isscalar(gy) or y_.shape == gy.shape
            for y_, gy in zip(y, grad_outputs)])
        x[i] = orig
        return y

    # An iteration on a single input displacement
    def iterate_single_input(i_in, x, orig_x, i):
        orig = orig_x[i]
        # `yss` holds a list of output arrays for each of 2 or 5 sampling
        # points.
        if detect_nondifferentiable:
            yss = [
                eval_func(x, i, -eps * 1., orig),
                eval_func(x, i, -eps * .5, orig),
                eval_func(x, i, +eps * .5, orig),
                eval_func(x, i, +eps * 1., orig),
            yss = [
                eval_func(x, i, -eps * 1, orig),
                eval_func(x, i, +eps * 1, orig),

        if detect_nondifferentiable:
            # Detect non-differentiable point by quadratic fitting

            # Check for non-finite output.
            # If any single element in the output arrays has different
            # finiteness among sampled points, that means this is a
            # non-differentiable point.
            # If the function consistently generates non-finite values
            # around the point, we do not treat the point as
            # non-differentiable.
            # (Example: x<0 region for the logarithm function)
            any_nonfinite = False
            for i_out in range(nout):
                isfinites = [xp.isfinite(ys[i_out]) for ys in yss]
                if any((isfinites[0] != isfinites[i]).any()
                       for i in range(1, len(yss))):
                    s = six.StringIO()
                        'Tried to compute the numeric gradient on a '
                        'non-differentiable point.\n\n')
                    s.write('i_in: {}\n'.format(i_in))
                    s.write('i_out: {}\n'.format(i_out))
                    s.write('x: {}\n'.format(inputs[i_in]))
                    s.write('index on x: {}\n'.format(i))
                    s.write('eps: {}\n'.format(eps))
                    s.write('y[x-eps  ]: {}\n'.format(yss[0][i_out]))
                    s.write('y[x-eps/2]: {}\n'.format(yss[1][i_out]))
                    s.write('y[x      ]: {}\n'.format(yss[2][i_out]))
                    s.write('y[x+eps/2]: {}\n'.format(yss[3][i_out]))
                    s.write('y[x+eps  ]: {}\n'.format(yss[4][i_out]))
                    raise NondifferentiableError(s.getvalue())

                any_nonfinite |= not all((_).all() for _ in isfinites)

            if not any_nonfinite:
                # Stack flattened outputs to make (5, *)-shaped 2D array
                ystack = xp.vstack(
                    [xp.hstack([y.ravel() for y in ys]) for ys in yss])
                assert ystack.ndim == 2 and ystack.shape[0] == len(yss)
                # Fit to quadratic
                if xp is not numpy:
                    ystack = _cpu._to_cpu(ystack)
                polyfit = numpy.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit
                _, (residuals, _, _, _) = polyfit(
                    range(len(yss)), ystack, deg=2, full=True)
                if xp is not numpy:
                    residuals = device.send(residuals)
                residuals = xp.sqrt(residuals / len(yss))

                # Check for error for each output array
                for i_out in range(nout):
                    size = sizes[i_out]
                    cumsize = cumsizes[i_out]
                    shape = shapes[i_out]
                    # TODO(niboshi): The following two lines could be
                    # rewritten using xp.stack, which is supported in
                    # NumPy>=1.10
                    ymax = xp.concatenate(
                        [ys[i_out][None] for ys in yss]).max(axis=0)
                    ymin = xp.concatenate(
                        [ys[i_out][None] for ys in yss]).min(axis=0)
                    # Restore the shape of flattened residual
                    res = residuals[cumsize - size:cumsize]
                    res = res.reshape(shape)
                    det = utils.force_array(
                        diff_atol + diff_rtol * (ymax - ymin) < res)
                    # Constant output = not nondifferentiable
                    det[ymax == ymin] = False
                    if det.any():
                        s = six.StringIO()
                            'Tried to compute the numeric gradient on a '
                            'non-differentiable point.\n\n')
                        s.write('i_in: {}\n'.format(i_in))
                        s.write('i_out: {}\n'.format(i_out))
                        s.write('x: {}\n'.format(inputs[i_in]))
                        s.write('index on x: {}\n'.format(i))
                        s.write('eps: {}\n'.format(eps))
                        s.write('diff_rtol: {}\n'.format(diff_rtol))
                        s.write('diff_atol: {}\n'.format(diff_atol))
                        s.write('ymax: {}\n'.format(ymax))
                        s.write('ymin: {}\n'.format(ymin))
                            'diff_atol + diff_rtol * (ymax-ymin): {}\n'.format(
                                diff_atol + diff_rtol * (ymax - ymin)))
                        s.write('fitting errors: {}\n'.format(res))
                        s.write('y[x-eps  ]: {}\n'.format(yss[0][i_out]))
                        s.write('y[x-eps/2]: {}\n'.format(yss[1][i_out]))
                        s.write('y[x      ]: {}\n'.format(yss[2][i_out]))
                        s.write('y[x+eps/2]: {}\n'.format(yss[3][i_out]))
                        s.write('y[x+eps  ]: {}\n'.format(yss[4][i_out]))
                        raise NondifferentiableError(s.getvalue())

        # Calculate numerical gradient
        for i_out, gy in enumerate(grad_outputs):
            if gy is None:
            if not numpy.isscalar(gy):
                gy = gy.astype(numpy.float64, copy=False)
            gpu_ = (xp is cuda.cupy and
                    all(isinstance(ys[i_out], cuda.ndarray)
                        for ys in yss))
            # If any output sample is None, all others must be.
            assert all([
                (yss[0][i_out] is None) == (yss[j][i_out] is None)
                for j in range(len(yss))])
            # If outputs samples are None, the part of numeric gradient for
            # this output is considered as zero: skip the accumulation.
            if yss[0][i_out] is None:

            if len(yss) == 2:  # 1st order
                y0 = yss[0][i_out]
                y1 = yss[1][i_out]
                if gpu_:
                        y1, y0, xp.asarray(gy), eps, gx[i])
                    dot = ((y1 - y0) * gy).sum()
                    gx[i] = gx[i] + dot / (2 * eps)
            elif len(yss) == 5:  # 3rd order
                y0 = yss[0][i_out]
                y1 = yss[1][i_out]
                y2 = yss[3][i_out]
                y3 = yss[4][i_out]
                if gpu_:
                        y3, y2, y1, y0, gy, eps, gx[i])
                    num = -y3 + 8 * y2 - 8 * y1 + y0
                    dot = (num * gy).sum()
                    gx[i] = gx[i] + dot / (6 * eps)
                assert False

    # Calculate numeric gradient
    with configuration.using_config('type_check', False):
        for i_in, (x, gx) in enumerate(six.moves.zip(inputs, grads)):
            orig_x = x.copy()  # hold original value
            for i in numpy.ndindex(x.shape):
                iterate_single_input(i_in, x, orig_x, i)

    return [g.astype(x.dtype, copy=False)
            for g, x in six.moves.zip(grads, inputs)]
Exemplo n.º 13
    def apply(self, inputs):
        """Computes output variables and grows the computational graph.

        Basic behavior is expressed in the documentation of

        .. note::

           If the :data:`~Variable.data` attribute of input variables exist on
           a GPU device, that device is made current before calling
           :meth:`forward`, so implementors do not need to take care of device
           selection in most cases.

            inputs: Tuple of input variables. Each element can be either
                :class:`~chainer.Variable`, :class:`numpy.ndarray`,
                or :class:`cupy.ndarray`. If the element is an ndarray, it is
                automatically wrapped with :class:`~chainer.Variable`.

            A tuple of output :class:`~chainer.Variable` objects.

        input_vars = [chainer.as_variable(x) for x in inputs]
        in_data = tuple([x.data for x in input_vars])
        requires_grad = any([x.requires_grad for x in input_vars])

        # Check for input array types
        if not chainer.is_arrays_compatible(in_data):
            raise TypeError(
                'incompatible array types are mixed in the forward input '
                'Actual: {}'.format(
                    ', '.join(str(type(x)) for x in in_data)))

        is_debug = chainer.is_debug()
        if is_debug:
            # Keep stack trace for debug
            self.stack = traceback.extract_stack()

        if configuration.config.type_check:

        hooks = chainer.get_function_hooks()
        if self._n_local_function_hooks > 0:
            hooks = collections.OrderedDict(hooks)
        hooks = hooks.values()  # avoid six for performance

        for hook in hooks:
            hook.forward_preprocess(self, in_data)

        # Forward propagation
        with cuda.get_device_from_array(*in_data):
            self._input_indexes_to_retain = None
            self._output_indexes_to_retain = None
            if chainer.config.schedule_func is not None:
                outputs = static_forward_optimizations(self, in_data)
                outputs = self.forward(in_data)

        # Check for output array types
        if not isinstance(outputs, tuple):
            raise TypeError(
                'forward output must be a tuple ({})\n'
                'Actual: {}'.format(self.label, type(outputs)))

        if not chainer.is_arrays_compatible(outputs):
            raise TypeError(
                'incompatible array types are mixed in the forward output '
                'Actual: {}'.format(
                    ', '.join(str(type(x)) for x in outputs)))

        for hook in hooks:
            hook.forward_postprocess(self, in_data)

        # NaN check of output values
        if is_debug:
            if any(chainer.backend._contains_nan(out)
                   for out in outputs):
                msg = ('NaN is detected on forward computation of '
                raise RuntimeError(msg)

        ret = tuple([variable.Variable(y, requires_grad=requires_grad)
                     for y in outputs])

        if configuration.config.enable_backprop:
            # Topological ordering
            self.rank = max([x.rank for x in input_vars]) if input_vars else 0
            # Add backward edges
            for y in ret:
                y.creator_node = self
            self.inputs = tuple([x.node for x in input_vars])
            # Add forward edges (must be weak references)
            self.outputs = tuple([weakref.ref(y.node) for y in ret])

            if self._input_indexes_to_retain is not None:
                for index in self._input_indexes_to_retain:

            if self._output_indexes_to_retain is not None:
                retained_data = []
                for index in self._output_indexes_to_retain:
                self._retained_output_data = tuple(retained_data)

            self.lazy_grad_sum = configuration.config.lazy_grad_sum

        return ret
Exemplo n.º 14
    def apply(self, inputs):
        """Computes output variables and grows the computational graph.

        Basic behavior is expressed in the documentation of

        .. note::

           If the :data:`~Variable.data` attribute of input variables exist on
           a GPU device, that device is made current before calling
           :meth:`forward`, so implementors do not need to take care of device
           selection in most cases.

            inputs: Tuple of input variables. Each element can be either
                :class:`~chainer.Variable`, :class:`numpy.ndarray`,
                or :class:`cupy.ndarray`. If the element is an ndarray, it is
                automatically wrapped with :class:`~chainer.Variable`.

            A tuple of output :class:`~chainer.Variable` objects.

        chainerx_in_data = None
        chainerx_device = None
        is_chainerx, in_data = _extract_apply_in_data(inputs)

        if is_chainerx:
            # Try ChainerX C++ implementation.
            # If it's supported, the output arrays are wrapped with Variables
            # and returned.
            # If not supported, FunctionNode.forward_chainerx should return
            # Fallback.
            # In that case the input arrays are converted to numpy.ndarray
            # or cupy.ndarray (depending on the ChainerX backend) and
            # forward computation falls back to the conventional
            # FunctionNode.forward() implementaion.
            outputs = self.forward_chainerx(in_data)

            if outputs is not chainer.Fallback:
                # Supported. Wrap with variables and return
                assert isinstance(outputs, tuple)
                return tuple([
                        y, requires_grad=y.is_backprop_required())
                    for y in outputs])

            # Fall back to FunctionNode.forward()
            chainerx_in_data, in_data, chainerx_device = (
                self._chainerx_apply_fallback_preprocess(in_data, inputs))
            self._is_chainex_fallback_mode = True
            self.chainerx_device = chainerx_device

        utils._check_arrays_forward_compatible(in_data, self.label)

        is_debug = chainer.is_debug()
        if is_debug:
            # Keep stack trace for debug
            self.stack = traceback.extract_stack()

        if configuration.config.type_check:

        hooks = chainer.get_function_hooks()
        if self._n_local_function_hooks > 0:
            hooks = collections.OrderedDict(hooks)
        hooks = hooks.values()  # avoid six for performance

        for hook in hooks:
            hook.forward_preprocess(self, in_data)

        # Forward propagation
        with cuda.get_device_from_array(*in_data):
            self._input_indexes_to_retain = None
            self._output_indexes_to_retain = None
            if chainer.config.schedule_func is not None:
                outputs = static_forward_optimizations(self, in_data)
            elif self._is_chainex_fallback_mode:
                # In ChainerX fallback, __class__ is temporarily replaced with
                # the fabricated one with automatic attirbute fallback.
                with _chainerx_attribute_fallback(self, chainerx_device):
                    outputs = self.forward(in_data)
                # In normal case, simply run the forward method.
                outputs = self.forward(in_data)

        # Check for output array types
        if not isinstance(outputs, tuple):
            raise TypeError(
                'forward output must be a tuple ({})\n'
                'Actual: {}'.format(self.label, type(outputs)))

        if not chainer.is_arrays_compatible(outputs):
            raise TypeError(
                'incompatible array types are mixed in the forward output '
                'Actual: {}'.format(
                    ', '.join(str(type(x)) for x in outputs)))

        for hook in hooks:
            hook.forward_postprocess(self, in_data)

        # NaN check of output values
        if is_debug:
            if any(chainer.backend._contains_nan(out)
                   for out in outputs):
                msg = ('NaN is detected on forward computation of '
                raise RuntimeError(msg)

        self._output_count = len(outputs)

        if self._is_chainex_fallback_mode:
            ret = self._chainerx_apply_fallback_postprocess(
                chainerx_in_data, inputs, outputs)

            input_vars = [chainer.as_variable(x) for x in inputs]
            requires_grad = any([x.requires_grad for x in input_vars])

            ret = tuple(
                [variable.Variable(y, requires_grad=requires_grad)
                 for y in outputs])

            if configuration.config.enable_backprop:
                # Topological ordering
                self.rank = max(
                    [x.rank for x in input_vars]) if input_vars else 0
                # Add backward edges
                for y in ret:
                    y.creator_node = self
                self.inputs = tuple([x.node for x in input_vars])
                # Add forward edges (must be weak references)
                self.outputs = tuple([weakref.ref(y.node) for y in ret])

                if self._input_indexes_to_retain is not None:
                    for index in self._input_indexes_to_retain:

                if self._output_indexes_to_retain is not None:
                    retained_data = []
                    for index in self._output_indexes_to_retain:
                    self._retained_output_data = tuple(retained_data)

                self.lazy_grad_sum = configuration.config.lazy_grad_sum

        return ret