Exemplo n.º 1
def _transform2(data, mean, train=True, mean_flag=False):

    img, label = data
    img = img.copy()

    size316 = (316, 316)
    size = (224, 224)

    img_o = transforms.scale(img, 316)
    img_o = transforms.center_crop(img_o, size316)

    # 学習のときだけ実行
    if train:
        img_o = transforms.random_flip(img_o, y_random=True)
        img_o = transforms.random_rotate(img_o)
        # img = random_erase(img)

    img_o = transforms.resize(img_o, size)
    # 画像から平均を引く
    if mean_flag:
        img_o -= mean
    img_o *= (1.0 / 255.0)

    r = random.randint(316, 1500)
    img_st = transforms.scale(img, r)
    img_st = transforms.center_crop(img_st, (224, 224))
    # 画像から平均を引く
    if mean_flag:
        img_st -= mean
    img_st *= (1.0 / 255.0)

    return img_o, label, img_st
Exemplo n.º 2
def transform(data, mean, train=True):

    img, lable = data
    img = img.copy()
    img -= mean

    size = (224, 224)

    if train:
        h, w = img.shape[1:]
        angles = [i for i in range(0, 360, 10)]
        angle = np.random.choice(angles)
        img = rotate(img, angle)

        rad = angle * np.pi / 180
        new_length = int(h / (np.abs(np.cos(rad)) + np.abs(np.sin(rad))))
        img = transforms.center_crop(img, (new_length, new_length))

        # img = transforms.random_rotate(img, return_param=False)
        img = transforms.random_flip(img, x_random=True)

    img = transforms.resize(img, size, interpolation=2)
    img *= (1.0 / 255.0)

    return img, lable
Exemplo n.º 3
    def get_example(self, i):
        if self.imgtype == "npy":
            img = np.load(self.get_img_path(i))
            img = 2 * (np.clip(img, self.base, self.base + self.range) -
                       self.base) / self.range - 1.0
            if len(img.shape) == 2:
                img = img[np.newaxis, ]
            img = self.img2var(
                read_image(self.get_img_path(i), color=self.color))

#        img = resize(img, (self.resize_to, self.resize_to))
        if self.crop:
            H, W = self.crop
            H, W = (16 * ((img.shape[1] - 2 * self.random) // 16),
                    16 * ((img.shape[2] - 2 * self.random) // 16))
        if img.shape[1] < H + 2 * self.random or img.shape[
                2] < W + 2 * self.random:
            p = max(H + 2 * self.random - img.shape[1],
                    W + 2 * self.random - img.shape[2])
            img = np.pad(img, ((0, 0), (p, p), (p, p)), 'edge')
        img = random_crop(
            center_crop(img, (H + 2 * self.random, W + 2 * self.random)),
            (H, W))
        if self.random:
            img = random_flip(img, x_random=True)
        return img.astype(self.dtype)
Exemplo n.º 4
def export_onnx(input_image_path, output_path, gpu, only_output=True):
    """Export ResNet50 model to ONNX graph

    'model.onnx' file will be exported under ``output_path``.
    model = C.ResNet50(pretrained_model='imagenet', arch='fb')

    input_image = read_image(input_image_path)
    input_image = scale(input_image, 256)
    input_image = center_crop(input_image, (224, 224))
    input_image -= model.mean
    input_image = input_image[None, :]

    if gpu >= 0:
        input_image = chainer.cuda.to_gpu(input_image)

    if only_output:
        os.makedirs(output_path, exist_ok=True)
        name = os.path.join(output_path, 'model.onnx')
        export(model, input_image, filename=name)
        # an input and output given by Chainer will be also emitted
        # for using as test dataset
        export_testcase(model, input_image, output_path)
Exemplo n.º 5
 def __call__(self, img):
     img = scale(img=img, size=self.resize_value)
     img = center_crop(img, self.input_image_size)
     img /= 255.0
     img -= self.mean
     img /= self.std
     return img
Exemplo n.º 6
    def _prepare(self, img):
        """Prepare an image for feeding it to a model.

        This is a standard preprocessing scheme used by feature extraction
        First, the image is scaled or resized according to :math:`scale_size`.
        Note that this step is optional.
        Next, the image is cropped to :math:`crop_size`.
        Last, the image is mean subtracted by an array :obj:`mean`.

            img (~numpy.ndarray): An image. This is in CHW format.
                The range of its value is :math:`[0, 255]`.

            A preprocessed image. This is 4D array whose batch size is
            the number of crops.

        if self.scale_size is not None:
            if isinstance(self.scale_size, int):
                img = scale(img, size=self.scale_size)
                img = resize(img, size=self.scale_size)

        if self.crop == '10':
            imgs = ten_crop(img, self.crop_size)
        elif self.crop == 'center':
            imgs = center_crop(img, self.crop_size)[np.newaxis]

        imgs -= self.mean[np.newaxis]

        return imgs
Exemplo n.º 7
def _transform(data, mean, train=True, mean_flag=False):
    img, label = data
    img = img.copy()

    size316 = (316, 316)
    size = (224, 224)

    img = transforms.scale(img, 316)
    img = transforms.center_crop(img, size316)

    # 学習のときだけ実行
    if train:
        img = transforms.random_rotate(img)
        img = transforms.random_flip(img, x_random=True, y_random=True)
    # imgのリサイズ
    img = img.transpose(1, 2, 0)
    img = resize(img, size)

    # 画像から平均を引く
    if mean_flag:
        img -= mean
        print("mean use")

    img *= (1.0 / 255.0)

    img = img.transpose(2, 0, 1)

    return img, label
Exemplo n.º 8
 def _preprocess(self, img):
     img = scale(img=img, size=self.scale_size)
     img = center_crop(img, self.crop_size)
     img /= 255.0
     img -= self.mean
     img /= self.std
     return img
 def get_example(self, i):
     if self.imgtype == "npy":
         img = np.load(self.get_img_path(i))
         img = 2 * (np.clip(img, self.base, self.base + self.range) -
                    self.base) / self.range - 1.0
         if len(img.shape) == 2:
             img = img[np.newaxis, ]
         ref_dicom = dicom.read_file(self.get_img_path(i), force=True)
         #        print(ref_dicom)
         #        ref_dicom.file_meta.TransferSyntaxUID = dicom.uid.ImplicitVRLittleEndian
         img = ref_dicom.pixel_array + ref_dicom.RescaleIntercept
         img = self.img2var(img)
         img = img[np.newaxis, :, :]
     if self.scale_to > 0:
         img = resize(img, (self.scale_to, self.scale_to))
     H, W = self.crop
     #        print(img.shape)
     if img.shape[1] < H + 2 * self.random or img.shape[
             2] < W + 2 * self.random:
         p = max(H + 2 * self.random - img.shape[1],
                 W + 2 * self.random - img.shape[2])
         img = np.pad(img, ((0, 0), (p, p), (p, p)), 'edge')
     if H + self.random < img.shape[1] and W + self.random < img.shape[2]:
         img = center_crop(img, (H + self.random, W + self.random))
         img = random_crop(img, self.crop)
     return img
Exemplo n.º 10
    def _prepare(self, img):
        """Prepare an image for feeding it to a model.

        This is a standard preprocessing scheme used by feature extraction
        First, the image is scaled or resized according to :math:`scale_size`.
        Note that this step is optional.
        Next, the image is cropped to :math:`crop_size`.
        Last, the image is mean subtracted by an array :obj:`mean`.

            img (~numpy.ndarray): An image. This is in CHW format.
                The range of its value is :math:`[0, 255]`.

            A preprocessed image. This is 4D array whose batch size is
            the number of crops.

        if self.scale_size is not None:
            if isinstance(self.scale_size, int):
                img = scale(img, size=self.scale_size)
                img = resize(img, size=self.scale_size)

        if self.crop == '10':
            imgs = ten_crop(img, self.crop_size)
        elif self.crop == 'center':
            imgs = center_crop(img, self.crop_size)[np.newaxis]

        imgs -= self.mean[np.newaxis]

        return imgs
 def val_transform(sample):
     img, label = sample
     img = np.transpose(img, (2, 0, 1))
     img = transforms.resize(img, resize_size)
     img = transforms.center_crop(img, patchsize)
     img = img - mean
     img = img.astype(dtype)
     if soft:
         label = hard_to_soft(label, dtype=dtype)
     return img, label
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_transform_office(in_data):
    mean = np.load('imagenet_mean.npy').reshape(3, 256, 256).astype('f')
    crop_size = 227

    img, label = in_data
    # subtract the mean file
    img = img - mean
    # center crop image to 227x227
    img = center_crop(img, (crop_size, crop_size))
    return img, label
 def test_transform(sample):
     img = sample
     if len(img.shape) == 2: # Grayscale
         img = np.stack([img, img, img], 2)
     img = np.transpose(img, (2, 0, 1))
     img = transforms.resize(img, resize_size)
     img = transforms.center_crop(img, patchsize)
     img = img - mean
     img = img.astype(dtype)
     return img
Exemplo n.º 14
    def test_center_crop(self):
        img = np.random.uniform(size=(3, 48, 32))

        out, param = center_crop(img, (16, 24), return_param=True)
        x_slice = param['x_slice']
        y_slice = param['y_slice']

        np.testing.assert_equal(out, img[:, y_slice, x_slice])
        self.assertEqual(x_slice, slice(8, 24))
        self.assertEqual(y_slice, slice(12, 36))
Exemplo n.º 15
 def __call__(self, img):
     img = random_crop(img=img, size=self.resize_value)
     img = random_flip(img=img, x_random=True)
     img = pca_lighting(img=img, sigma=25.5)
     img = scale(img=img, size=self.resize_value)
     img = center_crop(img, self.input_image_size)
     img /= 255.0
     img -= self.mean
     img /= self.std
     return img
Exemplo n.º 16
    def test_center_crop(self):
        img = np.random.uniform(size=(3, 48, 32))

        out, param = center_crop(img, (24, 16), return_param=True)
        y_slice = param['y_slice']
        x_slice = param['x_slice']

        np.testing.assert_equal(out, img[:, y_slice, x_slice])
        self.assertEqual(y_slice, slice(12, 36))
        self.assertEqual(x_slice, slice(8, 24))
Exemplo n.º 17
 def get_example(self, i):
     img = read_image(self.get_img_path(i), color=self.color)
     img = img * 2 / 255.0 - 1.0  # [-1, 1)
     #        img = resize(img, (self.resize_to, self.resize_to))
     img = random_crop(
             img, (self.crop[0] + self.random, self.crop[1] + self.random)),
     if self.random:
         img = random_flip(img, x_random=True)
     return img.astype(self.dtype)
Exemplo n.º 18
def load_dicom(path,base,rng,h,scale):
    import pydicom as dicom
    from chainercv.transforms import center_crop
    from skimage.transform import rescale
    ref_dicom = dicom.read_file(path, force=True)
    ref_dicom.file_meta.TransferSyntaxUID = dicom.uid.ImplicitVRLittleEndian
    img = ref_dicom.pixel_array.astype(np.float32)+ref_dicom.RescaleIntercept
    if scale != 1.0:
        img = rescale(img,scale,mode="reflect",preserve_range=True)
    img = (np.clip(img,base,base+rng)-base)/rng * 255 - np.array([103.939, 116.779, 123.68])
    img = center_crop(img[np.newaxis,:],(h,h))
Exemplo n.º 19
    def transform_test(in_data):
        img, label = in_data
        if img.shape[0] == 1:
            img = np.array([img[0], img[0], img[0]])
        elif img.shape[0] == 4:
            img = np.array([img[0], img[1], img[2]])
        img /= 255

        img = T.scale(img, 256, interpolation=PIL.Image.BICUBIC)
        img = T.center_crop(img, (224, 224))

        img = (img - mean[:, None, None]) / std[:, None, None]

        return img, label
Exemplo n.º 20
def augment_data(image, resize_width, resize_height, use_random_x_flip,
                 use_random_y_flip, use_random_rotate, use_pca_lighting,
                 crop_edit, crop_width, crop_height):
    image = transforms.random_flip(image, use_random_x_flip, use_random_y_flip)
    if use_random_rotate:
        image = transforms.random_rotate(image)
    image = transforms.pca_lighting(image, sigma=use_pca_lighting)

    if crop_edit == 'Center Crop':
        image = transforms.center_crop(image, (crop_width, crop_height))
    elif crop_edit == 'Random Crop':
        image = transforms.random_crop(image, (crop_width, crop_height))
    image = transforms.resize(image, (resize_width, resize_height))
    return image
Exemplo n.º 21
 def get_example(self, i):
     if self.time_series:
         offset = random.randrange(self.random) if self.random > 0 else 0
         img = np.loadtxt(self.get_img_path(i),
                          dtype=np.float32) * self.amp
         img = img[offset:(offset + 3 * self.cw * self.ch),
                   self.cols[0]].reshape(3, self.ch, self.cw)
         img = read_image(self.get_img_path(i), color=self.color)
         img = L.model.vision.resnet.prepare(img, size=None)
         img = center_crop(img,
                           (self.ch + self.random, self.cw + self.random))
         img = random_crop(img, (self.ch, self.cw))
         #            img = img * 2 / 255.0 - 1.0  # [-1, 1)
         if self.random > 0:
             img = random_flip(img, x_random=True)
     return (img, self.dat[i])
Exemplo n.º 22
    def __call__(self, chw):
        chw = chw.astype(np.uint8)
        #        if False:  # TODO: fix this
        #            chw = random_blur(chw, self.p_blur, self.blur_max_ksize)
        #        if False:  # TODO: fix this
        #            chw = add_random_lines(chw, self.p_add_lines, self.max_num_lines)

        outputs = []
        chw_original = chw
        for log_ar in self.log_ars:
            chw = chw_original.copy()
            if self.preprocess == 'edge':
                chw = edge(chw)
            elif self.preprocess == 'blur':
                chw = blur(chw)
            chw = stretch(chw, log_ar)
            chw = dataset_transform.inscribed_center_crop(chw)
            chw = transforms.scale(chw, self.scaled_size)
            chw = transforms.center_crop(chw, (self.crop_size, self.crop_size))
            chw = chw.astype(np.float32) / 256.0

        return outputs
Exemplo n.º 23
 def __call__(self, in_data):
     img, label = in_data
     img = scale(img, 256)
     img = center_crop(img, (224, 224))
     img -= self.mean
     return img, label
Exemplo n.º 24
model = L.VGG16Layers()

# Load image
img = np.asarray(Image.open('images/cat.jpg'))

# Convert RGB to BGR
img = img[:, :, ::-1]

# Subtract the mean value of ImageNet train dataset (BGR)
img = img - np.array([[[103.939, 116.779, 123.68]]])

# Transpose the image array from (H, W, C) to (C, H, W)
img = img.transpose(2, 0, 1)

# Crop the center region
img = transforms.center_crop(img, (224, 224))

# Create a minibatch whose batchsize=1
x = np.asarray([img], dtype=np.float32)

# Export to ONNX
onnx_model = onnx_chainer.export(model, x)

# Create a ONNXRuntime session
sess = rt.InferenceSession(onnx_model.SerializeToString())

# Create a prediction result with ONNXRuntime
input_names = [i.name for i in sess.get_inputs()]
rt_out = sess.run(
    None, {name: array for name, array in zip(input_names, (x,))})
Exemplo n.º 25
 def __call__(self, in_data):
     img, label = in_data
     img = transforms.scale(img, 256)
     img = transforms.center_crop(img, (224, 224))
     img -= self.mean
     return img.astype(chainer.get_dtype()), label
Exemplo n.º 26
    def __init__(self, path, args, random=0, forceSpacing=0):
        self.path = path
        self.base = args.HU_base
        self.range = args.HU_range
        self.random = random
        self.crop = (args.crop_height, args.crop_width)
        self.ch = args.num_slices
        self.forceSpacing = forceSpacing
        self.dtype = dtypes[args.dtype]
        self.imgtype = args.imgtype
        self.dcms = []
        self.names = []
        self.idx = []

        if not args.crop_height:
            self.crop = (384, 480)  ## default for the CBCT dataset

        print("Load Dataset from disk: {}".format(path))

        dirlist = [path]

        for f in os.listdir(path):
            if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, f)):
                dirlist.append(os.path.join(path, f))

        skipcount = 0
        j = 0  # dir index

        for dirname in sorted(dirlist):
            files = [
                os.path.join(dirname, fname)
                for fname in sorted(os.listdir(dirname))
                if fname.endswith(args.imgtype)
            slices = []
            filenames = []
            loc = []
            for f in files:
                ds = dicom.dcmread(f, force=True)
                ds.file_meta.TransferSyntaxUID = dicom.uid.ImplicitVRLittleEndian
                # sort slices according to SliceLocation header
                if hasattr(ds, 'ImagePositionPatient'):
                    skipcount = skipcount + 1

            s = sorted(range(len(slices)), key=lambda k: loc[k])

            # if the current dir contains at least one slice
            if len(s) > 0:
                volume = self.img2var(
                        slices[i].pixel_array.astype(self.dtype) +
                        slices[i].RescaleIntercept for i in s

                if self.forceSpacing > 0:
                    scaling = float(
                        slices[0].PixelSpacing[0]) / self.forceSpacing
                    volume = rescale(volume,
        #            img = imresize(img,(int(img.shape[0]*self.scale), int(img.shape[1]**self.scale)), interp='bicubic')

                volume = center_crop(
                    (self.crop[0] + self.random, self.crop[1] + self.random))
                self.names.append([filenames[i] for i in s])
                self.idx.extend([(j, k)
                                 for k in range((self.ch - 1) // 2,
                                                len(slices) - self.ch // 2)])
                j = j + 1

        print("#dir {}, #file {}, #skipped {}".format(len(dirlist),
Exemplo n.º 27
    def get_example(self, i):
        cutmix_alpha = self.cutmix_alpha
        class_num = self.class_num
        h = 224
        w = 224
        img_1, label_1 = self.base[i]
        while True:
            img_2, label_2 = random.choice(self.base)
            if label_1 != label_2:

        img_1 = transforms.scale(img_1, 316)
        img_2 = transforms.scale(img_2, 316)

        img_1 = transforms.center_crop(img_1, (316, 316))
        img_2 = transforms.center_crop(img_2, (316, 316))

        img_1 = transforms.random_flip(img_1, x_random=True, y_random=True)
        img_2 = transforms.random_flip(img_2, x_random=True, y_random=True)

        img_1 = img_1.transpose(1, 2, 0)
        img_2 = img_2.transpose(1, 2, 0)

        #img_1 = random_rotate(img_1)
        #img_2 = random_rotate(img_2)

        img_1 = img_1.transpose(2, 0, 1)
        img_2 = img_2.transpose(2, 0, 1)

        img_1 = transforms.resize(img_1, (224, 224))
        img_2 = transforms.resize(img_2, (224, 224))

        img_1 = transforms.random_rotate(img_1)
        img_2 = transforms.random_rotate(img_2)

        # cutmix実装

        # sample the bounding box coordinates
        while True:
            # the combination ratio λ between two data points is 
            # sampled from the beta distribution Beta(α, α)
            l = np.random.beta(cutmix_alpha, cutmix_alpha)
            rx = random.randint(0, w)
            rw = w * math.sqrt(1-l)
            ry = random.randint(0, h)
            rh = h * math.sqrt(1-l)
            if ((ry + round(rh)) < h)and((rx + round(rw)) < w):

        # denotes a binary mask indicating where to drop out
        # and fill in from two images
        M_1 = np.zeros((h, w))
        M_1[ry:(ry + round(rh)),rx:(rx + round(rw))] = 1

        M = np.ones((h, w))
        M = M - M_1

        # Define the combining operation.
        img = (img_1 * M + img_2 * M_1).astype(np.float32)

        # eye関数は単位行列を生成する
        eye = np.eye(class_num)
        label = (eye[label_1] * l + eye[label_2] * (1 - l)).astype(np.float32)
        # 画像255で割る(輝度値をすべて0~1の間に収める)
        img = img.transpose(1, 2, 0)
        # 画像から平均を引く
        if self.mean_flag:
            img -= self.mean

        img = img / 255.0
        img = img.transpose(2, 0, 1)

        return img, label
Exemplo n.º 28
    def __init__(self, path, args, base, rang, random=0, mask_value=None):
        self.path = path
        self.base = base
        self.range = rang
        self.random = random
        self.ch = args.num_slices
        self.forceSpacing = args.forceSpacing
        self.dtype = dtypes[args.dtype]
        self.imgtype = args.imgtype
        self.dcms = []
        self.names = []
        self.idx = []
        self.crop = (args.crop_height, args.crop_width)

        print("Loading Dataset from: {}".format(path))
        dirlist = [path]
        for f in os.listdir(path):
            if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, f)):
                dirlist.append(os.path.join(path, f))
        j = 0  # dir index
        for dirname in sorted(dirlist):
            files = [
                os.path.join(dirname, fname)
                for fname in sorted(os.listdir(dirname))
                if fname.endswith(args.imgtype)
            slices = []
            filenames = []
            loc = []
            for f in files:
                ds = dicom.dcmread(f, force=True)
                #ds.file_meta.TransferSyntaxUID = dicom.uid.ImplicitVRLittleEndian
                # sort slices according to SliceLocation header
                if hasattr(ds, 'ImagePositionPatient') and (
                        args.slice_range is not None
                ):  # Thanks to johnrickman for letting me know to use this DICOM entry
                    #                if hasattr(ds, 'SliceLocation'):
                    z = float(ds.ImagePositionPatient[2])
                    if (args.slice_range[0] < z < args.slice_range[1]):
                        loc.append(z)  # sort by z-coord
                    loc.append(f)  # sort by filename
            s = sorted(range(len(slices)), key=lambda k: loc[k])

            # if the current dir contains at least one slice
            if len(s) > 0:
                vollist = []
                for i in s:
                    sl = slices[i].pixel_array.astype(
                        self.dtype) + slices[i].RescaleIntercept
                    if self.forceSpacing > 0:
                        scaling = self.forceSpacing / float(
                        sl = resize(sl[np.newaxis, ],
                                    (int(scaling * sl.shape[0]),
                                     int(scaling * sl.shape[1])))[0]
#                        volume = rescale(sl,scaling,mode="reflect",preserve_range=True)
                volume = self.img2var(np.stack(vollist))  # shape = (z,x,y)
                print("Loaded volume {} of size {}".format(
                    dirname, volume.shape))
                if volume.shape[
                        1] < self.crop[0] + 2 * self.random or volume.shape[
                            2] < self.crop[1] + 2 * self.random:
                    p = max(self.crop[0] + 2 * self.random - volume.shape[1],
                            self.crop[1] + 2 * self.random - volume.shape[2])
                    volume = np.pad(volume, ((0, 0), (p, p), (p, p)), 'edge')
                volume = center_crop(volume, (self.crop[0] + 2 * self.random,
                                              self.crop[1] + 2 * self.random))
                self.names.append([filenames[i] for i in s])
                self.idx.extend([(j, k)
                                 for k in range((self.ch - 1) // 2,
                                                len(slices) - self.ch // 2)])
                j = j + 1

        print("#dir {}, #file {}, #slices {}".format(
            len(dirlist), len(self.idx), sum([len(fd) for fd in filenames])))